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List of documents for registration of a disability group. List of papers and appeal to ITU. Procedure for establishing childhood disability

Let's start with the fact that registration of disability, although unpleasant, is very necessary! Even from the point of view that in addition to a pension (an ugly word, but 10,000 has not hurt anyone yet, I think), we can get the things we need for further rehabilitation and the desire for our main task - RECOVER!!!

Therefore, do not neglect this and register. Registration of disability occurs based on the results of an examination by the attending physician, he draws up everything Required documents, namely the Mailing List, which states your health status, test results, as well as the necessary rehabilitation means and measures. Then sends them to the bureau medical and social examination your city or region. The mailing list is of a recommendatory and informational nature for ITU employees who will diagnose you personally for physical and social opportunities, on the basis of which they will issue you an Individual Rehabilitation Program. Therefore, before you issue a mailing list, familiarize yourself with what an IPR is, what can be written into it, and what you can demand from ITU employees! You will find recommendations in our articles and

A representative of the commission comes to your home, diagnoses you... Don’t rush to show him all your achievements and skills, the worse you prove yourself, the more chances you have to get everything you need! You shouldn’t be a hero in front of them about what you can do, what’s more important to them is what you CAN’T do, this is what forms the idea of ​​the disability group, and therefore the size of your future pension and the TSR issued to you. Next, the representative informs you about the decision on the group of your disability and formed for you.

Usually, in case of injuries and illnesses, they give 1 group of disability for a year, therefore, the IPR is issued for a year, then a new mailing list is generated, a commission is assigned, and 1 group is assigned for an indefinite period. And then, as you recover, you yourself contact your attending physician about assigning a commission to you and lowering or removing the disability group! You all want to get well and strive for this, but voluntarily give up your pension...God grant us all health!

Next, you or your representative go to the ITU office to receive a certificate of disability (the second copy is sent by ITU employees to Pension Fund your region) and (two copies are given to you). The third copy remains in the ITU office. One copy remains in your hands and you provide the other to the Center social security, or FSS, depending on which body is vested with these powers in your region (the ITU Bureau will inform you about this). Here you are registered as a new person and registered to receive technical means rehabilitation (you can read more about TSR in our articles: and), prescribed in the IPR, are put on the priority list in rehabilitation center(which is included in the IPR), and here you will be put on a waiting list for sanatorium-resort treatment, but on the basis of a special certificate of form No. 070/u (more information about the procedure for obtaining a certificate for SKL can be read in the article “Registration of an IPR. Making changes to the IPR " in the section), which can be obtained at the clinic from your attending physician (he also needs to take a copy of your disability certificate and a copy of the IPR). At the CSO or the Social Insurance Fund, you will receive the rehabilitation means prescribed in the IRP, as well as submit documents there for reimbursement of costs when purchasing TMR yourself!

This completes the procedure for registering disability, but there will still be a lot of running around! Patience to you and confidence in your rights. The more pathetic you look and think that everything will be handed to you on a silver platter, the less you will get... It’s a paradox, but as long as there is bureaucracy, so it will be! Declare your rights, don’t swear, just be confident in what you say, and it will be GOOD for you))) You are not asking for alms, but you only get what the state promised you, you just need a little patience in running around and waiting! Good luck and speedy recovery!

The attachments contain documents that ITU employees can use as a guide when registering a disability.

If you have any questions about this tatier or any others, you can use ours!

The process of registering a disability cannot be called pleasant and easy. In our country people have to for a long time confirm with various certificates even such obvious things as disability of the first or second group.

But you have to overcome the barrier of your own inferiority and document the assignment of disability in order to be entitled to preferential benefits in the future. medical services, increased pension and additional social payments. To save time and nerves, you need to know the basic nuances of registering a disability.

Disability is usually called a persistent, long-term or permanent impairment of socialization and ability to work, which is caused by a congenital or acquired disease, injury or injury.

The right to be assigned a disability is given by severe violations physical health. But not all sick people are entitled to this status and receive the corresponding benefits.

Official registration of disability is available only when the disease is a serious obstacle to work activity. This term includes legal and social concepts. Official assignment of the status of a disabled person may entail a change in working conditions or termination of work, as well as the appointment of state social security in various forms.

The Russian Ministry of Health has established certain criteria and classifications on which the recognition of a person as disabled is based. Some suffer from serious illnesses and believe that they are entitled to Social Security disability benefits, but do not take any action to officially prove this. But personal opinion alone is not enough.

The main criterion is the presence of persistent pathology that limits the normal life activities (work activities, independent movement) of people.

A person can be advised to register a disability by a medical specialist who realistically assesses the patient’s health and capabilities. For example, the reason for obtaining the above status is a stroke. The disability group will depend on the severity of the disease and its consequences.

Reason for appointment medical examination will become:

  • Loss of ability to work.
  • Restriction of certain body functions (speech, movement).

Some people associatively believe that myocardial infarction is always a reason for assigning a disability group. But this is not the case if the patient has fully recovered and can continue labor activity. True, a lot here depends on the type of occupation. If it is associated with excessive physical activity, this fact will be taken into account when conducting a medical and social examination.

Assignment of disability for cancer is controversial issue. For example, skin cancer is not so serious illness, since it does not interfere with the continuation of work. The only diseases for which a lifelong disability group is given are tumors of the brain and spinal cord, leukemia.

As for amputation of limbs, there are some nuances here too. When determining a person's eligibility for disability benefits, factors such as:

  • Condition of the stump.
  • Cause of limb loss.
  • Age.
  • Profession.
  • What part of the limb was amputated?

Serious visual impairment or complete loss of vision necessarily entails the assignment of disability. The group will depend on the degree of visual impairment.

Mental disorders refer to separate category diseases, upon diagnosis of which a person receives a disability group:

  • Light forms mental disorders- first group.
  • Seizures and dementia are the second group.
  • The patient is unable to assess himself adequately and behave normal image life – the first group is assigned.

To obtain the status of a disabled person, a person must apply to the bureau for a medical and social examination at his place of registration. The patient can do this on the direction of a doctor or at his own discretion.

Required documents

You will need to provide the following documents:

  • Passport and its copy.
  • Medical record from the clinic.
  • Completed application.
  • Referral for examination.
  • Sick leave, if available.
  • Extracts of medical examinations performed.
  • Copy work book or employment contract.
  • Certificates of injury or chronic diseases, if any.

The entire package of documents is submitted to the bureau, after which you can expect an invitation for examination.

A bedridden patient is examined a little differently. He does not have the opportunity to come for an examination, so relatives can agree with the doctor to conduct an examination in inpatient conditions. There is an option to register disability in absentia by obtaining a power of attorney to perform such actions from the disabled person.

Procedure and procedure

The medical and social examination usually involves three representatives from the bureau. On the appointed day, the person is invited to the bureau. The examination itself includes:

  • Study of medical documents.
  • Examination of the patient.
  • Analysis of various (domestic, social, labor) living conditions of a citizen.

Based on the data received, experts render their verdict. To be assigned a disability, the following conditions must be met:

  • Limitation of life activity;
  • Need for rehabilitation;
  • Persistent pathological disorder of body functions.

A person can receive a disability group even if only two of the above conditions are met.

When conducting an examination, it is mandatory to keep a protocol. In some cases, a citizen is recognized as incapacitated without being assigned a disability. The commission’s conclusions are documented in the form of a report, which is given to the patient.

If a person is recognized as disabled, he must be assigned individual program rehabilitation and issue appropriate certificates. These documents are necessary for applying to the pension fund and authorities social protection.

The result will be a disability pension and preferential payments.


The process of registering disability takes place in several stages. Collection of documents and passage medical specialists takes approximately 7-10 days.

The examination can be scheduled no later than one month after submitting the documents. However, there is always a possibility that additional examinations and supporting documents will be required. The decision to assign disability must be made on the day of the examination. If the outcome is positive, the necessary certificates and documents are issued within three days.

Registration of disability should not take more than two and a half months, taking into account all the nuances and possible problems.

It will take three to four months for a child to be assigned a disability. A medical and social examination is also carried out, to which the child’s attending physician must refer.

If we're talking about about a child with Down syndrome, you will need to obtain a genetic examination report. A corresponding entry is made in the outpatient card. The following documents must be submitted to the bureau:

  • A certificate certified by a clinic doctor.
  • Outpatient card from medical institution for children.
  • Registration information.
  • Identity documents of the guardian or parents.
  • Application completed according to the form.
  • Passport or birth certificate of the child.

When assigning disability, a specific group is not assigned. The child is registered as disabled without any degree of severity. If we are talking about Down syndrome, disability is assigned for a period of eighteen years without the need for a re-examination.

Conditions for registering disability

Assignment of disability is carried out upon fulfillment of certain conditions depending on the group.

First group:

  • Loss of ability to work.
  • Lack of self-service capabilities.
  • The need for the constant presence of an assistant.

Second group:

  • Persistent impairment of vital important functions body.
  • Lack of normal working capacity (inability to engage in work activities for a long time).
  • The need to provide specific working conditions.

Third group:

  • The creation of special working conditions is required.
  • Admission to previous work activities is prohibited due to the fact that harm to others may be caused.
  • Lack of opportunity to work at the same place of work and do one’s own work professional activity.

If it is necessary to assign a certain disability group to a person, the document must reflect the reason. Specialists must justify why a person received the first, second or third group. The justification for the reason must be detailed.

After a certain period of time, the patient will again have to undergo an examination to re-register the disability. The dates for re-examination are set by specialists from the medical and social bureau.

It's important not to be afraid possible difficulties. If you clearly know all the rules, paperwork will not take much time, but will provide an opportunity to receive additional benefits and payments.

Since the process of registering a disability is not very simple, many citizens have natural questions about where to start, how to register a disability, where to apply, what certificates and documents to collect. First things first.

What is disability and what does it give?

Due to the characteristics of health, the life, everyday life, and material level of citizens can differ significantly. In essence, disability means that a person is limited and needs help from the state. To solve these problems, there are a number of benefits and cash payments. The state protects the rights of people with disabilities, helps in rehabilitation, socialization and habilitation.

Depending on the state of health and the ability to self-care, one of the 3 disability groups existing in Russia can be established. Group 3 is considered the easiest, it is mainly temporary in nature, the person continues to work. Group 1 means that the citizen needs permanent, outside help, dependent on others, not able to work.

The lower the group, the larger size monthly financial assistance allocated to the citizen.

Who gives the disability?

Disability is established by the MSEC (Medical and Social Expert Commission) if you lose your ability to work or cannot fully perform any vital functions. Disability can be either temporary or permanent, if as a result of rehabilitation or after certain period there was no improvement in health.

The procedure is regulated by articles 7, 8 of the Law dated November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ, paragraphs 1, 2 of the Rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation Decree dated February 20, 2006 N 95.

Main stages of registration of disability

For simplicity and understanding this process Let us highlight the main stages of the procedure.

Stage 1: Let's go to the therapist and get a package note.
Stage 2: We pass everyone necessary doctors, we rent everything necessary tests.
Stage 3: We are taking a referral for a medical and social examination.
Stage 4: We take the documents to the bureau, wait for examination by the commission.
Stage 5: We receive a certificate of disability and an individual program for rehabilitation and habilitation of a disabled person (IPRA)

Where to start registering for disability?

How to get a referral to ITU?

First, you need to go to an appointment with your attending physician, explain your problem to him and tell him that you are going to apply for disability. Your doctor must record everything in your outpatient card, write you a referral to specialized specialists and issue you a mailing list. After which you will have to undergo an examination and take the necessary tests in a hospital. Don’t delay, the tests are valid for only two weeks.

You should not hide anything about your illness or injury; on the contrary, tell us about each soreness. Also, complain to doctors as much as possible about deteriorating health, decreased performance and difficulties in everyday life. Doctors should record all these complaints.

The referral is certified by a number of seals: 3 doctors and a medical institution.

The date of the examination is also set.

If the doctor refuses to refer you further, ask for a written refusal; if he doesn’t give it, go to court. You have the right to independently contact the expert commission on the issue of registration of disability.

Applying to a medical and sanitary examination to register disability

A citizen has the right to appear in person at the bureau, but if his health does not allow this, members of the commission can examine him at his place of residence.

After all the documents have been collected and submitted to the ITU regional office, the patient is given a date when he must appear at the ITU commission. Regular term The wait in line is about a month.

The commission is attended by the patient himself and members of the commission consisting of three people. In some cases, an invited specialist may be present the desired profile, who will also have the right to vote when making a decision.

Members of the commission have the right to examine the patient, ask questions about social status, marital status, living conditions, look at characteristics from the place of work, request information about education and social skills.

During the commission meeting, minutes are kept in which all questions and answers are recorded.

The decision is made after voting by all members of the commission. If doubts or disagreements arise, the patient may be referred for additional examination, and then, after collecting all the necessary additional information, the commission meets again to make a final decision.

After the disability group has been established, an appropriate certificate and an individual rehabilitation program are issued.

Advice: when you undergo the MSE (Medico-Social Examination), defend your rights, complain about your health, prove, better documented, that your health has deteriorated. You will have to prove that the disease prevents you from living your former full life. Therefore, take all documents that can confirm the illness to the ITU.

Documents for registration of disability (full list)

2. Passport and its photocopy;

3. A certified photocopy of the work book;

4. Sometimes they may require a certificate of income from the place of work;

5. Outpatient card;

6. Extracts from hospitals and their photocopies;

7. Characteristics from the place of work or study;

8. Application for examination;

9. Act on work injury form N – 1 or about occupational disease;

If you go for re-examination, you must have 2 more documents:

10. IPR (Individual Rehabilitation Program);

11. Certificate of disability.

If you are recognized as disabled, you will be issued and given 2 documents:

1. A certificate confirming your disability;

2. Individual Program for Rehabilitation and Habilitation of a disabled person.

After that, contact social media. protection of your region - in order to apply for the benefits you are entitled to, and then to the pension fund - to apply for a pension.

What to do if you are denied recognition of disability?

Write a statement that you want to appeal the decision of MSEC. And take it to the ITU office where you were examined. They will forward it to ITU headquarters within three days and within a month they will spend re-examination. You can also insist on an independent examination, and you will be examined by doctors and experts who are in no way associated with ITU. Ultimately, you can appeal the refusal in court. The court's decision will be the last and will not be subject to appeal.

How often does re-examination take place?

If you are recognized as disabled, it means that you will have to undergo re-examination once a year or once every 2 years. It depends on what disability group you have. Re-examination of the first group takes place once every 2 years, the second and third groups once a year, and for disabled children the deadlines are set depending on their illnesses.

If you are on an old-age pension, you may be granted permanent disability. And you will not have to undergo re-examination.

List of diseases for which re-certification of disability is not required

Today there is a considerable list of diseases for which the ITU commission has every right to present an indefinite group of incapacity.

In particular, we are talking about such diseases:

    malignant tumors, regardless of where they appear and what form; benign tumors that arose in the patient’s cerebral cortex, and at the same time they cannot be operated on;

    presence of dementia;

    various serious illnesses mental form, which directly affect human motor skills, including the sensory organs; serious nerve diseases;

    so-called degenerative processes in the cerebral cortex; complete loss of vision;

    deafness, which has an irreversible process;

    various serious lesions in the cerebral cortex;

    possible defects in the upper or lower limbs, including possible amputation.

The presence of any disease from this list guarantees the disabled person receiving.

Who is assigned which disability group?

As a rule, a disability group is assigned not according to a specific diagnosis, but according to the severity of the disease and the degree of disability. Diseases that entail disruption of the vital functions of the body are divided by specialists into three distinct groups:

  • First disability group are recognized as the most severe and are assigned if the patient is not able to take care of himself and requires systematic help, care and supervision. In fact, these are bedridden and dying sick, mentally disabled people who are not capable of self-care. An example of such diseases is, for example, tuberculosis in the stage of decompensation, the absence of both upper or lower limbs, complete or partial paralysis, complete blindness, as well as some severe mental illnesses.
  • Second disability group assigned for illness moderate severity when the patient does not require constant assistance and supervision. For some patients, work is available, but with certain conditions and clearly defined working conditions. Examples of diseases for which a second disability group is assigned include the following: established diagnoses, such as partial loss of vision or hearing, epilepsy with frequent seizures, the absence of one of the limbs, repeated strokes and heart attacks, and much more.
  • Third disability group assigned to persons who do not need outside help, but can no longer engage in their main professional activity. This group can be assigned if it is necessary to change a profession to another with lower qualifications and wages.

How to register a disability for a child?

To clarify how to register a disability for a child, you must also first consult with the social examination bureau or at the clinic.

In most cases, registering a disability for a child is no different from examining an adult. The documents are additionally accompanied by the passport of the adoptive parents, guardians or parents.

Another important nuance– this is the need to present characteristics issued at the place of education (if the child is studying). For children with genetic or mental illnesses, permission from the attending physician will be required. This document will give teachers the right to disclose medical confidentiality in the characteristics they compile.

In general, there should be no problems with how to register a disability, since the procedure is approved by law with all the details for patients of any age.

How to register disability for a pensioner?

Before applying for disability, a pensioner will have to do the following::

  • Visit to a medical facility. The doctor performs an examination and then issues medical report, which indicates mandatory additional examination.
  • if the doctor determines that the level of illness of the applicant corresponds to the definition of one of the disability groups, then the patient will be given a referral for a medical examination at the BMSE;
  • Based on the results of a medical examination at the ITU, the applicant is issued a certificate - a certificate stating that he has been assigned a disability group;
  • With the certificate, the pensioner goes to the Pension Fund office at the place of registration, where he receives the status of a disabled person. With this status, a citizen has the right to receive benefits and an increase in pension.

You can file a complaint against the decision of medical experts if a citizen is denied the status of a disabled person, or if he does not agree with the appointed group.

How to register disability for a bedridden sick pensioner?

If the state of health does not allow the pensioner to go through all the stages of the above procedure himself, then a power of attorney is issued to the person who will help him with this. The power of attorney is certified by a notary, and the notary comes to the home of the sedentary citizen. A bedridden patient undergoes MSA either at home or in a hospital in the presence of an assistant.

Registration of disability for oncology

Registration of disability for oncology occurs after the patient has been on sick leave for more than four months. How to apply for disability due to cancer? After the tumor was identified and the initial treatment, is appointed surgery. Once the patient has completed the initial treatment, he has the right to begin filing for disability. In this case, regardless of the opinion of the attending physician, the patient can contact the social security institution and the Pension Fund department.

Visual disability

It is worth thinking about how to register a visual disability for those citizens who have been diagnosed with myopia of a level that prevents normal life and work process. In this case, the patient turns to an ophthalmologist, who, after an examination, issues a referral to an MSE. Based on the results of the examination, a certificate for obtaining disability is issued.

When passing the ITU, visual impairment can be obtained:

    Group 1 – people who are blind in both eyes or with visual acuity of no more than 0.04;

    group 2 – with visual acuity from 0.05 to 0.1;

    Group 3 – people with low vision medium degree and acute vision from 0.1 to 0.3.

For how long is disability established?

Disability can be established urgently or indefinitely. Permanent disability is provided for those diseases listed above. In other cases, disability must be “confirmed” through certain period.

By the way, disability is considered established from the day the application and documents for passing the ITU are submitted to the relevant bureau, and not from the day the decision is made. It has important when calculating pensions.

Reasons why disability may be lifted

It is necessary to understand that if there are serious changes in the human body, you can receive not only a permanent group of incapacity, but also a refusal to issue it.

Moreover, the disability group may even be removed based on the results of the examination.

According to the current legislation, they can refuse following situations: in the absence of grounds for issuing it.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95 of 2006 approved the Rules for recognizing a person as disabled. They clearly state that it is carried out using classifications and criteria approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Order of the Ministry of Health No. 1013 of 2009).

This means that one of your own person's opinions that he is seriously ill and can qualify for disabled status - not enough.

The above documents give full list possible disorders body functions that have varying degrees of severity and duration, which give the right to recognize a person as disabled.

One of important criteria is a PERSISTENT pathology that limits human life. The categories of life activity that are taken into account when assessing a person’s condition are also clearly stated in the law.

This includes self-care, movement, communication, work activity, control over one’s behavior, training, and orientation. The disorder may not be in all categories, but in one or more.

Let's give an example: a person is diagnosed with tuberculosis, which only progresses over time, despite adequate treatment, both outpatient and inpatient.

Provided that the medical institution has completed all necessary diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation measures, including high-tech ones, and the dysfunction of the body remains pronounced and limits a person in normal life activities (for example, he cannot perform work or study), his pathology can be called persistent. In this case, he may qualify for disability.

Usually, the local doctor independently suggests that the patient register for disability, adequately assessing his condition and prognoses for the future. Each serious disease or the injury may lead to a serious deterioration in a person’s health and lead him to the need to receive one of the disability groups.

Stroke in most cases causes long-term or short-term impairment normal functioning human body. Registration of disability after a stroke for pensioners and other groups of citizens is prescribed depending on the severity of the disease, its type (ischemic or hemorrhagic), the degree of damage to vital important organs, dynamics of recovery and general well-being patient.

Complete loss of ability to work or the inability to fully restore one of the body’s functions (movement, speech, memory, etc.) is the reason for ordering a medical examination and assigning the patient one of the disability groups.

Registration of disability after myocardial infarction is not always possible. Despite the diagnosis of the attending physician, the commission independently decides to assign a disability group depending on the person’s ability to drive full life and return to your previous place of work.

If the patient before the heart attack was engaged in heavy or dangerous activities (associated with heavy physical exertion, night shifts or constant stress), then returning to the previous lifestyle will be contraindicated for him. Therefore, during the medical examination, specialists will assess not only the patient’s health status, but also his ability to continue working in his profession.

Availability cancer is not considered a sufficient basis for recognizing a person as disabled. Much depends on which organs were affected by the tumor and how far the metastases had spread. For example, a patient with stage 1 or 2 skin cancer remains fully functional after treatment and does not need rehabilitation.

The recovery is much more difficult for patients whose tumor is located in any internal organ. The commission takes into account the number of completed or upcoming operations, the consequences and side effects treatment, general state sick. If blood cancer, an inoperable tumor, brain or spinal cord cancer is detected, disability is assigned for life.

Registration of disability after amputation of limbs also has its limitations. During the examination, doctors analyze the following factors:

  • cause of limb loss;
  • what part of the arm or leg was amputated;
  • condition of the stump;
  • degree of impairment of motor or other functions;
  • profession, age and social status of the patient;
  • the possibility of restoring lost functions using a prosthesis.

Often, disability is registered after the amputation of a leg or arm or leg for a certain time, which is necessary for the patient to get used to the prosthesis and adapt to new living conditions.

Serious visual impairment can make it difficult for a person to perform vital functions. Therefore, a visually impaired patient has the right to obtain disability registration. Complete blindness in both eyes or visual acuity of no more than 0.04 are serious grounds for receiving disability group 1. With visual acuity values ​​ranging from 0.05 to 0.1, the patient can be assigned to group 2. But group 3 can be obtained in the presence of moderate low vision and visual acuity indicators from 0.1 to 0.3.

Availability mental illness varying degrees severity is an indisputable basis for assigning a person a disability pension. Group 1 can be assigned to patients who are completely unable to control themselves and lead an ordinary lifestyle. In most cases, such patients are placed in specialized treatment centers.

Disability group 2 registration is granted to people suffering from periodic disorder nervous system, dementia and hysterical fits. Group 3 is prescribed to patients who have mild forms of psychosis. Such people can lead usual image life and work in special conditions.

There are cases when a person, on the contrary, refuses to register a disability. Most often this happens when a child can be recognized as disabled. Some parents do not agree with the diagnosis and consider the status of “disabled child” to be practically a death sentence.


There are many situations happening in life. And, of course, one article cannot answer all the questions. We understand this and try to help you in any case. Below is a list of problems and diseases, which may include yours - follow the link and find a solution to your problem or ask a question, which we, in turn, will try to answer as quickly as possible and useful! So, We separately discuss the legal issues of obtaining disability for the following diseases:

If you do not find your disease in this list, ask questions at the bottom of this page or to our online consultant, we will try to help you!

List of documents

To begin with, you should know that disability is determined by medical and social examination(ITU) at the office at the place of its permanent or temporary registration. A referral for examination can be issued by a doctor from a medical institution or government officials. pension provision or social welfare services. In addition, any citizen has the right to independently apply to the ITU and provide evidence of his physical incapacity.

So, what documents are needed to register a disability group:

  1. Referral to medical examination (form No. 088/u-06), which must contain the opinions of medical specialists.
  2. Citizen's application (it is issued at the bureau when submitting documents).
  3. Passport and its photocopy.
  4. Outpatient card from the clinic from the place of residence (observation).
  5. All extracts and medical examinations that are not attached to the outpatient card (inpatient examinations, independent visits to paid clinics etc.).
  6. Open sick leave(if there is).
  7. Certificate of occupational disease, work injury, injury, etc. (if there is).
  8. Characteristics from the place of work or study (if the citizen is employed).
  9. A photocopy of the work record book and a certificate of income (if the citizen is employed).

This entire package of documents for registration of disability will need to be submitted to the ITU office, and then wait for an invitation for an examination.

Several other documents for registering disability for a child. First of all, you will need to undergo examination by all relevant specialists and pass the necessary tests. Then, based on these results, obtain a staged epicrisis from a general practitioner, contact the ITU office and provide the following documents there:

  • a certificate issued in form No. 080/u-06 and certified by the chief physician of the children's clinic or PND;
  • characteristics of a child from educational institution which he visits;
  • outpatient card from a children's hospital;
  • a document that serves as the child’s identification document (passport or birth certificate);
  • information about the registration or temporary registration of the child at the place of residence;
  • identification document of the parent or guardian who is accompanying the child to the examination;
  • an application on behalf of a parent or guardian requesting that the child be assigned disabled status.

A frequent situation is the registration of disability for a bedridden patient who, due to his illness, unable to get out of bed and visit the ITU office. In this case, you can use one of three possible options:

  • admit the patient to a hospital and ask the attending physician there to examine him;
  • call specialists from ITU to the patient’s home;
  • register disability in absentia by receiving a power of attorney to perform such actions on behalf of the disabled person.

The power of attorney must be signed by the patient himself and certified by a notary. To do this, you will need to invite him to the patient’s home. This document will give the right to a trusted person (this does not have to be a relative of the patient) to sign documents on behalf of the disabled person, write applications to the ITU with a request for specialists to come to your home, etc.

Procedure and order

The procedure and rules for registering disability due to illness and conducting medical examination are described in detail in Chapters 3 and 4 Rules for recognizing a person as disabled.

The process of obtaining disability should take place in the following order. After submitting documents to the ITU, the patient must appear at the bureau on the appointed day for an examination (can also be carried out at home, if the citizen’s condition requires it).

During the examination, usually only bureau specialists (3 people) are present. In some cases, at the invitation of the head of the bureau or at the request of a citizen, specialists of the required profile may be present as consultants. They have the right to an advisory vote during the discussion of the commission's conclusions.

An examination is an examination of a citizen, a study of his medical documents, an analysis of the citizen’s social, labor, everyday, psychological and other data. Disability is assigned if at least two of the following conditions are met (Article 5 of the Rules):

  • health impairment with persistent impairment of body functions;
  • disability
  • the need for social protection or rehabilitation measures.

During the examination, a protocol is kept. Based on the information received and after its discussion, a decision is made to recognize the person as disabled or to deny disability. A third option would be to recognize the patient’s loss of ability to work in a certain percentage without assigning disability. Any conclusion of the commission is drawn up in the form of an act, which the citizen must familiarize himself with.

If a disability has been assigned, then the person must be given a certificate confirming the fact of the disability and its group, as well as an individual rehabilitation program.

With this certificate, he will need to contact the social protection authority for registration of benefits and to the pension fund to assign a pension.


The entire process of registering disability consists of several stages. It all starts with collecting documents and passing specialists to fill out the application form for the ITU. This can take on average about a week, depending on the capabilities of the citizen, organization medical appointments etc.

After submitting documents to the bureau ITU examination must be completed within a month. The inspection itself takes place in one day, provided that there is no need for additional examinations, the timing of which may vary significantly depending on their complexity.

The decision to recognize a person as disabled or to deny him this is announced on the day of the MSA in the presence of all specialists and consultants. The necessary documents with the decisions of the commission are drawn up and sent to the appropriate authorities (pension fund, medical institutions) within 3 days.

Thus, the maximum period for registering disability should not take more than two months.

Childhood disability

To complete the registration of disability for a child, you will need on average about three months.

Referral to ITU prescribed by the doctor under whose supervision the child is. For example, in case of problems with the musculoskeletal system, an orthopedic surgeon gives an opinion, and for a visually impaired child, an ophthalmologist prescribes it. Violations in mental development are corrected by specialists from the psychoneurological dispensary, and only they can send the child for examination.

If, as a result of a genetic examination, Down syndrome is discovered in a child, then registration of disability will be possible only after receiving a conclusion from a geneticist. He will have to make an appropriate entry in the child’s outpatient record.

Without this conclusion, the local doctor will not be able to refer the child to medical examination for this disease. Therefore, parents should ask a geneticist to make this conclusion. Pass medical checkup A child with Down syndrome does not need all other specialists to receive disability.

Doctors often justify their refusal to issue a referral for medical examination by the fact that the sick child is not yet 3 years old and therefore it is difficult to make observations about the presence of serious violations of the vital functions of the body.

In fact, age is not a significant indicator for assigning disability to a patient with Down syndrome, since this disease is genetic, and it will not disappear in a year or two. The child from the very early age comprehensive rehabilitation is necessary, and the status of a disabled person will help him receive certain benefits for the provision of such services in medical centers.

Disability group for children not determined. Regardless of the degree of impairment of body functions, the child is registered as disabled. Children suffering from Down syndrome are assigned disabled status for up to 18 years without need. replay examination.

It is important to remember that registering a child’s disability is not an obligation, but a right of the parents. If they wish, they may not receive such a document for the child. But the need for rehabilitation and full treatment of a disabled person in most cases makes this step necessary.

Where to go to apply for child disability, and what documents to submit?

Conditions for registering disability

The conditions for recognizing a citizen as disabled are described in Part 2 of the Rules. As already noted, during the medical examination a health disorder, disability or need for social protection must be established (Article 5).

Disability group 1 is assigned if one or more of the following conditions are met:

  • complete loss of ability to work;
  • inability to care for oneself;
  • the need for the constant presence of an assistant or medical professional.

Disability group 2 is assigned when:

  • the need to provide special working conditions;
  • the presence of persistent violations of the basic functions of the body;
  • lack of ability to work fully for a long time.

Disability group 3 presupposes the following restrictions:

  • inability to work for health reasons at a previous place of work or in one’s profession;
  • the need to create special working conditions;
  • prohibition of access to previous work due to the presence of a disease that may pose a danger to others.

After determining the disability group, experts draw up a conclusion, which also indicates its cause. It could be general disease, work injury, war injury, Occupational Illness etc.

Disability in most cases is established for a certain period with the condition of re-examination at the appointed time.

At the right approach registering a disability will not bring much trouble, but will help you fully exercise your right to medical and social security.

How does one receive a disability pension? We invite you to watch the video.

You will need

  • - Referral for a medical and social examination in form No. 088/U-97 (or a written refusal to give a referral to a medical institution and social protection authorities)
  • - ID card and medical card with all analyzes
  • - Conclusion of medical and social examination


It is important to know who is awarded this or that group. The law does not stipulate which specific diseases can serve as a reason for a positive decision by a medical expert commission. The same diseases occur in different ways: one becomes incapacitated, while the other, after some time, works normally again. Usually:
first group disability who cannot continue their usual activities and care for themselves independently. They need a permanent one.
in the second group includes citizens who can only work in special ones. Certain functions of their body are significantly impaired.
people with any anatomical defects or chronic diseases, reducing their ability to work. They have the right to work part-time.

Go see your doctor for a check-up. It is he who should assess your health status and refer you for further examination to the medical and social examination bureau at your place of residence. If he does not consider you disabled, and you do not agree with this decision, contact the head of the clinic. If a medical institution refuses to issue a referral for medical treatment. ask the examination for a written refusal and go with it to the commission.

Gather the necessary documents. Firstly, do not forget the treasured “Referral for a medical and social examination” in form No. 088/U-97 (or certified by the signature and refusal of the medical institution to issue you this document). Secondly, take a passport or other proof of your identity and registration. Capture also outpatient card: it should contain all the certificates and analyzes that are in one way or another related to your specific problem. It will be important for the commission to find out whether disability occurred and when it happened.

Write a corresponding personal statement according to the sample provided to the bureau of medical and social examination before starting the medical examination. As a result, the commission either recognizes you as disabled or not. In the first case, you must receive a certificate confirming your group disability, and a rehabilitation program. If a negative decision was made against you, you may be given a certificate of the results of the examination.