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Indications for hospitalization when vaccinated with Ads m. Contraindications for the injection. Indications and contraindications

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Active ingredient:

Instructions for medical use

Diphtheria-tetanus toxoid purified adsorbed liquid (ADS-anatoxin)
Instructions for medical use- RU No. LS-000331

Date last change: 04.06.2013

Dosage form

Suspension for intramuscular administration.


ADS toxoid consists of a mixture of purified diphtheria and tetanus toxoids adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide.

1 dose (0.5 ml) contains: 30 flocculating units (Lf) of diphtheria toxoid and 10 binding units (EC) of tetanus toxoid;


Not more than 0.55 mg of aluminum hydroxide (in terms of aluminum), from 42.5 to 57.5 mcg of thiomersal and not more than 50 mcg of formaldehyde.

Description of the dosage form

The suspension is yellowish-white in color, separating upon settling into a clear supernatant liquid and a yellowish-white loose sediment, completely breaking up when shaking.

Pharmacological group

MIBP - toxoid.


Prevention of diphtheria and tetanus in children.


  • Severe reaction or post-vaccination complication to a previous vaccine administration;
  • Acute infectious and Not infectious diseases- vaccinations are carried out no earlier than 2-4 weeks after recovery. For mild forms of disease (rhinitis, mild hyperemia pharynx, etc.) vaccination is allowed after the disappearance of clinical symptoms;
  • Chronic diseases - vaccinations are carried out upon achieving complete or partial remission;
  • Neurological changes - grafted after the progression of the process has been ruled out;
  • Allergic diseases - vaccinations are carried out 2-4 weeks after the end of the exacerbation, while stable manifestations of the disease (localized skin phenomena, hidden bronchospasm, etc.) are not contraindications to vaccination, which can be carried out against the background of appropriate therapy.

Immunodeficiencies, HIV infection, as well as maintenance course therapy, including steroid hormones and psychopharmaceuticals are not contraindications to vaccination.

In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (paramedic at the FAP) on the day of vaccination conducts a survey and examination of the vaccinated with mandatory thermometry. When vaccinating adults, preliminary selection of persons to be vaccinated is allowed, with their interview by the medical worker conducting the vaccination on the day of vaccination. Persons temporarily exempt from vaccination must be monitored and registered and vaccinated in a timely manner.

Vaccinations according to epidemiological indications: non-immune persons with the diseases specified in the section “Contraindications for use”, who are in direct contact with patients with diphtheria (family, class, dorm room, etc.), can be vaccinated according to the conclusion of a specialist until recovery (remission) ) against the background of appropriate therapy.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Directions for use and doses

ADS toxoid is administered intramuscularly into the anterior outer part of the thigh in a dose of 0.5 ml. Before vaccination, the ampoule must be thoroughly shaken until a homogeneous suspension is obtained.

ADS toxoid is used:

1. Children who have had whooping cough (from 3 one month old before reaching 6 years of age).

2. Children who have contraindications to the administration of DTP vaccine.

3. Children aged 4-5 years inclusive, who have not previously been vaccinated against diphtheria.

and tetanus.

The vaccination course consists of two vaccinations with an interval of 30 days. Reducing the interval is not allowed. If it is necessary to increase the interval, the next vaccination should be carried out as soon as possible, determined by the child’s health condition. Revaccination with ADS toxoid is carried out once 6-12 months after the completed course of vaccination. The first revaccination of children over 6 years of age, as well as subsequent age-related revaccinations, are carried out with ADS-M toxoid.

ADS toxoid can be administered after a month or simultaneously with the polio vaccine and other drugs national calendar preventive vaccinations.

The administration of the drug is recorded in the established accounting forms, indicating the batch number, expiration date, manufacturer, date of administration, and the nature of the reaction to the administration of the drug.

Side effects

ADS-toxoid is a weakly reactogenic drug. Some vaccinated people may develop short-term general (fever, malaise) and local (pain, hyperemia, swelling) reactions in the first two days. Considering the possibility of developing immediate allergic reactions (Quincke's edema, urticaria, polymorphic rash) in particularly sensitive individuals, vaccinated persons must be provided with medical supervision for 30 minutes. Vaccination sites must be provided with anti-shock therapy.

When the temperature rises above 38.5°C in more than 1% of vaccinated people or when severe local reactions occur (swelling of soft tissues with a diameter of more than 5 cm, infiltrates with a diameter of more than 2 cm) in more than 4% of vaccinated people, as well as with the development of severe post-vaccination complications of vaccination the drug in this series is discontinued.


Not installed.


Not installed.


The drug is not suitable for use in ampoules with damaged integrity, lack of labeling, if physical properties(change in color, presence of unbreakable flakes), expired, improperly stored.

The opening of the ampoules and the vaccination procedure are carried out when strict adherence rules of asepsis and antiseptics. The drug cannot be stored in an opened ampoule.

Special instructions

Information about possible influence medicinal product on the ability to manage vehicles, mechanisms .

Not applicable because this drug intended for use in children.

Release form

Suspension for intramuscular administration in ampoules of 0.5 ml (one vaccination dose) or 1 ml (two vaccination doses). 10 ampoules per box with instructions for use and a scarifier, or 5 ampoules in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride or polystyrene film, 2 ampoules per pack with instructions for use and a scarifier.

When packaging ampoules that have a notch, ring or break point, a scarifier is not included.

Storage conditions

According to SP at temperatures from 2 to 8 °C. Freezing is not allowed. Keep out of the reach of children.

Transportation conditions.

According to SP at temperatures from 2 to 8 °C. Freezing is not allowed.

Best before date

Drug with expired not suitable for use.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

For medical and preventive institutions.

LS-000331 from 2013-06-04
Diphtheria-tetanus toxoid purified adsorbed liquid (ADS-anatoxin) - instructions for medical use - RU No.

ADS-M-toxoid (adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid with reduced antigen content) consists of a mixture of purified diphtheria and tetanus toxoids adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide.

The drug contains 10 flocculating units (LF) of diphtheria and 10 antitoxin-binding units (EU) of tetanus toxoids in 1 ml. Preservative - merthiolate at a concentration of 0.01%.

The drug is used for vaccination of children from 6 years of age, adolescents and adults. ADS-M toxoid is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously in a dose of 0.5 ml (single dose). ADS-M-anatoxin is used:

  1. For planned age-related revaccinations of children aged 7-14 years. thereafter, without any age limit, every 10 years. Adults vaccinated against tetanus less than 10 years ago are vaccinated with AD-M toxoid.
  2. For vaccination of persons 7 years of age and older who have not previously been vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus.

    The vaccination course consists of 2 vaccinations with an interval of 30–45 days. Reducing intervals is not allowed. If it is necessary to increase the intervals, the next vaccination should be carried out as soon as possible.

    The first revaccination is carried out 6–9 months after the completed vaccination once, the second revaccination is carried out at an interval of 5 years. Subsequent revaccinations are carried out in accordance with paragraph 1.

  3. As a replacement for DPT vaccine (DTa toxoid) in children with severe general reactions(temperature 40°C and above) or post-vaccination complications for these drugs.

    If a reaction has developed to the first vaccination with DPT (ADS), then the second vaccination is carried out with ADS-M toxoid no earlier than 3 months later. If a reaction develops to the second vaccination, then the course of vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus is considered complete. In both cases, the first revaccination with ADS-M toxoid is carried out after 9–12 months. If a reaction has developed to the third DPT vaccination (ADS), the first revaccination with ADS-M toxoid is carried out after 12–18 months.

  4. Adults who have not previously been reliably vaccinated against diphtheria are given a full course of immunization (two vaccinations with ADS-M or AD-M toxoid with an interval of 30 days and revaccination after 6–9 months).

In foci of diphtheria preventive vaccinations carried out in accordance with the instructions and methodological documents of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation. Vaccinations with ADS-M toxoid can be carried out simultaneously with vaccinations against polio and other vaccinations in the vaccination schedule.

ADS-M toxoid is one of the least reactogenic drugs. Some vaccinated people may develop short-term general (fever, malaise) and local (pain, hyperemia, swelling) reactions in the first two days. In exclusively in rare cases may develop allergic reactions(Quincke's edema, urticaria, polymorphic rash), minor exacerbation allergic diseases. Considering the possibility of developing immediate allergic reactions in particularly sensitive individuals, vaccinated individuals must be provided with medical supervision for 30 minutes. Vaccination sites must be provided with anti-shock therapy.

Persons who have given ADS-M-anatoxin for administration severe forms allergic reactions, further scheduled vaccinations of the drug are stopped.

There are no permanent contraindications to the use of ADS-M toxoid in adults and children. It is not recommended to carry out routine vaccinations pregnant women.

Tactics of vaccination with ADS-M-anatoxin for premature infants and children who have had acute diseases, children with chronic diseases, as well as with mild forms of respiratory and allergic diseases, the tactics of immunization with the DPT vaccine are similar.

Non-immune persons who are in direct contact with patients with diphtheria (family, class, dorm room, etc.) are subject to vaccination according to epidemiological indications.

The drug is stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 6±2 °C. Transportation is carried out by all types of covered transport under the same conditions. The shelf life of ADS-M-anatoxin is 3 years.

This vaccine contains less diphtheria and tetanus toxoid, is gentle and is used for revaccination. ADSM is a variation of the well-known DPT vaccine, their difference is:

  • ADSM does not contain a pertussis component
  • Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids are contained in half the dose.

Marina Sikorskaya - mother of two children, doctor, author.

What is ADSM vaccinated against?

It is created to strengthen and activate the immune system that already exists after DTP vaccination. Protects against such two serious illnesses, like tetanus and diphtheria.

Why are tetanus and diphtheria dangerous?

Tetanus is an acute infectious disease, Clostridium tetani. Transmitted by contact contact damaged tissue. The disease can develop when deep injuries skin, stabbed, severe burns, frostbite, pricks with various sharp objects, thorns, etc. It is accompanied by damage to the nervous system, which in turn is manifested by tension in the skeletal muscles and generalized convulsions. The treatment is very long and difficult.

Diphtheria is an infectious disease caused by the diphtheria bacillus (Loeffler's bacillus). Affects the oropharynx, larynx, bronchi. This disease is very difficult and may be accompanied by blockage respiratory tract diphtheria film, edema and, accordingly, suffocation. The transmission route is airborne, which means the disease is highly contagious.

When is the ADS-m vaccine administered?

ADS-m is used for children over 4 years of age, since the pertussis component is no longer dangerous for them. This disease is scary for children under 3 years of age, as it causes severe coughing attacks, suffocation, mainly at night, and practically cannot be relieved by anything. Almost all cases of whooping cough in children under 4 years of age are treated inpatiently, under round-the-clock supervision medical workers.

At an older age it is much easier to tolerate, there are no such severe attacks suffocation, disappears within 3-5 weeks from the onset of the disease.

Revaccination of DTP with the ADS-m vaccine is carried out once every 10 years, starting from the age of 6, to strengthen the existing immunity.

Looking at the vaccination calendar, we get the following picture: we do 3,4,6 months and 1.5 years, but ADS-m at 6, 16, 26...etc.

​How is ADS-m tolerated?

In most cases, ADS-m is tolerated almost unnoticed by the patient. But there are certain reactions that are the norm - an indicator that immunity is beginning to develop and fight the vaccine.

These include:

  • Increase in body temperature to 39 C
  • Lethargy, weakness
  • Anxiety
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomit
  • Local reaction: pain, swelling, hardness, redness.

It is important to know that a reaction to ADSM is possible on the first day; if any symptoms appear on days 3-5, you need to look for another reason for their occurrence.

Where is the vaccine administered?

The vaccine is administered intramuscularly. Children with poorly developed muscles are vaccinated in the thigh; it can also be done in the shoulder. If the vaccine components do not enter the muscle, but the subcutaneous fatty tissue, the drug will take longer to dissolve and enter the bloodstream, a lump will appear at the injection site, and the saddest thing is that the vaccination will be ineffective and will have to be redone.

What are the contraindications for ADSM?

  • Pregnancy
  • Allergy to any component of the vaccine
  • Immunodeficiency conditions
  • Severe reaction to previous vaccines

Complications of the ADSM vaccine

They are extremely rare, but nevertheless they do occur (2 cases per 100,000):

  • Severe allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock)
  • Encephalitis or meningitis

You can get a free ADSM vaccination, as you can, in your clinic at your place of residence, after examination by a pediatrician, therapist or family doctor.

If at the time of vaccination the child is healthy, the doctor does not see any contraindications, you can go to the vaccination office and perform the manipulation.

To be safe from such terrible and serious illnesses simply necessary.

Take care of yourself. Stay healthy.

A hundred years ago, people, especially small children, died from a number of diseases: diphtheria, measles, tetanus. Fortunately, humanity has learned to fight them with the help of vaccines.

Some only need to be administered once to become resistant to infection. Others maintain immunity only for a certain time, so revaccination is necessary. Thus, to protect children and adults from diphtheria and tetanus, which are fatal in most cases, it is necessary to systematically vaccinate with ADS-m.

Vaccination is the introduction of weakened particles of a pathogen into the human body. Its task is to develop a permanent or temporary ability to resist the disease.

Initial vaccination should occur in the first days after birth, then it is carried out according to a special calendar.

The most dangerous diseases for children are tuberculosis, diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus; they are fatal in most cases. If vaccination against tuberculosis is carried out once, immediately after birth, then to protect against other diseases you need to do DTP vaccination 4 times to develop resistance to them for several years.

Over the age of 5 years, the whooping cough virus is relatively easy to transmit, but diphtheria and tetanus are still deadly. You can protect a person from them with the ADSM vaccination ( correct name- ADS-m). The abbreviation stands for: adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus vaccine in small doses.

All ADS-m preparations contain 5 units of tetanus toxoids and diphtheria bacillus, but in an amount half as large as in DPT. In addition, the composition contains additives registered by the manufacturer: preservatives, aluminum hydroxide, formaldehyde and others. A dosage of 0.5 ml activates the immunity already developed by previous vaccinations.

Differences between ADS-m and DTP:

  • absence of pertussis toxoids;
  • reduced concentration of active substances.

In addition to bivalent, there are monovalent vaccines AD (against diphtheria bacillus) and AS (anti-tetanus injection).

ADSM vaccine and its analogues

To protect against tetanus and diphtheria, you can choose one of the existing drugs:

  • Russian ADSM;
  • foreign: Imovaks D. T. Adult or D. T. Vaks;
  • monovalent AD or AS vaccines.

Foreign analogues have a higher degree of purification and extremely rarely cause any reactions to administration. Their disadvantages: the need for independent acquisition and high cost.

Vaccination with the Russian ADS-m vaccine is done in any clinic absolutely free of charge, the risk of complications is minimal and is associated only with non-compliance with the recommendations.

Which one to choose?

The ADSM vaccine is bivalent, that is, it produces antibodies to 2 pathogens at once. Such saturation raises concerns about excessive stress on the body, which are completely unfounded.

Pediatricians and therapists in most cases recommend polyvalent vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria, arguing as follows:

  • minimal risk of side effects;
  • the ability to combine with other vaccinations.
  • It has been proven that the administration of polyvalent vaccines is safer than monopreparations. The former go through several stages of purification, and their components are selected in such a way as to exclude a reaction for each other.

    Today, ADS-m vaccines are produced in disposable syringes and ampoules with several doses of the drug. The former do not contain preservatives, are easier to tolerate, and therefore are preferable for children.

    Vaccination dates

    Health care providers can offer several options for protecting you from tetanus and diphtheria. The choice of drug depends on the health status and age of the patient:

    1. ADS. The vaccine differs from DTP only in the absence of pertussis toxoids. It is given to children of the first year of life in case of severe allergic reactions or high fever that occurred after the administration of DPT. If this drug is also poorly tolerated by the baby, he is given ADS-m or given a medical exemption.
    2. R1 ADS-m. The first revaccination, according to the vaccination schedule, is carried out at 1.5 years of age (if the child was vaccinated with this particular drug). The medical records of children and adults who were administered DTP will not contain such a record.
    3. R2 ADS-m. Second revaccination. The vaccine is given to children aged 4 or 6 years.
    4. R3 ADS-m. The third revaccination is carried out 10 years after the previous one (14 or 16 years, respectively). Subsequently, the vaccine is administered every 10 years, without restrictions on the patient’s age.

    Refusal of vaccination

    Vaccination, especially in childhood, causes a lot of controversy. Many parents believe that the administration of toxoids weakens the immune system and causes serious complications in a child.

    Arguments in favor of a vaccine

    To understand whether to vaccinate against tetanus and diphtheria, it is necessary to evaluate the health risks of these diseases.

    Tetanus affects nervous system person, accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • a sharp increase in temperature;
    • uncontrolled contraction, severe spasm of muscle fibers;
    • weakness;
    • convulsions;
    • difficulty breathing.

    Tetanus is dangerous because of a spasm that causes respiratory arrest and paralysis. Today, every fourth case ends in death, even with the use of modern therapy.

    The causative agent of the disease is resistant to action high temperatures and multiplies quickly. Infection occurs when a person’s skin and muscles are damaged; the risk of infection is very high.

    Diphtheria is an infectious disease that affects respiratory system person. Accompanied by:

    • sore throat;
    • high temperature;
    • swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx (the so-called croup);
    • the appearance of plaque and films, gradually affecting neighboring tissues.

    The death of patients occurs from suffocation caused by swelling of the throat. In case of recovery, complications are possible: paralysis, pathologies of the heart and nervous system.

    The causative agent of diphtheria is transmitted by airborne droplets and contact, so the risk of infection is very high, as is the case with tetanus.

    The human body is not able to develop stable immunity to these diseases even after recovery, so the only way of protection is timely vaccination. Refusing it can result in death or serious problems in the body even with minor abrasions or meeting with a healthy (vaccinated) carrier of the diphtheria bacillus.

    Arguments against

    Many consider the disadvantage of the ADS-m vaccine to be complications and poor tolerability, especially in childhood. For this reason, adults refuse vaccination, exposing themselves and their children to mortal risk.

    Indications and contraindications

    ADS-m is included in the calendar mandatory vaccinations. It is recommended to do it:

    • children upon reaching 6 (sometimes 4) years of age;
    • teenagers 14-16 years old;
    • adults after 24-26 years every 10 years.

    In some cases, for example during a disease outbreak, vaccination is carried out unscheduled.


    • spicy and chronic pathologies not in remission;
    • 3-4 weeks after illness;
    • elevated temperature;
    • pregnancy;
    • strong reaction to a similar vaccine;
    • allergy to one of the components of the drug;
    • severe immunodeficiency.

    Before vaccination, an examination by a pediatrician or therapist is required; a blood test is taken to identify hidden pathologies. If contraindications are found, the doctor gives a medical exemption from vaccination.

    Features and schedule of vaccination

    Introduction schedule toxoid ADS-m depends on the reaction to DTP. If the child has tolerated the drug containing the whooping cough component well, vaccination is carried out as follows:

    • R2 - 4-6 years;
    • R3 - 14-16 years old.

    If a child did not tolerate the DTP and ADS vaccine well, and he does not have a medical outlet, the ADS-m vaccination is carried out according to the following scheme:

    • first - 3 months;
    • second - 4.5 months;
    • third - 6 months;
    • fourth - 1 year and 6 months.

    Revaccination of R2 and R3 is carried out according to the standard scheme.

    Any vaccination severe stress for children. To reduce the load on the nervous system, it is allowed to administer several vaccines at once, always in different parts of the body. The only exception is BCG vaccine, it is administered strictly separately from others.

    The drug ADS-m stimulates the production of antibodies to tetanus and diphtheria when released into the blood.

    The drug cannot be administered intravenously; the immune system will quickly destroy the pathogen and will not allow the development of antibodies.

    The vaccine must be injected into the muscle: shoulder, thigh, or under the shoulder blade (if the patient has a large layer of subcutaneous tissue). Buttock grafting can cause injury sciatic nerve, therefore not practiced.

    Preparatory measures

    How well the ADS-m vaccination will be tolerated depends on many factors. First of all, you need to understand whether there are any contraindications. Required actions:

    • studying medical card to identify previous reactions;
    • visual examination by a therapist or pediatrician;
    • general blood test.

    Vaccination is done only absolutely healthy person, preferably on an empty stomach. It is recommended to go to the toilet before administering the drug.

    For 2-3 days it is necessary to exclude allergenic foods from the diet, take antihistamines. On the day of vaccination, it is advisable to drink and eat a lot light food in small quantities.

    Reaction, side effects and possible complications

    Vaccination with ADS-m is rarely accompanied by side effects; natural reactions usually occur:

    1. Hyperthermia (37 to 39 °C). If the temperature is above 38.5 °C, you need to take antipyretics (drugs based on paracetamol or ibuprofen).
    2. Headache. The symptom is easily eliminated with painkillers.
    3. Moodiness, lethargy and drowsiness.
    4. Indigestion, diarrhea. If loose stool bothers you more than 3 times a day, you should take medications to normalize it (Smecta, Subtil).
    5. Pain, redness, swelling at the injection site. Unpleasant sensations relieved with painkillers and antihistamines.

    It is worth noting that all these signs are a reaction to the introduction of the vaccine. They can be expressed in mild, moderate and severe degrees (depending on the characteristics of the body and state of health). In any case, they disappear on their own after a few days.

    If symptoms persist for more than 5 days or only appear after this time, you should consult a doctor.

    Complications occur extremely rarely:

    1. Severe allergic reactions, for example, angioedema (Quincke's edema), anaphylactic shock, often urticaria. They appear almost immediately after the vaccine is administered and can be stopped by medical workers.
    2. Encephalitis.
    3. Meningitis.
    4. State of shock.
    5. Inflammation of the injection site due to infection.

    Some reactions develop quickly, so it is important to remain under medical supervision for at least half an hour.

    Main causes of complications:

    • administering a vaccine without prior examination;
    • no identified contraindications;
    • violation by the patient of the doctor's instructions.

    Features of behavior after vaccination

    To ensure that the administration of the ADS-m vaccine is not accompanied by undesirable reactions, certain recommendations must be followed:

    • do not eat (1 day before and 3 days after) foods that provoke allergies: citrus fruits, chocolate, unknown dishes;
    • observe drinking regime- drink 2 or more liters of clean warm water;
    • do not rub or comb the vaccination site;
    • do not use alcoholic drinks(3 days before vaccination and a week after).

    Vaccination weakens the human body, so it is recommended to avoid public places and contact with patients.

    Results and clarification of possible questions

    On the territory of the Russian Federation, vaccination with the domestic ADS-m vaccine is done in any clinic (you must present identification documents and insurance medical insurance). Anyone can get vaccinated and foreign drugs. However, to do this you will have to contact private clinic or purchase the vaccine yourself at the pharmacy.

    The cost of vaccination with domestic vaccines is 300-500 rubles, foreign - from 1500 rubles.

    Attention! The vaccine must be transported in the refrigerator, since toxoids die at room temperature.

    The knowledge of adults regarding any vaccinations, including ADS-m, is limited, despite extensive practice vaccinations. Quite often questions arise that even some pediatricians cannot give a clear answer to:

    Should I take my child for a walk after vaccination?

    Be on fresh air is very useful for children, and vaccination is not a reason to stay at home if the child feels well and the weather is good outside. The walk should take place in uncrowded places and be calm. If the baby is uncomfortable or has a fever, it is better to follow bed rest and ventilate the room well.

    On the day of vaccination, the child woke up with a slight runny nose, what should I do?

    If there are any, even minor, manifestations of ARVI, vaccination is not carried out due to the high risk of complications. Some pediatricians may argue that the lungs slight highlight snot - not scary at all. However, parents who value their child’s health should refrain from vaccination for approximately 3 weeks after complete recovery.

    Have you been vaccinated, when can you give your child a bath?

    When vaccinated water procedures are allowed, it is only forbidden to rub the injection site with a washcloth. Much more dangerous is dirt and natural discharge, falling on an open wound.

    Is massage possible after vaccination?

    Intramuscular administration of toxoids causes pain and muscle weakness, so you should not massage after vaccination. If a child is undergoing treatment, it is better to do the procedure before vaccination or take a temporary exemption from a pediatrician.

    What guarantees does the ADS-m vaccination provide?

    Vaccination does not protect 100% against tetanus and diphtheria, but if the disease occurs, it is much milder than in unvaccinated people.

    By the beginning of the 21st century, humanity had almost forgotten about many infectious diseases that were considered fatal. This achievement was made possible, among other things, thanks to the invention of vaccines. However, pathogens such as diphtheria and tetanus still live in environment and call death when infected. The only way to avoid this is to get vaccinated with ADS-m on time.

    Diphtheria and tetanus are quite serious infectious diseases that are dangerous due to their consequences. To prevent infection by them, children are offered the ADSM vaccination after the age of 4 years. Parents can agree to it, or they can write a refusal. But in order to make the right decision, they must know what this vaccination is.

    The schedule of childhood vaccinations includes the ADSM vaccine - not all parents know what it is. This is a private option without a single component directed against whooping cough.

    The ADSM vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria is currently used for revaccinations - repeated injections to activate previously acquired immunity, as well as to extend its validity. The composition of the drug is half doses of diphtheria and tetanus toxoids.

    Today, parents can be offered several vaccines:

    • domestic ADSM;
    • imported Imovax D.T. Adult - it practically does not cause any adverse reactions from the body;
    • monovalent vaccines - separately from tetanus (called AS) and (abbreviated as AD).

    It is natural that imported drug will cost some money, but it often turns out to be safer than the domestic vaccine. In addition, parents must own a lot more useful information about this procedure.

    The letter-by-letter decoding of the ADSM vaccine is adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus in small doses, so it is even more correct to write ADS-m. When is it recommended for children to do it, if in the first months of life children are already vaccinated against these infections, only with the help of DPT?

    Before deciding to get vaccinated, you should not forget about other means of protection, and this, first of all, is personal hygiene.

    Children's skin is very sensitive to various chemicals, so it's worth special attention pay attention to the composition of detergents and cosmetics. If the label contains references to sulfates, silicones and parabens, it is better not to purchase such a product. It can be harmful to children's skin, and severe cases- cause allergic reactions and chemical poisoning.

    You should only use cosmetic products containing natural natural ingredients. According to many professionals, Mulsan Cosmetic (mulsan.ru) remains the leader in domestic natural cosmetic products. Natural cosmetics, without harmful additives. There is a children's line for all ages, rich in plant extracts and oils.

    Vaccination dates

    The children's schedule of ADSM vaccinations depends directly on whether the child was given infancy DTP vaccination. If the drug was administered according to the general vaccination calendar, the subsequent scheme is as follows:

    • at 6 years of age (less often at 4 years of age), children are vaccinated with r2 ADSM (i.e., revaccination No. 2);
    • at the age of 16, it is already called r3 ADSM, as it means revaccination No. 3 (if the previous vaccination was given at 4 years, then the next one should be given at 14, i.e. 10 years later).

    It is rare, but it also happens that a small organism cannot tolerate DTP. In case of such rejection, the ADSM vaccine comes to the rescue, which is given to small children according to the following schedule:

    • 3 months;
    • 4.5 months;
    • 6 months;
    • 1.5 years - revaccination.

    Next, the ADSM vaccination calendar common to everyone comes into force (at 6 and 16 years of age). In adulthood, vaccination is carried out every 10 years, because it is for this period that the administered drug forms immunity against tetanus and diphtheria.

    Knowing when children are vaccinated with ADSM, parents will not miss it important vaccination in the life of your own child. However, there is still a fairly large percentage of refusals from this procedure on the part of parents who are afraid of the consequences for the health of their children. How exaggerated is this fear?

    Reaction to vaccination

    As with any other vaccination, the child’s body also reacts to the injection of ADSM. In some cases this happens quite violently, while in some children the reaction is almost imperceptible.

    Parents need to be attentive and observant towards their child in the first 3 days after vaccination. Firstly, minor ailments and changes in the baby’s behavior during this period should not frighten them, as they are the norm. Secondly, you need to ensure that in time side effects ADSM did not last longer after vaccination: if any deviations last more than a week, in this case you should consult a doctor.

    The following reactions are considered normal for this vaccination:

    • temperature: may remain at 37°C, or may rise to 39°C - in this case it is recommended to give the child an antipyretic;
    • local reactions in the form of compaction, redness, pain, swelling, sensation of heat in the injection area; a lump may form for several weeks, but there is no need to heat it or apply anything to it - it will go away on its own;
    • in rare cases, limb mobility is impaired due to pain syndrome in the area of ​​injection; if the ADSM vaccine hurts the child very much, it interferes with his sleep and behavior familiar image life, in the first 2-3 days you can give him painkillers or apply ice briefly to the injection site; but if after this time the symptom does not subside, it would be best to seek the advice of a doctor;
    • moodiness;
    • anxiety;
    • lethargy;
    • diarrhea and vomiting;
    • appetite disorder.

    All these symptoms should not frighten parents: they do not affect the child’s health in the future and go away on their own within a few days. However, the consequences of this vaccination may not be so easy - if contraindications for the ADSM vaccination are not observed, complications may develop for children.

    Possible complications

    Complications from ADSM vaccination in children develop very rarely: they are diagnosed with an average frequency of 2 cases per 100 thousand vaccinated people. These include conditions such as:

    Parents should not be afraid of the development of their child against the background of ADSM vaccination. neurological disorders, since tetanus and diphtheria toxoids, according to research, have no effect on either nerve tissue, nor on the membranes of the brain. And the above complications can develop after vaccination only if contraindications to ADSM vaccination are not observed. Parents need to know about them without fail in order to protect their child from dangerous consequences.


    Before vaccinating a child of any age with ADSM, it is necessary to identify contraindications for this vaccination. These include:

    • acute course of any disease;
    • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
    • severe immunodeficiency;
    • individual intolerance to one of the components of the administered drug;
    • excessively violent reaction to the previous ADSM vaccination.

    Doctors usually ask parents how the child tolerates vaccinations and look at him medical card to learn the characteristics of a small organism. A small but thorough examination is carried out to determine the presence of the above contraindications, and only after this a decision is made on the possibility of vaccination. Many parents ask where the ADSM vaccination is usually given, because they are given in different places for different children.

    Injection site

    Vaccination with ADSM involves the use of an adsorbed vaccine. This means that the drug will be released into the blood gradually, slowly provoking a reaction immune system, which will ultimately lead to the formation of immunity to infections. Therefore, the ADSM vaccine is administered only intramuscularly.

    If the drug gets into subcutaneous tissue, this will lead to too slow absorption into the blood. This is fraught with the formation of a lump at the injection site and, in general, even the ineffectiveness of the vaccination - in this case, it will have to be redone. To provide intramuscular injection ADSM drug, the World Health Organization recommends injecting children in the following places:

    • the outer part of the shoulder, the border between its upper and middle third (if the child has a well-developed muscular framework);
    • thigh (with undeveloped muscle mass in a child, since in this part of the body the muscles are better developed and are located very close to the skin);
    • the subscapular region is a backup option that is used by doctors if the child has a pronounced subcutaneous fat layer that covers the muscles on the shoulder and thigh.

    In this regard, parents often wonder whether it is possible to wet the ADSM vaccination site: definitely yes - water procedures do not in any way affect the child’s well-being in the future and local reactions.

    Having complete information about the ADSM vaccination, parents will be able to figure out how important this vaccination is for their child, and will be able to make the right decision whether to agree to it or write a refusal. Consultation with a doctor in this matter is required. Very often, complications after diphtheria and tetanus cripple the entire later life child. It is much easier to get vaccinated in a timely manner and not worry about the health of your child.