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What to eat for dinner during pregnancy. Pregnant woman's menu: why milk porridge for dinner is better than cutlets

Mountains of literature have been written about pregnancy and proper nutrition in this position, which is “not a disease at all” - from articles in popular women’s magazines to medical manuscripts. Meanwhile, each of the expectant mothers, as soon as she sees the coveted two lines on the pregnancy test, certainly begins to be interested in the question of what should be the menu for pregnant women in the 1st trimester for every day.

What happens to the baby in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

During the 1st trimester of pregnancy, two parent cells manage to transform from a microscopic embryo into a fetus measuring up to 7 cm. This future little man has a heart beating, the formation of the spine, nervous and circulatory system, spine. The brain and eyes are finally formed. and whether it is worth doing the procedure while carrying a child.

Nutritional features of pregnant women in the 1st trimester

To ensure that the baby’s formation process proceeds correctly, the menu expectant mother there must be certain products. Those that will bring maximum benefit to both her and the future baby.

Important! In the 1st trimester to eliminate the risk possible pathologies development of the baby, the menu should contain the maximum amount of proteins (vegetable and animal origin), folic acid(vitamin B9), selenium, zinc, copper. Vitamins from groups B and C, as well as iodine and cobalt will help to avoid or minimize the manifestations of toxicosis in pregnant women. In addition, it is these microelements that are responsible for building the baby’s thyroid gland.

All of the listed vitamins and microelements are available in products, but if your attending doctor prescribes any of them either vitamin complex, then you should not neglect his advice. Even if you decide to refuse any pharmaceutical drugs for fear of harming the unborn baby.

Menu for pregnant women 1st trimester for every day for weight loss, most likely it will not be useful, even if you had before pregnancy excess weight. According to doctors' observations, up to 85% of pregnant women in 1 third " interesting situation"Losing weight. It is useful for pregnant women to read.

Nutrition rules for the 1st trimester:

  1. First of all, eat rationally: in small portions, but 5 times a day. At the same time, give preference to food after minimal heat treatment, salads and fresh fruits and vegetables. However, choose not overseas curiosities, hoping that they contain “the best,” but those that grow in your region.
  2. The menu for pregnant women in the 1st trimester for every day, in order not to gain weight, should contain a sufficient amount of fiber, all kinds of cereals, cottage cheese and other lactic acid products.
  3. From smoked meats, products with high content It is advisable to completely avoid preservatives and dyes. The same can be said for sausages and foods that may affect future allergies. These are strawberries, citrus fruits, chocolate, honey.

Important! If you value your child’s health, give up smoking, alcohol and other bad habits!

Limit your consumption of all kinds of “salt foods.” Even if your body demands it, you don’t need to eat jars of pickles or kilograms of herring. In the future, this can provoke the appearance of edema.

Meals for nutrition in the 1st trimester

The menu for pregnant women in the 1st trimester for each day may look something like this:

milk porridge, muesli with milk and dried fruits, cottage cheese, any porridge with milk or butter, cheesecakes with sour cream or mashed berries.

Soups with meat, vegetable or fish broth, vegetable puree soups, all kinds of salads.

lean meat and products made from it, steamed, grilled or in the oven with a side dish of cereals, pasta from durum wheat, steamed or grilled vegetables.

For snacks:
yogurt, biscuits, nuts, dried fruits, hard cheese, fruits, berries

From drinks:
milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, drinking yogurt, natural juices, compotes and jelly.

Important! Eliminate foods from your menu instant cooking, that is, all kinds of cereals, pasta, soups, which are prepared in 5 minutes, poured with boiling water. will help get rid of extra pounds after childbirth?

Do not forget that the menu for pregnant women for the 1st trimester every day has a direct impact on the further development of the child and his future health!

Most main principle According to which any diet for pregnant women is based, food should be simple and healthy. For it to be so, it is important not only the quality of the products, their combination, but also how you eat.

Here are a few simple rules for building a diet for pregnant women:

Cook with a good mood;

Eat in a relaxed environment;

Follow your diet and diet;

Do not reheat the same dish several times;

If there is no appetite, then it is better to go on a starvation diet;

Choose your food according to your taste.

Pregnancy- this is just the case when you can pamper yourself! There is no need to suffer from strict diets, the main thing is that the nutrition of pregnant women is healthy and dosed. Gradually the uterus enlarges and begins to compress internal organs, including the stomach and intestines. Therefore, the diet of pregnant women should meet the rule: “it is better to eat little and often.” During pregnancy, overeating will not benefit either you or your unborn baby.

From the beginning of the diet, switch from three meals a day to 4-5 meals a day . The first trimester of pregnancy already requires you to think about not only what you eat, but also how the expectant mother eats. And in the end, you need to get used to eating 5-7 meals a day. Pregnancy in the third semester, unfortunately, does not contribute to a different diet; eating rarely and in large quantities as before simply won’t work. Need a diet and regimen!

What is the diet during pregnancy? Try to build a diet in such a way as to distribute food between meals, so that in the first half of the day you eat mainly fish, meat, and cereals. Dairy, herbal products leave it for the evening.

How to eat during pregnancy! Mode and more mode!


In the morning, when you get out of bed, drink a glass of plain water (not carbonated or mineral) to “start” your intestines to work. If you have toxicosis, add a few drops of lemon juice to the water.

After 15-20 minutes, drink herbal or green tea, fruit juice or some freshly squeezed juices. Pregnancy forces the expectant mother to drink more. After 10-15 minutes you can start breakfast.
- Breakfast for pregnant women. Morning meals should stimulate digestion. Therefore, the diet prescribes choosing dishes containing coarse fiber. These are a variety of porridges (except semolina) in water with fresh fruit (possibly with jam or jam), cottage cheese with grated apple or carrot, a couple of slices of dried bread or cookies.


After about 2-3 hours, the diet suggests

- Lunch to satisfy the hunger of pregnant mothers. Suitable here: a banana (dried apricots, prunes), a sandwich with a slice of boiled meat (or cheese) and a slice of cucumber (tomato, lettuce).

And after another hour, pregnant women need to drink a cup of green tea or a glass of their favorite juice. Or, if you want, the diet does not prohibit kefir, fermented baked milk, and yogurt.

3 - LUNCH:

- Lunch for pregnant women. When dieting, it’s better to start with a vegetable salad: 2-3 sweet peppers, 2 handfuls of chopped cabbage, parsley, dill, cilantro. Refill everything vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream (but not mayonnaise). The first course for pregnant women is a plate of soup or borscht. For the main course - potatoes with vegetable salad, vegetable stew, fish baked with vegetables; during pregnancy, it is better to eat stewed or boiled meat. For dessert, drink dried fruit compote or fruit juice.


- Afternoon snack for pregnant women. A couple of hours after lunch, hunger can again make itself felt in pregnant women. The following will help you cope with it: syrniki (cottage cheese casserole), a jar of yogurt, a sandwich and a cup of warm cocoa or jelly.


- Dinner during pregnancy. The diet is quite large: lean meat (boiled, stewed, baked), baked or steamed fish, beans, vinaigrette, cottage cheese, dairy products. For pregnant women with a sweet tooth - cookies, waffles, puff pastries, buns with fruit or vegetable filling. After 15-20 minutes, all this can be washed down with rosehip decoction, green tea or hibiscus.


- For the night. Don't forget about the diet of pregnant women! Although we said that it is better not to eat after 19 hours. But sometimes, just before bedtime, the stomach of pregnant women begins to go on strike against all diets! You really want to have something to eat “for bedtime”... Some people may not even fall asleep without going to the refrigerator. And don't care about diet. But there is a way out: a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, a sweet apple, a peach, an orange, a grapefruit. It is allowed to have a bite with a couple of cookies, crackers or crackers. Such a snack will not disrupt the diet of pregnant women and you will be able to fall asleep sweetly without tormenting your stomach!

P.S. Girls, if you have interesting articles about healthy and proper nutrition pregnant woman, please share... Thanks in advance)))

The second trimester is the calmest and most wonderful time of pregnancy: the belly is not yet big, it doesn’t pull, it’s not heavy, the appetite returns, and it’s very a good appetite, which makes it so easy to gain extra pounds.

From the 12th to the 18th week, apart from an increase in appetite, no special changes in nutrition occur, and starting from the 19th week, the child begins to grow faster, the woman’s figure is noticeably rounded, and her needs increase female body V nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, from the 19th–20th week of pregnancy, it is worth increasing the calorie content of food by 300 kcal (total 2300–2800 kcal/day). This increase is satisfied by protein: fish or meat, which can be eaten up to 200 g/day, cottage cheese up to 200 g per day, fermented milk products – up to 500 ml. It is useful to reduce the amount by reducing the consumption of bread, flour products and sugar. Steam, stew or boil vegetables. Meat and fruit can be baked in the oven, but it’s better not to think about frying with butter in a frying pan in the near future.

On a note! For residents of the northern regions, the total calorie content can be increased by 15% by increasing the fat content. But for residents of the southern regions, daily caloric intake can be reduced by 10% at the expense of fats or by replacing fats with carbohydrates.

Recommended daily set of products that will fully meet the nutritional and energy needs of a pregnant woman:

  • Bread – 100 g,
  • Flour – 15 g,
  • Cereals – 60 g,
  • Potatoes – 200 g,
  • Vegetables – 500 g,
  • Fresh fruits – 300 g,
  • Dried fruits – 20 g,
  • Sugar (including in confectionery) – 60 g,
  • Juices – 200 ml,
  • Meat – 170–230 g (beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey, lean pork),
  • Fish – 70 g,
  • Milk, fermented milk products (2.5% fat) – 500 ml,
  • Cottage cheese (low fat) – 50–200 g,
  • Sour cream 10% fat – 15 g,
  • Butter – 25 g,
  • Vegetable oil – 15 g,
  • Egg 1/2 pcs./day or 1 pc. in one day,
  • Cheese – 15 g,
  • Tea – 1 g,

For sauces you can use milk-fruit ones, for spices - parsley, onion, dill, Bay leaf, carnation.

Sample menu in the second trimester:

  • Breakfast:
  1. Porridge – 200 g with butter/1 egg omelette,
  2. Fruit,
  3. Half a glass of milk or warm drink.
  • 2nd breakfast:
  1. Boiled egg/cottage cheese – 150 g,
  2. Fruit/vegetable/dried fruit – 100 g.
  • Dinner:
  1. 1/2 of the previous portion of soup,
  2. Meat or fish – 150 g,
  3. 1/2 serving of side dish,
  4. Salad – 200–250 g.
  • Afternoon snack:
  1. Cottage cheese with dried fruits – 200 g/glass of kefir and fruit/marshmallows, marmalade with tea.
  • Dinner:
  1. Fish or meat – 50 g,
  2. Vegetable salad,
  3. Warm drink.

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or milk.

Recommended norms of physiological needs from the 20th week of pregnancy

You can use fresh, dried or frozen herbs as spices for a pregnant woman.

Nutrients and energy valueNeed during pregnancyIn products
Energy, kcal2550
Protein, g100 (of which 60 are animals)Meat, fish, eggs, cheese, legumes
Fats, g85 (of which 60 are animals)Animal fats, vegetable oils
Carbohydrates, g350 Cereals, cereals, potatoes, fruits, berries, vegetables
Calcium, mg1100 Milk, dairy products, broccoli
Phosphorus, mg1650 Mineral water, sea ​​fish, cottage cheese
Magnesium, mg450 Nuts, legumes, millet, buckwheat
Iron, mg38 Meat, spinach, buckwheat, lentils
Zinc, mg20 Meat, dairy products, fish
Iodine, mg0,18 Fish,
Vitamin C, mg90 Sauerkraut, black currant
A, µg1000 Carrot,
E, mg10 Vegetable oils
D, mcg12,5 Fish, egg yolk
B1, mg1,5 Meat, potatoes
B2, mg1,5 Meat, dairy products
B6, mg2,1 Nuts (more in pine nuts), legumes, sea fish, sweet peppers
Folic acid, mcg400 Greens, beans, nuts
B12, mcg4 Seafood, meat, dairy products

Limit or exclude:

  • Fats. Avoid lard, fried foods, and any fast food.
  • Salt – maximum 10 g/day, this also includes pickles, sausages and smoked meats; salt puts additional stress on the kidneys and promotes water retention in the body, which leads to edema.
  • Liquid. Some restrictions must be placed on liquids; it is advisable to drink no more than 1.5–1.8 l/day. Drinking is healthier mineral water, compotes, fruit drinks, but exclude sodas and drinks from bottles with dyes and other chemical additives. Green and herbal tea is suitable, we replace coffee with coffee drinks.
  • . Do not get carried away with citrus fruits, strawberries, exotic fruits(mango, papaya). How to choose the right one fresh fruits, .
  • Carbonated drinks, coffee and chocolate - no more than once a week, they interfere with calcium absorption.
  • Refuse white bread, replace it with black wholemeal flour.
  • Among sweets, give preference to marmalade, marshmallows, halva, etc.
  • Limit the consumption of meat and fish broths, garlic, and onions.
  • You should not eat foods calling processes fermentation, grapes, confectionery, sugar.
  • Reduce food intake to a minimum, rich in cholesterol(cholesterol promotes weight gain and impairs liver function).

On a note! Foods high in cholesterol:

  1. Egg yolks;
  2. Processed meat (sausages, ham, sausages);
  3. Kidneys, liver (especially beef);
  4. Butter, full-fat sour cream and cheese;
  5. Salo;
  6. Flour sweets (breads, pastries, cakes).
  • Alcohol. Of course, alcoholic drinks strict ban, the only exception may be a couple of sips of natural homemade red wine.
  • Medications. At all extreme cases for a headache or toothache, you can take a paracetamol tablet, No-shpy, but it is better to consult with your gynecologist about this.
  • But! If a pregnant woman really, really wants to eat something from the prohibited list, her mood deteriorates, she begins to get nervous about it or not, then even the most harmful chips with ketchup and Coca-Cola 1-2 times during the entire pregnancy will not do any harm.

    List of food supplements for pregnant women with nutritional pathologies:

    Pathology Supplements
    Poor nutrition, insufficient intake of protein foods, vitamins and mineralsDry milk formulas for pregnant and lactating women, enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals
    Hypovitaminosis, overweight body, obesityDry milk mixtures enriched with vitamins; multivitamin preparations; low-fat vitamin-fortified formulas
    AnemiaMixtures and fruit juices, enriched with vitamins and iron; iron supplements
    OsteoporosisMixtures enriched with vitamins and minerals; fruit juices fortified with calcium; specialized yoghurts and milk for pregnant women, fortified

    Special products for pregnant and lactating women

    There are now a variety of powdered milk products designed to additional food pregnant and lactating women. They contain easily digestible protein, a small amount of fat, carbohydrates in the form milk sugar, polyunsaturated fatty acid; enriched with vitamins and microelements (calcium, zinc, selenium, magnesium), bifidobacteria. They can be used as an additive in hot drinks (tea, coffee drink, cocoa), cereals, or drunk instead of milk.

    Weight gain

    From 12 to 20 weeks, the weight gain per week is 300–350 g, and from 20 to 30 – 400 g. As a rule, at 20 weeks the total weight gain should be 4–6 kg, i.e. 40 % of the total increase for the entire pregnancy.

    How to avoid food allergies in your unborn child

    To reduce the risk of developing allergies in a child, a pregnant woman should limit her consumption allergenic products.

    In Russia, about 20% of children in the first year of life suffer. The reasons are heredity (more often develops in children whose parents themselves suffer from allergies), maternal smoking during pregnancy, frequent viral infections And poor nutrition (overuse during pregnancy, allergenic products or the strictest hypoallergenic diet).
    List of allergenic foods that you should eat less or less often from the second trimester:

    • Milk - no more than 300 ml/day (if it is very difficult to refuse, it is better to drink goat milk), since most often in children under one year of age it develops food allergy for cow's milk protein.
    • Red fish, crabs and shrimp – no more than once a week.
    • Chicken eggs – 1 pc. 2-3 times a week, it is better to eat yolks without proteins, because they are an allergen, avoid chicken meat.
    • Nuts (walnuts are more useful, peanuts and hazelnuts are more allergenic), it is better to eat them dried, since vitamins are lost during frying, you can only 100 g and no more than 1-2 times a week.
    • Eat cocoa and chocolate no more than once a week.
    • Fruits, berries and vegetables with a “bad” reputation - strawberries, raspberries, citrus fruits, mangoes, peaches, tomatoes.
    • It is better to exclude honey completely, or eat 1 spoon for a cold or insomnia.
    • Packaged food containing preservatives, thickeners, stabilizers, color, taste and aroma enhancers can be completely excluded.

    Colds during pregnancy: what to eat to avoid getting sick and how to treat them

    • In season colds eat more fresh fruits.
    • When the first symptoms of the disease appear (runny nose, sore throat), eat raw onions (red ones are sweeter and tastier), garlic, horseradish. Place finely chopped ones around the apartment (change fresh ones every day).
    • You can increase the volume of liquid you drink with cranberry, blackcurrant, lingonberry juice, a decoction of, you can sweeten it with a spoon of honey.
    • If you haven’t taken vitamins before, then it’s time to start taking a comprehensive one. vitamin preparation for pregnant.
    • If you have a runny nose, you can rinse your nose with a slightly salted solution sea ​​salt, drip carrot, beet, aloe, and Kalanchoe juice into your nose. Pour into warm socks at night mustard powder or place a heating pad at your feet.
    • For sore throats, decoctions of chamomile and sage help well, soda solution, furatsilin solution - rinse 4 times a day, lozenges can be dissolved during the day.
    • When coughing, you can inhale through a nebulizer with saline solution, breathe over steam chamomile infusion with the addition of soda.
    • From medicines And alcohol tinctures refuse.

    Proper nutrition will help avoid gestosis, premature birth, child development delays and infectious diseases. Try to eat simple, ordinary food, the kind that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers ate, because this is what our genes were grown on.

    The “Live Healthy!” program will tell you more about healthy food for pregnant women:

    Pregnancy, as you know, is not a disease. This condition The body, of course, cannot be called familiar and ordinary, but it is still normal for the female body. There are many cases of women bearing children without experiencing any discomfort. Diet plays a huge role in this. Correct menu for a pregnant woman every day is extremely necessary at the very beginning of pregnancy. If a woman follows all the doctor’s instructions and eats right, then she most likely will not encounter such pregnancy problems as nausea, heartburn, stool retention, etc. In the first 3 months, it is best to take food 4-5 times a day, after Therefore, the number of meals must be increased to 5-7 times.

    What should be included in a pregnant woman's diet?

    A pregnant mother's diet should contain about 100-120 grams of protein daily. Of these, 75-90 are proteins of animal origin (milk, kefir, cottage cheese, eggs, meat, fish). The fat requirement will be about 80-100 grams, of which at least 20 grams should be vegetable fats.

    You should cut back on your carbohydrate intake a little. A pregnant woman should not consume more than 350-400 grams per day. During the second trimester, the amount of carbohydrates will have to be reduced even more - to 300 grams. This must be done not by reducing the consumption of vegetables, but by reducing the amount of flour and sweet dishes. The amount of proteins should be increased slightly.

    It is recommended that all daily calorie content dishes: breakfast - thirty%, 2nd breakfast - ten%, lunch - forty%, afternoon snack - ten%, dinner - ten%. The last reception of delicious and healthy food should take place a couple of hours before bedtime. For dinner, you need to eat easily digestible dishes and foods, which include yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, etc.

    The diet of pregnant women includes stewed, baked, boiled dishes. You should also significantly limit your salt intake, as it can retain fluid, thereby causing swelling. Drink no more than 1-1.5 liters clean water in a day. In addition, taking a combination multivitamin and mineral supplement is essential.

    Diet for pregnant women: menu

    A pregnant woman's daily menu should be as healthy and varied as possible. So, first of all, this should include vegetables, which can easily include cabbage, tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, lettuce, cucumbers, bell pepper. Vegetables that can be eaten raw are best consumed that way. You can make a salad, for example, grate kohlrabi, carrots and earthen pear. Other vegetables can also be consumed in fairly limited quantities: boiled carrots, green peas, radishes, beets, radishes, and beans. Can be used as seasonings green onions, parsley, dill. Vegetables can be prepared in the form of puddings, purees, cutlets, steam soufflés, etc.

    1. Soups. Every day a pregnant woman should consume at least 200 ml vegetable soup from a small amount of pasta, cereals or potatoes. You can season the soup with low-fat sour cream and add chopped herbs.
    2. Meat. No more than 150-200 grams per day. You can make a roll from meat, steam cutlets, meatballs, dumplings, steam puddings, casseroles, zrazy from low-fat varieties beef, fresh veal, poultry and rabbit. Boiled meat can be used for aspic dishes.
    3. Fish. It is recommended to use no more than 150 grams per day. Fish should be only low-fat varieties. Pike perch, cod, ice fish, navaga, etc. can be boiled or prepared in the form of fish puree, steam soufflé, quenelles, cutlets, and meatballs.
    4. Bread and flour products. The allowed amount is 100-150 grams per day. This may include first- or second-grade wheat bread or even yesterday’s baked goods, wholemeal wheat bread, dietary salt-free bread, bread with healing bran, unsweetened cookies, Rye bread, biscuits.
    5. Dairy products. If you are not intolerant, you can drink a glass of fresh whole milk a day. You can also make soups, porridges from it, and add it to teas. In addition, a pregnant woman should eat about 100-200 grams per day low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt or unsweetened yogurt.
    6. Oil. You can eat ghee or butter. Vegetable oils should be limited to 15 grams per day.
    7. Cereals. Can be used to add to a variety of soups. If you manage to reduce your bread consumption, then this deficit can be filled with buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, as well as pasta.
    8. Eggs. Can be eaten as fresh steamed omelettes. You can also boil a soft-boiled egg, but no more than 1-2 eggs per week.
    9. Snacks. This includes salads from pickled or raw vegetables, vinaigrettes, low-fat and unsalted ham. Bechamel, milk and fruit sauces are allowed, with the addition of a small amount of sour cream, butter, but without using flour.

    Finally, we need to talk about drinks. It is best to take weak teas with milk, unsweetened juices, and rosehip decoction. However, you should not get too carried away with these drinks, since it is known that all pregnant women are prone to edema.