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Is it possible to sharpen plastic dental crowns? Basic questions on metal ceramics

Metal-ceramic crowns are one of the types of dental crowns used in prosthetics, the advantages of which are aesthetics, high strength and affordable cost.

Metal-ceramic crowns consist of a cast metal frame covered with ceramic mass on top.

Types of metal-ceramic crowns

Metal-ceramic crowns have a cast metal frame inside. The type of metal-ceramic crown depends on what metal the frame is made of.

The thickness of the metal frame ranges from 0.3 - 0.5 mm. As a result, the thickness of the metal-ceramic crown will be 1.5 - 2.0 mm, since the top of the frame will be covered with ceramic mass.

  • The frame of a metal-ceramic crown is made of metal or alloys.
  • Cobalt-chromium and nickel-chromium alloys are developed specifically for dental prosthetics. However, often used for making crowns precious metals or their alloys: palladium, platinum, gold.
  • Manufacturing a metal-ceramic crown on a gold frame has advantages: finished crowns have more natural look, which allows you to install metal-ceramic crowns on the front teeth.

Stages of manufacturing metal-ceramic crowns

Traditionally, metal-ceramic crowns are made in several stages:

  • Preparing a tooth for prosthetics - tooth treatment, removal of old low-quality fillings and refilling of teeth and root canals. Removal of damaged tooth tissue.
  • Preparation for a metal-ceramic crown is carried out under anesthesia. The tooth is ground down to create a ledge on which the dental crown will rest.
  • Taking an impression of both jaws of the patient and sending it to the laboratory.
  • Manufacturing of cast metal frame.
  • Applying ceramic mass to the finished frame. Ceramics are applied in layers. After applying each layer, the crown is fired at a temperature of 800 - 950 degrees in a special oven. Thus, a very strong bond between the metal and the ceramic is achieved.
  • Trying on a finished crown on a tooth.
  • Final selection of crown color followed by glazing.
  • Installation of permanent dental structure.

The average production time for metal-ceramic crowns is ten days.

Indications for installation

Indications for prosthetics with metal-ceramic crowns:

  • Tooth destruction, more than half.
  • Tooth caries, even if the process has affected the area of ​​the tooth below the gum level.
  • Missing one or more teeth.
  • Using teeth as supporting teeth.
  • Dental defects can be eliminated with metal-ceramic crowns on chewing teeth.
  • Making crowns on pins.
  • Manufacturing of artificial teeth on implants.


Installation of metal-ceramic crowns is contraindicated if the patient:

  • Chronic periodontitis.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Presence of pregnancy.
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding at night).
  • The bite is broken.
  • The presence of an inflammatory process in the oral cavity.
  • The body is weakened after an illness.

How does the installation work?

Before starting prosthetics, complete sanitation of the oral cavity is necessary (treatment of caries, filling of canals, removal of old low-quality fillings).

Prosthetics with metal-ceramic crowns is carried out in several stages:

  • Tooth preparation. The thickness of the future crown is ground hard tissues tooth If necessary, tooth depulpation is performed.
  • Taking impressions of the patient's jaws.
  • Making a model of teeth from plaster in the laboratory.
  • Production of temporary plastic crowns and fixing them on the prepared teeth.
  • Making a cast metal frame for the future crown and trying it on.
  • Coating of a metal frame with ceramics.
  • Treatment of the tooth with a special paste containing fluoride to protect the tooth from destruction under the crown.
  • Installation of the finished structure and fixation with temporary cement. This is necessary so that, in the event of any discrepancy, it is possible to correct it.
  • Fixation of the crown with permanent cement.

Recovery and rehabilitation

After prosthetics with metal-ceramics, sometimes there are unpleasant consequences:

  • The shade of the metal-ceramic crown does not match the color of the teeth.
  • Poor fit of the crown.
  • Painful sensations associated with discrepancy between crown sizes.
  • Discomfort.
  • Increased sensitivity of teeth.
  • Washing out of cement from under the prosthesis or loss of the crown if low-quality cement is used.

To avoid complications after installation of the structure, for the first time, you need to eat soft food and follow the dentist’s recommendations.

For bruxism, wear a mouth guard on your teeth at night.

Video: “Metal-ceramic crowns, some features”


Today, there is a wide variety of materials for making dental crowns. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages.

Experts' answers to frequently asked questions from patients will help you make the right choice.

  • Question: My tooth hurt under the crown. The doctor says that the crown needs to be removed. How to remove a metal-ceramic crown without damaging it?

Answer: It is not always possible to remove a metal-ceramic crown without damaging it. Most often they resort to the use of ultrasound. If a tooth hurts under a denture, then it is not necessary to remove the crown. In some cases, a hole is cut into the crown and treatment is performed. The hole is then closed with filling materials.

  • Question: I went to the doctor about tooth pain. Took an x-ray and found inflammatory process at the root of the tooth under the crown. Please tell me whether metal-ceramic crowns are replaced under warranty?

Answer: Yes, you have the opportunity to treat your tooth for free and put a new metal-ceramic crown on it.

  • Question: Is it possible to grind a metal-ceramic crown?

Answer: No, a metal-ceramic crown like others dental crowns do not grind. The teeth are ground down for their installation.

  • Question: I want to put crowns on my chewing teeth. Which is better: zirconium crowns or metal-ceramics?

Answer: Both zirconium and metal-ceramic crowns can be placed on chewing teeth. Zirconium crowns are more comfortable and have no contraindications. In some cases, an allergy to metal-ceramic crowns is possible.

  • Question: The dentist suggested placing metal-ceramic crowns on my front teeth. Tell me, which metal-ceramic crowns are better?

Answer: It is better to put crowns on the front teeth, the frame of which is made of gold. Such crowns are hypoallergenic and more aesthetically pleasing.

Pros and cons of metal-ceramic crowns

Advantages of metal-ceramic crowns:

  • Comfort and full functionality.
  • Nice aesthetics.
  • The crowns have sufficient strength, as a result of which metal-ceramics have a long service life.
  • Hygiene. Metal-ceramic crowns are not susceptible to bacteria and microorganisms.
  • Biological compatibility. Well-placed crowns do not cause pathological changes in the gum.
  • A metal-ceramic crown with shoulder mass has some advantages: there is no blackening of the gums at the neck of the tooth, the metal does not show through, it is stronger and more durable.
  • Possibility of prosthetics for both front and chewing teeth.
  • The color of the crown does not change.
  • More affordable compared to, for example, implants.
  • Possibility of repairing chipped ceramics directly oral cavity.
  • Strength, wear resistance, long service life.

Disadvantages of metal-ceramic crowns:

  • Possible chipping of the ceramic mass.
  • The need for strong grinding of teeth.
  • Mandatory tooth depulpation in most cases.

Caring for metal-ceramic crowns

  • Caring for metal-ceramics is as simple as caring for real teeth.
  • It is quite enough to carry out oral hygiene twice a day.
  • Metal-ceramic structures should be protected from damage. You should not bite hard objects with metal-ceramic teeth, as this will result in chips and cracks in the ceramic coating, which can lead to breakage of the prosthesis.

Prices for metal-ceramic crowns

Dental crowns, especially metal-ceramics, are very popular today; prices are based on the following factors:

  • The type of metal or alloy used to make the frame.
  • Qualities of ceramic mass.
  • Type and cost of dental cement.
  • Cost of work for a dentist and dental technician.

The cost of a metal-ceramic crown in Moscow may differ from the cost in other regions.

Since during the process of prosthetics the patient will need temporary crowns. Then the cost of the work increases from 1000 - 1200 rubles for each crown.

Life time

Service life of metal-ceramic crownsdepends on the quality of the following work:

  • Preparing the tooth for crown installation. If the tooth has not been completely cured, it may be necessary re-treatment tooth and prosthetics.
  • High-quality dentist work: grinding teeth, taking impressions, installing dental structures. Whether wearing crowns will be comfortable depends on their quality performance.
  • High-quality production of crowns. The aesthetics and strength of structures depends on this factor.

Today, metal ceramics are one of the durable types of dental structures used in dentures.

If a metal-ceramic crown is made in accordance with modern technologies, then the service life of such prostheses is from 10 to 15 years.

A well-made metal-ceramic crown can last for decades.

In clinics, they usually give a 1-year warranty on dental prosthetics.

Before the end of the warranty period, you can do x-rays(better in another clinic). If pathology is detected at the site of installation of the structure, then re-treatment and re-prosthetics should be carried out at the expense of the clinic.

Ceramic crowns are a type of structure for restoring the anatomical shape and function of a tooth, which is made without a metal frame. Such crowns are more aesthetically pleasing and look beautiful in the mouth, but they also have some disadvantages.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of ceramic crowns:

  1. High aesthetic indicators;
  2. Complete restoration of tooth function;
  3. Biocompatibility with body tissues;
  4. Reliable fixation on tooth tissues;
  5. Wide selection of shades;
  6. There is no need to grind down a large layer of tooth tissue;
  7. Tight fit to the enamel reduces the risk of dental diseases;
  8. Crowns are not stained when exposed to pigments and food coloring;
  9. They don't call discomfort and changes in taste in the mouth;
  10. The process of adaptation to the crown occurs quickly due to the low weight and volume of the structure;
  11. Highly hygienic design due to the smooth surface;
  12. Sufficient resistance to chewing loads;
  13. The shock-absorbing properties of the product reduce the load on periodontal tissue.

The disadvantages include:

  • Short service life compared to other crowns;
  • Risk of abrasion of opposing teeth;
  • Brittle properties of the material;
  • Risk of chips and breakages;
  • High cost of construction.


Ceramic crowns come in several types depending on the material and manufacturing method:

  1. All-ceramic;
  2. Full zirconium;
  3. On a zirconium dioxide frame.

All-ceramic crowns are made from porcelain ceramic. Crowns have increased aesthetics and hardness, but can burst or crack from excessive load. Therefore, they are recommended to be installed in the frontal area of ​​the jaw.

An example of ceramic crowns is Ips Empress - pressed glass-based crowns. The composition contains a crystalline substance that increases the strength of the product. All-zirconia structures are made from zirconium oxide or dioxide. Such crowns are very durable and beautiful; they can be installed on the front and side teeth.

The designs occupy a leading position in dentistry and have received many positive reviews from specialists. Crowns on a zirconium dioxide frame also have excellent properties. The products are durable, aesthetic, and biocompatible with the oral cavity. Zirconium oxide has a matte white color, so the metal frame near the gums is not visible.


Indications for installation of metal-free ceramics:

  • Missing several teeth;
  • Violations of the aesthetics of anterior teeth;
  • Defect of tooth or dentition;
  • Damage or destruction of a tooth;
  • Incorrect position of the dentition.

Review (Anna, 48 years old): “After losing many teeth, prosthetics were necessary. My doctor recommended installing zirconium crowns, but such treatment is very expensive and I chose another option. I was given ceramic crowns in the anterior area, and metal-ceramic crowns in the lateral areas. Such the prosthesis has a much lower cost and is not inferior to zirconium. The doctor warned that the anterior ceramic teeth you need to take care, do not overload and do not eat solid foods. 1.5 years have passed since the treatment, no complications have arisen, the crowns are wearing well."

Before installing crowns, teeth are examined and prepared, which include:

  1. Examination by a doctor;
  2. Radiography;
  3. Sanitation of the oral cavity;
  4. Treatment of caries, replacement of old fillings;
  5. Filling root canals under a crown;
  6. Grinding of the tooth (removing a layer of hard tissue, installing a retraction thread, forming a ledge);
  7. Taking impressions of both jaws.
  8. Making a structure in a dental laboratory.

After making the crowns, the doctor fixes them in the oral cavity. Necessary teeth are isolated from oral fluid, are processed antiseptic solution and dental glue or cement is applied. Ceramic crowns are fixed to the teeth and held in place until the material hardens. After installation, the doctor cleans the mouth and teeth and gives recommendations.

Which crowns are better: ceramic or zirconium?

Ceramic and zirconium crowns have all the necessary properties for comfortable and effective treatment. But if we compare these designs, then it is better to give preference to crowns based on zirconium dioxide. They are more durable, reliable and durable.

The risk of chipping or breaking is minimal, unlike solid ceramics. Such structures can be installed on any group of teeth, they are resistant to high chewing pressure, and look very beautiful and natural on the teeth. Table for comparing the properties of crowns:


Proper care will extend the life of structures and will be an excellent prevention of diseases of the maxillofacial area. Must be adhered to following rules hygiene care:

  • Brush your teeth 2 times a day. Carefully remove food debris from areas where the tooth, gum and crown come into contact;
  • Rinse your mouth after every meal;
  • Use daily dental floss for cleaning spaces between teeth;
  • During hygiene, use only products selected by the dentist;
  • There is no need to use highly abrasive paste so as not to disturb smooth surface crowns;
  • It is not recommended to eat solid foods (nuts, crackers, dry foods);
  • Avoid placing excessive stress on artificial teeth;
  • If problems arise, you should contact a specialist and not self-medicate;
  • In case of periodontal diseases, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment. Absence proper therapy will lead to early loss of the crown and even the tooth;
  • Needs to be done 2 times a year professional cleaning teeth;
  • It is necessary to visit the dentist for preventive examinations.

Review (Yana, 26 years old): “After removing the nerve, my front tooth became noticeably darker. My doctor recommended getting a veneer or a ceramic crown. I chose a crown because I thought it was more in a reliable way treatment. The prosthetics took about a week, all procedures were painless. Immediately after installing the crown, it took a little getting used to. The ceramic crown looks good; the artificial tooth is no different from natural ones. A few months after installation, a small chip of the ceramic appeared, almost unnoticeable. But the dentist made repairs and the crown looks like new."

Life time

The service life of ceramic crowns depends on many factors and averages 5-7 years. The service life is affected by the choice of material, the work of the dental technician and doctor, the load on the teeth, and the care of the orthopedic structure. The most common reason for removing a ceramic crown is chipping, cracking and exposing the neck of the tooth.

The first two complications occur when exposed to stress. Ceramics, although a durable material, is not elastic and can burst. The exposure of teeth by the neck is not the fault of the doctor or the patient. Slight gum atrophy occurs in all people with age and is normal reaction body.

For some people it occurs more slowly, for others it occurs more noticeably. Periodontal disease can cause pathological atrophy and inflammation of soft tissues, so immediate treatment is recommended. It can be concluded that ceramic crowns have average term services. But it can be extended if you properly care for your oral organs and prevent and treat diseases.

How much does a ceramic crown cost?

A ceramic crown is a design that requires professionalism from the doctor and dental technician, as well as the use of modern expensive materials and technologies. Therefore, the cost of a crown cannot be small. On average, a ceramic product costs from 14,000 to 40,000 rubles. The price may vary in different dental clinics and depends on the following factors:

  1. Prestige of the clinic;
  2. Cities;
  3. Doctor's experience;
  4. Professionalism of the dental technician;
  5. Difficulties of work and individual situation in the mouth;
  6. Dental equipment;
  7. Type of dental materials;
  8. Production time.

Review (Igor, 19 years old): “During sports, I damaged my front tooth and had to install a ceramic crown. When treated with a metal-ceramic crown, the metal at the edge of the gum may become exposed, so I chose ceramics. Before installation, I was treated root canal, which was a little painful. But installing a crown is an absolutely painless process. After dentures, I spend more time on dental hygiene, carefully brushing the crown area. I am satisfied with the treatment; no complications have arisen in 6 months."

Question answer

A ceramic crown is cracked, what to do?

One of the most frequent complications is a crack or chip in the ceramic material of the crown. Such situations arise when excessive pressure is applied to the tooth when eating hard and hard foods. The causes of complications are also the insufficiently elastic properties of the material. It is not recommended to bite rough food, open bottles, eat foods with nuts. You should always remember that there are artificial structures in the oral cavity and be careful.

If a chip or crack occurs, you must visit a doctor and have the structure replaced or repaired. During the warranty period, a new product must be manufactured free of charge, and at the end of its validity, the patient takes on the financial part. If the defect of the ceramic crown is not significant, repairs can be made. Repair involves treating the required tooth surface and restoring it with ceramic or photopolymer materials.

Is it possible to grind a ceramic crown?

Grinding of ceramic structures is carried out in case of overbite, structural defects, or simply at the discretion of the doctor. It should be noted that the crown cannot be ground! This can lead to more serious violations. If necessary, the doctor can make minor corrections to the structure using special polishing brushes and under the control of carbon paper. If large crown discrepancies occur, the design must be re-fabricated.

​First of all, I want to disappoint those visitors who are looking for some more specific information about dental crowns, because in this article I am only sharing my own experience. However, if you are seriously thinking about installing crowns on your front teeth, my sketches can to some extent guide and familiarize you with this rather interesting process and the moments that you will experience.

Due to the fact that “metal-ceramic crowns” is a rather competitive request, I decided not to split the topic into several pages and placed all the personally noted notes on one page, having previously divided them into several sections combined using a small navigation menu for convenience.


Well, naturally, in order to reinforce the interest of readers, I bring to your attention the result of the work done. So to speak, what happened “before” and what happened “after” visits to the orthopedic doctor.

This photo shows my own teeth - before crowns are installed. Central upper teeth were completely dead. One of them, the one to the right, in general, did not bother me, although up to that moment it had already been healed and sealed on both sides.

The other one was seriously damaged in childhood and was extended twice. Over time, this tooth became noticeably darker and a small piece of enamel broke off from it. There were 2 between the teeth large gaps, which seriously embarrassed me and constantly shackled my wide smile. The teeth are uneven and may even be a little crooked.

In photographs where there is not enough lighting, the tooth that was knocked out on the collective farm with a metal bucket is noticeably darker than the other, and indeed, .

This is what my current ones look like teeth – after installation of crowns on the front teeth, but let's talk about everything in order.

Consultation and treatment [First visit]

In general, after resting for some time, I gathered my courage and came for a consultation with an orthopedic doctor about installing crowns on my front teeth.

I was sent for an x-ray.

When I came with the picture, after looking at it, I was told that before installing crowns, it was necessary to treat both teeth - clean and properly fill both canals.

For this purpose, I was sent to a general practitioner. Two more visits, a control shot and now the situation looked like this.

The difference is obvious - now the dental canals are clearly visible. Since my front teeth were already dead, there was no need to remove the nerves, or as they say in the language of dentists, to depulpate them. Well, then the fun began.

Preparation [Second visit]

The teeth were ground down by about half. Next, a special “drill” was used to make deep holes inside the teeth, into which something like a metal gasket (pin) will be inserted. These holes were filled with wax, allowed to harden, after which the contents were carefully removed. The previously mentioned metal “spacers” will be cast from these casts.

The holes were closed with a temporary filling and sent home. Tomorrow for an appointment.

Installation of metal inlays and processing [Third visit]

He came, sat him down and immediately got to work. They removed the temporary fillings that were located in the core of the tooth and tried on inserts cast from metal. For some time, constantly trying them on, the doctor polished them, sharpened them and did something else with them.

When the metal inserts were adjusted to shape, the dental canals were treated with alcohol and filled with cement, after which the blanks were installed.

During next hour The dentist constantly “saved” me and almost completely removed my upper jaw from the front teeth, leaving two small pegs.

For some time I wondered how the grinding of the enamel, which is located directly next to the gums, would take place - I thought that it was impossible to grind them off with a dental machine without damaging the gums. I was right, but as it turned out, it wasn't that bad.

Then the most interesting things began. Just like in chemistry class. Having mixed several reagents from different tubes, the orthopedic doctor got something like plasticine, with which the doctor subsequently made several casts. First, he made an impression of my lower jaw, then, repeating the procedure with his “magic” tubes, he made an impression of my bite and finally, a separate impression was made upper jaw. All the casts were made using some kind of metal contraption that looked like a large boxing mouth guard.

All. The third visit is completed. Next week we will determine the color and shade of my new teeth - i.e. anterior crowns.

First fitting [Fourth visit]

Trying on the metal base of the crown and selecting the color.
In total, the process took no more than 5-10 minutes.

Trying on crowns [Fifth visit]

Well, that’s it, I thought now I would have new teeth, but no. I went into the office, sat down in a chair, and started trying on crowns. They had to be sharpened a little, no matter how long they were - then I saw my crowns in my mouth for the first time, but for some reason I did not feel admiration for the work done.

At first it seemed to me that they were too long, then it seemed to me that they were too forward, I didn’t like that the gaps between the teeth were not completely hidden and, in the end, I didn’t like their color - they were several shades lighter than my own teeth, and this was very noticeable.

On some questions, the doctor gave me quite logical answers, for example, he assured me that the gap between the teeth will not be visible when the gums completely “sit” on the crowns, but of course, I still had to figure out the color.

The color was determined again. The crowns were given to the technician. They sent me home and told me to come back tomorrow.

The color of the crowns did not match again [Sixth visit]

In general, the situation became more tolerable, as did the color of my crowns, but they were all exactly one or two shades different from my teeth, so the crowns were not installed again. They told me to come the next day, supposedly then a technician would come to the office and choose the appropriate color.

PS: In general, I expected that the crowns would be ready yesterday, so for these 2 days I collected a huge amount of work, which I am now forced to endure.

Choice of color and impression for crowns [Seventh visit]

As promised, this time a technician came, and now, as they say, the whole friendly team selected the color for me. We settled on the shade numbered or named A3.

Well, the color seems to have been sorted out - it’s just a small matter, so I thought, but that was not the case.

Verdict – crowns need to be redone!
I'm fucking shocked.

They sat me down in a chair and with the words “we’ll have to do everything again,” the doctor began to make a cast of the upper jaw. Ultimately, the first impression was not made correctly - it was missing something, so, without relaxing for a minute, the dentist mixed another portion of his reagents to make a second impression of my front teeth.

By the way, at the beginning of the note, I did not mention anywhere that the very first time (during my third visit), the same cast also had to be made twice.

Anyway, today is Thursday and now they told me to come on Monday. Instead of the promised week, the installation of crowns was delayed for two, which naturally cannot please you, however, it is better to wait a few more days than to walk with “wrong” teeth for many years.

Temporary installation of crowns [Eighth visit]

Well, I came on Monday, as planned. The crowns were redone, tried on, spent about half an hour fiddling with them, grinding, leveling, grinding, and when more appearance I was satisfied, the crowns began to be installed.

The installation of crowns was so far planned with temporary cement, so to speak for testing. When I asked what to look for during the so-called testing, the doctor answered - everything. Look at the color, shape, where it interferes, where it doesn’t, and so on.

For about a day I walked around with my new teeth, in which I discovered a bunch of flaws, and in the end, when my wife came home from work, she completely said that one of the crowns was skewed and stood out too much from the dentition. In principle, this is clearly visible even in the photograph.

Among other points, I think it is worth emphasizing the fact that with your previous, natural teeth, during the bite, the upper and mandible tightly closed together, and the new teeth partially overlapped my lower ones.

Video: Malocclusion

All in all, front teeth crowns They turned out to be a little longer than my own, but that didn’t bother me so much, and on the other hand it even looked a little prettier. But here's more serious defects there was a small gap under the gum - otherwise, one might say some kind of small crack was visible. WITH reverse side with one of my crowns I felt some strange “hump”, which, without special effort you could lightly pick it up with the tip of your tongue.

Moreover, that's not all! The gap between the crowns was so large that it was immediately noticeable. The doctor claims that this distance will be completely hidden by the gum when it fully “sits” on the tooth, but for some reason this did not reassure me at all.

Putting everything together, I was largely dissatisfied with the work done and prepared a fiery speech for tomorrow.

Three in one [Ninth visit to the doctor]

Each of my visits to the orthopedist is gaining more and more momentum, so that each comment on the procedure performed began to take up more and more space. Well, let's continue.

I was the first on the list to see a dentist. I came, sat down in a chair and expressed all my “complaints”. They listened to me patiently, looked at my photographs that I took, so to speak, “before” and “after,” and began to conjure again.

For some reason I thought that after the number of shortcomings that I told the doctor about, the crowns would have to be redone again, but no - he began to polish what was there.

I'll be honest - removal of temporary crowns The procedure is far from the most pleasant. So offhand, it feels like being repeatedly hit on the teeth with a hammer, in my case for about 10-15 minutes.

Then everything turned out to be simple. The back “hump” was removed in a matter of minutes, and reducing the length of the crowns was also not that difficult. Next, I focused my attention on the crack under the gum and, naturally, on the large hole between the crowns in the upper part.

We decided to increase the volume of the crown in this place - the teeth were sent to a technical “workshop”, and we were sent for a walk for half an hour. Oh yes, I didn’t say - this time I took my wife with me as a support team and, so to speak, an independent consultant.

In general, we returned after half an hour.

I tried on the new crowns, looked in the mirror, consulted with the doctor and he decided to try to completely close the upper gap.

Bye the crowns of the front teeth were “fried” in the oven we were asked to wait in the reception area. Another half hour passed and I was again invited into the office. The doctor, my wife and I liked the new option even more and, when there was nothing more to adjust, the crowns were sent to the technical room for final burning and coating with some kind of glaze.

We left the dentist again for half an hour, went home, ate, changed clothes, took umbrellas, since it started to rain, and a little better but still excited, we went back.

When I tried on the crowns again, I was completely satisfied with what I saw in the mirror and this time, they were already installed with permanent cement.

My joy knew no bounds.
For the time being.

Literally, as soon as we returned home and crossed the threshold, I went to the mirror and began to carefully examine my new teeth. Outwardly, everything suited me, but when I began to look at the other side I immediately discovered some defect– some darkened area of ​​the coating.

Taking a closer look, I assumed that it was translucent metal structure, which apparently was poorly covered with ceramics.

Without even having time to undress, my wife sent me back, but since it was already evening, I decided to first call the dentist and find out what was what. The doctor worked until 6 o’clock and was no longer at his workplace, and tomorrow he had a day off - they said, come on Thursday (the day after tomorrow).

I will not rest until I am completely satisfied with the result, but what confuses me is the fact that the crowns have already been installed on a permanent basis and money has been paid for them. In the end, in the office no one showed me the back side of the crowns- although there is still a year of warranty.

In general, there is a sequel, but I hope it will be good.

Control visit to the orthopedist [Tenth visit]

2 days passed and I went to see my orthopedist again. I told what exactly was bothering me about the crowns, after which I was immediately seated in a chair, examined and the final verdict was given.

According to my doctor, there is nothing wrong with the spot I found on the back of my crown. He said that it was there during installation, and said that the crown front tooth completely glazed, and that there is no “hole” there, so there is no cause for concern.

Then the orthopedist clarified that in some cases, especially when there is not enough space, the crowns are completely covered with ceramics only on the front (visible) side of the tooth, so this small spot should not be the basis for my worries.

Video: Metal-ceramic crowns

Also, the doc reassured me that there is a guarantee on installed crowns and if something happens to them, he will redo them for free.

Having satisfied my interest and drowned out the panic (albeit partially), I thanked him, left the office and went home with a smile on my face.

What would be the result?

Considering that for the first time in my life I was faced with the need to install metal-ceramic crowns on my front teeth, in total I am satisfied with the result of the work, say 8 points out of 10 possible, and I attribute the missing 2 points to small defect With inside crowns and deviations in the schedule. Even though, according to the orthopedist, this area is acceptable.

When the crowns were on temporary cement, this darkened area was not there, and it appeared only at the final stage - when the structure was covered with the so-called glaze. Here are two photographs as proof.

From here follows a completely logical conclusion that this stain might not have existed at all, and then I would have been 100 percent satisfied.

On the one hand, it is unlikely that anyone will look into my mouth and this defect can only be learned from this article, but on the other hand, I would like everything to be perfect both in front and behind.

Externally I'm more than happy with the look of my crowns and now, during the warranty year, I intend to give them a so-called “test drive”, after which it will be clear whether they were done well or whether I will have to see a doctor again. And, in the end, nothing lasts forever!

Oh yes, I almost forgot, maybe this information will be useful to someone - in total, for everything about everything I paid two million nine hundred thousand Belarusian rubles (2,900,000 Belarusian rubles) which this moment equivalent to almost $300.

Documents that satisfy your request: 133 [5 shown]

  1. Request compliance rate: 38.9%
    Fragments of the post text:
    ...Put crown on the front tooth... ...Fortunately, fixing this shortcoming is quite easy - Can just put it crown on the tooth... ...Notice, metal crowns, which were at the peak of popularity 20 years ago, no one will even offer you... ...Metal-ceramic ones are deservedly now the most popular dental crowns, prices that are affordable for most... ...Can just put it crown per tooth, the price of which will depend a lot even on the level of the clinic, and Can even make a metal-ceramic bridge if several teeth are missing in a row... ...Need to install crowns on the tooth and its choice should only be decided together with a doctor at a personal appointment... ...Certainly, crowns on the front teeth it is better to make it out of ceramics, without metal... ...This aesthetic drawback of metal-ceramic crowns for teeth, the prices of which are quite affordable, is explained by the fact that in essence they are ordinary metal crown with a ceramic layer applied to its front side... ...To correct the front teeth, of course, it is best to use ceramic crowns per tooth, their cost, however, is several times higher than metal-ceramic... ...after all, when many people find out how much it costs crown on the tooth, made without a metal base, then they begin to look for other options... ...If you decide to bet crown per tooth, it is necessary to take into account that ceramic crowns they look so natural that it is almost impossible to distinguish them from real teeth with an unprofessional eye... ...But in order to save money, for 6 or 7 Can even put metal ones crowns for teeth, their prices are significantly lower... ...Dentists do not recommend installing metal-free teeth on distant teeth crowns... ...So, if there is a well-preserved root, then to put crown per tooth - the price will be less than if you have to install it on an implant... ...Before agreeing to perform any of the work, check in advance how much it costs crown on the tooth and specifically in this clinic... ...If offered for installation dental crowns price is too high for you, then always Can look for other options... More details:
  2. Query compliance rate: 21.07%
    Fragments of the post text:

    ...Plastic dental dentures Discard plastic It's not time for the dentures yet... ...Even opponents of plastics recognize certain advantages for this material, however, for each of the varieties plastic dental prostheses have their own advantages... ...Be that as it may, for a Muscovite who needs teeth posing, a very tempting choice is plastic dental prostheses... ...By manufacturing method plastic dentures can be pressed or cast... ...Injection molding dental plastic prostheses are adjusted to the jaw with high precision, and this technique allows you to imitate the structure of the tissue of the oral cavity so successfully that at first glance it is difficult to distinguish the prosthesis from real teeth... ...You've already been seduced by the idea plastic dental prostheses... ...The most common of them are removable plastic prostheses used to replace teeth, both partially and completely missing... ...Moreover, he generally doesn’t know anything except dental prosthetics plastic- of course... ... rubles, then on plastic prices for dentures start from 12 - 15 thousand, even if imported teeth are welded to the denture... ...And with a set of teeth domestic production plastic dentures are even cheaper... ...It’s better not to think too much – install dental prostheses plastic- or, especially, in another city in Russia... More details:
  3. Query compliance rate: 17.07%
    Fragments of the post text:

    ...Installation of ceramic-metal crowns price Healthy, beautiful teeth that do not hurt, do not cause problems for their owner, allow you to eat any food, regardless of its condition and temperature - this is the norm of life... ...Therefore, the installation of metal-ceramic crowns- this is a service that most people resort to one way or another today, especially when it comes to those who are over 30 - 40 years old, when this problem becomes relevant... ...Today dental crowns from metal ceramics can fluctuate in this indicator, depending on the quantity in which they are installed, what kind of pain relief is required... ...Also, do not forget about aesthetics, today metal-ceramic crowns for front teeth - this is one of the most expensive services in this area... ...That is why metal-ceramic crowns those placed on the front teeth are more expensive than those placed on the back teeth, for example... ...Usually diagnostic work is carried out before it, therefore, the metal-ceramic crown the price is usually made up not only of the cost of the material and services of the doctor himself, but often also includes related medications... ...And to the patient who is preparing for the diagnosis dental crowns made of metal-ceramics, you must take care of this in advance, setting aside the required amount... ...Of course, on initial stage preparations need to be collected as Can more information... ...For example, how much does cermet cost? crown in the state and in private clinic- for comparison and in order to understand where exactly to go... ...Decide Can and you need to consult, among other things, with your attending physician... ...Exactly how the installation of metal-ceramic will take place depends on this crowns... ...The metal-ceramic itself crown, the price for it - this data is not a big secret... ...Price sheets with detailed description how much does cermet cost? crown With different options pain relief, with tooth cleaning and subsequent doctor monitoring are also available on the clinic websites... More details:
  4. Request compliance rate: 12.8%
    Fragments of the post text:

    ...Plastic crowns teeth Not everything that is expensive is good - sometimes something that is half or five times cheaper is just as good (at least in terms of the required parameters)... ...Can install a gold toilet in the bathroom, which, in addition to the material used, will perform its sanitary and hygienic functions just as well as a regular ceramic toilet, but the gold one will cost about a thousand (maybe more) times more... ...For what to an ordinary person wildly expensive metal ceramics, if plastic dental crowns(it’s quite possible to get and install) also perform their aesthetic functions well, but cost several times less... ...Here yes, here we are forced to admit that dental crowns made of plastic (or in another city) are clearly inferior... ...Yes, the simplest (and in production) and cheapest of all types dental crowns are plastic crowns teeth (this is especially noticeable)... ...And if strength is not so important for the front teeth, then dental crowns We repeat, it doesn’t make sense to put plastic () on chewing places... ...The porous structure of the plastic itself is also not its advantage; it is capable of absorbing odors and dyes that gradually change color plastic dental crowns (whether there or somewhere else)... ...So you need to be very careful when choosing plastic crowns of teeth... More details:
  5. Request compliance rate: 10.15%
    Fragments of the post text:

    ...Family dental dentures, price Every day in dental clinics patients come with compromised dentition... ...They will help you cope with stiffness and poor chewing of food. dental removable dentures... ...Dental removable dentures are removed only for hygienic treatment... ...Various types of removable dental dentures help restore the functional and structural integrity of the dentition in those patients who have partially or completely lost teeth... ...We will call a structure that is fixed in the oral cavity removable dental prosthesis... ...In almost all leading clinics where there is dental laboratories, are manufactured the most different types removable dental prostheses... ... Their use is especially important in cases of partial or complete loss of chewing teeth. Soft (flexible) nylon removable dental prosthetics, their price is quite affordable, this is one of the most latest technologies domestic dental prosthetics... ...With reviews of removable dental prostheses, price Can familiarize yourself with a variety of thematic Internet forums that are dedicated to removable dental dentures... More details:

Owners of dentures sometimes face the problem of damage or chipping of the material from the surface of the crowns.

There are many reasons for chips, and many restoration methods.

Description of material

Metal-ceramic crowns are made from an individually made plaster cast and consist of a metal base and a ceramic surface.

The frame can be made of alloys noble metals(gold, silver, palladium) or from base alloys (nickel, chromium, cobalt).

The strength of the structure is ensured by the frame, which fully performs the functions of the lost tooth. And thanks to the ceramic lining, the artificial tooth looks almost the same as a natural one.

To reduce crown fragility, the technology of layer-by-layer application of ceramics is used on outer surface metal, then securely fixed by sintering.

Although metal-ceramic structures are considered strong and durable, it is precisely on such products made from combined materials that chips most often form. This mainly occurs in people who prefer solid foods.

Causes of damage

At the junction of the metal base and the ceramic lining, strong stresses sometimes occur, which can cause chips or other damage to the ceramic.

The main reasons for the formation of ceramic chips include:

  • large difference between coefficients of thermal expansion metal and ceramics;
  • the intermediate part of the bridge structure is too long(bases made of noble metals have little rigidity, so excessive chewing loads may cause chips on the surface);
  • malocclusion, sometimes in combination with pathological grinding of teeth;
  • unprofessional tooth preparation(insufficient removal of hard tissues from the chewing surface);
  • carrying out large-scale orthopedic work without the use of special equipment;
  • using cement that is too thick for fixation metal-ceramic construction;
  • entry of foreign bodies between the prepared tooth and the crown;
  • poorly executed technical and laboratory work;
  • injuries after impact, falls, etc.;
  • mishandling of the patient artificial teeth (increased loads, temperature changes).

Restorative methods

It is important to know that a broken piece of ceramic should not be thrown away. It must be brought to the doctor, who will determine whether it can be replaced.

There are several ways to solve the problem, namely:

  1. Carrying out surface polishing. In this case, the shape of the tooth changes, but, nevertheless, its integrity and aesthetics are preserved. This method is one of the most economical. But it is unacceptable to use it if the teeth are located in the smile zone.
  2. Complete replacement of the structure. This is the most reliable method, but it requires a lot of financial costs. It also takes a lot of time to completely replace cermets.
  3. Restoration after removal. Since the crown is firmly fixed to the cement, it is very difficult to remove it. Professional skills and special tools are required to avoid damaging the product during removal.
  4. Repair without removal. This recovery method is the most popular. All manipulations are carried out directly in the patient’s mouth (the damaged piece is built up using composite materials). The downside of this type of repair is that the crown may not last very long.

If damage occurs as a result of trauma, restoration must be carried out as quickly as possible.

If there is a pronounced fracture line or when complete absence ceramic coating, it is best to re-make the crown.

This type of damage usually occurs after poorly performed technical or laboratory work.

Restoration technique after removal

Repairing metal-ceramic structures is complex and requires strict adherence to technology. In order not to destroy the crown during removal, and to safely fix it in place after restoration, it is necessary to use special tools.

For example, the Coronaflex device allows you to remove the structure using the impact method compressed air. In this case, the crown is not damaged at all, but such a procedure requires large financial costs.

The method of de-cementing a structure using ultrasonic exposure also helps preserve the integrity of the product. But some materials are not susceptible to this effect (for example, glass ionomer cement).

The doctor can use special instruments with which he controls the force of the load on the tissue and the product:

  • device with a hook-shaped tip;
  • special forceps;
  • separating bolt;
  • pneumatic hand tools;
  • crown removers manual or automatic.

As a rule, the structure is removed under local anesthesia, so the patient does not feel discomfort.

After removal, the dentist gives the product to the dental technician in the laboratory. The restoration procedure for minor damage takes approximately 2-3 hours.

The specialist restores the original appearance of the product by gluing the missing piece using a special composition.

If a fragment is lost, a layer of ceramic is applied to the damaged area, after which the product is dried in a special oven, then sharpened and polished using special equipment.

Repairing the product in the patient's mouth

The restoration procedure is similar to placing a filling. It is important that the crown is dry. Therefore, first of all, the area that needs to be restored is isolated from moisture using a rubber dam.

  1. The damaged area is prepared using a diamond bur. This is necessary to create a rough surface and form a bevel, as a result of which the composite material adheres better.
  2. The entire surface is cleaned with a brush, after which it is treated with a special acid for a minute. For metal ceramics, only hydrofluoric acid is used. Then the crown is washed with a stream of water, followed by drying.
  3. Ceramic surface treated with silane, which dries instantly, and then with a primer.
  4. Several layers of opaque material are applied to the damaged area., which covers the metal. Then polymerization is performed with a special lamp for a few seconds.
  5. Finally, the specialist coats the area with adhesive., after which, layer-by-layer application of composite materials (dentin, enamel) of the required shade. Each layer is polymerized with a halogen lamp.
  6. The last stage is grinding, polishing the surface and removing the rubber dam. After completing all the work, the doctor evaluates the aesthetic result of restoring the metal-ceramic crown.

Composite materials have excellent masking characteristics, therefore, as a result of restoring ceramics using this method, the metal is not visible at all. And thanks to polishing, the tooth acquires a natural appearance.

If the procedure is performed experienced specialist, then any traces of work are completely invisible. The disadvantage of the method is that doctors do not provide guarantees regarding the durability of the crown after restoration.


A restored crown can last a year or several years, depending on certain factors:

  • damage dimensions(if the chip is too large, the risk of repeated destruction of the crown increases);
  • base material(composite materials adhere better to ceramics than to metal);
  • malocclusion(in some cases, this factor causes re-formation of the chip);
  • improper or poor quality care behind the teeth can lead to damage to the restored crown;
  • long bridge structure(due to increased micro bends, damage to the restoration is likely);
  • violation of the tightness of the adhesion of ceramics and metal(ceramics may lose their strength over time).

It is important to correctly determine the cause of the chip. For example, if a breakdown occurred due to a violation of the crown manufacturing technology, then it needs to be completely redone. Only by finding out the cause can the recurrence of the defect be avoided.


On average, the cost of restoring a chip is metal-ceramic crown ranges from 2500 to 4500 rubles. Restoration using composite materials will cost approximately 3,000 rubles, with solid inlays - from 4,000 rubles.

Re-polishing the restoration costs approximately 400 rubles, and making a new crown costs more than 10,000 rubles.

First of all, the price depends on the size and location of the damage. Great importance has a specialist qualification. If the chip occurred as a result of an error by the dentist or dental technician, the patient does not pay for the repair.

The video presents a master class on intraoral repair of a prosthesis when the ceramic veneer is chipped.