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Abscess in a rat. What do domestic rats suffer from: symptoms and treatment of common and rare diseases

Before deciding on treatment, you need to analyze the reasons why a rat may have itching, causing it discomfort and causing it to scratch. Diagnoses must be made by a doctor, only he can prescribe treatment. But you can independently determine the type of illness, and perhaps correct the situation. So, the main causes of itching in rats:

1.Allergic reactions. A common reason why a rat itches is household allergies resulting from improper feeding and/or maintenance. Excess dust from bedding (hay, straw, sawdust, wood filler), which is of poor quality or is not changed in a timely manner, provokes allergic reactions and the rat begins to itch. Sometimes a rat itches until it bleeds! The fact is that microparticles of dust and debris stick to the rodent’s skin and cause severe itching. Skin irritation, and when scratching - sores, can also cause poor nutrition. Do not give your rat “human” food and delicacies; smoked, peppered, fried and sweet foods are guaranteed, if not immediately, but over time will lead to allergic reactions. Treatment consists of optimizing housing and feeding conditions - regular replacement of bedding, adequate feeding without “excesses”.

2.Mechanical skin damage. If you keep several kitty rats, sometimes they may squabble. Form your “team” in such a way as to minimize conflicts and make sure that the rodents do not injure each other. Healing wounds and scratches, and other sores, can also cause itching in rats. Treatment: wound treatment and conflict prevention.

Decorative rats are not only the smartest, unpretentious pets, they are little devoted friends who know how to wait, empathize and have fun with their beloved owner. Fluffy pets live relatively short lives by human standards, only 2-3 years, but even during this short period of time, funny animals suffer from diseases of varying degrees of severity.

IMPORTANT!!! A specialist must diagnose the pathology, identify the cause and treat the rat! If a domestic rat falls ill, it is advisable for the owner to urgently contact a veterinary clinic; some diseases of rats are very dangerous for humans: mycoplasmosis, rabies, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, tularemia, toxocariasis, rickettsiosis, leptospirosis, hemorrhagic fever, typhus, plague, sodoku, listeriosis.

Diseases of domestic rats often arise due to violations of feeding and maintenance standards; hypothermia, overheating or drafts cause colds and inflammatory diseases in smart animals; unbalanced diet and abuse of harmful treats cause obesity, allergies, vitamin deficiencies or intestinal pathologies in pets.

Owners of furry rodents often wonder whether a rat can get a virus or a cold from a person. Decorative rats are bred in laboratory conditions, have reduced immunity and are susceptible to human respiratory viral infections. IN acute period illness, the owner needs to limit communication with pets, cancel walks and games, leaving only feeding and changing water for the animal.

Diseases in domestic rats can be caused by for various reasons and pathogens, as a result of which a different clinical picture will be observed. The owner can understand that a pet rat is sick if his beloved rodent exhibits characteristic symptoms common to many pathologies:

  • change in appetite or complete failure from food;
  • lethargy, excessive sleepiness, reluctance to play with the owner or other rats;
  • changes in the color and odor of urine and feces;
  • dirty genitals, the pet stops licking itself;
  • dull and tousled coat, formation of bald areas;
  • appearance causeless aggression, anxiety, nervousness;
  • slowness, difficulty moving;
  • breathing problems;
  • unnatural poses;
  • the formation of growths, bumps, swellings on the animal’s body;
  • discharge from the nose, eyes, vagina, anus.

Diseases of decorative rats and their treatment

Diseases in rats can be divided into two large groups, within which several subgroups are distinguished.

Contagious diseases

They are caused by various biological pathogens (pathogenic microflora, viruses, fungi) and are divided into:

  • Infectious diseases of rats;

The causative agents are bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsia: listeriosis, ectromelia, salmonellosis, pasteurellosis, tularemia, rabies, tuberculosis, encephalomyelitis.

Caused by infection of the domestic rat's body with ticks, insects, helminths and protozoa: syphaciosis, aspiculuriosis, rodentolepiasis, hymenolepiasis, coccidiosis, demodicosis, pediculosis, fleas, scabies.

Non-communicable diseases

Decorative rats develop as a result of violation of the conditions of feeding and keeping the animal and are divided into:

  • Internal;

Diseases of internal organs, blood and metabolic disorders: gastritis, enterocolitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, vitamin deficiencies, oncology, allergies, anemia, cardiovascular failure, ischemia, porphyrin.

  • External;

Diseases of the limbs, head, neck, skin, tail - wounds, pododermatitis, injuries, skin abscesses, burns, bruises, frostbite, eczema, diseases of the eyes, ears and teeth.

  • Diseases of the genital area.

Endometritis, vaginitis, pyometra, miscarriage, spirochetosis.

Treatment of pathologies of decorative rats is carried out veterinarian After determining the diagnosis and finding out the cause of the disease, many diseases require specific therapy or euthanizing an infected animal.

Contagious diseases of domestic rats

Infectious diseases of rats

Domestic rodents often become infected with infectious diseases; sources of pathogens can be contaminated food, water, litter, insects, or sick animals. These pathologies are characterized by a severe course with serious damage to vital important organs animal, often leading to the death of the pet. Many infectious diseases rodents are dangerous to humans, self-treatment rats are unacceptable and threatening sad consequences. A timely visit to a specialist can save the life of a small animal and protect the animal owner’s family from infection.


Most decorative rats are carriers of the pathogen, but infection and development of characteristic pathological changes observed only as a result of contact with a sick animal, in violation of feeding and maintenance conditions, hypovitaminosis and weakened immunity, in elderly individuals. Pathogenic microorganisms affect the upper and lower parts of the lungs of a rodent, forming numerous abscesses and causing the development of pneumonia, sometimes inflammatory process affects the genitals of the animal.

Symptoms characteristic of rats: sneezing, red discharge from the nose and eyes (porphyrin), wheezing and whistling when breathing, blue mucous membranes and skin, the rat has become lethargic and lies around a lot. Treatment includes a course of antibiotics, hormones, vitamins and anti-inflammatory drugs, including advanced cases It is impossible to save the furry rodent.


Rabies in ornamental rats is quite rare, it is very dangerous for humans, a pet becomes infected through saliva when bitten by a sick animal, especially while walking on the street, the most severe course of the disease is observed when bitten on the head or area of ​​the nerve nodes.

The disease can occur in violent, paralytic and abortive forms, incubation period in bitten people and decorative rats it ranges from 2 weeks to three months.

Signs of rabies in rats develop gradually, in several stages:

  • the first stage – apathy, photophobia, giving way to aggressiveness, are observed, sharp jumps around the cage, characteristic attempts to catch non-existent flies. The rodent refuses food, drooling, vomiting, shortness of breath appear, the pet cannot swallow due to paralysis lower jaw. Similar symptoms of rabies in rats against the background of recent bites should alert the owner of the rodent; it is necessary to urgently contact a veterinary clinic;
  • second stage - rabies in rats manifests itself in increased aggression, the rodent bites people, animals, cages, appears profuse drooling, paralysis of the hind limbs and pharynx, characterized by a drooping jaw, drooping head and tail. Flashes excessive aggression are replaced by periods of rest. The rabies virus penetrates the brain and the rat dies within 5-10 days. When a disease is detected in a decorative rat, the room where the pet was kept is disinfected using ultraviolet rays and alcohol.

Infectious pneumonia

The causative agents of the disease are specific viruses; domestic rodents become infected by airborne droplets, pathological process occurs in upper sections lungs at home rats. Pathology manifests itself characteristic symptoms: sneezing, red and mucopurulent discharge from the nose and eyes, hunched back, wheezing and whistling, the rodent breathes heavily on its sides, refuses food, the rat is lethargic, apathetic, sleeps more than usual. Sometimes there is a rapid progression of the disease due to increased level metabolism in rats, in advanced cases the animal cannot be saved. Treatment is carried out using antibiotics, hormones, vitamins and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Papillomas in rats

  • a tumor of the mammary glands is detected as a mobile lump on the abdomen or fused with the skin;
  • a tumor on the neck, on the side, under the paw or under the tail feels like a rolling ball under the skin on a leg;
  • the swelling on the face looks like a pet's swollen cheek;
  • brain tumor (BTU) is a common benign tumor with a characteristic clinical picture: the rat's front and hind legs, the rodent lies with outstretched limbs, the joints cannot be bent;
  • bone tumors are manifested by thickening of the bones of the limbs, ribs and skull, the animal is not able to move independently.


Rhinitis in rats occurs through contact with infected animals or people (infectious rhinitis) or when the conditions of detention are violated (non-infectious rhinitis). Symptoms infectious rhinitis in rats develop rapidly, the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets; in weakened, emaciated and elderly animals, the pathology can be fatal. If, then non-contagious rhinitis occurs.

An infectious runny nose in a rat is manifested by mucopurulent discharge from the nose, sneezing, grunting, red discharge from the nose and eyes, lethargy, increased general temperature animal body, shortness of breath, heavy breathing and wheezing. Rhinitis should be treated by a veterinarian using antibacterial, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Colds in rats occur when the animal is in a draft, hypothermia or sharp changes room temperature, contributing factors are insufficient feeding and unsanitary conditions keeping a rodent. If a decorative rat has a cold, the runny nose will be mucous, there is grunting, sneezing, and the animal rubs its nose with its paws. Treatment of a runny nose must begin at the first symptoms of the disease; sick pets are prescribed inhalations and antibacterial drugs; non-contagious rhinitis can cause pneumonia in a domestic rat.


The owner of a rat needs to know what to do if a rat has diarrhea in order to prevent dehydration and exhaustion of the animal. If your animal has soft stool with mucus, you can give your pet rice water and diluted smecta 3 times a day for three days, and also exclude prohibited foods. If improvement does not occur, or the animal’s diarrhea initially occurs with discharge large quantity liquid foamy mass with blood and mucus, you must urgently contact a specialist.


Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the eye caused by microtrauma or viral infection. The disease is manifested by purulent discharge from the lacrimal canal, the animal's eyes, and dried crusts of pus are found on the eyelids. If a rodent's eye is inflamed, it is necessary to urgently take the pet to a specialist; the animal needs to wash the conjunctival sac with antiseptic solutions and place hormonal and anti-inflammatory ointments under the eyelid.

Corns (pododermatitis in rats)

Pododermatitis in elderly or overly well-fed rats occurs when animals are kept on hard, dry litter or in cages with slatted floors; the dry skin of the feet is damaged and rounded calluses are formed in rats, reminiscent of human calluses. Subsequently, periodic opening and suppuration of these swellings occurs, lameness and chronic irreversible processes in the ligamentous apparatus pet's limbs. Treatment of pododermatitis must begin immediately when the feet become red; therapy consists of moisturizing the skin with oils and creams, and the corns are lubricated with wound-healing ointments. An important preventative step is changing the conditions of keeping and feeding.


Periodontitis in rats is an inflammatory disease of the supporting-retaining apparatus of the tooth, manifested by refusal of food, unpleasant smell from the mouth, redness and bleeding of the gums, yellow teeth, profuse salivation, sometimes with blood, loosening and loss of teeth, swelling of the muzzle. The disease develops when the rules of feeding and maintenance are violated, an unbalanced diet using mainly soft feed. If a rat's teeth have turned yellow, it is necessary to urgently review the diet; solid food removes tartar well, preventing the development of periodontitis. Treatment of the disease in advanced cases includes removal of diseased teeth and tissues under local anesthesia.


In decorative rats, it manifests itself as burgundy-red discharge of the Harderian gland secretion from the nose and eyes, resembling dried blood in appearance. Porphyrin occurs independently due to injuries, stress, violation of feeding and maintenance conditions, or signals serious pathological conditions in the body: pneumonia, mycoplasmosis, oncology, tuberculosis. Treatment of porphyrin comes down to improving feeding conditions, housing, eliminating stress and symptomatic therapy.


– a common pathology in decorative rats, characterized by a violation cerebral circulation as a result of rupture or blockage blood vessels brain. Individuals suffering from obesity, heart and kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, and oncology are predisposed to the disease. A stroke manifests itself as loss of coordination, paralysis of the limbs, blindness, eye hemorrhages, the rat walks sideways, and the rodent may become apathetic or aggressive. Treatment is effective in the first hours after the onset of the disease; the animal is prescribed oxygen, diuretics and antiepileptic drugs.


– focal inflammation of tissues, a fairly common pathology in domestic rats, which occurs when the integrity of the skin is damaged against the background of reduced immunity. An abscess is characterized by the formation of a swelling filled with pus. Treatment of the disease is carried out only by a veterinarian using surgical dissection using local anesthesia. Treatment at home can cause infection of healthy tissue, sepsis and death of the pet.


Otitis in rats is a common inflammatory disease of the ear; localization can be internal, middle or external, in the latter case the skin is damaged auricle and outdoor ear canal. Internal and otitis media may be a consequence of otitis externa or caused by infection of the upper and lower respiratory tract, otitis externa occurs as a result of damage to the skin of the auricle by sarcoptic mites, bacterial and fungal infections, against the background of eczema and dermatitis.

Otitis in a rat manifests itself with pronounced symptoms: discharge from the ear with an unpleasant odor, redness and swelling of the auricle with external otitis, tilting the head to the side, circling in place, the rodent rubs its ear against objects; treatment of the disease must begin immediately. The animal is prescribed a course of antibiotics, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs.

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Diseases of decorative rats

No matter what animal you have in your home - a dog, a cat, or maybe a decorative rat, you cannot count on the fact that your pet will not get sick without proper care and attention. Therefore, before you decide to join the ranks of pet owners, ask yourself this simple question: “Am I ready to bear responsibility for my pet, to be with him in sorrow, in joy, and, in case of illness, to treat is this a defenseless creature? If you, without hesitation, answer in the affirmative, it means that you will make a good owner; if you doubt and prefer to avoid such difficulties, then you, most likely, have not yet matured enough to take responsibility for a living being.

Today, we offer those owners of decorative rats who once promised themselves and their small rodent to be with him in sorrow, and in joy, and in illness, to talk about just such situations when a decorative rat is sick.

What do decorative rats suffer from? How to treat them? Which preventive measures What can you do to prevent your rodent from getting sick? Let's look for answers to these questions together...

Features of life and health of decorative rats

Prevention of diseases of decorative rats

We deliberately decided to start the topic of rat diseases with the prevention of such diseases. After all, if you take such preventive measures, then your decorative rat will never suffer from such dangerous diseases. Therefore, first of all, keep an eye on the balanced and, as veterinary practice shows,

in 8 out of 10 cases, the disease develops on such favorable grounds as improper nutrition of the rodent.

Do not overfeed your decorative rat - this can lead to obesity. Under no circumstances should you give prohibited foods such as sweets, smoked foods, or fried foods. It’s better to fill your rodent’s diet with raw vegetables and fruits.

Make sure that the cage with the decorative rat is not in a draft, the animal is not exposed to hypothermia, and vice versa - it cannot get sunstroke or heatstroke. When your decorative rat walks around your home, be careful not to inadvertently injure your pet with your careless movement.

Infectious diseases of decorative rats

Such infectious diseases in decorative rats are quite severe and most often end in the death of the rodent, since it is quite difficult to diagnose them, the disease proceeds in a latent form for a long period of time, and when it has already progressed, it is too late to do anything.


Speaking about infectious diseases, we could not help but recall mycoplasmosis. I would like to say something about it separately. Pathogen of this disease is the bacterium Mycoplasmapulmonis, and you are unlikely to find at least one rat that is not a carrier of this virus. The very fact of infection with mycoplasmosis occurs when a sick animal comes into contact with a healthy one through the air.

Old rats are most likely to get mycoplasmosis after they reach 1.5 years of age.

The disease is accompanied by the formation of multiple abscesses and blisters on the surface of the lungs of the decorative rat, which are affected by such abscesses and internal organs. It is almost impossible to save a decorative rat from mycoplasmosis.

Diseases of decorative rats that are dangerous to humans

Some rat diseases are dangerous to humans

Among the diseases infectious nature, which are dangerous for people, and from which decorative rats suffer from diseases such as tuberculosis, plague, rabies and a number of other quite serious functional disorders work of the whole organism.

In order to ensure that rat diseases do not pose a threat to you and me, the owners, and we can help our pet, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures, both in cleaning the rat cage and in examining the rodent itself. And, if any disturbances in the behavior of the rodent are detected, do not hesitate to visit the veterinarian. Also, it is worth remembering that decorative rats, like other domestic animals, can suffer from worms, mites, scabies, and they may have fleas - and all this also requires immediate appeal to a veterinarian to prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

The decorative rat is susceptible to skin diseases. The owner may find a spherical abscess on the rodent’s body; most often it is an abscess in rats. Owners of domestic rodents are frightened by the sight of large abscesses. At timely treatment abscess, the prognosis is favorable, but in advanced stages sepsis and death of the animal are possible.

IMPORTANT!!! Abscesses must be treated on time!

How does an abscess form?

An abscess is a focal purulent inflammation fabrics. Internal abscesses are localized in various organs and tissues in serious infectious diseases: abscesses of the lungs and liver. External abscesses form on the animal’s body as a result of violation of the integrity of the skin (scratches, wounds, bites), penetration of normal microflora into various organs and fabrics on the background inflammatory diseases and decreased immunity.

IMPORTANT!!! The owner himself can infect his pet with staphylococci, which constantly live on human skin.

Subcutaneous abscesses are characterized by:

  • the formation of a painful swelling filled with pus;
  • thinning of the skin in the center of the abscess, scabs at the site of tissue damage;
  • deep damage or general infection the body may be accompanied by refusal to feed, lethargy, and inactivity.

IN damaged tissue An inflammatory process develops caused by the proliferation of staphylococci and streptococci. Around the source of inflammation, a kind of capsule is formed from lymphocytes that prevents penetration pathogenic bacteria V healthy tissue. An abscess begins with redness of the rodent's skin, then the affected area thickens, at the end of the process an abscess with soft green or yellow pus inside is formed. Pus is an accumulation of dead lymphocytes, pathogenic microbes and blood cells. The color, consistency and smell of pus can be completely different and depend on the type pathogenic microflora.

The abscess may develop in different ways:

  • the purulent contents are destroyed by the body inside the pyogenic capsule, recovery occurs;
  • a bulge with pus is formed, which comes out at the site of thinning of the skin, the wound heals and the abscess goes away;
  • a convex subcutaneous abscess breaks through, pathogenic microflora penetrates into the bloodstream healthy organs and tissue, causing inflammation and sepsis;
  • the abscess grows deep into the tissue, which is also fraught with septic shock and death.

Where can external abscesses occur?

In a rat, an abscess can be localized in any part of the body:

  • in the oral cavity near the roots of the teeth, the ulcers are very painful and greatly disturb the animal;
  • most often found on the neck, behind the ears, on the sides, withers, limbs, abdomen, and in the groin area in males;
  • the appearance of an abscess behind the eyes can signal a severe decrease in immunity or the formation of a tumor in the animal’s head.

Abscess behind the eye

Abscess on a rat's neck

If the abscess is localized on the animal's neck, attempting to open it at home is unacceptable. Abscesses are localized at the location of large lymph nodes, if the integrity of the pyogenic capsule is violated, pus can penetrate with the lypha current into the internal organs and tissues, which is fraught with the rapid development of sepsis and death of the pet.

Abscess on a rat's neck

A swelling in an animal's throat may indicate the formation of a benign or malignant tumor. The specialist makes a decision on the nature of treatment after puncture of the swelling, visual, cytological and histological examination punctate.

IMPORTANT!!! Cervical, facial, dental and large abscesses must be treated only in a veterinary clinic!

Treatment of abscess in rats

Treatment of an abscess is a small surgery, which consists of opening the abscess using local anesthesia, removing pus, followed by washing the wound with antiseptic solutions and postoperative treatment anti-inflammatory ointments, antibiotics and analgesics. In the surgical treatment of deep and large abscesses, tissue incisions are made followed by suturing.

Abscess on a rat's head

Small soft tissue abscesses, with the exception of neck, eye and dental abscesses, can be treated at home. Only a mature abscess can be opened to prevent pus from breaking through into the tissues and infecting the pet’s body. You can speed up the formation of pus by applying iodine grid twice a day. Sign of a mature abscess - bright redness skin around the abscess, the center of the abscess turns white and softens.

Opening an abscess in a rat at home

Surgery an abscess at home consists of several stages:

Postoperative care of the rat

Opening an abscess is an operation after which careful care of the pet is required to speed up recovery:

  • use chlorhexidine solution 1% no more than once a day;
  • introduce probiotics into the diet to restore microflora while taking antibacterial drugs;
  • a sick pet must be isolated from its relatives;
  • place a bottle in the cage warm water, it will become a heating pad for a rodent;
  • wash the cage daily and change the bedding; only pieces of fabric and napkins are allowed as filler;
  • Provide the rodent with high-calorie food and plenty of fluids.

To prevent the formation of abscesses, it is necessary to keep your pet’s home clean, subjecting the cage, drinking bowl and feeder to regular disinfection. Leftovers roughage, sharp objects must be constantly removed from the rat's house; it is recommended to cover slatted floors with soft bedding to prevent injury. For the slightest damage to the skin, it is advisable to treat the wound with antiseptic solutions.

Love your pet rats, take good care of them and feed them a variety of food; if there are large or frequent abscesses, contact a specialist; with timely treatment, your pet’s abscess can and should be cured.

In the video you will see how a rat's abscess is opened in a veterinary clinic and the incision is treated.


Skin diseases in rats - types and treatment of abscesses

Rats, like other animals, have different skin diseases(lichen, warts, skin effects attacks by ticks, etc.). Among these diseases there are also skin abscesses.

Types of abscesses

Abscesses are collections of pus found in different parts bodies. The causes of abscesses are:

  • internal (caused by other diseases)
  • superficial

However, no matter what the abscess may be, with prolonged non-intervention or with improper treatment it can lead to serious illness in the animal. The bacteria that infects rodents can spread throughout the body and become fatal. It can enter the blood and poison it, leading to fatal outcome without fast effective assistance doctor But if treatment is started at the first sign of an abscess, then the chances of recovery are very high.

Causes of abscesses

Abscesses occur when, for some reason, there is open wounds or wounds and bacteria get there. Even people themselves can infect a pet if they do not wash their hands before touching it, because we often carry different kinds bacteria on your hands.


If your rat's abscess is small, you can wait until it breaks out on its own and then treat the wound with an antiseptic. If a serious abscess is detected, it is best to contact a veterinarian. Removing an abscess is a minor operation that is performed with or without anesthesia, depending on how severe the inflammation is and where it is located on the animal's body. Removal is performed with a scalpel, and then treated with an anti-purulent medicine. If the abscess is large, stitches may be needed. Bandages are not used as they block airflow to the wound, which can slow down the healing process. Most often, the animal needs to be given (or injected) with antibiotics for some time to be sure that the disease does not get worse.

Abscesses in the rat's head area, especially behind the eyes, are very dangerous. This means that the rat's immune system has been destroyed or that the rat has a brain tumor. In both cases, death is inevitable.

Abscesses around the roots of a rat's teeth are very inconvenient to remove and cause damage to the rat. severe pain. Pus can be squeezed out from the bottom of the teeth to relieve pressure or a head that has formed in the skin under the rat's jaw can be cut out. Abscesses behind the eyes most often form at the same time as abscesses under the teeth, and are the worst of all rat infections. Due to their inaccessibility, they cannot be removed and must be treated from the inside. The rat needs to be given antibiotics by mouth or injection, but in any case, abscesses behind the eyes indicate a brain tumor.

Prevention measures

If you want the best for your pet, it's best to simply not let bacteria get to them. It is necessary to remove dirt and discarded pieces of food from the cage, as they are sources of bacteria. Disinfect your rodent's home once a week or more often (depending on how many animals live in the cage). Use soft bedding that does not contain anything sharp and remove all rough, rough, and sharp objects from the cage. Cover wire floors with some durable material and give your pet only clean, fresh food. It is also advisable to disinfect the drinking bowl every 2-3 days.

If for some reason your rodent has a wound on its body, then treat it well with some antiseptic solution until it drags on. If you do not allow the wound to fester, then the possibility of an abscess is excluded.


Abscesses in decorative rats

Abscess from a bite An abscess is a collection of pus in tissues, organs, or border areas, usually caused by bacterial infection. The pus is usually surrounded by inflamed tissue. Abscesses can be internal, indicating a serious problem caused by another disease. For example, with respiratory tract infections, abscesses may form in the lungs.

However, external abscesses are more common in rats. Skin abscesses are quite common among all types of pet rodents.

  • Abnormal swelling of tissue filled with pus.
  • Fast growth tumors – from one to several days. The tumor can be located anywhere and be quite painful.
  • The center of the abscess may appear white as the skin in this area becomes thin, thereby forming the site of a subsequent breakout. You may also see a scab on the side of the abscess where the damage occurred that led to the development of the abscess.
  • If the abscess is deep enough or there is general infection, the following symptoms may be observed: anorexia, weight loss, decreased mobility and possible violation functions of various organs.
Depending on the cause of the abscess, the pus can have a different color - from light yellow to green, and a different consistency - from clear liquid to creamy. Pus does not necessarily have an odor, it depends on the bacteria that caused the abscess. An abscess is caused by tissue damage, which can be caused by injuries, bites, infections present in the body, or migration of natural microflora to other parts of the body. An abscess is an infectious and inflammatory process where lymphocytes (white blood cells) form a protective barrier around the infection in organs and tissues, thus trying to prevent its further spread. Pus consists of dead lymphocytes, dead bacteria and blood components.

The development of an abscess can occur in the following ways:

  • The pus inside the abscess will autolyse (self-digest) and be absorbed by the body, causing the abscess to go away.
  • The abscess will develop further below the surface of the skin, resulting in a visible bulge filled with pus. This pus can then drain out on its own through the resulting thinning of the skin (the so-called “head” of the abscess). The wound will dry up and the abscess will go away.
  • An abscess can break through and travel through the bloodstream to other tissues and organs, followed by their inflammation.
If an abscess grows deep and then ruptures, releasing infectious agents into the blood, this can lead to bacteremia, that is, the presence of bacteria in the blood, although the blood is normally sterile. The result may be sepsis (blood poisoning) and septic shock.

Abscesses can be caused by a variety of bacteria:

  • Skin and soft tissue abscesses are most often caused by the microorganism Staphylococcus aureus (staphylococcus). Staphylococci can lead to rapidly spreading necrosis, early appearance of suppuration with big amount pus. They highlight dangerous poisons, but can be relatively quickly blocked by surrounding tissues, which prevents further spread of bacteria.
  • Staphylococci are also often the cause of ulcerative pododermatitis - ulcers and inflammation on the lower part of the paws (feet). Such pododermatitis are, in fact, a type of abscess.
  • Staphylococci can be transmitted to rats from humans, since given organism almost always present on the skin.
  • Abscesses located in the oral cavity and perineal area can be caused by anaerobic bacteria and contain brown pus with the smell of decomposition.
  • Cervical abscesses can be caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pasturella pneumotropica, Streptococcus spp.
  • Most common reason facial abscesses, abscesses arising on the orbit and tail are Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Abdominal abscesses can be caused by anaerobic or aerobic gram-negative bacteria, such as Klebsiella, E. coli, Bacteriodes fragiles.
  • Preputial gland abscesses, which appear as unilateral or bilateral swelling around the penis, are caused by Pasteurella pneumotropica and Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Abscesses caused by Streptococci are characterized by a small amount of dead tissue (or complete absence), as well as the presence of serous effusion, which is a clear liquid with cell remains. Since this organism does not cause intense tissue destruction, the formation of a protective barrier takes longer. For this reason, there is a danger of infection spreading throughout the body.
Abdominal abscess Factors that contribute to the formation of abscesses include:
  • Weakened immune system.
  • The presence of excessive fluid in the tissues.
  • Hematomas.
  • Violation of normal organ cleansing.
  • Many abscesses can be diagnosed by the presence of pus in samples taken with a needle from the tumor.
  • Cytological examination.
  • Gram staining purulent discharge.
  • Bacteriological culture may be performed to determine the antibiotic of choice.
If the abscess is relatively small, you can treat it with moist heat at a temperature of 40-43 degrees. This promotes the expansion of peripheral blood vessels, and, accordingly, accelerates the flow of leukocytes into the affected area and the formation of pus. A mature small abscess can be opened to remove the pus from it. After this, the abscess should be washed with a sterile saline solution(about 9%). Chlorhexidine (1%) or Betadine diluted in a ratio of 1:5 with sterile water (5 parts of water per one part of the drug) can also be used.

Abscess opening technique

To open an abscess, it is better to contact a veterinarian, but in some cases you can do it yourself. First of all, wash your hands thoroughly. Trim the fur around the abscess and determine the location of the scab. Washing the abscess area several times a day with warm water will soften the crust (if there is one) and gently remove it without harming the rat. After removing the crust, you need to gently press on the base of the abscess to force the pus to come out through the outlet. Do not press too hard, as this may cause pus to enter the body. The escaping pus should be collected with prepared cotton wool. Pus should be carefully squeezed out from the depths of the abscess to its outlet (much like when squeezing paste out of a tube). Until the pus stops coming out. A small amount of blood may also be squeezed out along with the pus - this is normal. Dental abscess The abscess must then be washed out. To do this, a saline solution is pumped into it using a syringe, which is then squeezed out in the same way as the pus was previously squeezed out. Together with the solution, the remaining pus and affected tissue are washed away. Remaining pus can also be removed using cotton swabs, but you should not pick inside the wound to avoid causing a new infection. The wound can be filled with an antibiotic-based ointment (for example, tetracycline), and lubricated with Betadine or Chlorhexidine on top. Until the wound heals, you need to prevent the formation of a crust (scabs, scabs) on it and keep it clean. To do this, wash the wound with saline solution several times a day. Also, wash the wound from the inside twice a day with the same saline solution using a syringe without a needle. After this, put tetracycline ointment into the wound, and treat it externally with Betadine or Chlorhexidine. These procedures must be continued until the wound is completely healed. In some cases, treatment with antibiotics may be required, a list of which is given below. If the abscess is large and (or) deep, then it is necessary to make an incision through the entire surface of the abscess and wash the wound saline solution(and then rinse twice a day). The incision should be left open to allow drainage and promote wound healing. The use of antibiotic-based ointments will help protect the wound from the penetration of bacteria from the outside. In cases of large, deep abscesses, antibiotic treatment may be used wide range actions. However, it should be understood that the abscess itself does not have a blood supply, so antibiotics are used to prevent relapses and the possible spread of infection.

The following antibiotics can be used for these purposes:

  • Trimethoprim or other sulfonamides, such as Co-Trimoxazole
  • Amoxicillin. In the presence of allergic reactions it should be replaced with tetracyclines (Doxycycline).
  • Enrofloxacin (Baytril).
  • Chloramphenicol (Levomycetin).
In case of surgical intervention in postoperative period Analgesics may be required.

It is better not to try to open large, deep, facial or dental abscesses yourself!

  • Chlohexidine should be avoided in concentrations greater than 1% and more than once daily as this may result in a delay in wound healing.
  • Treatment and subsequent care should be continued until the wound is completely healed.
  • If antibiotics are used, probiotics (in the simplest case, yogurt with live cultures) can be used to prevent the development of dysbiosis.
If surgery was used to treat the abscess:
  • If the rat does not live alone, then during recovery it can be placed in a separate cage so that neighbors do not damage the healing wound.
  • If necessary, the rat must be provided extra heat(using warm water bottles or a heating pad) to maintain normal temperature bodies. At the same time, you need to leave an unheated area in the cage so that the rat can go there if it gets hot.
  • The cage needs to be cleaned daily. It is better to use pieces of fabric, paper towels or special bedding for animals as bedding. There is no need to use fillers to avoid contamination of the wound.
  • During recovery, you need to provide the rat with a diet of increased calorie content.
  • You also need to make sure your rat has enough water to drink.
Although abscesses may recur and require additional treatment, in many cases they will resolve. Factors influencing the success of treatment include the age of the rat, diet composition, condition immune system, in particular its ability to initiate and stop inflammation.
  • Timely cleaning and maintaining cleanliness in the cage.
  • Lattice and other rough surfaces in the cage (shelves, false bottoms) are best covered with soft bedding to prevent excessive friction.
  • All wounds and injuries must be treated immediately, and attention should be paid to any manifestations infectious diseases.
  • In case of damage that leads to the appearance of wounds, it is necessary, regardless of severity, to treat the wound with antiseptics.

2. Skin Abscesses in Small Rodents 3. Abscesses

All photos from here: http://ratguide.com/health/integumentary_skin/abscess.php (see Figures section)

To the question What to treat pet rat? small sores appeared on the side of the neck near the ears, it itches. What is this frequency? given by the author nipple the best answer is If there are sores and scratches in the area of ​​the chin and neck, then most likely it is a subcutaneous mite.
in rats, unlike pigs, it is treated very simply - 2 treatments with neostomazan with a break of 10 days were enough for us.
In pigs this mite can only be treated with injections.
My rats had this happen several times, Ozerkova (a well-known St. Petersburg ratologist) was always unmasked or prescribed Frontline.
There is simply nothing to do at the veterinarian with such a question.
from the rat breeders forum:
Subcutaneous mites - there are several types, and for them rats are host animals (that is, these mites can spend a full life cycle on a rat: born, feed, reproduce and die). Some of them live on the skin, and some species live directly in the skin of the animal itself, causing severe itching. They feed on the blood of the host animal, and can often be carriers of some infectious diseases.
See subcutaneous mites impossible with the naked eye; they are diagnosed by taking skin scrapings and subsequent examination under a microscope.
As a rule, ticks infect the front part of the rat's body: head, neck, shoulders, chin, and less often - sides and back. When affected by ticks, there are many scratching wounds, which are often mistaken for a manifestation of food allergies, hair loss in the affected areas, abscesses may appear, because infection penetrates into the wounds when scratching. The activity of mites can cause allergies in rats, except skin itching this is expressed in redness, swelling, and the appearance of crusts.
If any parasites or their signs are detected, it is necessary to TREAT the rat with a special preparation as soon as possible!
This can be done in specialized clinic, shifting everything onto the responsible shoulders of a professional doctor, or carry out the procedure promptly, independently, at home.
The processing procedure is simple.
First we need the drug itself. There are a great many of them. To date, the following drugs are considered the safest and most effective for rats:
- Frontline (spray)
- Neostomozan (emulsion)

Answer from Lena[guru]
I would take it to the vet and they would tell you for sure

Answer from Bunny jumping[guru]
Rat website
http://vk. com/club 13007367

Answer from express[newbie]
Lensi says it correctly. To the doctor!

Answer from Elena Dymova[guru]
to the vet. They will take a scraping from you. It can be anything

Answer from Victor Melkozerov[guru]
Give it to medicine for good. Do not have animals for some time. Advice from life.