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Facial contouring: what is it? Is it worth doing injection facial contouring?

Development innovative technologies, including in cosmetology, allows women to preserve their beauty for as long as possible, regardless of age.

Contour plastic helps rejuvenate the skin and correct facial features. After its implementation, facial wrinkles are smoothed out, nasolabial folds are significantly reduced.

What is facial contouring? This procedure is an injection technique, during which the face is corrected using fillers.

Contour plastic surgery gives an excellent and noticeable aesthetic result. It is used not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté, as well as on the hands and knees.

Contour plastic makes it possible to:

  • get rid of wrinkles, even deep ones;
  • significantly tighten the oval of the face;
  • give your cheeks extra volume;
  • make the contour of the cheekbones clearer;
  • raise your eyebrows.

In addition, the procedure stimulates the flow of oxygen to skin cells, moisturizing it. Additionally, the production of collagen and elastin increases. The drug neutralizes the adverse effects free radicals, as a result, the skin becomes fresher and more elastic. In addition, the procedure eliminates pigmented areas and scars.

Contour facelift: indications and contraindications

A contour facelift lasts from 30 to 40 minutes. First, the face is cleansed, then an anesthetic gel is applied. After this, the doctor begins injections of fillers, they are carried out in 1 session. Fillers act as micro-implants, filling the free space. They fill wrinkles from the inside, smoothing them out, making the facial contour clearer and more expressive.

Fillers are gel fillers that are used for correction; they are injected subcutaneously. Many companies around the world are engaged in the production of filler, but the highest quality and safest ones have a recommendation from the FDA, an organization that controls medications. Therefore, at a preliminary consultation, you can ask the doctor what medications he plans to use for a contour facelift.

Preparations for contouring are made on the basis of hyaluronic acid and other substances. Gels Restylane, Surgiderm, Stilage, Juvederm are produced on the basis of hyaluronic acid, Radiens, Ellan, Sculpture are based on other components. Your doctor will advise you on the choice of filler; all products differ in the duration of the effect, density, and, importantly, price.

A contour facelift will ideally help women with a sagging chin, an unclear oval face, and hollow cheeks. There are also contraindications:

  • allergy to the drug;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • hemophilia;
  • keloid scars;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hemophilia;
  • recent chemical peel procedure.

The day before the procedure, you should not drink alcohol or play sports. The price of the issue will vary depending on the salon and the type of drug. The effect lasts for approximately six months.

Features of facial contour correction

In the process of performing contour correction of the face, the contour of the face, nasolabial folds are corrected, the volume and shape of the lips are changed, and the corners of the mouth are raised.

To do this, various fillers are injected under the skin. This procedure has certain period actions, ultimately the administered drugs are absorbed and excreted from the body naturally.

The main advantage of facial contour correction is the rapid visible effect. Its duration is short, you will see the initial result immediately.

Fine wrinkles disappear, deeper ones are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic and rejuvenated. The effect after the procedure is comparable to the results of plastic surgery, but is more gentle on the skin.


Although this correction is not surgical intervention, it can only be carried out by dermatocosmetologists and cosmetic surgeons with a higher education medical education. Many salons offer contour lifting services, but it is still better to carry out this procedure in specialized cosmetology clinics or centers plastic surgery.

Lip augmentation using hyaluronic acid injections is very popular, especially among young girls. This allows you to enlarge your lips, making them plump and sensual, and also remove asymmetry, if any.

Older women prefer correction of nasolabial folds or corners of the mouth. Over time, the skin becomes less and less elastic, multiple wrinkles appear, including around the mouth. As time passes, the corners of the lips droop, giving its owner a gloomy, unfriendly appearance and increasing age. It is possible that deep folds may appear in more early age, as a rule, this is associated with malocclusion, active facial expressions, individual characteristics. The introduction of fillers eliminates wrinkles and makes the face look much younger. Correction of lips and nasolabial folds with hyaluronic acid can be performed at any age, for both women and men.

At the initial consultation, a filler is selected; its use depends on the depth and number of wrinkles, and the duration of its action. The doctor should warn about possible side effects.

Contour correction of the face is carried out in the office of a cosmetologist; 30-40 minutes are enough to carry it out. Depending on the depth of the wrinkles, gels of different densities are used. For shallow, superficial wrinkles, gels with low density are used. The greater the density of the drug, the more depth his penetration. For deep wrinkles, the gel is injected into the middle layers of the skin to correct nasolabial triangle-in subcutaneous layer. The procedure for correcting several types of wrinkles is longer, but lasts no more than one and a half to two hours. To get rid of wrinkles, the gel is injected directly into skin fold, with an increase in lip volume - into the lip contour and the lips themselves. To correct shallow and fine wrinkles, anesthesia is not needed, it is only necessary during insertion large quantity gel for the correction of deep wrinkles.

The advantage of this type of contouring is that there are no injection marks left on the skin and no rehabilitation is required.

Rejuvenation of the facial contour using mesotherapy, biorevitalization and plasma lifting

The following injection techniques are used to rejuvenate the contour.

Rejuvenation of the facial contour using mesotherapy

The doctor selects a special “cocktail” individually for you, which includes anti-aging drugs and vitamins. During mesotherapy, problems such as dryness and sagging skin, as well as facial rejuvenation in general, are solved. There are special complexes that will remove wrinkles around the eyes, protonate and moisturize the skin. After a course of 8-10 procedures, you will get a lifting effect, get rid of wrinkles, and tighten your facial contour.

Rejuvenation of the facial contour using biorevitalization

This technique is another effective non-surgical method of rejuvenation. This is the process of reinforcing the skin framework by injecting hyaluronic acid. Its name literally translates as “revitalization”, it restores tone, smoothes out wrinkles of the face and neck, and significantly tightens the facial contour.

The drugs used during the procedure must be safe, have a high molecular weight, provide a quick effect and be easy to administer into the subcutaneous layers. As a rule, a course of 3-5 procedures is prescribed with an interval of 7 days. You will see a tightened oval face and radiant freshness after the 1st procedure.

Rejuvenation of the facial contour using plasma lifting

Rejuvenating the facial contour using this method is essentially self-rejuvenation; the patient is injected with concentrated plasma of his own blood. The skin becomes smoother and more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out, the facial contour is tightened, and the skin structure is significantly improved. In addition to combating age-related changes, it is suitable for skin with acne, freckles, age spots. It is carried out in a course, the effect lasts for 2 years.

Of the hardware procedures for rejuvenating the facial contour, photorejuvenation is the most in demand. During the procedure, the skin is exposed to high-intensity light fluxes. In addition to skin renewal and rejuvenation, a lifting effect occurs that significantly tightens the contour. After just 3-5 procedures, skin turgor will increase significantly, wrinkles will disappear, nasolabial folds will smooth out, and the oval of the face will be significantly tightened.

Contour plastic surgery is an injection technique for eliminating wrinkles, as well as correcting facial contours. This procedure is based on the process of filling the subcutaneous cavity through special drugs, so-called fillers.

What is filling in cosmetology?

Filling in cosmetology means smoothing out wrinkles using injectable drug. A noticeable anti-aging result and the ability to create significant changes in facial features through fillers allow us to talk about contouring as an excellent alternative to surgery.

To others undeniable advantages This procedure should include the speed and ease of implementation, as well as the absence of the need for anesthesia. Patients also do not need recovery period, and the relatively low cost only attracts more and more clients who want to rejuvenate. To fill translated from English. "fill".

The basic ingredient of most drugs used in contouring is hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substrate of human skin, which guarantees the absence of allergic reactions and other side effects.

What is filling is interesting to many women. Let's figure it out further.

Contour plastic surgery: what is it for?

It is important to consider that the purpose of contouring is to achieve an aesthetic effect. A number of therapeutic results, such as stimulation of collagen production, also occur, however, only when we're talking about on the elimination of internal prerequisites for aging. So, thanks to contour plastic surgery, the following results can be achieved:

  • Absolutely all types of wrinkles and folds are eliminated, with the exception of deep structural types.
  • Lips are enlarged and their shape is adjusted.
  • The volume of various areas of the face is formed, for example, cheeks, cheekbones, nose, etc.
  • Asymmetry in facial features is eliminated.

Besides, this procedure It is effective not only on the face, but also in the neck and décolleté area. This is also done when treating the skin on the knees and hands.

Nowadays even intimate filling is carried out.

Preparations used in contouring

There are two main types of drugs that are used for the contouring procedure:

  • Filler preparations based on hyaluronic acid, including Restylane, Surgiderm, Juvederm and Stilage.
  • Fillers based on other components that are safe for the body - Sculptra, Ellans, and Radiesse.

All differ from each other in two main characteristics, namely the density of the gel and the speed of biodegradation, that is, the duration of the result. The choice of one or another means is made based on the nature of the planned changes.

We have explained what filling is. But how is it carried out?

Carrying out contour plastic surgery

Despite the guaranteed safety of this procedure, only certified doctors who have passed additional training in the appropriate direction. Only a qualified specialist is able to correctly select the right drug, as well as determine the dosage along with the injection points.

The injection contouring method is used on an outpatient basis, within one procedure. This distinguishes it from mesotherapy, which provides courses of four or ten procedures. An anesthetic cream is applied to the previously cleansed skin, after which the specialist begins injections. This process takes from fifteen to forty minutes, depending on the size of the processing area.

A distinctive feature and advantage of filleting in cosmetology is the absence. There are, however, minor restrictions that must be observed in the first two weeks in order to achieve better effect. To do this, limit the mechanical impact on the treated area, and also refuse to visit saunas, swimming pools and solariums.

The expected result from the injection will be noticeable almost immediately. The changes will be initially assessed after two days, and the final effect will be achieved in about seven days. Depending on the type of product used, the results obtained can last from four months to several years.

Intimate filling lasts even longer.

Contraindications for contour plastic surgery

The main contraindications in this case are the period of pregnancy and lactation, and in addition, the presence of various diseases at the acute stage. It is also prohibited to carry out injections if there are viral diseases and inflammatory processes in the areas of the planned injection. Another contraindication is blood clotting pathology.

What can fill a patient face? hyaluronic acid?

Possible complications due to contour plastic surgery

Despite the fact that current fillers are absolutely biologically compatible and safe for the human body, you should still have general idea O possible problems, which may be associated with their introduction, which will certainly help to prepare in advance and take measures to prevent troubles. So, in case of violation general rules When performing injections, the appearance of hematomas and edema is possible. To avoid an unsuccessful procedure, you should comply with all instructions, and also agree to provide services only in highly qualified clinics.

Softlifting as an innovative method of contouring

As part of this procedure, the rejuvenation effect is achieved through injections not subcutaneously, but into even deeper layers of facial tissue, which makes it possible to achieve impressive results that can be comparable to full-fledged plastic surgery.

Thus, the popularity of injection methods aimed at rejuvenation is rapidly gaining momentum. Contour plastic surgery has the advantage of being painless and quickly achieving results compared to traditional plastic surgery. New lines of filler drugs, as well as various injection techniques along with beautiful photos“before” and “after” do not leave their clients indifferent, the majority of whom, of course, are representatives of the fair sex.

But in the endless pursuit of youth, one nuance should be taken into account, namely, that various advertising materials that talk about the complete safety and, in addition, painlessness of contour plastic surgery, are sometimes silent about the likelihood of complications and side effects. Therefore, to avoid any negative consequences, it is necessary to trust the implementation of this technique only qualified specialists, and also follow all precautions and instructions depending on your health condition.

So, we looked at what filling is. We hope that the information presented in this article will help you make an informed decision regarding such a procedure.

Facial contouring is becoming increasingly popular, as it provides the opportunity to non-surgically tighten the skin and improve its relief, eliminate wrinkles, correct the oval of the face and nasolabial folds, and change the shape and contour of the lips.

The essence of this procedure is the introduction into the human body of specially developed preparations based on hyaluronic acid, which is a natural component of the human body, maintaining elasticity and moisture in the skin.

What is facial contouring?

Facial contouring is a method that allows you to eliminate not only small facial wrinkles, but also rather large wrinkles and nasolabial folds. This, in turn, can literally change the face beyond recognition and achieve qualitative effect surgical intervention .

The most common methods of facial plastic surgery are: increase in lip volume and changing their shape, as well as creating additional volume in the zygomatic area. Such procedures can radically change the image and make any girl a real beauty; moreover, they do not require a rehabilitation period.

The next most popular areas for drug injection are nasolabial folds and the middle third of the face, which many women prefer to at least partially correct.

The volume and depth of drug administration directly depends on the severity of age-related changes or the patient’s desire to model the face to one degree or another. Before visiting a cosmetologist, experts strongly recommend seek preliminary consultation see a doctor who will determine your skin type, condition vascular wall, absence or presence of contraindications.

Facial contouring technology

Total duration One procedure of contouring, depending on the area, the problem being solved, averages 40-100 minutes. Plastic surgery is carried out using thin microneedles, which the cosmetologist injects strictly under every wrinkle.

Thus, the medicinal composition enters the subcutaneous layers and fills the void formed under the skin. In this case, the filler must be used only once, so it must be sterilely packaged in a separate syringe, and the appropriate packaging of the drug must be selected for the required volume of filler.

Hyaluronic acid gel with the addition of an anesthetic, it is injected into the middle and deep layers of the skin. To eliminate wrinkles, the drug is injected into the base of each wrinkle, and to add volume to the lips or correct facial contours, many shallow injections are made over the entire area of ​​the selected area.

Immediately after the procedure the skin is smoothed out and becomes more toned, at the cellular level they are activated metabolic processes. Although there is no recovery period required after contouring, you may experience some minor redness on your face for a while.

Depending on the quality of the drug used the effect lasts from 5 to 18 months. Hyaluronic acid, which is used for contouring, differs from its counterpart used in mesotherapy and biorevitalization.

For contouring, gel-like hyaluronic acid is used, and for mesotherapy and biorevitalization, the same type of acid is used, but in the form liquid solution. The liquid preparation is quickly absorbed and does not have a lifting effect.

Preparations for contouring and combination with other procedures

For greater effectiveness, contour plastic surgery can be combined with other cosmetic procedures:

  • Botox (a wonderful remedy for eliminating expression lines);
  • thermage ( unique procedure, providing deep lifting);
  • fractional photothermolysis (allows you to get rid of deep wrinkles, enlarged pores and pigmentation, stimulates the natural production of collagen).

The modern market offers a large selection of intradermal fillers (fillers) different manufacturers. All these remedies differ from each other in the level of effectiveness and safety, duration and guarantee of results.

Experts recommend using only drugs approved by the FDA, the most famous, authoritative and largest quality control organization medical supplies. By such means this moment are Restylane, Juvederm and Prevelle Silk.

Indications, contraindications and results of facial contouring

The following indicators may serve as indications for contour plastic surgery:

Contraindications for contour plastic surgery. If the following indicators exist, contour plastic surgery should not be done under any circumstances:

  • Pregnancy or lactation period.
  • The presence of infectious or inflammatory processes in the area intended for plastic surgery.
  • The period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Period of treatment with anticoagulants.

Results and possibilities of plastic surgery. Facial contouring allows the following:

  • adjust the shape of the nose and earlobe;
  • correct the oval of the face;
  • eliminate scars;
  • increase lip volume;
  • change the shape of your lips;
  • temporarily eliminate facial wrinkles;
  • correct the zygomatic area.

Possible complications

Medicine, of course, does not stand still, and doctors are becoming more competent, however, there are cases when complications cannot be avoided.

After facial contouring, patients often experience inflammation, inflammation allergic reactions , hematomas and edema, vascular embolism, fibrous deformation, severe pain, gel migration. Sometimes the skin takes on a yellow or gray tint.

The above complications may be caused by wrong choice of gel type or its quantity, as well as individual intolerance of the body. The defects caused can be eliminated using electrophoresis or surgery.

Facial contouring is non-surgical method, which allows you to make facial features more attractive, completely get rid of shallow expression wrinkles and temporarily reduce the depth of large wrinkles.

Intradermal injections, the main component of which is hyaluronic acid (in the form of a viscous gel), are considered very effective and relatively safe However, if the rules of the procedure are not followed or if there are contraindications, the patient may experience a number of complications.

That is why it is extremely important consult your doctor in advance, undergo a mini-examination and entrust contouring to an experienced cosmetologist.

Everyone knows that you can radically “rejuvenate” and make significant changes to your appearance only with the help of surgical cosmetology. However modern technologies do not stand still, and today it is no longer necessary to go under the knife in order to erase the wrinkles that have appeared from the skin and return the youthful roundness to the oval of the face. Lovely ladies are offered facial contouring, which allows for non-surgical rejuvenation and correction of some imperfections. This method is recommended for correcting age-related changes in young women, starting from 30-35 years old until retirement age, when non-surgical procedures, alas, are no longer effective.

The method of contouring is based on the injection of fillers into the skin - gels of temporary or permanent action, having different densities, depending on the area of ​​application of the drug. Filler, from the English filler (“filler”), begins its action immediately at the moment of injection: the gel, filling the injection area, instantly smoothes out wrinkles and “creases” on the skin, outlines the contour of the face, gives additional volume to the lips, and eliminates asymmetry. Facial contouring is the only method of aesthetic medicine that gives a visible effect immediately after the procedure.

IN aesthetic medicine There are several types of fillers, the most common of which are biodegradable, or self-absorbable, gels. The latest generation of drugs are safe and have virtually no side effects, which cannot be said about fillers used previously. Let's take a closer look at the types of cosmetic fillers.

Fillers that are not able to dissolve and be eliminated from the body on their own are currently considered obsolete and are practically not used for contouring. It is with such gels that all sorts of “horror stories” are associated with a lot of side effects in affected patients. The fact is that bionondegradable gels are artificial polymers that are foreign to the human body, so they are often attacked by immune cells and rejected. The most famous synthetic filler is silicone.

There are also safer non-absorbable fillers that continue to be popular due to the fact that they provide a long-lasting effect and do not require regular “finishing”. However, the frequency of complications when using such drugs is high: as a rule, a capsule of connective tissue, causing all kinds of compaction and deformation in the injection area.

This group includes surgical materials that combine natural and synthetic components, for example, polycaprolactone-based filler. Advantage this drug- no side effects and a long absorption period. This type of filler remains in the human body for up to four years without causing any immune reactions and complications.

Autologous fillers

The difference between this type of filler and all others is its completely natural origin. More precisely, the material for introduction into the correction zone is taken directly from the patient himself.

Most often, this material is your own fat, or lipofiller, which is “transplanted” from one place to another. The likelihood of complications in this case tends to zero, and the effect is durable and stable.

Biocompatible fillers

Self-resorbable gels - preparations that are fully compatible with cells human body and not causing an immune response. Most often these are fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which is a component intercellular fluid connective tissues. Collagen and lactic acid can also be used in the production of biodegradable gels.

The effect of injections of such fillers is based on the action of polyhyaluronic acid. This is synthesized in laboratory conditions a substance completely identical to “natural” hyaluronic acid. “Hyaluronic acid” refers to glucosaminoglycosaccharides, which are present in any living organism and are involved in the processes of hydrodynamics and restoration of cells and tissues. During the life of cells, the biocompatible gel gradually disintegrates into safe components and is eliminated from the human body naturally, that is, it is completely absorbed.

Hyaluronic acid has the property of attracting water molecules, increasing the natural hydration of the epidermis and stimulating the production of its own elastin and collagen in the deep layers of the skin. Thanks to this double action the skin not only visually takes on a rested, fresh look, but is also actively regenerated, launching rejuvenation processes. Even after the filler is completely absorbed, the skin continues to be saturated with moisture for some time and retains its acquired tone, inhibiting the growth and deepening of wrinkles.

Such gels also have disadvantages: they break down fairly quickly and have a short-lived effect. Most often, the achieved volume “subsides” after 4–6 months, less often it can last up to a year. The occurrence of hematomas, compactions and inflammation at the injection site cannot be ruled out, which may be the result of an individual reaction or improper implementation of the procedure.

To perform contouring, one or another drug is selected for the patient individually, depending on the correction area, depth of wrinkles, and skin condition. Today, most cosmetologists work with a number of hyaluronic fillers:

  1. Restylane - used to destroy " crow's feet", smoothing out shallow wrinkles on the cheekbones and forehead and can maintain the effect for up to two years.
  2. Juvederm - the drug contains lidocaine to anesthetize the procedure, is used to fill deep wrinkles, increase the volume of the lips and change their shape, to improve the contour of the face, pinching the chin and cheekbones, and has a lifting effect for over six months.
  3. Surgiderm - corrects “nasolabial folds”, wrinkles on the forehead, enlarges cheekbones, lips, emphasizes the contour of the mouth and face as a whole for up to a year.
  4. Teosial is a line of drugs with 7 different formulas that can solve any problem - from the correction of fine wrinkles to complete facial modeling.

In some cases, the doctor may decide to combine different drugs.

Contour plastic surgery for modern women is the best option in the fight for youthful skin and ideal facial proportions. This procedure has a whole host of advantages, namely:

  • minimal tissue trauma, rapid recovery;
  • safety of the procedure, hypoallergenicity and harmlessness of modern high-quality drugs;
  • self-resorption of fillers without side effects;
  • quick result, natural look after the procedure;
  • healing of the skin in addition to the visual effect.

The following problems may be the reason for injections with hyaluronic filler:

  • wrinkles between the eyebrows;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • wrinkles around the lips;
  • thin or asymmetrical lips;
  • drooping corners of the lips;
  • undefined cheekbones;
  • “floating” oval of the face;
  • dry skin.

A properly “shaved” face can transform a woman and make her visually several years younger. Filler injections help moisturize the skin, strengthen the facial contour and correct it slightly, adding volume to the cheekbones. The most popular procedure is lip augmentation, changing their shape, emphasizing the contour. It must be remembered that when “rejuvenating” the face in this way, it is worth thinking about the neck and décolleté area, which in comparison will lose and show age.

The result of contouring looks quite natural (here it is important not to overdo it with the amount of injected drug) and lasts for about six months. The duration of the effect depends on numerous factors: the selected drug, its volume, area of ​​application, injection technique, individual characteristics patients.

Contour plastic has a cumulative effect, which intensifies with each new procedure and lasts longer and longer. “Hyaluron” can be injected without waiting for the previous dose to dissolve, it is only important not to mix different drugs so as not to get unpredictable effects. If the resulting result seems excessive, after some time the volume will subside, or you can try injecting hyaluronidase, which helps destroy the filler.

Despite the obvious advantages of the contouring procedure, in some cases it cannot be done. Precautionary measures are not related to the effect of the filler on the body (unless, of course, there is a personal intolerance to the drug), but to the method of its administration, namely, subcutaneous injection, the pain that may accompany it and possible complications after the injection.

Relative contraindications to contouring are: dermatological diseases, acute viral and bacterial infections(or relapse of chronic ones), herpes on the lips, problems with the blood clotting system, pregnancy and period breastfeeding. Also, you should not inject filler if there are traces of another, especially “long-lasting” drug.

Contour plastic procedure - before and after photos

In contouring, there are two decisive factors that can affect the final result, both positively and dramatically negatively. The first is the “hands” to which you entrust such a responsible task. Masters who know how to perform an injection correctly, painlessly, and most importantly so that the result looks as natural as possible are, as a rule, worth their weight in gold. A dermatocosmetologist or aesthetic surgeon can work as a contour plastic specialist.

At the first consultation, the doctor is obliged to perform a visual examination and interview the patient to identify contraindications, determine the type of drug, its quantity per procedure.

The second is the quantity and quality of the drug. It is worth remembering that different volumes and densities of filler should be used for different zones, which can only be optimally calculated by a competent cosmetologist. The authenticity and quality of the drug must be confirmed by the appropriate certificate from the manufacturer.

If necessary, the doctor can give pain relief. To do this, use Emla cream or lidocaine spray. As a rule, injections of the nasolabial folds and lips are quite sensitive, so patients with low pain threshold better to ask local anesthesia.

The skin is punctured using a special syringe with a microneedle, through which a gel is carefully injected, filling the required area and creating the required volume in it. The deeper the wrinkles or folds of the skin, the greater the density and viscosity of the filler. Small wrinkles are eliminated with a fine gel through superficial injection. Correction of large folds and the introduction of significant volumes of gel requires deep injection and is accompanied by painful sensations, so it is often done under anesthesia.

The “teasing” can last 5 – 30 minutes. Small bruises, redness, and burning may remain at the injection site, which should go away in a few hours, or at most in a day. The first time after the procedure, you may feel a slight tightening at the point of skin puncture.

After contouring, the following recommendations must be followed:

How much does it cost to become younger - the price of the procedure

Among the many advantages of contour plastic surgery, one can safely include its financial aspect. The cost of the procedure is, as a rule, much lower than all kinds of hardware techniques. And even more so, it is several times less than plastic surgery with quite comparable results.

The price of the procedure consists of the type of drug used, the volume of intervention (measured in milliliters or syringes), the area of ​​application, the “name” of the doctor and the level of the clinic. The minimum cost of modeling is about 10 thousand rubles. (small wrinkles), average – 13 – 15 thousand rubles. (lips, shallow “nasolabial lips”), and up to 30 thousand rubles. – “serious” folds, chin, cheekbones.

By the way, a partially used syringe with the drug can be stored in the refrigerator for use next time. So, if the doctor recommends that you inject “one and a half”, don’t be afraid, the rest of the filler will not be lost – you can take it home.

The aging of the human body does not proceed uniformly: some organs and systems age faster than others. The skin, as a natural barrier, is the first to take on the damaging effects environment. And, as a rule, signs of aging appear quite early. The face loses filling due to loss of volume in the skin and soft tissue. These changes lead to deterioration of aesthetic contours and affect general form faces.

What is injection contouring?

Contour plastic - subcutaneous injections gel - effective procedure, in order to fix cosmetic defects, age-related wrinkles, as well as defects resulting from injury (scars, wrinkles). Unlike plastic surgery, this procedure is quick and almost painless. The contour plastic method allows you to correct natural imperfections of the face, increase volume and model the shape of the lips, chin, cheeks, cheekbones, and also fight wrinkles on the neck, décolleté and other aesthetic problems.

Today, aesthetic clinicians have an ever-expanding range of treatment and facial rejuvenation options at their disposal. An extremely popular option involves injecting semi- or non-permanent dermal fillers for facial contouring and volumization, instead of or before invasive procedures. surgical options. Dermal fillers can be used in addition to other treatments, including botulinum toxin, phototherapy (intense pulsed light), resurfacing, and radiofrequency treatments. The synergistic effects of such combination procedures can improve the aesthetic outcome and its duration, sometimes creating dramatic results.

Facial contouring can be considered a source of pride for modern cosmetology, which has provided us with this unique technique correction of problems of the face and lips. With the help of contouring, wrinkles disappear quickly and painlessly, the skin becomes renewed and fresh.

On the other hand, contour plastic helps to overcome even those skin problems (nasolabial wrinkles, small wrinkles around the eyes), the elimination of which is considered almost impossible even with the help of plastic surgery.

Currently happening active growth number of non-surgical interventions compared to invasive surgical cosmetic procedures. In addition, there is a growing interest in facial rejuvenation among men. Almost half of all procedures are performed on patients aged 35-50 years, therefore, procedures are mainly used as prevention and maintenance rather than corrective treatment.

When will injection facial contouring be effective?

Dermal fillers help reduce wrinkles and restore volume and fullness to areas of the face. Facial contouring is ideal for those who want to get rid of nasolabial wrinkles, wrinkles around the eyes, and for those who dream of smooth and youthful skin without surgical intervention.

Dermal fillers can be used for the following purposes:

  • enlargement of thin lips,
  • correction of fine wrinkles,
  • softening facial folds and deep wrinkles,
  • improvement appearance deep scars.

For some patients, surgical plastic surgery such as a facelift, brow lift, or eye lift may be the best approach. Non-surgical rejuvenation may not achieve the same results, but may help delay the time when considering a facelift becomes appropriate.

Treatment can be done either by using deep injections above the bone or by replenishing the subcutaneous fat beneath the skin.

Before injecting the filler, your doctor may use a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area. A small amount of filler is then injected into the skin with a very fine needle. The filler immediately fills wrinkles and makes the skin look more smooth surface. The result of the procedure is facial rejuvenation within a few minutes. The effect lasts from 6 to 12 months depending on the type of filler and type of correction. The most important thing to remember about injectable filler treatments is that they are temporary and the effects will eventually wear off.

Each area of ​​the face ages differently. Clinical signs Aging in the forehead area may include static and dynamic wrinkles, volume loss, and signs of photoaging (eg, pigmentation, texture changes). Eyebrows may lose volume and sag (ptosis). In the eye/lid area, loss of volume results in dark circles under the eyes and orbital hollowing. Both eyelids (upper and lower) may become baggy and wrinkled.

In the middle area of ​​the face, the cheeks are vulnerable to volume loss. Aging of the nose produces both structural changes, such as drooping of the tip of the nose and textural changes in the surface (porosity and bumpiness). The lower third of the face covers the perioral area, lips, and chin. Lips are especially vulnerable as they age; they can lose volume, shape, and boundaries. The perioral area may become wrinkled. The nasolabial folds may lose their support and begin to sag.

Each area may require its own methods of cosmetic rejuvenation. Cosmetologists widely practice increasing the volume and changing the shape of the lips. Medicine injected under the skin and its ability to retain water creates the required moisture. Non-surgical nose shaping is a relatively new variation of filler treatment. You can smooth out bumps and bumps on the bridge of the nose, clarify the profile of the nose after injury or surgery. By injecting the gel into the chin area, you can redefine the lower contours of the face and balance the size of the nose and chin. Deep hollows under the eyes can be filled with fillers. After injections, the skin looks smooth, moisturized and elastic.

Once the physician and patient have decided on soft tissue augmentation as the most appropriate treatment option, they should discuss the choice of filler and whether it will be used alone or in combination with other resurfacing tools (laser resurfacing, botulinum toxin, etc.). There are many factors to consider when choosing filler, including the type needed depending on the area of ​​the face, duration of effect (3-6 months or longer), cost, area of ​​face to treat, potential for side effects such as allergic reactions (especially with bovine collagen) and granulomas.

What types of fillers are used in injection contouring?

Filler options include biodegradable (non-permanent) fillers, semi-permanent (slowly biodegradable) fillers, and permanent non-biodegradable dermal fillers. Currently available dermal fillers are based on:

  • own fat
  • large collagen cattle or person
  • non-animal stabilized hyaluronic acid (Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane),
  • polymethyl methacrylate microspheres with bovine collagen (Artefill),
  • calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse),
  • poly-L-lactic acid (Sculptra),
  • silicone.

Each option has advantages and disadvantages that should be clearly discussed with the patient before any treatment is initiated. In some countries, silicone injections are prohibited for use in cosmetology.

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally found in human tissues such as muscles and tendons. Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of human skin, which provides its hydration. Hyaluronic acid products are the most commonly used injectable materials today. These fillers are absolutely harmless, hypoallergenic, and do not migrate under the skin. Over time, hyaluronic acid is metabolized in the body to form carbon dioxide and water. Contour plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid gel is indicated at any age; the drugs can be used in combination with other rejuvenation procedures. Over time, the filler will be broken down by the body's own enzymes, just as it does with natural hyaluronic acid.

When performing autologous fat grafting (the patient's own fat), fat must first be removed by liposuction from parts of the body with a thick layer of fat, such as the abdomen, thighs or buttocks. Fat cells first purified, then centrifuged and injected into the desired area using very fine needles. For fat cells to survive, it is important that ingrowth occurs. blood vessels. Because some of the fat cells will die, it cannot be accurately predicted how many cells will survive. The amount of remaining cells can vary from 30 to 70%, so injections must be performed 2 to 3 times to achieve the desired volumes.

Contraindications to the introduction of fillers and side effects

Contraindications for injection plastic surgery include

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period,
  • allergy to drug components,
  • tendency to form keloid and hypertrophic scars,
  • bacterial, viral, fungal diseases skin,
  • immune and infectious diseases,
  • diabetes,
  • hemophilia.

Side effects from treatment are usually minimal. Redness and swelling may occur, but should subside within a week. During this time, exposure to the sun and cold should be avoided, as these conditions place additional stress on the healing skin. Most patients describe the treatment as relatively painless. The most common complaint is redness at the injection site.

Your doctor may recommend using ice to reduce side effects such as swelling and tenderness at the injection site. Procedures such as chemical peels, laser skin resurfacing, laser skin tightening, and others should be avoided. laser techniques, since there is a possibility that they may cause inflammation. In the first 24 hours after treatment, it is recommended to avoid sudden movements in the treated area.

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Technique for contour plastic surgery

Listing and brief description of the main methods and techniques used in contouring. Specifics of choosing techniques when working with different areas facial, pain relief procedures