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What to do if your breath smells. Who is at risk? How to get tested for halitosis

A person cannot do without communication. Each of us is part of a society where we necessarily have to contact other people, make new acquaintances, find new friends and connections.

To communicate with people, it is very important to monitor your appearance. Appearance can say a lot about your interlocutor. It is the “cover” that can create the initial impression of the person with whom you are communicating.

Untidy and sloppy appearance maybe just kill the desire to continue communication. The opposite can also happen - a beautiful and neat appearance will help to achieve the favor of others.

But there are times when even a neat and impeccable appearance cannot save one’s position in society. When even attention to detail cannot overcome just one unpleasant circumstance that destroys any desire to communicate.

We are talking about bad breath. Unfortunately this a very common problem, which affects a huge number of people around the world. It is quite difficult to make a good impression on your interlocutor if your breath smells bad. This can turn anyone off. And besides, we must not forget about the impact of this problem on a person’s confidence. No one can be completely confident in themselves if they know that their breath smells terrible, no matter how ugly it may sound.

This article will be devoted to this particular problem - the reasons for its occurrence, as well as ways to get rid of such an unpleasant circumstance that interferes with communication.

Causes of bad breath

As mentioned above, rotten gum odor is a very common problem that absolutely anyone can deal with. Halitosis, which is what the rotten smell is called, can arise due to various reasons. Below are the reasons that can lead to bad breath:

How can you get rid of bad breath? What to do?

If there is a problem, then there must be a solution to this problem. In case of bad breath there is a solution, and not even just one. Which, however, cannot but be encouraging. People who face such a problem in everyday life experience certain problems. Below we will describe ways to get rid of unpleasant odor. The information presented below can be useful both to people who already suffer from such a problem, and to people who in no case want to ever face this problem.

So, what to do if there is an unpleasant odor:

What else needs to be done to get rid of the stench?

There are a number of ways to get rid of halitosis that you can practice at home and count on own strength and resources. Most often they help, but, unfortunately, not for a long time. In any case, it's worth a try.

Other ways to get rid of stench

All of the above methods for getting rid of unpleasant odors are more radical methods , which should be started in cases where it is simply necessary. Of course, we must not forget about the more common methods of getting rid of unpleasant odors.

You need to constantly brush your teeth to prevent tooth decay and other oral diseases that can lead to halitosis. Consistent oral hygiene can help combat stink.

Also, do not neglect regular visits to dentists. A specialist can always discover the cause of halitosis, and then prescribe treatment and prescribe necessary medications or procedures. It is simply not possible to fight some of the causes of halitosis on your own. So you should never refuse the services of qualified doctors.


Bad breath is a common problem that is not easy to deal with. But there are solutions to this problem, following which you can get rid of it. You cannot put off solving a problem with an unpleasant odor. Unless, of course, those around you don’t pay any attention to the stench.

You can get rid of it on your own, you can seek help qualified specialists . In any case, the problem is not insoluble, so you should not be discouraged in any case.

BBC Future correspondent examined both scientific evidence and misconceptions regarding bad smell out of her mouth and has prepared some tips and... revelations for you.

One day, many years ago, when I was just starting out in radio, I walked into the newsroom to get a new assignment. I was asked to go to a clinic where they helped those people who wanted to get rid of bad breath.

The clinic had to check my own breath for any foul odor, after which I had to interview a doctor.

On the way to the clinic, I wondered: was this not a trick on the part of my colleagues who were simply embarrassed to tell me the truth to my face?

Fortunately, my breathing was fine then. However, bad breath is a fairly common problem, and the myths that have developed around it do not help at all.


The problem with this method is that breathing into your palms doesn't produce the same smell that comes out of your mouth when you talk.

You won't be able to smell what your breath actually smells like. The main place where bad odor comes from is the back of the tongue, and doctors have three ways to identify this problem.

Using their own sense of smell, they evaluate the patient's breath 5 cm from his face and the smell from the spoon, which was passed over the surface of the tongue.

In addition, they are exploring dental floss, which was cleaned between back teeth, or a container with the patient's saliva, which was kept in an incubator for five minutes at a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.

Hospitals may also have small monitoring monitors that can detect certain gases, but the problem is that they do not detect all gases.

Exact method is a gas chromatography that recognizes the components of complex gas mixtures and allows you to measure the amount of sulfur in the air. But it requires special equipment, which not every hospital has.

In fact, not everyone who thinks they have bad breath actually has bad breath.

Sometimes people simply misinterpret the behavior of their interlocutor, who turned away or moved away during a conversation.

In actual cases of halitosis (a term that covers all conditions in which a person's breath has a persistent unpleasant odor), people react differently.

One study found that only 27% were inclined to move away from someone they were talking to if they had bad breath.

What percentage of people have this unpleasant problem- it’s not known exactly. Data range from 22 to 50%.


Volatile sulfur compounds cause bad breath. The most unpleasant of them are carbon sulfide, which has a distinct odor. rotten eggs, and ethanethiol, which smells like rotting cabbage.

These compounds are what give some people's urine a pungent odor after eating asparagus.

Such compounds are released when food and bacteria accumulate in the grooves on the back of the tongue.

The good news is that this phenomenon is usually temporary and only occurs if you eat garlic or raw onions, or after drinking coffee or cigarettes.

However, in seven out of ten cases, the cause of halitosis is dental problems, for example, inflammation of the gums or plaque on the tongue.

Of course, sometimes bad breath can accompany other diseases, such as diseases of the ear, nose and throat, kidneys, lungs or intestines.

But in this case, you will most likely experience other symptoms.


The first thing many people do if they suspect they have bad breath is start rinsing their mouth.

Mouthwash with the scent of mint or cloves, as well as various antiseptic products, hide the odor, but only for a short time. a short time.

They eliminate bacteria that cause the release of foul-smelling compounds. And it is really effective for a certain time.

Rinses containing alcohol dry out the mouth, which can only increase the unpleasant odor.

That is why the use more water during the day has positive effect: Water washes away food debris and prevents dry mouth.

British branch of the international non-profit organization, studying the effectiveness medical technologies, the Cochrane Collaboration, is currently reviewing research on effective means combating bad breath.

In a previous review from 2008, the top five studies found that odor was partially eliminated by mouthwashes containing antibacterial agents such as chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride, as well as chloride or zinc dioxide.

To eliminate the unpleasant odor, it is also recommended to clean your tongue with a special brush. The latest Cochrane review showed that there really is an effect from such cleansing, but it is short-lived.

The researchers also warned against using too much pressure on the brush when brushing your tongue to avoid damaging its surface. And it is best to choose a soft brush.


IN oral cavity Every adult contains between 100 and 200 species of bacteria at some point.

Now that we understand the positive role of the human microbiome and the millions of bacteria in our bodies, scientists have begun to explore not ways to destroy microbes, but to create the healthiest combination of them.

To do this, you need to eliminate some bacteria and support others, which can be achieved with the help of probiotics.

During the research, scientists tried to get rid of harmful bacteria, which cause caries, using a gel and coating on the teeth that were applied in the clinic, as well as special strips that patients could use on their own.

Perhaps soon we will be able to use the same method to get rid of bacteria that cause bad breath.

But while researchers are working on this, doctors, as before, advise brushing and flossing your teeth thoroughly, drinking plenty of water, not smoking, eating a balanced diet, and if the first signs of gum inflammation appear, immediately consult a doctor.

Many people suffer from bad breath. Such a nuisance becomes a problem in relationships with other people and contributes to the development of numerous complexes in a person. You can cope with it at home, but first you need to find out the causes of bad breath coming from your mouth.

Main causes of bad breath

There is a bad odor coming from the mouth medical name: halitosis. It can arise for various reasons.

Dry mouth

If there is little saliva in the mouth, the oral cavity is less cleaned and pockets of unpleasant odor appear. Saliva is a natural cleanser for the mouth. With age, its amount decreases, and that’s all more products Bacterial activity remains on the mucous membrane of the gums and between the teeth.

Xerostomia, or chronic dry mouth, may occur as a result of taking certain medications. The mouth also becomes dry after smoking or during a long conversation.

ENT pathologies

Stinky breath may appear at various diseases nasopharynx:

Halitosis can also be caused by diseases of the trachea and lungs. Treatment of these pathologies will correct the situation only temporarily. In order for various local inflammations to disappear, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. In acute inflammatory processes, the use of rinses, ointments, inhalations, and injections is required.

An ENT pathology that can cause bad breath also includes a deviated nasal septum.

Dental reasons

To the development of bacteria, and therefore Halitosis can be caused by:

  • tartar;
  • dental cysts;
  • periodontal disease;
  • caries;
  • gangrenous pulpitis.

As a result of the development of these pathologies, microorganisms and their metabolic products multiply in the oral cavity, which become the cause of stench. If all diseases of the teeth and gums are cured, but the smell remains, then you need to consult a therapist or ENT doctor.

Therapeutic reasons

Artificial structures

The cause of halitosis in the mouth can be poor care of implants, crowns and other artificial structures on the teeth. Bacteria begin to develop in them, causing an unpleasant odor. Careful care and disinfection will help get rid of uninvited guests.

How to remove bad breath?

There are many methods and means that you can use to get rid of bad breath odor.

Drink plenty of fluids. If salivary glands If they work poorly, the oral cavity is not washed enough and an unpleasant odor begins to emanate from it. You can get rid of it by drinking plenty of fluids.

During the day you need to drink as much as possible clean water, as well as green and black tea without sugar, which also have a deodorizing effect. An adult should drink about two liters of water per day. This will not only eliminate halitosis, but also prevent early skin aging and many other problems.

Coffee - an express remedy to remove odor. People who drink freshly brewed coffee in the morning rarely suffer from halitosis. But the coffee should not be instant. Ground should be used whole grains, which must be welded according to all the rules. For this, it is advisable to use a Turk. In some cases, it is urgent to eliminate an unpleasant odor, at least for a few hours. To do this, you can simply chew coffee beans.

Oatmeal. If small intestine It has special structure and its length is longer than standard, then digested food will be deposited in its numerous folds and waste will stagnate. As a result, halitosis will occur. A simple and cheap remedy- oatmeal. Every morning for breakfast you should eat water-cooked vegetable oil oatmeal sugarless. After at least two or three weeks, the unpleasant odor coming from your mouth will disappear forever.

Salty water. The most simple means Salt water is the cure for halitosis. The solution should consist of a tablespoon of salt and ½ liter of water. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink the entire solution, and after 15 minutes you can start breakfast. It is best if it is some kind of porridge with milk, since milk neutralizes irritating mucous membranes saline solution. The course of treatment depends on the degree of halitosis and can last five or seven days.

Plants to eliminate bad breath. Scientists have discovered that chlorophyll contained in plants is an excellent deodorant for the oral cavity. The green pigment has an antibacterial effect, which will help get rid of both chronic halitosis and the common cold. Therefore, doctors recommend including as much spinach, broccoli, chard and Brussels sprouts in your diet. It is these crops that have a very high percentage of chlorophyll. Today there are even special toothpastes on sale that contain green pigment.

Infusions of sorrel, dill and parsley. Greens also contain a lot of chlorophyll, making parsley, dill and sorrel good means to eliminate bad breath. Halitosis will gradually go away if you drink dill tea every day after meals, brewing a tablespoon of herbs in one glass of water. You can remove the smell using decoctions of sorrel and parsley. To prepare them, pour a tablespoon of chopped greens into two glasses of water and boil for 15 minutes. It is recommended to take ¼ cup before each meal.

Hydrogen peroxide. This chemical compound can kill bacteria, so it can be used to treat halitosis. It is necessary to regularly rinse your mouth with a solution prepared from three teaspoons of peroxide and a glass of water. It is recommended to carry out the procedure two to three times a day.

Tonsil ablation. When the tonsils become inflamed, purulent plugs form on them, which is a source of bad breath. In this case, experts advise rinsing the tonsils. But this procedure does not give a lasting result. After a few months inflammatory process resumes. Get rid of purulent plugs and halitosis can be done by cauterizing the tonsils under local anesthesia.

Express methods for eliminating bad breath

You can quickly remove the unpleasant odor emanating from the oral cavity for a while using the following means:

Herbal infusions for fresh breath

Decoction of fresh leaves mint. It is prepared from 3 teaspoons of raw materials and 300 g of water. Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 10 minutes. It is best to prepare the decoction in the evening so that the cooled product can be strained and used for rinsing. The procedures are carried out for two weeks, 3-4 times a day.

A decoction of calendula, St. John's wort, sage, chamomile, strawberry leaves and mint. Mix herbs in equal proportions. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for about 5 hours. The broth is then filtered and used for rinsing in the morning and evening.

Gray alder infusion. This recipe was appreciated by many people. To prepare it, five tablespoons of alder purchased at the pharmacy are poured with two glasses of boiling water and left for at least a day. Before use, the infusion must be filtered, otherwise pieces of raw material may get stuck between the teeth. The rinsing procedure is carried out every two hours for the first two days. Then, every day, the interval between rinses increases by one hour. Procedures can be stopped as soon as the interval between them becomes about 12 hours. Bad breath will disappear in two to three months.

If halitosis occurs due to diseases gastrointestinal tract, then it is useful to drink tea with mint, lemon balm and sage. Anise, cumin, parsley and dill should be added to dishes.

Preventive measures

To avoid halitosis, you should follow a few recommendations:

Observing everything preventive measures and taking advantage folk remedies, you can easily remove the unpleasant odor from mouth. But you shouldn’t fully rely on them. If the underlying disease is not identified and treated, then folk recipes getting rid of halitosis will only be helped by short term or they will be completely useless.

Man is a social creature. Communication accompanies us everywhere: at home, in stores, at work, with friends. And suddenly you notice that people are moving further away, turning away from you. Agree, this is an extremely unpleasant moment. And the reason for this may be halitosis, that is, bad breath.

What to do? How to get rid of bad breath and restore the joy of communication to yourself and others? First of all, you need to understand the reasons why the unpleasant odor appears. And then start eliminating them.

The causes of the odor may be the following:

Oral bacteria

The most common cause of bad breath is anaerobic bacteria, living in our mouths. They decompose the remains of protein foods, releasing foul-smelling substances. Meat, fish, legumes, dairy products, and eggs are especially rich in proteins. After eating such food, you should brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth thoroughly. The bulk of bacteria settles in the nutritious white coating on the tongue; they accumulate under the gum line and in hard-to-reach places between the teeth. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a brush not only for your teeth, but also for your tongue. You need to clean your tongue as deeply as possible, because on the back of it the thickness of the plaque is much greater, which means there are also more bacteria there.

The active growth of putrefactive bacteria is promoted by diseases of the oral cavity: gingivitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis, caries. Just one rotting tooth can make your breath extremely unpleasant for others. Be sure to visit your dentist once every six months. Monitor the condition of your gums. Blood is a nutritious and “tasty” environment for the life of bacteria.

  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity are perfectly healed by a tanning and astringent decoction of oak bark. Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed oak bark into a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for an hour and strain. Rinse with broth 6-8 times a day. St. John's wort is useful for inflammation in the mouth. In this case, take a tablespoon of oak bark and St. John's wort per glass of boiling water.
  • For gum diseases, it is recommended to wipe the gums 3 times a day with calamus root powder; you can use it to clean your teeth by mixing it one to one with tooth powder.
  • It is useful to rinse your mouth with decoctions of calendula and chamomile. These herbs have healing, bactericidal and regenerating properties.

Foods we eat

Some foods can make breathing extremely unpleasant. Everyone knows the effect of eating garlic or onions; cabbage and radishes also cause bad breath. When these products are digested, foul-smelling compounds are formed, which enter the lungs with the blood and are eliminated from the body through the breath, giving it its own smell. Therefore, do not consume these products before leaving home, an important meeting, or a date.

  • Apples are especially recommended as a refreshing food. They contain natural sugars, successfully neutralizing unpleasant odors.
  • It is very useful to chew a few sprigs of celery, parsley or dill. They contain chlorophyll, one of the most powerful suppressants of strong odors.
  • Carrots are a good breath freshener.
  • In addition, you can try some spices: cardamom, you need to chew a few grains (no need to swallow them); allspice, leave in hot water and rinse your mouth. Tea made from cloves with cinnamon in equal proportions or mint will also freshen your breath for a long time.

Bad habits

Another cause of bad breath is smoking and alcohol abuse. Everyone is familiar with the specific smell from the mouth of smokers. Nicotine, tar and other foul-smelling substances settle on the walls of the teeth and soft tissues oral cavity, causing an unpleasant odor. To get rid of it completely you should quit smoking.

Or, at a minimum, keep your mouth perfectly clean.

  • You can try mouthwash made from wormwood or strawberry infusion. A tablespoon of crushed leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water. Rinse with warm infusion 5-6 times a day, or better after each cigarette smoked.

When alcohol is abused, a breakdown product appears in the blood - acetaldehyde, a substance extremely dangerous to the body. It is partially excreted through the lungs, giving the breath a terrible fume smell. Because the the smell is coming from the lungs, it is very difficult to neutralize it with rinses, fruits or chewing gum.

  • Chewing a little bit of nutmeg helps.
  • As a preventive measure, we can only recommend abstinence from drinking alcoholic beverages.

Diseases of internal organs

The source of unpleasant specific odors problems with the gastrointestinal tract or upper respiratory tract, as well as inflammation of the ears, throat or nose, may arise from the oral cavity. In this case you definitely need to see a doctor. In addition to the main treatment, try several recipes:

  • For gastrointestinal diseases, take a tablespoon of dandelion roots, centaury herb, peppermint leaves and plantain leaves, pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. The infusion is taken 3 times a day, 50 ml, half an hour before meals, and also rinsed the mouth several times a day.
  • Salt water will help remove odors associated with stomach or intestinal diseases. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in half a liter of water and drink the water on an empty stomach in the morning. Repeat the procedure for five days. To avoid irritation in the stomach, be sure to drink something dairy or eat porridge a few minutes after drinking water. Similar cleaning contraindicated for any inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If the cause of the odor is inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, try herbal infusion for rinsing the mouth from the leaves and flowers of marshmallow, calendula and yarrow flowers, and large plantain leaves. In the evening, take a tablespoon of each plant, add 400 ml of water and leave until morning. Rinse 5-6 times a day.

Dry mouth

You've probably noticed that your breath isn't fresh in the morning. This happens because work slows down at night. salivary glands. Saliva is the strongest natural antiseptic. With its deficiency, oral bacteria multiply more actively and, consequently, bad breath appears. Dryness can be caused by serious illnesses such as diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, infections, so this is a reason to consult a doctor. If the possibility of a serious illness is excluded, dryness can occur due to medications, vitamin deficiency, menopause, and also in people who, due to their profession, are forced to talk a lot.

  • Helps get rid of dryness chewing gum. Chewing stimulates salivation.
  • Drink more water. Make it a habit to drink a glass of water every hour.
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, sweets and drinks containing caffeine.
  • Eat more fruits - fruit acids stimulate salivation.

Enjoy your communication!

Halitosis or bad breath is a fairly common problem faced by a large number of adults and children. Halitosis is a serious problem and psychological point vision, which interferes with full communication. Patients experiencing halitosis give it the most different descriptions: foul, bad, fetid, putrid or terrible odor from the mouth. Some people are not even aware of the existence of this problem - for some reason those around them behave delicately and do not talk about the presence of a terrible smell.

The problem of unpleasant and sometimes even terrible odor from the mouth is not always solved with the help of a toothbrush and toothpaste - often halitosis becomes a symptom of the disease.

Overview of the Causes of Bad Breath in Adults

Bad breath appears completely unexpectedly and can be either periodic or permanent. There can be many reasons why bad breath appears not only in an adult, but also in a child - from banal neglect of timely hygiene or dry mouth to the manifestation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs and systems. Highlight the following types halitosis:

  • true (manifested both as a result of diseases and as physiological feature body) - strong and persistent halitosis, which is noticed by others;
  • pseudohalitosis is characterized by mild fresh breath, which is felt by the interlocutor during fairly close contact;
  • halitophobia - fear of halitosis, where the patient is convinced of his bad breath.

Breath stinks more often morning time, namely, after waking up, even before the patient has breakfast. Often the cause of an unpleasant odor in the mouth is what a person ate in the evening. In addition, the formation of so-called oral stench is influenced by alcohol, tobacco and microorganisms.

Common causes of halitosis:

  • chronic diseases of the ear-nose-throat system;
  • ulcers and gastritis;
  • inflammation of the gums (stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis);
  • dry mouth;
  • poor oral hygiene.

Poor oral hygiene

If a person does not adhere to the cleanliness of the oral cavity and does not maintain hygiene, he cannot boast of fresh breath at all. Bad breath (or physiological halitosis) in similar cases due to:

  1. plaque on the tongue and teeth;
  2. a disease characterized by tartar;
  3. leftover food in the mouth;
  4. alcoholic drinks and smoking.

If you do not pay enough attention to oral hygiene, then bacteria appear on the accumulated plaque, due to which hydrogen sulfide is formed on the surface of the tongue. This substance can cause foul and unpleasant breath, sometimes even resembling pus.

To get rid of this type of halitosis, you need to maintain simple oral hygiene: brush your teeth 2 times a day, rinse every time after eating and, if necessary, use toothpicks. Often they come to the rescue in the fight against bad odors. different decoctions herbs that, regardless of its cause, have a beneficial effect on the gums. Such herbs include: mint, chamomile flowers, calendula, sage.

It should be noted that in order to avoid problems with teeth, a child should brush them from a young age and keep them healthy. This will help children not to face the problem of halitosis.

Microbial plaque and tartar

Microbial plaque and tartar can also cause a bad and sometimes strong odor. Tartar is usually called microbial plaque that has not come off the enamel during cleaning and begins to harden. This process does not require much time and begins within 12-16 hours.

Tartar can be both supragingival and subgingival. The first option is visually noticeable and can be removed with relative ease. As for the second option, namely subgingival tartar, it appears under the gum and is not noticeable at first sight. It can be identified by frequent bleeding of the gums and their blue tint. Such a stone is difficult and painful to remove.

To avoid problems with tartar and the concomitant occurrence of bad breath, it is necessary to adhere to daily oral hygiene. Poor oral care is the cause not only of halitosis, but also of most dental diseases.

Gum inflammation

When foul odor is not removed by a simple brushing procedure or rinsing the mouth, then the reason for its appearance may lie in inflammation of the gums. Especially if they are bleeding.

A patient experiencing gingivitis should immediately consult a doctor for treatment. Despite the fact that with gingivitis there is practically no pain in the gums, this is not a harmless disease at all - delaying its treatment can cause not only halitosis, but also periodontal disease - serious illness gums If its treatment is delayed, the resulting consequences can be sad.

Inflammation of the gums can be partially relieved by rinsing, using herbal decoctions, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda etc. These remedies will help you get rid of bad breath for a while.

Often an unpleasant spirit appears in the mouth in adults and children with a disease such as stomatitis. That is, to get rid of halitosis in this case, it is necessary to cure stomatitis.


Sudden Appearance strong odor from the mouth and may be a symptom of dental caries. Caries is a process that denotes the destruction of tooth enamel. As a rule, it begins as a result of an impact on the tooth various kinds acids

Caries not only “stinks,” but also differs from other dental diseases in that it visually appears as white spots on the teeth. If such signs appear, consult a doctor to prevent caries from developing to destructive stages.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor during caries is explained by the fact that in the affected tooth there are cavities in which various types of substances accumulate. It is almost impossible to clean these cavities, which causes the decomposition of accumulated substances and, as a result, halitosis.

Tooth decay under the crown

When halitosis appears in a patient who has teeth with crowns, it is necessary to check whether the teeth underneath are rotting? This may happen due to insufficient processing diseased tooth before installing a crown. As a result of such an error, bacteria can multiply under the box, causing halitosis and emitting a pus-like odor.

To fix this problem, visit your doctor. He will carry out the necessary manipulations with the diseased tooth, and the smell will go away.

Chronic ENT diseases

As mentioned above, the appearance of a terrible odor from the mouth can appear as a result of various types of diseases. These include chronic ENT diseases.

Halitosis is often caused by chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis. As a result, plaque and ulcers appear on the tonsils. Halitosis may be caused by inflammatory diseases nasal cavity: sinusitis, sinusitis, etc. After treatment prescribed by a doctor, bad breath goes away.

Gastrointestinal diseases

People suffering from various types of gastrointestinal diseases often complain of an unpleasant odor - this may be its main cause.

In addition to bad breath, the patient may complain of other symptoms:

  • poor immunity;
  • decreased amount of saliva;
  • the appearance of a noticeable white coating on the tongue.

If you have bad breath, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe tests, examination of the gastrointestinal tract and appropriate treatment.

Dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity

If microflora disturbances occur in the oral cavity, dysbacteriosis can result. It often appears as a result of a disease such as intestinal dysbiosis, caused by excessive use of antibiotics.

As shown medical practice, dysbiosis in the mouth can also be a consequence of abuse of oral cleansing products. The presence of this kind of dysbacteriosis is almost always accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the mouth. To treat oral microflora disorders, there are special medications, provided in the form of tablets, ointments, sprays and solutions.

Mouth breathing

If for any reason a person begins to breathe through his mouth, then dryness appears in him, which, in turn, causes an unpleasant odor. Most often this is observed at night, when the sleeper breathes through his mouth due to a runny nose or snoring. In the morning, dryness and stale aroma are removed by brushing your teeth, as well as after eating breakfast. To keep the mouth fresh, rinse with mint decoctions.