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How to choose the right glasses for regular wear. Medical myths: is it true that glasses weaken your eyesight? Indications for glasses

Glasses for myopia are necessary for those who suffer from a common visual impairment - myopia. This condition is characterized by the fact that a person can clearly see objects located nearby, but cannot clearly see those objects that are far away. Different stages of myopia require different glasses. The selection of the necessary ones is carried out by an ophthalmologist who carries out a series of necessary examinations. If there are no contraindications, glasses for myopia can be replaced with contact lenses. This is especially true for those who play sports.

Advantages and disadvantages of use

Myopia requires wearing glasses, since this dysfunction of the visual apparatus is characterized by constant curvature of the lens, which does not allow distant objects to come into focus and onto the retina.

With healthy vision, when a person looks into the distance, the muscles relax and the lens becomes flat.

This makes it possible to see objects located at a considerable distance.

The benefits of wearing glasses for myopia include the following:

  • affordability in terms of financial costs;
  • comfortable to wear, no need to carry containers and solutions for lenses;
  • long service life. It is limited only by the accuracy of their owner. If you treat them with care, then there will be no additional costs for purchasing new ones;
  • practicality. You can choose models with special photochromic glasses and a special coating that will simultaneously perform several functions: protection from the sun, improving the visibility of objects at a distance, protecting the eyes from the influence of radiation that comes from a computer monitor and negatively affects the health of the visual organs.

Models for myopia also have several disadvantages:

  • fogging of windows when leaving a warm room outside during the cold season;
  • problems with playing sports, because when active movements glasses may fall and break;
  • changing the field of view of the image;
  • level of aesthetics. Most people often try to replace glasses with lenses, since the frames do not always fit, and the glasses visually make the eyes smaller. In addition, a mark remains on the bridge of the nose.

Despite the possible disadvantages, framed lenses for myopia are still the most in a simple way solutions to this vision problem.

If glasses were prescribed for myopia in childhood, they do not cause discomfort. It is quite difficult for adults to get used to them; at first, glasses can cause eye strain.

Main types

There are the following main types of models that are prescribed for myopia:

  • corrective. They are prescribed for identified weak and moderate degrees of myopia. In this case, bifocal models are shown, which will allow you to distinguish objects at different distances, or single-focal models. Bifocal glasses provide the ability to fully distinguish objects both near and at a distance. The upper half of the glass is designed to correct myopia, and the lower half makes it possible to see well up close. The disadvantage of such models is a sharp transition to several diopters, which often causes discomfort. Also, for myopia, models for correction with multifocal lenses are prescribed. They also have several optical zones, between which, unlike the first type indicated, there is a smooth transition. These types of glasses allow you to correct both nearsightedness and farsightedness at the same time. Single vision lenses designed to correct myopia have the same optical power over the entire area. As for the frame of such glasses, its thickness will depend on the degree of myopia: the more pronounced it is, the thicker the edges of the lenses and, accordingly, the edges of the frame should be. Metal frames used for mild and medium degree myopia, plastic – for high;
  • computer. This type of correction product is preventive for vision correction when working at a computer. Ordinary glasses without special coating do not protect the organs of vision from radiation emanating from the monitor. When choosing a model for working at a computer, pay attention to the fact that lenses for them need to be chosen 2 diopters less than those used for everyday use. The lens in glasses, which are prescribed for computer work for patients with myopia, has an interference filter that absorbs rays of the violet-blue spectrum and freely transmits sunlight. Thanks to such optical characteristics, the strain on the eyes is significantly reduced;
  • sun protection Task sunglasses– protection of the retina from burns. It is recommended for absolutely everyone to wear them, even those people who do not suffer from any visual impairments. For the nearsighted Sunglasses selected carefully and carefully. It is important that they have a special anti-reflective coating. If it is of poor quality or is completely absent, then the rays penetrating through the lens will affect the retina of the eye, causing a burn. The best color for lenses is gray-green. For myopia, the protection model should have diopters so that the person not only protects the eyes from negative impact ultraviolet rays, but also had the ability to distinguish objects located in the distance.

It is necessary to purchase glasses of any kind for those who suffer from myopia only in specialized optical stores, so as not to receive a counterfeit and thereby not aggravate the development of visual impairment.

Selection rules

You should purchase glasses to correct myopia only after consulting an ophthalmologist.

Before prescribing a vision correction product to a patient, the doctor carries out the following diagnostic measures:

  • assessment of vision of the left and right eyes separately;
  • definition necessary correction myopia depending on its stage. This is done by using negative lenses;
  • binocular vision assessment;
  • load application varying degrees on the eyes, which allows you to choose the right model for myopia.

When purchasing, you should consider the following features of glasses designed to be worn for myopia:

  • their lenses are thinner in the center. Closer to the edges they thicken;
  • the optimal lens material for glasses needed for myopia is mineral glass;
  • With complex myopia, the glasses in the glasses are thick, so their frame must be appropriate so that it can withstand all the loads.

Rimless glasses can only be worn for mild myopia.

What to choose – glasses or lenses

Many people find it more convenient to use lenses, but do not know for sure whether it is acceptable to use them in case of myopia.

From an aesthetic point of view, the glasses are clearly inferior.

Other benefits eye lenses are:

  • no anxiety when wearing them. When a person wears glasses, there is always a risk that in unexpected situations they will break and the fragments will penetrate directly into the eyes. There will be no such problems with lenses: if you learn how to put them on correctly, then there will be no discomfort and you can literally forget about them;
  • no discomfort when playing sports and active image life;
  • no limitation of peripheral vision, which cannot be said about glasses;
  • no need to take certain measures (wiping).

At the same time, one cannot fail to mention the disadvantages of eye lenses:

  • the need to remove optics daily evening time, and put it on again in the morning. This process requires some experience, since if the installation is incorrect, a feeling of discomfort arises, due to which the patient does not feel improvements in the functioning of the visual apparatus;
  • discomfort and allergies that may occur in response to wearing lenses when colds, causing the flow tears and their inflammation;
  • the need to periodically replace lenses, which requires significant financial costs.

Lenses are often considered a worthy alternative to glasses, but their use is most justified under the following conditions:

  • the patient is actively involved in sports;
  • the patient's working conditions require low temperatures or constant physical activity;
  • no contraindications to wearing contact lenses.

Glasses are chosen if the patient has contraindications to wearing lenses:

  • strabismus with an angle of more than 15 degrees;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva;
  • keratitis;
  • ptosis;
  • increased or decreased tear production.

Wearing mode

Another issue related to wearing glasses for myopia is the mode. It all depends on how severe the visual impairment is.

For moderate myopia, glasses should be worn at all times to prevent severe eye muscle strain.

But even in this case there is an exception: they do not have to be worn if visual work at a distance not exceeding 40 cm.

With a high degree of myopia, it should also be worn constantly, and the patient should have several types of glasses at once - models for regular wearing, writing and reading, and working at the computer.


This video will tell you in detail how to choose the right glasses.


  1. Glasses for myopia are indicated for wearing with moderate and severe degrees of deviation. They can be different types: for regular wear, computer work, corrective.
  2. Glasses with the required lenses are prescribed only by a specialist based on the results of the examination.
  3. Depending on the availability of indications and the rhythm of life, you can choose myopic glasses and lenses.

Nearsightedness or myopia deprives a person of the ability to clearly see objects located at a great distance from him. Vision problems interfere with work, study and do not allow you to lead a normal lifestyle in general. Therefore, to solve them, experts recommend a number of methods, the most common of which is wearing glasses for myopia, which not only improve image clarity, but also slow down the progression of the disease. But to achieve such an effect, you need to take into account a lot of nuances, starting with how to choose them correctly and ending with how best to care for them.

To find out what kind of glasses patients with myopia should wear, it’s first worth understanding what exactly this disease is. Myopia is one of the most common visual impairments, in which a person sees clearly only what is close to him. But as soon as you look a little further, the picture immediately begins to blur.

For what reason does such a problem arise? When a person with good vision looks into the distance, the lens of the eye becomes flat due to muscle relaxation. If you need to look at something up close, it changes shape, refracting light more strongly and providing a clear image. With myopia, the lens is constantly curved, so objects located far from the viewer do not come into focus. Patients with myopia not only cannot see something well in the distance, but also often suffer from headaches due to eye fatigue.

The cause of the problem may be a disruption in the functioning of the muscles responsible for changing the shape of the lens. To treat myopia, such patients need special exercises And drug therapy. If the curvature of the lens is associated with anatomical features eyeball, slowing down the progression of the disease and improving vision can only be done with the help of properly selected glasses or contact lenses.

Myopia - is it a “minus” or a “plus”

What kind of glasses do people with this disease need to see the world around them without interference? These questions are asked by anyone who has had to deal with the problem of decreased vision. The answer is clear: myopia is always a “minus”, which means that only concave lenses with a diverging effect can correct the situation.

The degree of curvature of the lens, which is responsible for image clarity, is measured in diopters. To see far, you need to make it flat, that is, reduce the number of diopters. Therefore, for myopia, you need “minus” glasses, and for farsightedness, “plus” glasses, which add diopters and, accordingly, the curvature of the lens.

When you can't do without glasses

How can you tell if a person needs to wear glasses? Many people, even realizing that their vision has become much worse, for many reasons do not dare to go to the doctor to get a prescription for their purchase. Only a specialist can assess visual acuity and determine whether it needs correction, which means that if you stop seeing well, you can’t just go to the nearest optician and buy the first model you like.

At the early stage of myopia (up to -1 diopter), there is no particular need for glasses - the situation can be corrected simply by reducing the load on vision. This is about additional rest V daytime and the use of special eye drops for relaxation muscle spasms at night. However, in cases where myopia begins to cause significant discomfort, it will not be possible to slow down the rate of its development without glasses.

Types of glasses

For patients with myopia, there are 3 types of glasses:

  1. Corrective. Full-fledged “minus” models that provide maximum picture clarity.
  2. Preventive. Participate in eye training through special exercises.
  3. For working at a computer. Thanks to the protective coating, they protect the eyes from harmful radiation and reduce stress on muscles.

You can purchase any of these products only as prescribed by a doctor - otherwise there is a risk of accelerating the development of the disease.

Glasses for different stages of myopia

Selecting glasses for myopia is a rather complicated process. Having determined the degree of myopia separately for each eye, the doctor first offers the patient weak lenses, and then gradually moves on to stronger ones. strong values. The procedure continues until maximum image clarity is achieved. If you need to make a choice between two pairs of glasses in which the patient feels comfortable, the decision is always made in favor of the weaker ones. But with a high degree of myopia, the doctor may recommend 2 pairs of lenses at once - separately for far and near distances.

In addition, there are special bifocal lenses, which are often prescribed to children and adults with the initial stage of the disease, when objects are clearly visible close up, but blurred at a distance. The bifocal lens is conventionally divided into 2 parts: the upper “minus” one for working with distant objects and the lower one, without diopters, in order to clearly see the image directly in front of you. Thus, if a child wears bifocal contact lenses for myopia at school, he does not have to take off and put on his glasses every time he needs to look from the board to his notebook.

How to choose glasses for myopia

To do right choice, lenses and frames are judged on a variety of criteria. Lenses are usually distinguished by:

  • material - thin and light plastic with a small number of diopters or glass, thicker and heavier, but with more pronounced optical properties;
  • coating - protective, anti-glare, for working at a computer, etc.;
  • shape - flat-concave, convex-concave and biconcave.

When choosing frames, it is important to decide on the material from which it will be made. It could be:

  • plastic: lightweight, poorly responsive to temperature changes, comfortable, but rather fragile;
  • metal: reliable and wear-resistant, but heavier;
  • “two in one” option: metal frame around the glasses and plastic arms.

What happens if you choose the wrong lenses for your glasses?

The mistakes made affect both the vision and the general well-being of a person: the eyes are constantly tired, headaches, dizziness and nausea bother them, performance decreases and the degree of myopia increases. Immediately after purchase, these symptoms should not cause serious concern - you just need to wait until your eyes adapt. But in any case, consulting a doctor on this matter will not hurt - he will tell you how to get used to glasses, or point out mistakes and help you choose a new model.

Do I need to wear glasses all the time?

Doctors are often asked: do glasses damage your vision if you wear them without taking them off? The answer to this question is individual for each patient and depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. On initial stage they are needed only during visual stress, for example, when watching TV or working at the computer. But this rule ceases to apply - for such patients the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to constantly wear glasses for myopia can only be in the affirmative.

To avoid excessive stress eye muscles, with a significant decrease in visual acuity, it is recommended to use 2 models simultaneously - for constant wearing and, for example, for reading or writing.

Glasses or lenses

What is better to buy for myopia - lenses or glasses? There is no universal answer to this question, because the needs of each patient are individual. Both products have their pros and cons that are important to know before purchasing. For example, glasses are easy to use - they are easy to put on and take off, they do not require a special solution for storage, etc. They do not come into direct contact with the eyes, which means there is less risk of infection with them. Glasses are suitable for people of any age and are relatively inexpensive. But even with them you cannot do without difficulties: for example, how to wear glasses while playing sports without the risk of breaking them, or what to do in rainy weather, when you cannot see anything behind the drops of water flowing down the glass?

When deciding which is better - glasses or contacts, it is important to understand that the use of the latter first of all requires strict adherence hygiene rules. Lenses are easily lost, deformed and torn, but even without this, they need to be replaced periodically, which requires additional costs. And girls have to use special cosmetics for makeup that do not cause irritation. Although for many they will become a real find- the lenses are invisible to others and do not spoil appearance and provide 100% vision to patients with myopia above 10 diopters.

What rules must be followed

Patients with vision problems are often interested in how to properly wear glasses for myopia so that they are beneficial. Experts recommend:

  • when purchasing, rely only on the doctor’s instructions;
  • wear glasses so that the gap between the glasses and the eyes does not exceed 12 mm;
  • do not use other people’s products, even if it seems that they are suitable in all respects;
  • Avoid rubbing the bridge of the nose and other discomfort caused by uncomfortable frames.

It is also important to properly care for your glasses: periodically wipe the lenses with a special solution and a microfiber cloth, avoid scratches on the glasses and use a storage case.

An important question: how to get used to new glasses so that they stop causing inconvenience? Firstly, come to terms with the fact that even a perfectly chosen model will take at least a week to adapt to, wearing it for only a few hours a day and always taking it off when working with nearby objects. And, of course, getting used to glasses for myopia will be easier if you immediately purchase a stylish and comfortable frame that will please the eye and become a worthy adornment for its owner.

Debates about whether it can be used permanently spectacle correction with myopia, have lasted for several decades. According to one version, when weak degree Constant correction of the disease can correct vision and not lead to progress. On the other hand, on the contrary, it can lead to progressive changes. Patients argue more often, but sometimes doctors do too.

What are glasses for?

Glasses are an ophthalmological device intended for the correction of visual defects by means of use optical lenses, compensating for incorrect refraction of light rays. The advantage of glasses, also for a person with visual impairments, is to reduce eye strain, reduce fatigue and, as a result, reduce the rate of progression of the disease.

Glasses will not help you cure myopia, but they will help stop the progression and ensure visual acuity.

When should you start wearing glasses?

There are two types of this disease:

Anatomical myopia, expressed in pupil deformation;

Accommodative myopia, which appears as a result of weakening of the eye muscles responsible for the optimal elasticity of the lens, but the shape of the pupil does not change.

With a weak degree of anatomical myopia, you can not use eyepieces, but it is imperative to monitor your health, as the disease may begin to progress. And if this happens, you will no longer be able to do without glasses.

In the case of accommodative myopia, things are a little different. Constantly wearing glasses will play a cruel joke on you, as it will cause subsequent degeneration of the eye muscles. As a result, when long-term use eyepieces, they completely take over the function of your vision, completely correcting the deficiency.

How to be?

First of all, make it a rule to visit the ophthalmologist's office as often as the dentist's office. A timely detected problem will allow you to take action to prevent the development of the disease. In addition, you should not neglect the doctor's prescription.

Unfortunately, many patients only nod in the ophthalmologist’s office and undertake to comply with all instructions. But, having come out of it, they begin to perceive it all simply as advice that they don’t have to follow. As a result, very often the consequences are irreversible.

Home » Publications » Improving vision » What glasses give us

The Florentines are most likely mistaken in believing that the inventor of the lenses commonly used today to correct refractive errors was their fellow citizen Salvino Armati. There is a lot of debate about the birthplace of this invention, but it is well known that it was made in a period earlier than the one in which Salvino Armati lived. The Romans at least must have known something about the art of supplementing the power of the eyes. Pliny wrote that Nero, in order to watch games in the Colosseum, used a concave gem, framed for this purpose in a ring. However, if Salvino Armati's fellow citizens believe that he was the first to create these visual aids, then they should pray well for the remission of his sins. Although they improved the vision of some people and relieved them of pain and discomfort, for others they simply represented additional pain. Glasses have always caused harm, big or small. Even the best of them never improve vision to normal condition.

The fact that glasses cannot improve vision to normal can be easily verified by looking at some color through a strong concave or convex lens. You will notice that the color in this case is less intense than when viewed with the naked eye. Since the perception of shape is determined by the perception of color, it is obvious that both color and shape should be seen less clearly with glasses than without them. Anyone who has looked outside through a window knows that even flat glass impairs the perception of color and shape. Women who wear glasses because of a slight deterioration in their vision often notice that wearing them, to a greater or lesser extent, leads to color blindness. You can see how in stores they take off their glasses when they want to pick up some kind of clothing model. However, if your vision is seriously impaired, colors may be seen better with glasses than without them.

That glasses must be harmful to the eyes clearly follows from the facts given in the previous chapter. A person cannot see through them unless he has a degree of refractive error that the glasses are supposed to correct. However, refractive errors in an eye left to its own devices are never permanent. Therefore, if a person provides himself good vision using concave, convex or astigmatic lenses, this means that it permanently maintains a certain degree of refractive error that would not otherwise be permanently maintained. The only result of such a situation should be expected to worsen the condition. Experience shows that this is usually what happens.

Once people wear glasses, the power of their lenses must, in most cases, steadily increase in order to maintain the degree of visual acuity provided by the first pair of glasses. People with presbyopia who put on glasses because they were unable to read small print also often find that after wearing them for a while, they are no longer able to read larger print that was previously easy without their help. was given to them. One patient with 20/70 myopia who put on glasses that gave him 20/20 vision found that after just a week his naked eye vision deteriorated to 20/200. When people break their glasses and go without them for a week or two, they often find that their vision improves. In fact, vision always improves to a greater or lesser extent when glasses are removed, although people do not always pay attention to this.

No one can deny the fact that human eye“outraged” by the glasses. Every ophthalmologist knows that patients must “get used” to them and that in some cases such habituation cannot be achieved. Patients with high degrees of myopia and hypermetropia experience great difficulty in getting used to full correction. Often this cannot be achieved at all. Strong concave lenses, necessary for high myopia, create the illusion that all objects are much smaller than in reality. At the same time, convex lenses increase these dimensions. All this is unpleasant and insurmountable. Patients with high degree astigmatism suffer from very discomfort when wearing glasses for the first time. Therefore, they are warned to get used to the glasses first at home before they decide to go outside. Usually such difficulties can be overcome, but often not. Sometimes it happens like this: those who tolerate glasses well enough during the day cannot get used to them in the evening.

All glasses narrow your field of vision to a greater or lesser extent. Even with very weak glasses, patients cannot see clearly unless they look through the centers of the lenses. The frame should be located at right angles to the line of sight. If they do not do this, then in addition to decreased vision, sometimes annoying symptoms such as dizziness and headache. Thus, they cannot freely turn their eyes in different directions. Of course, glasses these days must be designed in such a way that it is theoretically possible to look through them from any angle, but in practice desired result rarely achieved.

Difficulty keeping your glasses clean is just one of the minor inconveniences associated with glasses, but it is perhaps the most annoying of them all. On damp and rainy days, the glasses become covered with drops of moisture. On hot days, sweat has the same effect. On cold days they often fog up from moisture from the breath. Every day they are so often exposed to contamination by moisture, dust, and fingerprints from accidental hand touches that they rarely allow you to see objects without any interference.

Strong light reflections from glasses are also very unpleasant, and can be very dangerous outdoors.

Military personnel, sailors, athletes, manual workers and children experience significant inconvenience in wearing glasses due to their lifestyle and activities. Not only does it cause glasses to break, but it often knocks them out of focus, especially in the case of astigmatism.

The fact that glasses disfigure a person's appearance may not seem like a fact worth considering here. However, mental discomfort does not improve either general state health or vision. Although we have come so far in creating the virtue of glasses that we consider wearing them a part of our lives, there are still a few uncorrupted minds for whom wearing glasses is simply unpleasant and whose vision with glasses is far from an acceptable level. When a child appears wearing glasses, any person’s heart will clench.

A generation ago, glasses were used only as an aid to low vision. Today they are prescribed to many people who can see just as well or even better without them. As noted in the first chapter, it is believed that hypermetropic eye able to cope to some extent with his difficulties by changing the curvature of the lens through the action of the ciliary muscle. An eye with simple myopia is not endowed with this ability, since increasing the convexity of the lens (which is supposed to be the only result of the accommodative effort) would only increase the difficulty. But myopia is usually accompanied by astigmatism, and it is believed that it can be partially overcome by changing the curvature of the lens. Thus the theory leads us to the conclusion that an eye in which there is any error of refraction is practically never free, when open, from abnormal accommodative efforts.

In other words, it is believed that the putative muscle of accommodation is forced to bear not only the normal load of changing the focus of the eye for vision at various distances, but also the additional load of compensating for the refractive error. Such adjustments, if they actually took place, would naturally lead to great tension nervous system. To reduce this tension (which is thought to cause many functional nervous disorders) to the extent that vision is improved, glasses are prescribed.

However, it has been proven that the lens is not a factor in either accommodation or correction of refractive errors. Consequently, under no circumstances can there exist a tense state of the ciliary muscle, which must be reduced. It has also been proven that when vision is normal, no refractive error exists and the extrinsic (external) muscles of the eyeball are at rest. Therefore, there is no tense state external muscles, which should have been removed in such cases. When there is any tension in these muscles, glasses can correct its effect on refraction, but they cannot remove the tension itself. On the contrary, glasses have been shown to make the existing condition even worse.

However, people with normal vision who wear glasses to reduce perceived muscle tension often benefit from it. This is an amazing illustration of the effect of psychic suggestion. Flat glass, if the same confidence could be instilled in people, would produce the same result. In fact, many patients have told me how they got rid of various discomforts through the use of glasses. The frames of these glasses, I discovered, had simple flat glass. One of these patients was an optometrist who built such glasses for himself and had no illusions about them. However, he assured me that when he doesn't wear them, he gets headaches.

Some patients are so suggestible that you can reduce their discomfort or improve their vision with almost any glasses you want to put on them. I have seen people with hyperopia wear myopic glasses with great comfort, people who do not have any astigmatism but get great satisfaction from glasses to correct this defect of vision.

Many people will even think that they see better with glasses that actually noticeably impair their vision. Several years ago, a patient for whom I prescribed glasses consulted an ophthalmologist whose fame was much higher than mine. He gave the patient another pair of glasses, disparaging the glasses I prescribed for him. The patient came back to me and began to tell me how much better he could see with the second pair of glasses than with the first. I tested his vision with the new glasses and discovered that while my glasses provided 20/20 vision, my colleague's glasses only gave him 20/40 vision. The reason for this was that he was simply hypnotized by the enormous authority of this ophthalmologist, convincing himself that he saw better, although in fact he saw worse. It was difficult to convince him otherwise, although he agreed that when he looked at the test chart with new glasses, he saw only half of what he saw with the old ones.

When glasses don't relieve headaches and other symptoms nervous origin, it is assumed that this is due to their incorrect selection. Some doctors and their patients demonstrate an astonishing degree of patience and persistence in their joint efforts to get closer to writing a prescription correctly. One patient, who suffered severe pain at the base of the skull, was fitted with glasses 60 times by just one doctor! He had previously seen numerous other ophthalmologists and neurologists both here and in Europe. His pain was relieved within five minutes using the methods described in this book. At the same moment, the patient's vision temporarily became normal.

Lucky are the many people who were prescribed glasses but refused to wear them, thus avoiding not only discomfort, but also significant damage to their eyes. Others, having less independence of thought, a larger share spirit of a martyr or being much more frightened by the oculists, they are subjected to unnecessary, incomprehensible torture. One such patient wore glasses for 25 years, although they did not save her from long-term suffering and impaired her vision so much that she was forced to look over them when she wanted to see something in the distance. Her ophthalmologist insisted that she would have suffered much more serious consequences if she had not worn glasses, and was very unhappy that she was looking over the glasses instead of looking through them.

Considering that refractive errors constantly change from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute, even under the influence of atropine, accurate selection of glasses is, of course, impossible. In some cases these fluctuations are of such magnitude, or the patient is so unreceptive to psychic suggestion, that no relief is achieved by corrective lenses and they inevitably become an additional inconvenience. Even in best case scenario glasses cannot be considered to be anything more than a very unsatisfactory substitute for normal vision.

William G. Bates

I wear glasses because I have poor eyesight...

I wear glasses because I have poor eyesight. It would seem that there are millions of people with such a disadvantage, but there are countless adversaries who are sick of me.

Firstly, these are people who, for some reason, think that I probably wear glasses for fun. These people giggle when I apply makeup 6-7 centimeters from the mirror, look for my glasses on the sink after taking them off to wash my face, or move slowly and carefully along the wall in the pool. Typical manifestation:

Look how funny the sign is on that supermarket! Damn, not there! Below!

The sign is small, pale and far away. Is it weak to just read to me or should I leave behind, after all, if I don’t see? Because of such people, I learned to lie after the first unsuccessful attempt to see the object of attention: “Yeah, I see. Funny."

Don't you see? Are you wearing glasses?

Of course, glasses are a panacea. Just so you know, they do not and cannot give me 100% vision. And it falls with enviable regularity.

Secondly, unsolicited stylists.

And without glasses you are more beautiful.

I just want to respond to this phrase, as in a demotivator I accidentally came across: “You are also more beautiful when I’m without glasses.” This is true, by the way: once, having changed my glasses at school to “stronger” diopters, I was simply stunned by the number of freckles and pimples on the doll-like faces of my classmates.

But seriously, people, why don't you tell a disabled person that he would look better without crutches?

Hearing aids are also not the most aesthetic decoration. Why I don't wear contact lenses is none of your business. There are many reasons: from the unknown reaction of the eyes to this device to their high cost and lack of time to purchase.

Thirdly, strangers who see me as the only distinguishing feature.

Girl with glasses, go to the salon.

Yes, you need to get attention somehow stranger and make him stand out from the crowd so that he understands that we are talking about him. I have a short haircut, I’m wearing a blue dress, and I’m holding a backpack.

Harm from wearing glasses

You are welcome. It is not necessary to mention my physical disability.

And most importantly, something that makes me want to just run my nails across someone’s face. Fashion for “vintage” glasses, sometimes without diopters. The fact that this is ugly and spoils the style of even pretty girls and boys can be considered my personal opinion. But the very fact of the craze for this, so to speak, accessory... My darling, when I went to school wearing such glasses, I was compared to Tortilla. The appearance of beautiful and neat metal frames was pure happiness for me. And when I see this squalor on your face, I feel sick. Better stick a “cool” cast on your healthy limb, by God.

Tags: health vision people medicine society emotions


Does wearing glasses worsen your vision? Why you shouldn't rush to get glasses

Many do not pay attention to their health no attention as long as it does not cause any particular concern; this also includes vision problems. Glasses are the simplest and most affordable way to correct vision, however, they have their drawbacks.

Why shouldn't you rush to buy glasses? Have you heard of people who improved their vision with glasses? Most likely no. Thanks to lenses, people get instant results. They can better see objects at a distance or lines in a book, but as soon as they take off their glasses, their vision deteriorates.

American theory ophthalmologist Bates states that main reason All visual impairment is a prolonged strain from the effort to see. With myopia, the ability to clearly see objects at a distance deteriorates, and with farsightedness, on the contrary, the contour of an object located nearby is distorted. Even if a person is given the appropriate glasses, the eyeball will still strain “out of habit” due to the existing conditioned reflex. Glasses only help correct external manifestations deviations in eye refraction without eliminating its causes.

During research most of Patients stated that after starting to wear glasses, after some time, their vision began to deteriorate for no apparent reason. Even correctly selected glasses do not stop the progression of the existing disease. And approximately once a year, repeated examinations should be carried out in order to correct the amount of diopter of new lenses. With age, the situation only gets worse and, as a result, the patient may need to replace glasses up to three times a year.

Some specialists argue that the functioning of any human organ is possible only with the full implementation of all existing natural potential. If some functions are performed through an auxiliary device, natural regulation gradually atrophies. It was noticed that if for some reason the patient was forced to go without glasses for a long period, his vision noticeably improved.

Based on this, you can do conclusion that the lenses, by correcting the refractive process, perform the work of the eye muscles, and over time the latter begin to do their job worse and worse, as a result of which vision decreases even more. So what do we do in such a situation? We go to the ophthalmologist for a new glasses prescription.

Another harmful one eye The peculiarity of glasses is that they do not allow the eyes to move much. A healthy eye looks in different directions and moves frequently, while the lenses in glasses provide an image only within a small radius. The eyeball gradually becomes inactive, and the person, having gotten used to the glasses, simply turns his head behind the object that interests him. Over time, blood circulation is impaired, which further aggravates the condition of all eye tissues.

There are cases in which permanent Wearing glasses even leads to complications - disruption of the color sensitivity of the retina. Patients have increased nervousness. An incorrectly selected, uncomfortable frame impairs blood circulation in the facial tissues. By squeezing the temporal vessels, it causes constant headaches.

Recommendations for those who want improve vision. In general, glasses offer us not very pleasant prospects. So try as much as possible to forget about them. Take them off as often as possible. It only takes a few minutes a day to focus on your vision, and you may not need glasses at all. But in order to part with them, you need to prepare for this step, first of all, mentally.

Remember, at first even short-term giving up glasses will be accompanied by some inconveniences, which will gradually decrease. Even with the slightest sign overexertion, you need to put the glasses back on and leave them on for a while to allow the muscles to relax.

Do it regularly throughout the day A break during work(especially if it involves a computer or papers) and do eye exercises. Simple, but effective exercises give results within a week. Best time for them after lunch, when their eyes are already pretty tired. Each exercise must be repeated at least 5 times:

— Horizontal movements from left to right and vice versa;
— Vertical movements;
- Circular movements of the eyeballs clockwise and counterclockwise;
- Intense squeezing and relaxation;

Frequent blinking;
- Bringing the gaze to the nose, and then to some object;
- Eye work at a distance. Look into the distance first, then move your gaze to a closer object.

As vision everything will get better, you need to visit a doctor to replace the lenses with less powerful ones. Safety net is necessary, since in some cases it will be necessary to wear glasses to relieve overtired eyes.

To process withdrawal was less uncomfortable, gradually increase the time without glasses day by day. For example, without them you can perform short walks, listen to music, cook food or talk on the phone. The psychological need to constantly wear glasses will gradually disappear.

If everything is so simple, it arises question. Why do modern ophthalmologists continue to insist on the use of corrective agents and the most complex operations? The answer is obvious. Huge profits for optical manufacturers who use our ignorance of their capabilities to enrich themselves. Therefore, before going to the ophthalmologist, try to help your eyes yourself first!

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Contents of the topic " Diagnostic signs infections":
1. Tongue in an infectious patient. The lymph nodes patient
2. Liver of an infectious patient. Liver examination
3. Spleen of an infectious patient. Patient's respiratory organs
4. The cardiovascular system patient. Research of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract
5. Musculoskeletal system patient. Blood test in an infectious patient
6. Blood changes during infections. Examination of the patient's urine
7. General toxic syndrome. Meningeal syndrome
8. Meningoencephalitic syndrome. Convulsive and paralytic syndrome

Is it permissible to wear glasses all the time if I am nearsighted?

Catarrhal syndrome. Acute pneumonia syndrome
10. Tonsillar syndrome. Diarrhea syndrome

Elena asks:

I am 21 years old and have slight astigmatism. A year ago I was prescribed glasses of -1.5 taking into account astigmatism. With glasses I see perfectly, even too well - I have the urge to read and look at everything. When prescribing glasses, the doctor said that after a while I would have to wear them all the time. I wanted to know if this is really necessary with such slight myopia? I also heard the words “weak accommodation” addressed to me. I don’t really understand what this is.

Medical myths: is it true that glasses weaken your eyesight?

What is better: wearing glasses all the time or putting them on as needed? I use them both for working at the computer and reading, and to see something in the distance. It seems to me that after a year of using glasses like this, my close-up vision has become worse, and now it’s difficult for me to work at the computer without them. Couldn't your eyes “relax” because of your glasses? Will wearing glasses prevent vision loss or, on the contrary, only enhance it?
thank you very much for the answer

Indeed, with regular wearing of glasses, a decrease in accommodation occurs, let's say that the eyes become lazy and it is more difficult to focus on objects. To improve accommodation, it is recommended to regularly perform visual exercises and undergo regular examinations by an ophthalmologist. Correctly selected glasses can stop the process of vision deterioration.

Elena comments:

Thank you very much for clarifying the problem of accommodation. But I still don’t understand the question that worries me most now: does wearing glasses only during exercise harm the eyes or not? Or should I wear them all the time?

The Medical College www.tiensmed.ru explains:

You can wear glasses all the time if there are severe visual impairments, but you should not forget to do eye exercises regularly.

aiman asks:

Hello, I’m 36 years old. A year ago I noticed that I see poorly up close and well at a distance. The text is not clearly visible, the farther the better. I checked my vision +0.5 in one eye and +0.75 in the other. I took glasses for both eyes +0 ,5.Is this correct? And how should you wear glasses all the time or when necessary? Can vision deteriorate if you don’t wear glasses. Thank you.

The Medical College www.tiensmed.ru answers:

It is necessary to wear glasses as needed, but if you wear glasses constantly, this can lead to a weakening of accommodation and an even greater deterioration of vision, the eye becomes “lazy”.

Vision correction is 100% correct; you have chosen the right glasses. In your case, it is recommended to do eye exercises; this will help improve your vision and also help avoid a rapid deterioration in visual acuity. Read more about hypermetropia in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Hypermetropia (farsightedness).

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Glasses for myopia are a safe and affordable way to correct vision. In order for their use to have an effect, but not lead to a deterioration in the condition of the eyes, an ophthalmologist, and not an employee of an optical store, should select glasses.

The selection of glasses for myopia is carried out by a specialist after establishing an accurate diagnosis.

To check your vision, you go through 6 diagnostic stages.

To reliably test visual acuity, you need to go through several diagnostic stages with an ophthalmologist


  • determines the initial visual acuity of each eye;
  • measures intraocular pressure;
  • assesses the ability of both eyes to see images clearly;
  • measures visual acuity using negative lenses;
  • examines the field of view;
  • assesses the condition of the retina with a wide pupil.

After full examination, including viziometry, ultrasound, refractometry, and other techniques, the doctor identifies the degree of the disease and writes a prescription for myopia-correcting glasses.

It is difficult for a non-specialist to determine which lenses are required: plus or minus. Early stages diseases allow the use of plus ones intended to correct farsightedness, but they are used after consulting a doctor.

During the examination, a deviation from the norm in both eyes may be revealed: one has difficulty seeing distant objects, the other cannot see nearby objects. Then lenses are prescribed that are used to simultaneously correct farsightedness and myopia.

Selection rules

Glasses for myopia are prescribed based on the severity of the pathology.


The deviation ranges from –1 to –3 diopters. Do I need to wear glasses? The first stage does not cause discomfort: a slight deviation does not affect vision. The use of glasses to treat myopia is recommended in individual cases. They are worn only when necessary: ​​during school classes, lectures, and watching TV.

For mild myopia, bifocal glasses are suitable: putting them on, the patient begins to clearly see objects located near and far.


If the deviation is from – 3 to – 6 diopters, glasses are prescribed for constant wear. The second degree is characterized by the ability to poorly see distant and nearby objects; correction is required.

Moderate myopia requires constant correction

The doctor prescribes an additional pair: the first is for distant objects, the second is needed for myopia in order to clearly see nearby objects. Which glasses are more comfortable? Bifocal: their feature is through top part The glass allows viewing objects located in the distance; through the bottom glass, objects at a close distance are clearly visible.


If the deviation is more than -6 diopters, glasses must be worn at all times.

On last stage myopic disease cannot be restored visual function fully; are used to provide the maximum possible visibility.

Myopia with astigmatism

Myopia sometimes develops against the background of an illness that causes visual blurring of surrounding objects. Vision correction is carried out using glasses or contact lenses for astigmatism.

Myopia with astigmatism can also be corrected with glasses

Made from modern materials astigmatic lenses do not limit the view, maintain the correct outlines and proportions of objects located far away or nearby.

Wearing Features

If vision problems arose in childhood, the child gets used to having to wear vision accessories.

When diagnosed in adulthood, it is more difficult to get used to the need to wear a vision-correcting accessory. Adults prefer contact lenses for myopia.

To facilitate the process of adaptation, the ophthalmologist has the right to write a prescription for weak glasses, since a sharp improvement in vision causes fatigue. The optimal solution is perifocal lenses for myopia. They ease the strain on the eyes, and the process of vision deterioration slows down or stops.

Many patients choose contact lenses as vision correction.

Lenses for myopia

Selecting lenses for nearsighted people is a difficult process for a non-specialist; The doctor has sufficient qualifications to determine which ones are suitable in a particular case.

They are:

  1. Mineral. Thin in the middle, thickening at the edges. Advantages of glass products: scratch resistance, complete transparency. Keep in mind that they are heavier than plastic ones; another feature is their fragility.
  2. Plastic. They are stronger, lighter; used to correct children's vision. Among the disadvantages: the surface is susceptible to scratches, plastic lenses have weak optical power.

To find out how to choose glasses to correct myopia, contact an ophthalmologist.


Selecting lenses is the task of an ophthalmologist, but you are allowed to choose a frame yourself.

Correctly selected frames for glasses for myopia are comfortable and fit securely.

To ensure that your glasses are comfortable to wear, take the time to choose a frame that is comfortable for you.

The frame is made using:

  1. Plastic. The material is used to create lens frames designed to correct severe myopia. Thick lenses are heavy; a lightweight plastic frame reduces the overall weight of the accessory. Among the advantages: choice of color, ability to print. The original product will highlight makeup under glasses.
  2. Metal. Metal frames are used for thin lenses that correct mild myopia. The finished products are elegant, but the choice of frame colors is poor.

Rimless lenses are used to correct mild to moderate myopia - thin lenses do not require reliable support.

Wearing rules

There are no strict rules on how to wear glasses at the first stage of myopia. Focus on their own feelings. At the first signs of fatigue or tension, remove the accessory.

It is not recommended to completely stop wearing glasses - the eyes experience increased stress. Regular stress can provoke the development of an illness that will have to be treated.

Do eye exercises daily

Important! Myopia is divided into true and false. The first - anatomical - is caused by a weakening of visual function. Glasses are worn constantly to stop the process of vision deterioration and restore the ability to clearly see surrounding objects.

False is caused by weakening of the eye muscles; constant use of optics is not recommended - the muscles must be trained, otherwise the disease will develop from a temporary one into a chronic one.

Signs of incorrectly selected lenses

Choosing glasses on your own leads to problems.

When wearing lenses whose optical power is many times higher than required, the following symptoms may occur:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.

If similar phenomena continue a week after starting to wear new lenses, consult a doctor. This is a sign of incorrectly selected glasses, which causes eye strain, causing pain.

If you get a headache after wearing glasses, it means your glasses are not fitted correctly. Contact your ophthalmologist.

Correctly selected optical instrument corrects vision, improves quality of life.

Fashionable frames and a choice of models make it possible to find a suitable accessory that does not detract from your appearance. You can choose special makeup for glasses that emphasizes the beauty of the eyes behind the frames.

Lenses made of polycarbonate are worn during active sports – they are durable and scratch-resistant.

Having learned how to wear glasses correctly for myopia and applying the acquired knowledge in practice, you can avoid further development of the disease.

Dec 21, 2016 Doc