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Dental prosthetics benefits for disabled pensioners. Priority for prosthetics. How is the procedure completed?

Free prosthetics in the state dental clinic are provided to beneficiaries. Disabled people from the Great Patriotic War (first of all), labor veterans (in order of priority) with the appropriate status, as well as disabled children of groups 1 (first), 2 and 3 who have not reached the age of majority have the right to preferential dental prosthetics. But non-working pensioners and low-income people receive benefits in a different manner.

For labor veterans, WWII and disabled people, dental prosthetics can be carried out out of turn; other groups of citizens are registered with state clinic and wait on average several months.

If everything is done correctly, collect everything necessary documents and write an application, then preferential prosthetics for labor veterans and disabled people 1, 2 and in some regions 3 groups will take place faster.

How to get free dental treatment, and who else receives benefits for orthopedic dental restoration?

Who is eligible for benefits?

Free or partially unpaid dental restoration is available to the following groups of citizens:

  • pensioners not working due to old age;
  • out of turn for veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • in the order of priority for labor veterans with the appropriate status;
  • disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 (children);
  • persons whose subsistence level is half the minimum;
  • persons liquidating the consequences of the incident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • home front workers.

In different regions, preferential prosthetics and dental therapy may be provided to other groups of citizens.

Preferential (or partially unpaid) dental prosthetics for non-working pensioners is carried out by decision of the regional authorities. This service may not be available in every region. Russian Federation. To ensure that such services are provided to labor veterans and disabled people of groups 1 and 2, you must contact local government authorities for information.

If preferential dental prosthetics is provided in a given region, you must send an application to the authorities (regional) social protection. Such services are provided on a first-come, first-served basis, and there are two in total.

The first to carry out preferential orthopedic rehabilitation for Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as for disabled children and Heroes Soviet Union. The following include old-age pensioners, disabled people of groups 1 and 2, as well as labor veterans. There are also extraordinary preferential or partially free dental prosthetics.

Queue order

Out-of-turn dental treatment is provided to labor veterans, disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3, and pensioners in the following cases:

  • malignant pathologies of the digestive organs;
  • oncology of hematopoietic organs;
  • undergoing major surgery on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • serious facial injury with jaw deformation;
  • malignant formation of the maxillofacial system.

How to get preferential treatment

To get the opportunity for free dental treatment disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3, labor veterans and other persons with benefits must collect the following package of documents:

  • original passport;
  • a completed application to the social protection authorities;
  • document on family composition;
  • additionally – compulsory health insurance policy;
  • a document indicating the need for dental prosthetics;
  • pensioner's ID.

A child must have a passport of one parent and a birth certificate. Close relatives, guardians, and social workers can apply for a beneficiary to the social security service.

Free dental treatment

List of preferential services for labor veterans and disabled people in the state dental clinic:

  • consultation and examination oral cavity;
  • , removal of solid deposits;
  • treatment of carious and non-carious diseases, pathologies of the mucous membrane;
  • surgical removal of tumors in the maxillofacial area;
  • replacement of low-quality fillings, refilling of root canals;
  • installation of an orthopedic structure.

Benefits do not apply to the following services:

  • production and fixation of metal-ceramic and porcelain dentures;
  • implantation, treatment after fixation of implants;
  • repair of expensive orthopedic structures;
  • repair of structures that are indicated for the treatment of periodontal tissue.

The patient receives only the denture for which funds were allocated. You can choose the material and type yourself only at your own expense, after which the installation will be carried out free of charge (depending on the region).

Each service has exceptions. For example, metal ceramics can be installed for people with allergic reactions or severe pathologies of the digestive organs, the stomach in particular.

Low-income citizens also have the opportunity to offset costs or receive completely free dental prosthetics. A special coupon is issued for dental services, which can be used within a month. The installed orthopedic structure is guaranteed for a year.

Each region has a different procedure for the provision of public services, in order to receive detailed information you need to go to the authorities.

To receive benefits, labor veterans need to obtain the appropriate status. Documents are completed at the social security service within a month. After a positive decision and receipt of the certificate, you can choose suitable benefits and draw up documents for them.

Dental prosthetics can be compensated according to the conditions tax deduction. All taxpayers can benefit from this. To achieve this, dental prosthetics must be truly necessary.

Free dental prosthetics for disabled people - a variety state support, which is guaranteed by the state to vulnerable categories of persons. What the benefit includes, who is entitled to it, and how disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 can use it, let’s try to understand this material.

The specifics of providing benefits to a disabled person are regulated by federal law. This is draft N 181-FZ, dated November 24. 1995.

General provisions for preferential dental prosthetics

The “Dental prosthetics” benefit is a set of services in the field of dental prosthetics that an applicant can use. It includes procedures such as:

  • examination and consultation;
  • problem definition;
  • filling of dental structures;
  • use of other measures to prevent/treat caries;
  • fight against diseases of the mucous membrane;
  • stone cleaning;
  • cleaning from plaque;
  • production of denture structures;
  • installation of a denture;
  • prosthesis repair.

Attention! For the production of dental structures from expensive materials for patients preferential queue There is no need to hope; inexpensive materials are used to produce free denture structures.

Not included in the list free services this set of works:

  • dental implantation;
  • creation of denture structures that prevent abrasion;
  • treatment of periodontal diseases and their prevention.

If there allergic reaction for standard dental material, the doctor may recommend a more expensive analogue, for example, porcelain.

Nuances and subtleties of preferential prosthetics

  1. First, only state clinics can provide budgetary services to the applicant. The applicant does not have the right to choose a medical institution.
  2. Secondly, in the manufacture of free denture structures, the use of ceramics and other expensive materials is prohibited.
  3. Third, if precious metals are used, then only in agreement with the client, who is ready to cover their cost.

Attention! If a disabled person cannot independently contact the social security authorities, then his guardian or legal representative can handle the registration of preferential prosthetics. Relevant documents must be presented that confirm the authority of the third party.

Free dental surgeries are a social protection benefit; such conditions are provided to several vulnerable categories of citizens. Two groups can apply for it.

The first group includes:

  • , disabled people of the Second World War;
  • disabled minors;
  • heroes of the USSR;
  • other citizens for medical reasons.

The second group consists of:

  • disabled people;
  • labor veterans;
  • low-income old-age pensioners;
  • home front workers.

On a note! An applicant can take advantage of preferential prosthetics no more than once every 5 years.

Priority for prosthetics

Quite a lot of people have reasons for free dentures. Applicants in the first group: disabled people of the Second World War, heroes of the Russian Federation, disabled children from childhood, are given priority rights for dental prosthetics. They are provided with government assistance on a priority basis. For example, if at the same time a disabled person from the Second World War and a person with limited opportunity 1 group, then the first one will get the advantage.

How to apply for benefits for dental prosthetics.

Benefits for prosthetics (cleaning, repair of dentures, treatment of caries) for disabled people of group 2 are provided in the standard manner. The details of the application must be clarified at the social security department where the application will be accepted. In the standard case, you need to follow this order:

  1. Obtaining a certificate of the need for prosthetics from the attending physician.
  2. Preparing a photocopy:
  • passport pages;
  • pension certificate;
  • birth certificates (if the child is disabled).
  1. Collection of such papers:
  • compulsory insurance policy;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • income certificate.
  1. Writing an application to the social security authorities.
  2. The reply is in process.
  3. Use of the entitlement benefit (if the answer is yes).

On a note! If the commission makes a positive decision, the applicant is given a coupon that confirms the right of a disabled person of group 2 to benefits for dental prosthetics.

The confirmation coupon, like any other document, has its own validity period. The time frame varies depending on regional policies, and ranges from 2 weeks to 2 years. This point needs to be clarified with social security officials.

Reader Questions

  • First question: Which clinic should I go to to order dentures? As a disabled person, I have the right to free prosthetics.

    Answer: Initially, you need to register your right to benefits with the social security authorities. If the answer is yes, you will be given a coupon. It will indicate the address of the medical institution that is implementing the subsidized prosthetics program in your region.

  • Question two: If I don’t want prosthetics made from cheap materials, can they make them for me as a disabled person for free if I pay extra for the materials?

    Answer: According to your doctor's indications, you may be advised to use more expensive dental materials.

  • Question three: Are there cases that allow you to bypass the general queue for free prosthetics?

    Answer: Patients with complex diseases, including malignant changes, oncological lesions, injuries of the jaw, digestive tract, hematopoietic system. It is necessary to prove the exclusionary circumstances that give the right to priority in receiving benefits.

The presence of teeth in a person contributes not only to the beauty of his smile, but also to his health.

The absence of even a few teeth makes it impossible to thoroughly taste food, and this can cause deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract, the appearance of gastritis and ulcers.

Particularly susceptible to tooth loss elderly people. Restoring your ability to chew and smile beautifully with false teeth and jaws doesn't come cheap. Therefore, the state has provided free dental prosthetics for pensioners.

Who is eligible?

Benefits associated with free dental prosthetics are included to regional legislation.

In general, such beneficiaries who claim the right to insert free dental prostheses include the following pensioners:

  • veterans of war and labor;
  • disabled pensioners;
  • persons injured in the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • non-working old-age pensioners.

The leadership of each region can supplement this list with additional beneficiaries.

In addition to belonging to the preferential category, the pensioner must meet some other criteria. For example, to receive EDV, to be recorded in line for free prosthetics, have a relatively small income.

As a rule, free prosthetics are provided in municipal dental clinics, to which pensioners are assigned at their place of permanent residence.

Since there are many people who want to receive free prostheses, and regional budgets are limited, for treatment a queue forms. Outside this queue, especially deserved categories of people - Heroes, disabled people and WWII veterans - can receive prosthetics.

In addition, the first place to receive prosthetics is for cancer patients, people with severe gastrointestinal diseases, and pensioners who have suffered a serious injury with loss of teeth.

In different parts of the country, there are different procedures for registering for free prosthetics. According to the head physician of clinic No. 66 of the Tagansky district of Moscow, in order to register for free prosthetics, a pensioner only needs present your passport and pension certificate. At the same time, prosthetics are almost absent.

Look video about how free prosthetics works in one of the cities of Russia:

Types of prosthetics

The quantity and quality of work performed for free prosthetics is determined by the regional authorities.

For example, in Moscow, such work is carried out by the Moscow Government, taking into account the funds included in the city budget.

With free prosthetics, pensioners are offered metal products and removable dentures made of acrylic. Wherein The following services are not subject to preferential payment:

  1. use of metal ceramics, precious metals;
  2. repair of prostheses made of expensive metals;

In some cases, a pensioner can choose the material he needs and pay the difference in cost standard and selected material.

Compulsory medical insurance policy

Despite the presence compulsory medical insurance policy, the majority of the population will not be able to get free prosthetics, since orthopedic dentistry is currently completely removed from the compulsory medical insurance system.

Under the compulsory medical insurance program, free prosthetics are provided only preferential categories of pensioners in public clinics. In this case, prosthetics are made from the cheapest materials - metal and plastic. And the average waiting time for your turn reaches a year or two.

However, such prosthetics are not carried out throughout the Russian Federation. In some regions, free prosthetics cannot be provided not only for old age pensioners, but even for disabled people.

According to experts, the situation with the provision of dental care in the regions it worsened after optimization, after which dental departments in clinics were reduced. In some regions, private clinics began to be involved in compulsory health insurance work to overcome this situation.

Is it really free?

This issue is decided by the pensioner himself. Sometimes a person thinks that if you pay the doctor a certain amount, everything will be done much better.

But it is not always the case. To a bad doctor extra payment won't help- he won’t do anything good because he doesn’t know how.

If a pensioner cannot or does not want to wait for his turn, he can have his teeth inserted in the clinic at his own expense. He can get part of the money (13%) back as tax deduction. To do this, he needs to obtain the relevant documents from the clinic and submit them to the tax service.

In this case, a non-working pensioner will have to draw up documents for his working relative.

Installation process

Dental prosthetics consists of the following stages:

  1. Examination of the oral cavity and its preparation.
  2. Taking impressions and determining the color of future teeth.
  3. Manufacturing of prostheses.
  4. Fitting.
  5. Fitting and installation.

Granted for dentures 12 month warranty. At the same time, warranty service and installation of the repaired prosthesis will be free only if experts decide that its failure is associated with poor quality work of the clinic.

Free dental prosthetics are provided for categories of pensioners, determined in the regions. The presence or absence of such prosthetics depends on the filling of regional budgets.

If you are a pensioner who is entitled to free prosthetics, you must submit Required documents and wait for your queues for the procedure.

In dental practice, one of the most popular procedures is prosthetics - restoration of a tooth or group of teeth. The reasons why the dentition is thinning are dystrophic processes in bone tissue occurring as a result of the aging of the body. The category of people most at risk of losing teeth is pensioners. Due to the fact that the price of prosthetics exceeds the average pension, the state undertakes to cover part of the cost of prosthetics for individual categories citizens.

What is free dental prosthetics for pensioners

State social programs are developed with the aim of improving the quality of life of citizens who have spent their entire working life working for the benefit of the country and making mandatory contributions to funds. Since pensioners are the most vulnerable social stratum (due to their lack of other sources of income besides pension provision, the size of which does not cover all the needs of a person in old age), they need help more than other categories of citizens.

Incomplete dentition is not only aesthetic problem. Missing teeth can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract due to decreased quality of chewing food. Medicine has not yet found a way to prevent tooth loss due to aging, but modern developments in the dental field can create artificial teeth that will help older people avoid health problems.

The legislation stipulates that financing the costs of providing medical benefits for pensioners is provided from local budgets. List of categories of citizens who can count on receiving dental services at a reduced rate, fixed in Federal Law“On social protection of the population.” Benefits for pensioners for dental prosthetics are provided once every five years, and they can be provided the following types support:

  • provision of services without a queue;
  • discount on payment for dental restoration services;
  • free installation of dentures;
  • free repair of installed prosthesis.

Who is eligible for free dental prosthetics?

Budget dental clinics, like private ones, repair damaged jaws for a fee. This procedure is expensive, so the state, after analysis economic factors and the purchasing power of certain categories of pensioners, it was decided to fully or partially compensate the costs of prosthetics to the following persons:

  • labor veterans;
  • disabled people of the Great Patriotic War(WWII);
  • WWII veterans;
  • rehabilitated victims of political repression;
  • non-working old-age pensioners;
  • persons who have documented 1st or 2nd group disability;
  • participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • military and former employees Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • persons registered before 2005.

Regional programs provide that all of the following can take advantage of the right to free installation of dentures social groups, but in conditions of budget deficit, first of all, WWII veterans and disabled people, labor veterans can count on state support. Other categories of beneficiaries, according to the law, can submit the necessary documents to the local municipal authority to be placed on the queue.

Regional features

The right to determine the list of beneficiaries is delegated to regional authorities, therefore the procedure, conditions and terms for receiving benefits are established by individual regions independently. Depending on the state of the budget, the list of beneficiaries in the region may expand or, conversely, shrink. For example, some constituent entities of the Russian Federation allocate funding to provide medical services for free installation of a prosthesis for citizens with the status:

  • hero of the USSR;
  • Knight of the Order of Glory;
  • hero of the Russian Federation;
  • honorary donor Russia or USSR;
  • home front worker;
  • a person exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster.

Some regions provide support to pensioners whose average income of all family members is significantly lower than the legally established minimum subsistence level, and to those who are caring for a disabled child. Find out the conditions social program carried out in a specific region, you can contact local authorities. State policy in the field of providing support to older citizens is implemented through local social protection departments, which should be contacted with questions regarding preferential medical care.

How to get the service for free

Preferential dental prosthetics for labor veterans and other categories of pensioners is carried out under certain conditions. The fact of having a pension certificate or a document confirming the assigned status does not give the right to free treatment, due to the fact that the number of registered beneficiaries exceeds the financial capabilities of the budget. Free prosthetics are provided only for medical indications, confirmed by a certificate issued by a state clinic.

You should not expect that free dental services will be provided immediately after receiving the certificate. Preferential prosthetics are carried out on a first-come, first-served basis and in order to take a place in it, you need to prepare a whole package of documents. Full list The documents that a pensioner should collect must be provided by employees of the social protection department. The algorithm for obtaining coupons for placing beneficiaries in the queue is as follows:

  • obtaining confirmation of the need for prosthetics;
  • preparation of photocopies of documents - passport, pension (preferential if available) certificate, compulsory health insurance policy;
  • obtaining certificates of family composition (bodies issuing certificates - multifunctional center, passport office, homeowners association assigned to the house, etc.);
  • obtaining certificates of income for all family members (you can obtain them at your place of work or from social security authorities if the person is unemployed);
  • drawing up an application at the social protection department.

After all of the above stages, employees of the local Administration department review the submitted package of documents and make a decision regarding the possibility of providing benefits. The review period is up to 30 calendar days. If the decision is positive, the pensioner receives a coupon indicating his serial number in the queue for free prosthetics. You will have to wait from 2 weeks to 6 months for dental services.

The nuances of the preferential queue

The priority distribution system is designed to first provide assistance to those categories of beneficiaries who need it most. On an unscheduled basis, prosthetics services are provided to veterans and disabled people of the Second World War, heroes of Russia and the USSR. The remaining categories are distributed in order of priority after the emergency pensioners have been served.

Changing the order of priority occurs in situations where for people who do not have a priority right to receive assistance, prosthetics are vital necessary measure. The basis for receiving priority assistance is a doctor’s opinion on:

Free types of services

After receiving the coupon, the beneficiary must report to the designated hospital to receive the service. During the first visit, an initial examination of the oral cavity takes place and the patient is consulted regarding the condition of his teeth, after which a service agreement is concluded indicating the list of work necessary to restore the dentition. A pensioner entitled to preferential prosthetics can count on receiving the following services:

  • production of prostheses, their fitting and installation;
  • structural repair.

In addition to the installation of prostheses, the list of free services that dental clinics are required to provide free of charge to patients with medical insurance is:

  • treatment of caries;
  • installation of seals;
  • sanitation of the oral cavity;
  • elimination of inflammation and pathologies of the mucous membrane;
  • removal of tumors in the jaw area by surgical intervention;
  • elimination of deposits on teeth.

How is the procedure performed?

During initial examination The dentist draws up a preliminary list of stages of the upcoming work, which depends on the condition of the dentition. The procedure for free dental prosthetics for pensioners consists of several steps:

  • removal of remnants of decayed teeth;
  • treatment inflammatory processes;
  • elimination of dental damage;
  • taking impressions;
  • selection of teeth color for dentures (the patient can choose the shade himself);
  • production of prosthesis;
  • fitting;
  • installation of a prosthesis.

What dentures are installed for free?

Due to limited budgetary resources and large quantity beneficiaries in need of treatment, free prostheses are made from inexpensive materials. The design is a removable system made of acrylic acid-based plastic. At complete absence teeth, the prosthesis is fixed on the jaw using a special gel and removed at night. Budget artificial teeth are strong and wear-resistant, but they strongly absorb odors and moisture, so they must be cleaned regularly.

There are situations when it is possible to replace teeth for pensioners for free using more expensive denture materials. This need arises if the beneficiary has an allergy to plastic, the fact of which must be confirmed by an orthopedic dentist. If a patient contacts the clinic to have subsidized dentures fitted and provides a certificate of allergies, he may be fitted with:

  1. Hypoallergenic clasp dentures are interconnected artificial ceramic crowns that are attached to the teeth using metal clasps.
  2. Dentures made from nylon thermal paste are a soft lining on the gums, which is attached using flexible clasps (hooks).

Warranties for prostheses

Dental prosthetics for pensioners is provided free of charge under the terms of providing warranty service for installed dentures. If the structure becomes unusable during the warranty period and its further use is impossible, the hospital that installed this prosthesis is obliged to make free repairs or replacement. The beneficiary will be able to count on a warranty replacement if it is proven that the breakdown occurred due to the fault of the dental staff, and not due to improper operation.

The warranty period for prosthetics is specified in the contract for preferential prosthetics concluded between local authorities and a public hospital participating in the program social assistance. The warranty period ranges from 6 months to 1 year. The question of the reason for the failure of the structure is decided by a medical commission, and if the decision is made in favor of the patient, he has the right to count on priority and free service.

What is not included in the program

The state support program provides for the provision of the most necessary assistance for pensioners when restoring their dentition, so you should not count on free installation of dentures made from expensive materials. If the beneficiary is concerned about the aesthetic side of the issue and wants to install high-quality implants, he is given the opportunity to independently compensate for the difference in the cost of budget and expensive materials. Services that are subject to funding restrictions budget funds, relate:

  • production and installation of prostheses made of metal-ceramics and ceramics;
  • implant installation;
  • manufacturing, prosthetics and repair of structures made of precious and other expensive materials;
  • creation and repair of orthodontic fixed appliances designed to treat periodontal disease and prevent abrasion of tooth enamel.

Tax deduction for dentures

In addition to free prosthetics, the state offers pensioners assistance in the form of partial compensation for dental treatment. This benefit is called a tax deduction and represents a refund of 13% of the amount of money spent on installing prostheses. To receive compensation, it is not necessary to be served in public dentistry, because the tax deduction also applies to services provided in private clinics. The conditions for receiving a refund are:

  • the total amount of prosthetic services offered for reimbursement should not exceed the total annual income of the pensioner’s family members;
  • the beneficiary must be officially employed or be a close relative (spouse, parent) of a working citizen.

To reimburse part of the amount spent, it is necessary to provide an application for benefits, confirmed by a doctor’s report on the need for prosthetics and certificates from the pensioner’s place of work. A compensation amount of 13% of the cost of manufactured prostheses will be transferred to the current account after the end of the reporting tax period (year).

Compensation for dental prosthetics for non-working pensioners

If a pensioner is not officially employed, he also has the right to receive partial compensation for the provision of prosthetic services. To obtain compensation, it is necessary to draw up a contract for the employed person before paying for medical care. close relative. After drawing up the agreement, you should contact the local authorities with a written application for a tax deduction and present all the necessary documents.

After considering the submitted application, employees of the social protection department notify the applicant of their decision. If the beneficiary has received approval for partial reimbursement of prosthetics, he can use the services dental clinic, paying for them at your own expense. After the end of the reporting tax period, the amount of compensation for the tax deduction will be transferred to a current account opened in the name of the relative of the pensioner specified in the agreement.
