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Can I eat peanuts on a Raw Diet? What is the danger of raw fruits and how to use them correctly! Nuts and seeds: eating right

It's no secret that nuts are the hardest food to digest among all raw foods. The fact is that the seeds and nuts that are available for sale are in a dormant state. In this form, they are practically not absorbed and are excreted from the body unchanged.

When at rest, dry nuts and seeds retain substances contained inside called enzyme inhibitors (substances that inhibit enzyme activity), whose function is to protect the seed and inhibit germination in unfavorable conditions. They are the ones that give bitterness to the taste.

When a seed falls from a tree, deprived of a source of moisture, it dries out and the embryo falls asleep, so that in the spring, when the snow melts, it wakes up again and gives new life. Nature does not allow the seed to germinate earlier certain period, preserving its viability, thereby ensuring that it is provided with sufficient moisture in the soil to germinate and continue the race.

According to Dr. Edward Howell, when we eat dry seeds or nuts, we neutralize some of the enzymes that our body secretes, which can even lead to an enlarged pancreas. There are two ways to destroy enzyme inhibitors. The first is to cook the food, but this will also destroy the enzymes. The second option is more preferable. We place the seeds in a humid environment, that is, we soak or germinate. In this case, the inhibitors are destroyed, and the number of enzymes doubles.

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What happens when nuts are soaked.

Changes in soaked nuts and seeds chemical composition and the germination mechanism starts. The essence of this process is the transformation of complex substances into simpler ones: inactive growth substances located in the embryo are activated and contribute to the synthesis of enzymes that decompose complex reserve substances into simpler ones. These chemical processes make soaked nuts and seeds more digestible. They become sweet, the water washes away the inhibitors, taking the bitterness with it. We get nutrients in the most accessible form: the active enzyme system of the plant, macro- and microelements, flavonoids and a huge amount of vitamins and antioxidants. This entire complex of useful substances is organically built into living tissue plants and is in balanced quantities and ratios.

Soaking significantly increases the nutritional value of nuts and seeds. The taste also changes, they become juicy, sweetish and practically in no way inferior to their fresh counterpart. In addition, if there is any doubt whether a product has been processed, soaking is a sure way to check. Spoiled or roasted seed During the soaking process, it will become rotten, soft and a radically different color than live nuts and seeds.

How to soak nuts.

It's simple: unroasted nuts or seeds need to be poured drinking water and leave for several hours or overnight (depending on the type) at room temperature, rinse and drain in the morning. There is no need to wait for sprouts, since simple soaking already starts the germination mechanism. As soon as the sprout hatches, the nutritional value decreases as the substances are spent on growth.

Soaked nuts and seeds can be stored in the refrigerator for about three days. But if you wash them, dry them thoroughly and place them in a container or jar with a tight lid, they can be stored and retain their natural taste for about a week.

Taste and beneficial properties of revived nuts.

By soaking nuts and seeds we revive them. In an awakened state, according to your taste and nutritional properties they are far superior to sleepers.


The taste of the revitalized walnut is very delicate and sweet, without bitterness. Many people like these nuts because they are quite filling and soft. A revived walnut, compared to a dormant walnut, contains 2 times more useful substances in an active, easily digestible form. That is, your body almost does not need to expend its energy on digesting the revived nuts, since they are devoid of heavy substances and soak in the stomach in a matter of minutes.

Walnuts are dried to 8% moisture content to kill mold and bleach the shell. When sold in shell, they are disinfected and heat treated to kill insects, then treated with bleaches. The shelled nut is not bleached, but may be subjected to chemical treatment during storage. Walnuts do not germinate at home. It is recommended to look for organic walnuts.


Most raw foodists know that whole raw almonds sprout. Indeed, sprouted almonds taste better than dry ones. You should not germinate almonds for more than 2 days (at least 6 hours, but no more than 1 day), otherwise the shoots will acquire a rancid taste or rot. There are two ways to consume them: with and without peel. The peel contains a lot of tannin and is difficult to digest.

The most useful are the so-called paper almonds and almonds in whole shells. In the natural shell, the nut retains more beneficial properties, since it not only protects the fruit from external harmful influences (dirt, dust, fungi, etc.), but also creates a special microclimate that allows you to preserve all the benefits of nature.

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Peanuts are legumes and germinate easily. Just like sprouted almonds taste better than dry ones. Some raw foodists prefer to remove the skin before eating. Part of the husk comes off dry, the remainder comes off relatively easily after soaking for 1-2 hours. In dry peanuts a large number of inhibitors, and they are mainly concentrated in the skin. It is they who have earned it the reputation of a heavy and even poisonous product in its raw form. But everything changes when soaking: some of the inhibitors are washed out, some are destroyed, starches are converted into sugars, the entire accumulated supply of nutrients is converted into biological active form, a mass of vitamins and amino acids is formed and in the end it is a completely different, completely harmless and energetically valuable product.
Some nuts may be contaminated with toxic mold (aflatoxin), in which case they should be discarded. The healthiest thing to eat is roasted peanuts without skins.

Pine nuts

After collection, they are dried and crushed to remove the shell, which damages the embryo, which deprives the nut of viability. The likelihood of shelled nuts sprouting is low. Unpeeled ones sprout like almonds.


It is washed and dried to 8-10% humidity before transportation. It is assumed that the drying temperature does not exceed 38C. Non-organic nuts are bleached with sulfur dioxide. Hazelnuts do not germinate at home. Soaking in water has little effect.


Botanically, cashews are the seeds of the fruit of the cashew tree, a tropical tree closely related to mangoes and pistachios. The nut is in a dense hard shell containing toxic substances. Temperatures up to 200 C are used to separate the shells. For vegetarian cashews, mild (above 40 degrees) is used. heat treatment to neutralize the vapors of the toxic oil contained in the peel. This treatment is still quite gentle and many beneficial features She saves the cashews.


The strong Macadamia shell is similar in color to milk chocolate on the outside, and has two beautiful halves on the inside, white and brown. The processed nut quickly turns yellow and acquires a heavy taste, so you can easily distinguish raw nut from not raw.

Brazilian nut

Collected from wild trees in the Amazon. Due to the difficulties of cultivation, only a few Brazilian plantations exist. Often, before transporting nuts, they are dried to 11% moisture in the shell and up to 6% shelled. Nuts are freed from the shell by soaking in water (possibly salted) and then boiling for 5 minutes; the shell becomes softer and is removed manually or automatically. But there are also unprocessed Brazil nuts. You can tell a roasted nut from a raw one by breaking it in half and looking for dark yellow spots inside. A raw nut should be an even light yellow color, almost white. Taste raw brazil nut quite pleasant, fattier than macadamia, slightly salty.


The technology for processing pistachios does not involve any chemical intervention, so these nuts can be considered environmentally friendly. The shelled nuts are immersed in water to moisten the shells and then placed in the sun to dry. Of course, if pistachios are salted, they significantly lose their position, since for this they are soaked and boiled in salt water before drying.

An interesting fact is that pistachios are harvested at night, since under the influence of the sun, the leaves of the pistachio tree secrete essential oils, from the excessive influence of which dizziness may occur. In small quantities, these essential oils are very useful; they help maintain vitality body, which is why pistachios are rightfully called nuts good mood. In addition, pistachios are the lowest-calorie nuts: about 550 calories per 100 grams.

When choosing pistachios, you should pay attention to the fact that the shell is open and the color of the kernels is green than greener than the kernel, the more ripe and tasty they are. When soaked, pistachios acquire delicate taste. They also germinate well. To do this, they need to be soaked overnight or for a day, right in the peel. After this, peel the pistachios and place in damp gauze or a napkin. You need to make sure it doesn't dry out and add a little water if necessary. The pistachios will sprout in a day or two, depending on their freshness.

In this article I will tell you a few things that are useful to know about nuts. The information given here applies to absolutely any nut, since they all have one general property: They are difficult and take a long time to digest. Therefore, before use, they must be processed in one way or another: fried, sprouted, or at least soaked. And in general, before eating, they at least need to be washed with water, even packaged ones. There are also restrictions on how many nuts you can eat per day. And, finally, you also need to eat them correctly and at a certain time.

Only if all these conditions are met will the nuts be best digested, bring us the maximum benefit and cause the least amount of trouble.

And if you love cashews as much as I do :), then I recommend reading mine - in Russia these are difficult to find and they will be expensive. They are cheaper on iHerb. Well, I recommend taking a look at it, if you have trouble breathing about this nut, there’s also information about pastes (urbechi), flour and petals from it. In both reviews you will find links for inexpensive purchases.

Do I need to wash nuts before eating?

Necessarily need to be washed before use, especially if they are bought in bulk from the market or somewhere else. Moreover, you need to wash both shelled and shelled nuts.

Secondly, in order for the nuts to be stored longer, and also to prevent them from being eaten by food moths and other pests, of course, they can be chemically treated in some way.

Therefore, be sure to wash the nuts. And even those that are sold packaged in a store are better, and not just loose from the market. Salted ones fried in oil, of course, should not be washed, and perhaps also those produced by some foreign or our premium brands. But all the others, which are cheaper, need to be washed - judging by their appearance that these are the same nuts that are sold by weight at the market, simply distributed in packages.

How to properly wash nuts before eating: shelled and in shell

It’s unlikely that the nuts in the shell were sprayed with any chemicals (except that walnuts, I heard, are sometimes bleached with something), so I think it’s enough to just rinse them thoroughly with water to remove any dust so that it doesn’t get on the kernels after cracking. If there are only a few of them, then hold them in a colander under a stream of water, and at the same time I still stir them. If there is more, you can pour it into a saucepan, add water, and stir it well. Then drain the water, add fresh water, stir again, drain, then wipe the nuts from moisture or let them dry on their own.

If there is not just dust on the shell, but traces of dirt are visible (this sometimes happens on walnuts, for example), then I use a dishwashing sponge - I go over each nut with the abrasive side.

I wash the peeled nuts as follows: pour them into a colander, rinse them under a stream of tap water, and then rinse them with drinking water. This is if the nuts are from a pack from a reliable manufacturer. And if you bought them at the market, then it’s better to pour boiling water over them, or keep them in it for at least 5-10 seconds - this is to kill germs.

And if the nuts have a chemical taste (this often happens with cashews, peeled pine nuts, and simply washing does not help), then keep them for half an hour or an hour in water at room temperature or 10 minutes in hot water - the surface of the kernels will soften and the chemicals will come off. After this, drain the water, rinse the nuts again with drinking water - and you are ready to eat. The chemical taste disappears.

After washing, the nuts, of course, lose some of their crunchiness, which many people love about them. Therefore, after washing, you can dry them in the oven or in a dehydrator.

Roast or soak nuts?

In any case, before eating them, the nuts need to be either fried, sprouted, or soaked. It is better not to eat them raw. Why? There are two main things at play here:

  1. Raw nut kernels contain inhibitors - these special substances, which prevent them from germinating. Once in the human body, inhibitors inhibit digestion, blocking the production.
  2. Nuts basically create heavy load on the liver, and especially raw ones.

As a result, they are difficult to digest and poorly absorbed. Therefore, they must be processed in order to be consumed beneficially. Both soaking and heat treatment promote the destruction of inhibitors. I don’t know what is more effective in this regard. Definitely the most effective is sprout nuts, but this is difficult to achieve, the process itself is long and, perhaps, only nuts in the shell are suitable for it, since only they are unlikely to have been heated and are therefore capable of germination.

In general, from more simple ways To get rid of inhibitors (perhaps not completely, but at least some), heat treatment and soaking remain. During the frying process, nuts, like any other product, reduce the amount of nutrients. But how well are the nutrients released by soaking? There are different opinions on this matter on the Internet, so, as usual, I recommend trying it and relying on your own feelings.

I eat both roasted and soaked nuts. I feel the soaked ones are softer for the body, but at the same time the fried ones are tastier. 🙂 I’ll start with frying.

How to roast nuts correctly

I do not recommend frying nuts in a frying pan. Then the roasting will most likely be uneven, even if you stir them constantly. It would be better to use an oven. Also, if you roast in the oven, you can control the temperature and not let it go beyond the nut, otherwise it will start to turn into a harmful form. And this, in general, is one of the advantages of frying nuts yourself, rather than buying them already roasted.

How and for how long to roast nuts in the oven

I find the optimal oven temperature to be 150 degrees, as nut oil smoke points start at 160 Celsius. At this temperature, cashews and almonds, for example, reach a degree of roasting that suits me within 8-10 minutes.

The nuts should be spread evenly on the baking sheet in one layer. If space allows, it is better to distribute them so that they do not touch each other - they will fry more evenly.

I haven’t tried roasting nuts in the microwave because I simply don’t have one. Various things are said on the Internet about microwaves, about them harmful effects for food. It’s not clear what to believe, but some points are alarming. I decided that I could live normally without this device. And it works! 🙂

How to soak nuts correctly

For those who are not suitable or do not like frying, there is soak. You need to soak nuts, of course, in clean drinking water, in the ratio: one part nuts to two parts water. But then opinions differ.

Someone writes that you just need to soak the nuts in water. Someone writes that salt needs to be added - I came across this recommendation: on 250 ml glass of nuts a teaspoon of salt (of course, natural unrefined - better than sea, pink Himalayan or, for example). And at the same time pour hot water so that the salt dissolves better. But you can, of course, use it not hot, especially for raw foodists.

In the program “About the Most Important Thing”, dedicated to lentils, a smart guy said that alkali promotes more effective release from inhibitors. That is, you need to add to the water soda. How much exactly was not specified, but 250 ml cup of water I add about a third of a teaspoon, but in general I often do it by eye.

The talk in the program, of course, was about lentils, but I don’t see why this couldn’t be applied to nuts. Moreover, salt also alkalizes water, only less actively than soda. Well, in both substances the base is the same - sodium.

I tried soaking it with salt a couple of times. After soaking with soda, it feels like nuts better body perceived. However, I recommend that you try both options.

Now about the soaking time. It is different for all nuts. Almonds, Brazilians recommend soaking for 10-12 hours, or even a whole day - it usually takes me 12-20 hours. Hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans, pistachios - 8-10 hours. Grains apricot kernels too, probably somewhere the same. Cashew - 2-3 hours, maximum 6, otherwise they will completely lose the taste (which is why I prefer to fry them rather than soak them). I saw information somewhere about cedar trees 8 hour soaking, and elsewhere, which is enough 15-30 minutes, otherwise, they say, they will become tasteless.

The skin (peel), if any, must be removed from nuts before eating, since it contains the highest concentration of digestive enzyme inhibitors. It comes off quite easily after soaking.

It is better to soak the nuts for one meal or one day of consumption - just so that they do not start to spoil. They write that, in principle, soaked nuts can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days, or dried in the oven, and then they will generally last for 2 weeks in the refrigerator in an airtight container. But I'm a stickler for freshness.

How many nuts can you eat per day?

The first information I received on this matter a long time ago was that you can eat no more than 100 grams of nuts per day because they are very high in calories. I’m not inclined to be overweight, so the calorie content didn’t scare me, and sometimes I ate too much on nuts, not counting exactly how many of them went into me.

However, later I heard about an even smaller figure - 40-50 grams, and not eat so many nuts in one meal, but throughout the whole day. The explanations for this were already more relevant for me: that they are difficult to digest and create a large load on the liver. I am not in perfect condition yet, and my digestion is not yet stable, so I decided to eat nuts within this amount. And indeed the liver became noticeably calmer. In addition, very quickly and in principle I stopped wanting to eat a lot of nuts - now sometimes I can’t even eat 50 grams. In general, I started using them less often; now I don’t eat them every day—I just don’t feel like it.

When is the best time to eat nuts?

You definitely shouldn't eat nuts in the evening. They have a stimulating effect on the body and brain - perhaps due to great content, perhaps due to the fact that they are poorly digested and the body is forced to become more active, perhaps for some other reason. I don’t remember exactly what explanations I found for this. In general, there may be problems with falling asleep and staying asleep. And yes, I noticed this effect myself. So it is best to eat them in the morning or afternoon.

How to eat nuts and how to chop them

Nuts are not only poorly digestible due to inhibitors and perhaps something else, but due to their dense structure, they are, in principle, difficult to break down digestive system. You know, they say that food should be chewed thoroughly before swallowing. So, you need to chew the nuts even more thoroughly, literally grind them into powder with your teeth. 🙂 Well, or use a blender.

A blender is a must turbo mode so that you can grind the nuts directly into that very powder. Moreover, the smaller the volume of the chopper, also sometimes called a chopper, the better. However, the turbo mode is different. You don’t need one that just spins knives faster (like, for example, a very cheap Vitek VT-3411), and such that these knives also pulsate up and down - then the grinding will be of better quality.

But I'm talking about ordinary inexpensive blenders. And then there are super-powerful, expensive ones that operate at supersonic speed, and even not the speed of light. They, of course, will turn anything into dust. But let's leave them aside. A good inexpensive option is a blender. Braun.

The small chopper on this blender is just right - for 350 ml, the knives twitch up and down in turbo mode. One drawback is that the plastic base of the knife is quite flimsy, so if you work frequently in turbo mode, a crack may first appear on it, and then one day the knife will simply get stuck in the chopper pin, so much so that you can’t even pull it out. I changed 3 knives, after which I switched to a chopper with a capacity 500 ml— it has a different system for attaching the knife to the pin, much more reliable, but due to the larger volume of the bowl it chops a little worse, but still not bad. And yes, it practically doesn’t pulsate, unfortunately.

I have an outdated blender model: Braun Multiquick MR 6550, no longer sold for a long time. Now there are new ones in any electronics store, including online stores. You can check with the seller, or the Braun company itself, which modern model has the same type of turbo mode. What is noteworthy is that the grinders for blenders are still produced the same.

Grinding dry nuts directly into “flour” or into a paste in my Braun blender, even if it is possible, will take a very long time. However, if you add moisture, then cashews, for example, can quickly be turned into cream, or into yogurt (if cooled), and denser almonds and hazelnuts can be turned into cottage cheese. 🙂

Here's how I do it: first I turn some fruits or berries into puree with a blender. And then I pour nuts into it and use turbo mode until I get the degree of grinding I want. In this case, you need to adjust the ratio of nuts and fruits/berries so that all this mass is crushed and does not stick to the walls of the chopper, or, conversely, does not turn out to be too liquid.

Then I can sweeten it with something, if the fruits or berries are sour, add something else. Then I put it in the freezer to cool, after 15-20 minutes I take it out - the nut yogurt or cottage cheese is ready! Suitable for vegans. 🙂

The best flavors I've found for one of my most consumed nuts can be found in my .

That's all I have for today. Eat nuts, but only do it for your own benefit!

 - 3481

Of all the foods called raw foods, nuts and seeds are the hardest to digest. Some of them taste bitter and are so hard that not everyone can chew them properly. Therefore, after eating even a small amount of them, we feel heaviness in the stomach. However, we love nuts and seeds and eat them knowing that they are healthly food, because is a storehouse of useful substances.

How to properly eat nuts and seeds

Yes, unprocessed nuts and seeds that we buy in a store or at the market (we are not talking about salty, sweet or fried foods yet), even though we take them from our personal autumn reserves, are in a state of rest. Hibernating. It is characteristic that in this form they, alas, are almost not absorbed in the body and are excreted without even changing much in appearance...

The dormant state allows the nuts and seeds to retain the substances stored inside. They are called enzyme inhibitors (substances that inhibit the activity of many enzymes). The functions of inhibitors are to protect the seed and inhibit germination under unfavorable conditions. They give the product bitterness.

When a nut or seed leaves a tree, cane or stem, it dries up. The embryo falls into a dormant state in order to wake up to life when heat and moisture arrive. Nature does not allow them to germinate ahead of schedule, taking care of their viability, and insuring them, providing them with sufficient moisture in order to allow them to germinate and thereby continue the race.

Research has shown that certain components found in nuts and seeds can neutralize certain enzymes secreted by the human body. In some cases, this can cause an enlargement of the pancreas.

How to destroy inhibitors

Find out two ways to destroy enzyme inhibitors that make nuts and seeds bitter and are unhealthy or useless for the human body.

1. Processing.

Canning, salting, sugaring, heat treatment, etc. However, this destroys not only inhibitors, but also beneficial enzymes.

2. Soaking or germination.

This is the most preferable option. After all, with this method, the inhibitors are destroyed, and the number of enzymes is doubled. Certainly! – under the influence of moisture, the chemical composition of nuts and seeds changes, and the germination mechanism is launched.

The essence this process consists of converting complex substances into simple ones. A set of inactive growth substances located in the embryo passes from a dormant state into the active growth phase. At this stage, certain enzymes begin to decompose complex reserve substances into simpler ones. First they enter into active work those enzymes that break down starch into simple sugars. A little later, other enzymes come into play, converting storage proteins into amino acids. Approximately on the third day, the process of fat decomposition occurs until fatty acids.

Soaking nuts: what happens

These chemical transformations transform soaked seeds and nuts into easily digestible foods. They acquire a sweetish taste because... Inhibitors are washed out with water along with their bitterness. We can already say that nuts and seeds that have undergone the soaking procedure are full of nutrients presented in the most easily digestible form.

And there is something to be absorbed there! Imagine that even the tiniest seed, the most inconspicuous nut contains a complete active system plant enzymes, a huge amount of macro- and microelements, flavonoids, antioxidants and vitamins. This whole rich complex active substances present in living plant tissue and in fruits in balanced quantities and ideal proportions.

Soaking significantly increases the nutritional value of seeds and nuts, changes the better side taste - they acquire sweetness, juiciness and are almost as good as fresh ones in taste and appearance. In addition, if you doubt whether you bought a spoiled product, or whether it has been treated with some substance for the purpose of longer storage, eliminating rotting, mustiness, and eating by insects and small rodents, soaking is the right way check it out. Processed or spoiled nuts and seeds will lose their original color when soaked, become too soft, or, on the contrary, will not absorb moisture. After soaking, high-quality products should look like fresh ones.

How to soak nuts correctly

There are no secrets, everything is very simple: pour raw, peeled nuts and seeds clean water room temperature and leave for a while, maybe overnight. Then rinse, spread on a towel and let dry thoroughly. The product is ready to use. The mechanism for exiting the dormant state has been launched, all nutrients, enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins are activated.

If you want to germinate seeds or nuts, keep them in water longer, periodically changing the water to fresh water. Just remember that with the appearance of a small sprout, the nutritional value decreases, because... all substances begin to be spent on growth.

Store soaked seeds and nuts, removed from water and slightly dried, in the refrigerator for no more than three days. However, washed, thoroughly dried and placed in a jar or container with a tight lid, they will retain their flavor and useful qualities about a week.

In this article I want to tell you some useful facts about nuts. The information I will share applies to absolutely all nuts. The fact is that they have one feature that is the same for everyone: the body digests them hard and for quite a long time.

This necessitates their certain processing before eating: frying, sprouting, or at least soaking. In any case, you should at least rinse them under running water before eating, even if they were sold in packaging. There are also some restrictions on how many nuts you can eat per day. Ultimately, they also need to be eaten correctly and at the right time. If you adhere to all these conditions, the body will be able to digest nuts without problems. Then they can bring maximum benefit and will cause a minimum of trouble.

And if you, like me, are one of the nut lovers, then I advise you to look for organic products on the official iHerb website (you can buy it during the promotion using this link). Many varieties are difficult to find in our stores, and their prices will be impressive. In the iHerb online store, all this is much cheaper and proven High Quality. You will find cashews, almonds, various pastes (urbechi) and many other products at great prices with delivery to Russia, Belarus and other countries around the world.

Do I need to wash nuts before eating?

Before eating, nuts must be washed, especially when purchased at the market or in other places by weight. Moreover, you need to wash both already peeled products and those sold in shells.

It is already clear that it is necessary to wash the nuts. This also applies to packaged options. Those that are fried salted in oil, of course, do not need to be washed. Perhaps some imported too. But all the others inexpensive products It's better to rinse. They look like they were taken by weight from the market, only packaged in packages.

How to wash nuts correctly: shelled or left in shell?

It’s unlikely that the nuts in the shell were treated with any chemicals (the only thing I’ve heard is that walnuts are bleached with something). For this reason, it seems to me that it will be enough to wash them thoroughly from dust so that it does not settle on the core when splitting.

You can simply rinse a small amount in a colander under running water. If there is quite a lot, then you can pour it into a saucepan, pour water into it and stir it properly. Next, pour out the water, pour in new water and do the same thing. Then wipe the wet nuts or you can leave them to dry naturally.

If you notice not only dust on the shell, but obvious dirt (this applies, for example, to walnuts), That good way– take a dishwashing sponge and go over each item with its hard side.

I wash the shelled nuts like this:

  • I pour some of it into a colander,
  • wash under running water,
  • Then I rinse them with bottled water.

This method is relevant for packaged products from a trustworthy manufacturer. I also advise you to pour boiling water over the ones you bought at the market or leave them in it for 5-10 seconds. - this is how the microbes die.

In the case of a chemical taste (may occur in cashews, shelled pine nuts, and regular washing does not get rid of it), then put them in water at room temperature and leave there for 30-60 minutes. You can also hold it for 10 minutes. in a hot liquid, the outer part of the nuclei will become soft and the chemistry will come off. Then you need to pour out the water, rinse the nuts again with drinking water - and you can eat. There will be no chemical taste.

Washing, naturally, removes some of the crunchiness from these delicious tree fruits, but after all the procedures, you can simply dry them a little in the oven, microwave, or fruit dryer.

Be that as it may, before eating, the nuts must either be lightly fried, sprouted, or soaked. It is not recommended to eat them raw.

This is explained by two main factors:

  1. Inhibitors are found in the cores of raw foods. They are special substances that prevent their germination. Penetrating into human body, inhibitors slow down the process of food digestion, interfering with the synthesis of enzymes.
  2. Nuts themselves put a significant strain on the liver, and raw nuts in particular.

They end up being hard to digest and difficult to absorb. For this reason, they must be processed in order for their consumption to be beneficial. Both soaking and frying help break down the inhibitors. It’s difficult to say which option is more effective.

Definitely The best way– germination of nuts. However, this is not so easy to do, it takes a lot of time and you can only use the product in the shell. Because only this type are not subjected to heat, therefore, the ability to germinate is preserved.

Thus, the most accessible ways liberation from inhibitors (maybe not entirely, but at least partially) treatment remains high temperatures and soaking. During roasting, nuts, like all other products, reduce the content of nutrients. How are things going in this regard when soaking? On the Internet there are rumors about this various points vision, so my advice is to try it yourself and go by your feelings.

I both roast and soak the nuts. With the latter method, they seem softer to me, and at the same time, fried, they taste better to me. Let's look at the method of using high temperatures below.

I wouldn't recommend frying them in a frying pan. In this case, you fry them unevenly, even with frequent stirring. It's better to do this in the oven. You can keep the temperature in it under control and prevent it from rising above the smoke point of the nut oil, because otherwise it will emit harmful substances. For this reason, it is more rational to fry it yourself rather than buy it already fried.

How and for how long to roast nuts in the oven

In my opinion, the optimal temperature for this process is 150С, because The smoke point of nut oil is reached at 160C. Under such conditions, for example, cashews and almonds reach the state I need in 8-10 min.

The nuts must be distributed throughout the baking sheet so that they do not touch each other. This way the result will be the best.

Personally, I didn’t roast nuts in the microwave, because I simply don’t have one. I read a lot about its harmful effects on food. I don’t know how true this is, but I decided not to use this device. So far I'm doing great without it!

This is the second easiest processing method. Naturally, nuts must be soaked in clean drinking water. The ratio should be: 1 part product to 2 parts water. Further actions are described differently.

Some people think that soaking the nuts in water is enough. Some people talk about the need to add salt to the liquid. You need to proceed as follows:

  • Take a glass of nuts.
  • Add 250 milliliters of water. You need to use hot water. This way the salt can completely dissolve. Not hot is also suitable, which is important for those adhering to a raw food diet.
  • Add one tsp. salt(only natural unrefined, the best options are sea, pink Himalayan or light gray Celtic).

Alkaline is also believed to be effective in getting rid of lye inhibitors. In other words, you need to add baking soda to the liquid. It is not known how much is needed, but I use about 1/3 tsp. for 250 milliliters of water. However, most often I sprinkle it just by eye.

According to my feelings, after soaking in a solution with soda, the body responded better to nuts. Despite this, I advise you to try both methods.

How long should I soak?

For each type of product, the time will be different.

  1. Almonds, Brazilian ones need to be left in the liquid for 10-12 h, or better yet, all 24 hours. I usually leave it for 12-20 hours.
  2. Hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans, pistachios are recommended to be soaked 8-10 hours.
  3. The apricot kernels are about the same amount as the previous ones.
  4. Leave the cashews on 2-3 hours, for a maximum of 6. Otherwise, they may become tasteless (for this reason, these are the ones I usually fry).
  5. Regarding cedar trees, I came across information about eight o'clock soaking. However, another site said that enough is enough 15-30 min.

It is better to remove the skin (skin), if present, before use. Since it contains the maximum amount of digestive enzyme inhibitors. When soaked, it comes off quite easily.

It is recommended to soak for 1 use or 1 day. Although it is believed that soaked nuts will not spoil in the refrigerator for several days. And if you dry them in the oven, they will keep at a low temperature for up to two weeks in a hermetically sealed container. But I prefer to eat fresh ones.

Quite a long time ago I read that you are allowed to eat no more 100 gr. nuts per day, because they are very high in calories. I don’t really watch calories, so this question didn’t interest me. So sometimes I could eat my fill of this delicacy.

But after a while I found out that the allowed amount per day is generally scanty 40-50 gr. This limitation is explained by the following factors: they are poorly digested and put a lot of strain on the liver. This encouraged me to stick to the recommended amount.

What time of day is best to eat nuts?

You definitely shouldn't use them in evening time. They stimulate our body and brain to be active. This is probably how the impressive amount contained in the composition works. Or, due to heavy digestion, the body is activated. Maybe something else is influencing it.

Now I don’t remember the specific reason. In any case, there may be interruptions in sleep. Personally, I had such problems. Thus, the best option is to eat them for breakfast or lunch.

It’s not just inhibitors that interfere with the normal absorption of nuts. Their dense structure prevents our digestive system from digesting them properly. Everyone knows that any product must be chewed thoroughly before swallowing. And this concerns nuts most of all. They need to be distilled almost to a powdery state. It's easier, of course, to use a blender.

Just choose a model with a turbo mode for grinding until you get powder (you can see prices). And it’s best if the chopper has small size. There is one more nuance - in turbo mode, the knives should not only spin very quickly, but also rise/lower + pulsate. In this case, everything will be crushed super high quality.

For example, on my Redmond blender, grinding dry nuts to a powder is not so easy. And it will take a lot of time. I proceed as follows: first, using a blender, I make a paste from any fruits or berries. Next, I sprinkle nuts there and turn on the turbo mode. I keep it until I reach the consistency I need. During the entire process, it is necessary to monitor the ratio of nuts and fruits/berries so that they do not stick to the walls of the chopper or become too liquid.

Well friends, it's time to reveal all the secrets of soaking nuts and seeds!

Why do you need to soak them?

Nuts are wonderful nutritious product. Due to their polyunsaturated fatty acid content, it is best to eat them raw to prevent the oils from going rancid. Eating roasted nuts leaves your body free radicals, which leads to toxicity and inflammation. Not to mention, roasted nuts are often produced using controversial vegetable oils, which do not bring anything good to our beloved body.

It is best to soak/sprout/activate nuts and seeds before use. Why?

Firstly, when soaked, nuts and seeds begin to germinate, which increases the content of useful substances tenfold. Like everything in which it is born new life(everyone has probably heard about cosmetics from the placenta, not to mention the benefits of sprouts in a healthy diet).

And secondly, their peel contains enzyme inhibitors, which do not allow the nuts to be fully absorbed, and phytic acid, which is not at all beneficial for health and also interferes with the absorption of vitamins and other things. useful substances. And in this simple way, the acid and inhibitors are soaked out of them, remaining in the water, which we successfully drain at the end. As a result, the nuts become light, nutritious, and even acquire a slightly sweet taste.

By the way, very interesting fact about why these inhibitors even exist! Nature endowed nuts with them so that when they fall to the ground and are eaten by animals, the nuts are not digested, come out intact and can germinate in the ground, eventually turning into new trees. Please tell me how can one not trust the higher intelligence of nature after this?! Everything she creates is brilliantly designed and thought out in such a way that our brains cannot comprehend it! Now, without knowing this fact, would you ever be able to imagine such a logical chain? It’s the same with everything else in the world and in our lives. We will never be able to comprehend (let alone predict in advance) all the paths in which space leads us. Therefore, the time has long come to stop limiting yourself with your ideas about how to live and how everything should happen, and instead trust nature! :)

So!... Let's not get distracted... Nuts!... :)

Place nuts/seeds in any glass container. Fill with clean filtered water, covering them completely. We leave it on the table. Or in the refrigerator if you live in a warm climate. The minimum soaking time is shown in the following table:

  • Almonds - 12 hours.
  • Cashew - 8 hours.
  • Flax - 8 hours
  • Buckwheat - 6 hours.
  • Pumpkin seeds - 6 tsp.
  • Sunflower seeds -6 tsp.
  • Sesame - 4 tsp.
  • Walnut - 2 tsp.
  • Pecan - 2 hours.

Rinse thoroughly and enjoy the new taste!

For those who are ready for the VIP section of the nut holiday, there will be a separate post with recipes the next day. Stay tuned and bon appetit! ;)

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