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How castration affects the behavior of a male dog. Castration of dogs: general questions

Castration of a dog involves a surgical procedure, the purpose of which is to remove the animal's gonads. This operation is carried out as per medical indications, and at the request of the dog’s owner, seeking to either prevent possible diseases your pet, or stabilize its hormonal levels and reduce aggression caused by increased level testosterone. Despite the fact that the term castration sounds rather intimidating, the surgical intervention itself poses virtually no danger to the male dog, and also does not require long-term postoperative measures.

There is a direct relationship between sexual behavior males and the amount of hormones produced by the testicles, so males are constantly ready for insemination by females, demonstrating more aggressive behavior than bitches. While on a walk, males mark their territory, often attack other dogs and chase bitches - all this is typical sexual behavior inherent in a healthy dog.

It is necessary to castrate a male dog if any pathology was discovered during the examination. reproductive system or his behavior does not allow him to be kept in an urban environment. Increased excitability, uncontrollable desire to mate, regular escapes are the main reasons that force owners to resort to castration four-legged friend.

A serious problem is also the pet’s habit of leaving marks on surrounding objects, regardless of whether he is walking on the lawn or at home. Such behavioral feature Typical primarily for hunting and small ornamental breeds.

Pathological processes in the testes are an area of ​​mandatory medical intervention. If you suspect a tumor or inflammation, hard amenable to therapy, castration is vital. Relieving the dog of the disease in a timely manner surgical method, you will not have to subject him to debilitating drug treatment.

Positive points

The advantages of castration include the following:

  • the animal becomes more adapted to being kept in a city;
  • the male becomes calm, does not show aggression towards passing people and other dogs;
  • a neutered male not only does not get involved in fights, but is also not of interest to other unfriendly dogs;
  • in most cases, the dog stops marking everything around;
  • is significantly reduced sexual desire, over time, the desire to mate completely fades away;
  • the dog no longer wants, as before, to sneak away from the owner in search of adventure;
  • Thanks to the operation, the risk of developing cancer diseases reproductive system, especially for older dogs;
  • castration acts as protection against sexually transmitted infections.

The dog's sharp changes mood, he is always happy to play outdoor games. The dog does not refuse food and sleeps more soundly. If earlier there were attempts to indicate leadership in the house, then over time they disappear.

Naturally, castration leaves its mark on the character of the animal, but only slightly. More obvious changes are facilitated by training, and in some cases the dog becomes balanced only with age.

There is a myth among dog lovers: supposedly castration affects the security qualities dog, but in practice this is in no way confirmed. If the dog coped well with the role of a guard before the operation, then after the operation its guarding skills will not go away.

Negative sides

Like any other operation, castration is associated with possible side effects and complications. Perhaps the main disadvantage of castration is the change hormonal levels, which may somehow affect the dog’s health.

Among unwanted effects castrations are distinguished:

  • hypothyroidism which occurs as a result of decreased hormone production thyroid gland;
  • osteosarcoma; as statistics show, mortality from bone cancer is much higher in neutered males;
  • lipid metabolism disorder; increased appetite after castration it often leads to obesity, which, in turn, provokes cardiovascular diseases;
  • mental disorders; behavioral abnormalities are often observed in elderly neutered dogs;
  • deterioration in wool quality; due to a lack of testosterone, the coat becomes softer, reminiscent in structure of puppy hair.

Dog owners should keep in mind the fact that anesthesia is more difficult for an animal than for a person. Veterinarians warn that anesthesia is more dangerous than the operation itself. Here, a lot is determined by the correct calculation of the dosage of the painkiller. Too small a dose can lead to premature waking up, and an exceeding dosage creates danger sudden stop hearts.

The most appropriate time for surgery is the beginning of puberty. By this period, the formation of the animal’s body is completed, but sexual desire does not yet dominate other instincts. The puppy is not yet marking his territory, so it is better to neuter him before he develops this habit. Otherwise, weaning off it will be quite problematic.

However, castration of adults is a completely acceptable measure. Sometimes owners deliberately put off surgical intervention in the hope that your pet's behavior will undergo significant changes once the puberty.

There is a great danger in castrating a puppy that is too young. On the one hand, early castration allows the puppy to recover faster and get rid of stress, but on the other hand, the risk of side effects increases:

  • defects cannot be ruled out genitourinary system(for example, urolithiasis);
  • It is impossible to predict how a growing and changing organism will react to surgery.

Representatives of small breeds are castrated mainly at 5 6 months, and dog castration large breeds carried out over a period of one to one and a half years.

Specifics of the operation

Since castration is included in the category of preventive operations and does not pose a serious threat to the life of the dog, a known healthy animal that has a good appetite and regular bowel movements. First of all, the veterinarian examines the dog, after which he gives a health assessment, on the basis of which any contraindications will be formulated or additional diagnostics will be prescribed.

The last meal should be no later than 12 hours before the procedure. Six hours before surgery, the dog is stopped giving water.

How does castration occur? The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Hair is removed from the operated area, then an incision is carefully made to the size of the excised testis in the scrotum. The organ is removed from the hole along with all the vessels. It is bandaged and cut off. Modern veterinary clinics have long used absorbable thread, so a barely noticeable mark remains at the incision site. cosmetic stitch. The entire operation lasts on average 15-20 minutes. Since the operation is planned, no special medical equipment. Experienced specialists They successfully practice this type of operation at home.

After the animal wakes up, you should not immediately force it to eat. It will take some time for the dog to recover and fully recover from anesthesia. As soon as the male dog shows signs of activity and interest in food, he should be offered some easily digestible food (porridge, lean meat). There should always be a bowl of food next to the dog. clean water. To rest, the dog is given a warm place with a comfortable bedding prepared in advance.

To avoid infectious infection, the veterinarian prescribes a course antibacterial therapy. It should not be alarming that the injured area is slightly swollen and swollen. This is a common picture on the first day after castration. TO full life The dog returns within a month. Proper care can reduce recovery time.

During rehabilitation, the owner is obliged to carefully monitor the bandage applied to the operated area. The bandages should not tighten the dog’s body, and the dog himself should not try to tear them off. To prevent the dog from gnawing or removing the bandage, a special collar is put on his neck. A contaminated bandage is changed immediately.

The owner should also check the condition of the seam and regularly wipe it with an antiseptic. If you discover that pus or blood is oozing from the suture, your pet must be taken to a veterinarian immediately. The reason for contacting a veterinarian should be heat and vomiting.

The owner of a male dog who is not involved in breeding and has no breeding value will have to think about whether it is worth castrating the dog and weigh all the pros and cons of such an operation.

This article will help you decide whether to castrate your dog or not, and will answer many related questions.

Owners of male dogs often perceive castration as a step against nature - an unnatural, cruel procedure and even a mockery of the animal.

But you should not think that this operation will cause great physical injury or psychological disability to your pet. Owners often tend to humanize their pets.

Before making an important decision about castrating a dog, you should “soberly” consider the pros and cons.

  • A non-castrated male experiences enormous stress in the absence of mating. It is expressed in aggression and disobedience.
  • Abstinence is fraught with the occurrence of diseases of the pet’s genital organs.
  • An owner who allows random matings with stray dogs should know that this is the reason for the appearance of venereal sarcoma.
  • The pet will be more attached to the owner during a walk.
  • A castrated male does not mark his territory - this is a big plus for apartment dogs.
  • After surgery, the dog becomes calmer and more obedient. Provided that such behavior is not associated with poor upbringing.
  • A dog kept in a private home will not try to escape.
  • The chance of getting into a dog fight and being bitten will decrease.
  • "will disappear" bad habit» imitate movements when mating by jumping on a leg, on toys, on dogs and so on.
  • The life expectancy of a neutered pet is slightly longer.
  • Increases the risk of prostate cancer, hypothyroidism and disease urinary tract.
  • Neutered pets require special diet, as the tendency to obesity increases.

At what age are dogs neutered?

According to medical standards, castration can be done at any age, the main criterion is one - the dog must be absolutely healthy.
It is better to wait to castrate a puppy; anesthesia for them is difficult to calculate and the consequences of the operation for a growing organism cannot be predicted.

Main criterion to determine the appropriate age is the size of the dog:

  • Males of small breeds are neutered at the age of 7 months;
  • large and giant dogs develop later; the recommended age for their castration is from 1-1.5 years.

An accurate calculation by age will give veterinarian, will also check the pet’s health status and its readiness for surgery.

How to prepare for castration?

Before the operation you should:

  • do not feed your pet 10 hours before the procedure;
  • stop drinking 6 hours before.

You need to take with you to the veterinary clinic:

  • Disposable diapers. May be needed when transporting an animal home after surgery. A pet under anesthesia will not be able to control urination; a diaper must be placed under it.
  • Blanket or rug. Cover your pet with it on the way home. If the dog's weight allows, it can be carried in a blanket.
  • Stretcher. Will fit heavy dogs for transportation.

Care after castration

The first hours after the operation the dog is still partially under anesthesia. When you return home, put your pet in its place and cover it with a blanket. Avoid drafts and close proximity to heating devices.

It is important that the dog is almost at floor level, since he may fall from the sofa or bed while trying to get down. Turn your sleeping pet from side to side every 40 minutes.

You can feed and water a male dog only when the effect of anesthesia has completely worn off. Until this time, the animal must be monitored, sleepy state A male dog may bump into objects while walking and even be disoriented in space.

After anesthesia, the eyes may be slightly everted for several hours, with the third eyelid partially not retracted.

After anesthesia, the dog may try to tear off the stitches and lick itself, this must be prevented.

During the first hours, the animal may behave strangely - be scared, aggressive, or, on the contrary, dejected. You need to calm your pet down with affection and speak quietly to him. It is important to let the dog know that it is protected and there is no reason to worry.

The sutures are treated regularly according to the instructions of the treating veterinarian. Swelling in the first days groin area natural, but at the slightest bleeding you should immediately consult a doctor. The male dog should not have nausea, problems with bowel movements or urination.

To ensure that the stitches heal without problems, you should:

  1. Use a blanket, it is sold in veterinary pharmacy.
  2. Limit the dog to physical activity such as: active games, long walks, jogging, climbing stairs, etc.
  3. Avoid socializing and playing with other dogs while walking.
  4. Do not wash your pet, do not swim in bodies of water. In cloudy weather, wear a raincoat.
  5. Do not overfeed and watch your stool. There should be no constipation.
  6. It is not recommended to let your dog off the leash when walking.

10-15 days after castration, the stitches are removed in veterinary clinic. You cannot do this on your own.

Food for neutered dogs

Feeding a neutered dog before the stitches are removed is usually prescribed by the doctor. Most often this is a specialized wet food. The first day after the procedure, the pet may not eat at all; this should not cause concern.

If on the second day the dog refuses to eat, you should immediately consult a doctor.
The amount of food consumed should be less than before castration, since due to hormonal changes the pet is more prone to obesity. The calorie content of food should be reduced by at least 10%.

The most convenient feeding option for the owner is ready-made food. There are many companies that produce special food for neutered animals. These foods contain a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Before choosing a manufacturer, you need to consult a doctor and study reviews. Feed strictly in the volumes specified in the instructions (there should be a table on the food package).

Monitor your pet for a week after starting feeding the new food. It is important that the male:

  • ate with appetite;
  • ate all the food to the end;
  • did not lick the bowl for a long time;
  • had a smooth and shiny coat;
  • didn't scratch my ears and skin covering(a sign of an allergy).

How does a dog change after castration?

When leaving and proper feeding general changes will not, the dog quickly experiences the stress of the operation and recovers. The male becomes calmer, he is not nervous about bitches in heat and other males.

Castration will not change the character of your pet. Relationships with people and animals will remain the same, with the exception that a neutered male dog will more easily recognize the authority of the owner as the leader of the “pack.”

Video on the topic

When deciding even on such a simple procedure as castration of dogs, the pros and cons must be taken into account comprehensively, and not just from the position of “It’s convenient for me, and therefore it will be so.” Is a dog happy who has the opportunity to mate, but regularly gets hit by the owner for tagging in the hallway? Will the dog's behavior change after castration or will he, as before, run away and attack dogs and passers-by? How do you know if your dog needs neutering?

First of all, let's talk about psychological aspect, since this is what worries most owners much more than the risks associated directly with the procedure. What are the pros and cons of castration of male dogs, if we consider peace of mind pet? Doesn't a male dog suffer when he discovers a “valuable loss”?

Today you can increasingly hear: “All male dogs that will not be used for planned breeding must be neutered. Dissatisfaction torments the dog, and this is cruel. The main advantage of castration of dogs is that males can enjoy life without exhausting themselves with the daily desire to breed a female.” Probably, this attitude to the issue came to us from the world of cats, or rather cats. Being loners, almost all cats only “think” about how to fertilize more females. Therefore, keeping an uncastrated cat at home that does not have the opportunity to mate regularly is truly a mockery.

Can the arguments for and against castration of dogs be assessed from this perspective? Of course not. Dogs are pack animals. In a group, each individual performs its own function, and reproduction is the prerogative of individuals. Only the most dexterous, intelligent and courageous individuals mate; the rest of the males are protectors, watchmen, hunters, but not producers. Those. physiologically and psychologically, any dog ​​is ready for life without mating; the absence of partners does not affect his condition in any way. The conclusion of animal psychologists: selective castration of male dogs is for and against universal castration of all “just like that, just in case.”

What does "selective" mean? We are talking about dogs that are unable to cope with the influx of hormones. High level sex hormones may be a consequence of illness or congenital feature body, the result is the same - no matter how much you raise your pet, he will “break the tower” from the mere smell of a female dog in heat. In such a situation, the dog’s behavior after castration will gradually become more even. The desire to run away, fight with male dogs, mark houses, make cages, etc. will decrease. The situation is gradually improving, even when we're talking about about adult males that were repeatedly bred. But if the dog has a cocky disposition, pees at home, runs away in search of adventures due to banal bad manners, castration of the dog will have no consequences at all (except for loss of fertility, of course). In this case, training is needed, not hormone control!

Read also: Sterilization of dogs: at what age and how to prepare?

Cancer, prostatitis and other horrors

And again we remember the difference in the lifestyle of cats and dogs. The cat’s body works like this: “Hormones, even more hormones! As many cats as possible more cats, because tomorrow I could die from a wound left by my opponent’s claws!” Male body: “I’ll get by, I’ll get by again, and I’ll get by today. Maybe tomorrow or in a year...” There is no need to worry about the effect of castration on the dog - it has no effect at all, with the exception of a decrease in libido and aspects of behavior that are associated with the desire to “find and make happy.” But we repeat: in natural conditions Not every male dog mates, and at the same time he must be strong and healthy in order to hunt and protect the pack - normally, no accumulation of hormones occurs from abstinence, this is not a cat. In addition, females bleed less often than cats, and this is another reason why males do not produce a sea of ​​unnecessary hormones. This does not mean that castration of male dogs will have Negative consequences: in any case, there will be enough hormones for healthy life(in addition to the testicles, there are also adrenal glands and the pituitary gland). But why, if everything is fine?

But when things are not in order, castration can become preventive measure against the multitude dangerous illnesses. A high level of hormones is a risk of neoplasms, diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys and adrenal glands, prostatitis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, etc. In this case, castration of dogs has very different pros and cons, which depends on the results of a comprehensive examination and the conclusion of a veterinarian. The male dog may need to be neutered. And sometimes treatment helps without such drastic measures.

Read also: Castration of dogs: at what age and how to prepare

Castration and working qualities

Often one of the disadvantages of castration is a decrease in working qualities. Like, not only will the dog not grow as big and strong as he could, but he will also become lazy. This is a statement based only on prejudice. For example, castration hunting dogs has been practiced for centuries, and is still practiced today. This is convenient because... the dog is not distracted by bitches in heat, focusing entirely on work. Smell, passion for hunting, territorial instincts, sensitivity, etc. do not suffer in any way from the fact that the male is deprived of the opportunity to bear offspring. The aborigines of the North have castrated and castrated all males who do not lead the team, and at the same time the dogs do not become smaller and do not become lazy, and just as happily pull the sleds.

As for physical characteristics, castration of dogs can have consequences only in cases where the manipulation is carried out too early. For example, if you castrate a puppy at three months of age, he may actually (but not necessarily!) grow up to be slightly smaller and slightly less bony than his unspayed littermate. If the operation is carried out in a timely manner, i.e. just before the onset of puberty, the male's stats will be the same as they would have been without castration - you can't argue with genetics.

Is that you, Bobik?

Considering the pros and cons of castration of male dogs, many owners worry that after the procedure the character of their four-legged friend will change. They often talk about loss of interest in life, decreased activity, drowsiness, some laziness, inactivity, etc. Some owners believe that it will be more difficult for the dog to communicate with its fellow tribesmen. But in reality, the behavior of a dog after castration remains the same: if the pet loved to play, he will still show interest in games. Only the desire to find a partner will go away, aggression towards male dogs will gradually decrease (of course, in cases where hormones and not lack of education were to blame).

Since castration affects a dog only from the outside various manifestations sexual instincts, such changes are only a plus. Even if we don’t talk about tags and cages, castrated dogs are less likely to get lost, less likely to get hit by cars, less likely to die in fights, etc. Drowsiness, reluctance to move, apathy and laziness - this is the behavior of that male dog after castration, who was previously not interested in anything except finding brides. But behind the stormy “hormonal bustle,” the owner simply did not see the real character of his pet. However, this does not mean that now the pet should spend all the time on the sofa: the former womanizer needs to be interested, stimulated with new impressions, funny games, etc.

Regarding communication with fellow dogs: a neutered male dog is a puppy for all other dogs. And all adequate dogs are favorable towards puppies, regardless of gender. Regarding obesity: it is not castration that leads to excess weight, but overfeeding. Having castrated your pet, it is necessary to take into account that now he is less nervous about the smelly bitch in the neighborhood, runs around the yard less in search of brides, spends less energy fighting rivals, and therefore spends less energy.

When thinking about neutering dogs, there are pros and cons to consider. individually. The decision may not be correct for everyone; it is important to remember the characteristics of the pet. If problems arise, consult a dog handler and a veterinarian who will be able to point out the cause of the trouble. Castration is not a panacea. But it’s not a terrible mockery either. It’s just that in the case of dogs, everything is very individual, and the owner is not always able to see the truth - emotions get in the way.

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Some owners are afraid for the dog’s health during and after castration, others do not understand why this is all necessary and when is the best time to do it? Let's take a good look and remove fears.

Pros and cons of castration

Some owners turn to veterinary clinics with requests to euthanize their pet. The reason is aggressive behavior. The family begins to fear the dog. What is the reason for this behavior before a certain age of a friendly male? With the influence of hormones.

A male or female dog experiences disturbances in the body physiological level. Castration for a male or sterilization for a female will, in most cases, solve the problem increased excitability and aggression.

Bitches mature earlier, but males mature at an average of 9 months. Purebred dogs They may not show anxiety even up to 1 year. But when a guy matures, he can suddenly rush somewhere while walking. So, many pets get lost. And the reason for this strange behavior a female in heat who is now walking with her owner 2 blocks from your route.

Owners are also annoyed by the pet’s habit of jumping on a leg or arm and performing frictions, imitating mating. It’s one thing when a toy or pinscher does this, and another when a husky or shepherd does it. One day the owners get tired of this and decide to castrate their pet.

If your dog is purebred, has a pedigree, is vaccinated and has participated in an exhibition, receiving the title of champion or higher, he can count on mating with a representative of his breed. Submit advertisements and wait for brides. If you just have a cute and even purebred dog without documents. Girls are unlikely to go to him. And 1 or 2 bitches per year is clearly not enough for a dog.

It happens that due to health reasons, a pet cannot be mated and even prohibited, and this is not because of a sexual disease. For example, mating is contraindicated for dogs with dysplasia in hip joints. Abroad, such dogs are recommended to be neutered after 9 months. and not only voluntarily, but also obligatory by law. In Russia there are no such strict rules, but such a male cannot be allowed to breed for breeding and it is better to castrate it.

Operation cryptorchid

If your male dog has cryptorchidism, this means that one of the testicles did not descend and enter the scrotum, but remained in the peritoneum (cryptorchidism). These dogs are not bred because for the testicle to function, it must be located in the scrotum. There, the temperature is 1-2 degrees below the pet's body.

The testicle, located in the peritoneum, although incorrectly, is functioning, but this creates a threat of developing sperm or testicular cancer. Therefore, it is best to remove a testicle that has not descended. This operation can be performed on your pet during childhood. A dog with only one testicle is capable of becoming the father of puppies.

If you have an expensive pet and plan to have puppies, you will have them, but it is better for your pet to have surgery right away. And it’s not worth using a dog for breeding after castration. Unfortunately, there is evidence confirmed by veterinarians that cryptorchidism is a disease that is transmitted at the genetic level. But you don’t want these puppies, do you? Their owners will have to similarly castrate teenagers or adults.

Uncastrated males are more nervous than castrated males, and this negatively affects their life expectancy. Therefore, by neutering your pet, you will live longer side by side with your beloved dog.

At what age is it best to have surgery?

Those who decide to castrate their pet often call the veterinary hospital and ask, at what age is it better to do this? It is best to do this when the pet is young and healthy, but if he has had a bad heart since puppyhood. other serious illnesses, then be sure to tell the veterinarian this and consult whether he should undergo surgery or not?

Some owners humanize their pets and think that when he becomes 2,3 or more years old, he will settle down and stop behaving badly. Unfortunately, this will not happen, the problem is the hormones that are released while the dog has testicles.

Experts believe that it is best to castrate your pet when puberty begins. The pet’s body is already formed, and there are no behavioral problems that mature adults have yet. Seize the moment and take your dog to be neutered.

At what age is it best to do this? If you have a dog small breed, then starting from 7 months, in medium-sized dogs from about 9, but in giant dogs, puberty can begin from 1 or 1.5 years. If you do not decide to have surgery in time, your sexually mature pet may begin to mark corners and pillars, and this will become a habit that even surgery may not help.

If you decide to have your pet neutered early age To understand that it is ripe, watch it carefully. When he begins to make friction on your arm, leg, or cat, plush toy, it means the boy has matured.

Some owners are interested in whether it is possible to operate on a dog when he is 7 or more years old? This is not advisable. Outwardly, he may look vigorous and healthy, but his heart is not the same, the blood vessels are weaker and the suture may take longer to heal compared to a young male. At this age, it will take 14 days or longer to recover.

It is also important how experienced the veterinarian is. If you find it difficult to live with a marking pet. and he is 9 years old, you shouldn’t immediately dismiss the idea of ​​castration. Take him to the veterinarian, let him listen to his heart, you can do an ultrasound of all organs and the veterinarian will tell you whether the dog can withstand the operation or whether it’s not worth the risk.

Even more undesirable than castrating an older dog is to do it too early, in puppyhood up to 7-9 months Of course, the baby’s wound will heal quickly, but, for example, for 3 months. It is difficult to calculate the correct dose of anesthesia. There are cases where puppies died during or after surgery under anesthesia. When the pet is 5 months old. and you castrate him, occasionally, but it happens that he reproductive system will begin to develop incorrectly and it will remain too small and other health problems.

During puppyhood, babies' teeth change and grow later. adult wool. You shouldn't take risks, it's better to wait until he shows signs of puberty and then castrate him.

How to prepare?

Let's consider step by step how best to prepare for castration of a pet:

  • It is required at least 1.5 months before surgery. vaccinate your pet. If you are in a hurry, at least 14 days should pass from vaccination to castration. Worms should be removed no later than 20 days before surgery;
  • If there is no vaccination, and you want to protect your dog from infections, you can ask the veterinarian to inject him with serum. It will protect the dog for 12 days;
  • Buy a remedy for worms and fleas. If it is not 2 or 3 in 1, then you need to give them in turn, with an interval of a week;
  • It doesn’t matter whether the pet is clean or dirty, 1 day before the procedure, wash it with flea shampoo;
  • Before general anesthesia, it is required that the dog does not eat anything for 12 hours. Feed him in the evening and do not give him anything in the morning. And for 6 hours he can’t even drink.
  • It is better to bring the dog to the operation itself 2 hours in advance so that he gets used to the situation and calms down. After castration, let him lie down for 2 hours under the supervision of a veterinarian.
  • Take a cotton sheet to the veterinary hospital, or terry or flannel; you need a blanket with a warm blanket.
  • When the operation is performed, the dog will lie down for a while, and the owner will need to take the pet in his arms. If you have a large one, call help.

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Dog castrationsurgical removal testes in males or the uterus and ovaries in females, as a result of which the animal forever loses the ability to procreate. Sometimes castration is confused with sterilization, but the differences between these two operations are noticeable. During sterilization, the seminal ducts of male dogs are simply tightened, and only the uterus is removed for female dogs, so that the animal can continue to mate, but will not be able to leave offspring. After castration, the animal is absolutely indifferent to love affairs.

Sterilization is popularly considered a “female” operation, which is performed only on females, while castration is called a procedure for male dogs. As we found out, this is wrong, since castration is the radical removal of reproductive organs in animals, regardless of gender.

Castration of dogs: pros and cons

Castration has both ardent supporters and real opponents. To make the right decision, pet owners should know the pros and cons of castrating dogs. So, let's first list positive sides operations:
  1. The animal almost always becomes calmer. Bitches go into heat forever, males show no interest in females;
  2. Dog behavior changes better side(attempts to dominate the owner disappear, marks are not placed in the apartment, there is no aggression towards fellow tribesmen of the opposite sex);
  3. After castration, an animal can perform its functions (guard the house, drive an animal while hunting, serve as a guide for the blind, etc.) without being distracted by “amorous” matters;
  4. In dogs after castration less chance get into any trouble (road accidents, fights with other animals, etc.). Simply put, pets go outside not for the sake of excitement and searching for a sexual partner, but for jogging and using the toilet;
  5. Castration reduces the risk of many dangerous diseases(in females these are oncological processes of the reproductive organs, pyometra, and in males - tumors of the testicles and prostate gland, prostatitis, etc.).
Castration also has its disadvantages. If we consider the reviews of owners left on the Internet, to the disadvantages of the operation can be considered:
  1. The need to introduce the animal into general anesthesia, which sometimes leads to allergic reactions, malfunctions of the heart, disorders of the respiratory system, disorders of the stomach and intestines;
  2. Complications after castration (we will talk about them below);
  3. A decrease in activity in a neutered dog, which often leads to obesity, joint problems, impaired brain function and other problems.

At what age is it best to castrate?

In Europe, castration is sometimes performed on very young puppies that are less than 2 months old. But Russian veterinarians advise not to take your pets to the clinic until they are at least six months old. Most suitable age When dogs are castrated depends on the size of the animal and its state of health. As a rule, (weighing no more than 10 kg) castration is done at 6-8 months, and for animals at 1.5-2 years.

Theoretically, castration can be performed on a 3-5 year old dog. But animals older than 7-8 years usually undergo surgery for medical reasons, since older dogs do not tolerate the effects of anesthesia well and take longer to recover from surgical intervention.

How to prepare your pet for castration?

No one good specialist will not castrate the dog on the day of treatment. To begin with, urine and blood tests are taken, and if necessary, x-rays and ultrasound are performed. internal organs(and definitely hearts). If the owner decides to castrate a pet, it is important to consider the following points:

  • 3 days before castration, animals are transferred to light food (dietary dry foods or natural food: lean meat and fish, vegetables, fermented milk dishes, a minimum of cereals, exclusion of fatty and flour products);
  • On the eve of the operation, it is important to prepare a carrier for the dog, clean bedding, disposable wipes, antiseptics(the veterinarian will tell you the names of the drugs), a special collar;
  • The house where the dog will be restored after castration should be put in order (wipe the dust, wash the floors with a disinfectant solution);
  • The dog is fed 10-12 hours before surgery, and water is given to drink no later than 6 hours before hour “x”.
  • Care after castration of a dog

    When a pet has undergone removal of the testicles (or the uterus and ovaries), rehabilitation begins, which takes approximately 3-4 weeks. Caring for your dog after castration includes the following items:

    1. Providing peace. It is better to avoid receiving guests, parties, and visiting crowded places for a while;
    2. Equipment of a warm place for a neutered animal. street dog It is reasonable to take it into the house for a while to eliminate unpleasant moments such as inflammation in the wound area;
    3. Monitoring the condition of the dog. After castration, it is important to monitor the animal’s temperature, breathing rate, pulse, and the color of the mucous membranes. If something doesn't go according to plan, it's best to call your veterinarian immediately;
    4. During recovery from anesthesia, it is necessary to monitor the animal. You should not let your friend who has undergone surgery go outside; it is better not to allow him to jump or run in order to prevent injury;
    5. A dog that has recovered from anesthesia can be given a small amount of water to drink, but it is better to rid the pet of food in the first hours after recovery from anesthesia. After the administration of anesthesia, firstly, it is difficult for a pet to swallow, and secondly, nausea is often present after the administration of anesthesia;
    6. In the first hours after the operation, the animal may wet itself; of course, you should not scold it for this. As soon as the dog finally wakes up from anesthesia, you can go for a walk, but not for long, so that the pet just relieves itself;
    7. If the animal shows interest in the stitch (licks or chews the wound), it is wiser to place a protective collar around its neck;
    8. Typically, after castration, dogs are given antibiotics and the wound is treated with an antiseptic. It is important to follow all the veterinarian's instructions;
    9. Approximately 10 days after the operation, it is worth visiting the clinic to remove the stitches (if self-absorbable threads were not used);
    10. In the first 2 weeks after castration, it is better not to overload the dog. For a month after the intervention, it is generally better to provide the dog with a gentle regime (little running and too much active games, no swimming in the water, competitions, etc.).

    Possible complications after castration

    Castration is not the most difficult of veterinary operations, but it is better for the owner to know in advance about some nuances:
    • Constipation. If the dog does not go to the toilet after castration for more than 2 days, you can give it a mild laxative (for example, Vaseline oil);
    • Suppuration of the suture area. Bloody or purulent discharge from a wound, swelling in the area of ​​the operation usually occurs when antiseptic rules are not followed. This problem must be solved with the help of antibiotics after consultation with the doctor;
    • Abscess development. This happens when the ovaries or testes are not completely removed. Here you cannot do without repeated surgical intervention;
    • Seams coming apart. Sometimes dogs lick their wound so eagerly that they damage the threads applied by the doctor. If the wound is open and bleeding, it is better to immediately contact the clinic so that a specialist will stitch it again;
    • Negative consequences of anesthesia. Vomiting (no more than 2-3 times), unsteadiness of gait, cases of lethargy, lethargy are phenomena that should not cause concern if no more than 1 day has passed since the operation.

    Behavior of castrated dogs

    Some owners believe that immediately after the operation the animal will suddenly forget about its instincts. In fact, a dog’s behavior changes after castration within 6-12 months. Thus, a male castrated a few days ago may well follow a female in heat, hoping to mate. However, just a few months after surgical intervention the behavior of the “Lovelace” will change.

    Many owners are interested in whether the dog will definitely stop marking after castration, get into fights with other animals, and run after an individual of the opposite sex. It is important to understand here that no operation can affect an ill-mannered dog. If the owner is not used to, for example, putting his dog in his place while walking, the dog will attack everyone even after castration. If the puddles in the apartment have always been left unattended, then this will continue to be the case, even after the castration procedure.

    How much does castration cost?

    An owner who has decided to have a pet undergo surgery is probably interested in how much it costs to castrate a dog. For example, in Moscow average cost castration depends on the weight of the animal. Small dogs weighing less than 5 kg will be operated on for 3500-4000 rubles, a pet weighing up to 10 kg will be castrated for 4500-5000 rubles, from 10 to 20 kg - for 5500-6000 rubles, and a 30-50 kg “comrade” will have to pay 6500- 7000 rubles. A healthy dog ​​weighing more than 50 kg will have his testes or uterus and ovaries removed for 7,500-9,000 rubles. Rates are approximately the same in St. Petersburg. In others major cities(Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, etc.) the price of castration is lower than in the capital. On average in Russia, the cost of an operation ranges from 1000-7000 rubles.