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Does a woman ovulate every month? How to stimulate ovulation. The main reasons why this can happen include

Planning pregnancy requires compliance with certain conditions (physical, physiological, psychological) that will lead to favorable conception. And one of these conditions, without which fertilization is impossible, is ovulation.

Ovulation and menstrual cycle

Every month a number of things happen in a woman’s body: physiological processes, ensuring such functioning reproductive system, in which the conception and development of a new organism will be possible. These changes are cyclical (once completed the cycle begins again) and are called the menstrual cycle. Its duration depends on individual characteristics body and can normally range from 21 to 35 days. IN gynecological practice The concept of an “ideal” cycle is accepted, which lasts exactly 28 days. With such a duration, it is most convenient to calculate its phases and control their change. The beginning menstrual cycle the first day is considered bloody discharge(menstruation), and the end is the day preceding the next menstruation, i.e. the beginning of a new cycle.

According to statistics, only 13% of all women have a cycle of exactly 28 days.

Great Medical Encyclopedia

Follicle maturation

From the very first day monthly cycle active maturation of follicles begins: several eggs (about a dozen) are surrounded by follicular cells, resulting in the formation of follicles. But during one menstrual cycle, as a rule, only one of them reaches full maturity.

IN in rare cases two or three follicles mature, which can lead to multiple pregnancies and the birth of fraternal twins.

The average diameter of a human egg is 88–91 microns. The follicle in which it is contained, during the process of maturation, increases by about 2 mm every day and by the time of ovulation it grows to 20 mm in diameter. Its internal space is filled with fluid and granulosa cells, which produce female sex hormones (estrogens). Normally, the follicle matures within two weeks. By the end of the second week, the level of hormones increases so much that it provokes the release of luteinizing hormone, under the influence of which the follicle ruptures. Formations that have not reached full maturity dissolve.
The follicle matures completely by the 14th day of the cycle

The ruptured follicle turns into a corpus luteum, which begins to actively produce another hormone - progesterone. It is under the influence of progesterone that the endometrium of the uterus is prepared for the implantation of an embryo into it. If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum dissolves on its own and the cycle begins again.

The egg during and after ovulation

After about half the cycle, ovulation occurs - this is the release of a fully mature egg, ready for fertilization, from the burst follicle.

Eggs are laid during the period of intrauterine development of the female body, and by the time of puberty their number is 300–400 thousand.

When the female body reaches puberty. The latter will happen during menopause (menopause) - the cessation of follicle maturation and the cessation of menstrual function. Ovulation also does not occur during pregnancy, but after the birth of the child it is restored.

The duration of the process of releasing an egg from the ovary varies from person to person. The ovulation phase is determined to last up to three days. After leaving the ovary, the egg lives from 12 to 48 hours.
Fertilization is the very first stage in the birth of a new life.

Having freed itself from the follicular membrane, the egg is captured by the fimbriae of the fallopian tube and begins to move along it towards the uterus. When an egg meets a sperm, fertilization occurs. If it does not occur, the egg is destroyed. Otherwise, it begins to divide, moving further to the uterus, where after 5-6 days it attaches (implants) to its wall. From this point on, the follicles stop maturing and the menstrual cycle stops. Pregnancy begins.

What are periods and when do they occur?

After the completion of the cycle, during which the sequential development of follicles, ovulation, destruction of the corpus luteum and unfertilized egg occurs, menstruation begins (menstruation), and, accordingly, a new menstrual cycle starts.

Menstruation - bloody discharge from the female genital tract, the cause of which is the rejection of the inner layer of the uterine mucosa, if during certain period after ovulation (second half of the cycle), a fertilized egg does not appear there. After the resorption of the corpus luteum, the production of sex hormones decreases, which leads to a change in blood circulation in the endometrial vessels: first, expansion occurs, and then a sharp narrowing (spasm). The influx of new blood leads to its stagnation, which increases pressure on the walls of blood vessels. When it becomes excessive, the vessels rupture and bleeding begins. Constriction of the vessels of the uterine mucosa continues for about 48 hours from the beginning of menstruation, which causes pain in the lower abdomen in the first days of the cycle.

Menstruation is the monthly birth of an unfertilized egg.

V. F. Snegirev, Doctor of Medicine, Emeritus Professor of Moscow University, one of the founders of Russian gynecology


The normal duration of the discharge period varies from 2 to 8 days. During this time, on average, from 50 to 100 ml of blood comes out. A range from 10 to 150 ml is also considered normal. Sometimes the amount of blood released can reach 250 ml. If the volume exceeds these values ​​or, conversely, does not reach the minimum, this may indicate a malfunction in the woman’s reproductive system or the presence of some disease.

How to calculate the onset of ovulation

Determining the ovulation period is necessary primarily for those women who want to get pregnant, since the likelihood of conception directly depends on this moment. It will also be useful for those who want to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

You can calculate the timing of ovulation by knowing the duration of all phases of the menstrual cycle. This method should only be used when stable cycle. But even in this case, the days of ovulation are calculated only approximately.

The period of egg maturation takes approximately half the cycle, ovulation occurs on average about two days. The rest of the time is spent on the path of the egg to the uterus and the development of the corpus luteum. Based on these data, you can calculate the ovulation period for cycles of different lengths. Since the second phase (formation of the corpus luteum after ovulation) normally lasts, as a rule, 12–14 days (regardless of the duration of the first phase), in order to calculate the period of egg release itself, you need to subtract 14 from the number of days of the cycle. For example, 28–14=14.

Taking into account that ovulatory period can last up to three days, the previous day and the next are taken into account. Thus, ovulation will occur on days 13–15 of the cycle. If the cycle is 23 days, then the days of ovulation are calculated as follows: 23–14 = 9. Accordingly, the time of release of the egg falls on the 8th–10th days. For long cycles everything is calculated similarly. For example, with a 35-day cycle, ovulation occurs on days 20–22.

Calculating your ovulation period to avoid pregnancy is not effective.

More precise method calculating the timing of ovulation is its determination according to the schedule basal temperature. For his correct drafting Certain conditions must be met, such as:

  • using temperature readings in the rectum or vagina;
  • measuring temperature daily and preferably at the same time;
  • taking measurements in the morning without getting out of bed.

After ovulation, basal temperature rises above 37°C

In the first half of the cycle (before ovulation), the temperature does not fluctuate much and does not exceed 37 °C. On the day of ovulation it decreases (optional), and starting from next day- rises by 0.6–0.8 °C (sometimes up to 1 °C) and exceeds 37 °C. With the start of the next cycle, the basal temperature decreases again. If in the second half of the cycle the values ​​on the graph do not exceed 37 °C, this may mean that ovulation never occurred.

Methods for determining ovulation

You can determine the onset of ovulation in various ways.

Subjective feelings of a woman

Some women can sometimes feel the very moment the egg leaves the follicle. In this case, you can clearly determine not only the day of ovulation, but also the ovary in which it occurred. Sometimes, if you listen to your body, the release of an egg can be recognized by the following signs:

But there are women in whom the above symptoms either do not appear or are so weakly expressed that they are not even felt. In this case, the days of ovulation can be calculated, but you should not rely on this method, since deviations are observed even in stable cycles.

The most reliable way self-determination ovulation is a special test.

Ovulation tests can be considered quite accurate, since their task is to determine the content of luteinizing hormone in the body. Before the release of the egg, its level increases many times, under the influence of which the follicle ruptures.

But this method also gives false results, since an increase in luteinizing hormone can mean not only ovulation, but also the presence of certain diseases.

An ovulation test can be freely purchased at any pharmacy. Products from both domestic and foreign manufacturers are available for sale. They differ, as a rule, in price and sensitivity. The tests are designed for use at home and do not require any special skills. The only question that should be puzzled is their required quantity. To do this, you need to determine the days on which to conduct testing. Ovulation tests are usually done seventeen days before the end of the cycle. For example, with a 28-day menstrual cycle, the test should be performed starting from the 11th day, and with a 32-day cycle - from the 15th.
There are special ovulation tests to determine when an egg is released.

If the duration of the cycle differs from month to month, then the shortest cycle in the last six months should be considered and 17 should be subtracted from the number of its days.

If there is a suspicion of “unscheduled” ovulation (early or late), the test should still be performed on “suspicious” days. If there are long delays and cycle instability, using this method alone will not be effective.

Ultrasound monitoring

A guaranteed way to determine and control ovulation is daily ultrasound monitoring of the pelvic organs. This method is not widespread and is used in cases where there is a suspicion of a permanent lack of ovulation. Using an ultrasound machine, the size of the follicles is determined and their changes are monitored daily.

Already on the 7th–10th day of the cycle, out of a dozen maturing follicles, one will stand out and continue to grow, while the rest will stop growing.

Observation continues daily until the follicle matures and ovulation occurs.

Deviations from the norm

Deviations from the norm of the menstrual cycle are considered early or late maturation of follicles, as well as their non-ripening.

Early and late ovulation

If ovulation does not occur within the allotted time (approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle), but happens much earlier or later, this is considered to be a deviation. This happens if the follicle matures prematurely, or this process is delayed. Such ovulation is called early or late, respectively.

For example, if ovulation occurred on day 10 of a 28-day cycle, then it can be called early. Late ovulation will be considered on days 18–20.

The reasons for changes in the timing of ovulation can be both physical and psychological factors. The most common are:

  • too frequent sexual intercourse;
  • intense workouts in the gym;
  • exhausting diet;
  • lifting weights;
  • illness;
  • violation hormonal levels.

Ovulation during menstruation

It happens that ovulation occurs almost at the very beginning of the menstrual cycle (during menstruation) or immediately after critical days. The reasons for this may be:

  1. Short cycle. If the cycle is 21–23 days or less, then it takes much less time for the egg to mature. In this case, ovulation can occur as early as 7–10 days.
  2. Maturation of several eggs. Sometimes at the stage of maturation of follicles, not one, but several are released. Most often, this can occur in those women who have had multiple pregnancies in their family. Eggs can mature at different times. For example, from the first day of the cycle, follicles develop. One matures faster than others, ovulation occurs, but fertilization does not occur. And at this time, another egg matures in the other ovary. But the body has already received a signal that fertilization has not occurred, and menstruation has arrived. And the mature egg from the other ovary has just entered the ovulation stage and is ready for fertilization.
  3. Ovulation disorder. The causes of ovulation disorders can be not only stressful situations and excessive physical exercise. Since this process is closely related to the body’s hormonal system, its disruptions will also affect the timing of follicle maturation. This may involve disturbances in the functioning of the adrenal cortex, thyroid gland, pituitary gland and hypothalamus; and inflammatory diseases female genital organs. If one of the above reasons is present, the egg may mature earlier than expected.

Lack of ovulation and its stimulation

Also in gynecology there is the concept of anovulatory cycle. This is the name of the menstrual cycle in which there is no ovulation. An anovulatory cycle does not always indicate a disorder. It occurs in girls during puberty, alternating with ovulation, and in the fairer sex during menopause. In healthy women reproductive age Anovulation occurs after childbirth and abortion and lasts for a certain period of time. And also during the year, 1-2 menstrual cycles can be anovulatory, which is a variant of the norm.

Lack of ovulation (anovulation) is usually accompanied by changes in the nature of menstruation, such as:

  • oligomenorrhea (menstruation 1–2 days);
  • amenorrhea (absence of menstruation for more than 6 months);
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding(unstable intervals between discharges).

Many factors can influence whether ovulation occurs or not:

  • general health of the woman;
  • emotional experiences;
  • stressful situations;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • taking medications;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions, etc.

Ovulation does not occur due to immaturity of the follicle, which is possible with:

  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • various dysfunctions of the endocrine system;
  • the presence of tumor formations in the pituitary gland or hypothalamus;
  • presence of inflammatory and infectious diseases pelvic organs;
  • frequent stress, emotional instability, depression;
  • early menopause.

To restore ovulation function, it is first necessary to find out the cause that caused anovulation and eliminate it. In case of malfunctions hormonal system carry out correction of dysfunctions of the adrenal cortex or thyroid gland. Selection hormonal drugs made by a doctor in individually according to the analysis results. In medical practice There are ways to artificially induce ovulation (ovulation stimulation). Taking some hormonal drugs can lead to the maturation of several follicles in one menstrual cycle.

How does ovulation relate to the time of conception?

Conception is the union of genetic material contained in the reproductive cells of a man and a woman, which leads to the emergence of a single cell, which ultimately becomes a new organism. Connection process female cage(ovum) with a male (sperm) is possible during unprotected sexual intercourse, after which the sperm will meet the egg in the female genital tract, where the latter can only enter after leaving the ruptured follicle during ovulation.
Only one sperm is involved in the fertilization process

The likelihood of pregnancy during sex before and after ovulation

After ovulation has occurred, the egg will be ready for fertilization within 48 hours. It takes her approximately two days to free herself from the shell of the burst follicle and get to the fallopian tube, where it can meet the sperm. During this entire time, the egg can be fertilized. And sperm can remain active for up to 5 days (sometimes up to 7). The possibility of pregnancy occurs during sexual intercourse 3–4 days before ovulation, during ovulation and 1–2 days later. But even sexual intercourse during the release of the egg does not guarantee pregnancy.

Since sperm need time to get to the part of the tube where the egg is waiting for them, the chances of getting pregnant are much higher if you have intercourse before or during ovulation.

If ovulation has already occurred, the egg may be destroyed before sperm reach it. It is for this reason that the likelihood of pregnancy decreases sharply when early ovulation, if sexual intercourse is performed based on its usual timing. If the egg is released late, the situation is different: due to the prolonged activity of sperm, the probability of pregnancy is high, even if sexual intercourse occurred before the expected ovulation.

Embryo implantation

Embryo implantation is the attachment of a fertilized egg to the inner layer of the mucous membrane of a woman’s uterine wall.
Embryo implantation occurs 5–6 days after fertilization

From the moment of fertilization to implantation it usually takes up to 7 days. The embryo gradually sinks into the mucous layer of the uterine wall, which takes about 40 hours. In case of successful implantation, a period of development begins, which is called embryonic, and lasts until the 8th week of pregnancy.

Sometimes after fertilization it can take more than 10 days until implantation occurs. In this case, they talk about late implantation. Then, at first, tests may show the absence of pregnancy, but later its presence may turn out to be a pleasant surprise.

Every month hormonal changes occurring in the body healthy woman childbearing age, force the mature egg to leave and enter the cavity of the fallopian tubes, where it awaits fertilization. At this moment the probability of conception is highest. This must be remembered both by women planning and women using contraception. calendar method.

Ovulation will help determine the “pupil effect”: when examined in a gynecological chair on the day of ovulation, the doctor may detect a cluster clear mucus on the cervix in the area cervical canal, similar to a human pupil.

Menstrual cycle

In order to calculate on what day it will happen, you need to start from the duration of the menstrual cycle. It begins on the first day of menstruation and lasts until the next menstruation. Cycle length may vary. Some women with menstrual irregularities cannot even determine exactly how many days their cycle is. In this case, it will be difficult to correctly calculate the day of expected ovulation. The average cycle is 28 days. It can be longer or shorter. The normal range is 24 to 35 days.


During the menstrual cycle, hormones are produced that stimulate egg maturation. When it reaches full maturity, it leaves the ovary and moves into fallopian tubes. Ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, 10-16 days before the next menstruation. That is, if your cycle is 28 days, then ovulation will occur between the 13th and 19th day of the menstrual cycle.

There are two types of tests to determine ovulation. Some of them detect an increase in luteinizing hormone in the urine, others record ovulation by fern-like crystallization of saliva.

The egg is viable for 24 hours after release. If fertilization does not occur, then she dies. In addition to theory, there are also practical symptoms that characterize the onset of ovulation. Many women experience engorgement and pain in the mammary glands. Bloody discharge may occur. Vaginal discharge change their structure, becoming more viscous and transparent. These days it usually rises sexual desire in a woman - this is how nature gives a signal for procreation.

Abdominal pain may also be present. These sensations can be quite painful if a woman has it in the pelvis. The whole complex of these symptoms is called ovulatory syndrome. The basal temperature chart will also help you determine it. The method involves taking your temperature daily immediately after waking up before starting any physical activity. Temperature can be measured rectally or orally. On the day of ovulation, the temperature usually rises by 0.25-0.5°C.

Ovulation is a process that normally occurs in female body throughout the entire reproductive period. Accurate knowledge of the time limits of ovulation allows you to plan the conception of a child or, conversely, prevent pregnancy by abstaining from unprotected sexual intercourse. Its duration may also indicate the presence of some gynecological problems. There are many ways to determine the onset of ovulation.

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    Ovulation: what is it?

    In simple words, ovulation is the rupture of a follicle and the release of an egg. The whole process occurs in the ovary and lasts about a minute, it is carried out once during the entire cycle, the egg retains its viability for 24 hours. During this time, it will gradually move through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, and then into the vagina in order to leave the woman’s body. During one menstrual cycle, the egg is released either from the left ovary or from the right. Rarely both at the same time.

    But the main purpose of ovulation is to cause pregnancy. Conception will occur only if, during these 24 hours, spermatozoa capable of fertilizing it are encountered along the way of the egg.

    Rarely, but sometimes two ovulations occur in one cycle - this happens if several follicles are dominant at once; they rupture with an interval of a maximum of 2-3 days.

    If the egg is successfully fertilized by a sperm, it descends into the uterus and is fixed in the wall within 6-12 days. Pregnancy begins. At the same time, the ovaries stop producing new eggs, which prevents re-fertilization for the next nine months.

    Otherwise, the egg is simply destroyed as it passes through the fallopian tube within 24 hours, and after two weeks the girl begins to another menstruation. This is how the unfertilized egg leaves the female body.

    How to calculate the day of ovulation

    Typically, the egg matures and leaves the follicle 13-16 days before the next menstruation, on average 14 days if the entire menstrual cycle fits within a 28-day period.

    However, for the majority of female representatives, ovulation occurs between the 11th and 21st days of the cycle, counting from the first day last menstrual period. This largely depends on hormonal background, physical and emotional state.

    For the most part, girls try to calculate the exact day of ovulation in two cases: in order to plan a good day for conceiving a child or to refrain from unprotected sexual intercourse to avoid pregnancy. Calendar method contraception is one of the most unreliable.

    Calendar method

    Calendar is the simplest and most traditional method. The calculation is made relative to a specific woman and the duration of her menstrual cycle. If it is constantly changing, then a calendar alone will not help. In this case, you can use special tests and studies.

    Ultrasound diagnostics

    A minimum of 3 ultrasound sessions will be required. At the beginning of the cycle, several follicles of approximately equal size are identified in the ovary. Then one begins to grow larger than the others, its size increases from 1-2 mm to 20-22 mm - it is this one that will rupture and release the egg.

    When the follicle reaches its maximum size, the doctor concludes imminent arrival ovulation. After a few days, it is necessary to do a second ultrasound; if the follicle is absent, it means that it has burst and ovulation has occurred.

    Basal temperature study

    Every day, immediately after waking up, the girl must measure the temperature in her rectum. Usually after menstruation it stays at 36.6 - 36.9°, before ovulation it decreases by a few tenths of a degree, then sharply rises to 37.0 - 37.3° and remains at this level until the next menstruation.

    Express test

    It can be purchased at any pharmacy; the principle of operation is similar to a pregnancy test. Only the rapid test reacts to the content of luteinizing hormone in the urine, the concentration of which increases immediately before ovulation. If the result is positive, the follicle will rupture in 16-26 hours.

    Cervical examination

    In this way, only a doctor can determine the onset of ovulation using the necessary tools.

    Early and late ovulation

    If the egg leaves the follicle several days earlier than the expected period, it is considered early; if later, it is considered late. This happens due to many reasons, the most common being irregular periods, hormonal disbalance, stress, gynecological diseases, premenopausal period in women over 40 years of age.

    Signs of an egg leaving the follicle

    Doctors say that it is impossible to feel the moment of ovulation itself, since the follicle does not contain nerve endings, and its rupture is not accompanied by pain. But some women may feel a symptom of tension in the ovarian area just at the moment of rupture of the follicle.

    1-2 days before this process, the concentration of estrogen in the female body sharply increases. This is accompanied by a significant increase in strength, physical and emotional activity. Self-esteem and self-confidence also increase.

    A characteristic symptom is increased secretion of cervical mucus from the vagina, which becomes more liquid and transparent.

    These days are the ideal time to conceive. Ovulation has not yet occurred, and eggs do not move freely through the fallopian tubes and uterus. But sperm retain their viability a little longer, about 5-7 days. In addition, cervical fluid is precisely designed to help the male reproductive cell reach the uterus and hold out for some time before meeting the egg.

    Under the influence of estrogen, a slight decrease in temperature occurs, which is what one of the methods for determining the onset of ovulation is based on.

    Normally, a woman has several menstrual cycles per year without ovulation, therefore, she will not be able to get pregnant at this time. With age, the number of such anovulatory cycles will only increase, which is why after 35-40 years the chances of successful conception child decrease sharply. During menopause, ovulation does not occur at all.

Every woman experiences many different processes in her body related to the function of childbirth. Ovulation is a key stage, without which the birth of a new life is impossible. In this article we will consider the features of the process, symptoms and signs, principles of definition, as well as what sensations accompany it.

Ovulation - features of the process

To put it simply in simple words, ovulation represents the possibility of fertilization. At this time, the woman's cell enters the reproductive tract. In the event of a successful meeting with a sperm, conception will occur; if it is absent, the cell will die. The processes occur cyclically, repeating from month to month. It falls almost in the middle of the girl’s cycle.

Menstrual cycle

The cycle is the time interval between the first dates of menstruation. It is divided into three main periods:

  1. Follicular. At first bleeding vesicles mature in the ovary. Each cycle, the ovaries work in turn, but peculiar malfunctions often occur when the action occurs in one ovary for two periods in a row or there is no maturation of the follicle at all. Over time, one of the bubbles outstrips the others in size. It is in it that the egg is born. It begins to grow faster and faster, to a limit of 20-24 mm. With such a follicle size, the cell is considered mature. By this time, the remaining bubbles disappear due to atresia (reverse development).
  2. Ovulation. Having reached the peak of development, the cell breaks the wall of the follicle to come out. She begins to move towards the uterus. If she meets and comes into contact with a sperm, fertilization is very likely. In the absence of male cells, the female one will collapse a day after release.
  3. Luteal. At the site of the rupture, formed by a cell, increasing corpus luteum. It promotes wound healing and produces a special hormone - progesterone. Its concentration in the body is necessary to accompany the processes of fertilization, implantation and the development of pregnancy in general. At successful conception, it will be produced throughout pregnancy to ensure proper development embryo. If there is no effect, by the end of the cycle the corpus luteum stops functioning, after which menstruation occurs.

Duration of stages

The duration of each stage differs in women, based on the characteristics of the body and the length of the cycle:

  1. Follicular phase: 11-17 days. It is considered normal if the cell matures in 14 days. The rate of its formation depends on the hormone estrogen and its concentration in the body. Because the natural balance Hormones in girls can be very different in ratio, then the length of the phase will be different. However, due to stress or intake medicines, the proportions of hormones change, which is why a cell can mature faster or slower in one month than in another. Situations happen and late ovulation when a cell appears once every 1-1.5 months.
  2. Ovulation: 1-2 days. The length of the phase depends on the viability of the cell. On average, she lives up to a day, but there are cases of more short life– 12 hours or long – up to 3 days. But such situations are very rare. It is precisely because of such a short time of cell functioning that the process of conception can be difficult to plan and implement. It is necessary to be able to correctly determine this day.
  3. Luteal: 14 days. Experts have found that it takes just that long to heal a wound on the ovary and bring the body “back to normal.” Very rarely, the phase can last 12-13 days.

Characteristic signs of ovulation - discharge

It will help to clearly find out the date of cell release in order to “guess” the moment for conception. specific signs ovulation. Considered the most striking female discharge. They have different structure And appearance at every stage. Watching external manifestations mucus, you can easily find out the day before and directly the exit of the cell.

Cervical mucus changes structure depending on the balance of hormones. Based on which hormone predominates in the body, it can thin out or thicken. Typically, discharge is characterized by the following symptoms at each stage of the cycle:

  1. During the growth of the follicle, estrogen acts, which liquefies the mucus. The secretion becomes very thick and acts as a mucus plug, blocking the access of microbes and sperm to the uterus, since fertilization is impossible at this period of time and their presence is undesirable. Due to this thickness, the discharge does not come out and cannot be detected on the underwear.
  2. As the cell grows, the level of estrogen begins to decrease, due to which the mucus gradually thins out, but practically no external discharge is observed.
  3. After the cell appears in the genital tract, due to the rupture of the follicle, a surge of luteinizing hormone occurs. The proportions of hormones formed at the moment of ovulation change the structure of the mucus. It becomes viscous, transparent and is produced many times more. This consistency is optimal for the advancement of sperm and promotes cell vital activity. Slime due to similar external characteristics called "egg white". There may be some blood in it Brown, which is considered normal, since the follicle ruptured and a droplet could get into the peritoneum. Since there is no discharge outside until the moment of ovulation, the girl will not be able to miss the appearance of such an abundance of mucus on her underwear. The mucus in the egg white state will be observed for a couple of days. For some, it is detected for two more days immediately after the cell is released, and for some (usually women over 35 years old), the entire period can take one day or day.
  4. After the growth of the corpus luteum and an increase in progesterone levels, the mucus begins to thicken. She prepares to clog the fallopian tubes when the fetus is successfully implanted in order to protect the embryo from the penetration of external bacteria. Therefore, the discharge practically stops.
  5. If conception does not happen, on the eve of the next cycle of bleeding, the mucus thins out a little, becoming somewhat watery.

As you can see, any girl can observe her discharge and, if profuse and viscous manifestations are detected, begin conceiving on this day and the next two, since this is a sure sign of ovulation.

Pain during ovulation - causes

As we have already discussed, when leaving the follicle, the cell breaks the ovarian wall. This is a common wound, and therefore can cause discomfort and unpleasant pain. Usually, a woman does not notice the sensations during ovulation unless she specifically listens to her body. This is due to the insignificance and low intensity of such pain.

Pain in the sides

If you count approximately the moment of ovulation and observe yourself, you can pay attention to some tingling, perhaps aching or nagging pain. It lasts differently - from a single sensation to several hours or even up to 2 days. There are girls who feel very severe pain, tingling, and often a sensation in the lower back. At the same time, from month to month the sensations are felt from different sides. This depends on the ovary that produced the cell this month.

Stomach ache

Sometimes pain is felt in the peritoneum (lower part), which causes some anxiety in women. This may be caused by a drop of blood from a ruptured follicle entering the abdominal cavity or retrouterine space. Don't worry, she'll come out naturally. If after a couple of days no changes occur, but there is an increase in temperature and general signs If you feel unwell, it is better to visit a doctor immediately to prevent adverse consequences.

Prolonged pain

If pain is felt just a few days after the cell is born, it is worth clarifying a few points:

  • If you have sexual intercourse at the time of ovulation, fertilization is likely to have occurred. When an embryo is implanted into the uterus, tissue stretching occurs, which is accompanied by painful sensations. And this happens 7 days after conception.
  • If you have nausea, elevated temperature available inflammatory process, tumor initiation, disturbance in the location of appendages and other abnormalities. You should visit a specialist.
  • If the pain is severe and occurs during other periods of the cycle, inflammation of the appendages, rupture of the ovarian wall, or other unpleasant diseases and problems. It is unacceptable to postpone a visit to the doctor.

Other symptoms of ovulation

Minor pain and peculiar discharge are the most striking and common symptoms of ovulation. But there are some others that will also help to correctly determine the moment.


Under the influence of progesterone, the mammary glands begin to change. This symptom more often occurs after the rupture of the follicle, but the girl will still have several hours or a day before the completion of the ovulation stage.

Since all processes in the body are interconnected and it reacts to any changes, the moment a ready-made cell appears, it begins preparation for the process of childbirth and subsequent breastfeeding. Therefore, the mammary glands swell somewhat. This may feel uncomfortable or even painful, especially if it rubs against clothing. But for some girls this process occurs without consequences, and they fail to pay attention to it.


The appearance of a ready-made cell in the genital tract also signals the body about its desire to reproduce offspring. Therefore, a woman’s libido and physical attraction increase. This happens mainly on a subconscious level, but it is very easy to catch the tendencies and wishes of your body.

Calendaring - calculations

Every girl should keep her own menstruation calendar. It should only note the first days of their onset. Such a calendar helps to control the normal course of processes and female function. It is known that any deviations in the calendar may indicate a disease, dysfunction of the reproductive system, etc. It is necessary to control the following points:

  • Cycle length. Count the number of days between the first numbers. Normally, the figure is close to 28 days.
  • Regularity. The duration of the cycles should be identical, with a minimum deviation of 1-2 days.
  • Number of days of menstruation. Normally, the nature of discharge, structure, abundance and duration should be the same in each period.


In the same calendar, a girl can calculate the expected ovulation when a decision is made to plan the birth of children. These will be approximate values ​​that you need to focus on, combining them with observations of your sensations. The calculation is carried out according to the algorithm:

  1. Subtract 14 from the length of the cyclic process. As we remember, this value is characteristic of the luteal phase and is the same parameter for everyone.
  2. Count the resulting number from the first day of your period in the current period. Mark the date of the expected release of the cage on the calendar.
  3. Mark as favorable two days before this date and one after.

Irregular cycles

If the process is irregular, when a girl’s deviations between periods can be 5-6 days or more, you need to act differently. Preliminarily compare all your cycles over several months of observation, choose the smallest one. 14 is already subtracted from it. But for irregular cycle These figures are very approximate. The girl should, starting from the calculated date, observe changes in the body and secretions. If the symptoms described above are detected, you can begin to have regular sexual intercourse.

Additional options for determining ovulation

In addition to observations and calculations, a girl can use some methods to determine the day a cell appears with high probability:

  • Home tests that analyze urine.
  • Microscopes and apparatus for saliva analysis.
  • Maintaining a chart of rectal temperature measurements.
  • Carrying out an ultrasound.


The last option is the most reliable and accurate. But it’s worth contacting him if you can’t figure out the day of cell appearance on your own due to irregularity processes undergone or in the absence characteristic symptoms ovulation.

In such a situation, the doctor begins an ultrasound examination approximately from the 5-7th day of the cycle or from the 9th day, with higher indicators of its length. He monitors the appearance of the follicle and the rate of its growth, for which he prescribes examinations every 1-2 days. When he reaches required sizes, the doctor informs you about the date of release of the cell and prescribes the optimal days for sexual intercourse for the purpose of conception.


If the girl has no problems with regularity and symptoms, but only needs to confirm the appearance of the cell, it is worth using standard tests, which are easy to purchase at any pharmacy. The test has stripes impregnated with the reagent. It shows the level of concentration of luteinizing hormone that splashes into large quantities just before the follicle ruptures. It is recommended to start testing 3 days before expected ovulation and compare test strips every day. If a brighter shade is detected, it can be stated that the day of ovulation has approached and days for conception can be set.

In addition to the standard strip strip, there are other varieties of a similar product that work on a similar principle. The differences are only in the method of analysis or in deciphering the result:

  • Cassette. They are considered more convenient, because the paper strip is placed in a special case.
  • Jet. Used by directing a stream of urine onto the strip. There is no need to collect liquid, and therefore it can be used even in a public toilet, and not just at home.
  • Electronic. They are used as strip strips, but have an advantage in assessing the answer. A girl doesn’t need to compare shades, which always raises a lot of questions. The answer will be displayed on the screen.


Devices such as microscopes are very convenient in comparison with strips, and are also reusable, which affects their cost. This option is suitable for a girl who has difficulties identifying the day and the process of fertilization.

They can be used anywhere, they are very compact and easily fit in a bag. It is necessary to apply a smear of saliva onto a glass slide and look at it through a microscope. The salts contained in saliva form a peculiar pattern that takes on the features of a fern leaf at the moment the follicle wall ruptures.

Basal temperature

Charting basal temperature is the most labor-intensive method. It is necessary to take rectal temperature measurements daily and mark the indicators on the graph. By observing the curve, you can note a decline before ovulation and an increase during cell release. This way, the girl will be able to find out in advance about the onset of a favorable moment, noticing characteristic jumps. The whole difficulty is that these “peaks” are in the range of 0.4-0.6 degrees, and therefore the accuracy of the measurement is very important.


Knowing the main characteristics, symptoms and signs of ovulation, a girl will be able to correctly determine the approach of the “cherished” day, on which a successful conception is possible. Knowing additional options for determining ovulation will help confirm your observations and feelings. Don’t forget to monitor your processes using a calendar in order to notice failures in a timely manner and take action.

Must become familiar with your physiology. This knowledge will help you quickly reach the desired goal. The term “ovulation” is key in this case. It is this that underlies the process of conception.

What is ovulation in women?

A certain period of life when a woman is ready to conceive, bear and give birth to a child is called childbearing age. This period begins for girls as early as early age, with the arrival of the first menstruation (menarche) and lasts on average 25–30 years.

The processes occurring in the female body during the menstrual cycle are monthly preparing for a potential pregnancy.

Under the influence of hormones, changes occur in reproductive organs at different periods of the menstrual cycle. Depending on these processes, the menstrual cycle :

  • . The beginning of the menstrual cycle and follicular phase is the 1st day of menstruation. Under the influence of hormones (estrogens), follicles grow in the ovaries. Inside each of them there is an egg. Among them is determined leading follicle. It is from this that the egg will ultimately be released. Also during this period, the lining of the uterus thickens. The duration of the follicular phase is individual and ranges from 7 to 22 days.
  • Ovulatory. When estrogen levels reach their peak, the pituitary gland begins to produce luteinizing hormone (LH). When LH levels reach maximum level the follicle bursts and a mature egg is released, which begins to move through the fallopian tubes towards the uterus. This is ovulation.

Ovulation represents the release of a mature egg, ready for fertilization. If a sperm is encountered on the way of the egg, then conception occurs.

  • Luteal. After the follicle has released the egg, a corpus luteum forms in its place, which begins to produce the hormone progesterone. Under its influence, the uterine mucosa changes structure: it becomes loose and swollen. This favorable conditions to secure the fertilized egg.

If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum dies, hormone levels decrease and the inner layer of the uterus is shed (menstruation). Menstrual cycle starts again. The duration of the luteal phase, in contrast, is stable and amounts to 14 days +/- 2 days.

When does ovulation occur?

Each healthy woman experiences up to 12 ovulations per year. For frequency This process can be influenced by a variety of factors.

Usually this phenomenon occurs on Day 14 menstrual cycle. But this ideal parameters for a classic 28-day cycle. In reality, everything turns out a little differently.

For some women, the cycle may be either short or too long. This may be influenced the following reasons:

  • Physical fatigue.
  • Nervous tension.
  • Hormone leap.
  • Sudden weight gain or loss.
  • Hypothermia of the body.
  • Development of the disease.

Types of ovulation

Not in all cases the ovulatory process occurs as according to the textbook. Ovulation can occur approximately on the 7th–10th day of the cycle, or too much after 17–19. The course of pregnancy and ovulation is not affected in any way.

The only peculiarity is that when early release of the egg a woman finds out about her pregnancy earlier. And in the second case - .

There is such a term as multiple ovulation. It is characterized by the release of several eggs at once. Most often there are two of them. Reason double ovulation can serve hereditary factor, reception oral contraceptives or stimulation of ovulation.

REFERENCE! Multiple ovulation leads to the birth of twins. The conception of twins occurs as a result of the division of one egg.

How to determine ovulation?

In order to get pregnant faster, many women resort to methods of determining ovulation. There are many ways a woman can determine when exactly she is ovulating. These include the following:

  • Measuring basal temperature.
  • Use of special tests.
  • Research using Ultrasound monitoring.
  • Analysis of physiological reactions of the body.

Each method has certain advantages and disadvantages. A woman can independently decide which method suits her best. Doctors consider ultrasound to be the most reliable. Analysis of physiological reactions may not always be objective. In addition, many signs are considered indirect. For example, pain in lower abdomen may arise for other reasons.

ADVICE! The best solution is to track the maturation of follicles using folliculometry.

Each representative of the fair sex has a certain one. It is not replenished throughout life. That is why it is believed that the ability to bear children in women fades with age.

At the time of follicle rupture, they may appear on the side where the ovulating follicle is located. Fluid from the follicle spreads through the fallopian tubes, thereby causing discomfort. A few days before ovulation, a woman's character changes. Such changes are difficult not to replace. are beginning to resemble egg white. Mood swings are also observed, the woman’s sensitivity changes. Libido increases.

Ovulation and pregnancy

In addition to the presence of a mature egg, other factors also influence the success of conception. A partner is of great importance. If there are sperm, it is better to practice sexual intercourse. If, however, they are short, then you should practice sexual intimacy.

Not least important is the microflora of a woman’s vagina. It should be beneficial for the life of sperm. Considered the reference acidic environment. Alkaline environment prevents sperm from entering the fallopian tubes.

ON A NOTE! A woman can find out about her pregnancy approximately two weeks after conception.

To determine the position, special tests or analysis are used hCG hormone. Blood donation will show the correct result before the test.

The role of the corpus luteum

The fact that a woman is ovulating is confirmed by the corpus luteum. It forms at the site of follicle rupture. The body has clear, uneven outlines, so it is very easy to identify using ultrasound examination . It is the corpus luteum that produces progesterone, which helps fertilized egg develop. In a non-pregnant cycle, the corpus luteum begins to dissolve after ovulation. Before the onset of menstruation, it is practically invisible.

IMPORTANT! In rare cases, the corpus luteum may be absent or underdeveloped. It can be replaced by taking hormone-containing drugs.

A healthy woman is characterized by having no more than two anovulatory cycles in a year. A deviation from this figure may indicate the presence of certain problems. is the main reason why a woman cannot get pregnant.

It is not a disease. It is considered a symptom of certain ailments. female genital area. Recently, it is becoming more common not only among mature women, but also among young representatives of the fair sex.

If a woman begins to notice menstrual irregularities, the appearance atypical bloody discharge and other signs indicating problems.

Ovulation stimulation

The fact that a woman does not ovulate is confirmed after analysis of the work reproductive function over three cycles. Only after this are doctors accepted necessary measures. The most common way to get the ovaries to work is to stimulate them with medical supplies . They are prescribed depending on the woman’s hormonal background. For each day of the menstrual cycle, a specific drug is prescribed.

ADVICE! Before performing the stimulation procedure, it is recommended to check the patency fallopian tubes. This will protect against development ectopic pregnancy.

Stimulation of the release of the egg can also be carried out in preparation for artificial insemination. In some cases, the ovaries begin active work after discontinuation of oral contraceptives. This method is called rebound effect.

If there are physiological obstacles to the release of the egg, it is indicated surgical intervention. The most common procedure is laparoscopic surgery.

TO unconventional ways stimulation of ovulation include the use herbal infusions . Medical experts do not approve of this method, but practice shows that it is quite effective.

The first thing you should pay attention to is how regularly ovulation occurs. Its presence is the main component of a successful conception process.