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They make Ads m. The main properties of the toxoid ADS-M. When is the ADS-m vaccine administered?

suspension for injection 0.5 ml/dose: 1 or 2 doses, ampoules 10 pcs.
Reg. No.: 7889/06/11/17 dated 06/01/2017 - Registration period. beat is not limited

Suspension for injection yellowish-white in color, upon settling it separates into a transparent supernatant liquid and a loose sediment, which completely breaks up when shaken.

Excipients: aluminum hydroxide gel, thiomersal, sodium chloride, water for injection.

0.5 ml (1 dose) - ampoules (10) - cardboard packs.
1 ml (2 doses) - ampoules (10) - cardboard packs.

Description medicinal product ADS-M-BIOLEK created in 2015 on the basis of instructions posted on the official website of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. Update date: 05/15/2015

Dosage regimen

ADS-M-Biolek is injected intramuscularly into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock or the anterior outer part of the thigh, or subcutaneously into the subscapular region in an amount of 0.5 ml (single dose). Before vaccination, the ampoule must be thoroughly shaken until a homogeneous suspension is obtained.

ADS-M-Biolek is used:

  • for planned age revaccinations of adolescents at 14 years of age and adults at 18 years of age according to the National Calendar preventive vaccinations" Subsequent planned revaccinations for adults are carried out every 10 years without age restrictions;
  • for immunization of children from 6 years of age who have not previously been vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus. The vaccination course consists of three vaccinations a day with an interval of at least 30 days. Reducing intervals is not allowed. Primary revaccination is carried out 6-9 months after the last dose of vaccination;
  • adolescents and adults who have not previously been vaccinated or have no data regarding immunization are vaccinated with ADS-M-Biolek three times (the interval between the first and second vaccination should be 30-45 days, between the second and third - 6-12 months). Revaccination of adolescents (vaccinated outside the schedule) is carried out with a minimum interval of 3 years after the last vaccination to prevent diphtheria and tetanus;
  • to replace the drug ADS-Biolek in children with severe general reactions (temperature 38.6°C and above) or post-vaccination reactions for the specified drug. If a reaction has developed after the first immunization with ADS-Biolek, then the second vaccination is carried out no earlier than 3 months later. If a reaction develops after the second immunization with ADS-Biolek, then the course of vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus is considered completed. In both cases, the first revaccination is carried out with the drug ADS-M-Biolek after 9-12 months;
  • for immunization of adults who were vaccinated with a drug containing tetanus toxoid more than 10 years ago, without age restrictions, on a planned or mass basis or in foci of infection. If it is reliably known that adults have not previously been vaccinated against diphtheria, have not suffered from it and were not carriers of toxigenic corynebacteria diphtheria, then they should receive a full course of immunization against diphtheria and revaccination after 6-8 months. Adults vaccinated against tetanus less than 10 years ago are vaccinated with AD-M-Biolek.

The next revaccinations are carried out after 10 years.

The drug in ampoules with a violation of integrity, lack of labeling, if changed physical properties(change in color, presence of unbreakable flakes), with expired expiration date or unsatisfactory storage - unsuitable for use.

The opening of ampoules and the vaccination procedure are performed in strict compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. The drug cannot be stored in an opened ampoule. The administration of the drug is registered in the established accounting forms indicating the drug batch number, control number, expiration date, manufacturer, date of administration.

Side effects

ADS-M-Biolek is one of the least reactogenic drugs.

Some vaccinated people may experience short-term general (fever, malaise) and local (pain, hyperemia, swelling) reactions within two days.

In exceptional cases, allergic reactions are possible (Quincke's edema, urticaria, polymorphic rash), a slight exacerbation of allergic diseases.

Considering the possibility of developing immediate allergic reactions in particularly sensitive individuals, it is necessary to establish medical supervision of vaccinated individuals for 30 minutes. Vaccination sites must be provided with funds antishock therapy. Persons who have developed severe forms allergic reactions, further routine vaccinations the drug is stopped.

special instructions

Persons who have suffered acute diseases vaccinated 2-4 weeks after recovery. In mild forms of the disease, vaccination is allowed after the clinical symptoms disappear.

Patients with chronic diseases are vaccinated upon achieving clinical and laboratory remission in a hospital setting (if necessary).

Persons with neurological changes are vaccinated after the process has progressed.

Immunodeficiencies, HIV infection, as well as maintenance course therapy, including steroid hormones and psychopharmacological drugs, are not contraindications to vaccination.

Sick allergic diseases vaccination is carried out 2-4 weeks after the end of the exacerbation, with stable manifestations (localized skin manifestations, latent bronchospasm, etc.) are not contraindications to vaccination, which can be carried out against the background of appropriate therapy.

In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (paramedic at the FAP) on the day of vaccination conducts a survey of parents and an examination of the vaccinated with mandatory thermometry. When vaccinating adults, preliminary selection of persons to be vaccinated is allowed, with their subsequent interview by the medical worker who conducts the vaccination. Persons temporarily exempt from vaccinations must be monitored, registered and vaccinated in a timely manner.

Effect on the ability to drive and use cars has not been studied.

Drug interactions

Vaccination with ADS-M-Biolek can be carried out simultaneously with vaccination against polio. As for other drugs in the vaccination schedule, you should be guided by the current documentation of the Ministry of Health.

Storage conditions of the drug

Store the drug in a place protected from light at a temperature of 2°C to 8°C. Transported by any covered vehicle under conditions that exclude freezing at temperatures from 2°C to 8°C.

Hello, dear moms and dads! There has always been controversy around vaccinations, including ADSM. Some called them a panacea for serious illnesses, others called them an unreasonable risk to the child’s health. Well, be that as it may, they were made before and they continue to be made now. True, sometimes with reluctance and even apprehension. That is why we decided to help young parents figure out at least one of them and talk about what the Ads-m vaccine is, what it is for, what contraindications and side effects it actually has.

And, finally, is it worth abandoning it? After all, she promises to warn such serious illnesses like diphtheria and tetanus. The first one is transmitted by airborne droplets, and the second – contact. But both are characterized by sad statistics - death occurs in children in 20-40% of 100% cases. And both have dire consequences.

The description of the ADSM vaccine states that it is diphtheria-tetanus toxoid in small doses.

Hence its second name, more correct – ADS-m. Differing in only one component from the more common version of DTP, the absence of whooping cough, it takes its place in the vaccination calendar.

By the way, in view of the content in it biological material in much smaller doses compared to the same DTP, ADSM is used only for revaccination. However, this also has its advantages. It is more easily tolerated by children who have had a violent reaction to the DTP vaccine.

Many parents are afraid of vaccines because they consider them to be drugs containing half-live pathogens of those very dangerous diseases. In fact, this is not so.

Vaccines contain toxoids. These are toxins that are produced by these pathogens but are then processed into laboratory conditions in such a way that they negative impact on the body was completely negated, but they themselves could force it to produce the necessary antibodies, and therefore immunity.

2. Types of vaccination

The ADSM vaccine, which exists on the modern market, has its own varieties.

It happens:

  • domestic– it is cheaper, but the savings are not always justified. There is an opinion that such a vaccine can provoke the development side effects in the form of temperature and pain in the injection area.
  • foreign Imovax D.T.Adult– it is more expensive and easier to tolerate by the body.
  • monovalent- a separate vaccine for diphtheria called AD and for tetanus called AS.

However, doctors say that it is possible to minimize the consequences of using any type of ADSM vaccine. How? Just follow the rules regarding the timing of vaccination and preparation for it.

3. When is the ADSM vaccine given?

The timing of the administration of the ADSM vaccine is affected by the DTP vaccination.

If it was done on time, doctors adhere to the national vaccination schedule and prescribe injections:

  • at 6 years of age (or at 4 years of age), when r2 ADSM is given, or a second revaccination.
  • at 16 years of age (or at 14 years of age), when r3 ADSM, or the third revaccination, is given. It is very important that exactly 10 years pass between two injections.

There is also another scheme. It is used when a child does not tolerate DTP vaccination well. According to it, the ADSM vaccine is administered into:

  • 3 months;
  • 4.5 months;
  • 6 months;
  • 1.5 years;
  • 6 years;
  • 16 years.

After this, you need to be vaccinated every 10 years, since that is exactly how long the formed immunity lasts.

In addition, ADSM vaccination can be prescribed if an unvaccinated child has been in contact with a patient with diphtheria to form emergency immunity.

4. Where is the ADSM vaccination given?

Traditionally, ADSM vaccination is given intramuscularly. The most common injection site is the thigh, shoulder, or area under the shoulder blade.

The choice of the optimal one depends on the age and structure of the human body. Children with undeveloped muscle mass The injection is given in the thigh, since in this place the muscles come close to the skin. And they are considered better developed than the others.

If there is a well-developed muscular frame, preference is given to the shoulder.

Under the shoulder blade ADSM vaccination is done in the case of an existing subcutaneous fat layer that blocks access to muscles in other areas.

Why is ADSM done intramuscularly? Because in this case, the drug will enter the blood gradually, provoking the desired reaction of the immune system. If it gets into the blood completely and immediately, the immune system will react instantly and simply destroy it. And with it the hope of developing the body’s immunity to infections and protecting against them.

5. Introduction of the ADSM vaccine: what to expect

Can there be negative reactions to the vaccine? Yes. As a rule, they appear in the first three days after the injection and, according to doctors, do not in any way affect the future health of the child. Yes, and they pass without a trace.

These include:

  • temperature - it can be insignificant and rise to 37 C or quite high - up to 39 C, when the child needs an antipyretic. But in any case, it means only one thing: the immune system is working!
  • local reaction - from slight redness - to thickening, swelling or lumps that do not require additional care, but pass on their own;
  • diarrhea and vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • moodiness, anxiety, inhibition of reactions;
  • impaired mobility of the limbs due to emerging severe pain in the injection area. In the first 2-3 days, you can fight it on your own by giving painkillers and applying ice to the location of the pain.

Later, you can no longer do without consulting a doctor.

Complications after ADSM very rarely in children. To be precise, in 2 cases out of 100 thousand.

They can appear in the form of:

But you still shouldn’t be afraid of them, because similar phenomena– nothing more than the result of non-compliance with contraindications to the ADSM vaccine.

6. Contraindications to ADSM

Like other medications, the ADSM vaccine has its contraindications. There are not many of them, however, it is imperative to pay attention to them, which is what pediatricians do when they conduct a short survey of the mother before vaccination.

  1. individual intolerance to components;
  2. the presence of all kinds of diseases;
  3. exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  4. immunodeficiency;
  5. an overly violent reaction to a previously administered ADSM vaccination.

7. Preparation and implementation of ADSM vaccination

Did you know that you can minimize the occurrence of various negative consequences from the administration of the ADSM vaccine?

All you need to do is listen to the advice of pediatricians and properly prepare for vaccination:

  1. avoid crowded places, visiting and traveling for several days before the procedure;
  2. refrain from introducing new products into the child’s diet;
  3. take antiallergic medications a couple of days before and after vaccination.

Immediately after the injection, it is better to stay for 30-40 minutes in the clinic in case of allergic reaction. By the way, to the question “Is it possible to wet the ADSM vaccination site?” all doctors answer in the affirmative.

8. Reviews about the vaccine


We did ADSM at 6 years old and didn’t even notice it. The child felt great. They say that this is due to the absence of whooping cough in its composition.


My daughter received this vaccination at the clinic. There was no reaction, but on the doctor’s advice, I gave Fenistil 3 days before and another 3 days after (for allergies). I think everything is great thanks to him. Although many say that it itself is easily tolerated.


A couple of days ago my daughter (6 years old) had ADSM. The day before yesterday, her leg in the area of ​​the injection began to hurt, so much so that by the morning she could not step on it. I was prescribed an antihistamine, I hope it helps.


At ADSM we had a fever and pain in my leg, it was not for nothing that she did not inspire confidence in me.

To summarize the above, I would like to remind you that there are so many opinions, and ADSM vaccination is no exception. Whether you do it for your child or not is up to you to decide.

The main thing is to weigh the pros and cons.

You can watch a video on how to prepare for vaccinations here:

And here you will find information about when vaccinations should never be done:

In this video you will learn about possible complications and reactions to vaccinations:

Tell your friends about this article by sharing this information. And be sure to come to us again. And so as not to miss anything, subscribe to our updates. We are waiting for you! And we wish you only the right decisions and easy vaccinations!

Reviews: 20

In the understanding of many people, vaccinations should be carried out once or at most three times. This is enough to develop immunity. But there are vaccines that are given constantly, until old age at certain intervals. Such a vaccine is ADS-M - a vaccine against diphtheria and tetanus.

What kind of injection is this and why do it throughout your life? From what ADS-M vaccination and how often is it done?

Why get vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus?

Several decades ago, the words diphtheria and tetanus terrified not only people whose family had such illnesses. Doctors were afraid to diagnose these particular diseases. They are from the category of those for which it is much easier to prevent than to cure. If a person is lucky enough to survive one of these diseases, then complications often bother him for the rest of his life. Nowadays, cases of morbidity are becoming less common thanks to vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus.

Diphtheria and tetanus belong to the group of acute bacterial infectious diseases. The source of infection is a sick person, and in the case of tetanus, animals can also be carriers of the infection.

Diphtheria affects the upper respiratory tract. Clinical manifestations with the following:

  • slight increase in temperature, weakness, increase cervical lymph nodes;
  • sore throat, swelling of the neck tissue, difficulty swallowing food, including liquid food;
  • inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa, enlarged tonsils;
  • The distinctive prognostic signs of the disease are the appearance of plaque on the tonsils, which can spread to neighboring tissues.

Complications of diphtheria: heart damage, paralysis of the neck muscles and soft tissues, disruption of the nervous system. In heavy and advanced cases- death. At what age do you get vaccinated against diphtheria? The introduction of the first complex vaccine begins three months after the birth of the child.

The symptoms of tetanus differ because the nervous tissue is more affected. The disease is characterized by:

  • elevated temperature, weakness;
  • tension and spastic contractions of the facial muscles;
  • muscle tension in the neck, torso and limbs;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • death may occur due to a sharp spasm of the respiratory muscles.

Both diseases affect nerve tissue, they cannot be treated with ordinary and even super-strong antibacterial drugs. Diseases are much easier to tolerate or cases occur less frequently if vaccination is completed in a timely manner. For this purpose, children and adults are vaccinated with ADS-M. According to the calendar, the first injections (DTP - complex vaccine with whooping cough) are carried out at 3, 4.5 and 6 months. The first revaccination should be at 18 months. The second revaccination with ADS-M should be at 7 years of age, then at 14. After which it is repeated every 10 years throughout life. Age is not a limitation for the prevention of such serious illnesses- Diphtheria and tetanus can affect a person at any time in his life.

What kind of vaccine is ADS-M?

Various options There are so many prophylactics for diphtheria and tetanus that you can’t help but wonder - is each of them necessary? What is the composition of the ADS-M vaccine and what does each symbol mean? One dose of the ADS-M vaccine - 0.5 ml of substance contains:

The usual packaging of ADS-M contains ampoules of 1 ml, that is, each contains 10 units of each toxoid.

What is different about this particular vaccine? ADS - these symbols indicate purified adsorbed liquid diphtheria-tetanus toxoid. Under capital letter“M” refers to reduced antigen content.

The ADS vaccine, for example, contains 60 units of diphtheria and 20 units of tetanus toxoids. That is, the number of active units against each disease is significantly increased. How else is ADS different from ADS-M? These are indications for use. For each of these drugs there are clear criteria for administration.

ADS-M instructions

The ADS-M vaccine is produced in the form of a yellowish-white suspension. Each ampoule contains 1 ml of the substance - this is a double dose of toxoid. According to the instructions for the ADS-M vaccine, it is used:

  • for the prevention of diphtheria and tetanus in children from the age of six;
  • used in adolescents and adults every 10 years;
  • the ADS-M vaccine is administered to adults who have not received a vaccine in the last 20 years;
  • V in rare cases ADS-M vaccination is given as a replacement for DPT or ADS vaccines in children with severe reactions or post-vaccination complications to these drugs;
  • children of four years of age who have not previously received DPT.

The ADS-M vaccine is a drug that is used to support immunity throughout life.

Where is the ADS-M vaccine given? According to the new instructions, the drug is administered intramuscularly into the anterior outer part of the thigh or deep subcutaneously into the subscapular region (adolescents and adults).

Contraindications for the use of ADS-M

There are both permanent and temporary contraindications for ADS-M vaccination.

Permanent contraindications include:

  • a pronounced reaction to the ADS-M vaccine during its previous administration;
  • complications after the first or subsequent vaccinations.

Temporary contraindications are as follows.

In the event that the vaccination schedule has been disrupted, a half dose of the drug is administered, and then a revaccination is given - RV2 a month later and RV3 at least 30–45 days after the previous one.

Reaction to ADS-M vaccination

After administration of toxoid, some local or general reactions.

All the most serious complications according to the type of damage to the nervous system, inflammation of the meninges and collapse could occur in the case of administration of the whooping cough vaccine - DTP.

ADS-M is well tolerated; complications and reactions to this vaccine occur due to improper behavior of the person himself. They are possible when scratching the injection site, if a person, contrary to the ban, wet it, visited the site within two days after vaccination large cluster of people. In such cases, the reaction may not have occurred to the vaccine itself. The most frequently asked question to doctors is whether it is possible to wash after vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus? In general, it is possible, but not possible, to wet the injection site of the toxoid.

Similar vaccines for diphtheria and tetanus

There are several analogues of the diphtheria and tetanus vaccine:

  • ADS-M anatoxin (Russia);
  • "Imovax D.T. Adult" (France);
  • “D.T. Wax" (France).

Complications for any of these vaccinations are minimal and often depend on the human factor. All of them are well tolerated. The substances include the same toxoids, but the stabilizers may be different.

Let's summarize. When should you get the ADS-M vaccine? To build immunity against diphtheria and tetanus. All adults are vaccinated starting from the age of 14 or 16 (old calendar) and every 10 years in the absence of contraindications. Any unvaccinated person belongs to the risk group - these people not only can get sick themselves, they will infect other people, including children who still have weak immunity. One ADS-M vaccination will not easily get rid of yet another paperwork in the clinic, but it may save loved one from death!

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    Why does the article omit information about the presence in the ADS-M vaccine of the mercury-containing preservative merthiolate, a toxic chemical compound, especially neurotoxic in combination with the aluminum contained in the vaccine?

    Tatyana Vitalievna, the article talks about merthiolate, only it is designated in it under a different name trade name- Thiomersal. It is used as a preservative and its amount in the vaccine is tiny - 0.05 mcg (microgram), the effect on the body is negligible.

    Hello, help me figure it out, the child was treated with Ads 2 times before the age of one year, now the child is 1 year and 10 months old, the pediatrician said that Ads should be done again. Is this true and how many times should I do it? I thought that it was already done at the age of 7.

    The child was given ADMS at school, notified in September, vaccinated almost two months later in November, the daughter recently suffered from ARVI, had herpes on her lips, and despite all this, she was vaccinated. Now we have conjunctivitis, a sore throat, the temperature reaches 40.5, an increase in the number of herpes, and in childhood we also had complications after DPT vaccinations. What to do, where to go to have your child examined, to get good treatment!

    Good afternoon Very useful article, Thank you. It so happened that we were mistakenly given both Pentaxim and our Russian vaccination from DTP in one day. The child tolerated it normally, tell me how to proceed with the vaccination, and what consequences there may be in the future due to the double dose of DPT and different drugs, thank you in advance.

    What to do? A 56-year-old woman, after a tetanus vaccination, developed angioedema and a temperature of 38 within an hour; on the 11th day she developed tachycardia, fever, weakness and drowsiness. Today, on the 15th day after vaccination, hives all over the body. Should I do the rest of the vaccination or is it dangerous to life and health?

    Svetlana, you should definitely inform your doctor about such a reaction, and he will decide whether or not you can do the “remaining part of the vaccination.” Although it is not clear what this “remaining part” is, since this vaccination in adulthood is done once every 10 years.

    Roman, thank you for your response. Vaccination in three steps: the first stage is a test, the second (in half an hour) is the vaccination itself, and they also told you to come back in a month for the third vaccination.

    “Insignificant” influence? Is it methylmercury, aluminum hydroxide and formaldehyde? What does reference literature tell us about them? A..., are especially toxic, even when inhaled and eaten, cause necrosis skin(death of skin). Lizards, snakes and other visual aids “preserved in alcohol” are stored in formaldehyde. What about direct entry into the bloodstream - and from there directly into the brain - of methylmercury, aluminum hydroxide and formaldehyde? What is going to be there? Where can you read about this? For example, links to studies, experiments on rabbits, vaccinated for 3-5 generations in a row. Do you have them ;)? And autism (brain damage), you say, has nothing to do with vaccinations?
    I personally checked the antibody titer - it turned out to be very high - while “re-vaccination” is not only not required, but CONTRAINDICATED! The analysis is not very expensive. And health is priceless!

    Contraindicated until you or your family are sick with diphtheria and suffer from it. If you are not able to read authoritative foreign sources (oh yes... Further cut out by the site administrator - insult, incitement to hatred and enmity), but also simply calculate the probability of dying from a sore and getting any complications from vaccination (spoiler: the chances are one in several hundred thousand) - that’s where you’re headed.

    Inna, yes, in Russia they “go crazy” - I will/won’t get vaccinated. It is clear that the situation in Ukraine is different and there are simply no vaccines - I would be glad to supply them, but there is nothing or it is very expensive)))

    Please don't argue! There is definitely harm. And many children remain disabled with impaired brain function. It's just hidden! They don't advertise. There is a risk. And before getting vaccinated, you need to take tests, examine the child, and collect a complete medical history. They didn’t just look down your throat and send you for vaccination. And by the way, please note that the vaccinations that are administered to children have not previously been experimented on animals.

    Maya, why can’t we argue? For example, “a lot of children become disabled” - how many exactly? Is there evidence that side effect statistics are being hidden? Where does the data come from that experiments are not being carried out?

    I am interested in the time interval between the first DPT revaccination and the second DPT-M revaccination.

    Maya, people with brain disorders are born, not after vaccination. And the reason is the total alcoholism of our fellow citizens. For some reason this doesn’t stop anyone from using it.

    What total alcoholism, what nonsense! You are busting your ass over vaccinations because you were lucky enough not to face any real problems after it! After the DPT revaccination, my son started having problems. Born healthy, 9 points on the scale, developed wonderfully (we lead correct image life, we don’t smoke or drink with my husband), BUT after it the child lost all acquired skills, he stopped talking!!! We were diagnosed with autism at age 2! And you don’t need to write to me that he was born this way, he was healthy BEFORE the vaccination. Doctors shrug their shoulders and say, well, you are one of the 3% of children who were affected by the vaccine in this way. So those who are tearing their throats out here and expressing bewilderment as to why we are “getting crazy,” I want to say, you live under the slogan “is your child not disabled yet? Then we go to you!"
    As a mother, I wish you with all my heart that you do not fall into these 3%... You can’t even imagine what I had to experience. Ingeborga dapkunaite (?), this is not a childhood vaccine... Children are given DTP. Are you sure you're not making things up?

    I believe that vaccinations should be done, but not all in a row, based on various factors. For example, I don’t see the point in giving the Ads-M vaccine, especially in adulthood, if, for example, a person received open wound, somewhere working in the field he should do antitetanus serum, if there are no outbreaks of diphtheria in the region, why should they be given to children over seven years old... I vaccinate my son, because we travel a lot to Asian countries, here you will never know who you came into contact with at the airport and what diseases you can pick up in India , in this case, “it’s better to be safe than sorry.” Regarding complications, there is a lot of talk about autism now, and the statistics are disappointing, and it is not clear whether this condition manifests itself after vaccinations or whether it is still congenital and the vaccination already spurs the disease. Regarding preservatives - they, of course, contain a lot active ingredients and you need to know about this, although they are in microscopic doses, and some of the commentators are already poisoning rabbits with formaldehyde - they also compared, if you live in the city, you are poisoned much more every day, but for some reason you are only worried about the vaccine... Regarding statistics As for side effects, I personally believe that no one keeps statistics, side effects, I won’t even talk about a banal increase in temperature - this is just the norm, considering that it is a disease that is being administered, not vitamins. But there are complications and this depends, first of all, on the quality of the vaccination. My friend’s child couldn’t get up for two days and was screaming, who recorded this for statistics? They just installed a medical outlet and that’s it... And I’m against vaccinations from birth, even in the maternity hospital they diagnose hepatitis - it’s unlikely that in a normal family a child will encounter this disease in infancy, and if he breastfeeding he already has protection. I gave the first vaccination at 8 months, although it could have been a couple of months later, based on the fact that the child begins to walk and come into contact with environment more actively... Those who categorically refuse vaccinations are still advised to do them in cases where there are outbreaks of one of the diseases in the region or if you are planning to travel (before the trip, the vaccination must be done very well in advance) because these are fatal diseases that are difficult to treat...

    In principle, I am in favor of vaccinations, but of course you need to look at your own and your child’s condition. I gave my daughter all the vaccinations, but not our Russian ones, because the first DPT given at the clinic, due to my ignorance, even then caused unpleasant reaction, as described above - the child was simply replaced, for a week I didn’t know what to do with her and where to run, the child did not eat, did not sleep, cried, constantly sat in my arms, so we gave the rest of the vaccinations Pentaxim and there were no more such reactions .

    Some, even enough educated people They believe that vaccinations are necessary for children and give them at a tender age. However, the information is fundamentally incorrect and there are situations where vaccination is mandatory in adult patients. One of these injections is ADS-M, which prevents the development of diphtheria and tetanus in people at risk.

    What is a vaccine

    The letters ADS-M are an abbreviation that has the following meaning: “Diphtheria-Tetanus Anatoxin.” The prefix "M" means a low concentration of active substances. As a result, the patient receives a full-fledged vaccine, but with a reduced number of active antigens.

    ADS-M is an injection that protects a person from such dangerous diseases as tetanus and diphtheria. Moreover, adults need vaccination just as much as small children, in some situations. The injection consists of fully purified diphtheria and tetanus toxoids adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide. The substances are weakened pathogens of dangerous diseases. At the same time, they can affect the human body just enough so that the immune system begins to actively produce antibodies against “aliens,” but without harming health.

    How does the injection affect the body?

    Most patients, when they are offered an injection, do not understand what they are getting the ADS-M vaccine for. During the injection, live but weakened toxins are introduced into the body of an adult. They retain their special immunogenic properties, but negative influence unable to provide. As a result, the body detects their presence and begins to actively produce antibodies. Subsequently, if a real infection occurs, it is these substances that will fight the causative agent of tetanus or diphtheria.

    Experts will explain that vaccination leads to an erased form of the real disease. But the difference is that there is no threat to health and life, and the person gains immunity for many years.

    Who is the injection indicated for?

    ADS-M vaccination is indicated for adults. The doctor can tell you in detail why it is done. An injection is necessary to protect the patient from the dangerous manifestations of tetanus and diphtheria and is given every ten years of a person’s life. If the recommended regimen is violated and more than twenty years have passed since the last vaccination, then for complete protection the injection should be given twice. In medical practice it looks like this:

    • the patient is injected with the vaccine and his condition is monitored;
    • if there are no complications, a repeat dose is administered after forty days.

    There are situations when the patient has never been vaccinated at all. In this case the following diagram is shown:

    • after the examination, they give the first injection and observe the reaction;
    • if there are no symptoms of intolerance, a second vaccine is given after forty days;
    • To consolidate the result, it is important to make a third injection after a year.

    Special cases

    The ADS-M vaccine can also be given in in case of emergency By medical indications. If a person is diagnosed with injuries and wounds that have received soil and the vaccination was done more than five years ago, then an injection will be a mandatory procedure.

    Elderly people especially need revaccination (repeated injections). They often have an increased susceptibility to infections due to reduced immunity. Therefore, doctors advise this category of patients not to neglect vaccination and not to refer to the presence of chronic diseases. Moreover, such pathologies are a direct indication for mandatory vaccination.

    ADS-M. What is the vaccine for and where is it given?

    Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid is produced in the form of a white suspension, which during storage separates into sediment flakes and white liquid. Therefore, before opening the ampoule, it is recommended to shake it vigorously until smooth.

    The ADS-M vaccine has quite mixed reviews. Why and where the injection is given causes multiple disputes between patients. You can often find responses from people who claim that they were given an injection in the buttock. Others claim that vaccination took place under the shoulder blade.

    Doctors clarify this situation and they claim that the ADS-M toxoid can be placed both in the scapular part of the back and in the buttocks area. Moreover, there is also a third option. The injection is allowed to be placed in the middle third of the outer thigh. Single dosage medicine is 0.5 ml.

    Vaccination may cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, the patient is not recommended to leave the treatment room where he is being monitored for half an hour. To be able to provide first aid, anti-shock therapy medications must be available in the office.

    Vaccination procedure

    Required certain rules ADS-M vaccination. Why and where the injection is given is discussed above; the procedure should only be performed by a specially trained medical worker in a treatment room. In this case, the basic conditions must be adhered to.

    The injection is performed only with a disposable, sterile syringe. At the same time as vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria, a person can be vaccinated against other diseases. However, the use of BCG is prohibited. It is also unacceptable to mix all substances in one syringe. Each injection is given separately and in different parts of the body.

    Before starting the procedure, the nurse must carefully examine the ampoule to ensure its suitability. If there is no information about the vaccine on the bottle, or it is damaged and the contents have a suspicious consistency, then it is prohibited to administer it. It is important to comply with storage conditions and pay attention to expiration dates.

    The procedure is carried out under conditions that fully comply with antiseptic requirements. The ampoule is opened, drawn into a syringe and used entirely. If for some reason it was not possible to use all the contents, the bottle is discarded. It can no longer be stored.

    It is necessary to enter patient data into a special registration journal. The following information is also entered there:

    • vaccine serial number;
    • date of its production;
    • date of vaccination;
    • reaction to the injection.

    The patient's condition should be closely monitored. If after thirty minutes the state of health is beyond doubt, then you can leave the medical facility.

    Contraindications for injection

    To serious medical drugs refers to ADS-M. The instructions clearly state situations when it is prohibited to give an injection. Contraindications for unvaccinated adult patients include:

    • severe diseases associated with immunodeficiency;
    • allergic reaction to vaccine components;
    • negative reaction to the previous injection.

    In addition, there are restrictions on injection. It is necessary to postpone the procedure in women during pregnancy and lactation. If the patient has had acute infectious infections, then a medical exemption is given for two weeks.

    Side effects

    The ADS-M vaccine has quite mixed reviews. Not all patients like where the injection is given. In addition, the location may vary. If they were injected under the shoulder blade, patients complain of the inability to raise their arm, if in the buttock, then sometimes it hurts to sit down. The responses are all different. Some feel nothing, others develop a fever. Frequent complaints are:

    • redness at the injection site;
    • runny nose and general malaise;
    • muscle pain at the injection site.

    However, doctors claim that such a reaction to the vaccine is normal occurrence. Such conditions indicate the body’s struggle against “aliens” and the development of stable immunity. Usually after some time negative symptoms pass on their own. After all, this vaccination is considered one of the less reactogenic.

    Side effects may occur easy character, but sometimes manifest themselves in a more severe form. It is especially important to monitor the patient's condition in the first 48 hours. At this time, the temperature often rises, redness and swelling appear at the injection site. If a lump appears, there is no need to panic. It resolves on its own within a couple of weeks. However, doctors warn that in order to avoid suppuration, heating this place is prohibited.

    Experts emphasize that even a severe reaction to a vaccine is not considered a pathology. There will be no consequences for health, even if a person feels very uncomfortable in the first days. However, it is worth considering the possibility of a persistent allergic reaction, which may serve as a contraindication to revaccination.

    Vaccine analogues

    The ADS-M vaccine has several analogues. What it is given for is a priority in choosing the appropriate injection. Analogues have similar composition, mechanism of action. Differences in the country of origin.

    • "D.T. Wax." French pharmaceutical company.
    • "Imovax D.T. Adultery." French production.

    Of course, the choice will depend on the presence or absence of a particular drug in medical institution. You can purchase the desired vaccine yourself, but as reviews show, the Russian product is no worse than its imported counterparts.

    When issuing any medical certificate or annual commission for work, doctors pay attention to the presence of vaccinations. Children must have at least ten of them, and for adults there are different requirements. Health workers look to see if protection against diphtheria and tetanus is available or if adults have received ADS-M vaccination in a timely manner.

    What do you need to know about this vaccine? How is the vaccine tolerated and what problems does a person sometimes have to face before and after immunization? Until what time is an adult vaccinated with ADS-M and to whom is it contraindicated?

    What is ADS-M vaccinated against?

    What is the ADS-M vaccination for adults? This is one of the few vaccines that are given not only in emergency cases, but also routinely throughout a person’s life. ADS-M protects against acute infectious diseases, immunity from which is unstable, so it must be constantly maintained. Antibodies that were produced by vaccination in childhood, cannot survive for a long time, so adults have to be vaccinated regularly.

    The ADS-M vaccine protects against two dangerous diseases- from diphtheria and tetanus. Despite the huge number of drugs and prophylactic agents, scientists have not yet come up with effective methods that protect against these diseases.

    Diphtheria leads to diseases of the upper respiratory tract in almost 95% of cases they develop severe lesions oropharynx with tissue swelling and the appearance white plaque, is easily and quickly transmitted by airborne droplets. The disease is difficult to treat and can result in complications such as nerve damage, inflammatory processes kidneys and heart.

    Do adults need the ADS-M vaccine? Without such preventative measure It is impossible to get rid of tetanus forever, which is also one of the most serious infectious diseases. Despite the presence of the pathogen in the human body, in comfortable conditions it does no harm. But with the development of inflammation and a slight increase in temperature, the microorganism begins to multiply. It is dangerous because at this time an toxoid is released, which penetrates into nervous system and leads to the development of seizures. IN severe cases Possible death.

    Diphtheria and tetanus vaccination is the only reliable means prevention. And, despite the fact that thanks to it it will not be possible to get rid of the circulation of microorganisms in nature, it will save a person from severe manifestations of diseases or from fatal outcome Can.

    Description of ADS-M

    Explanation of vaccination for adults ADS-M - adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid with a reduced number of antigens. One dose (0.5 ml) of the vaccine contains:

    • 5 units of diphtheria toxoid;
    • 5 units of tetanus toxoid;
    • ADS-M still has additional substances: aluminum hydroxide, thiomersal, formaldehyde or other compounds registered by the manufacturer.

    Where do adults get the ADS-M vaccine? Already starting from adolescence the injection is not administered intramuscularly into the thigh, as in children, but deep subcutaneously. The injection site for the vaccine is the subscapular region. One dose is 0.5 ml active substance.

    Before vaccination, you need to carefully inspect the ampoule to avoid the introduction of low-quality vaccine. What do they pay attention to?

    Why is it important to conduct additional quality control of the vaccine before vaccination? The vaccination will be ineffective or there will be severe complications if the vaccine acquires poor properties during storage or transportation.

    ADS-M vaccination schedule for adults

    Vaccination with the ADS-M vaccine falls into the category of planned ones, which adults are informed about in advance. How often do adults get the ADS-M vaccine? If a person has previously completed all required vaccinations according to the national vaccination calendar, there were no contraindications or reluctance to do them, then starting from the age of 16, immunization with the ADS-M vaccine is carried out every 10 years. The next vaccination should normally be given at 26 years of age, then at 36, and so on until old age. In some cases, due to changes in national calendar Over the past few years, ADS-M vaccinations have been administered at 24 and 34 years of age, since previously they were immunized against diphtheria and tetanus in a different way.

    Up to what maximum age is the ADS-M vaccine scheduled for adults? Previously, the last dose of the drug was at 66 years of age. But now there are no such restrictions. By emergency indications or, at the request of the person himself, vaccination can be carried out at 76 years of age and older.

    What do health workers do if a person was not vaccinated earlier or the vaccination data was lost? In this case, the adult is considered unvaccinated and vaccination is carried out from the very beginning, but in a different way. To vaccinate adults against diphtheria and tetanus, two vaccines are administered with an interval of at least 30 days between them. After that, revaccination with ADS-M is carried out for adults after 6–9 months.

    Rules of conduct before and after ADS-M vaccination

    These rules apply not only to vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria with the ADS-M vaccine. This general rules which must be observed before any vaccination.

    Before vaccination you must:

    After administration of the drug, there are also some behavioral characteristics for the vaccinated person.

    1. Is it possible for adults to wash after receiving ADS-M vaccination? Yes, you can. There are no strict restrictions on carrying out water procedures, but swimming is temporarily prohibited in natural bodies of water, public bath, swimming pool or sauna, especially where there are a lot of people. In the first case, the likelihood of contamination of the vaccine injection site increases - bodies of water are often filled with dirty water, and it is not advisable to stay in baths and saunas, as you can meet sick people there.
    2. After vaccination, it is not recommended to try new dishes with an unknown composition, since allergies sometimes develop to unusual foods, which can be mistaken for a reaction to the vaccination.
    3. How to behave correctly after ADS-M? For two or three days, you should try to reduce contacts - do not go shopping, do not visit guests, do not invite anyone to your place, in order to avoid possible meetings with sick people.
    4. ADS-M vaccination and alcohol - is it possible to combine these substances? This is a question that worries adults. The instructions for the ADS-M vaccine do not say whether you are allowed to drink alcohol after its administration. But to avoid possible consequences alcohol is better not to drink. After all, both vaccination and alcohol are a burden on the liver (this important organ participates in all immune reactions), as well as on immunity. Therefore, it is better to avoid alcoholic drinks in the next two days.

    Reactions and complications to ADS-M in adults

    Children almost always react to vaccinations, since their immunity is not yet developed and the load on it is maximum from birth. What reactions might there be to the ADS-M vaccine in adults? In most cases, vaccination is easily tolerated and does not cause any particular hassle or health problems. But no two people are absolutely alike, so everyone reacts differently.

    Contraindications to ADS-M

    Who should not be vaccinated with the ADS-M vaccine?

    So, the ADS-M vaccination for adults is to help the immune system protect against incurable infections. Immunization is well tolerated. It is carried out throughout life and reduces the likelihood of developing tetanus and diphtheria when encountered in natural conditions.