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A snack for good bowel function. What can traditional medicine do with a lazy intestine? What to do for constipation


It’s so simple that it’s surprising why people bother for years.
I want to warn you right away that these are disorders that cannot be dealt with with kefir, jogging and raw water on an empty stomach.
The pharmacy sells packs of grass - hay. Sometimes it is called cassia holly, sometimes Alexandria leaf.

The tea leaves must be taken once a day- 30-40 minutes after dinner.
A level teaspoon per glass of boiling water. It's ready in a couple of minutes.
It will be tomorrow normal stool, without seething, torment and pain.
All sorts of terrible stories about suffering after such drinking are explained simply: the intake time is not observed. They drink whenever they can.

You have to start, after all, by getting rid of the fossils in advance, otherwise the new will be supported, and the old will slow down like a dam, and you won’t be far from bleeding.

For many who have very lazy intestines, the result occurs only on the third day. Yes, there are people who have food in their tract for more than three days, such is their metabolism.

Such people need to start taking senna on Thursday, so that by Monday they already know that everything has worked out like clockwork.

The pharmacy sells Ogarkov drops. This good guy made a tincture of five herbs - senna (improves peristalsis) + naked licorice (heals the intestinal walls from bedsores) + Golden mustache (suppresses rotting and, therefore, prevents gas formation) + anise fruits + three-leaf watch (trifol, treats the pancreas, spleen and other tripe).
People can't get enough of these drops. But.
If you buy them, you can go broke. Because they must be taken for life.

As practice has repeatedly shown, senna works just as well without any additives. As long as the rule is followed: 30-40 minutes after dinner. For the rest of my life. So what? We brush our teeth all our lives, and nothing...

This may not help only in the case of diverticulosis or neoplasms. And then, most often, even in such cases it helps, and the “loops” straighten out, and even intestinal polyps, having ceased to be injured by stone deposits, subside and stop growing.


- There is a drinking gallery with mineral water 104 source.

- If you have problems, eat baked apples or goat's milk on an empty stomach.

- ...and while you’re going to the pharmacy to buy hay, here’s really the simplest and cheapest way in the world because you don’t need to buy anything at all to make your intestines work - in the morning, immediately after waking up, drink a glass (250 ml) on an empty stomach, or better yet, a mug of tea (350ml.) PLAIN WARM WATER. 15-30 minutes, and you’re on the potty :) Modern (in the bad sense of the word) doctors don’t often talk about this method, and many don’t even know it.

- the most the best remedy 250 g water, and good remedy linseed oil after water 1 tbsp. spoon...

- And if there are problems, then the pharmacy sells the herbal mixture "PROCTOFYTOL", which includes hay, yarrow, buckthorn bark, coriander fruits and licorice roots. The same collection comes in the form of filter bags and can be brewed like tea. A very useful and economical product. Use as needed. It doesn’t seem to cause addiction, I’ve been using it occasionally for years now, as needed. But I try to eat a few steamed prunes at night and drink the water in which the prunes were steamed. Promotes...

- Recently I started making whey myself (2 liters of milk, 1 liter of kefir - bring the milk to a boil, pour in the kefir while stirring - 1 minute) and then I get fresh cottage cheese and it’s of great benefit to me.

Every person has encountered problems with the functionality of the digestive tract. There are several ways to normalize intestinal function, namely by reviewing your diet and adjusting your daily lifestyle. Constant failures in gastrointestinal system- a reason to seek advice from a specialist. Launched disruption processes can cause serious complications.

Why do violations occur?

Proper bowel function affects the fullness and quality of life of adults and children. Impaired functioning gastrointestinal tract caused by the following reasons:

  • changing the healthy balance of microorganisms inhabiting the organ ( pathogenic bacteria becomes more than useful);
  • accumulation of food waste, causing stone formation and increasing acid reactions in the organ;
  • regular stressful situations and depression;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • jet lag (night shifts, constantly changing daily routine);
  • waiting period for the baby;
  • abnormal processes in the nervous system;
  • weakening of the body's immune forces;
  • unbalanced menu ( overconsumption low quality and fatty foods leads to intestinal dysfunction);
  • reception of special medications(antibacterial, psychotropic drugs and drugs to reduce blood pressure and heart treatment).

How to improve digestion in the intestines?

To treat a bowel disorder, it is important to determine its cause.

The inability to defecate naturally entails enormous discomfort for a person. For effective recovery bowel functionality, the root cause of the disorder should be determined. Each person's organ responds differently to the same stimuli. In identifying the provoking factor, one should carefully evaluate the actions on the eve of the disorder. When diagnosing at home, you can keep a diary to record all the foods and medications consumed, as well as record all changes in emotional background and the body as a whole. The records will make it possible to more accurately identify the relationship between disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and the cause that caused them.

One of the basic rules for improving bowel function is consuming healthy and balanced foods. A diet to normalize the functioning of the organ consists of avoiding all foods that negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract and monitoring a balanced diet. You should also eat in small portions and chew food thoroughly.

For persistent problems in the intestines and obvious manifestation symptoms, you should seek help from a specialist. After the examination, the doctor will tell you how to improve digestion and prescribe pills that improve intestinal function. You should not delay with this problem; there may be complications that will affect the quality of a person’s entire life.

General rules

Exist general rules, which help improve bowel function. From them follows:

Improvement drugs

Treatment, first of all, should be aimed at eliminating the root cause of the disease.

There are a large number of medications that can help with the problem of a disturbed gastrointestinal tract. Drugs to normalize intestinal activity should be prescribed and taken under the supervision of the attending physician. Before prescribing a medicine, a specialist must find the root cause and, against its background, prescribe effective remedies to normalize intestinal functions. The medicine can be for constipation, diarrhea and drugs complex action(stimulants to improve digestion). Drugs that perform their therapeutic function well include: “Hilak Forte”, “Lactofiltrum”, “Lactiol”, “Duphalak”, “Mukofalk”, “Motilium”, “Linacotide” and others.

Folk remedies

Eating bran normalizes bowel movements.

How to improve digestion without the help of medications? Promote healthy intestinal activity folk ways. Light shape diarrhea can be removed with herbal teas, infusions and decoctions of blueberry fruits, rosehip roots, aspen buds, chamomile, blackberry leaves and rice broth. Reception oatmeal It is also good for stopping diarrhea. Helps with dehydration saline solution-10 g of salt per glass of heated drinking water, drink in small sips.

Folk methods for the inability to quickly and naturally have a bowel movement place the main emphasis on inclusion in the diet large quantity water and plant food. Bran can also activate healthy tissue, which helps normalize the bowel movement process. They can be brewed with boiling water or added to dishes. However, do not forget that herbs may not have the desired effect and may even cause harm to others. internal systems body. Therefore, they should be used after consultation with a specialist.

Intestinal dysfunction occurs most often in autumn and winter. With the onset of cold days, people begin to eat more high-calorie foods. The stomach has difficulty digesting heavy foods. And the intestines react very sharply - constipation or diarrhea, poor digestibility nutrients. Hence the ugly, sallow skin color, strange rashes, drowsiness, and constant fatigue.

How to normalize intestinal function? You can take special medications prescribed by the doctor. Only you will have to do this all your life, if you don’t try to change something yourself.

But before you go to the clinic, try following a few recommendations at home. They are very simple, easy to follow, and the result is decent. The only requirement is to do everything systematically. That is, persistently and for a long time. Nothing will change in two days, but in 30 days it will. If after this period the intestines continue to “delight” you with unpleasant surprises, then feel free to go to the clinic. By at least, so you won’t reproach yourself and will do everything in your power.

  • diet
  • proper food
  • water norm
  • sport
  • vitamins

But now there’s no need to put on a sour face and laugh under your breath. The list is, of course, similar to the standard requirements healthy image life. But this is only at first glance. Read to the end first. I assure you that you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself. And here there will be no classic advice that has already set one’s teeth on edge. Go?


What do you usually do? We woke up, turned on the kettle, and went to do our morning hygiene. Afterwards we sipped a cup of coffee or tea, got dressed and rode off. To work, study, and other matters. During the day, we munched on some fast food or drank yogurt. In the evening they came, they looked like Tuzik in a garbage dump, and it was hard to breathe. It's almost night and you can't sleep. The intestines growl indignantly - it will not be able to cope with your culinary “exploits”.

Start by turning on the microwave together with the kettle in the morning. And put the sandwich or porridge prepared the previous evening in it. The sandwiches can generally be sliced ​​and frozen individually. While you wash your face and brush your teeth, breakfast will be ready. And if you snack on an apple or some other fruit, it’s absolutely wonderful! Don't have time? Eat an apple while you leave your apartment or walk to the bus stop. And it doesn't look stupid.

For a lunch snack, prepare in the evening a small container with a piece of white meat or fish, three tablespoons of a side dish (cereals, potatoes) and throw in raw peeled carrots or some nuts, dried fruits are fine. Again apple, pear, cucumber. Take whatever vegetables are available. A container of food will not take up much space in your bag, and will benefit your intestines.

Now there is no need to be indignant that there is nowhere to warm up, it’s inconvenient to eat... Stupid excuses! So, is it normal to sip cold yogurt from a bottle? Is cold porridge or meat really terrible? Or is it convenient to chew cheburek on the go, but gnawing carrots or nuts requires special conditions?

Don't talk nonsense. Get your breakfast and lunch in order. Then you won’t overeat for dinner either. And in the evening there will be time left for tomorrow to pack food with us.

Proper food

By the way, about products. Noooo, don't skip this point! We will not explain to you about diets and teach you how to cook only healthy food. Let's just give some recommendations on how to improve your diet in positive side and at the same time do not deny yourself your loved one.

Sweets. It's rare that anyone doesn't like them. You shouldn’t completely exclude them from your diet; glucose helps your brain function normally. But is it possible to replace them? Can. Sometimes try buying carrot cake instead of your favorite cake. No need to grimace. Only sometimes.

Chocolate. Instead of white or milk, buy bitter. Or cocoa in general. And it's not funny at all. No one is forcing you to give up completely. But it is quite possible to alternate periodically.

Instead of white bread- unsweetened waffles or crackers. Instead of soda - mineral water or tea. Instead of pasta in the evening - a pile of vegetables. I repeat, not always, but only periodically. The intestines will reward you with good work, and you can praise yourself.

At every step they shout to us about the dangers of semi-finished products. Hm. It depends on what you mean by this word. Pasta is one thing instant cooking and something completely different - dumplings stuck in the freezer on a day off. Do you have a free minute? Make your own “convenience foods” and stick them in the freezer.

Then praise yourself again when you come home in the evening without legs and the desire to cook something. They poured some water into a saucepan, salted it, plopped in some cabbage rolls, cutlets or dumplings, put it on a small fire, and then went into the bath to rest. After about 40 minutes we arrived at the finished dish. All! You can say to yourself: “Oh, what a great guy! No wonder I spent half the weekend fiddling with these preparations!”

Water norm

We quickly forgot everything we heard and read about the mandatory two liters of water a day! To whom does this rule apply? Girl student weighing 40 kg? Or a portly matron, on whose scale the needle runs over a hundred? Everything is individual. And it is not at all necessary to look for a formula, calculate according to your constitution and volumes.

Again, take a small bottle of clean drinking water with you. We put it on the desktop or in front of our eyes. There is no need for any alarm clocks reminding you to drink a glass every hour. Your gaze stopped at the bottle - take a few sips, even if you don’t want to drink. They didn’t remember about water, but that’s okay. Then remember. Is it over? Let's go pour a new one, if possible.

Gradually, these sips will become a habit. Without self-abuse and for the benefit of the intestines.


Oh, my favorite topic! Yes Yes. What activities do you do when you have absolutely no time or energy left? Okay, but what if you move sports to the morning or even to the middle of the working day? And why is this impossible? Physical activity- this is not just a sprint race or daily swimming in the pool. For your gut health, you don't even have to go outside.

For example, in the morning. Set your alarm 5-10 minutes earlier. There will be more than enough of them. Without getting out of bed, stretch thoroughly, thoroughly. Are you awake? Great!

We turn over on our backs and do a bicycle. No need to sweat. As soon as your breathing starts to get difficult, you stop and go wash and have breakfast. Usually this is 15-20 movements. Do you think this will give you nothing? But in vain. The abdominal muscles tense, the intestines have to start working. If possible, on the way to the bathroom or kitchen, bend over, squat or hang on the door frame several times, raising your legs. It's not difficult and only takes 10 minutes of your time.

Let's say in the morning you desperately don't have these 10 minutes. Then we move the lesson directly to work time. After all, in the middle of the day you go to drink, recover, smoke? So why not sit down or bow along the way? And let your colleagues look askance. Are there not enough eccentrics in the world? You have your own cockroaches, they have their own problems.

Down with prejudices, you need to normalize your intestinal function. And to particularly curious colleagues, you can explain your movements with a stiff back.

Or in general, for example, they went to relieve themselves. They probably lingered in the toilet. Correct your hair and makeup. Hold for another three minutes and swing your legs back and forth. Or sit down again and stretch. The main thing is to use your abdominal muscles. And so every time you go.

It seems to you that these actions are insignificant. Check it out. Then we'll see.


Now let's be banal. There is no way without this. Everyone has long known that in order to receive daily norm a person needs to eat a good bucket of raw vegetables and fruits a day. Or take vitamin and mineral complexes. Often, there is no time, energy, desire, opportunity or money to consume a heavy dose of greens. Yes, many reasons can be given.

Then choose medical supplies. Just under no circumstances take dietary supplements or vitamin pills on your own! And let Tanka drink, she feels good. And I can too." You and Tanka have absolutely different organisms, even if you are twins.

Take the time to see a doctor and explain your situation. Let him prescribe those drugs that will benefit you. You may have to spend a little money. Well then, on yourself!

And, of course, do not forget to still eat raw vegetables and fruits. They will not only add to your body useful substances, but will also make the intestines work normally. After all, such an amount of fiber will force peristalsis to actively move.

It’s not at all necessary to forcefully shove it into yourself sauerkraut or gnawing on an apple with a sigh. At will or if possible, without violence against yourself. In the end, if you need to normalize intestinal function, you will do it without “I don’t want to.” Only because it is necessary. And if it’s not necessary, then there’s no point in worrying about it. When the time comes, you'll get busy.

A few tricks

  1. Now it has become fashionable to cleanse the intestines. There are many ways, starting from specially prepared products and ending herbal infusions. Before you start, think about where you will spend the next 24 hours. Otherwise, when the intestines begin to cleanse themselves in a crowded place, you will be completely embarrassed! And you won’t have time to run.
  2. Instead of questionable recipes, pamper your stomach more often fermented milk products. Not plain milk, namely kefir, fermented baked milk, bifidok, yogurt. Then the beneficial intestinal microflora will always be normal and work like clockwork.
  3. You can have breakfast not only with porridge heated in the microwave. Pour 3-4 tbsp into a bowl. l. rolled oats flakes, pour boiling water or kefir and stomp on water procedures. Then you come, and breakfast is already ready. You can eat it with an apple or nuts. Or vice versa, add salt. As your taste pleases. But cooking is quick and stress-free. Just don't take ready-made muesli. There's a wagonload of sugar and some processed candied fruit.
  4. Most herbs intended to normalize intestinal function require laxative effect. Please remember this before your appointment.
  5. They say that drinking during meals is bad for the intestines. Allegedly gastric juice washed off. Where does it go? Like a goose or something? digestive tract? Water and food fly by instantly and with a whistle! Fine. What about the soup then? Does it also go through your stomach? Well, liquid... juice washes away! What nonsense. Did everyone learn about body structure in school? Let's remember the shape of the stomach. It is designed to allow food to linger and be digested. And the soup and water should also be digested. Therefore, gastric juice is washed off with water only from the walls of the stomach. And bye the process is underway digestion, it’s not going anywhere. So drink whenever you want.

How to normalize intestinal function? Easy and relaxed. Gradually changing for the better and without self-abuse. Follow our recommendations and don’t get sick!

Video: Improving Bowel Function with Exercise

What are bacterial starters?

VIVO bacterial starters are a product containing living, human-friendly bacteria. These bacteria have a number of characteristics:

  • capable of fermenting milk, turning it into fermented milk product;
  • have probiotic properties - help restore intestinal microflora;
  • are antagonists of many pathogenic microorganisms, in other words, they resist the development of pathogenic bacteria.

How are VIVO starters used?

Bacterial starter cultures are used for home preparation of fermented milk products. Homemade fermented milk products prepared using VIVO starter have a number of therapeutic and prophylactic properties and a number of advantages over “store-bought” yoghurts.

In addition, some starter cultures are used without fermentation as a probiotic.

Why are VIVO starters used?

Fermented milk products prepared using VIVO starter cultures are used:

  • as an alternative to “store-bought” yoghurts, cottage cheese, sour cream in daily nutrition;
  • as the most physiological (natural) and effective remedy restoration and maintenance of microflora, with dysbacteriosis and dysbiosis;
  • to minimize negative impact on health, during and after the use of antibiotics and chemotherapy;
  • to maintain immunity;
  • in dietary nutrition.

How are VIVO starters used in baby food?

  • guaranteed product freshness;
  • absence of preservatives, flavors, dyes, stabilizers;
  • Fermented milk products are a source of essential nutrients for the body in an easy to digest form.

These factors have determined the enormous popularity of using VIVO starter cultures as fermented milk complementary foods for children. It’s better to start with Bifivit VIVO (used for decades in dairy kitchens former USSR) and VIVO cottage cheese. Also, if your child likes sour foods, you can start administering VIVO Acidolact (also known as Narine, acidophilus milk or acidophilus paste). Over time, when the child gets used to fermented milk products, you can add Vitalakt and Yogurt to the menu, and replace Bifivit with Probio Yogurt

Whatever complementary foods you introduce to your baby (be it VIVO fermented milk products, cereals, vegetable or fruit purees), we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules for introducing complementary foods.

How do VIVO starters help restore intestinal microflora?

A generally accepted method of restoring microflora is the use of probiotics - preparations containing beneficial bacteria.

Unlike tablets, VIVO fermented milk products are the most natural way for humans to deliver beneficial bacteria to the intestines.

The second advantage over medicines is the number of these bacteria. The number of bacteria in one average capsule or tablet is comparable to the number of beneficial bacteria in just one gram of VIVO fermented milk product.

Besides, big problem Disorders of the intestinal microflora mean that pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microorganisms take the place of the missing beneficial bacteria in the intestine. VIVO fermented milk products contain bacteria that counteract the development of many pathogenic bacteria.

During the fermentation process, these bacteria produce lactic acid and other substances that inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

VIVO starter cultures in fermented milk diets.

There are many diets based on the consumption of fermented milk products. Ideally, the diet should be prescribed by a nutritionist, taking into account individual characteristics your body and the set treatment and prophylactic goals.

Therefore, we refrain from publishing any diets on our website. They can be easily found on the Internet using any search engine. Whatever fermented milk diet you follow, using homemade VIVO products instead of store-bought ones will bring much greater benefits:

  • fermented milk products made from VIVO starters are truly fresh and “alive”;
  • do not contain dyes, preservatives, stabilizers;
  • do not contain sugar, sweetener substitutes, or vegetable fats.

Who produces VIVO starters?

The VIVO group of companies was created in 2008 and specializes in the production and sale of bacterial starter cultures for the preparation of live homemade fermented milk products.

Thanks to the unique beneficial properties VIVO sourdoughs, their high quality and safety, are loved by millions of people around the world.

VIVO starter cultures are particularly popular in Russia, where they occupy a leading position in the market and are represented in all major supermarkets and pharmacies in the country.

VIVO's production base is located in Russia, Moscow. Bacterial cultures from the world's leading manufacturers from France, Germany and Denmark are used as raw materials.

How to prepare fermented milk products?

It is very simple to prepare a fermented milk product using VIVO milk starter.

For maximum easy preparation we will need super pasteurized milk, VIVO starter and a yogurt maker.

You can use not only super-pasteurized milk, but also boiled homemade or regular (pasteurized) “store-bought” milk.

You can also prepare a fermented milk product without a yogurt maker.

In the "Instructions" section

How to prepare fermented milk products in a yogurt maker?

We will need milk, VIVO starter and a yogurt maker.

The starter is dissolved, mixed with milk at room temperature, poured into cups and placed in a yogurt maker. All this will take no more than 5 minutes of your time. After this, the yogurt maker will do everything automatically. All you have to do is take it out finished product and put it in the refrigerator.

In the "Instructions" section you will find all necessary information on preparation.

How to prepare fermented milk products in a thermos?

A yogurt maker is a simple and inexpensive device that greatly facilitates the preparation of fermented milk products at home. But if it’s not there, it doesn’t matter. A regular liter thermos with a glass flask will do.

The milk is boiled, cooled to a certain temperature, the starter is dissolved and mixed with milk. This mixture is poured into a thermos and left to ferment for a certain time (the temperature and time of fermentation depend on the specific type of starter and are indicated in the instructions).

After this, the finished product is poured from a thermos and placed in the refrigerator.

In the “Instructions” section you will find all the necessary preparation information.

Is it possible to prepare fermented milk products without a yogurt maker and a thermos?

It is possible to prepare fermented milk products without using a yogurt maker if a number of conditions are met.

The instructions for cooking in a thermos should be followed.

Instead of a thermos you should use glass jar, wrapped to prevent the product from cooling.

The product for fermentation should be left in a warm place so that the product does not cool down.

If you manage to maintain the milk temperature in the range of +-2 degrees from the recommended temperature throughout the entire ripening time, everything should work out.

How are VIVO starters used without fermentation?

Bacterial starters contain beneficial live bacteria, which are part of normal microflora person. Thus, fermented milk products and the starter itself are probiotics, which high efficiency used to restore intestinal microflora, when using antibiotics, for ARVI and colds, to stimulate immune system, for gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Best for use in pure form are the following products: Acidolact, Probio Yogurt, Yogurt, Probio yogurt with lactulose, Yogurt with lactulose and Immunovit.

Dissolve a packet of starter in half a glass boiled water room temperature. Take 1 sachet 1 - 2 times a day immediately after meals for 1 - 3 weeks. For maximum effect It is advisable to combine the intake of pure sourdough with the use of homemade fermented milk products.

How do fermented milk products prepared with VIVO sourdough differ from store-bought ones?

The main differences between homemade fermented milk products prepared using VIVO starter cultures and store-bought ones:

  • guaranteed freshness - you know exactly when the product was prepared;
  • guaranteed absence of various additives - preservatives, dyes, flavors, stabilizers, vegetable fats;
  • the product is guaranteed to contain live beneficial bacteria in high concentration;
  • flavoring additives are guaranteed natural - you choose what to add to the finished product;
  • you can prepare not only traditional products, but also unique ones that are not sold in stores - Vitalact, Probio Yogurt, Bifivit, Acidolact.

How do fermented milk products prepared with VIVO sourdough differ from yogurt?

Bacteria that are involved in the preparation of curdled milk enter milk from environment. These can be either beneficial lactic acid bacteria or unsafe for health. Actively developing in milk, they can increase their quantity to a level that is hazardous to health. Therefore, there are often cases intestinal disorders after eating yogurt.

When preparing fermented milk products using VIVO bacterial starter cultures, specially selected bacteria are added to the milk. They are not only useful for humans in themselves, but also have the ability to suppress the development of many pathogens, which inevitably enter milk from the environment during the preparation process.

What is a yogurt maker?

A yogurt maker is a simple and inexpensive kitchen appliance that greatly facilitates the preparation of fermented milk products. The yogurt maker consists of a body with a built-in heating element and a container or containers (cups) for preparing fermented milk products.

The task of the yogurt maker is to heat the mixture of milk and starter and maintain the temperature of the mixture constant throughout the entire fermentation time.

What are the differences between yogurt makers?

Fundamental differences between yogurt makers of different models:

  • Material from which cups and milk containers are made: glass or plastic.
  • Heating element power: the faster the mixture heats up from room temperature to operating temperature, the better.
  • The presence of a temperature sensor that regulates the temperature of the milk mixture - without it, the temperature of the milk mixture may differ from the recommended one.
  • The presence of a timer with a sound signal will remind you of the need to rearrange the cups of yogurt in the refrigerator.

Why didn't the starter work?

Read more about this in questions about yogurt maker, thermos and milk quality.

Why doesn't the starter ferment in a thermos?

There are several reasons why your starter may not work in a thermos.

  • incorrect milk temperature - it is optimal that the milk mixture is at a temperature of +- 2 degrees from the recommended temperature during the entire ripening period. Check the temperature of the milk at the end of the ripening period. If the milk has cooled down, then the thermos does not hold the temperature well. We recommend replacing the thermos or leaving it in a warm place during fermentation.
  • incorrect fermentation time - please note that if the temperature of the milk in the thermos decreases, the time required for fermentation may increase
  • introducing the starter into milk that is too hot or dissolving the starter too much hot water - heat(above 42 degrees) can damage the bacteria that make up the starter
  • you are using low-quality milk - sometimes at various stages of collecting, processing and packaging milk, substances are added to it to prevent milk from souring. These substances can disrupt the ripening process

The likelihood that the reason for the failure is the quality of the starter is extremely low. During production, each batch is carefully checked for bacterial activity. Before packaging, the bacterial concentrate is thoroughly mixed, which ensures uniform activity from bag to bag. If the entire batch turns out to be defective, such batch will be immediately removed from production before the starter goes on sale. Even with significant violations of storage and transportation temperatures, the starter culture retains sufficient activity to produce a high-quality fermented milk product.

Why doesn't the starter ferment in a yogurt maker?

There are several reasons why sourdough may not work:

  • Incorrect milk temperature - it is optimal that the milk mixture has a temperature of +- 2 degrees from the recommended temperature during the entire ripening period.
  • Incorrect fermentation time - please note that when using some yogurt makers, it may take a significant amount of time for the milk to warm up to the fermentation temperature when the ferment starts to work. Therefore, this time must be added to the recommended cooking time.
  • Adding the starter to milk that is too hot or dissolving the starter with too hot water - high temperatures (above 42 degrees) can damage the bacteria that make up the starter.
  • You are using low-quality milk - sometimes at various stages of collecting, processing and packaging milk, substances are added to it to prevent milk from souring. These substances can disrupt the ripening process.

The likelihood that the reason for the failure is the quality of the starter is extremely low. During production, each batch is carefully checked for bacterial activity. Before packaging, the bacterial concentrate is thoroughly mixed, which ensures uniform activity from bag to bag. If the entire batch turns out to be defective, such batch will be immediately removed from production before the starter goes on sale. Even with significant violations of storage and transportation temperatures, the starter culture retains sufficient activity to produce a high-quality fermented milk product.

What kind of milk should I use for fermentation?

For the simplest and fastest preparation of fermented milk products High Quality We recommend using shelf-stable milk (also super-pasteurized) in Tetra-Pak packages (multilayer packaging made of cardboard and foil). This milk does not require boiling, and if you use a yogurt maker, it is very convenient.

Just add the starter to milk at room temperature (and this milk can be stored at room temperature), stir, pour into cups and turn on the yogurt maker.

Using regular milk(pasteurized), remember: it is highly recommended to boil it and cool it before fermenting.

Both pasteurized and super-pasteurized milk come in “regular” and “baby” varieties. If you are preparing fermented milk products for a child, we recommend using baby milk.

When using homemade milk, it is a good idea to make sure that the cow that gave the milk is healthy. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Homemade milk It is also recommended to boil before fermenting.

Is shelf-stable milk good or bad?

If you study the technology for the production of super-pasteurized milk for long-term storage, it becomes clear that such milk is of quite high quality.

Unlike pasteurization (heating to a temperature of +65 degrees or higher for 30 minutes), with superpasteurization the heating temperature is higher (125-150 degrees), but only for a few seconds (from 2 to 6 seconds). This allows you to preserve a maximum of vitamins and microelements.

At this temperature, all microorganisms die, which allows you to store such milk (in sealed Tetra-Pak packaging) for much longer. This also allows you to avoid boiling the milk before fermenting.

Another fact in favor of super-pasteurized milk is the careful selection of raw materials. After all, if raw milk is stale, it may curdle during superpasteurization. Which will lead to equipment failure, production downtime and expensive repairs.

Why are starter cultures sensitive to milk quality?

When collecting, processing and packaging milk, one of the main problems is bacteria. Getting into milk from the environment, they cause milk to sour. To avoid this, milk is subjected to heat treatment. However, sometimes on different stages collection and production, unscrupulous producers or collectors may add substances to milk that inhibit the development of bacteria to prevent souring.

Even if you use the same brand of milk, the quality of the milk may vary from batch to batch. This is due to the fact that dairies cannot fully control the milk collection process.

The very substances that prevent milk from souring during production can disrupt home cooking fermented milk products. Some sourdough makers genetically modify bacteria to make them resistant to these substances. VIVO starters do not contain genetically modified bacteria.

Why don’t VIVO starters use GMO bacteria?

Bowel diseases affect general health the body is very noticeable. Therefore, you should not neglect them. Why is it so bad when the intestines are not working well? Firstly, such a situation can be safely called a problem that can greatly worsen the life of any person; in addition, it is a strong and great discomfort. Constant, ongoing heaviness in the abdomen, worsening general condition the body, due to poor removal of toxins from the body. That is why we will try to figure out how to start the intestines.

How to use pharmaceutical drugs to open the intestines at home?

The first thing you need to do to start the intestines is to cleanse the intestines of already accumulated waste products with the help of magnesium. Why you shouldn’t resort to other laxatives, because they often act slowly or may not be effective at all. To cleanse the intestines early in the morning, drink a solution of magnesium. It is diluted like this: take 1 sachet per glass of water. We warn you right away that this is not quite tasty, but it is effective and helps well. The main thing is that after drinking diluted magnesia, do not go far from the toilet, otherwise you will have to run quickly, since the effect can be unpredictable.

Cleansing will start bowel function

To make the intestines work, it must be cleansed, and if this did not work using the method described above, then here is another option. Buy fiber or microcellulose at the pharmacy; you should eat a tablespoon of it on an empty stomach and wash it down with water.

However, immediately note that this method Not recommended for use if you suffer from hemorrhoids. With this disease, ballast substances will irritate the affected intestinal walls. And as a result, the disease may worsen. Therefore, if you have hemorrhoids, then abandon this method of opening your intestines immediately, since it is better not to risk your own health and choose safer and harmless options.

How to start intestinal motility at home?

The next tip is to include fruits in your diet more often. And it’s best to generally do fruit days, at least twice a week. At the same time, during the day, eat only your favorite fruits, washed down with fermented milk products. To unload the intestines, the following are best suited:

  • bananas,
  • pears,
  • apples,
  • pineapples,
  • peaches,
  • and other fruits.

In principle, you should not starve, the only thing is that you should have a feeling of relief and generally unusual lightness, and your intestines will begin to function normally.

Just like fruits, honey and olive oil, it is recommended to eat a tablespoon every morning. Then drink a glass of clean, good water. In this way, you can effectively make the intestines work in just 1 month of treatment. Advice for allergy sufferers, be careful with honey, do not overdo it.

Another product worth eating to get your bowels moving is walnuts. In general, nuts should be eaten not only for digestive problems, but in general. Because they are very beneficial for the body. In general, you can and should eat not only walnuts, but also others. It is recommended to eat at least 100g per day. You can eat them before or after meals, as is convenient for you.

How should I start my bowels after surgery?

To make your intestines work, drink plenty of fluids, especially good fruit juices. Be sure to watch your diet, eat hot soups more often, and limit yourself to eating unhealthy foods. This is the only way you can gradually restore normal work intestines.