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What removes radiation from the body after an x-ray. How does radiation affect humans? Sources of radiation

Radiation surrounds humans and is used in daily life.

The source of radiation is cosmic and solar radiation, radionuclides from the earth’s crust, water, and air.

The normal radiation level is 0.07 μSv/hour.

Penetrating radiation and isotopes entering the body with food, water, air:

  • causes intoxication;
  • destroys barrier mechanisms and immunity;
  • changes the composition and functions of cells, including stem cells;
  • has a pathological effect on collagen tissue and epithelium;
  • distorts metabolic processes;
  • disrupts the production and structure of red blood cells.

As a result, massive types of cancer, leukemia, radiation sickness and radiation reaction.

Sources of radioactive exposure

In addition to natural radiation, humans are affected by radioactive radiation used:

  • when conducting medical research (radiography);
  • during subsoil exploration and mapping;
  • during flaw detection to check the quality, composition and dimensions of metal products;
  • during scanning of air transport passengers;
  • for the treatment of cancer and other types of diseases.

Airplane passengers, miners, geologists, military pilots, nuclear power plant workers, etc. are exposed to forced exposure. In areas with hazardous environmental conditions, people are gradually exposed to small but regular doses of radiation.

Radiation is not perceived by human senses. Radioisotopes can accumulate unnoticed, leading to diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to remove radioactive isotopes from the body.

Medical preparations for the removal of radioactive isotopes

People know about the properties of iodine preparations during irradiation. But WHO warns that potassium iodide and others pharmaceuticals with iodine are not a universal antidote to radiation.

They can only help if radioactive isotopes of iodine-131 are introduced into the body. In other cases, uncontrolled use of iodine preparations leads to dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

One of the recommended iodine preparations is Detoxadine® - the drug is produced using unique nanotechnology. The drug is produced from a transforming bioelementary matrix based on glycerin, which softens the effect of iodine on the gastrointestinal tract.

Another radioactive isotope widely found in nature is cesium-137. Radiocesium is accumulated by algae, plants, animals, and fungi. In animals and humans, radiocesium is deposited in the muscles and liver.

Cesium is removed using sorbents, for example, barium sulfate, sodium alginate. Effectively binds 137 Cs into an insoluble compound and reduces absorption in the intestine of the Ferrocyanide sorbent. Potassium orotate reduces the accumulation of radiocesium isotopes.

To accelerate the elimination of 137 Cs, various complexing agents are used, for example, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA).

Preparations with calcium and magnesium effectively reduce the absorption of strontium-90. Radiostrontium enters the environment during nuclear weapons testing and accidents at nuclear power plants. 90 Sr is an analogue of calcium, therefore it accumulates mainly in bone tissue and teeth.

Calcium and magnesium preparations “displace” radiostrontium. For example, Dr. L. Polling found that IntraCal, a combination of calcium orotate and magnesium orotate, reduces the accumulation of 90Sr by 90%. The drug is used in rehabilitation therapy after radiation irradiation of cancerous tumors.

To reduce the consequences X-ray exposure and exposure to radioisotopes use Dimethyl sulfoxide, a strong antioxidant used in the form of a solution ( tradename Dimexide). The drug inhibits the pairing of the original DNA molecules and prevents the accumulation of damage in them, blocks the formation of negative radicals in cells under the influence of radiation and prevents their damage.

Natural sources of substances that help cleanse the body of radioactive contamination are clays, for example kaolin, red clay, green French clay, bentonite, montmorillonite. Bentonite clays have binding, absorption, and catalytic activity.

Enterosorbents are effective drugs for reducing the amount of radioactive isotopes entering the gastrointestinal tract. Activated carbon is able to absorb and remove almost an equilibrium amount of toxic substances (10 g of carbon removes about 7 g of toxic substances).

The drug Germanium-132 is used to increase immune status in the treatment of many diseases. Japanese scientists have found that a drug based on organic germanium:

  • increases oxygen transport in tissues;
  • shows antitumor activity;
  • increases immunity.

Japanese scientists have found that the anti-radiation activity of Germany-132 is due to its properties similar to the functions of red blood cells. Organic germanium also has the properties to induce γ-interferons, which prevent the proliferation of rapidly dividing cells, activating T-killers, stimulating the radioprotective functions of the lymphatic system.

Food from radiation

Hippocrates counted food the best medicine from many diseases. In case of radiation poisoning, certain foods are a necessary addition to drug therapy.

Dietary nutrition using products that remove radionuclides can prevent diseases caused by radiation.

The table shows some necessary products nutrition and medicinal plants used to detoxify the body.

Name of products and plants Content Properties
Garlic, aloe, ginseng Germanium Antitumor, immunostimulating effect, oxygen transport
Dried apricots, nuts, beets, vegetable oil, liver, pumpkin, pepper Potassium Remove radiocesium
Dairy products, egg shells calcium Reduce radioactive strontium levels
Meat – pork, poultry and sea ​​fish, asparagus, quail eggs methionine Removes radionuclides
Vegetables and fruits cellulose Absorbs toxins, stimulates peristalsis, accelerates the elimination of radionuclides
Euterpe vegetable (acai berry), red wine Anthocyanins, vitamins B, E, magnesium, potassium Antioxidant, energy-stimulating, reparative, blood-forming
Algae, sea fish, green walnut shell iodine Displaces radioactive iodine
Carrots, sea buckthorn, apricots, tomatoes carotene Reparative effect at the cellular level
Eggs, legumes, brown rice, sunflower seeds, flax selenium Antioxidant, antitumor
Apples, rose hips, currants, plums, beets, watermelon, citrus zest pectin Absorbing, enveloping, removes radionuclides, antitumor
Bee products – bee bread, pollen, royal jelly Microelements, vitamins, bioactive substances Immunostimulants, sorbents

For effective removal radionuclides must be observed drinking regime. At least 5 glasses clean water in a day. Need to drink natural juices, decoctions medicinal plants, herbal teas, green tea.

Alcohol does not protect the body from radiation. The only one alcoholic drink, which is not large quantities(100-150 ml/day) is indicated for irradiation - natural red wine, which removes radionuclides due to the pectins it contains.

It is possible to remove radiation, but you should not be zealous when using it medical supplies. They must be prescribed by a doctor.

Today, the topic of contamination of the human body with radioactive substances is especially relevant. The Chernobyl accident, the explosion at the Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant caused great harm nature and made every person shudder from the possible consequences.

After all, radiation easily spreads through the air - it can reach even the most remote corners of the Earth within a few hours.

Increased radioactive background poses a great threat to the life and health of every person. In our article you will learn how you can protect and protect your health from the effects of radionuclides, as well as how to cleanse your body of heavy metals using folk remedies.

How to remove radiation from the body?

Radioactive decay products are dangerous to the health of any living creature. They have a destructive effect on the nervous and digestive systems, negatively affect the activity of enzymes, and contribute to rapid aging of the skin.

Also, radionuclides and heavy metals are quite difficult to remove from the body. Experts have proven that proper nutrition, following an appropriate diet, periodic fasting have a preventive effect and help remove radiation from the body.

Products that remove radiation from the body

Most effective method to cleanse the body of the negative effects of radiation - this is therapeutic fasting. If you want to protect yourself from radionuclides, follow special diet, make sure that the following products predominate in your daily diet:

  • almonds or walnuts;
  • lentils and oats;
  • apples;
  • beans;
  • pumpkin;
  • seaweed.

People who have received a certain dose of radiation must eat foods that contain fiber to successfully remove radioactive decay products from the body.

Diet for cleansing the body

  1. Before eating vegetables and fruits, thoroughly peel and remove 3 or more top leaves from cabbage, since most of the dangerous pesticides are contained in the upper layers of the fruit.
  2. Potassium-rich foods such as beets, dried apricots, apricots, as well as black currants, nuts, parsley, and seaweed prevent the absorption of radionuclides. Fill your diet with them.
  3. Drink milk, eat dairy products, especially cottage cheese. The calcium they contain reduces the amount of strontium in the body.
  4. Meat consumption should be limited. Especially great harm beef, which contains greatest number radionuclides. When boiling meat, be sure to drain the first broth.
  5. Provide your body with fluid. So 265 ml of water removes about 1 gm harmful substances. It is recommended to drink decoctions of prunes, flax, natural wine, vodka or alcohol in small quantities (if the liver is absolutely healthy). Juices with pulp absorb heavy metals and promote their accelerated elimination.

Be sure to take your pills before meals activated carbon. They must be crushed and the resulting powder sifted through a sieve. Then you need to mix the coal with water and drink the liquid every 15 minutes, 2 tbsp. spoons - the total volume drunk should not exceed 400 ml.

Therapeutic fasting

Periodic refusal to eat gives an effective result and helps rid the body of the presence of heavy radionuclides. During fasting, cell division processes are weakened, and the enzyme system activates active recovery nucleic acid. This causes damaged cells to be repaired.

Therapeutic fasting improves the mechanisms for removing radionuclides, pesticides, and nitrates from the body. For people living in polluted conditions environment, it is important to periodically refuse food for preventive purposes.

Cleansing the body from radiation using folk remedies

1. Method of Zh. Shishko

Fill 1/3 of a three-liter jar with coarse bran, pour in rosehip infusion and leave to infuse for 2 hours. Strain and drink the resulting liquid instead of water.

Fill with young pine shoots 3-liter jar, fill everything with sugar or honey. Leave for 24 hours, take no more than 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

2. Bolotov serum

Pour 3 liters of purified water into a container, dip a bag of 20-30 chestnut fruits into the liquid, which must first be peeled and cut in half. Add a glass of sugar, half a glass of whey and a teaspoon of sour cream to the container. Infuse for 2 weeks, take the resulting drink for a month, half a glass before meals.

3. Getting rid of heavy metals in the body according to Deryabin

Pine, birch buds and set medicinal herbs(nettle, plantain, eucalyptus and others) mix. 14th century Pour 3 liters of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture and leave for 7-8 hours. Take the infusion warmed one hour before meals. Drink up to 3 glasses a day. Store in a cool place.

4. Eggshells against radiation

Due to the presence of silicon, calcium, and molybdenum in the shell, every biochemical reaction in the body proceeds more efficiently. For this method Only the shells of domestic eggs are suitable for cleaning.

The shell must be washed, dried, and then ground to a powder. Take the resulting powder 2-6 grams every morning with water and lemon juice.

Herbs for radiation

  • Recipe No. 1 – pour 3 tablespoons of chopped rose hips with boiled water (up to 500 ml). Boil and leave for up to 2 hours. Take 1 glass of infusion per day, with a teaspoon of honey.
  • Recipe No. 2 – 2 tbsp. spoons chokeberry pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for at least 6 hours. Take 1/3 cup before meals.
  • Recipe No. 3 - fill a 3-liter jar with sea buckthorn and mint leaves, proportion 2: 1. Pour boiling water, leave for 6 hours, then strain and add 100 grams of honey. Drink no more than 3 glasses per day.

Honey from radiation

Honey is an excellent sorbent. Beekeeping products are well absorbed by the body and protect us from the harmful effects of radiation.

When in a zone of increased radiation, each person should eat 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey several times a day. You can dissolve honey in warm water and drink the resulting liquid as often as possible.

I present to your attention several good recipes- where radiation honey helps remove radionuclides in combination with herbs.

Recipe No. 1 – Rosehip and chokeberry with honey

To prepare the cleanser, take 500 grams of rose hips and chokeberry (dried fruits). Thoroughly grind the rose hips and rowan berries in a mortar, then add half a glass of honey, mix well and store in a sealed jar in the refrigerator.

How to use:

Brew regular green tea - half a teaspoon of tea per glass of boiling water, then add a teaspoon of the prepared mixture. We insist. Drink the resulting infusion warm twice a day, before meals.

Recipe No. 2 - Rosehip and red rowan with honey

Take one tablespoon each of red rowan and rose hips. Pour half a liter of boiling water over the fruits and steam the infusion in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then cover with a lid and leave to brew for 2 hours. Strain and add natural honey taste.

How to use:

Received healing infusion You should drink half a glass three times a day, as a vitamin and radiation remover.

Recipe No. 3 - Motherwort five-lobed with honey

To cleanse the body of radiation we take alcohol tincture motherwort - 30 drops, dissolve in half a glass of warm boiled water. Add honey - one tablespoon. Drink twice a day to remove radionuclides.

Submitted traditional methods cleansing the body of radionuclides should be supplemented with the following common actions, to achieve effective results in the shortest possible time:

Education: Grodno State medical University. Specialty: General Practitioner.

Additionally graduated from State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education of Higher Education Borisoglebsk medical School, specialty “Dentistry”, qualification “Dentist”.

Leading specialist in training professional personnel at Borisoglebsk Medical School. In 2008 he graduated from the Borisoglebsk Pedagogical Institute with a degree in pedagogy and psychology, qualification as a pedagogical psychologist.

How to remove radiation from your body after an x-ray? Every person is interested in this issue, since at least once a year, and sometimes more often, they are forced to be exposed to radiation. This happens not only with routine fluorography, but also with x-rays, computed tomography(CT), positron emission tomography, radiation therapy and some others medical procedures Oh.

With a small dose, the harm to humans is minimal, and getting rid of the consequences of the procedure is not at all difficult. The body is able to cope with the resulting load on its own. Large portions lead to the development of radiation sickness, which is fraught with serious consequences up to fatal outcome. This happens, for example, in the case of man-made accidents.

Radiation sources, by the nature of their origin, can be divided into two main groups:

  • natural - space and solar radiation, radioactive isotopes found in the environment;
  • man-made - those created by people themselves ( nuclear explosions and other disasters, x-rays and a number of medical procedures based on the passage of Ro-rays through tissue).

Space and habitat

Every day a person is exposed to sun rays, and this averages more than 50% of the radioactive dose. People who, due to circumstances, are forced to spend a lot of time on the street receive even more. Radionuclides are present in almost every area, and in some places their quantity exceeds the norm tens of times. There is no health threat for residents of “clean” areas. If doubts arise about the environmental situation, then representatives of a company certified for this type of activity can be invited to check the radiation background.

Sources of radiation from the outside are radiation from space and natural radionuclides concentrated in the earth, water and air.

Natural radionuclides are contained in building materials, especially concrete. In houses where ventilation is poorly functioning and it is impossible to properly ventilate the home, the level of radiation exposure is often overestimated.

Phosphorus-based fertilizers in agriculture They are also a source of radionuclides from the uranium and thorium series. These substances accumulate in the soil, and then with food products and dust particles enter the human body. If the land is poor mineral salts, then radionuclides accumulate in it and then migrate into plants.

Thermal power plants can also release radioactive elements into the atmosphere. Citizens receive some dose of radiation due to harmful emissions from nuclear power plants and the deposition of man-made particles on the soil.

The storage areas of radionuclides are forests, mainly coniferous, containing tens of times more such particles than other biocenoses. During fires, they, concentrated in bark and wood, rise into the air with smoke and penetrate even into the deep layers of the atmosphere.

Some radioactive elements enter the body with seafood consumed as food. This is due to high pollution of the seas with cesium and strontium. Artesian and some groundwater are considered free of radionuclides.

A person receives a dose of radiation by inhaling air and eating bread, milk, nightshades, vegetables and fruits, fish and meat. These are the leaders in radiation content. Maximum concentration radionuclides are typical for freshwater fish northern Russia, where the water of reservoirs is poorly saturated with minerals. The location of fish farms near thermal power plants, and especially nuclear power plants, is also the reason for the more active accumulation of these dangerous elements accumulated in water in the tissues of aquatic inhabitants.

Technical equipment

Old Soviet-made televisions and electro-ray screens also carry some risk of radiation exposure, although small. Modern technology is not harmful to living beings. Neither Cell phones, nor laptops are sources of radiation.

Treatment and diagnosis

A number of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques involve the use of a technique in which the patient receives a dose of radiation. It is especially difficult for cancer patients. Doctors are trying to reduce the likelihood of damage healthy organs and try not to prescribe X-rays or CT scans unless necessary.

During the procedure, radiation remains on the clothing that the patient was wearing at the time of the examination. To check you can use special devices– dosimeters.

Are x-rays harmful?

In the process of radiography, the influence of electromagnetic radiation on human health is present, this cannot be denied. However, is this procedure so harmful? We are all afraid of radiation and have heard a lot about its negative effects. But few people know that a person receives only one third of radiation from man-made sources, the rest comes from natural objects.

The threat of X-rays arises only if a person exceeds the total permissible dose of radiation. So, when doing one x-ray chest the patient receives 0.15-0.4 mSv, and with a dental x-ray - 0.015-0.3 mSv. At the same time, the permissible annual dose is regulated at 150 mSv.

How to reduce the harmful effects of x-rays

To protect yourself from the influence of x-rays, you need to take care not only of after-the-fact measures, but also of preliminary measures. You can help your body by consuming the right products. In addition, pharmacies sell effective antioxidants, for example, Astaxanthin. It is prescribed to reduce the effects of ionizing radiation. If you take the required dose of medicine, it can protect a person from dangerous radiation rays. The drug is started to be taken several weeks in advance, when the date of the procedure is already known.

Permissible and dangerous dose of radiation

About 40 years ago, a unit for measuring the degree of radiation was established - the sievert (Sv). 1 sievert is equal to the amount of energy absorbed by 1 kg of biological tissue. What happens to a person when he receives a dose of radiation depends on the amount of sievert.

To understand what kind of help the victim will need, the table below is given.

Single dose of radiation, Sv Impact on humans
Up to 0.05 Acceptable. Negative consequences not observed
0,05-0,2 There are no symptoms of radiation sickness, although there are risks in the future negative influence for posterity
0,2-0,5 Same
0,5-1 The first symptoms of radiation sickness appear. In men, the risk of infertility increases several times
1-2 Acute radiation sickness. The probability of death within the first month is 10%
2-3 The probability of death increases to 35%. The level of white blood cells in the blood drops seriously
3-6 About 60% of victims die
6-10 The risk of dying is 100%. It is impossible to cure the disease, only to delay death
10-80 Death after such a dose of radiation occurs within half an hour
More than 80 Instant death

By resolution of the Chief government doctor Russian Federation the permissible annual effective dose radiation in the amount of 1 mSv. The maximum total dose is 700 mSv, the permissible dose is 150 mSv.

What happens in the body when exposed to a high dose of radiation?

If you receive a serious dose or a large area is affected skin a person develops pathological syndromes:

  • cerebrovascular;
  • gastrointestinal:
  • oropharyngeal;
  • hemorrhagic.

This is very dangerous conditions, in which sepsis and extensive hemorrhages, including internal ones, are noted.

X-ray for children and pregnant women

The embryo, and then the fetus, is extremely sensitive to the influence of ionizing particles during radiography, so this diagnostic method cannot be called safe for pregnant women. The most critical period is considered to be up to the 9th week of pregnancy, and then the risks decrease with each month. The procedure is prescribed in difficult situations when an x-ray is indispensable (for example, in case of dangerous injuries or suspected tuberculosis). In such situations, you need to agree to an examination in order to protect yourself from more serious problems.

The same rule applies to children. Without serious reasons, studies based on Ro-radiation are not prescribed to patients under 14 years of age. If the benefits of radiography significantly exceed the potential Negative influence, then it is carried out.

What to do and how to remove radiation after an x-ray

During primary exposure, in most cases, a person does not receive a large dose of radiation. Short-term exposure to ionizing rays cannot cause harm to health or lead to irreversible consequences. Still, it would be a good idea to help your body get rid of dangerous substances.

There are several methods aimed at removing radiation from the body. In some cases, several of them can be used at once.

Method using medicinal substances and dietary supplements

  • Revalid;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • CBL502;
  • Graphene;
  • Potassium iodide;
  • Dimethyl sulfide;
  • Mexamine;
  • Potassium orotate.

Listed medical supplies have a powerful effect on the body, so it is better if they are prescribed by the attending physician.

What foods remove radiation from the body?

There are a number of products that are indicated for a patient, including a child, in order to cleanse the body after an x-ray, in the absence of contraindications:

  • food high in selenium ( dried mushrooms, coconut, pistachios, White bread, sunflower seeds, lard);
  • food with pectin and fiber (apricots, quinces, beets, apples, plums, peaches);
  • dairy products (you need to drink milk in large quantities);
  • foods high in potassium (dried apricots, raisins, beans, liver, lentils, eggs, carrots, prunes, cream, unrefined sunflower oil);
  • quail eggs, seafood, as they are rich in methionine;
  • pomegranate, grape and cabbage juices will also help quickly remove radiation.

Natural removal of radionuclides

Diet in combination with therapeutic fasting helps breakdown products exit through the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. Light exposure becomes harmless.

If you have no health problems, you should visit a bathhouse or sauna, exercise regularly, and follow the basic hygiene rules and eat healthy foods, removing radionuclides.

Application of iodine

Iodine is a protector of the thyroid gland, but you should not abuse it with low doses and types of radiation. It is needed in large quantities only for serious conditions.

Does strong alcohol help remove radiation?

The only alcoholic drink that can help combat radiation is dry red wine. A glass of natural high-quality drink helps strengthen immune system and remove radiation particles. In addition, wine contains rubidium, which has proven effective in neutralizing harmful substances.


After the x-ray, you can resort to folk remedies. Tinctures of black radish or rosehip, honey and celery juice help in the fight against harmful radiation exposure.

Tincture according to Deryabin is one of the most effective means, helping to remove radiation from the body. To prepare it you need:

  • mix birch and pine buds, plantain, nettle and eucalyptus leaves;
  • take 15 tablespoons of the resulting dry mixture;
  • pour three liters of boiling water;
  • put in a warm place overnight.

The prepared product should be stored at a temperature of +2…+6, drink three times a day an hour before meals.

You can also drink the effective Bolotov serum. For it you will need chestnuts, water and sour cream.

Myths and facts about removing radiation from the body

It is widely believed that during radiation exposure, iodine helps to recover. But you need to take medicine only in case of disaster. Otherwise, an excessive amount of iodine in the body will only cause harm.

Another myth is that alcohol can protect against radiation. Alcohol actually slows down the process of migration of oxygen molecules and harmful substances throughout the body. But such an effect is achieved only with huge doses of radiation.

But if you drink strong alcohol after an x-ray, then, according to doctors, immune health, on the contrary, worsens. The only exception is red wine.

It's the 21st century. Radiation and humanity today live side by side with each other. Scientific and technological progress is, of course, good, but the development of science and technology leads to constant poisoning of our own existence. In this article we will tell you about what removes radiation from the body.

Constant accidents and explosions at nuclear power plants (for example, the 2011 accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan or the Chernobyl disaster in the city of Pripyat) provoke the release into the air of a huge amount of all kinds of radionuclides and other toxic substances dangerous to our health. And no matter how hard scientists try to prevent and predict possible man-made disasters, as well as think through all sorts of ways to solve them, overcome them and bring the operation of all radiation structures to perfection, everything is in vain! It is we, innocent people, who become victims of our own discoveries!

What removes radiation from the body: the shell chicken eggs

Curiously, scientists have come to the conclusion that chicken egg shells are an excellent way to remove a dangerous substance called strontium from our body. The point is that she is considered best source calcium. There is no comparison with her medications and vitamins containing calcium. Only she can bring out bone marrow human strontium radionuclides. Consume from 2 to 6 grams per day.

What removes radiation from the body: quail eggs

Except eggshells, quail eggs can remove radionuclides from our body. In addition, with the help of them you can remove not very large doses radiation from the body of young children. This conclusion was made by Russian and Belarusian scientists. Why is this happening? Because it is a set of amino acids and vitamins that remove radiation from the body, which cope perfectly with those “settled” inside us.

What else will help us?

What other products exist that remove radiation from the body? ethnoscience gives his list. It contains black bread. The fact is that bread made from dark flour contains a substance called phytin. It binds radioactive particles, preventing them from entering our intestines.

In addition, products containing a large number of fiber. She does a great job of converting. toxic substances, accumulated in our body, into less dangerous ones, after which it successfully removes them from it. So, what removes radiation from the body:

  • lentils;
  • corn;
  • radish;
  • carrot;
  • apples;
  • almond;
  • buckwheat;
  • pumpkin;
  • barley;
  • unpeeled rice

Radionuclides are also well eliminated through eating fruits. Just keep in mind that their top layer (half a centimeter) must be removed, since this is where they accumulate!

Drink green tea!

Scientists have proven that green tea contains miracle substances called catechins. They cleanse our body completely, removing dangerous substances from it. So, friends, drink more green tea!

Radiation and man. Radiation cleanup. Folk remedies cleansing the body of radiation. IN modern conditions The topic of radiation and man has become very relevant. The accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant made everyone on the planet shudder. After all, nuclear contamination threatens not only the territory of Japan, but also many other countries, because radiation easily spreads through the air and the wind can carry it to anywhere on the planet in a matter of hours.

Everyone knows that increased radiation is dangerous to human health. Even slightly elevated background- a threat to health. How to protect yourself from negative impact radionuclides WZ will tell you in this article.

Purification from radionuclides and heavy metals - general recommendations:

Heavy metals and radionuclides are dangerous because they are poorly excreted from the body. They have a nerve-paralytic effect, affect the activity of enzymes, and impair the activity of digestive system, destroy the body's antioxidant system, which protects it from aging. It has been established that of all non-drug treatments for diseases caused by radiation injuries, the most effective are high-quality nutrition and periodic fasting. The recommendations below can be used by those living in high radiation environments.