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Questionnaire for assessing the level of health according to the main functional systems. Health Questionnaire

Questionnaire for students in grades 1–10 “My daily routine”

Full name ___________________________________ class _______

Guys! Read the questions and suggested answer options carefully. Monitor your daily routine for a week by recording the length of your night's sleep, homework time, and time spent walking each day. Calculate the weekly average for all three questions. Select the most suitable number from the options provided. Write in the “answers” ​​column.

Questions and answer options


What is your average night's sleep per week?

  1. Less than 9h
  2. Less than 9h30m
  3. From 10:25 to 9:30
  4. 10h30m and more

How much time do you spend on homework on average per week?

  1. Less than 1 hour
  2. 1h30m or less
  3. From 1h to 1h30m
  4. From 1h35m to 2h
  5. More than 1h30m
  6. More than 2h

How long does the walk take? fresh air(in hours and minutes) on average per week?

  1. 4 hours or more
  2. 3h30m or more
  3. 3 hours or more
  4. From 3h55m to 3h30m
  5. From 3h25m to 3h
  6. From 2h55m to 2h30m
  7. Less than 3h30m
  8. Less than 3h
  9. Less than 2h30m


Questionnaire for parents “My child’s health”

FULL NAME._______________________________________________________________________

the class in which the son (daughter) studies _____________________________________________

Dear parents! Please read the contents of the questionnaire carefully. Depending on the nature of the answer, you should emphasize Yes or no .



Do you have headaches (unreasonable, with anxiety, after school, after physical activity).



Is there tearfulness?



Do you experience weakness or fatigue after classes at school and at home?



Do you have sleep disturbances (difficulty falling asleep, light sleep, bedwetting, difficulty getting up).



Do you experience increased sweating or the appearance of red spots when you are nervous?



Do you experience dizziness or instability when changing body position?



Do you faint?



Are there any pains? discomfort in the heart, palpitations, interruptions.



Have you ever had an increase in blood pressure?



Does it happen often:

runny nose








Do you have stomach pain?



Do you have stomach pain after eating?



Do you have stomach pain before eating?



Do you experience nausea, belching, or heartburn?



Are there stool disorders (diarrhea, constipation).



Have you ever had dysentery?



Did you have Botkin's disease (jaundice).



Do you have lower back pain?



Do you ever experience pain when urinating?



Are there any reactions to any food, smells, flowers, dust, medications (rash, swelling, difficulty breathing).



Is there a reaction to vaccinations (rash, swelling, difficulty breathing).



Do you often have complaints of muscle pain after physical education or training?



Date ______________________

Signature of the person filling out the form _______________________


Questionnaire for students in grades 1-4 “Healthy lifestyle”

Class_______________ Gender M□ F □ Date of filling out the form _________________

1. Imagine that you have come to summer camp. Is yours best friend, who came with you, forgot his bag with things at home and asks you to help. Check which of the following items should not be shared even with your best friend?

soap □ Toothbrushhand towel

washcloth □ toothpaste□ shampoo □

slippers □ body towel

2. Two meal schedules were posted on the doors of the dining room - one of them is correct, and

Others contain errors. Mark the correct schedule.







Afternoon snack






3. Olya, Vera and Tanya cannot decide how many times a day they should brush their teeth. Which girl do you think is right? Mark the answer that you think is correct:

Teeth should be brushed in the evening to remove□

From the mouth all food debris accumulated during the day□

Teeth should be brushed morning and evening□

You need to brush your teeth in the morning to keep your breath fresh all day long.□

4. You were assigned to duty. You need to make sure your friends are maintaining good hygiene. Please indicate when you would advise them to wash their hands:

Before reading a book□ Before going to the toilet

After visiting the toilet□ After making the bed

Before eating □ Before you go for a walk

After playing basketball□ After playing with a cat or dog

5. How often would you advise your friends to shower? Note:

Every day □ Two to three times a week□ 1 time per week □

6. Your friend injured his finger. What advice do you have for him? Note:

Put your finger in your mouth□

Place your finger under the cold water tap□

Apply iodine to the wound and cover with a clean cloth.□


Questionnaire for students in grades 5 – 7 “Healthy lifestyle”

Class_______________ Gender M□ F □ Date of filling out the form ___________________

1. Which of the following conditions do you consider the most important for a happy

Life? Rate them from 8 (most important) to 1 (least important to you)


Have a lot of money□ Know and be able to do a lot

Be healthy □ Have a job you love

Have interesting friends□ Be beautiful, attractive

Be independent (decide what to do and provide for yourself)□

Live in a happy family□

2. What conditions for maintaining health do you consider the most important?

From the list of conditions provided, select and mark the 4 most important for you.

Regular sports

Good rest □

Good natural conditions(clean air, water, etc.)□

Possibility to be treated by good doctor

Money to eat well, relax, visit gym etc.□

Daily compliance with the rules healthy image life

(keeping a daily routine, eating regularly, exercising, etc.)□

3. Which of the following is present in your daily routine?


Few times a week

Very rarely, never

Morning exercises, jogging




Walk in the fresh air

Sleep at least 8 hours

Sports activities

Shower, bath

4. Can you say that you care about your health? (check as appropriate).

Yes, of course □ Rather yes than noMore likely no than yes □ No

  1. Are you interested in learning about how to take care of your health? Mark one


Yes, very interesting□ More interesting than not interesting

More uninteresting than interesting□ Not interested □

  1. How do you learn about taking care of your health?


From time to time


At school

At home

From friends

From the Internet

  1. How do you evaluate the health information you learn...


Not always interesting

Not interested

At school

At home

From friends

From the Internet

From radio and television programs

8. What health promotion activities are carried out in your classroom?

Which of them do you find interesting and useful?



Not interested

Lessons teaching health

Lectures on how to take care of your health

Showing films about how to take care of your health

Sport competitions

Quizzes, competitions, games on health topics

Holidays, health themed evenings


Questionnaire for students in grades 8 - 11 “Healthy lifestyle”

Class_______________ Gender M□ F □ Date of filling out the form ______________________

1. Which of the values ​​below are most important to you?

Material well-being□

Quality education□

Attractive appearance□

Good health

Opportunity to communicate with interesting people

Wealthy family□

Freedom and independence (the ability to plan your own life and realize your desires)□

Favorite work

2. What conditions for maintaining health do you consider the most important? From the above

From the list of conditions, select and mark the four most important to you.

Good heredity□

Good environmental conditions□

Following healthy rules lifestyle(mode, charging, etc.)□

Possibility of consultation and treatment with a good doctor□

Knowledge about how to take care of your health□

Lack of physical and mental overload□

Regular exercise□

Sufficient material resources for good nutrition, sports, etc.□

3. Which of the following is present in your daily routine?


Few times a week

Very rarely

Morning exercises, jogging




Walk in the fresh air

Sleep at least 8 hours

Sports activities

Shower, bath

4. Do you take enough care of your health?

Quite enough□ Not quite enough□ Not enough □

5 How do you feel about information about how to take care of your health?

Very interesting and useful□ Quite interesting and useful

Not very interesting or useful□ Not interesting and not needed

6 How do you learn about taking care of your health?

We use this questionnaire to determine your suitability for donation in accordance with medical recommendations, protecting your health as a potential donor, as well as the health of the patient. The questions are devoted to many factors that may prevent a person from joining the Register with medical point vision. The questions listed below do not include all situations that prohibit a person from donating, so if you have controversial issue or concerns about your suitability, please contact the Register staff.

We ask you to fill out the following form in detail and conscientiously:

1. General issues

Have you ever been pregnant?** yes; No.

If yes, then how many times _________.

Your blood type and Rh factor (if known) ____________________

Have you had a blood transfusion?** yes; No

if “yes”: what shimmered _________________ when (year)__________ how many times_________

Do you have any allergies? Yes; No

If “yes”, then what allergens __________________________________________________________

Your height ___________ (cm) Your weight ____________ (kg)

Do you smoke? ** Yes; No

Do you drink alcohol regularly? Yes; No

Have you ever been a blood donor?** yes; No

Have you ever been disqualified from donating? Yes; No

If “yes”, what was the reason: ____________________________________________________________.

Do you accept this moment any medical supplies? Yes; No

If “yes”, then what medications ________________________________________________________________.

Have you been given surgical interventions during last year? Yes; No

If yes, then what _______.

Have you had any unexplained fevers? Yes; No

Have you been in a serious accident? Yes; No

Have you had any vaccinations recently? Yes; No

2. Do you currently suffer or have you previously suffered from the following diseases:

Yes No
Tumors (including cured ones)
Diabetes, requiring drug treatment
Bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive bronchitis, requiring permanent treatment
High blood (arterial) pressure
Heart diseases: ischemic disease heart disease, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, previous myocardial infarction
Diseases blood vessels: previous stroke, arterial thrombosis, repeated venous thrombosis
Blood coagulation disorders: increased bleeding or increased blood clotting
Hereditary diseases blood
Severe kidney disease
Diseases thyroid gland
Autoimmune diseases: Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus and others.
Diseases of the nervous system (seizures, problems with intervertebral discs, particularly a displaced or damaged disc)
Mental problems(depression or other conditions)
HIV infection (AIDS)
Acute or chronic viral hepatitis
Yes No
Infectious diseases: leprosy, babesiosis, trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease), encephalitis, malaria, brucellosis, rickettsiosis, tularemia
Have you been treated with pituitary hormones, in particular growth hormones?
Have you ever had a tissue or organ transplant?
Yes No
Has any of your immediate family had leukemia (leukemia)**
Has any of your immediate family had cancer or other malignant neoplasms **
Have any members of your family had Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease?

3. Questions related to the risk of HIV, hepatitis B and C infections:

1. Are you familiar with information on the problem of AIDS (HIV) and hepatitis?** yes; No

2. Do you understand this information? ** Yes; No

3. Have you been or are you currently exposed to HIV, hepatitis B or C through contact with a family member or at work? Yes; No

If you are at risk of HIV infection or hepatitis B and C, you will not be allowed to donate for a period of time. This also includes sexual and other close contact with a person infected with this disease. infectious disease. The following conditions may prevent you from becoming a donor:

a) drug use;

b) sexual contacts in exchange for money or drugs;

c) homosexual contacts for men;

d) for women: sexual relations with a man who has had homosexual relations in the past;

e) sexual contact in the last 12 months with a partner who:

Is HIV positive or has hepatitis B or C;

Has taken or is taking drugs;

Had sexual contact in exchange for receiving money or drugs.

4. Questions related to the risks of anesthesia:

1. Have you ever had general anesthesia?** yes; No

2. If yes, did you have any complications or reactions? Yes; No

If “yes”, please indicate which ones: _________________________________________________________________.

3. Have any of your relatives encountered problems related to

With general anesthesia?** Yes; No

5. Other points

Do you have any other concerns or health issues that may prevent you from becoming a donor that you would like to discuss? (Please be specific) _______________

________________________ .

If you answered “yes” to one or more questions (except for questions marked **), or you are in doubt about your suitability, we ask you to contact our Register staff.

I confirm that I have not suffered and do not suffer from serious, long-term illnesses, and, to the best of my knowledge, I am completely healthy.

_____________________ (date) _________________________ (signature)

Related information.

Approximate estimate health status of schoolchildren

Carrying out regular diagnostics of the health status of schoolchildren is extremely difficult, if not impossible. Therefore, such diagnostic materials which can be carried out by the schoolchildren themselves and their teachers. Of course, the diagnostic materials presented below cannot replace a medical examination and are therefore indicative in nature, but they not only allow you to obtain data for entering into individual cards students, but also to increase schoolchildren’s interest in improving their own health.

For overall assessment health as a reserve of the body's adaptive capabilities, numerous approaches and methods are proposed.

1. Test questionnaire for an indicative assessment of the risk of student health problems

Conducted cool I'm the manager

Instructions to the expert

Try to rate the student on the following items using a 4-point scale:


1. Since childhood, manifestations of poor health and pain have been observed.

2. Previously transferred serious illnesses, injuries, operations.

3. Growing up in a dysfunctional family.

4. The family has financial difficulties.

5. Characterized by an asocial environment (friends, neighbors, relatives).

6. Leads an incorrect (unhealthy) lifestyle.

7. Leads sedentary lifestyle life (lack of physical activity).

8. Has a low intellectual level.

9. Has a low cultural level and a narrow range of interests.

10. Characteristic lack of hygiene skills.

11. Carefree, irresponsible.

12. Shows asthenic character traits and weak will.

13. Shows no interest in improving his health.

14. Has low search activity and lacks initiative.

15. Has hyperexcitability nervous system, susceptible to stress.

16. Has poor relationships with teachers.

17. Characteristic increased fatigue.

18. Uses (has used in the past) intoxicating substances.

20. Presents frequent health complaints.

Interpretation of results

Indicators within 20-25 points can be considered favorable. Indicators of more than 40 points are the basis for classifying a student as a risk group. WITH comparative analysis of indicators of students in different classes.


2.Test questionnaire for an approximate assessment of the risk of visual impairment

T eats was carried out by the student's parents.

Instructions to the expert

Try to rate your child on the following points using a 4-point scale:

0 - the sign is not expressed (absent);

1 - the sign is weakly expressed or appears occasionally;

2 - the sign is moderately expressed or appears periodically;

3 - the sign is clearly expressed or appears constantly.


1. Reads a lot.

2. Often reads when poor lighting or lying down.

3. More than an hour (half an hour for junior schoolchildren) spends a day at the computer.

4. Spends more than two hours a day (1 hour for primary schoolchildren) watching TV.

5. Reads and writes with his nose buried in the text.

6. From parents poor eyesight(wear glasses).

7. Doesn’t eat right (lack of vitamin A).

8. There is a tendency for increased arterial and/or intracranial pressure.

9. Careless about visual hygiene, does not monitor eye fatigue.


3.Test questionnaire for an approximate assessment of the risk of scoliosis and other postural disorders

The instructions are the same as in the previous test questionnaire.


1. Has the habit of sitting and lying in incorrect positions.

2. Carries bags and a briefcase in one hand.

3. Has a habit of slouching.

4. Shows insufficient motor activity.

5. Does not engage in recreational gymnastics (physical exercises, participation in sports sections, swimming).

6. Engages in weightlifting (weight lifting).

7. Eating incorrectly or irregularly.

8. Has an asthenic, disproportionate physique.

9. Carefree, carefree about your health and your appearance.

10. Has pronounced traits of inertia, slowness, and phlegmatism.

Interpretation of results from two test questionnaires: a favorable indicator for each of the questionnaires is up to 10 points; with an indicator of more than 20 points, the student should be classified as at risk.


4.Test questionnaire for schoolchildren’s self-assessment of risk factors for health deterioration

Each student fills out the test form independently. The form of the test questionnaire for (boys) is given. From the test questionnaire for (girls) Question 6 is excluded.

Questions No. 1-10 are expected to be answered “yes” or “no”; Questions No. 11-15 require choosing one of the proposed answer options.


1. I often sit hunched over or lie with my back curved.

2. I carry a briefcase, a bag (often heavy), and not a satchel.

3. I have a habit of slouching.

4. I feel like I don’t move enough (not enough).

5. I do not do recreational gymnastics (physical exercises, participation in sports clubs, swimming).

6. I do weightlifting (weight lifting).

7. I eat irregularly, haphazardly.

8. I often read in poor lighting while lying down.

9. I don't care about my health.

10. Sometimes I smoke.

11. Does school help you take care of your health?

c) I find it difficult to answer.

12. Did studying at school help you create a healthy lifestyle at home?

c) I find it difficult to answer.

13. What are the most typical conditions for you in the classroom?

a) indifference;

b) interest;

c) fatigue, exhaustion;

d) concentration;

e) excitement, anxiety;

e) something else.

14. How do you think teachers influence your health?

a) take care of my health;

b) harm health with their teaching methods;

c) served good example;

d) set a bad example;

e) teach how to take care of health;

f) they don’t care about my health.

15. How do you think the environment at school affects your health?

a) does not have a noticeable effect;

b) has a bad effect;

c) has a good effect;

d) I find it difficult to answer.

Processing the results

For questions 1-10, one point is awarded for each positive answer. For questions 11-12, a point is awarded for answer “b”. For question 13, points are awarded for answers “a”, “c”, “d”. For question 14, points are awarded for answers “b”, “d”, “e”. For question 15, points are awarded for answers “b”, “d”. Then the received points are summed up.

Interpretation of results

A result of no more than 6 points is considered successful. “Risk zone” - more than 12 points.


Galina Georgievna Ryabova
Questionnaire for parents to assess the health status of their child and timely correct it

Questionnaire for parents

For assessing your child's health status

And its timely adjustment

Dear parents! Please read the content carefully questionnaires and try to answer the questions as accurately as possible. You need this information to assessing your child's health condition

Are there any: 1. Headaches (unreasonable, with excitement, after exercise, after visiting kindergarten) Yes No

2. Tearfulness, frequent mood swings, fears Yes No

3. Weakness, fatigue after exercise (V kindergarten, Houses) Not really

4. Sleep disturbance ( long time to fall asleep, light sleep, sleepwalking, bedwetting, difficulty waking up in the morning) Yes No

5. Excessive sweating or the appearance of red spots during excitement Yes No

6. Dizziness, instability when changing body position Yes No

7. Fainting Yes No

8. Motor disinhibition (cannot sit still for long) Not really

9. Obsessive movements (tugging at clothes, hair, licking lips, biting nails, thumb sucking, blinking frequently, stuttering) Yes No

10. Pain, unpleasant sensations in the heart area, palpitations, interruptions Yes No

11. Increased arterial pressure Not really

12. Often runny nose (4 or more times a year) Not really

13. Cough often (4 or more times a year) Not really

15. Abdominal pain Yes No

16. Abdominal pain after eating Yes No

17. Abdominal pain before eating Yes No

18. Nausea, belching, heartburn Yes No

19. Abnormal stool (constipation, diarrhea) Not really

20. Diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines Yes No

21. Lower back pain Yes No

22. Pain when urinating Yes No

23. Reaction to some food, smells, flowers, dust, medications (swelling, difficulty breathing, rash) Not really

24. Reaction to vaccinations (rash, swelling, difficulty breathing) Not really

25. The appearance of exudative diathesis (skin redness, peeling, eczema) Not really

Questionnaire Test Score:

1. Questions 1-9: with a positive answer to questions 1,2,5 - separately or in combination (for example, 1&2; 2&3; 3&5; etc.)– observation by a doctor at the institution; with a positive answer to questions 2,4,6,7,8,9 separately or in combination (for example, 1&4; 2&6; 3&7, etc., as well as with a positive answer to 3 or more questions in this section (in any combination)– consultation with a neurologist is required.

2. Questions 10-11: if the answer to each or both questions is positive, examination by a doctor of the institution according to the indications of a consultation with a rheumatologist.

3. Questions 12-14: If the answer to each or several questions in this section is positive, consultation with an otolaryngologist is required.

4. Questions 15-20: with a positive answer to one of questions 15,20 – 16, 17,18,19, as well as to 2 or more questions in this section (in any combination)– examination by a doctor at the institution – consultation with a gastroenterologist.

5. Questions 21-22: if the answer to one or both questions is positive - examination by a doctor at the institution, additional special studies and consultation with a neurologist if indicated.

6. Questions 23-25: if the answer is positive to one or three questions –

examination by a doctor at the institution, consultation with an allergist if indicated.

Take care health from a young age - be attentive to state of health

your child and in a timely manner help him!

A questionnaire to assess the level of students' attitude towards health problems and a healthy lifestyle.

Dear friend!

We ask you to take part in studying your attitude towards your health.

Read the questions carefully and possible options answers. Choose the most appropriate answer and circle its number.

It is very important to answer sincerely and work independently.

You do not need to indicate your last name. Anonymity is guaranteed.

Please, indicate

1.Your gender



Your age_________________(enter the full number of years)

2.How do you assess your health?




4.Difficult to answer

3. Which of the values ​​below are most important to you?

Material well-being,

Quality education,

Good health,

Attractive appearance,

Favorite work,

Opportunity to communicate with interesting people,

Wealthy family,

Code and independence.

4.What conditions for maintaining health do you consider the most important? From the list of conditions provided, select and mark the four that are most important to you.

Good heredity

Good environmental conditions,

Following the rules of a healthy lifestyle,

Possibility of consultation and treatment with a good doctor,

Knowledge of how to take care of your health

Lack of physical and mental overload,

Regular exercise

Sufficient financial resources for good nutrition, exercise, etc.

5.How do you feel about information about how to take care of your health?

It's always interesting and helpful information,

Sometimes this is quite interesting and useful information,

Not very interesting and useful information,

This information does not interest me.

6.Do you take enough care of your health?

Quite enough,

Not quite enough

Not enough.

7.Where do you learn about how to take care of your health?


From time to time


From parents

From friends

At school

From magazines, books

From TV programs

Through the Internet

8.Do you consider the following to be harmful to your health? (You must answer each line in the table.)


Hard to say

Not harmful at all

1. Poor nutrition (a lot of fatty and sweet foods and very few vegetables and fruits)\overeating

2. Alcohol consumption

3.Drug use

4.Sedentary lifestyle



9.Do you smoke?

Yes, regularly


Sometimes, according to the mood or “for company”

Just tried it

10. How often do you drink alcohol?


A couple of times a year

Once or twice a month

Every week

Almost every day.

11.Have you ever tried narcotic or toxic substances?



12. At what age, in your opinion, should we talk about the dangers of alcohol, smoking, drugs and sexually transmitted diseases?

13. What health topics interest you most?( You can choose more than one topic)


Weight loss and gain


Sex education

Eating disorder

Drug influence

Sexually transmitted infections

Physical exercise and sports

Managing Emotions

Interpersonal relationships

Other (specify what exactly)

Questionnaire to identify students' attitudes towards healthy lifestyle.

    Age years.

    Gender: a-male; b-wives

    How do you spend your free time?

a) I read books;

b) I go to the cinema, to the theater;

c) I watch TV;

d) walking with a friend;

d) I go in for sports.

4. Have you heard anything about tobacco and alcohol?

a) yes;

b) no.

5. From whom did you first learn about tobacco and alcohol?

a) from parents;

b) from teachers;

c) from friends;

d) from radio, TV, newspaper;

e) from other sources.

6. How do alcohol and tobacco affect human health?

a) improve;

b) worsen;

c) do not affect;

d) I don’t know.

7. Do you think that when you grow up, you will be able to do without using harmful substances (tobacco and alcohol)?

a) yes;

b) no;

c) I don’t know.

Event plan,

aimed at preventing the use of surfactants

2014 – 2015 academic year




Identification of students who abuse tobacco smoking and creation of a data bank.

Class teachers, social teacher.


Strict control over students who abuse


Drawing up acts.

Key supervisors, social teacher, parent committee


Organization of employment of children at risk in leisure activities.


Petitions to the KDN for students who abuse tobacco smoking.

School administration, social teacher.


Activities for the prevention of psychoactive substances as part of the “We are for a healthy lifestyle” campaign

School administration,


Class hour dedicated to International Day quitting smoking: “There is no harmless tobacco”



“Be able to say no!”

Honey. Worker,

Competitions for schoolchildren “Presidential Competitions” and “Presidential Sports Games”

Class leaders, teacher physical culture, social teacher.

October December

Month of Legal Knowledge

(according to a separate plan)

School administration,

class leaders, social teacher.

January February


Raids of class teachers together with members of the Republic of Kazakhstan

School administration, members of the parent committee, social teacher.



Conducting trainings “Drugs or healthy lifestyle”

Key supervisors, physical education teacher, social educator.



World Health Day.

Health week.

Key supervisors, physical education teacher


“I know how to choose” training safe behavior

Key supervisors, social teacher.



Cycle cool hours on the prevention of surfactant use (to World Day no tobacco)

Key supervisors, social teacher.



“Lecture on the dangers of alcohol, smoking and drug addiction”


problem of adolescents using psychoactive substances in modern world; prerequisites and motivation for the use of surfactants;

model of risk factors and protective factors from substance use;

specifics of work to prevent the use of surfactants in educational institutions;

assessment of the effectiveness of preventive measures.

Key supervisors, social teacher,

Deputy Director of VR



Watching the video “Quit Smoking.”

Key supervisors, social teacher.

Deputy Director for VR



Disputes and round tables:

“All about substance abuse”, “One step before drugs”, “Learn to control yourself”, “Alcohol and teenagers”.

Meetings with medical workers from the Central District Hospital

Class teachers

Life Safety Teacher

During a year


Legal hour “Hooliganism. Administrative and criminal liability", "The influence of funds mass media»

Social studies teacher

Life Safety Teacher

During a year


    Medical – provides for informing students about negative consequences drug use on physical and mental health;

    Educational – provides for the provision of adolescents and youth complete information about the problem of psychoactive substance use;

    Psychological – development of skills in resisting group pressure, in getting out of a conflict situation, in the ability to make the right choice;

    Social - help in social adaptation schoolchildren. Communication skills training.