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Removing lice with hydrogen peroxide. Is hydrogen peroxide effective against lice? Precautions and contraindications

The adult is small in size (0.4 mm), has three pairs of prehensile legs and is covered with a chitinous shell.

When peroxide gets on the shell, it is instantly destroyed; the louse can die either from direct exposure to the substance or be poisoned by peroxide vapor.

Hydrogen peroxide is caustic and specific smell, inhaling the vapors of this toxic substance, the louse burns internal organs breathing and dies within a few minutes.

Nits are the offspring of lice. An adult, landing on a person’s head, immediately begins to lay nits; per day it is capable of laying 5-6 cocoons with larvae. Each nit is attached to the hair shaft as close to the scalp as possible (at a distance of 2-3 cm from the hair roots).

The maturation period from the moment the eggs are laid until the larva emerges from the cocoon lasts 5-7 days at favorable conditions environment.

Since the nit is protected by a very strong cocoon, even such an aggressive substance as peroxide is not able to penetrate inside the cocoon and destroy the larva in the bud. Therefore, peroxide is safe for the larva itself. But hydrogen peroxide perfectly corrodes the sticky secretion with which the nit is attached to the hair, after which the nit can be easily removed.

Advantages and disadvantages of this tool

Any method traditional medicine, aimed at getting rid of lice and nits, should first be tested for skin sensitivity, otherwise the consequences can be very dire. After all, calculate the dosage correctly active substance doing it yourself at home is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.


  • affordable price. Peroxide – budgetary means accessible to all segments of the population. Its cost is much lower than specialized drugs designed specifically for the destruction of lice and nits.
  • Fast and effective action. You can get tangible results in the fight against lice immediately after the first use of peroxide. Living individuals die instantly, and nits are easily removed from the hair.
  • Ease of use. You can prepare a solution for treating your head yourself at home. This process does not take much time and does not require special knowledge and skills.


  1. side effects. Since peroxide is a very aggressive chemical, it has a negative effect not only on insects, but also on human health. If the concentration of the solution is incorrect, the use of peroxide can provoke:
    • chemical scalp burn;
    • drying and flaking of the scalp;
    • partial hair loss;
    • destruction of hair follicles;
    • scarring of tissue in places of damage (if there are scratches and wounds, scars may remain after treatment with peroxide);
    • hair bleaching.
  2. Reusable. It will not be possible to completely get rid of lice and nits after a one-time treatment of the head, even using such an aggressive substance as peroxide. After all, peroxide does not kill nits, and if at least one larva survives after treatment, then after it emerges from the cocoon, the lice population will increase again and lice will flare up with renewed vigor.

    Therefore, re-treatment of the scalp and hair is required with a special drug or peroxide solution. Since re-treatment is recommended to be done no later than 5-7 days after the first, even completely healthy skin the head will not withstand such a chemical attack, side effects in full will be inevitable.

Signs chemical burn scalp with hydrogen peroxide:

  • change in scalp color. Whitening of the skin or severe redness may occur.
  • Edema. After a chemical burn, visually noticeable swelling of the scalp appears within half an hour.
  • Blistering. With a severe chemical burn, blisters appear immediately different sizes. After healing, scars and scars form in their place, the hair in these places falls out and does not grow back, as the hair follicles are damaged or completely destroyed.

Detailed instructions for use

Peroxide is not the safest option for getting rid of lice and nits; it is highly not recommended for children and adolescents.


  1. buy 1 or 2 bottles of hydrogen peroxide solution at the pharmacy, depending on the length of your hair. Be sure to look at the date of manufacture; the drug should not be expired.
  2. Prepare a container for the solution.
  3. Pour a bottle of peroxide into a container and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:2. That is, add two cups per cup of peroxide clean water room temperature.
  4. Using the prepared solution, test for skin sensitivity. If the test gave positive result(redness and itching appeared) the peroxide solution should absolutely not be used. If the test gave negative result(no external manifestations no allergies have appeared) you can start treating the head.

Head and hair treatment:

  1. The peroxide solution is applied with a sponge to the scalp and the entire length of the hair. This needs to be done very quickly.
  2. First, the occipital and temporal areas of the head are processed, then the crown and bangs.
  3. When applying the solution, the entire hair is divided into small strands, each strand is processed on both sides very carefully, until completely wet.
  4. After treatment, you can put on a cellophane cap; it is not advisable to wrap your head tightly with a bag or film.
  5. The solution should be kept on the head for no more than 6-9 minutes, it all depends on personal feelings. A slight, tolerable burning sensation of the scalp is normal reaction. If the burning sensation is very strong, the solution should be washed off immediately so as not to lead to a chemical burn.

Washing off the solution:

  1. The solution is washed off from the hair using shampoo and large quantity water.
  2. For rinsing, it is best to take the juice of one lemon per liter of warm water.

    After the peroxide is washed out of your hair, you need to rinse your hair with water and lemon.

  3. Dry your hair carefully with a towel and comb wet strands.
  4. At the end, be sure to comb out all your hair with a special comb in order to remove dead or half-living lice and nits.

Treatment effectiveness

After the first treatment of the head with a product prepared according to the above recipe, 95% of all living individuals die, but even the surviving individual insects receive severe poisoning, after which they cannot reproduce.

Nits pose a danger. Most of nits are washed out with water immediately after treatment of the head. The rest must be thoroughly combed daily for 5-7 days. If even one larva survives, pediculosis will flare up with renewed vigor.

To prevent self-infection, all experts recommend treating the head at least 2-3 times with a break of 3-5 days. In the case of hydrogen peroxide, this is a categorically unacceptable option, otherwise side effects can't be avoided.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used once, at your own risk, then you should either constantly comb out the nits until they disappear completely, or re-treat the scalp with other, more gentle preparations and methods.

Safety precautions and contraindications

Treatment of the head with hydrogen peroxide is absolutely not suitable:

  • children and teenagers;
  • To old people;
  • in the presence of individual intolerance to the solution;
  • in the presence of wounds, scratches and irritation of the scalp;
  • in the presence of diseases of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, asthma, etc.).

Hydrogen peroxide is very dangerous for mucous membranes; if the substance gets into the eyes, a burn can lead to loss of vision. Therefore, you need to apply the solution very carefully, avoiding spreading over your face.

If a small amount of solution gets into the gas, be sure to rinse it big amount water and in case of deterioration of vision, seek help from a specialist.

Other methods

You can quickly and effectively destroy all lice and nits using the following means:

  • special pharmaceutical drugs(Para Plus, Nyuda and so on);
  • table vinegar solution;
  • kerosene solution (kerosene in pure form very toxic, it should be diluted with other components);
  • hellebore water;
  • tar soap;
  • dust;
  • laundry soap;
  • special anti-pediculosis comb.

Interesting! Hair dye that contains hydrogen peroxide or ammonia is just as effective at getting rid of live lice as a peroxide solution. But this method can be used as the first stage of treatment for pediculosis. Hair dye is not harmful to nits, so there remains a risk of re-infection.

Hydrogen peroxide is not the best the best option getting rid of lice and nits. There is a high risk of side effects that can be detrimental to human health. It is worth thinking carefully before using this particular method.

After all, given the presence of a large number of different modern drugs, it is better to make a choice in favor of safety and health than saving money.

Hydrogen peroxide for lice and nits is not inferior in effectiveness to modern pharmacy products. Our grandmothers used this old proven remedy, but even today it has not lost its relevance.

What is hydrogen peroxide

Substance with chemical formula H 2 O 2 appeared in 1818 as a result of an experiment. Industrial production started in 1873 in Berlin. Since then, a detailed study of the properties of peroxide began. The compound is recognized as environmentally safe, since upon contact with liquid it decomposes into water and oxygen molecules.

In medicine, a substance with 3% is used active substance For external use only. Treat wounds, abrasions, damaged surfaces of the dermis.

The disinfecting effect is quite easy to explain. Under the influence of hydrogen peroxide, oxygen is released in the dermal cells, and the wound is able to cleanse itself mechanically. The foam formed on the surface of the skin removes pollution, draws out microbes and necrotic masses.

Effect on lice

Peroxide cannot overcome the shells of nits. However active ingredients Hydrogen peroxide destroys the structure of the sticky mucus with which the eggs are attached to the hair.

Contraindications to the procedure

It is not recommended to use lice peroxide for children under 5 years of age, since it is impossible to predict the reaction of delicate skin. In other cases, a sensitivity test should be performed first. A small amount of hydrogen peroxide is applied to the skin behind the ear. If you experience a strong burning sensation, redness, or rashes, do not use the product.

The main contraindications are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • age up to 5 years;
  • presence of wounds, damage to integrity skin on the head.

Peroxide weakens and highlights hair. You need to be prepared for the fact that after the procedure your hair will become a tone lighter and will require rehabilitation.

Preparation of the drug

Hydrogen peroxide against lice and nits is used only in diluted form. Otherwise, burns will appear on the skin, hair will lose shine, vital energy, will get split ends.

To prepare the drug, you need to dilute hydrogen peroxide with water in a ratio of 1:2. As a result, the concentration of the substance will decrease to 1.5%. Preparation must be done immediately before use. Upon contact with oxygen, the solution loses its properties.

Treatment rules

You can get rid of lice in one go. If you carry out the procedure according to the rules.

  1. Comb your hair first. The product is applied with a sponge, dividing the hair into strands. Lastly, the scalp is treated. The procedure should be carried out quickly, since prolonged exposure to the dermis causes irritation. All this must be done in a maximum of 5 minutes. Make sure that the substance does not get on the skin of the forehead, mucous membranes of the eyes, nose.
  2. After 10-20 minutes, begin to wash off the composition. When discomfort wash off earlier. If everything is tolerable, wait up to 20 minutes. Initially, to remove the product, use a clean warm water. Then an acidic solution is prepared. Add 1 teaspoon of citric acid or citric acid to 1 liter of water. The acidic solution helps remove dead lice and nits from the hair, making it easier to comb.
  3. Dry your hair and proceed. The effectiveness of the method depends on the thoroughness of the procedure. The task is to remove all dead insects, weakened ones, those remaining alive, and eliminate nits. The procedure is carried out in the bathroom or in any convenient location, having previously spread white fabric or paper. Use a comb with fine teeth or special.


Instead of pharmacy hydrogen peroxide, you can use this substance. At the same time, the girls succeed in making themselves beautiful.

Efficiency of the method

It will be possible to remove lice at home using hydrogen peroxide in 1 procedure under the following conditions:

  • the infection is minor;
  • hair is short, medium length;
  • thorough combing.

Immediately after treating the head, the combing procedure must be carried out for at least 30 minutes. Repeat it for another 2 days. The hair is examined for the presence of nits using a magnifying glass or magnifying glass in bright daylight.

Re-processing is required if:

  • the infection is severe;
  • long hair;
  • after a few days, living individuals were discovered;
  • new ones have appeared.

It is necessary to reuse hydrogen peroxide for lice no earlier than 10 days after the first procedure. A break is necessary for the following reasons:

  1. Frequent use of an aggressive oxidizing agent spoils the hair structure and irritates the skin.
  2. It takes about 2 weeks for nits to develop into full-fledged lice. The head should be re-treated after this time. If new bites are detected, increase the frequency of brushing. Surviving individuals can be removed mechanically. After 14 days, the treatment is repeated again.

Such a nuisance as appeared in the hair, may happen Not only with a child, but also with an adult a person who takes care of his hygiene. There is a common myth that these insects can only live in dirty hair. In fact, on the contrary, they prefer clean hair.

Most often lice children and adolescents become infected from each other, since they are more contactable than adults, during games they hug and touch their heads. The probability from someone else's comb or headdress is low, but it still exists.

"Bring" these an adult can eliminate insects in his hair public transport , where during rush hour it is easy to come into contact with other people's heads, from the hairdresser, hospital and even the gym. Main - a constant painful itch. Insects are immediately detected when examining the head.

They can be removed with a cheap and accessible product - hydrogen peroxide.

This the substance instantly affects the outer integument of insects, and gets through Airways and burns internal tissues. The protective shell is so reliable that it is not damaged even by hydrogen peroxide. But this the substance completely destroys the secretion, with which the egg is attached to the hair. After processing everything nits are easily washed off with water, A small part the remaining ones will be combed out. To remove lice you need a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Attention! Be careful, as there is also a potent 30% solution; it should not be used, it is very dangerous.

Reference! Women who dye their hair can get rid of lice using any hair dye that contains peroxide. According to the instructions, you need to keep it on your hair for at least 20-30 minutes, during which time all insects will die. After dyeing, you need to comb your hair just as long and thoroughly.


It would seem that an adult cannot get lice, but somewhere I managed to catch lice. I thought that my scalp was itching from the new shampoo, but after scratching it in several places until it bled, I suspected something was wrong. I asked my mother to examine my scalp and she found lice. Mom immediately advised me to try to remove them with vinegar, but I was afraid. I read about the method with hydrogen peroxide. I did everything according to the instructions, but I combed my hair not only after washing, but also for two days. I really wanted to comb out all the nits so that I wouldn’t have to repeat the procedure. Everything worked out, I got rid of lice in one go!

Ella, Kazan

I was removing lice from my 15 year old daughter. She was very afraid that her scalp would be pinched, but everything was very tolerable. Her hair is light brown, even such a short exposure to peroxide was enough to lighten it slightly, but her daughter is delighted with this effect. Adult lice died immediately from this procedure, and I combed nits out of my daughter’s hair for an hour with a fine comb.

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the popular folk remedies in the fight against lice at home. Affordable and effective, but at the same time quite unsafe, since if not correct use You may get a scalp burn. Therefore, for safety reasons, it is necessary to follow the rules and dosage when using.

Hydrogen peroxide for lice

Peroxide is sold in pharmacies at 3 and 30%. When purchasing, you should be careful, since 30% is a very strong concentration, very aggressive and unsafe to use.

You need to use a 1.5% solution. It's easy to get. You need to dilute the 3% purchased at the pharmacy by half.

1. Check your susceptibility to allergies. To do this, you need to treat a small surface of the inside of your hand, behind the ear, with a cotton pad soaked in a 1.5% solution. If within 10 minutes you begin to experience itching, burning, or redness, this product is not suitable for you and when used on the scalp, you can get a massive burn. When the first allergic reactions occur, wash off the product from the test areas. If there were no side or uncomfortable effects, you can safely use it.

2. The product is applied to the hair and scalp, as adult insects move along it. You need to apply quickly and take into account the reaction speed. If you treat your head slowly and wait 10 minutes for the entire surface of the head after the last strand is wetted, you will get a burn on the first part of the treated surface. Therefore, the procedure must be carried out quickly, or if the hair is thick, then it must be worked out in parts, divided into 2-3 stages. If there is a sharp burning sensation, the product must be washed off immediately, even if you did not withstand it for the full time.

3. After time, wash your hair with soap and rinse with water. Can be rinsed citric acid or lemon juice diluted in water.

4. Upon completion of the procedure, the hair should be combed using a special pedicure comb.

Treatment frequency is no more than 1 time per week.

It is important to know that using hydrogen peroxide, even in such a small concentration, will lighten your hair!

Hydrogen peroxide for lice and nits: recipe and method of use

How long to keep hydrogen peroxide on your head for lice?

The product is applied to the head for 7-10 minutes, taking into account the application time. Sometimes it is necessary to wash off the first part of the treated head earlier to avoid burning. Then apply the product to the second part of the head. That is, perform the procedure in two stages.

Treatment of lice with hydrogen peroxide during pregnancy

Use during pregnancy is contraindicated. Pregnant women become more sensitive. During this period, the body’s reaction to all kinds of external factors. This can lead to severe allergies, burns and other adverse reactions of the body.

Can you use hydrogen peroxide for lice on a child?

It is not recommended to use this product for children. Their skin is more delicate than that of adults, the body is just forming and the immune system is being strengthened. Therefore they are more susceptible to action chemical substances. The substance can cause serious allergies and burns in children.

Hydrogen peroxide for lice and nits - reviews

According to reviews, this product is effective and, when used correctly, helps get rid of lice, but its use is accompanied by numerous cases of allergies and severe burns. Still, it is a chemical product.

The main causes of complications are non-compliance with the rules for using the substance. It requires medical precision:

1. The location time of 7 – 10 minutes is not maintained:

  • stays on his own initiative according to his favorite principle: “The longer, the better”;
  • with slow application;
  • when the speed of exposure in the first areas treated with the product is not taken into account.

2. No testing is carried out for allergic reaction before use.

3. The solution is not accurately diluted to the required concentration of 1.5%.

Therefore, such a simple and accessible method, at first glance, causes so many negative consequences.

For mild infestations, simply dyeing your hair with hydrogen peroxide helps. Maintain according to instructions.

Using some traditional methods often unsafe and has many side effects, which then still need to be eliminated and treated. Therefore, before choosing what to treat, weigh all the pros and cons and it is better to choose a safer pharmaceutical product.

Can hydrogen peroxide effectively remove lice and nits from human hair?

Among all the means for removing lice and nits, one of the simplest and at the same time effective is simple hydrogen peroxide. In this article, the reader will learn about the features of using this drug for the treatment of head lice, how effective and safe it is for health.

What kind of remedy is this?

Hydrogen peroxide first appeared in the early 19th century in the French scientific community. A simple formula combination of H2O2 gave amazing properties liquid - it perfectly destroyed bacteria, clarified and oxidized various materials. Subsequently, with the research and improvements of the Soviet scientist I. Neumyvakin, it began to be widely used water solution H2O2 - this allowed the treatment to be less aggressive.

It began to be used to disinfect premises and disinfect wounds. There are three methods of using H2O2 in medical therapy: externally, internally and intravenously. The solution helps in healing open wounds, scratches, boils, ulcers and in the process of treating a number of diseases:

  • diphtheria;
  • varicose veins;
  • caries and other pathologies of the oral cavity;
  • bleeding in the nasopharynx;
  • malignant tumors in the initial stage.

When should you use hydrogen peroxide?

Insects like to hide in areas of the head behind the ears and on the back of the head - these need to be inspected first. Adult lice most often walk along the scalp itself, between the hair, inflicting bites and reaching blood capillaries. Adults also attach their eggs (nits) to the hair as close to the roots as possible. They appear in the form of gray “drops” up to 1 mm in size; they are very difficult to remove due to the fastening with a special gluten.

If nits or lice (insects) are found oval shape, up to 1.5 mm in size), it is advisable to use hydrogen peroxide.

H2O2 is different high efficiency upon contact with arthropods. The oxidizing properties of peroxide allow it to corrode the chitinous shell and damage the internal organs of lice.

Adults are more susceptible to the effects of the solution. After treatment, they either die or remain alive, but are no longer capable of reproduction and normal functioning, that is, they soon die.

Nits are more resistant. Hydrogen peroxide is good at eroding the adhesive that securely attaches the eggs to the hair, but it is not able to break through the protective shell and get directly to the eggs. Thus, H2O2 allows you to comb out the eggs after treatment using a special comb - the nits will be in the hair in a loose state.

Before using a substance, you should evaluate its pros and cons.


  1. Affordable price. Peroxide is inexpensive, available in every pharmacy, and intended for the general public. Low price makes it accessible to everyone. This is the main advantage of peroxide over specialized anti-pediculosis drugs;
  2. High efficiency. After the first use, 95% of adults die, and the eggs can be easily combed out;
  3. Easy to use. Preparing the solution for use is not a problem; everything can be done at home and without specialized knowledge.
  4. In general, it disinfects the skin, eliminates harmful microorganisms, fungi and heals wounds.


  1. The need for reusable use. As written above, hydrogen peroxide, even despite its aggressive oxidizing properties, cannot destroy lice eggs. When the larva emerges from the cocoon, there is a risk that the insect population will recover. Therefore it is necessary secondary processing hair and scalp, but not earlier than 2 weeks after the first time. Otherwise, side effects are possible;
  2. Aggressive chemical effect on organic matter. A person with sensitive skin may suffer a chemical burn to the scalp. In addition, H2O2 can lead to dry skin, destruction of hair follicles and partial hair loss or discoloration.

This type of head burn is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe redness and/or appearance of whitish areas on the skin;
  • swelling of the skin in the first 30-40 minutes after contact with the solution;
  • formation of blisters of various sizes. Hair follicles are destroyed, and after healing, scars and bald patches remain.


A drug known to everyone should be used wisely, and in some cases it is better to abandon it altogether. IN following cases It is strictly not recommended to use hydrogen peroxide to remove lice.

  1. After recent coloring. Firstly, chemical solution One way or another it will lighten the hair, the dye will come off completely or partially. Secondly, coloring itself weakens the condition of the hair; if after this you quickly treat them with even a weak peroxide solution, this can seriously disturb the condition of the hair.
  2. For highly dry, brittle hair. H2O2, as a strong oxidizing agent, will only worsen their condition, drying them out even more. Less will flow to the roots necessary substances and vitamins, growth will slow down. Will definitely get worse appearance hair, in some situations, treatment with a chemical can lead to hair loss.
  3. For overly sensitive scalp prone to irritation. Peroxide may be too aggressive and harsh for the skin (epidermis), leading to a deterioration in the condition of the skin. Consequences: unbearable itching, irritation, severe peeling.
  4. If you have an individual intolerance to H2O2, its use is prohibited.

Recipes and methods for proper use of the product

To avoid or minimize the possibility of problems, the solution must first be tested on the elbow. If after 10 minutes there are no changes or signs of a chemical burn, then it can be used. A regular 3% peroxide solution, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, is suitable for use. But even it will have to be diluted in half with water: the substance will not lose its effectiveness, but will become much softer for the skin and hair.

    This method involves treating hair only with a solution:

    • prepare a water-peroxide mixture;
    • separate the strands of hair and treat each strand with a dampened sponge along the entire length to the very roots;
    • cover your head with polyethylene and a terry towel.

    You can keep hydrogen peroxide on your hair for no more than 10 minutes. It is important! On the pages of the global Web you can find recipes that indicate leaving the solution on your hair overnight or for several hours. This is unacceptable: during this time, H2O2 will cause irreparable damage.

    This method is suitable for dry skin. The following ingredients are mixed:

    • 1 tsp. hand cream;
    • 1 tsp. hair balm;
    • 3 tbsp. l. peroxide.

    Mix well in one bowl. Using a brush, apply over the entire length of the hair, paying special attention to the areas at the roots. Wrap your head in a plastic bag and a towel and hold for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards wash your hair with shampoo.

    The following method is used for oily skin heads. Required:

    • 1 tbsp. l. 6% vinegar;
    • 3 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide.

    Mix in a metal container. Apply to the entire length of hair, wrap with cellophane and a towel. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

    The following recipe is very effective against lice and nits. Required:

    • 3 tbsp. l. peroxide;
    • 1 tbsp. l lemon juice.

    Mix thoroughly in a ceramic bowl until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then apply to the entire length of the hair, insulate with plastic wrap and a towel. An environment is created that quickly kills lice and removes nits. Leave for no more than 10 minutes.

    The use of H2O2 by expectant mothers is not recommended. On the one hand, many pregnant women continue to dye their hair and use hydrogen peroxide-based products. On the other hand, it has been established that such an aggressive substance can affect the normal development of the fetus