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Don't let it hurt you. Comforting a crying baby with nursery rhymes. Video about the digestive system in dogs

Often those who get a dog at home for the first time do not know all the subtleties and nuances of feeding, caring for and raising it. But there is nothing difficult about it - if you have the desire, you can easily learn all the skills. After all, even young parents often, after the birth of a child, do not know how to change his diaper, how to feed him and change his clothes. Over time, knowledge and experience becomes more and more, and after a few years an experienced mother herself is able to give answers to questions about the health and upbringing of the child.

A dog can be compared to a newborn child who has appeared in your family. She also cannot tell you what worries her or where it hurts. And your task, as a sensitive owner and faithful friend, is to recognize in time that some changes are taking place in the animal’s body. We will present you with some symptoms that may indicate that your dog is sick.


The first thing that occurs during any illness is discomfort and painful sensations V different situations. Therefore, the dog’s behavior changes during illness.

  1. Often during illness the dog becomes lethargic, sleepy and apathetic. She is no longer interested in the games that she always enjoyed. The dog hides in a far, dark corner so that no one will touch it. Pets prefer to experience illness alone.
  2. Another sign of the disease is lack of appetite. It happens that a dog refuses to eat if you overfeed him or he spends little time eating. fresh air. If these reasons are excluded, then poor appetite may be a consequence of malaise.
  3. Sometimes a dog can become aggressive even with those it has known for years. This happens when a sick animal is squeezed and forced to play. Treat your pet with understanding, are you leading? active image life when you are sick?
  4. Sometimes the dog may not eat, but drinks a lot. This indicates food poisoning, infectious disease(if the temperature rises and the body sweats). High fluid intake may be a symptom of diabetes.
  5. Sometimes the dog may experience vomiting and severe shortness of breath. In this case, you need to consult a veterinarian.
  6. Constipation or diarrhea (especially with blood) is also a good reason to urgently take your friend to the doctor.
  7. The normal body temperature of a dog is 38.5-39 degrees. If it is significantly higher or lower, you need to consult a specialist. Heat indicates an infectious disease or inflammatory process in the body. Low temperature body is very dangerous, and most often indicates intoxication or internal bleeding.

It is very important to closely monitor your pet in order to recognize the disease as early as possible. Early diagnosis diseases provides more productive and effective treatment.


If the dog is sick for a long enough time, or the painful symptoms are sluggish, after a while the pet’s appearance may change.

  1. Wool healthy dog usually shiny and smooth. If your pet receives insufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements (due to poor appetite or lack of absorption), the coat becomes dull and faded.
  2. Due to malnutrition and refusal to eat, the dog rapidly loses weight.
  3. If inflammatory processes occur in the body (especially with an increase in temperature), the nose remains hot and dry all the time.
  4. Sometimes the movements may be imprecise, and spontaneous twitching of some muscle groups appears.
  5. Unusual discharge may appear from the nose, ears, eyes and mouth.
  6. An unpleasant odor often comes from the mouth of a sick dog.
  7. When your pet is sick, his salivation increases.
  8. It happens that the dog’s ears, chest, upper and lower eyelids swell, making the pet’s face puffy. Most often this indicates an allergic reaction.
  9. Sometimes a dog may bleed - from the nose, mouth, ears, anus. Such symptoms indicate an urgent need to transport the pet to a veterinary hospital.
  10. Sometimes it happens that a dog's belly suddenly increases in size. Most often this indicates gastric torsion. This occurs due to the twisting of the spleen around the esophagus. In this case, the passage of food is disrupted. With this diagnosis, the dog becomes restless, sometimes lies down, sometimes gets up, and howls. This requires immediate medical attention.
  11. If a dog has photophobia, it hurts to swallow, it has become aggressive and there are signs of paralysis - rabies appears on the face.

Any deviation from the dog's normal behavior should alert you. In order not to miss the disease, you need to examine your pet more often - fur, mouth, ears, etc.

What to do if your pet is sick

If the dog is simply lethargic and refuses to eat, do not rush to take it to the doctor. This could be a sign of improper feeding, mild poisoning, or simply a sign of longing for a friend. In this case, you need to show maximum care and love.

If you suspect your pet is unwell, you need to monitor him for some time - measure his body temperature in the morning and evening, provide warmth and a gentle regime, give him a favorite treat, feed him. light food. If the discomfort does not go away, consult a doctor.

You should also seek help from a veterinarian as soon as possible if there is repeated vomiting, blood in the stool or vomit, if the dog whines in pain or behaves unnaturally. A doctor should be consulted if any suspicious behavior or appearance arose in relation to the puppy.

Typically, an experienced dog breeder and attentive owner will not have questions about how to recognize a pet’s illness. Treat your dog like a friend - with warmth and care. And then you yourself will understand if something wrong happens to the animal. Be attentive to your pet, because he can only rely on you.

Video: how to tell if your dog is sick

A dog is not only a devoted friend who gives us his love, fidelity, affection, positivity, but also great responsibility. If you decide to have a pet, remember that from the moment the puppy appears in the house until last days, the life and health of the dog is in your hands.

Our smaller brothers do not know how to talk. They cannot ask us for food when they are hungry or tell us that they are in pain. But if you carefully observe your pet, socialize your dog correctly, and learn to understand dog language, you can easily find out not only what your pet wants to convey, but also how your dog is feeling. true friend. After reading this article, you will learn how to tell if your dog has a stomach ache.

In veterinary practice diseases digestive tract, which can be congenital or acquired, is a common occurrence. Dogs, like humans, can experience sudden stomach pain. The pet may be disturbed intestinal colic, excruciating pain in the stomach and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, dogs are very patient animals and in most cases they endure sharp pain without showing it.

Important! If a dog is in pain, he may behave for a long period of time as if nothing had happened. The dog responds appropriately to external stimuli, asks for food, favorite treats, willingly goes for a walk, plays.

The dog only shows concern when the pain becomes truly unbearable.. Therefore, the owners notice that something is wrong with the dog only based on the clinical signs characteristic of a particular pathology and bring the animals to the veterinary clinic when the disease has become subacute, chronic stage, pathology has reached extreme. And this, in turn, will entail long-term complex treatment.

Therefore, dog breeders should carefully monitor the condition and behavior of pet and if the first signs of illness appear, contact the veterinary clinic, where the animal will be provided qualified assistance after diagnostics or call a veterinarian at home. In critical cases, every hour of delay can cost the life of your beloved dog.

Habits and behavior during abdominal pain

The pain can be acute, dull, aching, periodic, regardless of its location. As soon as painful sensations become unbearable the dog begins to whine, howl, and becomes restless.Prolonged pain syndrome provokes serious disorders and changes in the body, which significantly complicate further treatment.

You can understand that your pet has a tummy ache only by the changed behavior and habits of the pet.

Symptoms of pain in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • decreased activity, lethargy, drowsiness;
  • weak reaction to stimuli;
  • unstable stool;
  • nausea after eating or between meals, if appetite is preserved;
  • pain in the anus;
  • , difficult shallow breathing;
  • change in color of mucous membranes;
  • salivation;
  • tight, enlarged belly;
  • , refusal of treats.

Important! Clinical signs and the intensity of their manifestation depend on the location of the pain, the root cause, age, general condition organism, individual, physiological characteristics. Spasms are repeated periodically, at certain time intervals.

When palpating the tummy, the dog experiences severe acute pain. The dog constantly looks back at his belly, does not allow his belly to be touched, and at the slightest touch begins to whine. The dog reacts poorly to stimuli, does not follow commands, is reluctant to go for a walk, refuses active games. An affectionate, balanced pet can exhibit causeless aggression to the owner, family members, animals. If a dog growls, he experiences unreasonable fear, panic, sudden and frequent mood changes, perhaps the animal is suffering from severe pain in the gastrointestinal tract.

Read also: Laxative for dogs for constipation: folk and traditional medicine

If a dog has a stomach or stomach pain, the dog may limp, take unnatural positions, hunch over, raise the back of the body, freeze while walking, whine, squeal when making sudden movements. There may be an increase in temperature, fever, muscle spasms. In case of severe pain, the dog huddles in a dark, secluded place, lies with its stomach on a cold surface, often changes its location, becomes restless, and whines pitifully.

Problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are signaled by diarrhea, followed by constipation, painful bowel movements, an unpleasant putrid odor from the mouth, icteric, anemic mucous membranes. Feces and vomit may contain mucus, blood, and particles of undigested food.

Causes of pain in the gastrointestinal tract

Why does my dog ​​have a stomach ache? What causes digestive problems? Many dog ​​owners are looking for answers to these questions on forums. Therefore, let's look at the main reasons pain syndrome in the gastrointestinal tract of our smaller brothers.

Among the reasons that disrupt digestion and provoke pain in the stomach and intestines are:

  • chemical poisoning;
  • feeding your pet low-quality food;
  • violation of the regime, nutrition system;
  • sudden change in diet;

Don't cry, don't cry
I'll buy a roll.
Don't whine, don't whine,
I'll buy another one.
Wipe away your tears
I'll give you three.


The fox is in pain
The wolf is in pain
And Vanechka's
Pain on a twig
Fly into the forest


The pussy will come slowly
And pet the baby
Meow-meow - the pussy will say
Our baby is good.


One clove, two cloves -
Dashenka is soon to be one year old!
My daughter is whining again,
We will console Dasha:
Grow your teeth
Little by little, little by little -
Don't disturb your daughter's sleep!
Don't stop her from playing!
We will jump and gallop,
Hugging mom tenderly!


Oh, the little one,
Little eyes got wet.
Who will hurt the baby?
The goat will gore him.


Where did you come from?
By tram or train
Have you reached (name)?
No, no one asked you to spoil the mood!
Or maybe we didn't cry,
Was it drizzling?


From my Olya
Go away, pains,
To an open field,
To the blue sea
To the dark forest
For viburnum, for raspberries,
To the bitter mother aspen.


Pussy is in pain
The dog is in pain
And my baby
Live, live, live.


The cat is in pain
The dog is in pain
The horse is in pain
But Vanyusha doesn’t hurt!


The fox is in pain
The wolf is in pain
My son (daughter)
Birch tree pain
Fly into the forest!


Who's crying here, oh-oh-oh!
They say my son?
No, my son is not crying,
In vain you say -
He's smiling already, look!


For some reason he's crying bitterly
Our Anechka-Anyuta,
Crying bitterly, shedding tears,
Who, who will understand her?
Anya’s mom will understand
He will hold his daughter close to his heart,
He will smile at her and say:
“Everything will heal before the wedding!”


Oh, Nikitushka-Nikita,
Aibolit was scared!
Aibolit listened to him,
Oh yes oh! Disturbed the peace!
Why are you making noise?
Calm down baby.


Ani-bani, trukatani,
A woman is driving through Ryazan,
She's riding on the stove
Sells rolls.
Come out,
Do not Cry!


Don't cry, don't cry baby
A squirrel will jump up to you,
Will bring nuts
For Car nursery rhymes.


You, Katyusha, don’t cry,
I'll buy you a kalach
I'll hang it around your neck,
And then I’ll console you.


We have one son, Sasha,
We won't give you any offense.
Let's sew a jacket
And we'll send you for a walk.

When I had sepsis as an infant, my grandmother went to the synagogue and asked me to give me a middle name, “Chaya” (which means “life”). And, as you can see, I’m still living and getting along. The method is correct, although in literature, for example, in Sholom Aleichem, I more often came across another version of this tradition: the name of the patient was completely replaced with a new one in order to deceive Death. Like, go away, David coughed, and this is Chaim.

Jewish traditions traditional medicine in its mystical part they are mainly associated with religious rituals, and not with conspiracies and spitting through left shoulder, because the Torah is known to prohibit witchcraft. True, in some medieval documents there are reservations that it is possible to turn to non-religious sorcerers to save lives. Moreover, sometimes there was a completely clear division of responsibilities and magical abilities- who treats what. Among Ukrainian Jews, turning to a Tatar healer was considered the surest remedy against epilepsy and sleepwalking; Polish Jews favored gypsy sorcerers, and Ukrainian Jews preferred Russian ones (1) × (1) Olga Belova, “ Folk magic in regions of ethnocultural contacts between Slavs and Jews". A kind of double exclusion effect - the healer was perceived as Other in relation to both the Jews and the territory where they lived.

Olga Belova also writes about a curious case when the baptism of a sick Jewish child in a church is perceived by all participants not as a religious rite, but as a means of traditional medicine, which has nothing to do with religion. That is, all participants perceive this event as a change of name, an ordinary deception of Death, and not at all a change of religion. But this, apparently, is an isolated case, but historical evidence of the participation of Jewish women, along with Belarusians, in “plowing the village” to combat the epidemic seems more plausible to me.

The Jews also had a completely exclusive method of combating pestilence. Much has been written about him by Isaac Bashevis-Singer, and by Sholom Aleichem, and by Mendele Moikher-Sforim. It's about about the so-called “black wedding”, when, at the expense of the community, a wedding was held in a cemetery for beggars or cripples who otherwise had no chance of getting married. It was believed that a good deed - the creation of another Jewish family - would help ward off cholera or plague. "Black Wedding" was not always used in medical purposes: in 1919, with its help, they tried to drive the Bolsheviks away from Odessa, and during the Second World War, to prevent the Germans from entering the towns. True, it didn't help.

The roots of this custom are in the special relationship to the cemetery as sacred place, filled with power and giving this power (2) × (2) Victoria Mochalova, “Healing, salvation, deliverance in Jewish tradition and magical practice". The afterlife, located on the border of life and death, can help those who have not yet crossed this border. For example, the hero of Jewish legend, Reb Shimshon, heals the king’s daughter with an apple from Paradise and thereby saves the Jews of this kingdom from expulsion. Quite historical figure, the tzaddik woman healer Hannah Rachel Werbermacher, according to legend, received healing abilities after spending the night in a cemetery.

Nowadays, hardly anyone is treated in cemeteries, at least I don’t know anyone like that. But Jewish families do not abandon the traditions of traditional medicine. From my childhood I can remember, for example, curing measles (along with, of course, the remedies prescribed by the doctor) by covering the windows with a black rag: otherwise, they say, you will go blind. I spent two unforgettable weeks in the dark and forever sowed my mother's gold chain, because you have to do something by touch.

Around the same time we went to the herbalist. There was a private house, there was a natural queue in the yard (back then there were queues everywhere), an hour-long consultation on where and what hurt me - though not with me, but with my grandmother. As a result, I drank St. John's wort instead of tea for several years, more voluntarily than forced.

And in the family of my Jewish friend, an interethnic conflict based on customs and traditional medicine happened quite recently. The requirement of non-Jewish fathers-in-law to shave their grandson's head when he is one year old, so that his hair becomes spiky, collided with the religious prohibition of Judaism to cut the hair of boys under three years of age. Moreover, it was not the friend who insisted on observing the ban, but her parents. In the end, we agreed: we’ll wait for now, especially since at one year there was nothing to shave there, and at three years it’s right under Kotovsky.

But at the age of three they decided to send the child to kindergarten, and the friend herself joined the fight against the superstitions of her elders and categorically forbade him to shave his son. So while Kolya hasn’t had any hair growths, he goes to kindergarten covered in fluff and with bangs.
By the way, he doesn’t have a middle name. It wasn't necessary.

Animals do not behave like humans when they are in pain. It is worth remembering that they have a fairly high pain threshold that they will hide their suffering to the last (it is nature’s nature not to show weakness) and that they will not point a clawed finger at a ripening abscess.

Often, owners do not understand why, during illness, their pet behaves differently than usual, for example, it becomes withdrawn and unsociable, may bite, or goes away and hides. Owners also often attribute changes in behavior to something, such as the weather or “ Bad mood", while the beast is simply in pain.

There are, of course, manifestations of pain that cannot be confused with anything, for example, lameness. But otherwise, it’s hardly yours a dog will do and say: “Master! My back hurts around the kidneys! I need to see a doctor!”, no, she will sit tense with a hunched back and suffer in silence.

Pain is one of the most obvious symptoms, so owners usually notice it first. Pain is a reason to seek immediate attention. veterinarian. External manifestations often depend on the intensity and location of the pain, but after living a little with the dog and getting to know the pet better, everyone sooner or later begins to understand its body language.

Symptoms of pain. Let's look together at which of them are most common:

1) The dog barks, whines, howls, growls.
May do this in conjunction with some action (for example, growling at a sore paw) or simply lie/sit/stand, stare into space and whine. This also includes whining and squealing when trying to be picked up. Many dogs even in their normal state vocally accompany their behavior, for example, barking when they are happy or whining when begging. This is fine. BUT if your pet makes sounds more than usual or accompanies them with atypical behavior, this is a reason to be wary.
I have a patient who barks when he has colic and stomach pain. He's already a loud enough dog, but if it hurts... he doesn't shut up.

2) Excessive grooming.
Dogs try to clean their wounds, so cuts, abscesses, broken claws, and abscesses are actively licked. If a dog frequently or continuously licks a certain place, then you need to look for a problem there. This also includes a few other situations:
- if the eyes hurt or itch, the dog rubs them with his paw or rubs them against various objects in the house.
— some dogs bite the place where it hurts. The more it hurts, the more intense it is.
- if your teeth hurt or problems in oral cavity or throat - the dog puts its paws into its mouth, tries to gnaw hard objects, scratch, rubs its muzzle on hard surfaces.
- if there are problems in the genitals (especially in males), this area is also subject to active grooming.

3) Sleep disturbance.
The dog begins to sleep a lot or, on the contrary, cannot sleep for a long time and constantly wakes up. It will be the first or the second, depending on the nature of the pain.

4) Violation of food and water intake.
If a dog has pain in the mouth, throat, or stomach, it may refuse to eat food, and sometimes even water. Also, refusing to eat can mean nausea and excessive pain in other areas. For some inflammatory processes the amount of water consumed increases.

5) Shortness of breath, heavy and/or shallow breathing.
Most a clear sign severe pain. Sometimes, the only one.

6) Forced posture and restlessness.
If the dog constantly changes position, lies down and immediately gets up, walks, looks for a place, lies down and gets up again, then something is bothering him. It happens that when there is pain in certain areas, dogs take a forced position: for example, a hunched back is a sign of pain in abdominal cavity. Walking in circles and chaotic movements can also be a sign of anxiety. The dog may have difficulty or be reluctant to lie down or get up, or refuse to jump on the sofa.

7) Unmotivated aggression.
Often, a dog may show dissatisfaction if you touch a sore spot, sometimes going so far as to growl and bite if the owner puts too much pressure on a sore paw or stomach. Before looking for dog aggression psychological aspect, we need to understand whether the dog is telling us that we don’t need to touch it in this place. Aggression can also be a sign of constant irritation against a background of pain; pain sometimes causes inappropriate behavior in both people and animals.

8) Sociability.
Every dog ​​reacts differently to bad feeling. One will hide away so as not to be touched, and the other, on the contrary, will constantly stay close and put the place that hurts under the arm so that it can be stroked (this does not apply to all types and places of pain). An attentive owner who has known his pet for a long time will immediately notice that the dog’s behavior has changed.

9) Lameness, abduction or curling of the paw.
Lameness is the most visible symptom pain. Just remember that if an animal limps or stretches its paw, this does not always mean problems with the limbs; sometimes lameness is a sign of pain in some abdominal organs or pain in the spine. This also includes the so-called “wooden gait”, any changes in gait.

10) Unusual urination and bowel movements.
An attempt to move during urination and defecation, to find a different position, an atypical position, frequent urge, vocal accompaniment - all this indicates that there is a problem.

11) Other possible
- Frequently or closely looking at the disturbing part of the body. Sometimes surprised, sometimes aggressive.
- Tilt the head to one side. Could be a sign neurological problems, as well as pain in the ears, any part of the head, otitis media.
- Cramps. Especially in brachycephalic breeds. For example, seizures french bulldog- a reason to find an orthopedist and examine the dog for a sphenoid vertebra.

P.S. While I was writing this article, I remembered how my dog ​​“didn’t like” beef lungs. This is someone who can reveal all their pain in a theatrical mini-production! At first he looked back at his stomach, often, and when it was seething, also with great surprise. Then he climbed onto the sofa (which he absolutely cannot do), placed his entire heavy body in my arms, hunched over and froze. Here it is, the picture: “Colic, pain and spasms in the intestinal area”!

Be attentive to your dogs, do not miss the symptoms of pain in their behavior! Every caring owner should try to provide the necessary timely veterinary care to your beloved pet!