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An analogue of the cough medicine ACC. Basic properties, composition and release form of ACC. ACC for inhalations

Effective and inexpensive analogues-substitutes of ACC

ACC treats lesions of the respiratory tract that are complicated by difficult sputum separation, such as bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia. Original remedy based on Acetylcysteine ​​is quite popular due to its high efficiency. However, the drug is no exception to the rule, and it also has a number of cheap analogues, like many other drugs. Below we will talk about such substitutes and individual characteristics specific positions.

The essence of the action

Distinctive properties ACC drug defines substance Acetylcysteine, which acts against cough as follows:

  • Mucolytic. In other words, it reduces the viscosity of sputum, which further accelerates the process of its removal.
  • Reduces the ability of bacterial cells to adhere, or adhesion to the mucous layer of the bronchi.
  • Antioxidant properties help neutralize the harmful effect of free particles, which, when entering the lungs with air, can be provocateurs of the disease.
  • Anti-inflammatory the effect is observed due to the elimination of pathogenic factors (microbes, toxins) through antioxidant activity.

What does the drug treat?

Indications for use:

The drug is used for diseases of the respiratory tract affecting both the upper and lower sections. Main point, which combines all the indications of a pharmaceutical product - the presence of sputum formation, which, due to its thick, viscous consistency, does not drain well, which further forms copious accumulation mucous secretion in the bronchi.

Some of the indications with characteristic hard-to-clear sputum:

  • Bronchitis acute, chronic, obstructive;
  • Inflammation of the trachea, laryngotracheitis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Bronchiectactic disease;
  • Pneumonia, lung abscess;
  • Pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD);
  • Bronchiolitis, cystic fibrosis;
  • Sinusitis, otitis media.

The benefits of the medicine for the above diseases chronic noticed in reducing the severity and frequency of exacerbations, with acute forms- the onset of recovery is accelerated.

It is noteworthy that the mucolytic qualities of ACC similarly extend to purulent-exudative processes.


  • The appearance of bloody spots in expectorated mucus;
  • Pulmonary hemorrhages;
  • Exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • Personal intolerance to Acetylcysteine. This is indicated by itching, headache, runny nose of non-inflammatory origin.

ACC, dosed at 100 and 200 mg, is prohibited for children under 2 years of age. The enhanced dosage form of 600 mg is dangerous for children under 14 years of age.

Possible negative effects

In rare cases there may be: nausea, vomiting, heartburn, skin rashes and itching.

Patients with liver or kidney failure require more gentle therapy with this mucolytic, because most of the metabolic transformations are carried out by the liver, and primary excretion from the body is carried out by the kidneys.

Important instructions for use

All forms of ACC are used orally after meals. The duration of treatment depends on individual needs, but for colds it most often lasts 5-7 days. It is advised to avoid taking it immediately before going to bed and take it until 18.00. When using antibiotics simultaneously with a pharmaceutical drug, a break between their consumption of 1-2 hours is necessary.

Introductory instructions for use:

  • Standard method Taking the drug for adults and children over 14 years of age is: 200 mg in 2-3 approaches per day.
  • Children from 6 to 14 years old 100 mg 2-3 per day is indicated.
  • For ages 2 to 6 years 1 effervescent tablet of 100 mg is recommended once a day. If it is syrup or soluble granules 100 mg, take it 2-3 times a day.
  • If you have a very severe cough The recommended dosage is 600 mg, which should not be taken more than once a day.
  • If you are using a syringe dispenser, attached to baby syrup, it must be washed every time clean water upon completion of operation.
  • Effervescent tablets must be used immediately after preparing the solution .
  • Granules can be diluted with water, juice or tea drink.

An additional therapeutic measure that accelerates the healing process is to increase the volume of fluid consumed, which has a positive effect on the mucolytic dynamics of the expectorant.

How much does ACC cost: price in pharmacies

The cost of German medicine starts from 120 rubles. and reaches 600 rubles. Any drug in the line can be purchased without a prescription.

List of synonyms of Russian and foreign production

The table contains examples of analogues of a wide variety of dosage forms. The indicated absence of some items is meant at the time of writing only on designated pharmacy web resources, but does not indicate a shortage of a particular drug in pharmacies throughout the country as a whole, including in the regions of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Rinofluimucil (Italy)

The only one of the listed analogues used externally. The spray can replace internal medications if you have rhinitis with thick mucus.

Espa-naz (Germany)

Affordable high quality generic. Mucolytic orange flavor provides expectorant effect on a productive cough, inhibiting the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi and facilitating its unhindered discharge.

Fluimucil (Italy)

A European synonym with a lower cost, while maintaining compliance with quality requirements.

Regarding the timely use of Fluimucil for cough, a number of experts note its benefits, which can be traced to a reduction in the need antibacterial therapy. There is also a significant reduction in the severity of inflammation, which in turn prevents complications. A decline in general intoxication is obvious, which is due to to a large extent Contributed to the antioxidant properties of Acetylcysteine.

Thoraxol Solution Tablets (Russia)

A domestic, relatively inexpensive substitute, which is of interest in the modern form of a dispersible tablet. Relief of cough associated with the formation of viscous sputum, either acute or chronic, occurs by stimulating the activity of the ciliated membrane of the bronchi and by reducing the viscosity of mucous formations. All this together creates conditions for faster spontaneous cleansing of the surface of the mucous layer.

It is worth considering that Thoraxol only works if there are lesions in the lower part of the section respiratory system: bronchitis, obstructive disease, pneumonia.

Active substance does not lose its mucolytic qualities regardless of the method of administration, and there are several of them:

  1. Split the tablet in half and drink the whole tablet without water.. Once in the stomach, it quickly begins to dissolve. This method is convenient if you do not have time to prepare a portion of the medicine.
  2. Dissolve in 20 ml of water, then immediately take the resulting suspension.
  3. Drink a whole one with a small portion of water.

Lactation and the first three months of pregnancy are the main contraindications for Thoraxol.

Neo-bronchol (Germany)

Cheaper expectorant tablets, the main ones the advantages of which are:

  • Lack of sugar (sorbitol serves as a sweetener);
  • The type of dosage form intended exclusively for resorption does not require any additional manipulations.

The drug acts within the first half hour after administration and continues to reveal mucolytic activity after 6-12 hours.

In rare situations, the undesirable effects of Neo-bronchol are expressed by skin reactions and stomach upset.

Ambroxol (RF)

An inexpensive way to deal with a difficult wet cough. The description of the pharmacological route of action of Ambroxol has already been mentioned above. The types of dosage forms produced by Russian companies are varied: syrups, regular tablets, solutions. Tablets cost the least, But greatest attention attracts solution for inhalation as the most modern method mucolytic therapy .

Some of the advantages of the inhalation route of administration of Ambroxol:

  • Rapid access to the site of inflammation;
  • A comfortable level of hydration of the respiratory organs, namely the bronchial mucosa, is achieved;
  • The natural physiological outflow of mucus and its dilution are improved.

Taken together, these factors significantly accelerate the process of onset of the therapeutic effect.

Bromhexine is the cheapest alternative from Germany

The main goal of Bromhexine is to eliminate the high coefficient of mucus thickness, which for this reason does not clear well and causes a cough reflex.

Interestingly, after the biotransformation of Bromhexine in the liver, the active metabolite Ambroxol is formed. It is he who ultimately determines all its properties.

Conclusions on available replacements

Treatment of cough with an expectorant group cannot be combined with an antitussive group, otherwise the suppression of the cough reflex by the latter will lead to reverse effect– difficulties will arise with removing accumulated mucus from the bronchi. In any case, the correct selection of treatment should be carried out with the participation of a doctor in order to identify hidden, sluggish symptoms of the disease in time, thereby avoiding the transition of an acute condition to a chronic one.

If the patient is not satisfied with the drug in terms of price or effects, ACC has analogues of various types. We will find out how effective they are in this article.

Lazolvan or ACC: which is better?

Both medications are expectorants. That is, their effect is aimed at liquefying the secretion, but their mechanism of operation is different. Unlike Lazolvan, ACC has antitoxic and antibacterial properties.

Is it possible to take ambroxol and acetylcysteine ​​together? Yes, doctors often prescribe these drugs at the same time. Only Lazolvan is taken orally, and ACC is for inhalation or vice versa.

It is worth noting that Lazolvan has a cheap structural analogue in the form of Abromxol. It is much cheaper, but contains fewer auxiliary ingredients.

A drug such as Ambrobene is also isolated. The main component is the same ambroxol. Sold in several variations: tablets, cough syrup, injection solution, capsules. The price for it is 100-140 rubles.

What better than Ambrobene or ACC, it is up to the doctor and patients to decide. But their mechanism of action is different. Ambrobene is a mucolytic agent that has secretolytic, secretomotor and expectorant properties.

The average price can be called an amount in the range of 150-250 rubles. This is a great remedy if you feel a runny nose and sore throat, so we recommend it for use.

Fluimucil or ACC: what is the difference?

Fluimucil is an analogue of ACC Long 600. These products are similar in structure, and therefore the principle of action and application are the same. After consuming the medicine, cough productivity increases noticeably. Within a day after use, the effect is noticeable.

The only difference is that they have different shapes release. Fluimucil is sold in the form of a solution, granules for making a drink, and effervescent tablets. Although the main component is acetylcysteine ​​in ACC and Fluimucil, the second drug is prohibited for use in children under two years of age.

Fluimucil or ACC: which is better? Only the doctor and the patient can decide based on the patient’s age, the severity of the disease and the presence of allergic manifestations.

Ascoril or ACC: what are the differences?

When comparing Ascoril with ACC, you should pay attention to the properties of the drugs. ACC is considered a monocomponent agent. And Ascoril contains three components in the form of bromhexine, guaifenesin and salbutamol. As a result, they act differently.

In addition to the expectorant effect, Ascoril also has mucolytic and bronchodilator properties. When used, it is possible to avoid suffocation and eliminate spasms in the smooth muscles of the bronchi.

What to choose: ACC or Ascoril? It all depends on the course and type of disease. But Ascoril is not recommended to be used in the absence of obstruction and asthma attacks.

In terms of cost, Ascoril does not differ much. But it is not classified as a cheap product. Manufacturers call the average price about 330-360 rubles.

What to choose: ACC or Bromhexine?

Bromhexine is one of the inexpensive means. The composition of this drug is significantly different from ACC, but the principle of action will be the same. The active substance is a component in the form of bromhexine.

The description of the medication is as follows. Sold in several forms: tablets and syrup. Children over three years old are allowed. The medication belongs to the group of drugs that stimulate the motor functionality of the respiratory tract.

Just like ACC, Bromhexine thins and removes thick secretions. It also differs in price. Bromhexine is considered an inexpensive medicine and costs about 200 rubles.

The advantage of ACC is that it is more harmless and does not lead to severe intoxication of the body. Has far fewer restrictions and rarely causes allergic effects. In this case, the effect of Bromhexine is aimed at suppressing the cough center, and ACC acts directly on the mechanism of cough development.

Mukaltin or ACC: what is the difference?

ACC Long 600 is used only for oral use. But other types of medication are suitable for inhalation. There are many substitutes, but mucoltin is considered one of the cheapest.

Mucaltin tablets have an expectorant effect. They help eliminate cough and reduce the intensity of cough attacks. This drug is of plant origin and therefore rarely causes allergic reactions.

Used to treat adults, children different ages, pregnant and lactating women. Adults can dissolve the tablets, but for children it is advisable to dissolve them in a mug of water or milk.

Based on numerous reviews, we can say that Mucaltin, although it is a Soviet-era remedy, has an excellent therapeutic effect.

The active component of the drug ACC is acetylcysteine, a derivative of the amino acid cysteine. Auxiliary components vary depending on the form of release of the drug.

Acetylcysteine, affecting the body, has the following effects:

  • expectorant;
  • mucolytic (secretolytic);
  • detoxifying.

By promoting liquefaction, reducing the viscosity of tracheobronchial secretion and increasing its volume, this substance facilitates its removal from the respiratory tract. It also helps relieve inflammatory processes, and in the presence of purulent discharge, helps remove it from the body.

The listed effects are due to the fact that the free sulfhydryl groups of acetylcysteine ​​break the disulfide bonds of mucopolysaccharides of sputum, which are responsible for its thickness. Detoxifying properties are explained by the activation of the synthesis of glutathione, a substance that protects cells from toxins. Anti-inflammatory properties are achieved by suppressing the formation free radicals.

How to replace ACC?

This drug, produced in the form of effervescent tablets and powder with varying acetylcysteine ​​content (ACC Inject, ACC 100, ACC 200, ACC 600 Long), has many analogues. If the ACC recommended by your doctor is not on sale, it can be replaced with the following drugs:

  • Fluimucil (in the form of granules and effervescent tablets for the preparation of solution, solution for injection and inhalation);
  • Acestad (in the form of tablets and effervescent tablets);
  • Mukonex (in the form of granules for making syrup);
  • Acetylcysteine ​​Sediko (in the form of granules for the preparation of solution for oral administration);
  • Acestine (in the form of effervescent tablets, solution for inhalation, granules for the preparation of solution for injection and internal administration, granules for the preparation of syrup), etc.

The listed drugs exert their therapeutic effect due to the main active component they contain - acetylcysteine. There are some differences in the lists of auxiliary components, as well as in the dosage of the active substance.

Also, in consultation with the doctor, the ACC drug can be replaced with a drug that has a similar effect. pharmachologic effect, but made on the basis of other active components. For example, these could be the following drugs:

  • Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Ambrol (active ingredient – ​​ambroxol);
  • Bronkatar, Mukosol, Libexin Muco (active ingredient - carbocisteine);
  • Bromhexine-Acri, Bromhexine-Ferein, Solvin (active ingredient - bromhexine), etc.

To facilitate coughing and remove bronchial secretions, as an alternative to the ACC drug, the following herbal remedies can be prescribed:

  • Gedelix (based on ivy leaves);
  • Mucaltin (based on marshmallow extract);
  • licorice root syrup, etc.

What is better - ACC, Fluimucil or Mucaltin?

There is no clear answer to the question of which of the interchangeable drugs is better. The decision on the advisability of taking a particular drug should be made by a doctor, based on the severity of the symptoms, the characteristics of the course of the disease, the presence accompanying pathologies and other factors.

Copying information is permitted only with a direct and indexed link to the source

The list of medicines used in pediatrics is given for informational purposes. The decision on the need to choose a drug (dosage, duration of treatment) is always made by the doctor! Before using the drug, consult your pediatrician!

Mucolytic drugs (mucolytics) - agents that help thin sputum; are used for coughs with thick, viscous, difficult to separate sputum. If there is a productive, wet, profuse cough, then the use of drugs that thin the sputum is not required. The peculiarity of mucolytics is that, while liquefying sputum, they practically do not increase its volume, that is, they are deprived negative effect expectorants. Mucolytics can be widely used in the treatment of cough caused by diseases lower sections respiratory tract (tracheitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia). Mucolytic drugs cannot be combined with antitussives.

Cough interferes normal life, both literally and figuratively. Breathing becomes difficult, attacks appear at the most unexpected moment. But antitussives are so different in their mechanism of action that the same tablets can both instantly help and seriously harm – if you choose the wrong remedy.

Text: Sergey Buyanov, general practitioner

Cough is an unconditioned reflex of the central nervous system. Like other innate reflexes, coughing is not controlled by human will. And it doesn’t matter whether he speaks in front of an audience or performs work that requires jewelry precision: after all, the reflex contraction of the respiratory muscles occurs due to irritation of the nasopharynx and bronchi. When taking measures to combat cough, you should figure out what exactly you are going to drink.

Medicines for sore throat

So, cough remedies are divided into several large groups:

Centrally acting drugs

interesting article on the topic (long, but there is a sign at the bottom)

How to treat cough in children

Doctor medical sciences, professor, Russian State Medical University, Moscow

Cough is a reflex aimed at restoring the patency of the airways (AP). It occurs extremely often in human life. And therefore, it is commonly believed that a cough is not a problem, that anyone can cure it: both the patient himself and his parents (if we're talking about about the child), and relatives or friends, and pharmacists, not to mention doctors. Unfortunately, this popular belief can lead to the wrong choice of antitussive therapy, which can cause harm to the patient.

The latter is especially relevant for pediatrics, since both the child’s body itself and diseases in childhood have their own characteristics. In addition, the causes of cough in children and adults can differ significantly. Therefore, the thoughtless use of those adopted in adults.

Causes of cough

In order to avoid mistakes and not drink ACC, “Sinekod” or “Mukaltin” in vain, it is worth understanding the cause of cough in adults and.

The concept of cough is too vague and indefinite for a self-respecting doctor to define it as a diagnosis. Patients most often do not go to the doctor with such a “trivial” problem; it is easier and faster to go to the pharmacy, and, having chosen a nice box from the shelf with cough medicines, peace of mind go home to drink some medicine, syrup or potion. It happens that the body is strong, and unprofessional use of drugs such as ACC, Sinecode, Ambrobene, Mucaltin without a doctor’s prescription proceeds normally, but there are increasingly cases where inconsistent or fundamentally incorrect treatment causes complications. They are difficult to treat at home, and the person has to go to the hospital.

In order to avoid mistakes and not drink ACC, Sinecode, or Mucaltin in vain, it is worth understanding the cause of cough in adults and choosing effective method combat this problem. First of all, a cough is irritated bronchi and is far from it.

There are many cough medicines, which one should you choose?

The same active ingredient can be the basis of different cough medications

The season of flu and respiratory diseases is in full swing, so all kinds of medicines, syrups and cough tablets are in special demand at the pharmacy. But how to choose a remedy that will help you cope with the disease? After all, there are a lot of drugs on the shelves, for every taste and wallet size. However, in fact, there are not so many chemical substances that form the basis of the medicine. The same active ingredient has a bunch of trade names, and they can vary quite a lot in price. Let's try to understand the pharmacy assortment.

Most drugs prescribed for coughs can be divided into three main groups: mucolytics - drugs that dilute sputum, facilitating its discharge; expectorants – intensifying cough and accelerating the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract; sedatives - reducing the activity of cough.


Sodium bicarbonate – increases secretion in the bronchi and thins mucus; Calcium stearate; Food tartaric acid.

Release form

Pharmacological group


Proven remedy for painful cough- Mucaltin tablets. It effectively thins mucus and promotes its removal. At the same time, the drug is characterized by low cost and natural composition. How to take Mucaltin tablets for adults, what kind of cough it will help with, and also possible contraindications discussed in the information in this article.

pharmachologic effect

Mucaltin tablets belong to the so-called secretolics - drugs with pronounced expectorant properties. In the body, it helps produce a special secretion from the bronchial glands, and also stimulates the activity of the ciliated epithelium, due to which sputum is expelled faster.

The active ingredient of Mucaltin is extract medicinal root marshmallow This is a proven remedy for eliminating difficult dry cough. After taking Mucaltin, the cough becomes wet or, from a medical point of view, productive, which means it alleviates the condition.

Cough remedies

Cough often becomes the real problem - this cold symptom lasts the longest and is usually the most inconvenient. Moreover, an untreated cough can cause serious complications. This is why it is worth using the most effective, proven means to treat cough.

The choice of cough suppressants should be determined by a number of nuances. Chief among them is whether the cough is wet or dry. Mucolytics and expectorants are used to treat wet cough. Treatment of dry cough requires the use of drugs that suppress the cough reflex. Both for the treatment of dry cough and for the fight against wet cough, many products are produced so that it is quite difficult to navigate among them. We bring to your attention the most effective cough remedies: perhaps our review will help you choose the best option treatment.

ACC is one of the most popular drugs for moisture.

The drug Mucaltin has become an old, proven cough remedy for several generations. Many people know these gray-brown tablets based on natural plant ingredients - marshmallow root.

His beneficial features known since ancient times - ethnoscience recommends using the plant in the treatment of the respiratory, digestive and immune systems of the body.

Althea has not just a strong, but a very powerful effect on the bronchi. This unique ability of the plant is reflected in Mucaltin tablets.

For several decades, the drug has been one of the best expectorants, while also having anti-inflammatory properties.

The mechanism of action of the drug is as follows: it begins to be absorbed into oral cavity, but most of the nutrients enter the blood from the stomach. After passing through the liver, its components improve the functionality of mucus-forming cells, accelerating them.

Mucolytics are substances that help "breathe" full breasts", thinning mucus and clearing the airways. This group of drugs includes drugs such as ACC or Ambrobene. Most often, the indications for their use are acute bronchitis, Chronical bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Which drug is more effective, and can they be taken together? To answer these questions, let's get acquainted with the features of these drugs and compare their therapeutic effects.

What is the difference between Ambrobene and ACC?

ACC and Ambrobene together belong to the pharmaceutical group of mucolytic agents, but the active ingredients in them are different. At Ambrobene active component is ambroxol, and in ACC is N-acetyl-L-cysteine.

Ambrobene is produced by MERCKLE (Germany) in the form of:

ambroxol 30 mg tablets; 75 mg capsules; solution for oral administration and inhalation, 7.5 mg/ml; solution for intravenous administration, 7.5.

Is it possible to take Mucaltin and ACC at the same time?

I am not a doctor, I treat my family and children myself, and I think that these two antitussive drugs should not be taken at the same time.

Both Mucaltin and ACC have an antitussive effect.

You need to drink one thing.

It's like taking paracetamol and washing it down with Nise.

It is better to give preference to Mucaltin, since this drug is natural, herbal based, has no side effects and only 2 contraindications.

ACC may cause more harm

It is recommended to drink Mucaltin with Bromhexine.

For a dry cough, drink Mucaltin for 5 days to remove sputum, and then drink Pertusin to remove residual effects.

Mucaltin is a remedy that has an emollient, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant effect.

ACC is also a drug that has an expectorant and mucolytic effect.

The difference between these drugs is the price. For example, the medicine ACC in the form of tablets costs about 300 rubles in pharmacies, and the cost of Mucaltin tablets is only 12 rubles.

There is no point in taking these two medications together as they have similar effects.

For coughs, doctors often prescribe ACC, but the budget drug “Mukaltin” is often forgotten, and it’s completely in vain, Mukaltin is an excellent drug.

As for whether it is possible to take these two drugs at the same time, it is still better to abandon this idea, the drugs have approximately the same effect, so why take both drugs.

Yes, this method may be suitable for use, because both of these drugs can be used in treatment absolutely in parallel. The drug - ACC has an effect that causes expectoration and a mucolytic effect in a person.

Also this drug can significantly reduce the viscosity of mucus, which is located in the bronchi and will allow more the easy way so that mucus comes out when coughing. The drug Mucaltin has an effect that is aimed at preventing inflammatory process and bronchodilator effect.

The drug reduces the number of urges and also promotes the release of mucus located in the lungs. These drugs can interact with each other, and quite freely.

If you go deeper and read the section where drugs that are contraindicated for interaction are written, you can easily make sure that these drugs do not react with each other, and in no way. There are no contraindications. You should not be nervous and can safely use these drugs at the same time.

In order to answer this question, you must first imagine the effect of these medications.

Mucaltin belongs to the group of expectorant drugs, secretolytic plant origin. Used for diseases of the lower respiratory tract to relieve cough.

ACC is a mucolytic and expectorant drug.

Expectorants are necessary for better expectoration. You can't overdo them. It is recommended to choose one drug and treat with it.

ACC is a mucolytic, and Mucoltin is an expectorant drug.

It is recommended to combine them, i.e. on initial stage for cough treatment, take ACC, and then move on to taking Mucaltin. But because ACC also has an expectorant effect, so you should not take them at the same time. Then it is better to simply take ACC throughout the entire treatment.

Yes, this method is suitable, both drugs can be taken in parallel.

ACC has an expectorant and mucolytic effect. The drug significantly reduces the viscosity of mucus in the bronchi and allows it to clear more easily when coughing. At the same time, Mucaltin has an anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator effect; it reduces the number of coughs, but at the same time promotes the release of mucus from the lungs.

These drugs do not interact with each other. If you read the section with contraindications of drugs and their interactions, you can be sure that these two drugs do not react with each other. Therefore, you don’t have to worry that when simultaneous administration it will turn out something toxic.

Of course you can - these medications act differently, ACC is a thinning drug, and Mucoltin is an expectorant.

It turns out very well - an old cough will first become more liquid and you can cough it up right away, for example, that’s what I do, only instead of Mucaltin I take bromhexine.

Cough medications for bronchitis

A concept such as cough is too vague and indefinite for a self-respecting doctor to define it as a diagnosis. Patients most often do not go to the doctor with such a “trivial” problem; it is easier and faster to go to the pharmacy and, having chosen a nice box from the shelf with cough medicines, go home with peace of mind to drink the medicine (syrup, mixture, tablets).

It happens that the body is strong, and unprofessional use of drugs such as ACC, Sinekod, Ambrobene, Mucaltin without a doctor’s prescription proceeds normally, but there are increasingly cases where inconsistent, fundamentally incorrect treatment causes complications. They are difficult to treat at home, and the person has to go to the hospital.

Causes of cough

  • Additional materials
  • How to get rid of cough due to bronchitis using medicines and herbs
  • What to do if a child coughs: effective medications and folk remedies
  • Antitussives - a list of the best remedies for wet and dry coughs in adults and children
  • Traditional recipes for the treatment of pneumonia

In order to avoid mistakes and not drink ACC, Sinekod or Mukaltin in vain, it is worth understanding the cause of cough in adults and choosing an effective way to combat this problem. First of all, a cough is a reflex to irritation, and the symptoms of a cough are not always a cold or flu. The cause of its occurrence in adults and children may be:

  • allergy;
  • various tumors;
  • chemical exposure;
  • heart diseases;
  • viral infections, ARVI, influenza;
  • bacterial infections;
  • foreign bodies;
  • gastroesophageal reflux, etc.

In the respiratory system of adults and children, mucus is necessary; without it, the body does not function correctly. The bronchi are especially rich in secretion, and that is why when they are affected by a viral or bacterial infection They are the ones who often signal us about a problem that has arisen. It is impossible to decide on your own why we cough.

Today, there are a number of drugs for bronchitis, such as ACC, Sinekod, Ambrobene, Mukaltin, which successfully fight the disease. But it is important to know what problem they solve.

How do cough suppressants work?

All cough preparations can be divided into two large groups: those that block the cough reflex by various mechanisms and those that promote the discharge of secretions by strengthening the reflex or changing it rheological properties. The first group includes “Codeine”, “Libexin”, “Glaucin”, “Sinekod”, “Tusuprex”, etc.

The second group includes most herbal syrups (“Bronchicum”, “Doctor Mom” and others), “Ambroxol”, “Bromhexine”, “Acetylcysteine”, “Carbocisteine”, “Erdosteine”.

There are also combination medications, syrups or mixtures, which contain drugs that suppress cough and improve bronchial function (“Broncholitin”). But at the same time, there are certain indications for use, and if the disease drags on, then you must stop taking the syrup and strictly follow the instructions and doctor’s prescription.

The most correct and effective treatment can be considered one in which taking drugs does not suppress the cough, but improves the quality of the bronchi, they cope with the infection better, all sputum leaves, becomes softer, and gradually, by taking ACC, Mucaltin, Ambrobene, you can achieve relief and cure . These drugs ensure that sputum easily leaves the bronchi without causing suffocating attacks in adult patients and children.

There are drugs for the treatment of bronchitis with a natural component and with chemical composition. For the first category, medicinal herbs are mainly used:

You can drink breast collection based on herbs. Children with bronchitis often face the problem of administering medicine, and in this regard, syrup is a good solution, since the child will gladly drink sweet syrup instead of an unpleasant pill. Some manufacturers combine medicinal herbs and chemicals in the treatment of bronchitis. The effectiveness is also high, and the price is quite affordable compared to imported drugs.

You have to take medications based on medicinal herbs often, since their effect is short-lived, but they have the least effect on immune system, there are no side effects like chemical drugs.


Drugs that dilute sputum have a high effect; they are recommended to be taken, but its volume does not increase, and it leaves the bronchi without hindrance. The following medicines and drugs do an excellent job of treating bronchitis:


Contraindications include hypersensitivity to components, hemoptysis and risk pulmonary hemorrhage, stomach and duodenal ulcers in acute period, as well as with caution during pregnancy (risk of bleeding) and lactation (insufficient data on the effect on the baby).

Indications for use

Fluditek, ACC, Ambrobene are prescribed by doctors in the following cases:

  • bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, bronchiolitis;
  • for acute and chronic forms of bronchitis;
  • in preparation for surgery or examination;
  • lobar and other forms of pneumonia.


The Swiss drug "Fluimucil" is in the same price category as ACC, and the Yugoslav acetylcysteine-hemofarm is considered cheaper. Russian Ambroxol can compete with Ambrobene, since it is a cheaper drug. All analogues have been tested and it is recommended to take them in the same dosages.

  1. Be sure to consult a doctor, do not self-medicate, it is important to find out the cause of the cough in time.
  2. Do not trust pharmacists; do not blindly follow their recommendations and take medications, as they cannot assess the clinical picture.
  3. An effective effect on the body of drugs: “Ambrobene”, “Sinekod”, ACC, is possible under conditions of rest, clean air and plenty of drinking.
  4. Use cough suppressants with great caution; they can only be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination.
  5. For colds, it is recommended to drink “Mukaltin” or a syrup that has an expectorant effect, which contains herbs of plant origin; it is safe and effective.
  6. A solution that works well is to combine mucolytic drugs, such as ACC, Ambrobene, with herbal products; Mucaltin is prescribed to children over one year old two to three times a day.

For children, inhalation procedures are often effective; Ambrobene is a good option. In order to prevent complications in children and adults, and without waiting for antibiotics and injections to be prescribed, you can consider using a nebulizer with saline solution or alkaline mineral water.

How to identify symptoms and treat tracheobronchitis

Symptoms and treatment of bronchitis in an infant from 1 month to a year

Shortness of breath with bronchitis: how to ease breathing, first aid

All information on the site is presented for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor.

©, medical portal about diseases of the respiratory system Pneumonija.ru

Full or partial copying of information from the site without providing an active link to it is prohibited.

Which is better: Azts or Mucaltin?

Confrontation between Azts and Mucaltina! Online voting will help identify best drug from this product segment. You can also express your point of view by taking part in the survey. The outcome may depend on your vote. Find it difficult to answer? Then quickly read the reviews of other people who have tested the functions of the drugs on themselves.

When you start voting, be sure to compare personal experience use of Mucaltin and Acc. Overall rating should consist of the quality of the product, the presence or absence of side effects, and the general impression after use. We advise you not to take into account the price of drugs, pay attention exclusively to the effectiveness.


Cough. Cough remedies. Without codeine: ACC, Mucaltin, Bromhexine, Ambroxol, Bronholitin, Thyme, Coltsfoot.

The main thing about coughing. Antitussive drugs

the respiratory tract is cleared of foreign substances: dust, mucus, sputum, pieces of food, pus, etc. The role of cough, in this sense, is positive. Thanks to the cough, there are no mechanical obstacles that could interfere with the patency of the “airways” (I.G. Bereznyakov, “Mechanisms of cough”). Cough may be the only symptom of lung cancer, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, etc. And in this, the role of cough is again positive: it pushes us to find the cause of the cough, and, therefore, makes it possible to contact specialists in time and conduct the necessary diagnostic examinations.

1) Firstly, this is codeine, the effects of which we have already written about.

Bithiodine (INN - Tipepidine).

pathways and lightly on the medulla oblongata (on its centers).

Antitussive agent of peripheral action.

Asverin and others.

Glaucine is a centrally acting antitussive agent.

May be included in complex means, say, together with

ephedrine and sage (“Broncholin-sage”) or with ephedrine

and with common basil oil (“Bronholitin”).

Glaucine can also be a monocomponent medicine.

Trade names: Glaucine, Glaucine hydrochloride, Glauvent.

Glaucine does not depress respiration and does not affect intestinal motility.

It also suppresses the cough center (like codeine).

Difference from codeine: does not cause drug dependence.

4)Butamirat has a number of actions (INN - Butamirate):

Butamirate promotes expansion

II . Medicines that thin sputum and promote its removal, - mucolytic agents (Bromhexine, ACC, Ambroxol):

1) ACC 100 and ACC 200 (1 tablet may contain 100 or 200 mg of the active substance - acetylcysteine).

Both adults and children can take over six years of age (even with such a serious illness as cystic fibrosis). ACC reduces the viscosity of mucus and promotes its removal to the outside (even in the presence of pus).

It is recommended to first obtain the advice of a doctor (there are, among other things, many contraindications to the use of ACC): each patient is individual, and only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment in order to avoid side effects from taking the medication and at the same time be cured, avoiding complications of the disease.

The main advantage of the drug: it is believed that Bromhexine promotes the formation of surfactant.

Reduces the viscosity of sputum, increases its volume, improves its removal from the patient's body.

The drug has many synonyms: Bisolvan, Brodisol, Flegamin (Polish-made syrup), Solvin, Mucovin, etc.

Mucolytic (secretolytic) Bromhexine sometimes produces minor side effects that go away with cessation of drug therapy.

Do not take the drug together with codeine(it makes it difficult to release liquefied sputum).

Incompatible with alkaline solutions.

Can be taken in parallel with other medications prescribed for the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases.

Patients with peptic ulcer and bronchial asthma need strict medical supervision when taking Bromhexine.

Bromhexine is used for bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronch. asthma, tracheobronchitis and even cystic fibrosis. Bromhexine is used before/after operations, as well as after bronchography (for accelerated elimination contrast agent).

Available in the form of tablets, dragees, elixirs, drops. The course of taking tablets is from four days to two weeks.

For children Bromhexine tablets are prescribed only from the age of three.

Bioavailability of the drug is approx. 80%. The effect of Bromhexine therapy occurs two to five days after the start of its use.

Indications for use Ambroxol is basically the same as Bromhexine.

Used in the therapy of adults and children, and can be used even in newborns with respiratory failure.

Available in the form of tablets, syrup, ampoule solution for IV and IM administration.

Treatment should be prescribed by a specialist. Therapeutic effect appears after two to six days.

Ambroxol has a number of synonyms: Ambrobene, Ambrogaxol, Flavamed, Lazolvan.

The active substances are Glaucine (Glaucini hydrobromidum) and Ephedrine (Ephedrini hydrochloridum). The remaining components are auxiliary.

This Bulgarian-made medication is considered a prescription drug.

4. Mukaltin (INN - marshmallow medicinal extract; Althalae officinalis extract).

Mucaltin produces an expectorant effect. The medication stimulates active work ciliated epithelium, and also activates the contraction of respiratory bronchioles. In addition, the secretion of the bronchial glands increases.

In a tablet Mucaltina: 50 mg of dry marshmallow root extract + auxiliary components. Among the latter, it is especially worth highlighting sodium bicarbonate, which helps to dilute sputum and increases bronchial secretion (although the secretion of mucus increases only slightly).

Indications for use Mucaltina are spicy and chronic diseases respiratory system: tracheobronchitis, COPD, etc.

Therapy - 1 week or two: 1 tablet. - two 3-4 x / day.

For children 1 table sometimes dissolved in a third of a century. warm water.

As in the above cases, Do not prescribe Mucaltin together with codeine-containing drugs(and for the same reason: codeine prevents the removal of liquefied secretions).

Timely prescribed combination treatment (in addition to the above remedies and methods, the doctor may prescribe other drugs: antibiotics, etc.) for diseases of the respiratory system experienced specialists will help you in the most short time recover and avoid complications.

Many experts believe that in some cases a reasonable combination of allopathy can help ( traditional medicine) and homeopathy.

You may be interested in the use of immunomodulators as one of the methods of strengthening the immune system.

ACC is a popular cough medicine with an active mucolytic effect. The anti-inflammatory drug is especially effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases with the presence of purulent sputum.

Pharmacies sell effervescent tablets, syrup, and soluble powder under the ACC brand. It has a pleasant sweetish taste, which explains the prevalence of its use for children.

The active ingredient is acetylcysteine, which has the ability to facilitate the process of expectoration of sputum and mucus.

It is advisable to prescribe the ACC drug for diseases bronchopulmonary system at the stage of the beginning of a productive cough, profuse and wet, and also if there is an inflammatory process in the secretion.

The average price of a medicine is from 120 to 350 rubles, depending on the amount of medicine in the package, as well as on the concentration of the active substance.

Below is a list of selected cheap analogues drug, in accordance with the country of manufacture.

Russian-made analogues

Cough is a common symptom of ARVI and other colds. There are a huge number of medications designed to treat this problem. Among the domestically produced drugs there are many inexpensive synonyms of ACC, which our mothers and grandmothers have used for years, taking care of our health.

A drug Average cost in pharmacies Description
Mukaltin 16 rubles Herbal tablets. The active ingredient is the root of the marshmallow herb.

Facilitates the process of expectoration, an excellent anti-inflammatory drug.

Indicated for wet, productive cough. The cheapest close substitute for ACC.

Pectusin 18 rubles An expectorant thins mucus and speeds up its removal from the respiratory tract. Release form: syrup.

Combined medicine of plant origin.

The composition of the medicine includes thyme extract, thyme extract, as well as potassium bromide, ethyl alcohol and sugar syrup.

Due to the presence of alcohol, the drug is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.

Bromhexine From 20 rubles Indications for use: respiratory tract diseases accompanied by the presence of viscous and difficult to separate secretions.

Effective for bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, bronchial asthma, chronic pneumonia, tracheobronchitis.

Bronchostop From 340 rubles The release form of the drug is syrup, lozenges for resorption. Excellently dilutes bronchial secretions and promotes the formation of surfactant.
Acetylcysteine From 220 rubles Effervescent tablets with the same active ingredient as ACC. Has similar characteristics and properties.

Ukrainian substitutes

Let's consider Ukrainian-made drugs that are close substitutes for the original medication:

  • Ambroxol. Mucolytic agent used for bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma. Do not take the medicine in combination with antitussive components. The average price is 20 rubles.
  • Ambrotard 75. Long-acting capsules. An expectorant that facilitates the removal of secretions from the lower respiratory tract. Not recommended for childhood up to 12 years old. The average price is 90 rubles.
  • Pertusin. Available in the form of sweet sugar syrup. The composition of the medicine includes thyme extract and potassium bromide. Can be used during pregnancy. The average price is 55 rubles.
  • Salbroxol. The active ingredient is ambroxol. Expectorant, anti-inflammatory component. Indicated for bronchitis and asthma. It has an extensive list of contraindications. The average price is 40 rubles.

Belarusian generics

Belarusian generics of ACC are actively used in the treatment of respiratory diseases accompanied by the presence of viscous or purulent sputum.

Reasonable prices and widespread availability made them worthy competitors to drugs from domestic manufacturers and other imported ones.

  • Atseteson. The average price is from 30 to 95 rubles. Release form: powder with orange scent. Use is possible for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. The active ingredient is acetylcysteine.
  • Acetsex Pharma. The average price is from 15 to 55 rubles. Powder for preparing a solution. Facilitates the removal of mucus and helps the expectoration process. Has strong antioxidant properties.
  • Acetsemed. The average price is from 70 to 240 rubles. Soluble bulk mixture. Prescribed when respiratory diseases with thick and poorly separated secretions in the respiratory tract.

Other foreign analogues

Replacing with a cheap medicine among imported medicines is not always possible. Foreign analogues have a higher price, having the same properties. The table below shows the most popular medications marked “cheaper”.

A drug Average cost in pharmacies Peculiarities
Fluimucil From 195 rubles Country of origin: Italy, Switzerland. Release form: effervescent tablets, powder. Mucolytic agent with the active substance – acetylcysteine.

A modern medicine that increases the volume of mucus, promoting the removal of purulent sputum. For children, fluimucil can be used after 6 years of age.

Mukobene From 180 rubles Country of origin: Austria. Available in the form of powder and soluble effervescent tablets. Prescribed for productive wet cough.

In order to prevent respiratory complications in the postoperative period.

Fluditek From 160 rubles An effective cough remedy for difficult sputum evacuation. The drug can be taken by children from 1 month, as well as during lactation.

During pregnancy, the medicine is allowed to be taken in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

When choosing cough medications, it is important to understand the significant difference between mucolytic and antitussive medications. Under no circumstances should these medications be taken at the same time, as they may worsen the severity of the disease.

The principle of action of mucolytics is to promote the formation of sputum and its separation. Antitussive medications eliminate reflex cough, thereby allowing a large volume of sputum to remain inside.

ACC and all the medications indicated in the article are mucolytic agents that need to be used only when the cough has entered the wet and productive phase. The selection of the necessary synonym should be carried out together with the attending physician.

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Variety of dosage forms in pharmacy chain leads to confusion for the buyer. Can you believe in the effectiveness of the proposed remedies? Pharmacists are known to have a penchant for expanding sales and their dependence on revenue. Doctors now have the opportunity to test any drug at the level evidence-based medicine. But lack of time and interest leads to standard appointments. Let's try to compare the two popular drugs ourselves. After this, we will decide how to treat the cough.

How did Fluimucil and ACC appear?

Fluimucil is produced by the Italian company Zambon Group. The company has been operating successfully for over 100 years. About half of the products are devoted to the treatment of respiratory diseases. In the mid-50s of the last century, the company's scientific adviser, Professor Vittorio Ferrari, drew attention to the ability of the chemical substance, acetylcysteine, to break the bonds of mucopolysaccharides in mucus. It turned out that in this way it is possible to liquefy the secretions produced by the body. You can take medicine orally to remove mucous contents. This is how Fluimucil was created. Now it would be called an innovative drug. This was not just the discovery of a new drug, but the beginning of a whole class of drugs - mucolytics.

According to the law, the company that holds the patent alone enjoys all rights to produce products for 20 years. After this, any pharmaceutical companies have the right to produce the same medicine under their own name, but labeled “generic”. On the packaging at the top right after the name there is an R in a circle. Thus, many dosage forms appeared on the pharmaceutical market under the names ACC, ACC-100, ACC-200, ACC-long Acetylcysteine, Acetylcysteine ​​Sediko effervescent instant, Acetylcysteine ​​Stada, Acetylcysteine ​​Stada International, Acetylcysteine-Hemofarm, Muco Sanigen, Mukobene, Mucomist, Mukonex, N-AC-Ratiopharm, Tussicom, Exomyuk. They are produced by Germany, Slovenia, and India. Previously, in the USSR they actively used the ampoule form of Acetylcysteine ​​for intramuscular injection and inhalations.

As a rule, generics differ in some way from the main drug. Each company makes its own changes. Even the modern Fluimucil from Zambon Group differs from the original version and is itself a generic. This does not mean that the new drugs are worse. But the patent holder company always has the opportunity to keep its little secrets.


We have the opportunity to compare two drugs: Fluimucil and ACC only based on the information contained in the instructions and available to consumers.

They do not differ in their mechanism of action, since both contain the same active substance- acetylcysteine. Dosage in modern forms also no different: you can choose 100 mg for children, 200 mg and 600 mg for adults.

ACC has a prolonged form, ACC-long, which is taken once a day.

The composition includes various additives. On the one hand, they improve taste and make it easier to ingest, on the other hand, they add sugars, calories and allergenic potential. This worries people diabetes mellitus and various allergic manifestations.

IN effervescent tablets Fluimucil contains baking soda, and in ACC it is calcified.

Fluimucil uses aspartame from sugars, and ACC uses saccharin. Therefore, taking Fluimucil does not require counting carbohydrate units, and ACC requires a review of the insulin dosage for a patient with diabetes.

There are no Fluimucil tablets and granules additional substances as in ACC ( ascorbic acid, sodium cyclamate and citrate, lactose, mannitol).

There are no symptoms of overdose during treatment with Fluimucil even when taking 0.5 g per kg of body weight per day (30 g for a weight of 60 kg). ACC is characterized by nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

According to the release form: tablets and sachets of Fluimucil are each designed for single use, packaged in isolation, protected from exposure to air. The ACC tube contains 6, 10 and 20 tablets at once. After opening, air partially inactivates the drug.

The antioxidant effect of Fluimucil is considered very important. The destruction of free radicals allows you to relieve intoxication in various inflammatory diseases of the lungs and bronchi, and cleanse the liver. This property is verified clinical trials and is used in therapy. ACC has no research on this issue.

Even for a consumer who is not experienced in chemistry, it is clear that Fluimucil has significant advantages. Both mucolytics are approved for over-the-counter sale in pharmacies. The following are considered indications:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • laryngotracheitis,
  • sinusitis of the paranasal sinuses,
  • middle ear diseases,
  • cystic fibrosis,
  • pneumonia.

When choosing medicinal product For ourselves and our loved ones, we prefer the best and safest remedy.