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Childbirth with poor vision: is there a risk of loss? What affects vision? Childbirth and vision: myths and reality

As actual vision problems become apparent, the extent and manner in which they are expressed may change. The first signs of possible disorders, as a rule, are not a deterioration in the quality of vision, but discomfort. Eliminating defects when they just begin is much easier than dealing with advanced disease of the visual organs.

Among the list common manifestations visual impairments, especially the following:

  • Changes in visual acuity. By quality deterioration visual function a number of potential defects can be identified. Signs are expressed in the absence of a clear image, inability to focus on an object, blurriness.
  • Limited vision. If the quality of visual function remains the same, but attempts to view an object from a certain angle or lighting are not successful, this is a sign of serious visual impairment. Immediately after a nursing mother has recognized such a defect, it is necessary to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.
  • Soreness in the eyes. Visual function may be preserved, but if there is pain in the eyes, tearing, fatigue and other symptoms, then these symptoms also indicate visual impairment.

Diagnosis of visual impairment in nursing mothers

An ophthalmologist and specialized specialists can diagnose the disease that causes the symptoms described above. First of all, a consultation and visual examination of the patient is carried out. In addition, the doctor performs tests to evaluate:

  • visual acuity,
  • adequacy of the eye reaction to stimuli,
  • ability to focus
  • ability for coordinated vision.

In cases where visual impairment is not associated with immediate recovery after childbirth and the lactation period, the underlying disease is determined using hardware diagnostic methods.

Mandatory lab tests biological fluids for sugar content and other signs to identify dysfunction internal organs and systems. The results of physical, laboratory and hardware examination are the basis for the diagnosis accurate diagnosis and prescribing further treatment.

Many expectant mothers, whose vision leaves much to be desired, are concerned about how childbirth will affect their health and will it affect it at all? And if they do, how can you protect yourself from negative consequences this influence? After all, the baby needs a healthy mother.

Let's try to figure out together how to natural childbirth affect vision and is it possible to avoid this influence?

How does natural childbirth affect vision?

Many doctors unanimously say that women with myopia and other eye diseases should absolutely not give birth on their own. And the only way out is a caesarean section. It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of how efforts during natural childbirth can affect the vision of a young mother. The point is that everything needs to be taken into account individual factors accompanying visual impairment: general state health expectant mother, the condition of the retina and fundus of the eye, visual acuity, the woman’s age, as well as complications accompanying pregnancy. And even when all these factors are taken into account, childbirth remains a difficult to predict area of ​​obstetrics and gynecology.

Why is everything so vague? The fact is that it is impossible to predict how the expectant mother will behave during childbirth - and, accordingly, how her eyes will react too. Many women in labor push with their whole body, not only with their stomach, but with all the muscles of their body, including the eye muscles. As a result, the eyes often burst small vessels, and if at any moment you overexert yourself too much, retinal detachment may occur. According to doctors, the risk of such an outcome is especially increased when the retina is thinning (for example, with myopia) or with fragile, spasmodic vessels or increased intraocular pressure (as determined by the condition of the fundus). If you have a normal fundus and retina, but only have problems with diopters, natural childbirth is quite possible.

Moreover, there is very fun fact. Many expectant mothers with poor vision are afraid that their condition will worsen after a natural birth. But, contrary to popular belief, it also happens that after childbirth, a young mother’s vision, on the contrary, improves. And these cases are not at all that rare. Why is this happening? The fact is that sometimes vision problems are a consequence of any disturbances in the body of the expectant mother - muscle spasms, congestion, pinched nerves, etc. During natural childbirth, all these spasms are relieved, congestion disappears. blood vessels, pinched nerves disappear – and, as a result, vision improves.

If we look at the indications for caesarean section, we will see that poor vision is only a relative indication for the operation. And many people give birth themselves both at -5 and at -15. It’s just very important to know how to behave when preparing for childbirth and during the birth itself. This is what we will talk about now.

How to avoid the negative impact of natural childbirth on vision?

First of all, if you are not confident in the strength of your retina, even before giving birth you can have a very simple operation - preventive laser coagulation. It is carried out very quickly and does not require hospitalization. During this operation weak spots the retina is, as it were, “welded” to the choroid of the eye - to reduce the risk of detachment. This operation is absolutely harmless for both mother and baby, and completely painless.

During the birth process itself, the most important thing that is required of the expectant mother is to push correctly. That's right - this is not with the whole body, as was written above, but only with the stomach, without using the eyes. In addition, after an examination, the ophthalmologist often writes in the chart about the need for a short period of pushing - so that future mommy I didn’t overexert myself.

Decision regarding caesarean section or natural birth should be taken only after consultation with an ophthalmologist. Moreover, you don’t need to go to the doctor just once “for show,” but visit him at least three times: at the beginning of pregnancy, in the middle and at the very end before giving birth. Why do this? This is necessary because vision can change throughout pregnancy. And the last visit to the ophthalmologist should be the most important - after all, only towards the end of pregnancy does the baby finally take its position inside the mother - based on which the approximate course of labor can be predicted. In addition, by the end of pregnancy it may change physical state mothers in terms of vision: for example, they can add to existing vision problems high pressure, swelling and other problems. Based on the final state of the expectant mother, the ophthalmologist will be able to give the most complete conclusion about the possibility or impossibility of natural childbirth. In addition, we must not forget about consultations with gynecologists and obstetricians.

And do not forget about visual contraindications, which, according to most doctors, really exclude the possibility of a natural birth:

Complicated rapidly progressive myopia (annual vision deterioration by 1-2 diopters);

Myopia high degree on the only sighted eye (this is too big a risk);

Pathological changes in the fundus of the eye - breaks and pre-tears of the retina (can lead to blindness);

Edema optic nerve(may provoke an increase in intracranial pressure);

Recently operated on due to retinal detachment (the eye is still very vulnerable);

Hemorrhages in the fundus (may worsen during childbirth);

Retinal detachment (can cause blindness).

If you do not have such diseases, but have some minor problems with vision, do not be afraid of anything and, of course, choose natural childbirth! Just don’t forget about the tips that were given just above, and everything will be fine for you! Happy birth!

Pregnancy creates a serious burden - physical, psychological and hormonal - on the female body. As a result, some women notice that their vision has decreased after childbirth. Why this happens, what to do if childbirth has a negative impact on visual function, we will tell you in this article.

Why does vision decrease after childbirth?

Possible problems problems with vision after the birth of a child are established during the period of gestation. They may be due to natural physiological processes or complications that arise.
So that a woman can bear healthy child, during pregnancy, her hormonal levels change. Such changes often lead to disturbances in the condition and functioning of the visual organs. In particular, increasing the level female hormone Estrogen promotes the accumulation of fluid in the eye lens, which changes its size and refractive properties. Also change physical properties sclera and cornea, eye muscles become weaker.

If pregnancy proceeds with disturbances, the risk of vision deterioration after childbirth increases many times over. Toxicosis and gestosis, especially in severe form, can lead to disruption of the normal state choroid, which, in turn, can result in hemorrhage in the eyes or retinal detachment.
Sometimes vision decreases during pregnancy due to lack of useful substances. An unbalanced diet, a small amount of fruits, vegetables, and cereals in a pregnant woman’s diet can lead to an imbalance in the vitamin and mineral balance of the body. A lack of vitamins can contribute to damage to eye tissue and, as a result, a decrease in visual acuity.

Negatively affects vision and inflammatory processes in the retina, which often occur in pregnant women. Anti-inflammatory drugs are usually used for treatment, but only a doctor can prescribe them.
Childbirth itself is also a serious stress for the body and requires enormous physical effort from the woman. If a woman in labor breathes incorrectly during contractions and attempts, severe tension of the eye muscles occurs, IOP increases, which can result in hemorrhage.

As doctors note, even those births that took place without complications can lead to a physiological decrease in vision by several diopters. Subsequently, visual sharpness and clarity return gradually, over several weeks or even months. If the birth was complicated, then visual problems may be more serious and will require long-term treatment at the ophthalmologist.

After childbirth, vision decreases: what to do?

If you notice that your vision has deteriorated after childbirth, the first thing you should do is consult an ophthalmologist. The specialist will determine how serious the violation is and select optimal treatment.
Support eye health postpartum period Taking special multivitamin complexes for nursing women will help. They contain a large number of vitamins and minerals that affect visual function. Taking such medications in consultation with your doctor can stop the decline in vision and improve general health women.

It is also necessary to monitor your diet and try to eat a variety of foods rich in carotene, B vitamins, antioxidants and other beneficial substances.
It is recommended to perform gymnastics several times every day, which helps to train the eye muscles, the accommodation apparatus, and relieve eye tension and fatigue. The complex may include rotations and movements from side to side, squinting, shifting the gaze from distant objects to near ones, gentle massage through closed eyelids and a number of other exercises.
Sometimes the cause of visual impairment is diabetes, in which case it is important to control blood glucose levels to avoid progression of disorders.

If an ophthalmologist has diagnosed myopia, astigmatism or another refractive error, then it is important to use the optical correction- glasses or contact lenses. They will help restore clear vision and can prevent its further deterioration.

Wearing contact lenses after childbirth is not prohibited, but the choice of a suitable model (Acuvue, BioTrue, Air Optix, PureVision, etc.) is best agreed with your doctor.
If your vision has decreased after childbirth, then in some cases doctors recommend doing LASIK surgery. It can be used to correct myopia and other refractive errors. However, laser vision correction is recommended after completion of breastfeeding and normalization hormonal levels.

Is natural childbirth possible after laser vision correction?

Many women with myopia would like to correct this defect before pregnancy. But there is a myth that after laser surgery I won't be able to give birth naturally. For this reason, many people refuse LASIK.
Ophthalmic surgeons explain that laser vision correction performed before pregnancy in most cases is not a contraindication to natural childbirth. That is, by improving your vision in this way, you will not have to give birth only by cesarean section. Surgical delivery is usually prescribed for other indications, including retinal detachment and serious eye pathologies.

How to preserve vision after childbirth: preventive measures

Often the best way preserving vision in the postpartum period is early prevention, started during pregnancy or in preparation for it.
A woman who cares about her health should register with an ophthalmologist from the first weeks of pregnancy and undergo regular examinations. During such examinations, the doctor will examine the fundus of the eye, monitor visual acuity and other indicators.
It is useful to attend childbirth preparation courses during pregnancy, where they teach you how to breathe correctly and push while pushing. By learning to breathe and behave correctly during one of the most crucial moments of her life, a woman will minimize the risk of retinal damage and hemorrhage in the eyes.

Many girls have myopia and other vision problems even before giving birth. To maintain eye health, it is sometimes important to have a planned cesarean section as an alternative to a natural birth. Determine whether there are indications for surgical method The doctor must perform the delivery. Sometimes it's the only one possible way preserve vision after the birth of a child.

Now you know how to properly prepare for childbirth in order to minimize the risks to eye health, and what to do if your vision suddenly decreases. The birth of a child is not a reason to give up your own health, so we recommend that you carefully follow the recommendations of ophthalmologists. Regular checkups Seeing a doctor and strictly following his advice will help protect your vision after childbirth.

Not everyone can boast of 100% vision these days. According to some reports, more than 25% of the female population suffers from myopia, and this number is growing rapidly and increasing every year. There are many reasons for this, and almost every woman tries to find an answer to the question of whether pregnancy and the process of childbirth affect vision, because very often you can hear that after childbirth, visual acuity decreases. Is this really so, and if so, why? And most importantly: how to prevent and prevent it? In this article we will answer exciting questions related to the postpartum drop in visual acuity.

Does vision always decrease after childbirth?

Often on mother's forums there are glaring questions: vision loss after childbirth - what is this and why??? The panic of a new mother is understandable, but not always appropriate. During pregnancy, every woman is required to undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist, and this is not an unnecessary “obligation”, but an important necessity. During this crucial period, colossal changes occur in the body, and not only in hormonal level, but the metabolism also changes dramatically. Plus, fetal development is accompanied by a decrease in the reserves of nutrients in female body, and if they are not replenished, then many organs will be seriously damaged.

All these processes can also affect the eye apparatus, which will affect visual acuity already during the period of bearing the baby or immediately after childbirth. That is why it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist in every trimester of pregnancy to avoid complications with the eyes postpartum period. If serious dystrophic changes in the eyeball, natural childbirth can be strictly contraindicated, and the baby will be born by caesarean section. Women who have serious eye diseases, sometimes doctors don’t even allow you to get pregnant.

It often happens that there were no problems with vision throughout pregnancy, but after childbirth it sharply worsened. The most common reason this state is increased exercise stress in progress labor activity, when and oculomotor muscles“participate” in childbirth, especially with incorrect attempts (often the woman in labor strains not only the necessary muscles of the abdomen and pelvis, but the whole body). With such a flow, it may increase intraocular pressure, even hemorrhage may occur and temporary strabismus may occur after childbirth. Often they leave the delivery room with swollen red eyes, and even with poor visual sharpness.

Doctors reassure: after childbirth, vision can deteriorate by just one diopter, and they call this “pathology” a physiological decrease in vision (primarily due to changes in the pregnant body).

How to restore visual acuity after childbirth?

As a woman’s body recovers after childbirth, absolutely all organs gradually return to normal. Vision is also no exception, and ideally within a month or two everything will fall into place, provided that the birth took place without severe complications, and before pregnancy, visual acuity was as close as possible to “normal” values.

And yet, what can a woman do to avoid this problem? The answers are very simple:

  • It is necessary to prepare for childbirth, first of all, by mastering the correct breathing technique when pushing, so as to strain only the “necessary” muscles and not endanger the ocular system.
  • Do not neglect visits to the ophthalmologist. Listen to his recommendations and remember that it is possible, and sometimes necessary, to “correct” your vision. interesting position. For example, laser coagulation is carried out even at 35 weeks of pregnancy, if indicated. Often, the first eye problems arise precisely during this important period of life, therefore, in order to prevent complications, it is necessary to take appropriate measures in advance.
  • Be prepared for a caesarean section according to indications, because eye problems are a good reason for not allowing a woman into independent childbirth. If the expectant mother has a history of serious illnesses ocular system, then she will be under the special supervision of doctors all the time.

Let’s not forget that the most reliable “treatment” is prevention. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to “protect” vision during pregnancy, and after childbirth it decreased, then the first thing to do is to consult an ophthalmologist, and not wait for a miracle that may not happen. At home, a new mother should pay special attention to her eyes:

  • daily gymnastics;
  • “correct” diet.

By following just these two rules, you can eliminate the problem. Among the eye exercises, the simplest are the following:

  • Rapid blinking for a minute.
  • Alternate between opening and closing your eyes for 5 seconds.
  • Artificial darkening of the eyes in broad daylight for 2 minutes.
  • Massage the eyelids with eyes closed.
  • Circular movements eyeballs with your eyes closed.
  • Follow the finger with your eyes left and right, without rotating your head.
  • Fixation of gaze on a near and distant object (for example, on a drawn point on a window glass and a distant tree outside the window).

"Eye diet" includes consumption following products power supply:

  • carrot;
  • lingonberry and cranberry juice;
  • blueberries in any form;
  • spinach;
  • vegetable oils;
  • liver;
  • eggs;
  • onion;
  • rosehip tea and so on.

The eyes need vitamins A and C, as well as B vitamins. Well, no one has canceled general rules to preserve vision: walks on fresh air, minimum period of time spent in front of the TV and computer, eye protection from negative impact external environment(primarily from ultraviolet rays, so you should always wear sunglasses).

By the way, many women, on the contrary, after childbirth observe a sharp improvement in vision, and not its loss. Doctors attribute this to the following factors: if before childbirth the cause of poor vision was congestion or pinched eye muscles, then labor returns everything back to normal, and accordingly, vision improves.

We sincerely wish all expectant mothers not to face the problem of vision deterioration, but, on the contrary, to gain the necessary acuity to enjoy the bright colors of life!

Bearing and giving birth to a child is a test for the entire female body. What to do if a woman in labor had any diseases with her eyes, how big is the risk of complications? And is there a way out if mothers’ vision deteriorates after childbirth, other than surgical intervention?

Doctors of the old school claim that those who have problems with the eyes are strictly prohibited from giving birth naturally, as this will provoke complications and the only way to combine childbirth and preservation of vision will be a cesarean section. But it is difficult to specifically answer the question of what causes the deterioration of the eye health of a woman in labor, since it depends on many factors, such as:

  • general health;
  • condition of the retina (retina) and the bottom of the eye;
  • age;
  • complications accompanying pregnancy.

To say with confidence that the birth process baby will pass Normally it is impossible, since no doctor will assume all the factors that may influence the development of events.

No one knows how a woman in labor will behave and what the body’s reaction to her actions will be. Many inexperienced expectant mothers push not with their stomach, but with their body, as a result, the pressure increases everywhere, but not where it should be. Due to overstrain, small blood vessels in the eyes burst or the retina detaches.

The risk of complications increases if the expectant mother already had eye diseases, for example, myopia, in which the retina is thinned. But if a pregnant woman has only impaired diopters, and the retina and fundus are in in good condition, then everything will work out without subsequent surgical intervention.

It is impossible to say exactly how childbirth affects the health of the mother in labor, because there have been cases when myopia disappeared after some time.

During the birth of the baby, some processes normalize, for example, if there was a vasospasm, which then went away. That is, myopia is not a contraindication to natural birth, even if you have -10 diopters. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of obstetricians and doctors both during preparation and during the process of childbirth.

During childbirth

The birth process is accompanied by late toxicosis or hypertension, as well as pushing, which may result in retinal rupture and hemorrhage. different sizes, there may also be detachment and vascular thrombosis. All this ultimately leads to deterioration of vision after childbirth.

If there is concern that the condition may worsen during pushing, delivery is carried out using cesarean section or vacuum-extraction of the fetus.

One of the causes of eye diseases is large blood loss, which provokes thrombosis of retinal vessels and retinal detachment. With timely replenishment of blood volume, it is possible to prevent an exacerbation from occurring.

A pregnant woman should definitely visit an ophthalmologist in order to promptly diagnose any abnormalities that may cause deterioration during the birth process.

How to prevent it from getting worse

In order not to risk your health, you can undergo preventive laser coagulation. This simple operation, not requiring hospitalization. Its task is to prevent retinal detachment. The procedure is completely safe and painless for both mother and fetus.

What to do to avoid complications during labor? To push correctly, only the abs should tense, but not the face. This is how the eyes will not be involved.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo examination by an ophthalmologist three times. The first time at the beginning of the term, then in the middle and immediately before the birth of the child. Since the female body changes greatly in nine months, this is necessary for the timely prevention of serious eye diseases.

If, towards the end of pregnancy, problems with the eyes, hypertension, swelling and other complications appear, the ophthalmologist takes into account all the nuances and then gives permission for natural delivery. Gynecologist and obstetrician based on his recommendations and taking into account the rest possible situations, they will make a conclusion whether surgery is needed during childbirth.

Pathologies that prohibit natural birth:

  • complicated rapidly progressive myopia (deterioration by 1-2 diopters every year);
  • high myopia in the only sighted eye;
  • pathological changes in the fundus - retinal tears and pre-tears;
  • swelling of the optic nerve (there is a risk of increased intracranial pressure);
  • eye surgery due to detachment retina;
  • effusions of blood in the fundus (when exacerbation is possible);
  • retinal disinsertion ( common reason blindness).

If the above deviations are absent, there is a chance to avoid surgical intervention.

After pregnancy

Why does vision decrease after childbirth? It would seem that everything is behind us, but suddenly my mother notices that her eyesight has deteriorated. During breastfeeding, the female body may still have hormonal surges and there will be no stability during lactation.

The main factors that affect vision after delivery:

  • Late toxicosis, in in rare cases preeclampsia and eclampsia occur. These pathologies are very dangerous for a woman in labor.
  • Hypertension both during and after delivery.
  • Complicated high myopia.
  • Heavy birth process with exacerbation of chronic diseases and severe blood loss.
  • Diabetes mellitus, against the background of retinopathy.
  • Inflammation of the retina of cytomegalovirus or toxoplasmosis nature.

Why does visual acuity decrease in mothers with excellent health? The fact that she spends a lot of time at home has an impact. Household items are nearby. As a result, the eyes cannot “train” and decline occurs as a result. You can avoid this if you do special simple exercises for your eyes and take walks in open areas as often as possible.

Since hormones are not stable during lactation, it is not advisable to perform any actions in relation to the eyes.

Selecting lenses for surgery is allowed only six months after breastfeeding ends.

Preventive measures

Women, especially those with complicated myopia or those undergoing post-operative surgery, should take precautions to avoid future eye problems.

Ophthalmologists recommend the following preventive measures:

  • Must be observed proper nutrition. This will help avoid toxicosis later pregnancy, as well as high blood pressure. The diet should include foods with the maximum content of vitamin A.
  • Girls who were diagnosed with myopia before conceiving a child should undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist before 12 weeks and after 30 weeks, and then depending on the condition visual organ. If changes are noticed, overexertion should be avoided. If deviations from the norm are detected, it is recommended to exclude overexertion during pushing, so gynecologists-obstetricians insist on a caesarean section.
  • If laser correction was performed six months before or during pregnancy, then surgical intervention is also performed.
  • Women who have eye problems should take courses on behavior during labor. It is recommended to do eye exercises.

Significant vision loss during childbirth can happen even if the mother does not have eye problems.

No one is immune from this. Most often this happens in girls who give birth for the first time. Women who have problems in this area should definitely perform special gymnastics, follow proper nutrition and doctor’s recommendations. This is the only way to stop progressive myopia.

Gymnastics for the eyes consists of several simple exercises:

  • Look for an object in the distance, look at it, now turn your gaze to something nearby. You should look at objects alternately. Perform the exercise 10-15 times.
  • Changing light levels train every muscle in the eye. To do this, close them with your hands without lowering your eyelids. Do this exercise 10 times.
  • You need to figuratively “write” numbers from 1 to 10 with your eyes.
  • Closing your eyes is also a good workout.

If, for any reason, your vision has decreased after childbirth, you should definitely undergo an examination by an ophthalmologist. Without treatment and following recommendations, the pathology may worsen, which in the worst case scenario can lead to complete blindness.