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What do you need to get a ticket to the sanatorium? Rules for the allocation of health subsidies. Obtaining a voucher at the hospital

Social activities aimed at supporting various categories of citizens include health measures. As part of the implementation of social policy, beneficiaries are issued vouchers to sanatorium- spa treatment. This measure is necessary for additional medical and social rehabilitation of certain categories of citizens.

Legislative principles

The main regulations governing the allocation of funds for health restoration are:

  1. Law No. 178-FZ, which came into force on July 17, 1999.
  2. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 328 dated December 29, 2004, containing the procedure for allocating preferential treatment for health improvement.

In the above normative act contains important (for the population) principles for introducing social measures to organize health improvement. They are as follows:

  • referral to a sanatorium is allocated at the initiative of the applicant;
  • in the form of a standard document;
  • The applicant must meet two criteria:
    • have medical indications for referral for treatment (prevention);
    • belong to one of the preferential categories.
Attention: you should apply for a voucher to a treatment facility on your own initiative.

Let's look at the criteria in more detail. Many people believe that a discount form is a way to relax in a resort area for free. This is only partly true. In fact, it is necessary to have a disease that is treated in a sanatorium. There are many diagnoses for social recovery. Namely the treatment:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • gastrointestinal tract and much more.

Important: the doctor issues a referral for preference only to patients:

  • who filed relevant complaints;
  • having a specific diagnosis;
  • regularly undergoing treatment for one reason or another.
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Rules for the allocation of health subsidies

The allocation of directions occurs strictly according to the rules established by law. Briefly this means the following:

  1. Wellness activities, as well as stays in medical institution, are financed from the federal budget.
  2. It follows that each subsidy must be justified with documentary evidence:
    • preferential category;
    • the need for health benefits (doctor's certificate).
  3. A report on the use of funds for the intended purpose (tear-off coupon) is also required.
Important: the recipient of the privilege is required to provide a document proving his stay in the medical institution.

Categories of beneficiaries

Federal social program covers a fairly wide range of people. Medical and recreational activities are provided for the following categories of citizens:

  1. WWII participants:
    • soldiers and officers;
    • that period;
    • former blockade survivors with award badges;
  2. (from 1 to 3 and disabled since childhood);
  3. veterans of combat operations in hot spots;
  4. family members;
  5. :
    • military;
    • equal;
    • reserve officers;
    • labor veterans;
  6. Heroes of Russia and the USSR.

Hint: in addition to the voucher, beneficiaries receive compensation for travel to the place of recovery:

  • land transport;
  • and where this is not possible, by airlines.
Important! In 2018, the expenditure indicators per 1 social assistance recipient were as follows:
  • Spa treatment- 127.9 rubles;
  • travel by intercity transport to the place of treatment and back - 18.2 rubles;
  • travel on a suburban railway vehicle - 101.1 rubles.
Attention: not all beneficiaries are entitled to free or social vouchers to sanatoriums. Some categories are provided with discounted destinations.

Which sanatoriums can you go to?

Government agencies involved in allocating preferences enter into agreements with institutions providing health services. You can only get a ticket to a holiday home:

  1. an agreement with which was reached by the body to which the applicant applied;
  2. operating in the Russian legal field, located anywhere in the Russian Federation;
  3. if necessary, specialists will try to find an institution in the region of residence (if it is difficult to move);
  4. military pensioners and equivalents are sent only to departmental health institutions.
Hint: “departmental” means that their activities are financed from the budget of the Ministry of Defense (another ministry).

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Who distributes vouchers in 2019

In general, the Social Insurance Fund (SIF) is responsible for distributing the budget for treatment. This organization works with citizens through social security authorities. But there are exceptions. Thus, the Moscow Region independently supports pensioners. To receive a health benefit, you must address the application to the appropriate Department of the Ministry of Defense.

Therefore, you should contact:

  • to the social security department on a territorial basis;
  • to the Department of the Ministry of Defense, which is responsible for the distribution of departmental subsidies.

The algorithm for obtaining a subsidy for sanatorium treatment is as follows:

  1. Visit your doctor and express your desire to go to a sanatorium. The doctor will send you for examination. Based on its results, a special document is issued - form No. 070/u-04.
  2. With a certificate and passport, you should go to the social security or military commissariat at your place of residence to write an application.
  3. Wait for a response about queuing.
  4. As soon as everyone who has previously made a claim to the privilege is satisfied, receive a document and go for treatment.
Hint: form No. 070/у-04 loses its relevance after six months. If during this period the queue has not yet arrived, you will have to update the certificate.

What documents to prepare

To receive a subsidy for sanatorium-resort recovery, a minimum package of papers is required. These are the confirmations:

  1. identity - passport;
  2. fact of health insurance -;
  3. preferential category:
    • with the corresponding certificate for almost everyone:
      • WWII participants of different groups;
      • Chernobyl victims;
      • pensioners;
      • retired officers;
    • disabled people provide a medical and social examination certificate;
    • Heroes are required to provide award documents;
    • labor veterans - the corresponding book;
  4. the need for recreational activities - form No. 070/u-04
Important: before the trip you should register for a sanatorium resort card. Without it, the medical treatment facility will not accept the client.

What is a trip?

After reviewing the application, the applicant receives a document. It confirms the right to receive services at the expense of the state budget:

  1. A specific institution (name and address are indicated on the voucher).
  2. IN certain deadlines(the start and end dates of the course are also entered on the form).

Besides, the voucher is a personal document. It cannot be transferred to another person. It is also forbidden to divide the term therapeutic measures between individuals (this is what they used to do to go to a holiday home with their family). The form states:

  • Recipient's full name;
  • diagnosis;
  • Course duration is from 18 to 42 days.

Hint: accompanying persons may go to the sanatorium with some beneficiaries:

  • with disabled minors;
  • with disabled people of group 1.

Accompanying persons are given preference for different conditions. They depend on the category of the beneficiary. The tour can be free or with a discount of 25-50%. Thus, military retirees can take their spouse with them. Her recovery will cost 50% of the full cost.

Important: the voucher is valid once a year (there are exceptions).

Prerogatives of certain groups of citizens

Reserve officers are entitled to treatment preferences if their service period is more than twenty years. Military pensioners are given a subsidy once a year. At the same time, they can take their spouse with them to the departmental dispensary (for 50% of the cost).

The same rule applies to retirees with sufficient length of service. The rest are not provided with preferences. Military retirees include law enforcement officers who have retired from service and some other categories of government employees.

Important: if there are several reasons social direction(free) is allocated only once a year at the beneficiary’s choice.

Is there a subsidy for pensioners?

According to the norms of current legislation, referrals can be received through the FSS branch:

  1. Veterans of Labor;
  2. Pensioners, including working people.

The circulation algorithm is described above. Only documents should be submitted to the FSS. The basis for the application is:

  • pensioner's certificate;
  • certificate No. 070/у-04.
Hint: after the reunification of Russia and Crimea, beneficiaries are increasingly receiving referrals to Crimean rest homes. It is better to come here in the summer, when you have the opportunity to swim in the sea. Although many Crimean sanatoriums are year-round.

additional information

The above general rules allocation of health subsidies are sometimes violated. Thus, for medical reasons, a beneficiary can be provided with a referral to a sanatorium at the expense of the state budget twice a year:

  • the doctor makes the decision;
  • he issues a certificate with a special mark.

Sometimes you have to wait in line for a long time long time. This is due to the small number of institutions conducting rare treatment. It is advisable to submit an application in advance, immediately after receiving the certificate. This increases the chance of her quick satisfaction.

Attention: specialists are required to notify the applicant two weeks in advance of the availability of a voucher. True, sometimes they have to look for a client for a last-minute tour when a person suddenly refuses the trip.

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Last changes

In mid-2018, military pensioners were given back their previously abolished right to free travel to the place of treatment at a departmental sanatorium. Now retirees and reserve officers of the Armed Forces and Navy, including midshipmen and warrant officers with 20 years of service, as well as their families, can count on free travel to the place of treatment once a year. For vouchers, you must contact the military registration and enlistment office at the place of military registration. This applies to any type of public vehicle. The exact category of travel comfort (class of compartment, aircraft cabin, cabin, etc.) depends on military rank.

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November 7, 2017, 10:28 March 3, 2019 13:42

So, it’s been decided: we’ll send the child to a sanatorium. What are we doing? It is clear that buying a ticket is not particularly difficult - if only you had the money. However, there is no need to rush. Why pay extra if you can improve your health at public expense? There are several options to make sure of this. In order to obtain a voucher, you must qualify for a preferential category or meet several conditions for receiving it. General conditions No, and it is necessary to consider each situation separately. Depending on what category of citizens you belong to, in order to receive a referral to a sanatorium for a child, you must have medical or other indications. According to Russian legislation Every child has the right to healthy recreation. For those who did not know this or knew but did not understand how to get a referral to the sanatorium and where to go and what to do, we have compiled clear instructions.

Free referral to the sanatorium

So, look at article 12 Federal Law No. 124-FZ “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in Russian Federation" According to this law, any Russian child can go on vacation. But parents must line up in advance and collect necessary documents. The number of tickets is limited. It should be taken into account that the law is uniform, but each region of the Russian Federation implements it in its own way. Of course there is also General requirements. We will talk about them.

Who gets a free referral to a sanatorium?

Referral to a sanatorium from the clinic is primarily given to those children who have health problems and have fewer opportunities to relax for money. That is:

  • disabled people;
  • orphans;
  • sick children and children after surgery;
  • children from large, low-income and single-parent families.
  • A preschooler or a child who needs to be looked after can be accompanied by an accompanying person under the Mother and Child program. As the name suggests, Mom can always go. Dads, grandmothers, aunts and other adults need to check with a specific sanatorium or camp.

Are there huge queues for free tickets?

Not certainly in that way. Enrolling a child in a camp or sanatorium is a bureaucratic procedure. Some parents don’t know about it, others don’t want to understand it. Therefore, you may well get a free trip that others were too lazy to apply for. But, of course, in the summer the competition is much higher. It is better to agree to a spring, autumn or even winter vacation if you like the institution, its location and other conditions. Even if they tell you: “There is nothing,” still stand in line. Several tours may become available in your region. People change their plans or complete paperwork incorrectly. Then the place is passed on to the next.

How to get a referral to a sanatorium for a child for free

  • Almost all children assigned to this institution can receive a discounted voucher through the district clinic. Through them, vouchers are distributed mainly to general sanatoriums and sanatoriums specializing in a number of diseases. As a rule, information about the availability of discounted vouchers is posted near the information desk or at the reception desk, on the door of the pediatrician’s office. If you haven’t seen anything similar, don’t be lazy to ask your local doctor or the head of the clinic about the availability of vouchers. Often, staff at district clinics are simply too lazy to inform citizens about the availability of preferential vouchers.

Found a suitable trip? You should:

  1. fill out an application for a voucher;
  2. obtain a sanatorium-resort card from the pediatrician (form No. 076/u);
  3. get a certificate from a dermatologist about the absence of infectious skin diseases and a certificate of contacts with a pediatrician (the results of the test for enterobiasis are attached to it) - taken on the day/the day before departure;
  4. get a ticket:
  • If the baby has suffered serious illness or surgery, he often requires rehabilitation in a specialized sanatorium. In this case, parents are offered a voucher for the child right before discharge from the hospital. If you have not received an appropriate offer, be sure to ask your attending physician or the head of the department about the possibility and necessity of sending your child to a specialized sanatorium for recovery. If medical Center is not able to provide you with a discounted voucher, you must be given a conclusion about the need for such treatment and explained where and how you can get it. Documents that must be issued by the medical institution where your baby was treated: a sanatorium-resort card, an extract from the medical history with recommendations + tests.
  • The voucher can be obtained from the Social Insurance Fund office. True, first of all, discounted vouchers are given to disabled children. To do this, after receiving a referral from your attending physician for sanatorium-resort treatment or a conclusion about its necessity, you need to contact the local branch of the fund and register to receive a voucher. Persons accompanying disabled children are also entitled to one discounted voucher. The processing time for applications is about 20 days. Simultaneously with receipt from the regional branch of the fund sanatorium-resort voucher parents of children are provided with special coupons for the right free travel on the train long distance to the place of treatment and back. In addition to the sanatorium-resort card, you will need a document confirming that you have benefits: a certificate of disability, a certificate of a mother of many children, etc.
  • If the child is an orphan or has a registered disability, feel free to contact the department social protection population at the place of residence. Experienced mothers advise that after registering, get to know your inspector and don’t skimp on a smile: establish normal human relationships - you won’t have to beg or demand due to the child San-kur, they will periodically call you and offer you trips, including last-minute ones.

The following documents must be submitted to the Department of Social Protection of the Population:

  1. application of the established form;
  2. documents confirming the child’s social status;
  3. medical report, confirming the absence of contraindications to sanatorium-resort treatment, and a certificate from the children's clinic, form 070/u-04;
  4. a copy of the child’s birth certificate or passport and his medical policy;
  5. copies of parents' passports.

If God protects and the child has no health restrictions, that is, no chronic diseases, there is another option for obtaining a voucher - at the district government. You dial the number of the information office in your area and ask which phone number to call to find out about the availability of vouchers for children. Children 4-7 years old can be offered family holiday with one of the parents in a boarding house or sanatorium rest home (attention: a voucher to a sanatorium institution, obtained through the government, does not imply treatment - the course, if desired, can be purchased on the spot, at your own expense). In this case, you need to contact the clinic only to obtain a certificate of vaccinations (form 079), valid for three months, and a certificate of contacts, which is taken immediately before departure. If the child is already 8 years old and has no health restrictions, the council may offer a trip to children's health institutions, for example, a camp, without parental accompaniment. Each specific case has its own set of documents.

What documents are needed?

To queue for a ticket, you will need:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the parent's passport;
  • information about the child’s registration at the place of residence;
  • certificate from medical institution, confirming the absence of contraindications for relaxation in a sanatorium-resort center (if accompanied by an adult, the same for him);
  • referral for treatment for certain indications.

To register for a sanatorium or health camp when the voucher is already in hand:

  • sanatorium-resort card (taken from the pediatrician at the clinic after the child’s test results arrive);
  • certificate of no contact with infectious patients at the place of residence and in children's institution(at the pediatrician);
  • extract from the medical history;
  • certificate of epidemiological environment and vaccination calendar(from school);
  • copies of birth certificate and medical policy.

Some institutions may require some additional information. Check this on the website or by phone. It is better to take tests when they have already called you and said that they are giving you a ticket. Results have a limited shelf life. Therefore, a situation may arise when a urine test, for example, is no longer valid, and you have not even been invited anywhere yet. Then you will have to take everything again. There are cases when the child has already arrived at the holiday destination, and the parents send some certificate or updated analysis result that was lost in a hurry by email or fax. But it is better to have a complete set of documents on hand.

How to get a ticket faster?

You can buy a ticket and then receive partial or full compensation for it. This way you will have more chances to choose your holiday destination and check-in time. The same documents will be needed for registration. Compensation is guaranteed to everyone. But its size depends on the place of work of the parents, the type of camp, and the category of benefits. For example, low-income and large families and families where parents do not work for health reasons can receive a full refund. They receive compensation after check-in from the Social Insurance Fund. You can check this in advance with the authorities where the voucher was issued. To receive you need to provide:

  • statement;
  • original and copy of the parent’s passport;
  • birth certificate or passport of the child;
  • documents confirming the benefit (if you have one);
  • return ticket from the camp;
  • Bank account number.

One parent can receive compensation once a year.

How to get a referral to a sanatorium for a pregnant woman

It is possible to issue a voucher while expecting a child if there are certain indications that may threaten miscarriage or serious problems with the health of both the mother and the unborn child. Another condition is the availability of a place of work, since the payment for restoration is made by the Social Insurance Fund. In addition, a woman must spend 7 to 10 days in hospital before receiving a referral. When you are referred to a hospital to continue your pregnancy, it is better for you to ask your attending physician at the antenatal clinic at your place of residence whether your case is suitable for subsequent follow-up treatment at a specialized resort. To do this, it is enough to notify the doctor who will observe you in the maternity hospital and present two certificates from your place of work stating that you are employed and about contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. It is also necessary to undergo a commission to obtain a conclusion about the absence of contraindications. For example, most often a referral is refused due to excessive vomiting during toxicosis or gestosis (in this case, only a course of treatment in a hospital is required).

How to get a free trip to the sanatorium

(answers to the most FAQ)

The information provided is advisory in nature. Please find out the exact information from the relevant authorities!

What categories of citizens are entitled to free trips to sanatoriums?
1. At the expense of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) of the Russian Federation (from the federal budget), having
. Invalids of war,
disabled people,
disabled children;
participants of the Great Patriotic War(hereinafter - WWII),
combat veterans;
military personnel who served in military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army, in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months, military personnel awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during the specified period;
persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”; persons who worked during the Second World War at air defense facilities, local air defense facilities, in the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear borders of active fronts, operational zones of active fleets, in front-line areas of railways and highways; crew members of transport fleet ships interned at the beginning of the Second World War in the ports of other states.)
2. Patients who need further treatment after hospitalization (from regional budgets). Provided to working citizens immediately after inpatient care, at the place of their registration. The list of diseases and the procedure for obtaining a voucher are determined by regional (local) regulatory documents. For Moscow residents, this is Moscow Government Decree No. 591-PP dated July 27, 2010.
3. Employees and pensioners of some departments and departments (for example, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the UDP of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, the Federal Tax Service, etc.) in accordance with departmental regulatory documents (not considered here, to obtain them you must contact your department).

What will I have to pay when receiving a discounted voucher to a sanatorium?

When you receive a voucher through the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and a voucher for rehabilitation, you will be fully paid for a sanatorium-resort voucher for a period of 18-24 days to a sanatorium located on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the cost of travel there and back. ABOUT medicines, which you take constantly, you need to take care of yourself and in advance.
Departments and departments establish the procedure for financing and the amount of payment for sanatorium-resort treatment of their employees and pensioners independently. For clarification on the procedure for providing benefits, you need to contact your department.

Which sanatorium will I be given a voucher to?

Not all sanatoriums accept patients on discounted vouchers.
1. At the expense of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) of the Russian Federation (from the federal budget), you will be able to get a trip to sanatoriums that have entered into an agreement with the FSS. These are sanatoriums from different resort regions of the Russian Federation.
2. Patients who need follow-up treatment after hospitalization (from regional budgets). The voucher will be provided to a local specialized sanatorium that provides after-care services for such patients and is included in the list of local normative document. The list is reviewed regularly. Most likely, you will be sent to a local sanatorium, because... this is the most rational for rehabilitation.
3. Employees and pensioners of some departments and departments are provided with preferential vouchers to sanatoriums belonging to this department or department.

What is the duration of the discounted voucher to the sanatorium?
Duration of sanatorium-resort treatment as part of the package provided to citizens social services in a sanatorium-resort institution is 18 days, for disabled children - 21 days, and for disabled people with diseases and consequences of spinal cord and brain injuries - from 24 to 42 days. (Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999)
For rehabilitation, vouchers are provided for up to 24 days. For this period, the patient is extended sick leave.

What do you need to do to get a free trip to the sanatorium? What documents are needed?
1. At the expense of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) of the Russian Federation (from the federal budget)

To obtain a voucher, you need to contact the attending physician of a medical institution at your place of residence. In the presence of medical indications and there are no contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment, the doctor will fill out a certificate for obtaining a voucher (Form No. 070/u-04), containing the following information: name of the resort, profile of the sanatorium, recommended season (valid for 6 months).
With this certificate and an application for a voucher, you must contact the regional office of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.
In addition, to receive a voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment, it is necessary to submit: documents confirming the inclusion of a citizen in the appropriate preferential category (certificate, ITU certificate of disability, etc.); individual plan rehabilitation of a disabled person, a certificate confirming the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services (issued at the pension fund branch), passport.
Within two weeks, the Foundation will inform you about the possibility of providing a sanatorium-resort voucher that corresponds to the declared treatment profile, indicating the date of arrival.
The sanatorium-resort voucher is issued in completed form with the seal of the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund and with the note “Paid for from the federal budget and cannot be sold.”
After receiving a sanatorium-resort voucher, but not earlier than 2 months before the start of its validity period, you need to obtain a sanatorium-resort card at the clinic that issued the certificate for obtaining the voucher.
After the end of the sanatorium-resort treatment (no later than 30 days), you need to return the return voucher to the clinic, and the sanatorium will return the tear-off voucher to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

2. Patients who need further treatment after hospitalization (from regional budgets).
A free rehabilitation voucher is provided only to working citizens, at their place of registration, immediately after inpatient care.
The need is determined by the medical commission of the relevant medical institution in accordance with the PROCEDURE for sending workers to aftercare (rehabilitation) immediately after inpatient treatment to specialized sanatoriums (departments), approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 27, 2006 No. 44
For a period of rehabilitation treatment The patient's sick leave is extended for up to 24 days.

The information provided is advisory in nature. Please find out the exact information from the relevant authorities!

Citizens residing in the city of Moscow can act as applicants:

Receiving monthly cash payment from federal budget funds entitled to receive social services;

Non-working pensioners receiving monthly city cash payments from the Moscow city budget;

Non-working pensioners (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old) who do not belong to other preferential categories;

Citizens who have suffered health damage as a result of terrorist attacks and are not entitled to free sanatorium-resort treatment for other reasons;

A spouse who was (was) on the day of death in a registered marriage with the deceased (died) as a result of terrorist acts and who did not remarry, who does not have the right to free sanatorium-resort treatment for other reasons;

Parents of those killed (died) as a result of terrorist acts, who are not entitled to free sanatorium treatment for other reasons;

Children under the age of 18 who died (died) as a result of terrorist attacks, who are not entitled to free sanatorium treatment for other reasons;

Persons awarded the badge " Honorary Donor Russia” or the badge “Honorary Donor of the USSR”, who are not entitled to free sanatorium-resort treatment for other reasons.

List of required documents:

Identification document of the applicant;

A document confirming your place of residence in Moscow;

Pension certificate or other document confirming the fact of receipt of a pension or lifelong allowance (in the case of receiving a pension not in the State Department - department Pension Fund Russian Federation in Moscow and the Moscow region);

A document confirming the right to a benefit or a document confirming inclusion in the preferential categories specified in paragraphs 4–8 (if the document has not previously been submitted to the social protection authorities of the city of Moscow);

Medical certificate in form No. 070/u-04 about the need for sanatorium treatment;

Certificate (information) about non-receipt of a monthly cash payment from the federal budget in case of receiving a pension not at the State Administration - branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in Moscow and the Moscow Region (for applicants specified in paragraph 1);

Work record book (for applicants specified in paragraphs 2, 3);

A document confirming the change of full name. if the full name does not match in the documents specified in paragraphs 1–7 (if the document was issued by the civil registry office not in Moscow or in Moscow before 1990).

Terms of service provision – 1 working day.

If scanned copies of documents are attached to the application, then you need to submit the original documents within 2 working days from the date of registration of your application with the social protection authorities (with the exception of a certificate for obtaining a voucher in form No. 070/u-04, issued by the medical and preventive institution) to the department of social protection of the population, to which your application will be sent.

How can I find the service “Application for registration of citizens of preferential categories to receive a free sanatorium-resort voucher” on the Moscow government services portal?

1. Log in to the portal. To do this, you need to specify the portal address in the address bar of your browser. mos.ru and go to the portal (press Enter):

2. In the list of services, select the “Health, Medicine” section:

3. Select “Other services” – “Sanatoriums” – “Register to receive a free sanatorium-resort voucher”:

Step 1. Applicant details

In the “Profile Data” block, some information is automatically filled in from the “Personal Account” (last name, first name, patronymic). In the “Gender” field, you must indicate one of the proposed options: “Male” or “Female”, if the field is not filled in in your personal account. The "Date of Birth" field can be filled in manually or by selecting a date from the interactive calendar if the field is not filled in " Personal account" Fields " Email" and "Phone" are filled in manually if the information is not in the "Personal Account".

Next, you must indicate the applicant’s registration address (according to your passport). To do this, in the “Street” field, enter several letters of the street name. Select the required street from the drop-down list. In the “Home” field, select a number from the list provided. In the “Apartment” field, enter the apartment number. The “County” and “District” fields will be filled in automatically.

In the “Identity document of the applicant” block, you must select the type of document and indicate its attributes. All fields in this block are required. In the “Select from saved” field, you can select passport data entered and saved in your “Personal Account”. In this case, the data on the Russian passport will be entered on the form automatically from the previously entered data. When selecting another document, data in the fields is entered manually. The “Issue date” field is filled in using an interactive calendar or manually.

If you are registered with the social security authorities, then you must further indicate the actual address indicated when registering. To do this, in the “Street” field, enter several letters of the street name. Select the required street from the drop-down list. In the “Home” field, select a number from the list provided. In the “Apartment” field, enter the apartment number. The “County” and “District” fields will be filled in automatically.

If the registration address matches the actual one, you can check the “Copy registration address (from passport)” checkbox. The fields will be filled in automatically with the data entered earlier.

In the “Select applicant category” block, select a category from the proposed list of options. To do this, you need to check the box next to the desired category. When choosing “I receive a monthly cash payment (MAP) from the federal budget as federal benefit recipient» you must confirm that you are entitled to receive free sanatorium treatment as part of a set of social services, using the checkbox next to the appropriate field. The service cannot be provided if there is no right to receive free sanatorium treatment as part of the set of social services.

If you receive EDV from a departmental pension department or another branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you must attach a scanned copy of a certificate of the right to receive social services for sanatorium and resort treatment, provided for in paragraph 1.1 of part 1 of article 6.2 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178- Federal Law “On State Social Assistance”.

In the “Select one of the categories” block, specify a category from the proposed list of options. To do this, you need to check the box next to the desired category.

To proceed to step 2 “Applicant Documents”, click the “Continue” button.

Step 2. Applicant's documents

On at this stage you must indicate whether you are a pensioner of the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow and the Moscow region by selecting the options “Yes” or “No”.

If it is confirmed that you are a pensioner of the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, then you must then indicate the name of the territorial division of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation that pays the pension.

If it is not confirmed that you are a pensioner of the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, then you need to attach a scanned document in the field “Pension certificate or other document confirming the fact of receiving a pension or lifelong allowance.”

In the “Document on the right to benefit” block, it is necessary to indicate whether the document was issued by the social protection authorities of the city of Moscow or was previously provided to the social protection authorities of the city of Moscow by selecting the options “Yes” or “No”.

If it is not confirmed that the document was issued by the social protection authorities of the city of Moscow, and also has not previously been provided to the social protection authorities of the city of Moscow, then you need to attach a scanned copy of the document.

In the “Identity document” block you must indicate its attributes; If the child’s birth certificate was not issued in Moscow, you need to attach a scanned document “Birth Certificate”. All fields in this block are required. Data in the fields is entered manually. The “Issue date” field is filled in using an interactive calendar or manually. In the future, the original of this document must be submitted to the Moscow State Tax Service, from which the notification of acceptance of your application for consideration was received.

When choosing the category “Citizens who have suffered health damage as a result of terrorist acts, who are not entitled to free sanatorium and resort treatment on other grounds” or “Members of the family of those killed (deceased) as a result of terrorist attacks, who are not entitled to free sanatorium and resort treatment on other grounds" You need to attach a scanned copy of the document "A copy of the conclusion of the forensic medical examination bureau or a copy of the decision on recognition as a victim in a criminal case initiated on the grounds of crimes provided for in Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation."

When choosing the category “Family members of those killed (deceased) as a result of terrorist acts, who are not entitled to free sanatorium-resort treatment for other reasons,” you need to fill out the data “Death Certificate of the deceased (deceased) as a result of a terrorist act.” The “Date of Birth” and “Date of Death” fields are filled in using an interactive calendar or manually. If the death certificate was issued outside of Moscow or in Moscow before 1991, you must attach a scanned document. In the future, the original of this document must be submitted to the Moscow State Tax Service, from which the notification of acceptance of your application for consideration was received. Next, you must provide the details of a marriage certificate issued in Moscow after 1990. If the document confirming the relationship with the deceased is not a marriage certificate, then it is necessary to attach a scanned copy of the birth certificate or other documents confirming the relationship or relationship.

Next, you must indicate the details of the certificate for obtaining a voucher in form No. 070/u, issued by the medical institution at the place of residence. If the certificate was issued by a medical institution not at the place of residence, then an additional certificate of service in this medical institution must be submitted.

In the block “Other documents provided at the request of the applicant” you can attach scanned documents. If you need to attach several documents, use the “Add Document” button.

If for any reason you do not agree, the service will not be provided.

To submit an application, click the “Submit” button.

You can view the status of the submitted application in your “Personal Account”.

Benefits for sanatorium and resort treatment are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation as a measure of additional medical and social assistance to the population. Subsidies for preferential stay in a sanatorium are awarded to certain groups of citizens recognized as needing sanatorium-resort treatment for medical reasons.

The fundamental legal framework establishing the procedure for providing this type of subsidy is:

  • Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 29, 2004 No. 328 “On approval of the procedure for providing a set of social services separate categories citizens."

Who prescribes spa treatment and how?

Issuing preferential vouchers to a sanatorium is an application process. That is, the person himself must express his desire and request a voucher. Sometimes the attending physician independently recommends sanatorium treatment, but this is not a necessary or sufficient condition.

In order to receive a subsidized voucher to a sanatorium, the applicant must simultaneously meet two requirements:

  • Belonged to the group of persons entitled to such a subsidy by law;
  • Had medical indications.

Many people mistake such subsidies for a free vacation package. In fact, benefits for spa treatment are directly related to the applicant’s health status. To receive a subsidy you must obtain certificate 070/U-04. The doctor issues it if he comes to the conclusion that staying in the sanatorium is really necessary. In addition, no earlier than 2 months before departure to the resort, the applicant must receive a resort card. It is issued by the same doctor who issued certificate 070/U-04.

It is important to remember that form 070/U-04 has a validity period of 6 months. After this period, the certificate will need to be issued again.

You must bring the following documents with you to the sanatorium:

  • Voucher;
  • Medical policy;
  • Sanatorium card;
  • Passport.

Categories of citizens entitled to receive free vouchers to sanatoriums

Russian legislation distinguishes two types of persons entitled to health resort subsidies. The right to visit for free once a year medical sanatorium have:

  • Disabled people and WWII participants;
  • Combat veterans;
  • Disabled people of 1-3 degrees and disabled children;
  • Residents of besieged Leningrad (you must have an award badge);
  • Home front workers during the Second World War;
  • Victims of radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster.
  • Family members of deceased disabled people and WWII veterans.

Along with the right to receive a free referral to a sanatorium, these persons have the right to:

  • Free travel to the sanatorium by ground transport. A coupon for purchasing a discount ticket is issued at the FSS office along with the voucher. In regions where travel by land is not possible, the FSS also pays for air tickets.
  • For disabled people of group 1 and disabled children, the law provides the right to take one accompanying person with them free of charge.

In addition to the above social groups, the legislation of the Russian Federation also provides for:

  • Benefits for military pensioners for sanatorium and resort treatment;
  • Benefits for pensioners for sanatorium treatment;
  • Benefits for sanatorium treatment labor veterans;
  • Benefits for reserve officers for sanatorium and resort treatment;

It is important to remember that the sanatorium does not provide the necessary medicines except for those that will be issued at the institution itself. All necessary medications must be obtained according to existing prescriptions in advance at your place of residence.

Certain categories of citizens

Military pensioners and reserve officers

Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2011 No. 333 “On the procedure for sanatorium and resort provision in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” established the procedure and grounds for providing resort and health treatment to military personnel.

Benefits for military pensioners for sanatorium and resort treatment are also provided to members of their families. The preferential voucher is issued by the decision of the Department of Sanatorium and Resort Treatment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. To receive a subsidy, a military pensioner must submit an application directly to the Main military medical department Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or to the administration of the sanatorium. The application must be accompanied by a certificate in form 070/U-04 confirming the presence of medical indications.

Benefits for reserve officers for sanatorium and resort treatment are provided according to a similar scheme, provided that the service period of the transferred officer in preferential terms is at least 20 years.

Pensioners and labor veterans

Under the same conditions as veterans of the Second World War and military conflicts, the following are provided:

  • Benefits for pensioners for sanatorium and resort treatment;
  • Benefits for sanatorium treatment for labor veterans.

Vouchers are issued by the FSS department on the basis of an application and certificate 070/U-04. Detailed receipt process free trips the sanatorium is covered at the beginning of the article.