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What can you eat after constipation? Fish and seafood. What foods cause problems with stool?

Diet for constipation

Practically healthy people with a tendency to slow or incomplete emptying intestines, diet No. 15 is prescribed. For recovery normal operation intestines you need to know how to eat properly when constipated:

  • Limit fatty and fried foods.
  • Proteins from low-fat meat, fish, and dairy products.
  • Decrease simple carbohydrates(flour and confectionery) and a sufficient amount complex carbohydrates from cereals and fruits, dried fruits, honey.
  • Abundance dietary fiber from vegetables and bran.
  • Food is consumed uncut without lengthy cooking.
  • Five meals a day at the same time.
  • Drink clean water at least two liters during the day.

Meat and fish products for constipation

Meats to eat for constipation are recommended to be lean: turkey, chicken, rabbit, lean beef and veal. They prepare meat cutlets, meatballs, casseroles, boil or stew. Frying is prohibited. In the first courses, secondary broth is used - after boiling, pour out the water in which the meat was cooked and refill it with clean water. hot water. You can make soup with meatballs. It is advisable to prepare main courses with vegetables for better absorption squirrel. You need to eat lean fish. Suitable for diet No. 15 are pike perch, cod, pollock, pike and flounder. Fried, smoked and dried fish cannot be used. Any canned fish is not recommended. Fish dishes are prepared from minced meat - meatballs, casseroles or cutlets, stewed or boiled in pieces, and jellied fish is prepared. Examples of what you can eat for constipation from meat and fish dishes:

  • Chicken stewed with pumpkin.
  • Turkey with prunes.
  • Veal with carrots and mushrooms.
  • Casserole from chicken breast with green peas and tomatoes.
  • Fish stewed with beets and carrots.
  • Fish baked with tomatoes and cheese.
  • Salad of boiled fish, beets, potatoes and carrots with sour cream.

Dairy products for constipation

All dairy products included in the diet if you are prone to constipation. It is better to prepare them at home yourself from milk of 1 or 2.5% fat and starter cultures. Kefir, yogurt, yogurt and fermented baked milk have laxative properties. All products must be fresh and free of dyes, flavors and sugar. To enhance the effect, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil, honey, steamed bran or flax seeds to drinks. A variety of cottage cheese casseroles, cottage cheese with sour cream and dried fruits are also used in the menu. As a rule, the fat content of cottage cheese is from 5 to 9%. Whey has a good laxative effect; it can be drunk as a stand-alone drink or mixed with juices. You can also use milk for cooking, but only up to a glass a day.

Vegetables and fruits for constipation

Vegetables in a diet for constipation are a source of vitamins, carbohydrates and dietary fiber. Therefore, it is recommended, if well tolerated, to have as many salads as possible from fresh vegetables With sunflower oil. In order to get rid of constipation, vegetables should make up at least half of the total diet. In addition to salads, they prepare vegetable stews, casseroles and first courses (soup, cream soup, borscht, beetroot soup). The menu must include pumpkin, beets, carrots, cauliflower. Marine and sauerkraut Can be used for salads and vinaigrette. Examples of vegetable dishes for constipation:

  • Carrot salad with nuts and sour cream.
  • Pumpkin stewed with prunes.
    • Vegetable stew made from broccoli, carrots and potatoes.
    • Boiled beets with raisins and prunes.
    • The vinaigrette.
    • “Brush” salad from grated raw beets, carrots and cabbage with olive oil and lemon juice.
    • Salad from seaweed with celery and carrots.

Fruits with a laxative effect: plums, apricots, apples are included in the menu in fresh, prepare juices and compote, add to porridges and casseroles. You can eat any ripe and sweet fruits, except persimmons, blueberries and pomegranates. It is recommended to eat five prunes in the morning on an empty stomach.

Bakery products and cereals for constipation

For constipation, it is recommended to use whole grain, rye or bran bread. Butter and puff pastry products must be limited; cakes and pastries with butter cream. You can eat biscuits and bread, crackers made from approved types of bread. Porridges serve as a source of complex carbohydrates and fiber. It is best to cook buckwheat, pearl barley, millet and oatmeal porridge. Rice, semolina And pasta premium grade soft wheat flour contributes to constipation and is excluded from the diet. You can add dried fruits, bran, nuts or seeds to porridges to enhance the laxative effect. Prepare porridge with water or milk. Add when serving butter about 20 g. For example, what can be prepared from cereals:

  • Oatmeal with flax seeds and prunes.
  • Millet porridge with pumpkin.
  • Buckwheat porridge with bran and apples.
  • Barley porridge with pumpkin and raisins.
  • Oatmeal with apples and walnuts.

Drinks for constipation

Wrong drinking regime causes a delay in the evacuation of intestinal contents. Water is the most necessary drink for such patients. It is recommended to drink about two liters during the day. In the morning in a glass cool water you can add a spoon of honey. Juices from pumpkin, oranges, carrots, plum and apricot are weakened. You can brew a tablespoon of flax seeds or bran with a glass of boiling water and drink 100 ml twice a day. Recommended and herbal teas for constipation:

  • 20 g senna leaf.
  • 20 g of yarrow herb.
  • 20 g of dill fruits.
  • 20 g nettle leaves.

Brew a tablespoon with boiling water - 200 ml. Drink a quarter glass three times a day.

influences the frequency of intestinal congestion and its duration. The right diet helps restore normal stool and is often prevention is better intestinal dysfunction.

Intestinal dysfunction occurs for many reasons. They can provoke both dangerous diseases, as well as harmless errors in nutrition. Excess fluid in the body also affects the development of problems with bowel movements, which happens quite often.

Such constipation can be eliminated quite simply and quickly. They have a periodic nature of occurrence, that is, they develop quite rarely. If bad stool occurs regularly and lasts for several days or even weeks, then the reasons for this may be:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • stress;
  • toxic poisoning of the body;
  • taking certain medications;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • colitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • formations in the intestines (polyps, tumor adhesions).

Also observed when motor disorders intestinal muscles and peristalsis. Reason frequent constipation there may be organ dysfunction gastrointestinal tract, manifested by deterioration of digestion. For the treatment of all these ailments, who will prescribe suitable medications and will help you decide on your diet.

What to avoid if you have constipation

So that if you have constant problems with bowel movements, you do not have to resort to laxatives, which frequent use aggravate the disease, it will be enough to reconsider your diet. Correct nutrition for chronic constipation in adults is of significant importance. It improves digestion and restores natural bowel movements in a safe way.

The first step is to stop taking alcoholic drinks. It is also important to reduce your consumption of spicy, salty and sour foods. Negative influence caffeine has an effect on the intestines, so for the duration of treatment you need to forget about coffee and strong tea.

Constipation will be more persistent and frequent if you continue to eat fried foods, smoked meats, hard cheeses, pickles and marinades. At bad stool Consumption of pork and fatty fish is unacceptable.

Foods to avoid during chronic constipation

Also negatively affecting products include:

  • chocolate;
  • jelly;
  • pears and dogwoods;
  • rice porrige;
  • semolina;
  • fresh milk;
  • mushrooms;
  • baked goods made from white flour;
  • carbonated drinks.

In addition to changing your diet, you should monitor your diet itself. Long intervals between meals should not be allowed. Portions should be small. The food consumed is also important: you should not eat too cold or hot food.

What to include in your diet for chronic constipation

Chronic problems with bowel movements are a reason to reconsider your diet, including foods that have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Among these are:

  • pumpkin;
  • beets and carrots;
  • broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower;
  • spinach, dill, fennel and parsley;
  • vegetable and fruit juices with pulp;
  • dairy products;
  • prunes and figs;
  • cereals;
  • peaches and plums.

The diet is necessary both for harmless problems with stool, and it should also be changed. It will be useful to include honey and walnuts. They perfectly normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and help restore stool.

You can forget about chronic constipation if you start every morning not with coffee, but with warm water with honey. Drinking a glass of this drink half an hour before meals can ensure complete digestion and activate intestinal function.

The basis of nutrition for constant problems with bowel movements should be plant fiber. To do this, you should eat more vegetables and fruits. You can also buy grains and add them to ready-made meals.

Among the cereals for constipation, the most useful are: barley, oatmeal and buckwheat. You should not allow the food to become dry, so you should prepare it every day. vegetable soups and broths, but low-fat. It is unacceptable to fry the first and second courses. Instead of frying, foods should be baked or steamed.

Proper nutrition for constipation is one of the main factors in getting rid of this disease. Therapeutic gymnastics for constipation also plays an important role - a complex special exercises will help alleviate suffering and normalize stool. Using laxative recipes made from dried fruits, bran, vegetables and herbs, you don’t have to resort to medications and forget for a long time what constipation is.

Constipation is defined as having bowel movements less than once a day.

Constipation is a consequence of many acute and chronic diseases. Hence the many means that are recommended for their elimination.

Let’s not say that you can’t eat if you have acute constipation, which most often occurs with acute infectious diseases or in case of myocardial infarction - it is clear that in these cases it is required emergency treatment underlying disease. But about the nutrition of adults with constipation, which develops as a result of improper, poor-quality nutrition; with neurogenic constipation, most often caused by mental trauma; with inflammatory constipation that appears due to enterocolitis, colitis, proctitis, paraproctitis, as well as constipation resulting from gastritis (usually with low acidity), almost everyone needs to know. The same applies to gymnastics for constipation - a complex preventative exercises simple and accessible to everyone.

Foods for constipation in adults

Firstly, you should know which foods reduce intestinal motility and thereby lead to constipation. These are enveloping rice and barley decoctions, jelly with potato flour, fresh White bread, pies, other flour dishes, especially hot, stringy meats, cocoa, red wines, hot drinks (tea, coffee, even plain water) and, of course, dry eating.

Scroll the right products nutrition for constipation, which increases intestinal motility, is as follows:

  • everything cold, especially milk, ice cream, kvass;
  • salt and salty foods;
  • honey; dairy dishes;
  • rough plant food: Rye bread, peeled fruits, vegetables with solid fiber (especially beets, turnips);
  • (especially plums, apricots, cherries, currants), dried apricots, prunes;
  • sorrel and lettuce;
  • cabbage.

Also, food for constipation may include white dry wine, but red is contraindicated.

Therapeutic exercises for constipation

Since chronic constipation can also develop from a sedentary lifestyle, it is necessary to do two types of exercises:

1. Exercises therapeutic exercises for constipation, which is performed while lying in bed: while lying down, lift and lower top part torso, without leaning on your hands - slowly do this 20 times.

2. Gymnastics for constipation while standing: put your hands on your hips, squat down and get up - slowly do this 30 times.

In addition, in the morning, while still lying in bed, you can give yourself this massage: wrap your hand right hand with a wet, cold cloth (it should be wrung out well) and move it, without pressing too hard, along right side abdomen from bottom to top, to the rib, 5-10 times. Then massage with your left hand (also wrapped in a wet cloth) left side abdomen from top to bottom - this way you will push feces from the large intestine into the rectum. Repeat the hand movements several times.

Folk remedies: homemade recipes for constipation

Treatment of constipation is possible with folk remedies: homemade recipes for constipation are simple and easy to prepare:

1. In the morning on an empty stomach you can eat 1-2 fresh or dried apricots(peach).

2. Drink 2 glasses of water with 1 teaspoon of soda in the morning on an empty stomach.

3. Eat 2 raw apples with peel on an empty stomach.

4. In the morning, 2 hours before breakfast, dilute wheat bran(2 heaped teaspoons) in 2 cups of boiling water, let them swell well and eat like porridge.

5. Beetroot, celery and spinach juices, warm cabbage brine, red currant juice, and aloe leaves have a laxative effect.

6. Should be eaten regularly.

7. Before going to bed, it’s a good idea to drink a cup of non-hot infusion of peeled rose hips or eat 2 oranges.

8. Eat 1-2 rhubarb rhizomes 2-3 times a week.

9. Systematically consume a little fresh onion before meals (or 1 teaspoon of its squeezed juice 3 times a day).

10. Effective recipe for constipation: steep 1 tablespoon of dried burdock roots in 2 cups of boiling water for 2 hours. Take this hot infusion half a glass 2-4 times a day.

11. Another recipe for a laxative decoction: boil 1 tablespoon of buckthorn laxative in 1 glass of water, leave the decoction for 2 hours, then strain. Take half a glass at night.

12. For chronic constipation due to gastritis and increased gas formation You can take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, a mixture of 100 g of honey and 100 g of aloe (more precisely, its juice, squeezed only from thick leaves), infused for 3 hours.

For those who want to get rid of constipation only with the help pharmaceutical drugs, we can recommend regulax (1 cube in the evening, before bed), kafiol (half or a whole briquette at night), forlax (dissolve 2 sachets in 0.5 liters of water and drink at night), and also rectal suppositories bisacodyl.


For constipation accompanied by severe dizziness And severe pain in the stomach, you should consult a doctor immediately!

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Diet menu for constipation for a week You can easily compose it yourself. The basis of such nutrition is fiber and vegetable oils. Thanks to this diet, the intestines will work without interruption, emptying in a timely manner.

How diet helps restore stool

The female population suffers more from constipation. And all because it is the fair sex that more often goes on various diets, disrupting normal metabolism, and undergoes monthly hormonal changes.

Also leads to problems with bowel movements sedentary lifestyle life, irregular diet, overeating and excess water in the body. The absence of stool for more than a day is already considered constipation, since in the absence of any disturbances, the intestines are emptied daily.

If you have stool retention, you should not immediately grab or clean the intestinal cavity with an enema. All this, of course, helps to have a bowel movement, but does not get rid of the main problem that caused the lack of bowel movements. In addition, frequent resort to these methods is addictive and problems with stool only become more frequent.

The best way to restore stool is to correct your diet. Sticking to simple rules in food you can resume intestinal function without using medicines. The basis of the diet should be plant fiber. Thanks to her a large number fibers activate peristalsis and guarantee a free soft exit feces.

Sample menu for chronic constipation

If stool retention occurs frequently, the diet should be radically revised. should be filled with foods that have laxative properties, such as: raw vegetables, boiled beets, apricot, juices with pulp, prunes, figs, etc. They do not allow feces to linger in the intestinal cavity and make it soft, which is especially important if there is.

You need to completely remove foods that bind your intestines from your diet. They complicate the digestion process and increase the density of excrement, which causes constipation. The menu with emptying should not contain fried, smoked, sweet or salty dishes. You should also give up caffeine, alcohol and fresh baked goods.

The menu for the week might look something like this:

Day #1.

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, boiled in water, with dried apricots and prunes;
  • Before lunch: a glass of yogurt with crackers;
  • Lunch: salad Chinese cabbage and one green apple;
  • Afternoon snack: a decoction of dried fruits and two peaches is perfect;
  • Dinner: buckwheat with boiled beets and a glass of kefir.

Day No. 2.

  • Breakfast: a glass of warm water with honey and a couple of crackers;
  • Before lunch: two apples;
  • Lunch: vegetable salad with flax oil and a little chicken broth;
  • Afternoon snack: dried apricots and a glass of yogurt;
  • Dinner: steamed meat oat broth and one banana.

Day #3.

  • Breakfast: Orange juice and scrambled eggs without yolk;
  • Before lunch: prunes with dried apricots;
  • Lunch: vegetable stew, a slice of bran bread;
  • Afternoon snack: apple, peach and prune broth;
  • Dinner: salad of boiled vegetables (beets and carrots), a piece boiled fish and kefir.

Day No. 4.

  • Breakfast: oatmeal broth and one apple (green);
  • Before lunch: weak tea with honey;
  • Lunch: fish broth, cabbage salad and dried fruit compote;
  • Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese with prunes;
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge and a slice of boiled beef, washed down with kefir.

Day #5.

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with honey and a glass of berry compote;
  • Before lunch: banana and two peaches;
  • Lunch: beetroot soup with water, a slice of bread with bran;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit salad;
  • Dinner: cottage cheese and tomato salad, oat and wheat decoction;

Day #6.

  • Breakfast: glass vegetable juice with pulp, protein omelet;
  • Before lunch: dried apricots, peach;
  • Dinner: chicken bouillon with vegetables (except potatoes) and lean ham;
  • Afternoon snack: steamed broccoli and a glass of compote;
  • Dinner: oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, fish, yogurt.

Day #7.

  • Breakfast: decoction of dried fruits and oatmeal;
  • Before lunch: crackers with kefir;
  • Lunch: vegetable stew, boiled beef, juice with pulp;
  • Afternoon snack: salad of cabbage, carrots and lean ham;
  • Dinner: steamed cutlets, buckwheat porridge and kefir with cinnamon.

Weekly menu for hemorrhoids and constipation absolutely similar. The main thing is to exclude spicy foods and adhere to the drinking regime.

The problem of constipation is familiar to many, because, according to statistics, almost half of the working population suffers from it. Regularly occurring stool retention may be a consequence of diseases digestive tract, age-related changes, incorrect lifestyle, but most often their cause is an unbalanced diet. An abundance of heavy food, lack of fluid, irregular nutrition - all this leads to serious disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and discomfort during bowel movements. Without normalizing intestinal function, treatment is impossible, and therefore the most important component healing process considered a diet.

Let's consider what nutrition should be like for constipation in adults.

The main goal of the diet is to restore intestinal motility, which will normalize the excretion of feces and eliminate discomfort. To do this, the daily diet should include the maximum amount of vitamins, microelements and plant fiber, as well as at least 70 g of fat, 60-80 g of protein and about 400 g of carbohydrates. At the same time, it should not be allowed to energy value exceeded 3,000 kcal per day.

During treatment you should exclude foods that take a long time to digest cause irritation of the mucous membranes, causing gas formation and bloating. First of all, these are baked goods, sweets, fatty meat and fish (in any form), spicy dishes and seasonings, onions, garlic, radishes and radishes. Limit to a minimum dishes from semolina, rice, pearl barley, drinking strong tea and coffee. Alcohol and carbonated drinks are also avoided until complete recovery.

Advice. It is very important to follow a diet. Portions should be small - about 2/3 of the usual volume, and you need to eat at least 5-6 times a day. And be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid during the day: this includes not only water or tea, but also healing infusions, kefir, vegetable and meat broths.

Which foods to consume depends on the type of constipation. Experts distinguish two main types - spastic and atonic. They are called for various reasons, and therefore the diet in both cases has certain differences.

Nutrition for spastic constipation

Constipation of this form usually occurs due to stress, neurovegetative or endocrine disorders, increased physical activity, intoxications. They are caused by spasms of smooth muscles in the intestines and are accompanied by sharp pain and bloating. In this condition, the intestinal walls can be easily injured, which means rough food should be completely excluded. You should also not eat foods high in starch and with astringent properties, which inhibit intestinal motility.

Must be present in the diet vegetable fats and natural butter. They act on receptors, enhancing reflex peristalsis, helping to soften stool and at the same time stimulating the secretion of bile. They can be added to food or consumed separately, 1-2 teaspoons before meals.

So, what should your diet consist of:

  • vegetables - everything except potatoes and white cabbage;

  • meat – lean pork and poultry, boiled or steamed;

  • fermented milk products - best homemade, without harmful dyes and other additives;

  • fish - exclusively low-fat varieties;

  • cereals – buckwheat, oatmeal, rice every 2-3 days;

  • legumes – recommended to be consumed once every 2-3 days in small quantities;

  • bread – coarse and rye;

  • vegetable fats – sunflower, soybean, corn, olive oil, as well as flaxseed and pumpkin seed oil;

  • fruits and dried fruits;

  • greenery.

Menu option for the day

An hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of yogurt or fermented baked milk - this promotes digestion and has a strengthening effect on the immune system.

Diet for atonic constipation

This type of constipation is caused by weak intestinal motility, and the cause of this condition is most often poor nutrition, unjustified diets, abuse of laxatives and enemas. Atonic constipation is characterized by a large accumulation of feces, painful bowel movements, and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. Very often, when feces pass into anus microcracks form, which significantly increases discomfort.

To normalize the condition it is required daily use vegetable fats and fiber. Here the diet is not so gentle: the basis of the diet is vegetables and fruits, the fibers of which irritate the intestinal receptors and thereby enhance peristalsis. For the same reason, there is no need to heavily chop food and prepare pureed soups and purees.

  • vegetables - all types of cabbage, beets, tomatoes, carrots;

  • meat – lean pork and poultry;

  • fish - not fatty varieties, mainly in boiled form;

  • cereals – buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, small quantities of rice and pearl barley;

  • bread – with bran, gray, rye;

  • fruits - apples, apricots, plums, figs;

  • dairy products;

  • greenery;

  • dried fruits.

  • Sample menu

    Perfect for a snack between main meals fresh fruits, bran bread, unsweetened cookies with tea or broth.

    What to eat for chronic constipation

    If constipation occurs regularly, you should include the maximum amount of foods with laxative properties in your diet:

    In addition, you should consume bran daily and increase the amount of liquid you drink per day.

    The menu must be discussed with your doctor, because when creating a diet, it is necessary to take into account the causes of constipation and the condition of the body so as not to harm your health. But the diet itself is not enough: physical activity is very important to restore intestinal motility.

    What foods should you not eat?

    In order not to aggravate the condition, the usual menu will have to be seriously adjusted. First of all, excluded everything that does not benefit the body: chips, carbonated drinks, alcohol, dishes instant cooking with artificial additives. It is forbidden eat fried, smoked, overly sweet, spicy and salty dishes. Such food puts increased stress on the pancreas and liver and causes irritation of the mucous membrane.

    All flour dishes, baked goods, fatty fish and meats, mushrooms, fried and boiled eggs are also excluded, since they take a long time to digest and burden the stomach.

    The same applies to semolina and rice, which have enveloping properties and have a depressing effect on peristalsis. Absolutely Avoid eating foods that contain tannin:

    • Black tea;
    • pomegranates and persimmons;
    • cocoa;
    • blueberry;
    • dark grapes;
    • rhubarb.

    The astringent effect that these products have has a very negative effect on intestinal motility and can cause constipation even in a healthy person.

    Folk recipes

    Helps many people in the fight against constipation folk remedies, most of which have no contraindications and side effects. Let's look at some of the most popular and effective recipes, time-tested.

    Please note that you cannot use such drugs for a long time, so as not to disrupt intestinal functions. These diets are also not intended for long-term use, because they lack many substances beneficial to the body. And in order to get rid of constipation for a long time, you should pay more attention physical activity and give up bad habits.

    Video - Nutrition for constipation in adults