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What compensation and payments are due for disability. Benefits for disabled children and their parents. What amounts does a lump sum allowance for a disabled person consist of?

Government Russian Federation annually reviews the amounts of benefits for beneficiaries. This is done in order to support citizens who are unable to feed themselves and their dependents. Special place Among them are people with health problems. They are the object of constant budget concern. Let's find out what disability payments these people can count on in 2019.

Structure of state support for people with disabilities

All benefits that citizens with health limitations can count on are specified in the Federal Law “On social protection disabled people in the Russian Federation" dated November 24, 2995 No. 181-FZ. They can be divided into several large groups. Thus, disability benefits in monetary terms are of the following types:

  • pension;
  • a set of social services;
  • social cash security;
  • monetary compensation (benefits) for caring for a disabled person.

The latter is paid to the person who directly looks after a person with disabilities. As a rule, this payment is awarded to parents, children or other relatives.

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In addition to these, there are other ways to support disabled people at budget expense. These include:

  • benefits for payment of housing and communal services (HCS);
  • provision of apartments and land plots (subject to conditions);
  • advantages when entering educational institutions of different levels;
  • discounts on travel to public transport and others.

On the dependence of the magnitude of preferences on the disability group

According to the current regulatory framework in Russia, there are three main types of disability. Citizens receive a group depending on the degree of disability. It is indicated in a document confirming the weakening of a person’s health. In addition, there is a special category of small citizens under 18 years of age who have certain diseases. They receive the status of a disabled child.

Any disability benefit can only be received at the time for which it is assigned. Specific dates are indicated in the certificate. The same document specifies the deadline another term passing a medical and social examination.

Amounts and types of pensions

The state pays pension benefits to all people who have lost the ability to earn money on their own. Its size and terms are determined by the Pension Fund based on documents submitted by citizens. There are two types of this payment:

  • social pension;
  • labor

Citizens of a certain age are entitled to a payment calculated on the basis of length of service (labor). It is calculated on a general basis. Everyone else is provided with a social pension.

The amount of pension benefits is approved by government decree. They do not depend on the region of residence of the citizen, that is, they are the same for the entire territory of the Russian Federation (with the exception of the regions of the Far North and equivalent regions). The amount of payment is determined by the disability group.

Disability pension in 2018:

If the beneficiary has other dependents, the amount of the social pension increases. Additional payments are calculated for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dependent. But not more.

Video about the size of the disability pension in 2018

Attention! Due to the increase in the minimum wage from January 1, 2019, the amount of the above social benefits will also increase, because it is formed in percentage From him.

One-time cash payment

EDV is another type of independent state support for persons with disabilities. This means that any person to whom the group is assigned can apply for it. The EDV does not depend on what pension this citizen receives, whether he is considered low-income, etc.

A one-time cash payment is a type of monetization of benefits reserved for disabled people by current legislation.

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EDV structure

It is necessary to understand that this support the state can be presented to vulnerable citizens in two forms:

  • natural;
  • monetary

The beneficiary himself decides how it is more convenient to receive his compensation at the time of submitting the application or later if he changes his mind.

The EDV includes the following preferences:

  1. Social package.
  2. The right to free travel to the place of sanatorium treatment.
  3. 100% discount on using a landline telephone.
  4. Dental prosthetics every five years.
Each of the preferences can be refused separately, then instead of the natural form the person receives monetary compensation.

Amount of EDV by service

This preference in 2017 included amounts for:

  • medicines - 716 rubles;
  • voucher to the sanatorium - 110 rubles;
  • travel to the dispensary - 102 rubles.

These component sizes are calculated based on the provision of sanatorium treatment once a year. That is, they are spread out, as accountants say, over twelve months.

The sizes of EDV for disabled people for 2018 are as follows:

EDV is assigned for only one reason. If a citizen has several benefits, then he is free to choose which one to receive this preference. The exception is disabled combat veterans. Their rights are fully realized.

How to get EDV

A disabled person receives the right to receive this type of assistance from the moment the group is assigned. However, it will not be installed automatically. In order to receive additional money, you should contact your local branch of the Pension Fund yourself or through a representative. There you will have to write a statement, to which copies of the following documents are attached:

  • passports or birth certificates of a disabled child;
  • certificate confirming the presence of the group;
  • document identifying the representative and his right to speak on behalf of the disabled person.

In addition, additional information may be required, for example, about family composition. Such a document is needed if other persons are dependent on a person with health limitations.

All documents, along with the corresponding application, can be sent by mail.

Payment procedure

Benefits are calculated from the date a person applies for it. That is, from the moment the application is submitted and the letter is sent.

  1. Pension Fund(PF) considers the appeal within ten working days. If everything is fine with the papers, then:
    • an account is opened for the applicant (legal representative), if there is not one in the Pension Fund in his name;
    • used for pension payments.
  2. If there are no grounds for payment, then a decision is made to refuse. They must inform the disabled person within five days.
An unfounded decision by PF specialists can be appealed in court. To do this, you need to collect all the papers confirming benefits in accordance with current legislation.

Recalculation of lump sum payment

Disability is assigned by a medical and social examination (MSE) for certain period. For example, the third and second groups are valid for only a year. At the end of this period, a person with health problems needs to be examined again by a specialized body. This means that payments will also stop.

People do not need to reapply for EDV to the PF authorities. If the group is extended, then information about this is provided to government agencies and payments continue.

Sometimes the group changes. In this case, too, no special application is required. The state system will fix everything itself, without the participation of a disabled person. Information from the ITU goes to the PF. The specialists process it themselves and make the appropriate recalculation. In this case, you should know that:

  1. When the right to EDV is lost, accruals stop on the first day of the month following the ITU date.
  2. If it needs to be increased, then larger amounts are calculated from the date the ITU issues a new opinion.

Other assistance for people with disabilities

In addition to cash payments, people with disabilities are also provided with various devices that help them in everyday life. They get all these things for free through the organs social assistance. Specialized devices include:

  • telephones, including those for the hearing impaired;
  • self-care facilities;
  • devices for orientation (for example, guide dogs);
  • educational aids (books written in Braille);
  • sport equipment;
  • cars;
  • strollers;
  • prostheses;
  • safety shoes and more.
The issuance of additional equipment and special means does not apply to a one-time payment and does not affect its size.

Single citizens with health problems are provided with social services at home. Local service workers come to them and help with everyday life:

  • go grocery shopping;
  • clean the apartment;
  • cook food and more.
This type of support is also not paid and does not reduce the size of state preferences for disability.

Disabled care allowance

Citizens looking after relatives who have lost their ability to work are also entitled to support from the state. It is appointed when dear person cannot take care of himself independently, that is, he has group 1.

Care assistance is not provided to everyone who wants it. Its appointment requires compelling reasons, supported by documents.

This type of benefit is also issued to the Pension Fund. The following documents should be provided there:

  • application (written at an appointment with a specialist);
  • copies of passports of the disabled person and the person caring for him;
  • work records of both;
  • certificate from the employment center.
The care allowance is assigned to only one family member, regardless of how many relatives actually provide care.

Features of the care benefit

This preference is paid only to able-bodied persons who left their place of service for the sake of a sick person. That is, the appointment terminates when this citizen officially:

  • finds employment;
  • registers with the employment center.
Important: one person has the right to look after several wards with health limitations. For each person, the state paid him 1,200 rubles in 2017.

Nuances of payments to disabled people

Since all situations are individual, we will present some features of the design and assignment of preferences.

  1. Disabled people affected by vaccination receive an additional 1,000 rubles each month. This amount is not included in the EDV.
  2. People injured at work may qualify for additional payments from the Social Protection Fund.
  3. Young people who have reached the age of 14 can independently apply to the Pension Fund. They no longer need the help of trustees.
This is interesting: in Western countries, the corresponding payments from the funds depend on how much the citizen managed to contribute to them before losing his ability to work:
  • in the US they range from $1,177 to $2,533 per month;
  • in the UK from 54.45 to 81.30 euros per week;
  • in Germany - 9,000 euros per year.

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Last changes

In 2018, it is planned to increase the amount of payments for caring for a disabled child.

The amount of EDV payments in 2018 will be known on 04/01/2018.

On April 1, the annual indexation of social pensions takes place. The increase in pensions is projected at 4%.

The amount of EDV payments may increase by 6.4%.

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Video about social payments to disabled people of different categories

March 16, 2017, 07:28 March 3, 2019 13:49

Disabled people belong to a socially unprotected category of citizens. Their health does not allow them to work at full capacity; many simply cannot work, and they need government financial support. Social payments and disability benefits are assigned at the federal level and separately by region. Disability benefits in 2019 do not replace a pension; you can simply receive additional support.

Types of benefits

People who are unable to work due to disability are assigned the following types material support:

  • The social pension is intended for those who have not accumulated insurance coverage. Can be received by minors, pensioners, citizens who have lost their breadwinner.
  • A labor pension is assigned as compensation for the lost opportunity to receive income. To receive this type of payment, you must have a minimum length of service – at least 1 day.
  • The state pension is accrued depending on the length of service to cosmonauts, military personnel, victims of man-made accidents, participants of the Second World War, as well as survivors of the blockade.

Who is entitled to disability benefits in 2019?

All disabled people who have officially confirmed their status can count on receiving payments. IN medical institution a conclusion is issued about a persistent decline in health, you will regularly have to undergo a commission again so that the doctor can make sure that there is no improvement.

These categories of citizens can count on payment of benefits in the established amount. They are provided with additional benefits and are assigned monthly and one-time disability benefits.

One-time disability benefit

A one-time cash payment to disabled people is financial support from the state, which can be expressed both in cash and in kind. A person has the right to choose the form of a one-time benefit.

What is included in EDV in kind:

  • city ​​telephone service;
  • travel to the sanatorium once a year;
  • social services;
  • Dental prosthetics once every 5 years.

In material equivalent, EDV is paid in an amount depending on the disability group:

  • for the first group – 3782.94 rubles;
  • for the second group – 2701.62 rubles;
  • disabled person of group 3 – 2162.67 rubles;
  • minor citizens – 2701.62 rubles. (the amount does not depend on the group).

The recipient has the right to refuse assistance in kind in full, or from any certain type services, replacing it with cash support.

Disability insurance payment

Paid if two conditions are met:

  • There is any disability group.
  • I have experience.

The disability insurance pension depends on several factors:

  • groups;
  • duration of employment;
  • fees paid;
  • presence in the family of persons under care;
  • region of residence.

The amount of the insurance pension includes a fixed part, which is determined by the government and indexed every year. As of January 1, 2019, its value ranges from 3,467 to 24,003 rubles. The amount of disability benefits is calculated taking into account the group, family and social status, experience.

Disability benefit for group 1

The amount of social pension is 10,360.52 rubles. It is paid monthly and is subject to annual adjustments based on inflation.

The insurance pension is paid depending on the length of service and depends on the number of years worked, the number of dependents in the family and the region of work. The fixed part of the disability insurance pension is:

  • RUB 10,668.38 in the absence of persons who are dependent on the recipient of payments;
  • +1778.06 rub. to this amount if there is 1 disabled family member;
  • +5334.12 rub. if there are 3 or more.

For those who have worked in the Far North for at least 15 years, with a total length of service of 20 years (women) and 25 years (men), a fixed payment is provided in the amount of:

  • RUB 16,002.58 in the absence of disabled relatives in the family;
  • +2667.09 rub., if there is 1 dependent;
  • +5334.18 rub. if there are two;

Fixed payment for those who have worked for more than 20 years in regions equal in conditions to regions of the North:

  • 13868.9 rub. in the absence of dependents;
  • +4622.96 rub. if there are 2 dependents;
  • +6934.43 rub. if there are 3 or more dependents.

The fixed part, taking into account regional coefficients, is paid regardless of the place of residence of the person at the time of payment. Thus, in order to receive an increased insurance payment for work in the Northern regions and equivalent regions, it is not at all necessary to live there.

One-time cash payments amount to RUB 3,782.94. The amount is paid only if the recipient has issued an EDV in cash and not in kind.

What benefits are available to disabled people of group 1:

  • To pay utility bills (50%).
  • Housing subsidy.
  • For education.
  • Free pass in city public transport, and a half discount on the fare in other types of transport.
  • A trip to the sanatorium, medical supplies and medicines, prosthetics.
  • Social services: nurse, discounts on funeral services, etc.

Persons who have lost the ability to work as a result of military operations, as well as prisoners of concentration camps, receive additional monthly material support (DEMO) in the amount of 1 thousand rubles.

DEMO for disabled people of the Second World War and residents of besieged Leningrad is 500 rubles.

With an income below the subsistence level, a group 1 disabled person has the right to a federal social subsidy (FSD). Its size varies depending on the region.

Disability benefit for group 2

Social payments to disabled people without experience (social pension) amount to 5180.24 rubles. Insurance pension (fixed part):

  • 5334.19 rub. in the absence of persons who are dependent on the recipient of payments;
  • +1778.06 rub. to this amount, provided that the family has 1 disabled family member who is in care;
  • +3556.12 rub. if there are two disabled persons;
  • +5334.18 rub. if there are 3 or more.

Persons who have worked in the Far North for more than 15 years receive:

  • 8001.29 rub. in the absence of dependents;
  • +2667.09 rub. if there is one;
  • +5334.18 rub. if there are two;
  • +8001.27 rub. if there are 3 or more.

Persons who have worked for more than 20 years in areas equivalent in conditions to regions of the North:

  • 6934.45 rub. in the absence of dependents;
  • +2311.48 rub. if there is 1 dependent;
  • +6934.43 rub. if there are 3 or more.

The EDV size is RUB 2,701.62.

The DEMO size is the same as for disabled people of group 1 - 1000 and 500 rubles, depending on the status of the recipient. Federal subsidies are paid provided that the citizen’s income is below the subsistence level.

  • Free travel on public transport.
  • 50% discount on travel on other types of transport.
  • Visit the sanatorium once a year.
  • Benefits for medicines.
  • Free prosthetics.
  • For education.
  • Free medical devices and drugs that provide a decent standard of living: Hearing Aids, orthopedic shoes etc.
  • 50% discount on housing and communal services.

Also, disabled people of group 2 have the right to improve their living conditions - they can take advantage of a housing subsidy to purchase real estate.

Disability benefit for group 3

Persons included in disability group 3 are entitled to a social pension in the amount of 4,403.24 rubles. If a disabled person has an insurance record, he can count on a labor pension.

The fixed part of labor payments is:

  • 2667.1 rub. in the absence of dependents;
  • +1778.06 rub. to this amount, provided that there is 1 dependent in the family;
  • +3556.12 rub. if there are 2;
  • +5334.18 rub. if there are 3.

Citizens who have worked in the Far North for 15 years or more are entitled to:

  • 4000.65 rub. in the absence of dependents;
  • +2667.09 rub. if there is 1 dependent;
  • +5334.18 rub. if there are 2;
  • +8001.27 rub. if there are 3 or more dependents.

Persons who have worked for 20 years in regions equated to the regions of the North receive:

  • RUB 3,467.23 in the absence of dependents;
  • +2311.48 rub. if there is 1 dependent;
  • +4622.96 rub. if there are 2;
  • +6934.23 rub. if there are 3 or more disabled persons in care.

Also, persons in this group are entitled to:

  1. EDV – 2162.67 rub.
  2. DEMO – from 500 to 1000 rubles.
  3. Federal subsidy (if a disabled person receives a minimum income below the minimum wage).
  • Discount on housing and communal services payments (50%).
  • Right to housing subsidy.
  • Free travel on public transport.
  • Visit to the sanatorium with a 50% discount.
  • 50% discount on medications (for certain medications).
  • Benefits for training.

For working disabled people, increased leave of up to 60 days and a shortened working week of 40 hours are provided. Dismissal of a disabled worker at the initiative of the employer is legal if the employee has been undergoing treatment or recovery for more than 4 months. At the same time, the employee retains the right to paid sick leave and severance pay.

Amount of benefits for disabled people since childhood

  • Social pension: 1st group – 12432.44 rubles, 2nd group – 10360.52 rubles, 3rd group – 4403.24 rubles.
  • EDV: 1 group – 3782.94 rubles, 2 – 2701.62 rubles, 3 – 2162.67 rubles.

There is also a disability benefit in case of loss of a breadwinner. Its size depends on the breadwinner's insurance pension.

Persons disabled since childhood have the right to the same benefits as persons who have become disabled during their lifetime.

Amount of benefit for disabled children

Payments to disabled people under 18 years of age:

  • Social benefits – 12432.44 rubles.
  • EDV – 2701.62 rubles.

The following amounts of payments are provided for caring for a child with a disability:

  • 5500 rub. parents or persons registered as guardians;
  • 1200 rub. - to other persons.

Also, disabled children have the same benefits as other disabled citizens. Additional benefits in the form of increased leave, early retirement and additional days off are available to their parents or guardians.

These benefits are assigned only to children under the age of majority. If the ability to work has not been restored after 18 years, then the person receives the status of “childhood disabled” with a certain category and is assigned social disability benefits.

Those citizens who, due to their state of health, can no longer work in their profession, but are able to perform other, simpler work, or work in their original specialty, but in a lighter mode, are classified as III group disability.

Let's look at what the disability pension for group 3 is in 2019.

Pension for the third disability group

Regardless of which group is assigned based on the results of the ITU, you can choose only one of two social security options:

Social disability pension 3 groups + EDV = disability pension, or Labor pension + EDV = disability pension, where EDV is a monthly cash payment.

Those permanently residing in the Russian Federation, including minors, have the right to become recipients of a social pension (Federal Law No. 166 of December 15, 2001).

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Pension size for disabled people of group 3 in 2019

The size of the social disability pension of group 3 in 2019 is 4403.24 rubles/month, including for minors.

How much do they pay for the third disability group? labor pension, are calculated using a special formula taking into account the length of work experience.

The basic (minimum) size of the labor pension is also fixed:

  • RUB 2667.10/month - lonely;
  • RUR 4,445.16 rub./month - with 1 dependent;
  • 6223.22 rubles/month. - with 2 dependents;
  • RUB 8,001.28/month - with 3 dependents.
Overall size Group 3 disability pensions in 2019 take into account not only the need for benefits, but also marital status.

Algorithm and formula for calculating pension payments

If the recipient only expects to receive a social pension or minimum wage, then the total amount is known in advance with great accuracy, since EDV size- fixed value.

The calculation will need to be performed in the case where there is length of service and it is necessary to take it into account to determine the size of the retirement pension, which differs from the minimum (basic) value.

You can find out how much disabled people of group 3 are paid using a special formula.

Attention! How much a group 3 disabled person should receive in each case must be found out from the Pension Fund.

To calculate a disability pension based on length of service, the formula looks like this:

TPPI = PC/(T x K) + B, where

  • PC - the amount of pension capital accounted for in the Pension Fund, determined as of the date from which the disability pension will be transferred in the future
  • T - fixed value of the expected time of payment of the old-age pension (in 2019 T = 252 months);
  • K is the proportion between the standard length of insurance service on the date of pension assignment and 180 months. At the age of 19, the standard length of service is 12 months, after which 4 months are added per year. The total sum cannot be more than 180, that is, K< 1 или К=1;
  • B - the basic amount of disability pension of group 3.

You can find out how much they pay for disability group 3 (working) at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Monthly cash payments

EDV is the monetary equivalent of various social benefits, their material expression (additional payment for group 3 disability).

Benefits include:

  1. Free medications with a doctor's prescription (or with a 50% discount).
  2. Free travel on public and suburban transport.
  3. Free spa treatment.

A disabled person has the right to decide for himself and inform the Pension Fund what payments, due to a disabled person 3 groups, and in what form he wishes to receive (in kind, or in the form of EDV).

Refusal from a set of social services

You can refuse the social package completely, or some part of it, and the amount of daily allowance will be recalculated, which will be accrued to the disabled person after acceptance of his application.

To receive EDV, you must:

  1. Give up some component of the social package.
  2. Submit a corresponding application to the Pension Fund before October 1 of the current year.
In the future, you can refuse your daily allowance and receive a social package again. To do this, you will need to submit a new application to the Pension Fund.

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EDV size

As of 02/01/2019, the total amount of EDV was 2162.67 rubles. As part of the EDV, 1121.42 rubles were allocated for the payment of the social package, incl.

A monthly cash payment (abbreviated EDV) provides social support to citizens from those defined by law.

  • A citizen who has the right to receive EDV on several grounds of one law can choose one of them in a more favorable size.
  • If a citizen is granted the right to EDV under several federal laws, then he is also assigned one monthly payment for one of the reasons.

The legislation provides an exception - for some categories of citizens EDV is provided simultaneously on two grounds, regardless of the available payment under other regulations.

The procedure for submitting an application and the deadline for making a decision to the Pension Fund of Russia for establishing the EDV, the list of title documents is determined by the Administrative Regulations approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 30, 2012 No. 353n.

The rules for establishing monthly payments are defined in a certain Implementation Procedure, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated January 22, 2015 No. 35n.

What is EDV and to whom is it paid?

The monthly cash payment is material aid provided by the state individual categories citizens to provide social support. Part of the EDV amount may be used to provide the recipient with a set of social services in accordance with the law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On state social assistance.”

The list of federal beneficiaries is legally defined, who is entitled to EDV:

  • participants and disabled people of the Second World War;
  • combat veterans;
  • disabled people of all groups, including disabled children;
  • former minor prisoners of fascism;
  • persons who were exposed to radiation during accidents and nuclear tests;
  • received the title of Hero Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation or holder of the Order of Glory of three degrees (including members of their families);
  • received the titles of Hero of Socialist Labor, Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation, or awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees, etc.

EDV for disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 and for a disabled child

Right to receive social benefits cash assistance from the state in the form of a monthly cash payment is available to citizens who have received disabilities of groups 1, 2, 3 and to disabled children in accordance with the law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”.

The period for which EDV is assigned to this category of citizens depends on the period for which the disability is established, incl. and indefinitely.

The recalculation of the amount of the monthly allowance for the specified category of federal beneficiaries is carried out in connection with change in disability group when undergoing re-examination in medical and social examination(hereinafter referred to as ITU).

  • The establishment of a new monthly payment amount when the disability group is increased occurs from the day establishment of ITU higher group.
  • And the recalculation of the EDV towards a decrease when the disability group is lowered occurs from the 1st day of the month following the one in which the previous disability group was established.

At the same time, to recalculate the EDV, a citizen should contact the Pension Fund not required. Recalculation, as well as extension of monthly cash payments in connection with repeated passage disability groups will be made on the basis of an extract from the certificate of examination of a disabled person, which will be received by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from the ITU body.

Please note: EDV payment for disabled children is carried out upon reaching the age of 18 years, then it stops. At the same time, the existing statement of refusal also ceases to be valid.

Further, if a citizen is diagnosed with disability before reaching the age of 19, the EDV is established without submitting an application based on the documents of the payment case and the extract received from the ITU institution. A new appointment is made from the date the disability group is established, but not earlier than the day following the day the person reaches the age of 18 years.

Payment to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military operations (VBD) and labor veterans

The right to receive EDV was granted to veterans of the Great Patriotic War(WWII), as well as combat veterans (abbreviated VBD) and members of their families in accordance with Art. 23.1 of the law of January 12, 1998 No. 5-FZ "About Veterans".

If a citizen from this category of beneficiaries has the right to a monthly payment simultaneously under two Federal laws, then he is given the choice of payment of one EDV according to this law, or according to another regulatory act.

Title "Veteran of Labor" assigned at the regional level by Social Protection authorities. Therefore, for this category of beneficiaries, measures of additional social support (including payment of the daily allowance) are established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with Art. 22 Federal Law dated January 12, 1995 N 5-FZ.

EDV to Chernobyl victims

Payment of EDV to persons who have been exposed to radiation is carried out on the basis of Federal Law No. 1244-1 of May 15, 1991 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant”.

The size of the monthly payment for this category of beneficiaries depends on the level of radioactive radiation in the area where they permanently resided or worked.

Citizens affected by radiation may be assigned an EDV simultaneously and on two grounds.

The size of the monthly allowance in 2018 and the increase on April 1

According to current legislation, the size of the monthly cash payment increases once a year from April 1, based on the calculation of the inflation rate in the country for the previous year. The Government of the Russian Federation decided to index the EDV from February 1, 2017 by 5.4%.

It should be remembered that the amount of EDV includes a set of social services, which was also subject to indexation from February of this year and amounts to 1048.97 rub. per month:

  • RUR 807.94 - to pay for medications;
  • RUR 124.99 - to pay for vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions;
  • RUB 116.04 - to pay for trips on suburban and intercity railway transport.

Since the set of social services is part of a monthly cash payment, the EDV can be calculated taking into account the refusal of the NSO completely, one of the social services provided, or two services from the social package at the citizen's choice. In other words, when using a set of social services in kind, it cost is withheld from the established monthly payment. If a citizen refuses to use social services (one or two of any kind) in favor of the cash equivalent, their cost is not deducted from the amount of the EDV.

Establishing a monthly cash payment to the Pension Fund

The legislation of the Russian Federation defines the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) as the operator performing the functions of establishing monthly cash payments. This body maintains a register of federal beneficiaries.

To assign a payment, a citizen must submit an application to the Pension Fund. at your place of residence(permanent or temporary), or actual residence.

  • If a citizen has already been assigned a pension through the Pension Fund, then he should submit an application for payment of EDV to the authority at the location of his pension file.
  • A citizen who is in an inpatient social care institution. services, must contact the Pension Fund at the location of this institution.

The decision to assign or refuse a monthly cash payment is made by the PFR bodies within 10 working days from the date of registration of the application. EDV payment is established from the date of application, not before the emergence of the right. On the day of application, along with the application to the Pension Fund, all Required documents. The period for which the monthly payment is established is determined by the validity of the documents on the right to the EDV.

Citizens receiving EDV are required by law to: inform immediately to the Pension Fund about circumstances affecting the amount of the EDV or its termination.

When EDV is assigned, the right to a set of social services in kind automatically arises. The exception is citizens from the “exposed to radiation” category. If desired, receive natural look NSO, they need to write an application for the provision of social services, which will take effect from the beginning next year(from January 1).

What documents are needed for registration?

When submitting an application to the Pension Fund, a citizen must provide following documents:

  1. identification document;
  2. document confirming the right to social assistance ( ITU certificate about disability, certificate issued by the competent authority, etc.);
  3. additional documents if necessary (supporting family connection, dependent status, documents legal representative(guardian, trustee), etc.).

Electronic application is available through the Internet, for this you can use the “Citizen’s Personal Account” on the official website of the Pension Fund.

The procedure for paying EDV to federal beneficiaries

Monthly cash payment is delivered to its recipients for the current calendar month. If federal benefit recipient is a pensioner, then he will receive the EDV payment simultaneously (together with) the pension. carried out in the same way as for a pension at the choice of a citizen:

  • through Russian post offices;
  • through a credit institution (bank);
  • through another organization that delivers pensions.

To change the EDV delivery method and pension provision You must contact the Pension Fund office with an application.

If a citizen is not a pensioner, then he must choose a delivery organization for this social benefits and submit the appropriate application for delivery of EDV.

  • The size of the EDV depends on which group of federal beneficiaries the citizen belongs to. The EDV is established for the duration of the title document.
  • Indexation of the size is carried out annually depending on the amount of inflation in the country for the previous period.

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 22, 2015 No. 35n approved the Procedure that establishes the rules for paying EDV, including transferring EDV to another basis, recalculating the amount of payment and organizing delivery.

When establishing the EDV, the federal beneficiary automatically acquires the right to receive NSO.

Social services and commissioners government agencies The Russian Federation helps people with physical disabilities by allocating them certain financial amounts at the expense of budget funds and providing benefits for other needs. In the article we will analyze what the EDV is for disabled people of group 1, the amount of this benefit and the conditions of appointment.

The concept of EDV and NSU

Monthly cash payment (MAP) is a type of social assistance that is assigned to disabled people, veterans, Chernobyl victims, and other social categories in accordance with current legislation. EDV is assigned simultaneously with the NSO - a set of social services in the form of providing medical care, vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions, rights to free travel, others social benefits.

One of the main categories of recipients of EDV and NSO are disabled people of group 1, for many of whom this type assistance is the only source of financial security and social support. The basis for the appointment of EDV and NSU is an extract from the ITU act on assigning a citizen 1 disability group.

Who is assigned disability group 1?

Disabled people of group 1 include those persons who have received irreparable bodily injuries or have been born with physical limitations for full life. Disability can be caused by injury or illness.

The category of disabled people of group 1 includes people who are unable to independently provide for their own physical needs and therefore require constant care from other persons. You can derive the main signs of a disabled person of group 1, among them:

  • Violation of the musculoskeletal function of the body. Person A disabled person cannot move independently in space, but only with the help of other people;
  • Inability to independently serve and care for oneself. For example, a person cannot prepare food for himself or take proper care of himself;
  • Disorders of orientation in space are confirmed every two years at the ITU, and on the basis of this certificate the assigned disability group is extended.

All other persons who have caused damage to themselves and physical harm in view of various reasons And bad habits, cannot apply for the status of a disabled person of group 1 and are not entitled to any benefits.

EDV for disabled people of group 1: size, conditions of appointment

The main basis for assigning EDV to disabled people of group 1 is the act of assigning a disability group, based on an extract from the ITU act. Disabled people can also apply for EDV special categories (former prisoners concentration camps, disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, military operations, persons injured as a result of man-made disasters). The amount and conditions for assigning EDV depend on the grounds on which the disabled person applies for the payment.

If a citizen has several grounds for receiving EDV (disabled person of group 1, disabled former prisoner of a concentration camp), then he has the right to apply for payment on one of the grounds of his choice.

Documents for issuing EDV for a disabled person of group 1

The assignment of payments to disabled people of group 1 is carried out on the basis of documents, the composition of which depends on the category under which the citizen applies for the EDV.

If the payment is made on the basis of assignment of disability group 1, then the citizen should prepare:

  • passport (for foreign citizens - a document confirming permanent registration in the Russian Federation);
  • application (form can be downloaded here ⇒);
  • an extract from the ITU act confirming the assignment of disability group 1;
  • application for choosing a payment delivery method (the form can be downloaded here ⇒)

If the EDV is issued by a disabled person during the Second World War or military operations, then in addition to the basic package, the citizen will need to present a document justifying the payment:

  • ID card of a disabled person from the Second World War (military ID card, ID card of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.);
  • an extract from the ITU report, which indicates the cause-and-effect relationship between the combat injury and the assigned disability group.

When assigning a payment based on disability as a result of man-made disasters, the Pension Fund must submit:

  • certificate of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant liquidator;
  • ITU certificate confirming disability as a result radiation sickness, radiation exposure, etc.

The procedure for filling out an application for the appointment of EDV

In order for an authorized employee to accept the application and documents for the appointment of EDV to the applicant, you need to correctly fill out the application indicating the following data:

  • Full name of the applicant for payment;
  • Passport details;
  • The exact address of residence and the obligation to submit information about changes in place of residence;
  • Basis for determining the amount of payment;
  • Date of application and signature;
  • Accompanying documents.

If the application is submitted by a relative or guardian instead of the person who is applying for the benefit, a power of attorney certified by a notary will be required.

NSU for disabled people of group 1

In addition, EDV increases also apply. They replace benefits in kind in monetary terms and their size is the same throughout the Russian Federation. Indexation is calculated annually. Social services to which a group 1 disabled person is entitled can be replaced with a cash equivalent, which in 2019 is equal to 930.12 rubles monthly. To do this, you must submit a corresponding application to social service. As before, the following benefits for this category of persons continue to apply:

  • Free travel once a year medical institution or a place for treatment of a disabled person together with a person accompanying him;
  • Free dental prosthetics and orthopedic shoes;
  • Providing free medicines, dressings and products medical purposes based on a doctor's prescription;
  • Free trips to the sanatorium twice a year;
  • Benefit for a shortened working week for employees disabled pensioners.
  • Security medicines in the amount of 766.55 rubles;
  • Outside the competition, enter educational establishments;
  • Preferential price for travel on public transport;
  • Vacation duration of 30 days subject to a 6-day working week;
  • Reducing the working week to 35 hours while maintaining wages;
  • Right to receive land plot near your place of residence;
  • Payment of half the cost of tariffs for public utilities;
  • Providing food, basic necessities, nursing care and other types of assistance.