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How to treat tear ducts in a Maltese. What to feed a Maltese to prevent its eyes from running. Dry food for small breed dogs

Grooming a long-haired Maltese is not much different from how others are groomed. purebred dogs. The only difference is that the fur of such animals white. If you do not pay attention to this moment, then over time the fur under the eyes will darken and smudges will form. This happens because dogs' eyes often water. Therefore, the question of how to care for the eyes of a Maltese is not idle.

Watery eyes are observed in any dog, no matter what breed it is. Why do tears run from my eyes?

  • Dust, grains of sand, and small debris get in.
  • Overgrown hairs located directly in the corner of the eye.
  • Teeth are changing.
  • The cause may be the bitch's heat; tearfulness is often observed even after the puppies are born.
  • Dogs also suffer from allergies. It can appear on food, pollen or other objects.
  • The disease of conjunctivitis is also common in dogs, and it can be inherited.

Tears cause the fur to get wet, and constant tearfulness can cause fungus, especially if the tearing is opaque. Maltese cats with white fur need to be especially careful in caring for their eyes. Otherwise, the contamination is practically not washed off. You cannot do without smudges, and your dog will become unattractive.

How can you eliminate smudges in Maltese dogs if tearfulness is not inherited? In this case, you will have to undergo serious treatment. Tears appear more often in dogs of these breeds:

  • When heat occurs.
  • After whelping.
  • At the moment of teething in puppies.

These are all temporary causes; treatment is not required in this case. But in small puppies, tearing may be associated with hairs growing in the corners of the eyes. Eye care maltese dog in this case it is simple: the hairs are collected in a ponytail away from the eyes. You can trim the animal from time to time.

The cause may be an allergy. First of all, you will have to figure out what products cause it. They need to be removed.

Plants often cause an allergic reaction, so walk your Maltese where there is a minimum of dusty plants. If you feed your pet food containing chicken and beets, feed it carefully because these foods can cause allergies. It is best to use hypoallergenic food for feeding Maltese dogs, which is designed specifically for such dogs. As soon as allergens are excluded, after 15 days the tears stop flowing.

But if the tears have lost their transparency, the pet most likely develops conjunctivitis. About nothing self-treatment there should be no speech. In this case, for Maltese dogs, eye care will be provided by a veterinarian. Only a specialist can cure your pet.

The tears no longer flow, but their consequences remain. What can be done to eliminate them? Today, cosmetologists have come up with many products for animals. There are creams, powders, lotions. Their choice will depend on what kind of fur the dog has. After the smudges under the eyes are eliminated, you need to continue preventive procedures and daily rinsing of the eyes.

If you have a Maltese, its health will depend on proper nutrition. Do you feed your pet natural food? Then dry food is unnecessary. Don't forget about raw meat, as it contains a lot useful vitamins. Don't feed too fatty meat. But it is best to give this product lightly boiled. To do this, place the meat in a saucepan; five minutes after boiling, the food for the Maltese is ready.

In addition to meat, dogs of this breed need cereals, vegetables, and herbs; they are added by grinding them into food. It is advisable to flavor food with a small amount of olive oil. Maltese and multivitamins are essential. Use an oil formulated specifically for breeds with long hair, wheat sprouts are used to prepare it. This additive can be used for dry and natural food.

Feed your pet fermented milk products: yogurt, curdled milk, cottage cheese for baby food. Don't forget about fruits, you can give apples, bananas, melon.

Dogs especially need vitamins when they are growing or teething. Look carefully at the instructions for the drugs, as there should not be a lot of calcium. The more the dog moves, the more food it needs. Pay attention to the fact that there are foods that cause the discharge to darken. To exclude them from the diet, use a 2-3 day diet.

If you have a Maltese, treat your eyes as soon as tears begin to appear. Tears flow especially profusely in dogs aged 4-6 months when changing teeth.

The lazy man walks three timesthe miser pays three times.

I was prompted to write this recommendation by the fact that many breeders selling puppies do not explain to anyone how to care for a dog, they keep it in big secret, guess for yourself, or they simply don’t want to frighten the buyer with the upcoming difficulties in care, so as not to discourage the client, which leads to sad consequences: The dogs' fur is unkempt and they look unkempt.

Caring for a Maltese is not particularly different from caring for a Shih Tzu, but it has its own characteristics since the Maltese is a snow-white dog. One of the characteristics of the Maltese is tearing of the eyes. In some dogs it is more pronounced, in others less - it is inherited. The Maltese has more eye watering than other dogs, say the Shih Tzu, the Yorkshire Terrier also has eye watering, but it is less noticeable. Due to the fact that fungus constantly appears wet under the eyes and streaks appear on the eyes, this greatly spoils the appearance of the snow-white Maltese dog. Tearfulness increases in estrus and pregnant bitches, especially when feeding puppies, in puppies when changing teeth, and when the whiskers are not long enough in the corners they irritate the eyes.

A little bit of history, the Maltese is an ancient breed, it is also called the Maltese or Maltese Pied Piper. It was used to catch rats; hunting, as a rule, took place in dusty and dirty basements where rats lived; the dust clogged the dog’s eyes. Maltese's eye had to adapt to such difficult conditions, eyeball The eyes must be constantly washed with tears to avoid erosion of the cornea of ​​the eye and that is why the Maltese dog has fitted the eyes. Now Maltese is a decoration of the house, she belongs to the salon dogs.

Some tips for caring for the coat around the Maltese's eyes.

To begin with, pink-brown discharge from the eyes is caused by the presence of bacteria and yeast, and sticky brown discharge is of the same nature as human discharge and eye discharge in the morning. In order to prevent bacteria and yeast from multiplying on the dog’s face, and they multiply in the presence of a nutrient medium and high humidity, but simply because the puppy woke up in the morning - no one washed his eyes, that is, no one washed him; they didn’t wipe his mouth and everything drips on the floor; The puppy ate the fur around the mouth, they didn’t wash it, they left it like that! On this issue, the recommendations are as follows: in the morning and after each meal, the puppy must wipe his face and whiskers with a damp hot towel, then blot dry with toilet paper or other hygroscopic white material, then either rub in a special powder or simply wipe with a swab with boric acid. .(Do not get into your eyes or mouth under any circumstances!) DO NOT confuse that you can wipe your eyes with an aqueous solution boric acid, but more on that below! It is not recommended to bathe puppies, but it is also not recommended to let their hair dry because of this, so their fur must be treated with starch, possibly corn starch, using a natural bristle brush or a special dry shampoo or powder intended for this purpose. On the head, the mustache and bangs are fastened with elastic bands without creasing the hair, and are pre-treated with boric acid powder. Once the Maltese puppy reaches 10 one month old Grooming is also changing, but more on that in the next article.

1. To prevent tears from staining the fur, you can give powder ANGELS EYES.

2. Apply whitening gel every day Pro Eye Made in USA.

3. When washing the face, you can add a drop of lemon juice to shampoo or whitening soap and leave for 5 minutes, then rinse with water.

Now a few words about the components of the powders and their use in advanced cases:

1. Take equal parts of boric acid, baby powder and mix with a suspension of magnesium to form a paste - you can mix in a blender - Apply to the infected parts using either a sponge, a tampon, or a soft-bristled brush. Next, the paste should dry. Then remove it with a brush and clean the wool from the paste. If the stains remain, then next time you can add several to the paste. cap. hydrogen peroxide 10%

2.You can dry your mustache with corn or rice starch.

3. Corn flour + boric acid powder, beat into the wool, repeat again! Except for the eyes and mouth!!!

4.Add 1 tsp. boric acid into a cup of boiling water and mix well. Place several cotton swabs in a plastic container, pour the cooled solution on top and close the container. Use 1 tampon per eye daily to remove tear stains. New solution do 1 r/week.

5. Snowball powder from Baldecchi, Excel 8in1, Thear Stein Remove Liquid, liquid for contact lenses“Re Nu Multi Plus” and so on…….

Of course, there are more aggressive chemical methods impact on neglected spots, but we will not touch them, because when good care and these funds will be quite enough. Among the mechanical methods in Korea, it is not customary to grow hair around the eyes, so as not to give a reason for the growth of bacteria, and therefore the hair around the eyes, along with the eyelashes, is very carefully trimmed or plucked, a kind of trimming, by the way, the eyes after this become visually larger and more expressive, but IMPORTANT if You don't know how to do it correctly. it is better to consult a specialist first.

Grooming Maltese (Maltese)

Maltese or otherwise , belongs to the breed . She has a long white wool with an ivory tint. Its appearance is more reminiscent of . However, the Maltese differs from them in its care.

Features of the structure of the eyes

Maltese eyes rounded with a wide cut, slightly convex, expressive and intelligent. The whites are transparent and almost invisible against the background of white fur.

A common problem that dogs suffer from is watery eyes. It is also known from history that the Maltese were hunters of rats and mice. Rats were found in dark basements. The darkness gave heavy load on maltese eyes . The ingress of dust particles and dirt contributed to the excessive secretion of tear fluid, which constantly washed the eyeballs. This adaptation process helped the dogs avoid eye damage and infection, but it left unattractive marks on their fur.

Causes of lacrimation

Appearance Maltese has tear ducts characterized by the influence of the following factors:

  • A large amount of hair in the ears, which retains moisture, creates favorable conditions for reproduction pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, after bathing, the dog should dry thoroughly. ears. You can also trim the hairs in this area, after consulting with your veterinarian about how to do this correctly.
  • The period of loss of baby teeth and the eruption of new teeth is a source of discomfort for the Maltese puppy, as well as profuse tearing. Therefore, it is worth buying him special toys that he could chew on and scratch his gums. This way, owners can avoid damage to necessary things.
  • Manifestation of allergies to food and unrefined drinking water. The most common reaction in lapdogs is observed to buckwheat and foods containing liver. Consumption of pure distilled water significantly reduces the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  • Impact external stimuli (tobacco smoke, dust, perfume, etc.) have a very negative effect on the health of the Maltese. It is worth protecting your pet from them, cleaning more often, and ventilating the rooms.
  • Hereditary predisposition to the fact that The lap dog's eyes are running , is the primary reason for taking good care of them.
  • Too much short hair on the face in the corners of the eyes, especially in puppies, pose not only the risk of injury to the cornea, but also significant discomfort. You can solve this problem by cutting the hairs or tying ponytails with elastic bands.
  • Estrus or the period after the birth of puppies also causes excessive tears in dogs of this breed.
  • Incorrect eyelash growth is corrected by professional groomers. In this case, trimming is done, this is the name of the procedure for removing hair and eyelashes around the eyes.

The basis of education tear tracks on the face is a violation of the outflow of tear fluid naturally with partial or complete closure of the tear ducts. Therefore, in any situation, eliminating traffic jams will be the best way to combat lacrimation.

Maltese Eye Care

Caring for your Maltese's eyes- a labor-intensive process. Of course, this cannot be done without proper nutrition. A diet that includes greens and mineral dry food helps not only improve digestion, but also the growth of a beautiful snow-white coat. First of all, you need to start with nutrition. Fighting lacrimation from within the body can give best effect than any cosmetic procedures.

No washing clean water Maltese care useless. However, rinsing the eyes alone does not solve the problem of remaining tear stains . Should be combined this procedure with daily washing with placental emulsion. It can be easily purchased at veterinary pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Before use, the emulsion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. Wash the dog’s face with a solution from the placenta every day.

In addition, to eliminate yellow marks on wool, numerous quantities have been produced. cosmetics. NO MORE STAIN has cleaning properties and is intended for the most difficult to remove stains. The product in granular form can be applied immediately before washing or diluted with shampoo. Safe for use on both adult dogs and puppies.

Eye treatment

Having understood the reason why Maltese eyes are streaming, we can start treatment. The first thing you need to do is purchase Ciprovet drops containing ciprofloxacin. They help dissolve the plug and restore patency tear ducts. The drug is effective against many bacteria associated with eye infections. Directions for use: 2 times a day. However, it is very important to consult your veterinarian before using this antibiotic.

No one has canceled the use of massage as a method of treating traffic jams. It is performed from top to bottom, by gentle, not rough, pressure in the area of ​​the lacrimal sacs. The procedure should not last more than 5 minutes.

Keeping your eyes and ears clean is an integral part of therapy. Necessary rubbing the maltese's eyes warm water, clean the ears. The infection must not be allowed to spread as this could lead to serious complications, since these organs are interconnected. Keep an eye on your pet, pay attention to it, because it is not for nothing that the cause of many dog ​​diseases is loneliness and indifference of the owners.


Maltese grooming around the eyes. A lazy person walks three times, a stingy person pays three times. I was prompted to write this recommendation by the fact that many breeders selling puppies do not explain to anyone how to care for a dog, they keep it a big secret, they say, you can figure it out yourself, or they simply do not want to scare the buyer with the upcoming difficulties in care, so as not to turn off the client, which leads to sad consequences: The dogs' fur is unkempt and they look unkempt. Caring for a Maltese is not particularly different from caring for a Shih Tzu, but it has its own characteristics since the Maltese is a snow-white dog. One of the characteristics of the Maltese is tearing of the eyes. In some dogs it is more pronounced, in others less - it is inherited. The Maltese has a stronger eye irritation than other dogs, say the Shih Tzu, the Yorkshire Terrier also has tearing of the eyes, but it is less noticeable. Due to the fact that fungus constantly appears wet under the eyes and streaks appear on the eyes, this greatly spoils the appearance of the snow-white Maltese dog. Tearfulness increases in estrus and pregnant bitches, especially when feeding puppies; in puppies when changing teeth; also, when the whiskers are not long enough in the corners, they irritate the eyes. A little bit of history, the Maltese is an ancient breed, it is also called the Maltese or Maltese Pied Piper. It was used to catch rats; hunting, as a rule, took place in dusty and dirty basements where rats lived; the dust clogged the dog’s eyes. The Maltese's eye had to adapt to such harsh conditions, the eyeball of the eye must be constantly washed with tears to avoid erosion of the cornea of ​​the eye and therefore the Maltese dog adapted the eyes. Now Maltese is a decoration of the house, she belongs to the salon dogs.

Some tips for caring for the coat around the Maltese's eyes.

To begin with, pink-brown discharge from the eyes is caused by the presence of bacteria and yeast, and sticky brown discharge is of the same nature as human discharge and eye discharge in the morning. In order to prevent bacteria and yeast from multiplying on the dog’s face, and they multiply in the presence of a nutrient medium and high humidity, but simply because the puppy woke up in the morning - no one washed his eyes, that is, no one washed him; they didn’t wipe his mouth and everything drips on the floor; The puppy ate the fur around the mouth, they didn’t wash it, they left it like that! On this issue, the recommendations are as follows: in the morning and after each meal, the puppy must wipe his face and whiskers with a damp hot towel, then blot dry with toilet paper or other hygroscopic white material, then either rub in a special powder or simply wipe with a swab with boric acid. .(Do not get into your eyes or mouth under any circumstances!) DO NOT confuse that you can wipe your eyes with an aqueous boric acid solution, but more on that below! It is not recommended to bathe puppies, but it is also not recommended to let their hair dry because of this, so their fur must be treated with starch, possibly corn starch, using a natural bristle brush or a special dry shampoo or powder intended for this purpose. On the head, the mustache and bangs are fastened with elastic bands without creasing the hair, and are pre-treated with boric acid powder. When a Maltese puppy reaches 10 months of age, coat care also changes, but more on that in the next article.

1. To prevent tears from staining the fur, you can give ANGELS EYES powder. 2. Treat every day with Pro Eye whitening gel made in the USA.
3. When washing the face, you can add a drop of lemon juice to shampoo or whitening soap and leave for 5 minutes, then rinse with water.

Now a few words about the components of the powders and their use in advanced cases:

1. Take equal parts of boric acid, baby powder and mix with a suspension of magnesium to form a paste - you can mix in a blender - Apply to the infected parts using either a sponge, a tampon, or a brush with soft bristles. Next, the paste should dry. Then remove it with a brush and clean the wool from the paste. If stains remain, then next time you can add several to the paste. cap. hydrogen peroxide 10%

2.You can dry your mustache with corn or rice starch.

3. Corn flour + boric acid powder, beat into the wool, repeat again! Except for the eyes and mouth!!!

4.Add 1 tsp. boric acid into a cup of boiling water and mix well. Place several cotton swabs in a plastic container, pour the cooled solution on top and close the container. Use 1 tampon per eye daily to remove tear stains. Make a new solution once a week. 5. Snowball powder from Baldecchi, Excel 8in1, Thear Stein Remove Liquid, liquid for contact lenses Re Nu Multi Plus and so on……. Of course, there are more aggressive chemical methods for treating neglected spots, but we will not touch on them, because with good care, these products will be quite enough. Among the mechanical methods in Korea, it is not customary to grow hair around the eyes, so as not to give a reason for the growth of bacteria, and therefore the hair around the eyes, along with the eyelashes, is very carefully trimmed or plucked, a kind of trimming, by the way, the eyes after this become visually larger and more expressive, but IMPORTANT, if you don't know how to do it correctly. it is better to consult a specialist first.

Hair care for Maltese (Maltese)

Caring for the coat of a Maltese differs little from caring for a Shih Tzu, what can be noted here is the use of whitening cosmetics, namely shampoos. They can be used no more than once every 3 weeks; bleaching thins and dries out the coat, making it brittle. You can also apply moisturizers to human hair. To whiten your mustache, you can use bleaching granules from Laser.

You have made your long-time dream come true and got a Maltese puppy. There is so much joy, positive moments from communicating with a puppy, just as many new worries and troubles. Many questions arise about how to care for a puppy, its fur and eyes, what is best to feed, how to spend time, how long to walk, etc.

In fact, caring for a Maltese is the same as caring for other long-haired dogs, with the exception of some subtleties. Pay attention to the area around the eyes, as without proper care for your Maltese's eyes, the fur under the eyes will soon begin to darken due to streaks caused by tearing.

In general, there are no problems, this detail is simply a feature of this breed. You can find eye care products and other useful products for dogs in any pet store, fortunately now there are a great many of them - both on the Internet and locally.

In fact, all dog breeds have this problem, lacrimation, some more, some less. The reasons are different: foreign objects getting into the eye (motes, dog hair, etc.), biological processes occurring in the dog’s body (change of teeth in a puppy or estrus in a bitch). Female dogs also experience postpartum lacrimation. Also on the list of provocateurs of this problem are allergic reactions– for food, pollen, dust, etc. And finally, lacrimation can also be caused by inflammatory process mucous membrane of the eyes, for example, conjunctivitis. Some types of eye diseases can be hereditary, and, unfortunately, cannot be completely cured - you can only alleviate the symptoms by choosing the right medications.

It is very important to monitor the discharge from your dog's eyes, as this is not only a problem of beauty and appearance pet, but also health - the fur around the eyes, constantly wetted by tears, can form a fungus, which will lead to other unpleasant consequences. Dogs with dark hair suffer less from this scourge, since streaks from mucous secretions are less noticeable on their fur, but pets with light hair have a hard time, since the secretions form very noticeable streaks. As you probably already guessed, proper care can be ensured by constantly wiping away smudges using dog eye care products - wet wipes with antibacterial impregnation, lotions and drops, special sprays.

In general, it is possible to eliminate the causes by understanding the original source of the problem. If it is not hereditary disease eye, everything else can be treated. Transparent tears in Maltese are temporary, occurring during the change of teeth in puppies and estrus or postpartum period in bitches Also, in puppies, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes occurs due to hairs getting into them. If this is a one-time hit of a hair, rinse the eyes with drops and carefully remove the hair from the corner of the eye, but if the irritation is caused by the touch of growing hair near the dog’s eyes, you just need to wait out this period until the hair grows to such a length at which a tail can be collected.

If the cause of lacrimation is an allergy, the allergen must first be identified. If it is a food product, discard it; if it is plant pollen, then remove the plant from the dog’s habitat and during walks avoid places with flowering fields or alleys. In each of the listed cases, the tears should be transparent, but if the liquid is dark, this indicates conjunctivitis, and here you cannot do without the help of a doctor. It is not recommended to self-medicate, as the use of inappropriate medications will aggravate the course of the disease and delay the lapdog’s recovery. The veterinarian will install accurate diagnosis and will appoint objective treatment. Most of eye diseases It is easy to treat, so there is no reason to panic.

What to do if, when caring for your Maltese's eyes, you have already gotten rid of the cause of the watery eyes, but the smudges have already appeared?

Calm, it's a matter of everyday life! Dark stains can be easily removed - use special creams, powders, and lotions. When choosing a product, proceed from the type/color of your dog’s coat. Caring for the area around the eyes of a Maltese dog involves not only one-time removal of smudges, but also ongoing care by washing the eyes and dripping with a soothing lotion.

The key reason for increased tear production in dogs is, however, nutrition. For example, if you have already trained your dog to natural food, transferring to something simpler can cause a decrease in immunity, indigestion and, as a result, increased lacrimation. It is best to give meat not raw, but lightly cooked, in combination with vegetables and cereals; feel free to add chopped greens to your dog’s food, as well as olive oil and dog oil with multivitamins.

Fermented milk products, yoghurts and curds are also very useful for the puppy’s digestion. Give fruits in small quantities - melon, apples, bananas.

We hope that the information presented in this article will help you in solving difficulties and problems with a pet if you already have one, and if not, it will prepare you in advance for possible difficulties.