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Toothpaste from Thailand. Thai toothpastes. Composition of Thai toothpaste

You can buy Thai toothpastes in Moscow from us! Visit our office in Moscow!

You can buy Thai toothpastes in Moscow from us today, just come to our office and choose.

Why did thousands of Russian residents choose Thai toothpastes?

Imported toothpastes No. 1 in Russia. We can safely say that these are the most popular products from Thailand. Millions of tourists from all over the world buy toothpastes from Thailand for themselves and loved ones, give them to acquaintances and friends, recommend them to colleagues and everyone. They always buy a lot of Thai toothpaste, this is surprising, because one jar is enough for 3-5 months of daily use. Our people are accustomed to buying good and useful goods for future use.The most popular Thai toothpaste rasyan

Buy Thai toothpastes in Moscow, Bumazhny proezd, 14 building 1

Whitens, removes tartar and plaque, treats teeth and gums, freshens breath for a long time and gives oral health - this is how people speak about Thai toothpastes, using them for years. The brightest and positive reviews easy to find on the Internet. Someone writes that Thai herbal toothpaste is not suitable for daily use, but in response to this there are dozens of comments from experienced users of these unusual toothpastes. Russian dentists do not give official comments on these toothpastes, but again on the Internet on forums they recommend using them.

Thai toothpaste buy 8-495-726-41-76

Thais have been using them for a long time and many who have been to Thailand have paid attention to the snow-white and beautiful smile Thai people don't call Thailand the land of smiles for nothing. White, strong, beautiful and healthy teeth This is the norm among Thais.

Secret fast whitening teeth.

Thai toothpaste. Typically, this product is searched for: Thai toothpaste, Thai whitening toothpaste, Thai clove toothpaste, Thai punchalee toothpaste, Thai herbal toothpaste, Thai herbal toothpaste and others. Selection of toothpastes from Thailand huge, more than 50 various types, differing in aroma, weight, manufacturer, packaging, shape, composition. And these are only the so-called “solid” toothpastes, which are not produced in the usual tube in the form of a gel, but are more like tooth powder hardened into one large “tablet”. All toothpastes from Thailand are essentially similar and abrasive, which makes their whitening effectiveness so high and the results quick and long-lasting.

Thai toothpaste buy in Moscow 8-495-726-41-76

Attention! You need to know this before purchasing! Now on the Russian market there are not only original toothpastes from Thailand, but also those already made here - with labels in Russian, without cardboard packaging, but with certificates. Such toothpastes are not popular, and those who bought them say that they are a cheap “parody” of Thai toothpaste. Thai organic toothpaste, only from us! We do not recommend that you buy Thai toothpastes in stores, as cases of counterfeit toothpastes have become more frequent.

Thai toothpaste online store 8-495-726-41-76

Toothpaste from Thailand based natural ingredients with essential oils. Completely removes plaque and small tartar. It tones the gums well and prevents their bleeding. Excellent whitening effect.

Thai toothpaste reviews from dentists- There are no official statements, but our customers have repeatedly come to us on the recommendation of their dentist. Does not contain preservatives or chemical additives.Maximum efficiency is achieved with very little consumption, which will have a positive effect on both your health and your budget.

The effect will be visible after just a few days of use!
Since the paste is abrasive, it should not be overused. To achieve best effect, we recommend using the paste no more than 2 times a week.

You can order by phone: call:+7-495-726-41-76

Each of us encounters this product every day. We use it, sometimes without even noticing it. People begin and end their normal day with procedures associated with it. Meet today we are writing about toothpaste - a product that takes care of our fresh breath and healthy oral cavity.

More precisely, in this article we will talk about how toothpaste from Thailand differs from domestic analogues, and why, when making a choice about how you will brush your teeth tomorrow, you should pay attention to it.

Why from Thailand

In fact, perhaps most readers have not even heard of this. This is not surprising, because we are accustomed to the most famous brands present on supermarket shelves, so we do not even think about a possible alternative. However, it is there. Moreover, the benefits of switching to Thai paste are quite significant.

So, from Thailand, firstly, it is ahead of its competitors due to its low price. There these products are sold quite cheaply, their cost is several times lower than what we buy. Secondly, Thai paste is more natural. Product that comes to us from Western countries and is made here, undergoes pre-treatment designed to reduce abrasiveness. Simply put, if used incorrectly, toothpaste from Thailand can harm tooth enamel ( we're talking about, mainly about increased pressure and the use of hard brushes when cleaning), while more expensive analogues familiar to us cannot have such consequences. Thirdly, the aroma and taste of the paste play a significant role. If those brands that we are used to buying at a higher price focus on a strong mint taste, then herbal toothpaste from Thailand most often has a more neutral smell, due to which its cost is also reduced.

It may seem to the average buyer that the characteristics listed here are, rather, a reason to refuse to purchase Thai paste. In fact, these are advantages that we will reveal later in the article.

Composition and ingredients

So, as already noted, toothpaste from Thailand has increased abrasiveness. Yes, it is not processed in the same way as other teeth cleaning products. On the other hand, this paste is natural because it is made using local herbs. Many manufacturers position their product as “organic,” that is, one that contains only natural ingredients. Whether this is true or not is difficult to say, especially considering the fact that without special additives with preservative properties, no beneficial features Whitening toothpaste from Thailand will not preserve herbs. This means that the sellers are lying.

Customer Reviews

On the other hand, reviews left by customers on forums about the Thai product indicate high-quality cleaning. Again, let's remember the abrasive properties - you can't overdo it here, because the surface of the teeth themselves may suffer. If you approach the process correctly, then yes, the plaque can be removed, and snow-white smile It's easy to get it back. And the taste of such a product is not the one we are accustomed to after using our analogues, but truly “herbaceous”. And, by the way, it keeps your breath fresh longer than after using a simple paste.

Useful properties of Thai paste

Some manufacturers from Thailand insist that their product actually improves blood circulation in the gums, makes your teeth stronger, prevents them from falling out, and so on. In fact, toothpaste from Thailand (reviews from dentists confirm this) is not capable of performing such tasks, since it has an “external” principle of action. Roughly speaking, the components of the pastes do not enter the tissues that form our gums, and therefore they cannot affect the development of teeth.

The only one really useful quality Such a product can be called high-quality cleaning. Thanks to it, both caries and tartar can be prevented. If you are really worried that some synthetic materials used in conventional toothpastes will not enter your body, Thai products will probably suit you best.

Where to buy toothpaste

Recently, the most popular brands of Thai manufacturers have appeared on the shelves of our pharmacies. As a rule, their range is small, and only the most popular products are on sale in quantities of 3-4 types. You can also look for such an exotic toothpaste in specialized stores offering organic products.

If there are none nearby, and toothpaste from Thailand appeals to you, you can try purchasing it from an online store. Fortunately, today even such narrowly niche products are sold online for quite a affordable prices. All you need to do is place an order and pay for delivery. We emphasize that when purchasing online, it is more profitable to take several samples of products at once, so as not to overpay for the services of the transport company once again. Some online stores even stock exotic black toothpaste from Thailand. Quite a lot of buyers are interested in it.

How to choose toothpaste

In general, it’s quite difficult to figure out which toothpaste is best for your teeth. Some dentists write whole science articles about this theme; Many websites publish recommendations and instructions that define the criteria for choosing toothpaste. Since this article deals with this issue only partially, we will focus specifically on how the choice of Thai pasta is made.

So, to begin with, we note that not all toothpaste from Thailand (reviews confirm this) is as high-quality, organic and healthy as the manufacturers position it. In fact, the Thai market is regulated less strictly than the European market regarding the disclosure of production data, because of this, unscrupulous entrepreneurs can make a product from low-quality cheap raw materials in order to make greater profits. You can protect yourself from this only by reading reviews, customer recommendations on the Internet and consulting with friends. Also, don’t chase the lowest price, of course.

In addition, we recommend determining the degree of compatibility of a particular toothpaste with your particular type of teeth. To do this, it is best to contact your dentist so that he can tell you whether this paste can be used to brush your teeth, whether it will harm you, and whether the cleaning will be effective enough.

Finally, just read product descriptions. It happens that they reveal useful (and even true) information about how useful this or that paste is.

How to brush your teeth correctly

One more, no less important issue one that our readers may be interested in is how to properly brush your teeth. Even a properly selected toothpaste from Thailand must be used correctly, because it directly affects our health. Our first advice on this matter would be to study the instructions that come with the product. It talks about possible precautions for use, the features of the paste, and how to use it to achieve maximum effect.

In addition to the instructions, we again turn to doctors. They will tell you what type of brush is suitable for a particular product, how strong the pressure should be and the frequency of cleaning procedures, how to clean your teeth best without causing harm to your health.

For example, as noted above, some types of Thai paste can scratch enamel. Of course, now not every toothpaste from Thailand can be like this. User reviews also indicate that there are quite soft products, using which you do not have to worry about scratches on the surface of your teeth. However, there are also products that are quite aggressive in terms of use, which can severely damage your enamel. To clean with it, you need to use a softer brush and apply less pressure while cleaning.

Pasta is just a product

Remember, any toothpaste from Thailand (photos, descriptions and reviews) is, first of all, a product. The manufacturer is doing everything possible to sell it, to force large quantity customers to try what he released and thus make a profit. When making a choice, be careful and careful - perhaps they want to deceive you. Use different ones and compare the opinions of people who have already tried the product on themselves.

Toothpastes from Thailand are, so to speak, a popular trend today. Connoisseurs of natural and especially oriental medicine, those who like to try something new, and just travel bloggers actively praise these products to their friends, naming exotic ingredients with aspiration - mangosteen, miswak, lindau... And those who have not yet tried Thai toothpaste in action can only envy, that they brush their teeth with simple Colgate or New Pearl, and not with a herbal miracle paste with guava extract and borneol...

So maybe it’s still worth buying a jar of the fashionable product?

The desire to buy an exotic product is fueled by the promises of manufacturers and sellers who echo them: according to the assurances of sales agents, it whitens tooth enamel in just 2-3 applications, and according to the same promises, herbal pastes contain only natural ingredients that relieve gum inflammation and bleeding in a couple of days .

Meanwhile, the vast majority of buyers of such toothpastes not only do not first consult with a doctor about the safety and effectiveness of using these products, but even observing some unwanted effects, continue to persistently brush their teeth with Thai exotica. If you do this without understanding the mechanism of operation of the product (as well as how and in what situations it should be used), then in some cases you can apply serious harm tooth enamel and gums.

This is confirmed by individual reviews ordinary people who tried to brush their teeth, for example, with the same whitening toothpaste from Thailand.

“We lived in Tai for a month, we just went there to relax. My husband also had two weeks of unpaid leave added to his usual vacation, so it turned out to be a real trip. So, we bought local whitening toothpaste with noni there. It’s just sold in such cute jars, everyone recommends it, and it costs a penny. We decided to try brushing our teeth with it instead. But my husband gave up after a week, and I after two. It literally makes your teeth hurt! It tastes good, I don’t know if it’s natural, but it doesn’t seem to smell like any special chemicals. But after just a week of regular cleaning cold water It’s impossible to drink - my teeth hurt. And the brush hurts. All fruits immediately set the teeth on edge. I think she just erases the plaque along with her teeth, so they start to hurt. But we gave it up and returned to the Aquafresh taken from St. Petersburg..."

Anya, St. Petersburg

Thai toothpaste often really has pronounced impact on the teeth, however, this effect is not always beneficial. But first things first…

Features of Thai pastes

A significant feature due to which almost any Thai toothpaste turns out to be more preferable in the eyes of domestic retailers is its low price. You can buy goods individually or in bulk not only in Thailand, but also via the Internet, and when purchasing in bulk, one jar will cost only about 10 rubles (accordingly, the cost is even lower).

Subsequently, these same pastes are sold in the Russian Federation at the prices of their Russian or European-made competitors (that is, with a markup of up to 1000%). Or a little lower - specifically in order to increase demand.

On a note

The average price at which Thai toothpaste is sold in Moscow is approximately 150 rubles per jar. However, if you wish, you can easily find and buy it for 100-120 rubles.

By the way, the cost of the product is below 10 rubles per jar - this is a separate interesting question. How is it possible to achieve such a low price? Part of the answer to this question can be obtained if we consider that many toothpastes from Thailand contain alumina (in simple terms, clay) as an abrasive-polishing system. Yes, alumina is a powerful abrasive that can erase not only tooth enamel, but also sharpen hardened steel, but who cares? After all, if you say that the product consists entirely of natural ingredients (and clay is not a natural raw material), then people will buy it.

It is clear that, receiving excess profits from their goods, sellers literally flood online stores with them. But for pastes to sell well, they must also have some useful properties (or seem to be useful). And they have them:

In addition, almost every second Thai toothpaste has an original and very exotic taste and smell. Such exoticism is a wow factor, often becoming main reason choice of product by the buyer.

“I tried Thai toothpaste, not in Thailand itself, but after arriving home. Cleans normally, like all regular pastes. But I was attracted by their composition. For example, I bought mine with mangosteen and peppermint, a very interesting and pleasant taste. In general, there are a lot of these pastes, some with mango, guava, and camphor.”

Tatyana, Moscow

What gives the product additional unusualness is special shape packaging. Many toothpastes sold in Thailand are packaged in round jars, from which the contents must be scooped out with a special spatula or brush (however, this should not be done with a brush, since each time you will introduce a portion of bacteria into the jar).

Some pastes have very thick consistency, and for normal brushing of teeth you need to take very little of them - this makes the product even more economical, increasing the period of use.

And another important feature of Thai toothpastes is the abundance and variety of their types.

Types of toothpastes from Thailand

Some of the most famous brands of toothpastes imported from Thailand are, perhaps, Twin Lotus and 5 Star. Moreover, the first is known for producing pastes in “normal” tubes.

Twin Lotus products are available in the following varieties:

5 Star are already typical Thai pastes, sold in round jars. The following varieties are available:

  1. Toothpaste with coconut and herbs designed to care for sensitive teeth;
  2. Refreshing with noni fruit;
  3. Simple whitening with mint flavor;
  4. A paste with papaya extract, which, according to the manufacturer, helps to successfully fight the formation of plaque and tartar.

Also on sale in Thailand, in some places in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in online stores there are pastes from other manufacturers:

  1. ISME RasYan Herbal Clove - a paste with cloves that claims to have a powerful antiseptic and cleansing effect;
  2. Abhai Herbal Toothpaste, which contains mangosteen and guava.
  3. Siam Herb Extra Virgin - brown toothpaste from Thailand (with mangosteen, calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate and camphor). Its main effect is whitening and bactericidal.
  4. AIMTHAI Organic Herbal Toothpaste ALL IN ONE - with extract tea tree. It is called universal due to the fact that it has a preventive anti-caries effect and at the same time promotes teeth whitening;
  5. Punchalee Herbal Toothpaste with patchouli scent.

Pictured below is Thai Siam Herb Extra Virgin paste:

To attract buyers, manufacturers declare almost everything in the properties of pastes that can promote sales, fortunately there is no strict certification of products. The lack of strict control allows you to indicate in the composition only those components that will positively influence the purchasing decision.

On a note

For example, many herbal pastes for which it is stated completely natural composition, would simply deteriorate when stored without appropriate preservatives. In addition, they would not foam and have reduced cleaning power without the presence of synthetic surfactants. However, will a smart manufacturer write on a jar of paste: “Preservatives, sodium lauryl sulfate,” when you can write: “Herbal paste, exclusively natural ingredients.”

Sellers and online stores usually simply repeat everything the manufacturer says, without going into checking the truth of the statements at all. You can only figure out what qualities a particular toothpaste really has in practice by purchasing the product and trying it.

When brushing your teeth with Thai toothpastes (if you still decide to try exotic ones), you need to be extremely careful: there is no control over international standards the products do not pass and, as noted above, the compliance of what is written on the label with what is in the jar is not strictly checked. Some Thai toothpastes can indeed be dangerous and harmful to use, especially if used incorrectly - for example, regularly several times a day.

On a note

Do not confuse Thai and Chinese toothpastes. There are a huge variety of Chinese toothpastes: from whitening to medicinal, and many of them are kind of clones of famous European brands.

Many Chinese toothpastes can be bought online today, but judging by the reviews, their effectiveness in solving certain dental problems does not exceed that of the domestic products we are used to.

Do they really bleach?

Thai toothpastes actually whiten enamel, and in some cases the effect becomes noticeable within a few days after the start of use. We are talking here about mechanical bleaching (lightening) of the surface of teeth by removing pigmented plaque from the enamel.

“Toothpaste from Thailand is simply super! No other paste provides such whitening. They whitened my teeth at the clinic with some kind of special compounds, then they covered the enamel with gel, and after that everything literally began to stick to the teeth. I drank coffee and my teeth darkened; I just ate and my teeth became even yellower. I was really scared. On the advice of a friend, I bought Thai toothpaste in a small jar, brushed my teeth with it for a week, and they became even cleaner than after the clinic. I really didn't expect it. True, this paste has a specific taste, but it’s worth being patient with.”

Olga, Moscow

However, such powerful whitening when using Thai toothpastes has its own negative properties– you can simply erase away a layer of tooth enamel along with pigmented plaque, exposing the dentin. This, in turn, will lead to increased tooth sensitivity and a number of other problems.

Imagine the situation: a person initially has teeth increased sensitivity(hyperesthesia), there are wedge-shaped defects in the cervical area, and he frantically brushes his teeth twice a day with a hard toothbrush using whitening Thai toothpaste. In general, to put it mildly, nothing good will come of this and, most likely, such a person will soon end up in the dentist’s chair.

Many toothpastes from Thailand contain alumina as an abrasive substance. Even if it is not explicitly indicated in the composition, in the list of components you can often find titanium dioxide, aluminum oxide and silicon dioxide - the components of clay. Sometimes they simply write: “ White clay" Moreover, not a single paste indicates that during its preparation the abrasive component underwent a special treatment to round the corners of the crystals, which would ensure less damage to the enamel when brushing teeth.

Obviously, after brushing your teeth with such a “clay-containing” composition, the layer of plaque along with a certain amount of enamel will be literally torn off by abrasive components. Visual effect It is obvious that your teeth will really become white. And at the same time, they will begin to get sick and react sharply to cold, hot, sour, and even to simple chewing of rough food.

However, if tooth enamel you are naturally healthy, if you don’t know what tooth sensitivity is, and you don’t have wedge-shaped defects, but have a layer of so-called “smoker’s plaque” and tartar, then careful and rare use of whitening Thai toothpaste can be considered quite safe .

“In the wake of all this hype with Thai pastes, I bought myself a jar. How beautifully they write about natural ingredients and herbs! But in fact, when I dug deeper, I found out that it contains sodium lauryl sulfate. The same one that is used in cleaning products, which foams and from which stomatitis develops. So much for the natural composition. I started to understand further. In reviews, people write that the paste really cleanses, but after it the teeth become sensitive. This is already a complete hello. That is, it’s not a paste, but just some kind of liquid sandpaper. What can I say about my experience? There is no experience. I took a little on my finger, soaked it, saw how it lathered and foamed, so I immediately threw the whole jar away, I didn’t take any risks.”

Tatyana, Moscow

Rules for using Thai toothpastes

First of all, you need to understand that whitening toothpastes, especially Thai ones, which are very abrasive, are contraindicated for use by people with hypersensitive teeth. Second important point– even if your teeth are fine, you should not use Thai whitening toothpastes too often (once a week will be enough).

Those Thai toothpastes that are sold in regular tubes are used in the same way as any others - they are simply squeezed out in an amount of about a pea to a toothbrush and brush all teeth thoroughly.

But pastes made from round jars are more difficult to use. Firstly, they need to be used in much smaller quantities - literally at the tip of the bristles of a toothbrush, the paste is taken from a jar (not with a brush, but with a special spatula) and immediately applied to the surface of the teeth. The first few seconds, until the composition foams, you need to brush your teeth very gently and carefully.

Secondly, it is better to use pastes from cans rarely, alternating their use with less aggressive products. For example, in the morning you brush your teeth with Thai paste, and in the evening with regular toothpaste. The reason for this is the strong abrasive ability Thai pastes, because of which passion for them can lead to a violation of the integrity of the enamel.

The whole truth about toothpastes from Thailand: myths and reality

So we gradually came to the part of the review of Thai toothpastes concerning the various myths and rumors that surround these products. Let's see how true the most common ideas about these pastes are.

Myth 1: Toothpastes from Thailand are very useful because they have a natural composition.

Reality: There is no strict certification mechanism for toothpastes in Thailand. This means that, for example, only natural ingredients can be listed on a jar of paste, but the manufacturer will modestly keep silent about all the “chemicals”. In addition, the therapeutic effectiveness of many natural ingredients used in Thai pastes has not been medically proven. Guava, bone cuttlefish and noni are bait for lovers of exoticism and naturalness. Whether they help is a big and open question.

Reality: As reviews show, Thai toothpastes do indeed whiten, but they are not always harmless to dental health. More often they are a kind of means for exchanging health for beauty. Teeth become white for a while, and then, due to wear of the enamel and vulnerability to bacteria, they begin to hurt and become damaged.

Myth 3: Thai pastes are healthier than regular Lakalyuts and Blend-a-Honeys.

Reality: Some components of many Thai pastes are the same as in the most common domestic or European ones. And in the case of abrasives, they are more harmful. Russian and Western manufacturers create pastes in which abrasives are prepared using special technologies that reduce the abrasive load on the enamel. In Thai pastes, these technologies are not used, due to which the manufacturer saves on creating the product and provides it low price. The healing properties of most exotic herbal extracts and supplements have not been scientifically confirmed.

Myth 4: Pastes from Thailand are so healthy that everyone buys them and recommends them to friends.

Reality: People buy Thai pastes because they are cheap and unusual. And also because, having excess profits on them, sellers have the opportunity to make good advertising. This includes ordering fake “reviews” on blogs and forums. The popularity of Thai pastes is an example of the fact that buyers are willing to buy low-quality goods, as long as they are exotic and cheaper.

As a result, it’s not worth buying Thai toothpastes with the goal of completely switching to using them instead of your usual dental care products. Such experiments can result in serious problems and costs. further treatment teeth.

However, we are all human, and sometimes we really want to try something new. Well, this is quite possible, the main thing is without fanaticism, carefully and with a full understanding of the situation. With this approach, Thai toothpaste can do more good than harm.

If you have ever used toothpastes from Thailand in practice, be sure to leave your review at the bottom of this page.

Interesting video: review of the characteristics of whitening toothpaste from Thailand and features of its use

What is important to know about effective teeth whitening: comments from a dentist

Thai toothpaste is already a legend among the people. If you haven’t used it yet and don’t know what whitening Thai toothpaste is, then at least it’s worth a try. Why? I will tell you in this article and also share reviews about round Thai pastes, advise where it is better to buy Thai pastes, what to look for and how to use it correctly.

Thai toothpaste - what is the secret of popularity?

Firstly, Thai toothpastes are much healthier than ordinary European ones; they contain many herbal extracts, medicinal and natural oils, which not only efficiently clean plaque and food, refresh the oral cavity, but also kill germs and prevent tooth decay.

Thai toothpastes are inexpensive, but the quality is much better than toothpastes from the premium and medicinal segments, which can be bought in dental offices and pharmacies.

Thai toothpastes are safe even for sensitive teeth, judging by myself. In Russia, I bought high-quality toothpastes at the pharmacy, but it ended badly in the doctor’s office. There was a particularly big problem with Splat paste whitening, after cleaning which my entire jaw hurt for about 2 weeks, and my dentist could only sympathize and prescribe a painkiller. The paste simply burned through the necks of my teeth and, instead of whitening, provided aching pain for a long time.

I have never encountered anything like this in Thailand, although even after years of experience with Splat paste, I am wary of whitening pastes.

Round Thai whitening pastes - Which one to choose?

In Thailand, round toothpastes are sold everywhere. They all have a whitening effect and a huge amount of oils and herbs in the composition.
It doesn’t matter what color or flavor you choose, the round Thai pastes are all good, and I’ve tried more than 20 different types and flavors of them over the years in Thailand.
I came across only one frankly bad pasta in Thailand, and that was not Thai, but salty Colgate released for Thailand. For some reason, salty European toothpastes are often found in Thailand.

Are round Thai pastas really that good?
Yes! But it is very important to use them correctly. A few years ago, I didn’t know how to use round Thai paste, I ended up ruining it and didn’t immediately understand its charms.

Round Thai paste looks like a small plastic washer with a screw cap. The set includes a spatula, which is used to apply the paste to the toothbrush.

The most important rule for using Thai round paste is DO NOT wet it!
That's why there is a spatula. You cannot get into round toothpaste with a wet toothbrush. Dry only.

You need to put a tiny drop on your brush or spatula, smaller than the nail on your little finger.

The round Thai paste foams perfectly, cleans out all the dirt, and using it I even stopped going to the dentist for tartar cleaning. There is no longer any need. At the same time, I drink liters of coffee and smoke. Everything is fine.

How much does round Thai pasta cost and where to buy it in Moscow?

If you are going to Thailand, buying round pasta will not be difficult; it is found everywhere - from pharmacies to 7/11 convenience stores.
The price is reasonable, depending on the manufacturer and weight of the paste.

In Moscow and Russia you can buy round Thai pastes in online stores of Thai goods, I recommend this one where are the thai round pastes from 100 rubles and available in Moscow.

What is included in the round Thai paste?

The bottom line is that round Thai paste is synonymous with quality, but there are many pastes in tubes in which the composition is the same as round pastes. So keep that in mind.

Round Thai toothpaste contains essential oils of cloves, camphor, and sulfates, but not all of them. Look for the SLS badge if it's important to you, but 100 percent of Russian toothpastes contain sulfates and you use them all your life.

The manufacturer promises gentle teeth whitening, fresh breath for 24 hours, antibacterial effect and even heal some wounds, cuts in the mouth, etc.

Coal, calcium carbonate - cleanse any plaque, odor and kill germs.

Thai round charcoal toothpaste

One of my favorites is bamboo and charcoal toothpaste.

I bought a round paste with bamboo and charcoal, complete with a black brush, on sale at Boots pharmacy in Central Festival. Cost me 140 baht (270 rubles).

A black bamboo toothbrush is needed not only for aesthetic purposes, but also contains bamboo charcoal extract, that is, it can be used independently for medicinal purposes with another pasta.

This black Thai toothpaste contains: cloves and clove oil, eucalyptus oil, sorbitol and sodium benzonate, as well as borneol - Bornean camphor (included in all balms, many cosmetics and has proven itself in the most excellent way), bamboo charcoal.

The clove oil in this toothpaste has a bright herbal taste. Clove oil has the purpose of toning, killing germs, and healing.

Round Thai paste with bamboo and charcoal is one of my favorites because I have sensitive gums, thin necks and I am a smoker.
I like that I can use it 2 times a day without damaging my teeth and gums, on the contrary, it gets better, no smell after cigarettes,
excellent breath in the morning, heals small wounds, in general, copes well!

Black Thai paste is not the harshest in taste. It is rather adapted for export, because much more nuclear options await you ahead.

I also used and was satisfied with bamboo paste with charcoal from the Twin Lotus company.

A significant advantage of Thai round pastas is that they last forever. I haven’t used up a single one yet, because months go by, it doesn’t end, and I already want something new.

More Thai toothpastes – Reviews and photos

There are no dyes, preservatives, sweeteners or anything else harmful in such pastes.
Only hardcore! Therefore, the taste of Thai herbal pastes is nuclear, of course, many will not like it or will then be haunted by an aftertaste in the mouth.
(You haven’t tried salty Thai Colgate yet!)

Another popular Thai herbal paste from Twin Lotus, the color is not so scary, but also good - brown.
It's all because of the herbs! There are many herbs that will take care of your teeth daily, groom, nurture and whiten.

This herbal paste contains skeletal bones of cuttlefish, Salvador Persianum and clinocanthus leaves.
If you use cuttlefish to brush your teeth – Pfft, that’s nonsense! Then let's go! The pasta is good, I recommend it.

Elite Thai paste Kolbadent-Kolbadent

Positioned as an elite spa care for teeth and gums. The line is presented in 3 types of natural toothpastes. Also good Thai pasta; natural and has all quality certificates, absolutely safe.

Summary about Thai toothpastes

If you are traveling to Thailand, I recommend buying you a few Thai toothpastes to choose from. Start with the small round ones to see if they suit you or not.
They are all very similar in taste, even if it is mango, mangosteen or durian.
The base – clove oil, borneol, eucalyptus – is present in all of them. These are the three pillars that make Thai toothpastes natural, safe and provide excellent whitening properties without excessive abrasiveness, helping to improve the quality and health of teeth.

Also pay attention to toothpastes in tubes. They often contain round Thai pastes, so it’s worth a try.

Round pastes and Thai pastes in general are not suitable for children, with the exception of children's pastes, which you can easily recognize by appearance packaging.

If you are not going to Thailand, but you like Thai pastes or want to try it, I advise you to buy it inexpensively.

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These products are produced in unusual packaging - a round jar with a lid, but there are several products packaged in classic tubes. The use of toothpaste from Thailand is surrounded by myths. But which of them is true, and which is a well-thought-out marketing ploy?

Composition of Thai toothpaste

Many people associate Thai teeth cleaning products with something useful and effective for whitening enamel due to the fact that they contain extracts of exotic plants and herbs and essential oils. Fans of everything natural and those who are wary of various sulfates and parabens, widely found in many hygiene and cosmetics, prefer Thai toothpaste, believing that it contains no harmful components. But is it?

Toothpaste from Thailand may contain various components. Their combination may vary depending on the manufacturer.

Here are the most commonly found ingredients:

  • Abrasive substances. They allow you to remove soft plaque and polish the enamel surface to give a natural shine. Thai oral care products contain abrasives such as titanium dioxide, silicon, bamboo charcoal, and particles of crushed cuttlefish bones.
  • The anti-inflammatory effect of toothpaste is provided by healing herbs and plants, extracts from which are included in the composition of the product - cloves, muraya, clinacanthus, guava, mint, miswak and others.
  • Borneol contained in Thai toothpastes provides antimicrobial protection for teeth and gums. The drug is able to penetrate deeply into soft fabrics and provide antiseptic effect, similar to the effect of camphor, but the main difference between borneol is that it is absolutely non-toxic.
  • Soda is also often included in toothpastes from Thailand. It has a strengthening effect on the gums and helps cleanse the enamel of dental plaque.


There are several types of pastes , produced in Thailand.

Whitening Thai toothpaste

Thai whitening toothpaste contains a large amount of essential oils and extracts of exotic plants, therefore it has a distinct odor.

Whitening toothpaste from Thailand is considered good and effective means in the fight against the formation of dental plaque. Consumers notice that with regular brushing with this product, less plaque accumulates on the teeth, and their breath acquires a pleasant aroma. The product contains patchouli and camphor oil, cloves, lavender and plant extracts from the aster family.

In appearance, packaging with paste differs from other domestic or imported dental products: instead of the usual tube, a creamy mass of gray, brown or beige color is placed in a round box.

Black Thai toothpaste

Among Thai tooth whitening pastes you can find preparations that are black in color. Do not be alarmed, this shade indicates the naturalness of the product. The paste contains bamboo charcoal, which gives it an unusual shade. It cleanses the enamel surface well, as it has an adsorbing effect and literally attracts food particles to itself.

Thai paste also contains anti-inflammatory components (camphor, cloves, guava extract), due to which it eliminates and makes them stronger, and has an antibacterial effect. The use of this product is suitable for the treatment of gum diseases, as well as for lightening enamel, even if it is sensitive.

Herbal Thai toothpaste

Thailand grows a large number of plants that can have anti-inflammatory and strengthening effects. Local residents have learned to use guava and mangosteen peel to eliminate bleeding gums and include them in Thai paste.

Herbal-based teeth and gum care products have the following properties:

  • heal sore gums;
  • remove signs of inflammation;
  • fight bleeding;
  • prevent the active proliferation of bacteria;
  • nourish soft tissues with natural vitamins and nutrients.

Unlike the pastes described above, herbal remedies do not have a whitening effect, since they do not have a direct effect on the hard tissues of the tooth.

Other types of Thai toothpastes

There are several other types of Thai dental products that are in demand not only among local residents, but also among foreigners:

  • Powder for cleaning teeth, which effectively fights infections in the oral cavity, effectively eliminates microbial plaque, and freshens breath.
  • Pastes for sensitive enamel, after the use of which the susceptibility of dental tissues to temperature influences decreases.
  • A special composition used to treat periodontal disease. It can also be used as a preventative.

Terms of use

Toothpaste from Thailand, as a rule, comes in the form of a concentrate, so it should be used in doses, not exceeding permissible quantity products, as there is a risk of damaging tooth enamel.

If we talk about toothpastes packaged in round jars, it is important to remember that dipping a toothbrush into the box is not recommended, since microbes from the bristles can get into the cleaning mass. This may subsequently lead to infection of other family members who also use Thai paste. To scoop out the required amount of product, you should use a special plastic or glass spatula, which must be washed after each use.

When brushing your teeth with whitening paste, it is better to use brushes with soft bristles or medium hardness. This will allow you to clean the enamel from dirt as gently as possible, as well as polish it to a natural shine.


Let's look at the most popular Thai pastes for oral care.

One of the most famous pastes, which comes in a pink round box with a screw cap. Thai clove toothpaste, in addition to natural ingredients, also contains sodium lauryl sulfate, which enhances the foaming effect when in contact with saliva while cleaning teeth from plaque. Some buyers consider the introduction of this component to be a disadvantage, since there have been debates about the dangers of the chemical compound for many years. It should be noted that lauryl sulfates are present in many pastes from other manufacturers, as well as in other hygiene products.

The paste helps reduce bleeding gums due to the presence of extracts medicinal plants. Some consumers long-term use They note increased sensitivity and slight clouding of the enamel, which disappears after stopping use of the paste.

Thai toothpaste Punchalee

Punchalee teeth cleaning product is no less famous than the previous toothpaste. The drug contains extracts of cloves and camphor, menthol and patchouli oil. Due to these ingredients, Punchalee has a bright and tart aroma. This aromatic composition deodorizes the oral cavity well and keeps your breath fresh for a long time.

It should be noted that this is one of the few Thai pastes that are certified in Russia, so it can be found on store shelves.

Pleasant taste and smell are considered distinctive features, which are inherent in this brand. And although the aroma is not as strong as other toothpastes from Thailand, its cleansing and whitening properties are in no way inferior to its analogues.

The composition includes camphor, borneol, sorbitol, sodium chloride. Thanks to the action of these components, regular brushing can help get rid of loose and bleeding gums. The paste also removes dental plaque well, prevents mineralization, and has a preventive effect on oral health.

Thai toothpaste Abhai Herbe

Due to the presence of special plant components in the composition, the paste has an unusual dark color. In addition, Abhai Herbe has a rather heavy aroma and tart taste, which is why the product is not suitable for every person.

The main advantage of the drug is its powerful antibacterial effect, so consumers purchase it without paying attention to some organoleptic shortcomings. The paste has a wound-healing, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, and vascular-strengthening effect on the soft tissues of the oral cavity.

The composition includes the following components:

  • guava extract;
  • peppermint essential oil;
  • orange oil;
  • mangosteen bark crushed to a powder.

Thai toothpaste Baan Somjeed

The paste is not as widely known as the previous ones, but it has unique properties, thanks to which it deserves attention. The product can be used for mild toothache, as it helps to reduce discomfort for a while and discomfort. The ingredients included in the paste have a mild anesthetic effect, which relieves pain. Baan Somjeed can also be used as a preventative to prevent oral diseases.

There are two types of pasta:

  • Fresh Cool. Recommended for use by people with enamel hypersensitivity, as it contains components with a milder effect.
  • Herbal Toothpaste Original. The paste helps in the fight against periodontal disease and also protects against its occurrence.

High-quality natural paste, the action of which is aimed at removing dental plaque, as well as preventing oral diseases. The herbal product works safely, but is as effective as possible. Thipniyom is good at eliminating pigmentation caused by strong coffee or tea, or cigarettes. The calcium carbonate present in the composition strengthens the enamel.

As you can see, Thai toothpastes are presented in large quantities. The cleansing and preventive qualities of many of them are not inferior to traditional means used to care for teeth and gums. However, it is not recommended to buy Thai-made pastes and switch to their constant use. They do not contain fluorine, which is so necessary for, especially in many regions of Russia.

Useful video with a review of Thai pastes from a customer