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Signs of the onset and process of labor in a dog: how does labor begin and how long does it last? Childbirth in dogs: signs, precursors, beginning, how to give birth in small and large breeds of dogs The very first signs of the onset of labor in a dog

Husky gives birth

Hello friends! Today we’ll talk about childbirth in dogs, consider the main symptoms (precursors), how labor progresses (stages), as well as help with normal childbirth.

On average, a dog's pregnancy lasts 63 days (56-72 days), counting from the first insemination. It is assumed that the duration may depend on the breed, the number of fetuses, the age of the female, feeding and maintenance conditions, but there are no reliable studies on these issues yet.

Usually small breeds There are 1-5 puppies in a litter, and for large ones it can reach up to 15 or more. Also, the number of puppies depends on age; young and older bitches have fewer. It has been noticed that the more fetuses, the easier the birth is and, on the contrary, with a small number of them, weak labor activity is observed. This is due to insufficient stimulation of the uterus and relatively large fetuses. Similar phenomenon called "only puppy syndrome."

Symptoms of approaching labor in a dog

The timing of pregnancy can be guessed by the date of insemination, abdominal enlargement, appearance of colostrum, enlargement of the mammary glands, swelling of the loop, discharge from the genitals, site preparation, changes in behavior.

The abdomen increases significantly, which is clearly noticeable 9-14 days before birth; one might say it drops and sags. Hair will fall out around the milk bags, the dog prepares a “nest”, usually for this she chooses a secluded place: a wardrobe, inside a sofa, behind an armchair, a large box or something similar. It may constantly follow its owner or, on the contrary, avoid contact with people.

Over the course of a few days (1-2), the dog becomes restless, may whine, scratch the floor or walls, often licks the genitals, and behaves unusually. Breathing, pulse, urination become frequent.

Often food refusal occurs and thirst appears. The moment of milk appearance varies greatly, for some it is observed two weeks before birth, for others a few hours after the birth of the first puppy.

Change rectal temperature– most reliable sign. A week before giving birth, the temperature begins to fluctuate, and within a day (12-36 hours) it drops sharply. The degree of decrease depends on the size of the animal; in small breeds the thermometer reaches 35 degrees, and in large breeds up to 37 degrees.

Friends, remember that the above signs do not provide a 100% guarantee that your dog is pregnant and is going into labor. For example, with a false pregnancy, the abdomen will be enlarged, milk will be secreted, and a drop in temperature is acceptable. When spooned, an animal can behave exactly like a pregnant animal.

It is necessary to take into account the data obtained during examination, palpation of the animal, and, if necessary, X-rays, ultrasound, and others. special methods research.

Stages of labor

First stage. Preparatory, it lasts about 12 hours, in some cases more than a day (in nervous animals). At this time, the cervix relaxes and dilates, and you can see mucus coming out of the vagina.

The dog is worried, often changes its position, looks back at its stomach, breathes quickly, and vomiting is acceptable. At this stage, only contractions of the uterus occur, without the abdominal muscles, that is, only contractions without pushing. It is important that the temperature remains low at this time.

Second stage. This period begins with the release of amniotic fluid and ends with the puppy emerging from the birth canal. In addition to contractions (contractions of the uterus), we observe pushing (contractions of the abdominal muscles).

During movement along the birth canal, the fetus acts on the walls of the vagina, thereby causing reflex contractions of the abdominal muscles (Ferguson reflex).

It is important to distinguish the beginning of the second stage so as not to cause trouble. Often, inexperienced people delivering a dog's baby begin to get nervous and use stimulants, thereby harming the animal.

I'll tell you a little story on a topic that happened more than ten years ago, but was remembered well. As a young specialist, just over a year after graduation, I found myself attending the birth of a dog, or more accurately, witnessing the death of an animal.

A young dog, a spaniel, gave birth; everything, according to the owner, went well; it was 61 days after fertilization. As it turned out later, labor had not yet really begun, but the owner, for his own reasons, thought that the time had come for the dog to give birth. Perhaps he read it somewhere or someone told him, but he began to administer oxytocin to the woman in labor in large doses; it is not known exactly how many units the dog received. The owner was confused, answered questions differently, but I suspect the quantity would be enough to give birth to a cow. In the room where the dog was, I saw a pack of the drug and four opened ampoules nearby, perhaps it was not all oxytocin.

He began to induce labor in the morning, and when the dog became ill around lunchtime, he came to me. Taking what you need for similar case, we immediately went to save the woman in labor, but upon arrival it turned out that there was no one to save. The dog died.

It is now difficult to say what was the cause of death; an autopsy was not performed. I assume that there was a rupture of the uterus, or a sudden change in pressure. But it is clear that premature stimulation of labor had a negative effect.

After a sad note, let's return to how to understand that the second stage of labor has begun. There are three characteristic signs:

  1. returned to normal.
  2. The waters have broken.
  3. The abdominal walls are tense and straining is observed.

If one or all of the listed signs are present, then the second stage has begun.

Normally, 2-4 hours may pass from the beginning of the second stage to the birth of the first puppy. Puppies are born at intervals of five minutes to two hours; in general, labor lasts about 6-8 hours, sometimes up to 12. There are cases when healthy puppies were born two days after the last one appeared.

Third stage. The exit of the placenta or placenta or baby part of the placenta. Usually, after the birth of a puppy, the placenta comes out within 10-15 minutes. Sometimes several come out, after 2-3 puppies. If the placenta does not have foul odor, then you can let the dog eat it, but no more than two, otherwise there will be diarrhea or vomiting.

Postpartum period. It begins after expulsion of all placenta and lasts until full recovery uterus and other female genital organs. Normally, a dog's vaginal discharge continues for three weeks, sometimes up to five. During this period there should be no foul-smelling discharge, fever, or depression.

Something went wrong, we need a doctor

Friends, now a small list of signs that should alert you during childbirth.

  1. More than 4 hours have passed since the birth of the last puppy, but the next fetus is not coming out, although there are suspicions that not all the fetuses have come out.
  2. Weak and irregular pushing (abdominal muscle contractions) continues for 4 hours to no avail.
  3. You observe strong, regular, but ineffective attempts for half an hour.
  4. If there is greenish-brown discharge, but there is no puppy for 4 hours.

I think we’ll stop here so as not to overload you with information, since the topic is important and interesting, but to make it easier to understand, it’s better to break it down into several parts. In one of the next issues we will talk about obstetrics, when the article is ready, a link will appear here, until next time, to be continued...

The birth of puppies is a joyful, long-awaited event for owners. Some people have formed the misconception that childbirth in dogs at home occurs without complications, problems, and the animals do not need help. At this moment, pets especially need care and support from their owners.

In most cases, pregnancy in bitches lasts 59 - 63 days. Based on the mating date, owners will be able to calculate the timing of their dogs’ births in order to have time to prepare for a significant event in advance.

Setting up a place for the bitch and puppies

1.5 weeks before the due date, it is advisable to start organizing the place where the bitch will give birth. The use of a collapsible playpen (a spacious box), in which the animal can lie freely during childbirth, has proven itself to be effective. This is where the dog will eventually settle down with the puppies.

Experienced dog handlers recommend providing a small space between the bottom of the arena and the floor to prevent the dog and babies from freezing. It is necessary to ensure that the arena (box) has one of the walls with a lower height, which allows the bitch to leave the “nest”, but does not allow the puppies to get out of there.

Dog breeders practice giving birth to dogs on a sofa or bed. This decision is completely justified, especially when it comes to the birth of a representative of a large breed. In such cases, you will need to cover the surface of the furniture with oilcloth or a clean sheet.

Since the birth process is quite dirty, it is highly advisable to remove carpets and rugs from the room. In addition, for this procedure it is worth using bedding, which will later be thrown away.

List of things, tools, medicines

In preparation for giving birth to a dog, it is necessary to acquire a “midwifery kit”. It should include:

The list of medications includes:

  • medical alcohol or vodka;
  • glucose 5% in ampoules;
  • synthomycin emulsion 10%;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • brilliant green (brilliant green solution).

Preparing the dog

A day before giving birth, the owner will need to wash the bitch’s belly, genitals, and trim her hair in the area of ​​the belly, “loop,” and anus.

If the animal has long hair, it is advisable to collect interfering strands with hair ties or curlers. The beard and mustache are often trimmed so that they do not interfere with biting the puppy’s umbilical cord (this procedure is recommended for the same terriers).

Host preparation

An owner who is interested in what is needed to give birth to a dog should also worry about cleanliness, disinfection of his hands, and cutting his nails short. You need to wear clean clothes that you won’t mind getting rid of after the birth is over.

What are the signs of the onset of labor?

Inexperienced owners of four-legged pets ask questions: “How can you tell if your dog is about to give birth and that it’s over, what are the symptoms of the birth of puppies?” A harbinger of an approaching birth is a change in the behavior of your pet. The bitch begins to behave restlessly, begins to scratch the surface of the floor and bedding with her paws, and tries to settle down in a dark corner.

Often the animal rushes about: lies down, gets up, turns around, moves from place to place. In many cases, the bitch tries to follow the owner literally on his heels, catching his eye. The pet may refuse to eat and occasionally vomit.

The changes in the pet’s behavior described above are provoked by growing intra-abdominal pressure. The uterus begins to contract, but this process has not yet gained sufficient strength to determine it visually. At the same time, the animal experiences anxiety due to emerging painful sensations. IN this period The owner will need to treat the dog affectionately and support it.

When the onset of labor approaches in dogs, a sagging of the abdomen is noted (4 to 5 days). An owner who is worried about how labor begins in dogs and how long it lasts should pay attention to a slight decrease in the bitch’s body temperature. In the period 8 - 24 hours before birth, temperature measurement can give results of 37 - 37.5 ° C (with normal values ​​of 38 - 39 ° C).
At the same time, the puppies freeze in the belly of the bitch, who were previously moving and pushing.

If you want to know how to understand that a dog has started giving birth, you need to take a closer look at the state of the animal’s “loop.” At this time, the “loop” softens, and sticky layers appear. thick discharge whitish or gray tint. A shiver runs through the animal’s body, the dog shudders, it breathes quickly, its heartbeat becomes rapid, and it refuses to eat.

How is childbirth?

Having seen that the dog is beginning to give birth - the waters have broken, the owner needs to place the pet in a prepared place and not leave it. An inexperienced owner who does not know how the waters break before giving birth in dogs may try to pierce the amniotic sac, which is absolutely unacceptable.

Before the birth process, the animal prefers to lie on its right side. During the first stage of labor, contractions become more frequent, as evidenced by the condition of the abdomen (the uterus tenses and relaxes). Contractions of the uterus ensure that the puppy moves through the birth canal to the cervix.

When asking questions: how to determine that labor has begun, how the dog’s labor progresses, you should pay attention to the second stage this process. It is characterized by the appearance of pushing - spasmodic movements that promote simultaneous contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm and abdominal cavity. At the moment of expulsion of the fetus, the bitch is able to lie on her side, on her chest or sit down.

The puppy may emerge from the “loop” with its muzzle or hind legs forward, enclosed in the amniotic sac. In most cases, the bitch herself will try to chew the shell to free the newborn.

The owner, who has information on how to deliver a dog’s birth and, if necessary, provide first aid, will need to burst the bladder himself if the animal has not done so.

A baby covered in blood and greenish mucus needs to clean his nose and mouth to clear the airways.

It is quite possible that the owner will have to cut or cut the puppy's umbilical cord. To carry out this procedure, the blood in the umbilical cord should be driven towards the newborn. You will need to clamp the umbilical cord with one hand at a distance of 3 cm from the baby’s abdomen, and with the other - slightly lower by 2-3 cm.

Next, the umbilical cord is broken, performed with the hand located closer to the puppy, which avoids the appearance of blood. You can also use scissors. If there is blood on the umbilical cord, you need to bandage it using a disinfected silk thread.

Leaking healthy birth in dogs, they are accompanied by the release of the placenta after the birth of each puppy. You will definitely need to count the afterbirth that comes out. Their number should match the number of kids. Otherwise, it is worth contacting a veterinarian to examine the dog in order to prevent serious inflammation of its uterus due to a failed placenta.

Babies born after cleansing amniotic sac, the broken umbilical cord must be passed on to the bitch. She will begin to lick the newborns, pushing them to stimulate blood circulation and respiratory processes. It is very important to quickly bring babies to the nipples. The sucking process stimulates more intense contractions of the uterus.

The first sips of colostrum contribute to the separation of original feces (meconium) in newborns, which in turn gives impetus to the launch of digestive processes.
A weak puppy needs to massage its tummy and anus with a damp cotton swab.

If you are interested in the answer to the question: how many hours does it take for a dog to give birth, you need to know that average duration This process takes 6 - 8 hours. The duration of labor is also affected by individual characteristics every animal. Sometimes labor can be rapid, and sometimes it drags on for a day or more. Since long labor capable of exhausting a bitch, you can offer her a piece of chocolate. Such a treat will help the animal regain its strength.

Complications during childbirth

Childbirth proceeding normally is still a difficult, exciting process for the animal. The occurrence of complications during birth process can endanger the life of the dog and its litter.

If the bitch experiences: weak labor or its absence, premature loss of amniotic fluid, non-elasticity of the soft tissues of the birth canal, you should immediately call a veterinarian.
In particular, complications during childbirth in dogs can be caused by incorrect position of the fetus, its too large size, excessive narrowness of the pelvis, the presence of a dead puppy in the womb, and other factors.

Trying to alleviate the situation on your own is inappropriate. It would be much more correct to immediately seek emergency help from a specialist. The veterinarian will examine the animal and perform the necessary manipulations. This will save the life and health of the dog and its puppies.

Caring for a bitch after giving birth

The body of a bitch who has given birth is weakened. During this period, the animal needs rest and peace. Long walks for 2-3 weeks are contraindicated for a dog that has given birth. In addition, the bitch herself will not want to leave her puppies for a long time, she will worry and strive to return to them again.

Can be observed in a dog after birth for two weeks spotting, the number of which will be insignificant. The owner should be alert to the situation when the dog’s discharge after birth has a dark green tint and an unpleasant odor.
If a dog breathes frequently after giving birth, its body temperature rises, the color and smell of discharge from the “loop” is not normal, and the pet does not eat, you should immediately seek veterinary help.

Since the animal seeks to eat the afterbirth, which contains the necessary nutrients, it feels full. For this reason, it is not recommended to feed the bitch immediately after giving birth. Also, you should not take the afterbirth from your pet.
It is important to know that such food can cause diarrhea lasting 2-3 days, which is considered normal.

To prevent your dog from developing eclampsia after giving birth, you will need to closely monitor the animal’s condition, appetite, and water consumption. A bitch who has delivered her pregnancy must be offered plenty of clean water. After 6 - 8 hours, light food is given out.

It is optimal to feed your pet 5-6 times a day with small portions of food. It is advisable to entrust the preparation of a menu for the bitch who has given birth to a veterinarian.
Providing cheap, low-quality feed to animals is prohibited. During this period, the bitch’s menu should be balanced, rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, and minerals.

During childbirth, a dog needs support, care, and affection from its owner. By acting wisely and without panicking, any owner will be able to help their pet give birth as easily as possible. healthy puppies. Look at the article about.

The birth of puppies is a period of anxiety and excitement for any owner. It is important to properly prepare for this moment and work out all possible scenarios in advance. Childbirth is a complex physiological process during which unforeseen complications may arise.

So, what does a breeder who plans to independently provide obstetric care for his pet need to know? And even if your plans do not include helping your dog (you prefer to use the services of a veterinarian), then you must have at least general idea about how the process will proceed and what signs indicate its beginning.

Symptoms of approaching labor

The entire period of labor can be divided into three main stages:

  • Preparation of the birth canal;
  • Uterine contractions;
  • The process of expulsion of puppies from the uterus and the birth of the placenta.

Each of these stages has certain signs that help the breeder navigate at what stage the birth process is occurring.

Opening of the birth canal

At this stage, the bitch's intraperitoneal pressure increases. Contractions are rare and practically painless. However, the animal experiences severe anxiety and its behavior becomes unusual.

The dog is anxious, constantly changes its body position, gets up, lies down, and may often ask to go outside, but immediately returns to the house. Many individuals try to retire in dark places and actively dig the litter. Vomiting may occur complete failure from food or increased appetite. Obsessive attention to the owner is caused by unpleasant sensations and the dog seeks support and help from the owner.

In addition to changes in behavioral reactions, the pet experiences a number of physiological changes, which can tell the owner that labor is approaching.

  • Within 4-5 days, the stomach sags and seems to sink down. It has to do with relaxation. ligamentous apparatus, necessary for the passage of puppies through the birth canal and through the pelvic bones. It is important to understand that in animals giving birth for the first time, this sign may not fully manifest itself.
  • A decrease in body temperature also indicates the approach of a crucial moment. Normally, the temperature in animals is 38-39 degrees, and before birth 8-12 hours before birth it drops to 37-37.5.
  • The animal is trembling and showing signs of chills.
  • The onset of labor is also indicated by the discharge of grayish-white mucus and the softening of the loop.

This is important! Normally, the duration of the first stage varies from 2 to 24 hours. If labor does not begin after a day, then consultation with a specialist is necessary!

Contractions in a dog

At this stage, intense contractions can be observed in the bitch. They are manifested by contractions of the abdominal muscles. When trying to place a hand on the pet’s side, the breeder feels the uterus tense at the moment of contraction, and then relaxes. In most cases, the bitch whelps lying on her right side. But some individuals prefer to do this while standing. With intense and painful attempts, the dog whines.

Birth of puppies and placenta

The first sign that the puppy is about to be born is when your water breaks. Each baby develops in an individual membrane, which is called the amniotic sac. All together the puppies are enclosed in a single bubble (water). It contains a jelly-like mass that provides the necessary lubrication and protection of the birth canal.

This lubricant serves as a kind of “washer” of the birth canal. With increasing intraperitoneal pressure, the bladder wedges into the birth canal and then ruptures. It ruptures during childbirth. The second bladder, filled with amniotic fluid, ruptures after the puppy is born. During labor, contractions become more intense and painful, and the interval between them decreases.

This is important! From the moment your water breaks until the birth of your first puppy, no more than 2-2.5 hours. If the puppy does not appear, then it is necessary to urgently use the services of a veterinarian. This state of affairs indicates that complications have arisen.

How long does labor last in dogs?

Experts do not give a clear answer to this question. The duration of the birth process is directly related to physical fitness animal, its age, conditions of detention, number and size of puppies, as well as their presentation, etc.

The average duration of labor varies in the range from 6 to 8 hours.

At the same time, some individuals experience rapid labor, while other dogs can whelp for about a day and physiologically the process proceeds completely normally.

How to prepare for childbirth

The process of preparing for childbirth includes two main stages:

  • Site preparation;
  • Purchase of necessary drugs and instruments;

Let's consider each of them to get the most complete picture of events.

Preparing the place for birth and subsequent maintenance of puppies

Experienced breeders recommend preparing a place for whelping and keeping puppies in advance. The optimal solution would be 1.5-2 weeks before the expected moment of delivery. This will allow the bitch to get used to the new place and will relieve some of the stress when trying to place her in a new “nest” during the whelping process.

Secluded areas should be chosen to create a birthing area. It is ideal if a layer of thermal insulation is laid between the floor and the bed or box. This will reduce the negative impact of drafts and relieve pets from hypothermia in the winter.
One side of the box or bed should be slightly lower than the others. Thanks to this, the animal can easily leave the bed or box. At the same time, the kids will not be able to get out of there on their own.

Blankets used during the whelping process most often become unsuitable for subsequent use and breeders simply throw them away. during the birth process, you will have to throw it out. It is also better to clear the room of carpets, since the process of giving birth to puppies can hardly be called impeccably clean.

This is important! in the cold season, it is necessary to take care of the nest heating system. A regular heating pad or heater does this job well.

The optimal temperature in the nest should be within 28 degrees during the first 10-12 days. And only after the above period it can be gradually increased to 20 degrees.

Preparing instruments and medications

Experienced breeders who plan to give birth to a dog themselves prepare a special set of tools and medications in advance. It will help save time searching necessary items and will allow you to pay maximum attention to the giving birth bitch.

Essential items include:

  • Oilcloths, sheets, as well as diapers for the bitch and a basin where all this will be folded after use;
  • Old clothes in which you will give birth;
  • A water or electric heating pad placed in a small box. It will play the role of a temporary nest for the babies so that they do not disturb the dog during the whelping process;
  • A thermometer for determining the bitch’s body temperature and a second one for determining the microclimate in the room;
  • Pre-sterilized tweezers, pipette, scissors. Processing is carried out by boiling. The manipulation takes 5-7 minutes. The lid should tightly cover the pan with the tools;
  • Syringes and sterile gauze pads for treating the injection site;
  • Diapers for wiping puppies;
  • Sterile suture material or silk threads placed in a glass with medical alcohol or vodka. They will be needed to tie the umbilical cord;
  • Scales for determining the weight of puppies, a notepad and pen for recording information about the offspring, a watch for tracking the dynamics of labor. Multi-colored woolen threads will also come in handy, which will allow you to mark the puppies if they have a similar color and lack characteristic features.

The above items, prepared in advance, will help save time and eliminate the risk of panic and confusion during the birth of offspring.

Experts include the following among the necessary medications:

  • Medical alcohol;
  • 5% glucose solution;
  • Syntomycin ointment 10%;
  • Hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green solution.

It would also be a good idea to stock up on the veterinarian’s number in advance and discuss with him the possibility of an emergency call.

How to deliver a dog

If the animal is in good shape and this is not the first birth, then it is quite capable of coping on its own. In the case of the first birth, the help of a breeder will be required, who must understand exactly what needs to be done and how.

When signs of whelping appear, the owner should bathe the pet, cleaning the fur in the area of ​​the loop and anus.

Terriers and other animals with thick beards and mustaches can be trimmed to make it easier to bite the umbilical cord.

Providing assistance consists of several simple steps:

Freeing the puppy from the amniotic sac

If the bitch does not do this herself, then you should quickly and carefully break the bubble, then free the baby’s mouth and nose from mucus. When a baby is born with blood or mucus, it is necessary to immediately suck it out of the puppy’s respiratory tract using a syringe or pipette. This will allow oxygen to pass freely into the lungs.

Cutting the umbilical cord

If the bitch does not bite the umbilical cord on her own, the breeder should pick up the puppy and gently and quickly squeeze the blood out of the umbilical cord towards the puppy. Then, 2-3 cm from the baby’s belly, tie the umbilical cord with a strong thread and cut it off thread by thread.

This is important! Do not cauterize the umbilical cord with iodine if blood appears.

Placenta department

After the birth of each puppy, the number of placenta should be carefully monitored. It must exactly correspond to the number of offspring. If there is even the slightest possibility of incomplete discharge placenta, then consultation and examination by a veterinarian is required! Otherwise, the likelihood of inflammatory processes, the development of endometritis, etc. increases.

This is important! After the birth of each puppy, it is necessary to change the bedding and avoid a situation where the dog lies in a wet and dirty place.

Otherwise, the likelihood of infection of the genital tract and the deterioration of the bitch’s condition during the postpartum period increases.

Complications during childbirth

Not all childbirth processes go smoothly. To the number possible complications experts include:

  • Lack of opening of the birth canal;
  • Absence of uterine contractions, which are called contractions;
  • Weak labor;
  • Incorrect presentation of puppies;
  • Excessively large puppies with a fragile female constitution;
  • Bleeding, etc.

At the first signs of complications, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian; in some cases, delay can cause the death of the bitch and offspring.

When you can't do without a veterinarian

If complications arise, the birth process slows down, or something goes wrong, then contacting a veterinarian will be the only correct and reasonable decision. Even an experienced breeder does not have the necessary knowledge and is not always able to assess the potential risk. The specialist may resort to caesarean section to save the life of the animal, as well as take advantage of effective medications to facilitate the birth process.

Rehabilitation after childbirth

The rehabilitation process for a strong and healthy animal does not last long. After just a few days, the bitch becomes more active and mobile. But for 2-3 weeks you should avoid excessive physical activity and strengthen your diet.

The animal requires more high-calorie and easily digestible food. Good fit special diet for lactating and pregnant bitches. If the pet is on a natural diet, then dairy products, meat, and cottage cheese should be included in the daily diet. The bitch should be given a vitamin and mineral supplement rich in calcium, vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids.

When walking in the cold season, you can wear a bandage or overalls, which will prevent hypothermia of the mammary glands and the development of mastitis. Maintaining optimal temperature conditions in the room where the dog is located will reduce the risk of hypothermia and speed up the rehabilitation process.

Waiting for a new addition to the family is a troublesome and exciting matter; maternity hospitals and professionally trained doctors are “invented” for people, but dogs only have their owners. But the feeling of “the closer, the scarier” is identical for both cases, especially if your pet becomes a mother for the first time. “Obstetricians” without experience need to prepare in advance, from the moment of mating until the first signs of labor appear in dogs, two months of waiting pass, but more on that below.

Depending on the breed and the speed of physical maturation, females begin at 7–12 months. Breeding rules are slightly different in different countries, regions and even clubs, but the “law” on mating in heat 3 has not lost its relevance and validity for decades. Based on the cycle, depending on the size of the female, she is untied no earlier than 1.5–2.5 years.

Males show sexual activity much earlier, sometimes 2–3 one month old puppy tries to “jump” on his chosen one, not quite realizing what exactly he is doing. However, males mature mentally and physically later than females, this applies to all mammals, including humans. The normal age for the first mating of a male is considered to be 2 years, for dogs of small breeds - 1.5.

Ignoring the above “law” brings problems to everyone. The female may become infertile or lose health. The male will sacrifice mental stability and length of sexual life. Owners run the risk of getting weak or inferior offspring, which will be rejected from breeding.


Signs of approaching labor

The average duration of pregnancy in dogs is 58-65 days. But deviations in one direction or another are possible. As shown practical experience, the duration of pregnancy does not depend on the number of puppies, or on the age of the bitch, or on the timing of mating or heredity. For some bitches, pregnancy lasts a strictly defined number of days, while some give birth at different times each time.

By one and a half months of pregnancy, new signs of pregnancy become noticeable - the skin around the nipples becomes pigmented, the mammary glands increase in size and due to this it seems that there is fur near the nipples. mammary glands becomes less frequent.

The most objective signs of impending labor are:

1. Lowering of the abdomen. Puppies can be easily palpated and move - 7-10 days before birth.
2. Relaxation of the pelvic ligaments, the appearance of mobility of the sacral bone - 2-3 days before birth.
3. The appearance of viscous clear discharge from the vagina - discharge of the mucous plug - 2-3 days before birth.
4. A drop in body temperature by 1.5-2.0 °C - 1 day.

Each bitch's birth process is strictly individual. Each period can have a different duration and intensity. In the literature, there are often descriptions of childbirth, scheduled strictly by the minute, which is simply a description of one process in one specific bitch. Therefore, if your bitch’s birth process is a little different, this is not a reason to panic.

Preparing for childbirth

Place for birth

No later than a week before giving birth, it is necessary to prepare the place where the bitch and puppies will be located. This must be done in advance so that the bitch gets used to and gets used to the new place and does not look for a corner to give birth on her own. This is especially important if the bitch seeks to find a “secluded” place in the form of a closet, underground, under a barn, under a bathtub, etc., from where it will be difficult to get her, much less help her necessary help. Removing a bitch from her chosen birthing area can be a very stressful event for her.

The place for giving birth and for the bitch with puppies should be located in a fairly secluded place, not in the passage or in a draft. The height of the walls of the box should be high enough so that if the bitch is restless or the room temperature is low, it can be covered with a cloth or blanket, thus turning it into some kind of kennel. A playpen, similar in height to a children's sandbox, does not meet the natural needs of the mother bitch, who usually seeks to make a den in a secluded place. When keeping a dog on the street, you need to keep in mind that the bitch can make a den in a place inaccessible to humans and make it impossible to control the progress of childbirth and the postpartum period, the growth and development of puppies. Therefore, the free movement of a bitch living on the street in last days before giving birth, it is necessary to limit the animal to an aviary or leash and provide it with a comfortable kennel. The kennel must have an opening wall so that the owner can provide assistance if necessary.

For large breeds, it is customary to make a wooden box with protective sides so that the bitch, leaning against the wall, cannot crush the puppy. Sufficient for small breeds carton or plastic container of suitable size. The birthing box must have certain dimensions - such that the bitch can fit in it, freely stretching out on her side. As the puppies grow, the box can be expanded, thus turning it into a playpen.

By the time labor begins, the box should be covered with hygroscopic material, which should be easily replaced and in sufficient quantity. Good kennel bedding includes clean straw and medium-sized wood shavings. Sawdust or hay cakes too much and gets wet easily.

If the dog gives birth on its own, then you can limit yourself to arranging its usual place - placing a hygroscopic bedding there or putting a box.

However, a permanent place for a bitch with puppies is not always suitable for providing assistance during childbirth. Therefore, for the convenience of the breeder, at the time of giving birth, you can place the bitch in another place, for example on a sofa, in a bed or in a chair. The place must be covered with oilcloth and a lot of soft, clean, hygroscopic material (old sheets, towels, etc.) must be prepared, which will need to be changed after the birth of each puppy. To better control the color of discharge from the birth canal, it is necessary that the rags are light.

Medicines and instruments

During childbirth, the following medications may be required, which should be in ampoules for use in case of urgent need after consultation with veterinarian:

40% glucose solution;
.10% calcium gluconate solution;
.vitamin B1;
.ascorbic acid;
.25% solution of magnesium sulfate;
.no-shpa or baralgin, spazgan or other antispasmodic;
.cordiamine or sulphocamphocaine;
isotonic sodium chloride solution;
pituitrin or oxytocin;

In addition, you need to have on hand such drugs and tools as:

Tincture of iodine or solution of brilliant green;
.potassium permanganate;
.hydrogen peroxide solution or hydroperite tablets;
syntomycin emulsion;
.alcohol (wine, boric, salicylic or camphor);
.corvalol or valocordin;
.wide bandage and gauze napkins;
.surgical scissors;
forceps or needle holder;
.syringe with needles;
.rubber canister No. 1 for enemas;
.notebook for notes;
.a set of thick colored threads for marking newborn puppies;
.a cardboard or other box with soft bedding in order to place newborn puppies in it at the time of the birth of the next one.

During childbirth, you may need to consult a veterinarian, but his presence during a normal birth is completely unnecessary. In many cases, a telephone consultation is sufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to agree in advance with your veterinarian about possible consultations or call. An experienced breeder or a curator from a club can help in many ways.

Childbirth process

Physiological regulation of the birth process

The occurrence of labor is associated with a number of changes that occur in the body towards the end of pregnancy. Labor activity in the body is induced by a number of hormonal and mechanical factors. To a large extent, labor is induced by an increase in the activity of the adrenal glands in fetuses. Its release of cortisol stimulates the production of prostaglandins in the endometrium, which play vital role during the birth process. There is an opinion that in large litters the adrenal glands of puppies are more active than in small litters, which can lead to more early development labor activity.

Stimulating effects also include mechanical irritation of the baro- and mechanoreceptors of the uterus by the ever-increasing size of the fetus.

The excitability of uterine interoreceptors in relation to chemical stimuli increases, which leads to an increased effect of acetylcholine and oxytocin. When labor begins, each contraction is accompanied by a reflex release of oxytocin into the blood.

Undoubtedly, there is spinal coordination of the act of childbirth, which is under the influence of the cerebral cortex. It is known that the course of labor can be influenced by a number of irritations (painful, emotional, etc.).

For successful labor, high contractility of the uterus is necessary. During most of pregnancy, the smooth muscles of the uterus produce only small rhythmic contractions that increase blood circulation in this organ. Excitability muscle fibers The size of the uterus increases as they are stretched by growing fetuses. In the last days of pregnancy, uterine contractions become more significant. At the same time, the position of the fetus changes, and the annular muscles of the cervix stretch.

Change in dog's body temperature

Prostaglandins and estrogen hormones, secreted by the pituitary gland, inhibit activity yellow bodies, which leads to a decrease in the blood level of the hormones they produce, in particular progesterone. A sharp decrease in progesterone in the blood of a bitch leads to a temporary inhibition of the activity of the thermoregulation center. It is for this reason that 12-24 hours before birth there is a sharp decrease in the dog’s body temperature to 36.5-36 °C. With the onset of the phase of opening of the birth canal, body temperature rises again to normal, and by the end of the expulsion of the fetuses it may be at a subfebrile level (39-39.5 ° C). A decrease in body temperature is one of the most reliable criteria for determining the approaching date of labor. However, since this phase is often short-lived, measuring the dog’s temperature in the last days before giving birth should be carried out 2-3 times a day.

Periods of the birth process

Preparatory period

Shortly before giving birth, the bitch begins to worry, hides in corners, “digs,” crawls under furniture, and makes a nest. Sometimes it jumps onto its owner's lap, looking for support. He breathes frequently, lies in a characteristic position on his stomach, with his front paws fully extended forward, looks back at his stomach and licks it, and trembles. At this time, it is necessary to carefully monitor so that the bitch cannot hide somewhere and make it impossible to control the birth. It is better to walk with a bitch during childbirth on a leash.

During the preparatory period, labor contractions gradually increase the tone of the uterine muscles and promote the opening of the cervix. The duration of the preparatory period may vary. Sometimes it is very short or unnoticeable, and sometimes it is long - up to 36 hours. Normally, over time, contractions become more frequent and their strength increases. They feel good if you put your hand on the bitch's belly. During the contraction, the stomach becomes absolutely hard, and the puppies cannot be felt.

The birth act itself consists of a series of successive contractions of the uterine muscles, primarily aimed at dilating the cervix.

Disclosure period

The period of disclosure is the first stage of the birth act. At this stage, contraction of the longitudinal muscle fibers of the uterus causes expansion of the cervical ring. This is also facilitated by pressing into the cervical canal during contractions of the amniotic fluid-filled amniotic fluid. This entire period ends with the dilatation of the cervix. After a period of contractions, pushing begins - the dog begins to push, as during a bowel movement, sometimes in the same position. Typically, the beginning of pushing is preceded by the release of the first waters - the fluid surrounding the amniotic sacs in the uterus.

Exile period

The second stage of labor, the expulsion period, is accompanied by more frequent, prolonged contractions of the uterine muscles and includes contractions of the striated muscles of the abdominal muscles. At the same time, the diaphragm contracts and the overall pressure in the abdominal cavity increases. This increase, together with contractions of the uterus, pushes the fetuses through the pelvic opening and out through the vagina. As a rule, in most cases, puppies are born in a cephalic presentation with their back up. Less often - in a breech position with the back up. These two presentations can be considered normal. Other positions of puppies during the birth process should be considered abnormal. Normally, fetuses are born at intervals of 15 minutes to 1.5 hours.

If the puppy comes out, cut the umbilical cord: determine the future break point of the umbilical cord - 1.5 - 2 cm (at large breeds- about 3 cm) from the tummy, then press this place with a clamp or fingers (for 30 seconds), drain the blood in the umbilical cord in the opposite direction from the puppy; cut off the umbilical cord behind the bandaged area (“from the puppy”), treat with peroxide, and tie with thread.
It is highly undesirable to resort to ligation, as this often leads to the accumulation of fluid, which prevents the umbilical ring from closing. Most often this leads to the formation umbilical hernia. Cut the umbilical cord. It is worth noting that when cutting the umbilical cord, you need to hold the baby in your palms, on your back.

Postpartum period

The third period, postpartum, consists of contraction of the uterus and expulsion of the remnants of the placenta and decidua. After the birth of each fetus, an afterbirth is born, the separation of which is accompanied by minor bleeding and often a grassy-green discharge that gradually turns black when exposed to air. This color of discharge is normal and is caused by the conversion of blood hemoglobin into the green pigment biliverdin. However, sometimes there can be two or even three puppies in one amniotic sac, so they all have one placenta.

After the puppy is born, the bitch begins to actively handle it. She chews the membranes and frees the newborn from them, gnaws the umbilical cord, eats the membranes and placenta, and actively licks the puppy. It's all biological important points for the newborn and mother. The membranes, amniotic fluid and placenta, which is the remnant of the placenta, contain many hormones and other valuable biogenic stimulants. Eating placenta, amniotic membranes, and at the same time dead babies, characteristic of all mammals, promotes further contractions of the uterus, stimulates milk secretion and maintains the female’s strength during childbirth. Licking cleanses the newborn and his respiratory tract from blood, mucus and remnants of membranes and perform a massage that helps normalize his breathing.

After giving birth, bitches often have diarrhea, regardless of whether she has eaten the placenta or not. This type of diarrhea is called physiological, and is not caused by the afterbirth eaten, but by a change in the concentration of prostaglandins in the dog’s blood. After a day or two it goes away if you do not provoke it by giving a large amount of milk and raw meat.

There is a misconception among dog breeders that eating placenta contributes to the occurrence of eclampsia. This is not true: postpartum eclampsia, or more precisely, postpartum tetany, is most often caused not by protein poisoning, but by a lack of calcium in the dog’s blood, which occurs during pregnancy and lactation. The afterbirth itself should be considered not as a portion of raw meat, but as a dose of hormones necessary for the woman in labor.

Primiparous or heavily pregnant bitches sometimes do not immediately accept born puppies, but, as a rule, in these cases the maternal instinct is not impaired, and the bitches quickly become normal mothers.

Help with normal labor and delivery

Although in most cases dogs give birth well and handle newborns on their own, from the moment the very first signs of labor appear, it is necessary to be near the bitch and be ready to provide assistance. A normal birth requires only calm observation from the owner. How less people interferes with the normal course of events, the more successful they are. During childbirth, you need to create a calm environment in the house; all people surrounding the bitch should be calm and friendly. Panic or anxiety often transmitted to the bitch and contributes to complications. However, sometimes even normal birth require some human intervention. This is especially true for primiparous bitches, who in the initial period of labor may be frightened by what is happening to them and maladapted. All manipulations with the giving birth bitch must be carried out with clean hands. Before providing assistance, cut your nails short, wash your hands well with a brush and soap, lubricate your nails and periungual fold with iodine tincture. Before each insertion of your hand into the bitch’s vagina, lubricate it with synthomycin emulsion.

Most often, a bitch needs help in the following situations:

There is some delay in the puppy leaving the vagina. If the fetus comes out with difficulty, you can pull it up by the parts protruding outward, throwing on a sterile napkin to reduce slipping. But under no circumstances should you pull on the amniotic sac, as premature rupture of the sac can lead to the death of the puppy. You can pull up the newborn only during the next push, while maintaining the natural direction of movement of the puppy's back.
. In the case of a multiple litter and a large belly, the bitch sometimes cannot reach the loop and free the born puppy from the membranes. Sometimes this happens when puppies are born at such a small interval that the bitch does not have time to do it. This also sometimes occurs in primiparous bitches who do not yet have sufficient experience. In these cases, immediate human help is required - you should rupture the membranes on the side of the puppy's muzzle, clear the mucus from the nose and mouth with a soft cloth or gauze, and sometimes suck it out using a rubber bulb or simply with your mouth. Next, you need to wipe the puppy with a rag, simulating licking the bitch, to stimulate breathing and blood circulation, and then cut the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord contains three large blood vessels. Two arteries carrying blood to the fetus from the placenta, and one vein with the opposite blood flow. At the moment when the bitch bites the umbilical cord, blood is caught in the puppy and the umbilical cord vessels become empty and easily collapse, which stimulates breathing and reduces the risk of umbilical bleeding. In order to cut the umbilical cord, pinch it between your fingers, drive the blood away towards the puppy with a sliding movement and cut it, previously disinfected with fairly blunt scissors, at a distance of 5-6 cm from the abdomen. Experienced breeders prefer to sever the umbilical cord with their fingers, which requires some skill and is not easy. Then place the puppy close to the mother's nipple. Sometimes you need to help him take it. To do this, open the puppy's mouth slightly, insert the nipple into it and slightly squeeze it on both sides to inject some milk into it. Usually after this the puppy begins to suck well on his own.
. The process of biting the umbilical cord by the bitch needs to be controlled by the breeder; because some bitches bite it too short and can damage the puppy's abdominal wall. Pulling the umbilical cord too tightly increases the likelihood of an umbilical hernia.

During the birth process, all newborn puppies should be kept under their mother, since nipple irritation promotes the release of oxytocin and the activation of labor, as well as strengthening the maternal instinct. The intervals between the birth of puppies can vary, sometimes up to 2 hours, and sometimes puppies are born one after another. At the time of the birth of the next puppy, the previous ones must be moved to the side or put in a pre-prepared box so that the bitch does not step on them while pushing. But after processing the next newborn, all puppies must be immediately placed under the bitch. A fairly common mistake that inexperienced dog breeders make is separating newborns from their mother before she licks them, and returning them after their fur is completely dry, for fear that an inept bitch will crush the first ones when giving birth to subsequent puppies. The bitch often refuses to accept such puppies. If a puppy is born with seemingly no signs of life, it is necessary to thoroughly clear its respiratory tract of mucus and amniotic fluid. To remove fluid from the pharynx and trachea, you can shake the puppy vigorously, holding it head down. Some breeders suck out the liquid with their own mouth or with a small rubber bulb. Then massage your puppy's body vigorously with the cloth. You can lightly squeeze the area of ​​the heart with your fingers several times, thus performing an indirect massage. Sometimes it is recommended to alternately immerse the puppy several times in a jar of hot water (temperature no higher than 40 °C), then with cold water while holding him head up. However, if your attempts within 10 minutes do not result in positive result, then stop them, remove the dead puppy and redirect your attention to the bitch and the live puppies. All procedures to revive a puppy should not be carried out in front of the bitch.

When there are many puppies and labor is delayed, you can support the bitch’s strength with strong, sweet tea or a piece of chocolate. To stimulate the activity of the uterus, you can take the bitch for a walk, make her run up the stairs or around the apartment.

Pathology of childbirth

Usually a puppy is born with a head ( cephalic presentation) or tail (breech presentation) forward, with the puppy's back facing upward and the legs, front or back, respectively, directed forward.

Breech presentation with the fetus positioned back down occurs in approximately 40-45%. Transverse position with thoracic presentation: the fetus lies transversely, thoracic limbs directed into the birth canal, the head is located in the other horn. Sometimes, with a cephalic presentation of the fetus, the head is bent to the chest or, on the contrary, thrown onto the back; with a pelvic presentation, the hind limbs are bent under the body. The simultaneous entry of two fetuses into the birth canal can cause their adhesion - collision, if one of them is in the head and the other in the pelvis. In this case, independent childbirth is usually impossible. But, however, abnormal presentation of the fetuses does not always make independent childbirth impossible. Timely obstetric care in the form of turns, breeding fruits in different sides etc. makes it possible to successfully carry out such childbirth without resorting to surgical intervention.

Fig.1 Scheme of birth of puppies:

1-3 - normal birth
4-6 - birth “backwards”:

4 - with extended hind legs, usually passes without complications;

5 - the worst position, back down;

6 - with pulled up hind legs, birth is very difficult
(after A. Wolf-Talbot “Poodle”, M. 1984)

Childbirth is complicated by the large size of the fetuses, which most often occur in small pregnancies. Such complications occur especially often in bitches of brachycephalic breeds. In addition, the birth of puppies with hydrocephalus and dropsy is very difficult.

Torsion of the uterine body

It most often occurs as a result of sudden movements of a pregnant bitch or the pathological course of labor. In this case, the entire uterus, part of it, or one horn rotates around its own axis by 360°. The reason for this is the discrepancy between the weight of the pregnant uterus and the strength and elasticity of the uterine ligaments. This leads to impaired blood circulation in the organ due to torsion blood vessels, severe pain and violation general condition bitches. However, labor continues, but no puppies are born. The bitch's condition worsens and soon develops state of shock, and the bitch may die. Depending on the time of contacting the surgeon, the issue of removing or preserving the uterus is decided.


Prolongation of any phase of labor is called dystocia. It may occur due to the narrowness of the birth canal or weakness of labor.

Narrowness of the birth canal

It is usually caused by a narrow lumen of the pelvis in young or rickety bitches, or improper healing of the pelvic bones after fractures. In addition, the effect of narrowness of the birth canal can be created by the ring structure of the vagina or insufficient elasticity of the vaginal tissue in a primiparous bitch.

Excessive narrowness of the vulva

Excessive narrowness of the vulva is detected already at the birth of the first puppy and may require dissection of the perineum. After the end of childbirth, the incision is sutured with a three-layer suture (the mucous, subcutaneous and dermal layers are sutured).

The impression of narrowness of the birth canal may arise due to the large size of the fetuses during a small pregnancy.

Weak labor

Characterized by weak contractions and attempts and/or a large time interval between them. Weakness of labor may be primary, which is usually caused by hormonal factors, or inflammatory processes in the uterus, or secondary, arising as a result of fatigue of the uterine muscles due to prolonged pushing with the narrowness of the birth canal, large quantities puppies being born, or giving birth too large puppy. Weakness of labor is often observed in bitches who lead a sedentary lifestyle, are obese or have diabetes. Induction of labor should in all cases be carried out under the direct supervision of a physician.

Rupture of the uterine body

It can occur during the birth of a puppy that is too large and violent attempts, as well as with the uncontrolled use of obstetric instruments to assist a giving birth or pharmacological stimulation of labor carried out without control of the opening of the cervix. Sometimes the uterine rupture may be shallow (tear), and then labor continues. In case of a complete rupture, efforts stop. The onset of internal bleeding is not immediately recognized, since the discharge of blood from the birth canal occurs rarely - the blood is usually poured into the abdominal cavity. Amniotic fluid flows there and sometimes fruits come out. Soon signs of irritation of the peritoneum appear - the stomach tightens and vomiting begins. Rescue of a bitch is possible by surgical intervention, during which the uterus is sutured or removed along with the ovaries. The surviving puppies are removed from the uterus as during a caesarean section.

Lacerations of the vulva and vagina, rupture of the pubic fusion

In most cases, they are the result of improper assistance to the giving birth bitch when removing a large or pathologically altered fetus. A sign of rupture is the appearance of blood from the birth canal and the development of tissue edema. Rupture of the pubic symphysis and fractures of the pelvic bones are diagnosed by the forced posture of the dog - it cannot stand, leaning on one limb. Penetrating ruptures require immediate surgical intervention to avoid the development of peritonitis.

Prolapse of the uterus or vagina

Most often it occurs as a result of violent labor, including those stimulated by pharmaceuticals or as a result of rough extraction of the fetus without taking into account contractions and pushing. The degree of loss may vary - one or two horns may fall out and turn out. This complication occurs in the first few hours after birth and requires immediate intervention, as it can lead to disruption of the trophism of the uterus, which will require its removal. Prolapse tends to recur in subsequent births.

Placenta retention

Can be diagnosed after a 2-3 hour interval after the birth of the last puppy. Delay often occurs as a complication of difficult labor, multiple pregnancy, as a result of decreased contractility of the uterine walls or the introduction of large doses of oxytocin during childbirth. Palpation or ultrasound examination allow you to diagnose retained placenta and take measures to expel it. Sometimes within a day the afterbirth comes off on its own, and the bitch eats it, which may go unnoticed. If the placenta is delayed over time, the risk of developing septic complications increases for the bitch. In case of septic complications, treatment with antibiotics or surgery is resorted to.

The cause of the delay may be closure of the cervix, an obstacle in the uterus to the exit of the placenta - for example, uterine intussusception. Also, the delay may be due to weak contractions of the uterus or an excessively tight connection between the placenta and the uterine wall.

In some cases, the placenta turns out to be tightly fused with both the wall of the uterus and the membranes, which leads to the impossibility of spontaneous birth of a puppy and requires urgent surgical intervention.

Indications for urgent medical attention

1. Strong pushing for two or more hours that does not result in the birth of puppies. This can happen if the position is incorrect or if it is too large sizes fetuses, bending or torsion of the uterine horns, mechanical narrowing of the cervix, etc.

2. Copious bleeding bright red indicate the presence of ruptures in the birth canal or premature detachment placenta from the uterine wall, which can lead to hypoxia and fetal death.

3. Absence of labor within two to three hours after the birth of the last puppy in the presence of fruits in the maize.

4. The persistence of black-green discharge twenty-four hours after birth, indicating that fetuses or placenta still remain in the uterus.

5. Poor health of the bitch after giving birth: weakness, pain, anxiety or cramps - signal serious, life-threatening disorders.