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Russian flu vaccine. Pros and cons of flu shots. Examination before vaccination

Vaccination is the only reliable way protect yourself from the flu.

  • A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;
  • A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 (H3N2)-like virus;
  • B/Brisbane/60/2008-like virus.

It is not always possible to predict the appearance of unusual strains. Then epidemics become global. This happened with atypical viruses: avian and swine flu.

Who needs to be vaccinated?

  • Children (after six months) and the elderly, because the flu is especially dangerous for them.
  • Schoolchildren and students, because they come into contact with big amount of people.
  • Adults who have to work with people: health workers, teachers, salespeople, and so on.
  • People with chronic diseases, because the flu in combination with other diseases leads to serious consequences.

The safest are split vaccines (split vaccines), subunit vaccines and whole virus vaccines. They do not contain a live virus and are administered by injection.

Live vaccines are produced in the form of a spray, they have more contraindications.

What could be the consequences?

The main danger is an allergic reaction, for example, to chicken protein or other vaccine components. If you have ever had problems with vaccinations, either choose vaccines that do not contain the allergen, or refuse immunization altogether.

Other severe consequences, for example defeat nervous system, are extremely rare, and influenza vaccinations are the safest in this sense.

An increase in temperature to 37.5 ° C, redness and slight swelling at the injection site are normal reaction, which indicates the formation of an immune response. This is unpleasant, but such symptoms go away in a couple of days.

Who should not be vaccinated?

Absolute contraindications to vaccinations are the already mentioned allergies and severe immunodeficiencies. In such conditions, no vaccinations can be given.

Avoid vaccination if you feel unwell or have an exacerbation of a chronic condition. Postpone vaccination until recovery or remission.

In any case, before vaccination, you or your child must be examined by a doctor who will reschedule or prohibit vaccination if there are contraindications.

When to get a flu shot?

It is best to get vaccinated before mid-November. After vaccination, immunity to influenza is developed within 2 weeks, so you need to have time to get vaccinated before the outbreak of the epidemic.

But the risk of getting the flu usually persists until spring, so even in winter it makes sense to get vaccinated.

Where is the best place to get vaccinated and which one?

It depends on which vaccine you want to choose. IN public clinics, as a rule, there is domestic drugs. This year it is “Sovigripp”, “Grippol”, “Ultrix” and their varieties for children. These are new generation vaccines, safe and effective, but they contain chicken protein, which is not suitable for everyone.

In some clinics and private clinics you can purchase vaccines from other countries from which fewer contraindications. Be sure to check that the medical institution has a license and clarify that the vaccine was released this year: the instructions should say that the strains have been updated in accordance with WHO recommendations.

How to prepare for vaccination?

No special preparation is needed for vaccination. Vitamins, dietary supplements and antihistamines do not affect the rate of development of immunity. The maximum that can be done is not to visit crowded places a few days before vaccination, so as not to catch any viral infection and not get vaccinated in incubation period(and don’t say later that vaccines are to blame for everything). Also, a couple of days before the procedure, eliminate allergens from food and do not try new foods.

I'm against. Can a child be vaccinated without my consent?

No. Before vaccination, the patient must sign informed voluntary consent for medical intervention. Parents do this for the child.

If you do not want your child to be vaccinated against the flu, and you are afraid that in kindergarten or at school your child may be vaccinated “along with everyone else,” do not sign the consent form. Instead, write a refusal preventive vaccinations and make sure it is glued into medical card. ABOUT possible consequences The doctor must tell you.

Now vaccinations without parental consent are rare, but if this does happen, you can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office.

How effective is the 2016-2017 flu vaccine and is it worth agreeing to vaccination? With the onset of the autumn-winter period, this issue worries all conscious citizens who care about their health. To be vaccinated or not is a voluntary matter, but it is worth remembering that you cannot delay the decision to vaccinate. In order for the vaccine to give the most positive result, you should not wait until the onset of cold season. The body must have time to form immunity to the disease, and this will take an average of a week. Therefore, you need to say a firm “yes” to vaccination against influenza 2016-2017 in September-October.

What does the flu vaccine do?

Before the advent of public vaccination in medicine, influenza was considered a difficult to cure disease and often leading to serious complications and even death. In the 19th and 20th centuries, humanity more than once had to face the devastating consequences of influenza epidemics, the worst of which was Spanish flu took away more than 20 million human lives. Today, a person may not rely on a happy coincidence of circumstances, which in case of illness will help to achieve recovery. Drugs used in modern medicine, meet pharmacological requirements and, in flu-friendly seasons, significantly reduce the risk of morbidity.

What problems will the 2016-2017 flu vaccine help solve?

  • It reduces the risk of contracting a serious illness;
  • The body's defense system develops resistance to viruses in a safe way;
  • In case of infection, the disease occurs in a mild form and does not lead to complications;
  • Eliminates the epidemiological nature of influenza disease.

Composition of the 2017 flu vaccine

According to statistics, the maximum number of flu cases is recorded in winter. In order to be prepared for a possible epidemic season, world health organizations approve a list of vaccines 6-9 months in advance, the strains of which will be included in the flu shot for the new season. When choosing strains, epidemiological data on circulating forms of viruses, spreading trends, and mandatory studies for safety and effectiveness are taken into account. Influenza vaccines in 2016-2017, according to WHO recommendations, should include the following strains:

  • A/California/7/2009(H1N1)pdm09-like virus
  • A/Hong Kong/4801/2014(H3N2)-like virus
  • B/Brisbane/60/2008-like virus.

What should you remember before vaccination?

Even if your resolution to get a flu vaccine for 2017 is set in stone, you should stick to it. certain rules and understand that, like any other medical product The influenza vaccine has its contraindications.

  1. Before vaccination, you need to be especially careful about your health. When you have a cold, even mild form, vaccination should be delayed for at least two weeks.
  2. The production of influenza vaccines from viral particles propagated in fertilized chicken eggs implies the possibility of a negligible chicken protein content. Therefore, the flu vaccine is contraindicated for people who are allergic to this product. As an alternative option, allergy sufferers should consider vaccination with drugs grown on cell media.
  3. You can get a more effective effect from vaccination by first drawing up an immunogram. It will allow you to assess the real state of immunity and not undermine it when obvious deviations from the norm.
  4. On the day of vaccination, it is mandatory to undergo an examination by a doctor. Only he can give final approval for the flu vaccine.

Where is the vaccine administered and is it free?

According to the National Calendar, children attending kindergarten or school, pensioners over 60 years of age and employees of educational and medical organizations are entitled to free flu vaccination for 2016-2017. The rest of those who wish can be vaccinated at their own expense or at the employer’s expense, if the employer provides such an opportunity. Many organizations prefer to vaccinate employees at their own expense for economic reasons - such a preventive measure will cost the enterprise several times less than sick leave for a ward.

You can get the flu vaccine for the adult population by contacting the vaccination office of the clinic at your place of residence. Children attending educational institutions, they are vaccinated on the spot, since all the conditions for this event have been created there. A “home” child is vaccinated in a children's clinic after a preliminary examination by a pediatrician.

What to expect after the flu vaccine?

If all requirements were followed before vaccination necessary rules, no serious consequences there will be no flu vaccine. Normal condition the vaccinated organism will also be considered a slight malaise. Over the course of one or two days, a person may feel exhausted, aches will appear in the body, and the body temperature will rise slightly. Such sensations mean that the vaccine was successful and the body began to develop immunity to the flu. If the condition does not improve or gets worse, you should immediately consult a doctor.

According to WHO, the influenza virus is constantly mutating, so a number of tests are regularly carried out to identify a new strain and select effective drugs to treat an illness. The 2016/2017 influenza season is expected to begin at the end of January, but a surge in incidence is likely in late November - early December.

What flu is expected in 2016/2017

Epidemiologists believe that previously identified strains of the pathogen will continue to spread this year:

    A/ California/7/2009(H1N1 ) is a subtype of swine flu, first discovered in 2009. The disease is dangerous due to severe complications, which sometimes lead to the death of the patient. The virus provokes the development of sinusitis, bilateral pneumonia, and meningitis.

    A/ Hong Kong/2014(H3N2 ) - subtype of influenza strain A. The virus variant will come from Hong Kong to the countries Northern Hemisphere already at the end of 2016. Previously, the spread of this subtype in Russia did not lead to epidemics, although epidemiologists first encountered it in 2015. Flu danger H3N2 consists of a pathological effect on the heart and blood vessels.

    Yamagata virus - strain subtype B. Diagnosing the disease is difficult due to blurred symptomatic picture. WHO researchers do not classify this strain as life-threatening because it rarely causes serious complications(only during exacerbation chronic pathologies lungs).

According to forecasts from the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Influenza (MZORF), the disease is spreading at a moderate pace this season. Almost 40% of residents who are at risk are recommended to get vaccinated against the 2016/2017 flu. Immunization must be completed by November 1, 2016, before the start of the expected epidemic.

Influenza vaccination

Vaccination remains a reliable method of protection. This procedure is an inoculation during which the nurse administers the drug intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Vaccination is included in the list of recommended vaccinations national calendar immunization.

State clinics are provided with free vaccines Russian production"Grippol." Your local physician will tell you when to get the 2016/2017 flu vaccine after a preliminary examination. Influenza vaccines can be purchased at the pharmacy, but in this case you should pay attention to the storage conditions of the drug ( temperature regime storage 2-8 degrees).

An antiviral vaccine is a weakened strain of the virus and a solvent (water for injection). Sometimes the composition includes azoximer bromide, which exhibits an immunostimulating effect.

The 2016/2017 flu vaccines have the following trade names:

    Influvac (Abbott Biologicals B.V., The Netherlands, average cost vaccines - 2000 rubles);

    Vaxigrip (Sanofi Pasteur S.A., France, cost - 600 rubles);

    Inflexal V (Berna Biotech Ltd., Switzerland, cost - 450 rubles);

    Fluarix (GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A., Belgium, cost - 560 rubles).

The drugs act equally and are approved for use in children over 6 months. Even if the vaccination is done on time, this does not mean that the vaccinated person will not get sick at all. Influenza in such people is mild, without complications. It is recommended to get the 2016/2017 flu vaccine for children, the elderly, and pregnant women.

In some regions of the country, the influenza vaccination campaign started on August 1. Therefore, those who wish can go to the clinic at their place of residence to get vaccinated. 2-3 months before the expected epidemic, the body will have time to develop strong immunity.

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An annual flu vaccination is a reliable opportunity to protect yourself not only from the disease itself, but also from its complications, which can cause significant harm to health. On this moment There are several drugs, the most popular of which is the Influvac flu vaccine. This is a drug containing fragments of a viral protein that cannot cause the disease, but cause a reaction immune system and its sensitization.

As a result, antibodies to the virus are formed in the body, and lasting immunity is formed, which reliably protects against infection during a flu epidemic. Even if a vaccinated person gets sick, viral infection proceeds much easier and does not threaten dangerous complications(pneumonia or bronchitis). Let's find out what is included in the vaccine, whether it is worth getting vaccinated and what the consequences may be after an injection of Influvac.

Photo: Influvac flu vaccine: description of the drug

According to their own pharmacological properties Influvac is a subunit inactivated vaccine. That is, it does not contain living pathogens, but fragments of viral bodies that are antigens (hemagglutinin and neurominidase, by which influenza viruses are classified). These are neutralized antigens and do not pose a danger to humans. The instructions for the vaccine list all the strains whose antigens it contains.

In addition, the vaccine contains additional substances– water for injection, potassium, sodium and magnesium salts. They are needed in order to keep the vaccine suitable for use longer and to make its composition closer to the internal environment of the human body.

By appearance Influvac vaccine is clear liquid, it is available in 0.5 ml disposable syringes, each syringe in individual packaging. You can buy it at a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription. Packages containing 10 syringes are intended for use in medical institutions (hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, medical offices in enterprises and educational institutions).

The indication for use of the vaccine is the prevention of seasonal influenza in adults, adolescents, and children over 6 months of age. Doctors especially recommend flu vaccinations to those whose bodies are weakened and therefore more susceptible to illness. These are elderly people, pregnant women, patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases or respiratory system, diabetes mellitus, liver pathologies, immunodeficiencies, including HIV.

In addition, doctors, military personnel, and employees of preschool and educational institutions are subject to annual vaccination. A flu vaccination is mandatory for children attending kindergarten, school, students and people whose profession involves daily contact with people (salespeople, cashiers). Timely vaccination will help you avoid getting sick during a flu epidemic or make it much easier to suffer from illness and avoid serious consequences.

The Influvac vaccine causes sensitization of the immune system to the viral antigens it contains. As a result, immunity to the most common strains of influenza A and B viruses is formed. As already mentioned, neutralized antigens are not capable of causing disease in humans, but their administration contributes to the formation of immunity against viral infection.

In accordance with the instructions for use of Influvac, the drug is administered deeply subcutaneously or intramuscularly. The dosage is 0.5 ml (full dose) for adults and children over three years of age. For children younger age(up to 3 years) half the dose is recommended - 0.25 ml.

The drug is administered once; if the child has not had the flu before and has never been vaccinated, it is recommended to re-administer the vaccine after 4 weeks. The same regimen is used in HIV-infected patients and patients suffering from other immune system disorders.

Vaccination is carried out every year in the fall, usually between October and November. The effect of the vaccine occurs approximately two weeks after its application and persists throughout the year.

When using the Influvac vaccine, the following actions should be avoided:

  • the drug cannot be administered intravenously;
  • the vaccine must not be administered intradermally or taken orally;
  • The vaccine should not be used in children under 6 months of age;
  • it is forbidden to reuse the syringe (especially in children for whom half the dose is recommended);
  • the vaccine should not be used if there are contraindications;
  • Vaccine unsuitable for use (damaged by improper storage or transportation) should not be used.

If these rules are followed, the vaccine is not dangerous and very rarely causes side effects or complications after administration. Timely vaccination helps prevent seasonal influenza.

If infection does occur, a short-term asymptomatic form of influenza occurs or the symptoms are mild. In a fully vaccinated group, the influenza virus may circulate for some time, but no outbreak of the disease occurs. That's why than more people will be vaccinated, so less danger infection for each individual person.

The Influvac vaccine is made from protein chicken egg, therefore, the vaccine is contraindicated for people allergic to it. Also allergic reactions may also develop to other components of the vaccine, so it is necessary to ask the patient whether he or she had any allergic reactions during vaccination in the past.

If yes, then such a patient should not be vaccinated. In addition, Influvac should not be used in patients with severe forms autoimmune diseases.

Before vaccination, it is necessary to measure the temperature and ask the patient if it has increased during the week. It is also necessary to check the availability purulent diseases skin - if they are present, then the vaccine cannot be given. High temperature, purulent lesions on the skin, exacerbations chronic diseases– a reason to postpone vaccination until the patient’s condition normalizes.

Another contraindication applies to small patients; thus, Influvac cannot be administered to children under 6 months of age. Young patients are much more likely to experience kidney reactions to vaccination than adults. In addition to the characteristic increase in temperature, nasal congestion and cough often appear, and this condition can persist for several weeks.

The appearance of slight redness at the site of vaccination and swelling, slightly painful to the touch, is considered normal. These manifestations usually disappear within a day or two. Besides, natural reaction an increase in temperature is considered not the next day after vaccination.

There may be a slight enlargement of the lymph nodes, headache, joint and muscle pain, fatigue. All these manifestations normally disappear 2-3 days after vaccination. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor.

The most common complication that develops is an allergic reaction. It can also occur with chicken protein, which is part of the drug, or with Excipients or to gentomycin, which may be present in the drug in trace amounts.

Allergic manifestations can be different - from fever and runny nose-like phenomena to severe attacks of bronchospasm, the development of Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock. Therefore, after vaccination, the patient should be under the supervision of doctors for some time so that they can provide timely assistance with the development of unpredictable reactions to the drug.

More rare side effect– vasculitis, which can cause kidney damage, usually transient, i.e. passing. Complications from the nervous system rarely occur - convulsions, paresthesia, migraine attacks. IN severe cases meningoencephalitis is possible. From the outside hematopoietic system Thrombocytopenia may occur.

To prevent such situations, before vaccination, the doctor should examine the patient and ask him about the presence of allergies, the appearance high temperature or exacerbation of chronic diseases in last week, unusual reactions to vaccination the previous time.

Photo: Staying in the hospital after vaccination

After administration of the drug, you must remain in medical institution within half an hour in order to be able to get help in time for severe manifestations of allergies. In the room where vaccination is carried out, there must be equipment to combat anaphylactic shock– drugs to relieve an allergic reaction (glucocorticosteroids, adrenaline), sterile syringe, tourniquet, Ambu bag.

The vaccination site must be protected from direct contact with water during the day (do not wet it, do not take a shower or bath, do not swim in the pool) to avoid inflammation.

You need to monitor your condition - a slight deterioration in well-being and a decrease in performance is considered normal, but if it lasts more than two days, and even more so, there is a deterioration in your condition, you must definitely contact the clinic.

It is important to remember that full immunity after vaccination occurs only after two weeks. During this period, you should avoid contact with people who have the flu or a cold.

The manufacturer of Influvac indicates that it can be used with other vaccines, but only if the drugs are administered into different places and separate syringes. Different vaccinations can increase the side effects of each other, and give false - positive results immunological tests for various diseases.

In children and adolescents, a false-positive Mantoux test is possible if it is carried out simultaneously with vaccination against influenza. There is no data on the incompatibility of the Influvac vaccine with other drugs. There are also confirmed clinical trials data that the drug is harmless for pregnant and lactating women and its use during this period is acceptable.


Influvac is produced in the Netherlands, this drug is registered and approved for use in Russia. It has many analogues - imported and domestic flu vaccines. Among domestic vaccines, the most popular drugs are Grippol and its improved version – Grippol Plus.

They are subunit inactivated vaccines, like Influvac. The effectiveness of both drugs is approximately the same, and so is the frequency of allergic reactions. Some patients are intolerant to one of the vaccines, but not to the other.

The advantage of Grippol is its affordable cost, while the price of Influvac is much higher domestic analogue. Otherwise, if we compare which is better - the Influvac or Grippol Plus vaccine, then their effectiveness is in most cases the same.

The German vaccine Agripal is also a subunit vaccine. In terms of effectiveness, it is not inferior to Influvac and Grippol. The price is slightly more expensive than the Influvac vaccine. Just as in the case of Grippol, there are examples of the ineffectiveness of Influvac and the effectiveness of Agripal and vice versa.

Split vaccines (Fluarix, Vaxigrip) are vaccines that contain not only two surface antigens of the virus, as in a subunit vaccine, but also viral antigens nucleic acids. It is believed that such vaccines provide stronger immunity, but allergic reactions to them occur much more often.

That's why subunit vaccines, such as Influvac and Grippol or Grippol Plus are considered the most modern and safe. Split vaccines have more contraindications, including their use in patients with immunodeficiencies and autoimmune diseases. They are used with extreme caution in children over a year old and is not used in pregnant, lactating women and infants.

Storage and transportation

Photo: Storage and transportation of the Influvac vaccine

The shelf life of Influvac is one year from the date indicated on the package. It must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature

2-8º C, it is strictly forbidden to heat or freeze the syringe. Since Influvac contains immunoactive substances, it must be stored in places inaccessible to children.

At the pharmacy, a syringe with the vaccine can be purchased with a doctor’s prescription; packs of 10 syringes are supplied to medical institutions. You can vaccinate at home, but then the responsibility for the appearance of side effects rests entirely with the patient.

Before use, the syringe must be taken out of the refrigerator and wait until it warms up to room temperature. Heated but unused vaccines must be written off and it is prohibited to re-cool them.

Immediately before administration, the syringe should be shaken slightly, and the drug should be injected slowly. After use, the syringe must be disposed of and cannot be reused. If these rules are followed, the vaccine will remain effective and safe throughout its expiration date. For convenience, it is generally accepted that the shelf life of the drug expires on July 1 of the year following the year of release.

In anticipation of the approaching winter, many are thinking about how to protect themselves from the flu epidemic. One of the effective ways to protect against of this disease is the flu shot.

Pros and cons of flu vaccination

The influenza vaccine is medicinal product biological origin, ensuring the formation of immunity to the influenza virus for a certain time. Strong immunity depends on the amount of antibodies in the body that counteract the virus. The flu shot triggers a mechanism to create powerful protection against the virus. This type of vaccination contributes to:

  • reducing the risk of influenza;
  • creating an environment in the body to fight the disease;
  • easier progression of the disease;
  • counteracting complications after illness;
  • preventing the spread of influenza.

Timely vaccination is effective. Even if the set of viruses in the vaccine used does not coincide with the composition required for protection against influenza, vaccination done in a timely manner will significantly ease the course of the disease.

The following can be cited as negative arguments regarding such vaccination:

  • after vaccination, the patient’s health may worsen (headache and muscle pain, redness at the injection site, fever, allergic manifestations, nausea);
  • activation of the disease after vaccination.

Who is eligible for the flu vaccine?

The flu vaccine should be given first of all to members of the risk group: people with weakened immune systems, pregnant women (in the early stages), children over six months old, elderly people suffering from cancer, diabetes mellitus.

You should refrain from administering anti-influenza vaccination to asthmatics, patients with chronic and nervous diseases, blood diseases. In addition, if there were complications after the previous vaccination, it is better to refrain from vaccination. After suffering from a cold, at least 2 weeks must pass before getting a flu shot.

What vaccines are applicable for influenza vaccinations in the period 2016-2017?

Due to the high variability of the influenza virus, there is a need to update influenza vaccines every year. They contain 3 or 4 strains of the virus, providing protection against viruses of related origin. No earlier than six months before the expected start of an influenza epidemic, WHO recommends the composition of strains for influenza vaccines. For this seasonal period, it is recommended to use vaccines with the following composition:

  • A/California (H1N1);
  • A/Hong Kong (H3N2);
  • B/Brisbane.

When using 4 strains of viruses, it is recommended to introduce strain B/Phuket. One of the vaccines with this composition (3 strains) includes the specially created vaccine preparation Influvac for the 2016/2017 season. This drug, certified for the territory of Russia, promotes the formation of immunity to influenza viruses of strains A and B. The vaccine is administered deep under the skin or intravenously.

Also during this period of the year, a vaccine produced in France called Vaxigrip is popular. Foreign-made vaccines include Agrippal (Italy), Fluarix (Belgium), Influvac (Netherlands). TO inexpensive drugs include Russian vaccines Grippol plus and Grippol, as well as liquid inactivated and dry live.

Place and time of flu vaccination

To get a flu shot maximum effect, it should be done in medical institution, in compliance with the rules and dosage. The ideal option would be a preliminary examination of the patient’s immune system, as well as an assessment general condition his health. Most often, vaccination is carried out at the place of study or work; you can also get vaccinated at a clinic at your place of residence. The vaccine must be administered by a board-certified immunologist. The most optimal period for vaccination is October. The period from the moment of vaccination to the expected influenza epidemic should be 2 weeks or more. The effect of the vaccine remains in the body for an average of six months.