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Scheme of Nobivac vaccinations for puppies and preparation for them. "Nobivak" DHPPI - a modern vaccine for dogs

Everyone who has pets at home is concerned about their health. If you also want to avoid severe illnesses that can harm your puppy, pay attention to the proven Nobivak remedy, which will help prevent the occurrence of plague and save the dog from parvovirus enteritis and even parainfluenza.

Description, composition and release form

The Nobivak DHPPi vaccine is a lyophilized substance and liquid intended for injections. Externally, the solution looks like a colorless liquid, and the vaccine is a homogeneous dry pink substance with a whitish tint.

One ampoule of the vaccine contains carnivore plague (from 104.0 TCD50), which is the “Onderstepoort” strain, 104.0 TCD50 infectious hepatitis, which belongs to the “Manhattan LPV3” strain and belongs to the second serotype. It also contains 104.0 TCD50 of infectious hepatitis, which belongs to the Manhattan LPV3 strain and the second serotype.

The drug for puppies contains parvovirus enteritis (in the amount of 107.0 TCD50 (is the “C154” strain), as well as parainfluenza of the “Cornell” strain, which is no less than 105.5 TCD50. The drug in question is packaged in vacuum packaging, which contains one dose. The solution is in a glass bottle (one milliliter) and secured with an aluminum cap. The bottle with injection and solution are in a plastic box of ten or fifty ampoules each.

What does it help with?

"Nobivak DHPPi" provides vaccinated dogs with protective immunity, which prevents you from getting carnivore plague, parvovirus enteritis, adenoviral infection or parainfluenza. Using the Manhattan LPV3 strain, the second serotype induces immunity to both this and the first serotype. The latter can cause hepatitis infectious species. Acquired immunity can guarantee the puppy’s protection from the diseases listed above for a year. The injections are safe and areactogenic.

When and how to get vaccinated

Your dog can start receiving Nobivacom DHPPi vaccinations at the age of two months. Repeat vaccination of puppies according to the schedule specified in the instructions. If the dog is indicated for vaccination earlier, this can be done using the drug “Nobivak Puppy DP” after reaching four weeks of age. It is allowed to repeat the procedure according to the scheme prescribed in the instructions for use for dogs.

If the animal has not been vaccinated before or is older than the age indicated in the instructions, then it should be vaccinated twice and with a break of one month. Veterinarians recommend vaccinations every year.

To give your dog Nobivak yourself, you need to take a sterile syringe and a jar of vaccine, into which you will inject a diluent with a syringe (in the size of one milliliter). Then the contents of the vessel should be shaken vigorously to form a homogeneous suspension. After you have diluted the contents of the injection, you need to inject it intramuscularly into the dog, following all the rules of disinfection. Veterinarians advise giving injections to overly susceptible animals at the same time and in the same office.

Did you know? "Nobivak DHP/DHPPi" is considered the world's first drug for puppies, which guarantees long-term immunity to the animal for three years.

Safety and personal hygiene

Female puppies are given injections even during pregnancy. Before using the vaccine, you need to shake the tube it is inside. If the container with the drug is damaged, or the vaccine itself has deteriorated, the hitherto unused substance can be disinfected by boiling the liquid for ten minutes, and then disposed of.

Vaccination should be done using a sterile syringe, and the place where you plan to give the injection needs to be treated alcohol solution. The doctor or person performing the procedure must wear special clothes. Personal protective equipment must be present near him. Also put a first aid kit next to you, with which you can provide first aid if necessary.

If the vaccine suddenly gets on the body or mucous membrane, rinse the area with plenty of water. If you have injected yourself or another person with this drug, go to hospital immediately.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug may be contraindicated in a dog if it is highly sensitive to the contents of the injection. It is worth abandoning Nobivac DHPPi if the dog is sick.

After the injection, hypersensitivity to the medication may occur. To eliminate undesirable consequences, it is necessary to apply adrenaline under the skin in such doses as the veterinarian deems necessary. If the animal develops swelling in the area of ​​the injection, it’s okay - it will disappear without a trace in fourteen days.

Important! If your pet does not go outside, this does not guarantee that he is completely healthy. The reason for this is that dangerous diseases very resistant to virus carriage and change hosts. Viruses can be found on shoes or other things that you bring in from the street. Therefore, without a vaccine injection, the animal can become seriously ill.

Shelf life and storage conditions

The vaccine can be stored for twenty-four months. In order for it to be suitable for use all this time, you need to ensure that the vaccine is kept dry and dark during storage and transportation. Observe temperature regime. The minimum storage temperature can be 2°C, and the maximum - 8°C. Also, do not allow the medicine to freeze. Once frozen it will be unusable.


The drug is produced in Russian Federation and in the Netherlands (under the name Intervet International B.V.

As you can see, the Nobivak DHPPi vaccination can prevent many diseases in dogs and, thus, prolong their life. The injection product is suitable even for small puppies, has a minimum number of contraindications and side effects, is used even during the dog’s pregnancy.

Dogs have long entered our lives as kind and devoted friends, and for some owners, reliable protectors and members of their families. And, of course, people are trying their best to protect their pets from dangerous illnesses. Medicines help them with this multicomponent vaccines. They help prevent the development of the most dangerous diseases for the animal. Four-legged pets, in turn, in response to the care of their owners, delight them with beauty and health, giving them all the love and affection that they are capable of.

Nobivak for dogs: methods of use, instructions

Nobivak vaccines are certified in Russia and far beyond its borders; they are produced by the Dutch company Intervet International. These are polyvalent drugs that help prevent two or more life-threatening diseases for your pet. They are safe for puppies and rarely cause complications in pregnant women.

Depending on the type and content of the Nobivak vaccine, protection is provided against:

  • rabies and enteritis;
  • infectious hepatitis, canine distemper;
  • laryngotracheitis, parainfluenza;
  • infectious tracheobronchitis of dogs;
  • bordetellosis and other diseases.

Manufacturers are constantly working to create new vaccines that increase the body's resistance to fight many infectious agents, which serves as a good aid in the work of veterinarians and makes it easier to maintain the health of pets.

Nobivak vaccines differ markedly from each other in the complex of components; each of them is designed to form immunity against a certain set diseases. However, they are united general provisions and application features:

  • are produced in packages of 10 and 50 doses, in sets - in pairs: each bottle is labeled, contains one dose containing dry substance with viral strains, and a bottle with a solvent;
  • aqueous suspensions containing an inactivated culture (can be used with other drugs, such as Nobivak DHPPi, and serve as solvents for them);
  • before administration, the dry contents are dissolved in a special buffer-phosphate solution or vaccine and injected subcutaneously into the dog’s withers area;
  • vaccinate exclusively healthy dogs, starting from 8 - 9 weeks, then again at 12 weeks, and adults - according to a comprehensive vaccination program (usually once every 1 or 3 years).

Important! The first series of microdrug vaccinations is recommended to be carried out under control medical worker. A specialist will examine the dog and assess his health. Sick dogs should not be vaccinated with the Nobivak vaccine, as this may further aggravate the animal’s condition. In addition, an allergic reaction to the components of the drug may occur, which can be very difficult to control at home. After vaccination, the animal must remain under observation for some time, after which it can be taken home.

Types and their features

All vaccines contain live weakened (inactivated) cultures of viruses, the introduction of which creates lasting immunity. When “meeting” an active virus during external environment The animal’s body is already protected and is able to repel the attack of an emerging infection.

Attention! To the complex mandatory vaccinations vaccinations include:

  • against rabies virus (Rabies and RL);
  • against plague (Nobivak DHPP and Nobivak DHPPi);
  • from canine hepatitis (DHPP and DHPPi).

In addition to the most necessary ones, drugs that create resistance to leptospirosis (Nobivak Lepto) and other diseases that worsen the quality of life of an animal do not lose their relevance. In our review we will look at some of the series of vaccines produced by Nobivac International.

The vaccine is used by veterinarians as a prophylactic against canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis viruses.

Nobivac DHPPi is lyophilized. Puppies are initially vaccinated at nine weeks, then after 1 month. Subsequent revaccinations are given to the dog once a year.

Attention! Can be combined with other drugs from the same group. However, the manipulation still requires the supervision of a medical professional.

Reliably protects both from the disease itself and destroys “sleeping” ones, inactive for this moment viruses in the body.

Used in combination with dry Nobivak instead of a solvent, mutually complementing the formation immune reaction. The sequence of revaccinations coincides with the previous one. Subcutaneous administration of the drug is strictly observed.

Nobivak Puppi DP for puppies

A complex preparation of pinkish color that increases the dog’s body’s resistance to carnivorous distemper and enteritis. Effective and safe for building immunity in puppies and young animals.

Before use, dilute the dry mass with a phosphate-buffered solution and inject subcutaneously.

Sequence of vaccinations: the first vaccination is carried out when the puppy is one month old, repeated after 2 weeks.

Nobivak for dogs creates immunity against rabies. Available in bottles, each of which contains one dose of the drug.

It looks like a pinkish or yellowish-brown liquid that contains a culture of inactivated microorganisms of two types. During the course of action of this vaccine, the dog develops immunity, the effect of which lasts up to three years.

Rabies against rabies

Creates lasting durability in dogs for three years. It looks like a pinkish suspension and is well tolerated.

Puppies are subject to immunization with Nobivak Rabies at twelve weeks, then every three years.

Before use, the bottle should be shaken and administered subcutaneously.

Contraindications to the use of vaccines and possible side effects

The Nobivak vaccine cannot be used in case of illness. It is also strictly not recommended to vaccinate weakened and exhausted dogs. In this case, vaccination should be done no earlier than 1 to 2 months after treatment. Also, puppies under two weeks of age should not be vaccinated.

Important! Before vaccination, you should be sure that the dog does not have helminths. To do this, within 10–14 days your pet must be given anthelmintic drug in a dosage corresponding to the weight of the animal.

Many dogs, especially purebred ones, can give allergic reaction for vaccination. In case of individual intolerance to its components, the drug is replaced with an alternative one. The dog should be observed by a veterinarian, and the reaction to the vaccine should be monitored. If hypersensitivity does occur, it is necessary to inject a solution of adrenaline subcutaneously.

Attention! Despite the fact that it is often practiced to administer two or more types of vaccinations “in one syringe,” it is not recommended to do this yourself. Mixing dry and liquid fractions medications - only with the permission of a specialist.

Storage conditions, price in the Russian Federation

They do not lose their properties at a temperature of 2 - 8 degrees (usually in the refrigerator). Use is allowed within two years from the date of manufacture. Use immediately after opening. Storage in an open bottle is not allowed; if necessary, the drug is immediately disposed of.

Below is average cost one bottle of each drug in Russia:

  • DHPPi - 170 rub.;
  • Lepto – 75 rub.;
  • Pappy DP for plague and parvovirus enteritis – 250 rubles;
  • Rabies vaccination (Nobivak Rabies) – within 180 rubles;
  • For rabies and leptospirosis Nobivac RL – about 120 rubles.

Prices are affordable, so it will not be difficult for owners to protect their pet from unwanted illnesses.



for animals: dogs and cats

release form: solution for injection, intranasal or dry component with solvent


Vaccines for dogs

Nobivac DHP (dry component with solvent)- against plague, infectious hepatitis and parvovirus enteritis.

Nobivac DHPPi (dry component with solvent)- against plague, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis and parainfluenza.

Nobivac Puppy DP (dry component with solvent)- against canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis.

Nobivac KC (dry component with solvent)- against bordetellosis and parainfluenza in dogs.

Nobivac Lepto (solution for injection)- against leptospirosis in dogs.

Nobivac Piro (solution for injection)- against babesiosis in dogs.

Against rabies.

Nobivac RL (solution for injection)- against rabies and leptospirosis in dogs.

Vaccines for cats

Nobivac Bb (dry component with solvent)- against bordetellosis in cats.

Nobivac Forcat (dry component with solvent)- against calicivirus infection, viral rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia and chlamydia in cats.

Nobivac Tricat trio (dry component with solvent)- against calicivirus, viral rhinotracheitis and feline panleukopenia.

Nobivac Rabies (solution for injection)- against rabies in cats.


Vaccines for dogs

Nobivac DHP

Nobivac DHPPi- a solvent is added to the bottle with the vaccine (dry component) using a syringe, the bottle is thoroughly shaken until completely dissolved, the finished solution is injected subcutaneously into the animal. The animal is vaccinated according to the scheme.

Animals are vaccinated starting from 8 - 9 weeks of age with repeated revaccination at 12 weeks. Previously unvaccinated adult animals are vaccinated twice with an interval of 4 weeks. Then annual revaccination with 1 dose.

Nobivac Puppy DP

Animals are vaccinated starting from 6 weeks of age, if necessary from 4 weeks of age. Further according to the scheme for adult animals.

Nobivac KC- immediately before use, a solvent is added to the vaccine bottle (dry component) using a syringe, the bottle is thoroughly shaken and heated in the palm of the hand for 30 - 60 seconds. The prepared solution is drawn into a syringe and the needle is replaced with an applicator for intranasal administration. The applicator is inserted into the nostril to a depth of 0.5 - 1.0 cm and gently presses the syringe plunger.

Animals are vaccinated once from 2 weeks of age. Then annual revaccination with 1 dose.

Nobivac Lepto- before use, shake the bottle thoroughly and inject it subcutaneously into the animal.

Animals are vaccinated starting from 8 weeks of age with repeated revaccination after 2 - 3 weeks. Then annual revaccination with 1 dose.

Nobivac Piro- immediately before use, the solvent is heated in the hand for 1 - 2 minutes, then carefully transferred along the wall into the bottle with the vaccine and left until dissolved for 3 - 5 minutes, without shaking! The vaccine is administered subcutaneously.

Animals are vaccinated starting at 6 one month old, twice with an interval of 3 - 6 weeks.

Nobivac Rabies

Nobivak RL- before use, the vaccine is shaken, the injection site is treated with alcohol and injected into the animal subcutaneously.

Animals are vaccinated starting from 8 - 9 weeks of age. Then annual revaccination with 1 dose.

Vaccines for cats

Nobivac Bb- before use, a solvent is added to the vaccine vial using a syringe. The resulting paste is thoroughly shaken until a homogeneous suspension is obtained. The bottle with liquid is warmed in your hand for 30 - 60 seconds. The needle is replaced with an intranasal applicator and smoothly injected into the animal's nostril.

Animals are vaccinated starting from 4 weeks of age. Then annual revaccination with 1 dose.

Nobivak Forcat

Nobivak Tricat trio- before use, the solvent is transferred into the vial with the vaccine using a syringe. The resulting solution is thoroughly shaken and injected subcutaneously into the animal.

Animals are vaccinated starting from 8 - 9 weeks of age. Previously unvaccinated animals are vaccinated twice with an interval of 3 - 4 weeks. Then annual revaccination with 1 dose.

Nobivac Rabies- the solution is thoroughly shaken and administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

Animals are vaccinated starting from 3 months of age. Then annual revaccination with 1 dose.


  • Do not use in sick or weakened animals


  • hypersensitivity reactions


Before vaccination, preventive deworming of the animal should be carried out.

Active substance:
live cultures of attenuated strains of animal viruses or culture fluids infected with animal viruses.

depends on the vaccine, usually at a temperature of 2°C. up to 8°C. Solvent from 2°C. up to 25°C.

Best before date:
depends on the vaccine, usually from 2 to 5 years.

Intervet Schering-Plough Animal Health (Netherlands)

depending on the vaccine, about 50 - 300 rubles per dose.

IN modern conditions Vaccine prevention is the only guaranteed way avoid consequences caused by infectious diseases. Preventive immunization is very important for the health of not only pets, but also their owners, since a sick or infected animal can be a source of diseases dangerous to humans, such as rabies and leptospirosis.

“Which vaccine to choose and at what age should the animal be immunized?” - these are the main questions that concern a practicing doctor and the owner of a dog or cat. If the epizootic situation for diseases such as plague and parvovirus enteritis of carnivores is unfavorable, then it is necessary to vaccinate the puppy as early as possible.

At what age can you start vaccinating a puppy? This is a question many dog ​​owners ask. It is logical to assume that early puppy vaccination would be preferable. This is understandable, because the sooner vaccination starts, the sooner it will be completed and the animal will be protected from viruses. Of course, vaccination can only begin at the age at which the immune system acquires the ability to produce protective factors - antibodies (a special class of proteins - immunoglobulins) and special cells involved in defense mechanisms. It is believed that this opportunity appears at 4 weeks of age. However, in the formation immune system important role play conditions for raising puppies, for example, feeding conditions (natural or artificial feeding), maintenance and temperature conditions (it is believed that if the puppy was in an environment with a temperature lower than the recommended one, the formation of the immune system may be delayed for several weeks).

Conclusion:There are all the prerequisites for starting vaccination of puppies at the age of 4-6 weeks, provided that the conditions of housing and feeding are observed.

However, there are a number of obstacles that may cause vaccination failure at 4-6 weeks of age. In addition to the state of the immune system, it is necessary to take into account the role of colostral (maternal) immunity, which exists in the puppy from the moment of birth. This “temporary” immunity is formed by maternal antibodies and is necessary to protect puppies during the formation of the immune system. The puppy is protected by maternal antibodies in the first 1.5-2 months of life. He receives maternal antibodies directly during intrauterine development through the placenta, and after birth - with colostrum. The maximum amount of antibodies in the blood serum is observed by the 9th day of life. Then the content of maternal antibodies gradually decreases to a level at which they no longer create reliable immunity. Despite positive points, maternal antibodies are a major factor preventing vaccination. The reason is that maternal antibodies can actively bind and neutralize not only direct infectious agents, but also the components that make up vaccines. Now it becomes clear why vaccination of puppies traditionally begins at the age of 8-10 weeks. It is believed that it is at this age that maternal antibodies are not able to actively influence vaccination. Everything would be fine if by 6-7 weeks of age the level of maternal antibodies did not decrease below the protective level. At this point, the puppy is no longer protected from pathogens and cannot yet be vaccinated. In veterinary medicine, this period of 2-4 weeks is called the “immune abyss” (“immune hole”). The risk of infection of a puppy during the “immune gap” period is very high, especially with such infectious diseases as canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis.

Conclusion: There is a period of “immune gap” in a puppy’s life when a special approach to vaccination is required.

Vaccination of puppies aged 4-6 weeks requires the use of a special vaccine Nobivac Puppy DP. Nobivac Puppy DP contains much large quantity vaccine material than vaccines used for vaccination in more late age. This allows the vaccine to overcome more high level maternal antibodies - part of the vaccine will be destroyed by maternal antibodies, and the remaining part will contribute to the formation of immunity. A large number of vaccine material puts forward special requirements for the safety and quality of the components that make up the vaccine. That is why Nobivac PuppyDP is a unique vaccine containing highly safe and effective components against canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis. The success of vaccination depends on the quality of the mother's vaccination (affects the mother's ability to transfer maternal antibodies to the puppies), the amount of antibodies received by the puppy, the development of the puppy and, of course, the chosen vaccine.

Conclusion: For vaccination of puppies at 4-6 weeks of age, the Nobivak PuppyDP vaccine is used.

For vaccination of adult animals, MSD Animal Health recommends using Nobivac DHP- complex vaccine against canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, infectious hepatitis or Nobivac DHPPi– against the three above infections, as well as parainfluenza. The final vaccination of the puppy is carried out 3...4 weeks after the previous one, provided that the animal is absolutely healthy and free of helminths.

However, even if the vaccine is chosen correctly and immunization is timely, the animal is not always protected from infection. In each specific case when vaccination is planned, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the vaccine (manufacturer, expiration date and conditions under which it was stored) and the condition of the patient. The following factors negatively affect the results of vaccination: infection or infestation of the animal; a depressed state of the immune system, which may be a consequence of improper feeding and maintenance, as well as the use of medications.

To avoid post-vaccination complications, for at least 1 week after immunization, it is advisable not to expose the puppy to large physical activity, hypothermia and overheating, avoid contact with other animals, long and tedious transportation.

For adult dogs, complete annual vaccination is sufficient to provide immunity against major infectious diseases. It is recommended to resume immunization against rabies, canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis, hepatitis, adenoviruses, parainfluenza and leptospirosis within the established time limits veterinarian. The Nobivak DHPPi+RL vaccine is ideal for complex immunization (see recommended vaccination schedule).

Live vaccines Nobivak DHP and Nobivak DHPi for dogs, containing patented components that protect dogs from parvovirus and canine distemper virus, canine hepatitis virus (canine adenovirus), parainfluenza virus, are considered to be very effective and highly safe drugs.. Liquid inactivated vaccines Nobivac Rabies and Nobivac Lepto, as well as Nobivac RL, which prevent such dangerous diseases as leptospirosis (L component) and rabies (R component) can be used as a solvent.

Based on materials from Intervet LLC.

There are several approaches to vaccinating puppies. This is due to the fact that in the first months of life, the success of vaccination is significantly influenced by maternal immunity, which is formed due to antibodies received by the puppy from the mother in the first days of life. Maternal antibodies can neutralize not only dangerous bacteria and viruses, but also block vaccine components. Therefore, vaccination of puppies begins at the age of 8-10 weeks, when the influence of maternal antibodies on the components of the vaccine is already minimal. At the age of 8-10 weeks, diseases such as canine distemper are vaccinated (labeled D), infectious hepatitis(H), parvovirus enteritis (P), parainfluenza (Pi), leptospirosis (L, Lepto). For these purposes, the Nobivak DHPPi vaccine is used in combination with Nobivak Lepto. After 3-4 weeks (3 weeks are considered optimal), vaccination must be repeated using the same combination of vaccines and adding rabies vaccine (R, Rabies). This is the generally accepted approach when vaccinating puppies. Please note that rabies vaccination must be carried out in an institution authorized to do so (usually state veterinary stations and veterinary clinics authorized to vaccinate dogs against rabies). Otherwise, you may have problems when issuing documents for transporting an animal or if your pet bites a person.

However, a puppy can become infected with canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis much earlier, starting at 4 weeks of age. By this time, maternal antibodies are no longer able to protect the puppy from distemper and parvovirus, but are still able to suppress the vaccine. The solution is seen in the use of special vaccines, such as Nobivak Puppy DP. The Nobivac Puppy DP vaccine can be used from 4-6 weeks of age. Nobivak Puppy DP puppies should be vaccinated at the age of 4-6 weeks in regions unfavorable for canine distemper and parvovirus enteritis.

We must remember that vaccination with Nobivak Puppy DP does not replace the standard vaccination regimen in the future.

The current problem is respiratory infections dogs, which are united under the name “kennel cough”. It has been proven that trigger mechanism, causing initial damage to the epithelium respiratory tract, is Bordetella bronchiseptica. This bacterium, paralyzing the cilia of the bronchial epithelium, creates conditions for fixation on the surface of the bronchi dangerous bacteria and viruses, which, in turn, can cause serious illnesses respiratory system, up to pneumonia with an unpredictable outcome.

Of course, the main factor of protection against pathogens of “kennel cough” should be vaccination. From 3 weeks of age, you can use Nobivak KC (parainfluenza and bordetellosis). Inject once into one nostril. The next Nobivak KS vaccination is carried out at one year of age.

So, vaccination schedules for puppies may look like this:

Age Vaccine
Possible early infection
3 weeks Nobivac KC
4 weeks Nobivac Puppy DP
8-10 weeks
High risk of infection
3 weeks Nobivac KC
6 weeks Nobivac Puppy DP
8-10 weeks Nobivak DHP (DHPPi) + Nobivak Lepto
11-13 weeks (3-4 weeks after previous vaccination) Nobivak DHP (DHPPi) + Nobivak Lepto + Nobivak Rabies
Risk early infection absent
8-10 weeks Nobivak DHP (DHPPi) + Nobivak Lepto
11-13 weeks (3-4 weeks after previous vaccination) Nobivak DHP (DHPPi) + Nobivak Lepto + Nobivak Rabies

Rabies vaccination takes special place during the vaccination process. And, first of all, this is due to the fact that all mammals, including humans, suffer from rabies. Therefore, by vaccinating your dog against rabies, you protect not only your pet, but also yourself. In the Russian Federation, vaccination against rabies is a mandatory annual event. The age at which rabies vaccination can be given depends on the vaccine chosen. If we're talking about o Nobivac Rabies, then this vaccine can be vaccinated in puppies starting from 8 weeks of age, with repeated vaccination after 3-4 weeks. If the puppy has reached the age of 11-12 weeks, then Nobivak Rabies vaccination is carried out once. Adult animals, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, must be vaccinated against rabies at least once a year. There is still an opinion that it is not worth vaccinating dogs under 6 months against rabies until their teeth have formed. Today, this opinion has lost its relevance, since modern vaccines do not contain substances that can interfere with the development of teeth and the formation of a correct bite.

We also often hear about problems with vaccinations associated with changing teeth. Many owners still live by the stereotypes that arose during the early stages of dog vaccination. Today, modern vaccines from leading companies make it possible to refuse vaccination after changing teeth. Moreover, with the use of modern vaccines, changing teeth is not a contraindication to vaccination.

How often should I vaccinate again?

Repeated vaccination should be carried out annually using the vaccine complex Nobivac DHP (DHPPi) + Nobivac Lepto + Nobivac Rabies + Nobivac KC. In the first 2 years, it is advisable to repeat the Nobivak Lepto vaccine after 3 weeks. Dogs must be vaccinated annually for the rest of their lives. In some cases, it is possible to cancel annual vaccinations (except for rabies) in older dogs. However, all cases of vaccination cancellation must be determined by a veterinarian.

What dose of vaccine should I use for vaccination? Does the vaccine dose depend on the dog's age and weight?

Vaccination of dogs is carried out with one dose of vaccine, regardless of age and weight. The dose of the vaccine is the same for both the puppy and adult dog; as for miniature pinscher, and for the Great Dane. The opinion that for small breeds dogs need to share the vaccine dose, erroneously. Any reactions detected in a dog after vaccination are in no way related to the composition of the vaccine or its dose. The main reason for such phenomena is special condition the dog’s immune system, which reacts to the introduction of the vaccine in a non-standard manner similar to allergic reactions in humans. But even the smallest amounts of an allergen can cause an allergic reaction. In addition, by reducing the dose of the vaccine by two or more times, you can create the prerequisites for the dog to develop changes in the body that will lead to serious complications.

You may have noticed that as a result of vaccination, a number of situations may arise that require qualified assistance by a veterinarian; therefore, it is most correct and prudent when vaccination is carried out in veterinary clinic. A visit to a veterinary clinic has a number of advantages compared to vaccination at home. First of all, this is an opportunity to have the dog examined by a specialist. This is very important, since only a healthy animal can be vaccinated and it is better if physiological state your pet will be determined by your veterinarian. Veterinarians are often able to identify many diseases even with a routine clinical examination of the dog. In addition, veterinary clinics are responsible for the quality of vaccines used in the process of their work, and accordingly, the likelihood of unsuccessful vaccination is reduced many times. Agree, it is unpleasant to give money for useless water, which the vaccine turns into under poor storage conditions or if the drug is used incorrectly. It is also important to state the fact of vaccination, especially rabies. Documents regarding vaccinations can only be properly completed at a veterinary clinic. Another advantage of vaccination at a veterinary clinic is the opportunity to perform a routine examination of the animal during the visit. Do not forget that the dog cannot complain to you about illnesses, so early detection diseases will prolong the life of your pet.

Vaccination scheme
dogs throughout their lives.