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Why are babies given dill water? Dill water for newborns against colic

In the article we discuss dill for newborns, how to prepare dill water, in what dosages and according to what scheme to use it. You will learn under what conditions to use it so that the child develops normally and does not experience discomfort when adapting to new types of nutrition.

The benefits of dill water for newborns

In recipes for newborns, dill seeds are identical in effect to fennel. The latter is used for cooking medicinal water, which in finished form sold in pharmacies. Fennel seeds have a more pronounced healing effect, but the plant is not always available to mothers. Therefore, it is replaced with dill.

Dill water good for newborns

What are the benefits of the plant? Dill water for newborns has the following properties:

  • calms down nervous system;
  • relaxes the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines;
  • eliminates flatulence;
  • has a mild diuretic effect;
  • reduces the manifestations of diathesis;
  • speeds up the process of digesting food;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • reduces itching and skin irritation.

Dill water for newborns, dill seeds have a slightly bitter taste, which causes rejection in the child. But if mothers add a small amount of it to breast milk or formula, he will not notice the new substance in his usual diet. When using dill for a newborn for colic and flatulence, doctors recommend using a teaspoon as a dispenser.

Pay attention to the seeds: dill for newborns should be dry.

How to brew dill seeds for newborns?

Before making dill water for newborns from dill, collect the seeds from personal plot or buy them at the pharmacy. Prepare the plant for future use - it will help you out more than once in case of digestive disorders in your child. We will tell you below how to brew dill for a newborn.


  1. Dill seeds – 1 tsp.
  2. Boiled water – 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over dill seed water for newborns or cook in a water bath. First grind the seeds in a blender or coffee grinder. Then fill them with boiling water and leave under a closed lid for 1-2 hours. Or immerse in warm boiled water and keep in a water bath for 20 minutes. Cool the broth and strain through several layers of gauze.

How to use: Do not prepare dill water from dill seeds for newborns. large quantities. Give children 1 tsp before feeding. 3 times a day and, if well tolerated, gradually increase the dose.

Result: Use dill seeds for newborns for stomach colic, diarrhea, kidney disease and urinary system. The decoction has a mild cleansing effect and eliminates congestion in the digestive organs. Improves sleep quality, increases appetite.

How to give dill water to a child?

Give dill water to your child without exceeding the dosage

Knowing how to brew dill for a newborn, the mother should carefully monitor the dosage of the medicine. A quick improvement in a child’s physical well-being is not a reason to give the drug in unlimited quantities. From 2 weeks to 2 months of life, the daily volume of the product is 15 drops under the tongue 3 times a day.

If the child tolerates it well, then gradually increase the amount of dill water to 3 tsp per day - 1 tsp per dose. Next, give the product 1 tsp before each feeding. Stop taking dill water when the child’s condition stabilizes.


Following exactly the instructions on how to brew dill for newborns for colic and flatulence, consult your doctor first to see if this remedy can be given to your child. Contraindications to taking the medicine:

  • individual intolerance;
  • low blood pressure;
  • congenital heart defect.

If dill for newborns causes a rash or difficulty breathing, stop taking the product immediately.

You can buy dill water at the pharmacy, watch the video:

What to remember?

  1. Before brewing dill seeds for newborns, ask if your nearest pharmacies have ready-made fennel medicine. The latter is more effective for colic and bloating in a child.
  2. Strictly follow the indicated dosage.
  3. Consult your doctor about the advisability of using the product. It is possible that the child has contraindications to it.

From the first days of life, the child begins the process of adapting the gastrointestinal tract to changed conditions, primarily the transition to nutrition breast milk or artificial mixture. This process is quite complex, as a result of which almost every baby has symptoms caused by it.

Symptoms of colic often appear during feeding or at its completion, when the baby draws in his legs, cries, and his skin color takes on a reddish tint. All this goes away only after natural bowel movements, as well as the passage of gas. And here it is quite logical that every mother wants to at least somehow help the baby, easing his suffering. Since ancient times, it has been used precisely for these purposes. dill water . True, the opinions of pediatricians regarding the use of this folk remedy do not always coincide. Let's try to figure out what this medicine is, Is it possible to give dill water to a newborn and how to do it correctly .

Dill water is a solution of fennel oil - close relative dill, and it is used in the fight against colic from the first days of a baby’s life. In modern pharmacies, dill water is offered as an analogue medicine Plantex, made from fennel seed extract. This drug Available in powder form, it is dissolved in breast milk or water in a certain proportion, which can be found in the instructions for the medicine.

The benefits of dill water

Dill- This is a very useful medicinal plant. The advantages that medicines made on its basis can boast of include:

The ability to cleanse the body of putrefactive formations, help in the formation of beneficial microflora;
Relaxing effect, reducing spasm of smooth muscles;
Facilitation of blood flow throughout the body, dilation of blood vessels, stabilization of cardiac activity;
Reducing pressure on the intestinal walls;
Diuretic, laxative properties;
Decongestant effect on respiratory tract, improved sputum removal;
Beneficial effect on the processes of bile secretion, kidney function, and nervous system;
Beneficial effect on the baby's appetite and mother's lactation.

The effectiveness of using dill water is explained by the ability of fennel to relax the intestinal muscles, reducing spasms, thereby relieving the child of painful sensations and improving digestive processes.

And the property of dill water is very useful for nursing mothers, who, in addition, with the help this tool can calm the nervous system and improve digestion.

Moreover, the positive effect of dill water, if consumed by a nursing woman, also affects the baby directly. By drinking ½ cup of the product 30 minutes before feeding, a woman increases the volume of milk produced, improves its composition, and also automatically relieves the baby from subsequent painful colic. In addition, many mothers have a negative attitude towards feeding their baby if they are breastfeeding. Therefore, the method when a woman takes dill water herself may be a solution to this problem.

Ready-made dill water is sold in the pharmacy

How to prepare dill water for a newborn

Buying ready-made dill water for a newborn is not so easy. This can only be done in the prescription department of pharmacy stores, and the cost for 100 ml is approximately 150 rubles. Instead of the product, you can purchase the above-mentioned Plantex, or similar medications such as Espumisan or Sub-simplex.

You can prepare dill water for a newborn at home using a fairly simple recipe:

Pour 1 tsp into a regular glass. fennel seeds, ground in a blender. Fill everything hot water and leave for 40-45 minutes, then strain the infusion and add 1 teaspoon to expressed breast milk or water. You can also drop 15 drops of water onto the tongue of a newborn. The infusion prepared in this way is stored for a day.

Instead of dry fennel seeds, you can use essential fennel oil, 0.05 g of which dissolves in 1 liter of water. This solution has a longer shelf life - a month. But you need to store it in the refrigerator, warming it to room temperature each time before use.

Another way to prepare dill water for newborns, if you don’t have fennel on hand, take the seeds of the usual dill, pour boiling water over them at the rate of 1 glass of water per 1 teaspoon of seeds, leave for a couple of hours and strain. And having fresh dill, you can make dill tea. In this case, 100 ml of boiling water is poured into 1 tablespoon of green dill and the tea is allowed to brew for about an hour. After which it is cooled and used according to the same rule as dill water for a newborn.

It is worth noting that in each of the described recipes it is necessary to use purified water, boil the cooking utensils and follow all basic rules of hygiene.

Instructions for using dill water for newborns

The principle of how to give dill water to a newborn is determined by the way it is fed. If we're talking about O breastfeeding, then the child is given dill water from a spoon, but if he is on artificial nutrition, then in addition to a spoon, you are allowed to use a bottle. Take the medicine immediately before feeding. If the child does not show any particular desire to take the infusion, it means that he does not really like the taste of the medicine. In this case, it should be mixed with breast milk or formula.

Start drinking dill water follows with a very small dose - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day . It is important to carefully monitor how the baby’s body reacts to the medicine. If you do not observe any negative manifestations, the dose can be increased to 5-6 times a day. Further, as the baby develops and painful colic gradually subsides, the use of dill water can be stopped, but if problems are still observed, treatment should be continued. In most cases, the need for dill water for newborns disappears after reaching 6 months, when the child’s body fully adapts to new conditions and independently copes with all the difficulties of digestion.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that dill water is not effective for all newborns. It happens that excessive bloating of the abdomen is observed from its use, as well as allergic manifestations. Therefore, you should not completely rely on the use of this tool. For combating colic in a baby a nursing mother must first normalize her diet, but if artificial feeding, then you need to approach the preparation of the mixture quite responsibly. In addition, the baby needs to regularly massage the tummy, visit him more often fresh air and try to give him a lot of positive emotions.

Doctor Komarovsky about dill water:

Dill water is a proven and safe folk remedy for treatment and prevention. intestinal colic in newborns and infants. A water-based medicine is prepared from fennel seeds, which is also called “pharmacy dill”. The drug can be purchased in the prescription department of the pharmacy, packaged in 100 ml, or prepared by yourself at home.

From our article you will learn detailed instructions on the use of dill water for newborns and infants, recipes healing water.

What is it, composition, benefits and possible harm

Dill water for infants is a 0.1% solution essential oil fennel in water: 1 liter of medicine contains 1 ml active substance. Dry fennel fruits are used to prepare baby dill water., not concentrated essential oil, which may cause an allergic reaction.

The drug is intended for infants in which the gastrointestinal tract is in a state of adaptation to food. Means:

  • stimulates the secretion of gastric juice;
  • activates intestinal function, promotes the passage of gases;
  • relieves spasm of the muscles of the intestinal walls;
  • helps normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has a weak antibacterial effect;
  • calms the baby and normalizes sleep.

Dill water is also a diuretic, activating kidney function.

Before use, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician, since intestinal colic is caused not only increased gas formation in the baby, but are also a symptom of more serious diseases.

In some cases, the remedy may aggravate flatulence in an infant. You should immediately stop taking the medication and consult your doctor.

On the pages of our website you will also find out how effective this remedy is for babies.

Indications for use: how to drink for colic and constipation

Starting From about the third week of life, most babies develop intestinal colic associated with increased gas formation, that is, flatulence.

This phenomenon is considered completely natural. It is associated with the process of adaptation of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract to normal digestion. Colic, or gas, disappears without a trace after three months.

However, they cause a lot of suffering to both the baby and his parents.

For colic, dill water makes newborns feel better, improving digestion, freeing the intestines from the accumulation of gases and feces. The main signs of colic:

  • hysterical crying of a child with attempts;
  • severe redness of the face:
  • the legs are convulsively tucked to the stomach.

This usually lasts about 20 minutes, but in some babies colic can last for hours, exhausting him and his parents.

In addition to painful colic, dill water for newborns is also used:

An infusion of fennel fruits is also used in the treatment of certain diseases of the urinary system, such as aid.


Dill water made from dry fennel seeds rarely causes allergic reactions.

It is not at all dangerous for newborns to use it, because when correct dosage There are no contraindications to this remedy. This should not be done without consulting a pediatrician, as the symptoms are very similar to colic:

For these diseases, the use of dill water can complicate diagnosis.

It should not be given to infants with the following problems:

  • inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • postpartum jaundice;
  • violation of diet;
  • genetic sensitivity to fennel.

When treated with this folk remedy, the baby will begin to excessive urination. To avoid dehydration, it is necessary to give him in addition to mother's milk or milk mixture ordinary boiled water.

How does it affect the baby’s body, how long does it take for the effect to be noticeable?

Water infusion of fennel fruit is one of the safest folk remedies with carminative effect. Its effect on newborns is that water relieves intestinal spasms, removing gases from the baby’s body within half an hour.

Fennel contains the prebiotic inulin, which normalizes the baby's intestinal microflora. Essential oil contains:

  • fenchon is a strong antiseptic;
  • cineole, which relieves spasms and calms the nervous system;
  • citral, which lowers intracranial pressure.

In the absence of individual intolerance, dill water with the correct dosage will allow the natural intestinal microflora to form more quickly, suppressing the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

Do you know how it manifests itself? Read about the symptoms and signs of the disease in our material.

Want to know how to distinguish heat rash from allergies in newborns? We will tell you about the features of each of these diseases.

What to do if a child has a small rash, why this symptom cannot be ignored? Find details about solving the problem.

How to properly prepare and store water from dill seeds at home, dosage rules for “tea”

How to brew dill water for a newborn? Is it possible to make water for babies at home? You can prepare the product yourself, using dry fennel fruits purchased at a pharmacy and clean water.

It is best to take distilled water. It can be sold in the prescription department of a pharmacy. If distilled water is not available, you can take regular water, let it sit for 24 hours, and boil it for at least 5 minutes in a clean container.

Recipe No. 1

For preparation you will need 1 g of dry fruits and 100 ml of clean water.

Fennel is poured with boiling water and infused for 40 minutes. up to an hour.

Strain the product and cool.

It should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Before preparing the infusion, it is advisable to grind the fennel fruits in a coffee grinder. If you don't have a coffee grinder, you can use a thermos for brewing.

Recipe No. 2

According to this recipe, an infusion is prepared for children with individual intolerance to fennel or in the absence of it.

To prepare you will need 2 g of dry dill seeds and 100 ml of water.

The water should be prepared in the same way as the previous recipe.

Recipe No. 3 (dill tea)

The product prepared according to this recipe should not be given to children under one month of age.. Tea must be prepared fresh every day. To prepare it, take a teaspoon of finely chopped dill per 100 ml of water.

Brew greens with boiling water, cool, strain. Tea has a significant diuretic effect.

Dosage depending on the age of the baby

Babies under three weeks of age rarely experience colic., since the child’s body contains maternal enzymes that facilitate digestion. If you have flatulence immediately after birth, you should start taking dill water with fifteen drops three times a day. If well tolerated, the dose can be increased first to half a teaspoon, and after a week - to a full one.

For colic in three-week-old babies up to six weeks, the drug should be given with half a teaspoon three times a day. If the body reacts favorably, after three days the dose can be increased to one teaspoon.

Starting from one and a half months, dill water is given immediately, a teaspoon three times a day. If the baby responds well to it, then the frequency is increased to six times a day.

By three months, painful colic in almost all children disappears without a trace. By four, the intestinal microflora is fully formed.

From the following video clip you will learn how to properly dilute dill water for a newborn, which the healing composition helps with:

How and how much to give: method of use, special instructions

How often can you give dill water to a newborn and when is the best time to drink the water? Dill water give to the baby strictly before meals.

You can drop the product onto the tongue with a pipette for up to three weeks.. Then it is better to give the infusion from a regular spoon.

Not everyone likes the taste of fennel.. They may react by belching or spitting. Water can be mixed with breast milk or formula. If your baby stubbornly rejects fennel, it is better to replace it with dill.

Before drinking, the water must be brought to room temperature.. It is unacceptable to give cold or hot medication for colic!

Do not also forget about compliance drinking regime to avoid dehydration.

For up to one month, you need to give your baby water, prepared independently from dry fennel or dill seeds. Pharmaceutical drug based on essential oil, you can start using it only from five weeks, strictly following the instructions.

Can it be taken with other substances?

However, with diarrhea, dyspepsia and other digestive disorders in the baby, You can combine this remedy with a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort or mint. This can be done starting from one month.

Chamomile has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. When combining its decoction with dill water in a 1:1 ratio, dyspepsia can be treated. St. John's wort decoction will stop diarrhea, mint normalizes digestion and ensures restful sleep.

When treating a baby medications The use of dill water is agreed upon with the attending physician.

Overdose and side effects

An overdose of the drug is possible when preparing an infusion that is too rich at home. The following side effects are possible:

  • diarrhea;
  • weakness;
  • drowsiness.

This is due to the relaxing effect of fennel.. All symptoms pass very quickly, within four hours. An overdose is completely harmless to the baby’s health due to the low concentration of active substances.

Newborns may experience an allergy to fennel (dill water), which is accompanied by:

  • rashes;
  • itching;
  • partial redness of the skin.

You should immediately stop taking dill water and contact your pediatrician.

About diagnostic methods and methods effective treatment You will learn about dysbiosis in infants by reading our following review: .


It is advisable to prepare dill water for infants and newborns yourself from environmentally friendly raw materials purchased at a pharmacy, observing the following conditions:

  • Before brewing, raw materials must be scalded with boiling water and immediately drained;
  • Sterilize cooking utensils;
  • For straining, use sterile gauze or a sterilized sieve.

Dill water doesn't count universal remedy. It may be useless or, conversely, aggravate painful condition baby. This can happen, for example, with intestinal atony.

For the prevention and treatment of intestinal colic in infants and newborns, it is first recommended that the nursing mother take the drug. Artificial children can be given this remedy immediately at the first signs of flatulence. after consultation with a pediatrician.

Now you know why dill water is needed for newborns and how to properly give your baby the healing water.

In this article:

From the moment of birth, the baby begins to actively adapt to life outside the mother’s body. This especially applies to digestive tract, because during the first months the baby’s intestines are not able to cope with the digestion of food entering it, responding with an accumulation of gases. This is nothing more than colic, causing discomfort to the child and his parents. Mothers are looking for a way to alleviate the baby’s condition, and dill water for newborns comes to the rescue.

IN modern world There are many medications that eliminate the accumulation of gases in the intestinal lumen. However, not all of them are suitable for young children. And the use of dill water helps newborns quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms, having a beneficial effect on the entire body.

What are the benefits of dill water for infants?

Dill water, intended to eliminate bloating in a newborn, is made from fennel seeds. This remedy can be used literally from the first day of life.

Additional advantages of dill water for newborns are:

  • The ability to relieve spasms of intestinal smooth muscles, relaxing it and reducing pressure on the walls.
  • Helps in getting rid of fermentation products from the body in infants.
  • Vasodilator property that stimulates blood flow to organs.
  • Improved lactation in mothers during breastfeeding.
  • Appetite stimulation.
  • Dill water for babies has diuretic and choleretic properties.
  • Work stabilization cardiovascular system and kidneys.
  • Help in getting rid of infants.
  • Normalization of sleep.

Instructions for using dill water for newborns indicate that it copes well with colic, eliminating unpleasant symptoms and removing accumulated gases from the intestinal lumen.

This product has been in demand for many years. Regular use of such water helps to expand the lumen of the bronchi and remove mucus without harming the child’s body.

Buy or cook at home?

It is important to know that dill water for newborns requires preparation in a specialized pharmacy. Therefore, currently purchase ready-made product quite difficult. However, you should not despair - you can easily prepare dill water for newborns yourself, at home. To do this, you will need fennel seeds, sold in pharmacies or stores. Fresh dill will also work, but only if it is grown in your own garden.

Recipe for the product

Dill water for newborns at home is made simply and quickly, without requiring much effort from the mother.

There are several recipes for dill water for newborns:

  • Pour a teaspoon of fennel seeds into a glass, after grinding them using a blender. Pour boiled water over it. The decoction should steep for at least 50-60 minutes. Afterwards, strain the resulting liquid. The product is ready for use.
  • It happens that parents cannot find fennel in stores. Then dill seeds for newborns come to the rescue; the recipe for such water is very simple. A teaspoon of seeds is poured into a glass of boiling water. Next, let the broth brew and then strain.
  • If there are no seeds, you can make dill tea for newborns. A small amount of fresh, thoroughly washed greens should be brewed with boiling water and allowed to brew for 60 minutes. Next, strain through a sieve. It is important to remember that you can only brew fresh dill, grown at home.
  • You can prepare dill water for a newborn either from seeds or using essential oils sold in pharmacies. Only a few drops are taken per liter of purified boiled water.

Before choosing a method for preparing water for newborns, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician. The doctor will tell you how to brew dill, seeds or fresh herbs, and give recommendations on dosage. If the product was purchased at a pharmacy, you can use the instructions for use.

How to give dill water to your baby correctly and in what quantities?

Parents are often interested in how to give dill water to their baby. Such questions are justified, because even so useful remedy If used incorrectly, it can lead to serious consequences.

  • Dill decoction is not the best “dish” for newborns: infants often do not want to drink the tasteless liquid, spitting it out. Therefore, you can purchase dill water for newborns at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself from dill seeds, diluting it with breast milk immediately before use.
  • After the mother has brewed dill for the newborn, she can add a certain amount of the resulting product to a bottle of ordinary water. However, not every little one likes this method. Some parents add the product to the adapted mixture for...
  • The dosage of dill water for newborns is determined by the doctor. Moms and dads should remember that it is impossible to experiment with the health of the baby by prescribing this remedy yourself.
  • Parents are interested in how much dill water should be given to a newborn. Typically the dosage is 1 teaspoon per dose.
  • The question of how much dill water a newborn should be given per day is decided by the doctor. They often start with using the product three times, over time increasing the number of doses to 5-7 times a day, while monitoring the baby’s reaction.

It is important to remember that it is highly not recommended to independently change the dosage of dill water for newborns. Despite the many useful qualities, the drug can provoke other reactions. Therefore, if the baby has colic, the mother should definitely ask the doctor how much dill water to give to the newborn baby and how many doses per day are needed.

Are there any contraindications?

Contraindications are not only medicines, but also herbal products prepared at home. Therefore, before purchasing dill water for a newborn at a pharmacy or making it yourself, the mother should talk to her pediatrician.

  • For newborns with individual intolerance to dill seeds.
  • For low blood pressure. It is known that dill for newborns, used for colic, also has a vasodilating effect. Therefore, hypotension is considered a contraindication.
  • If a nursing mother is allergic to dill.

It is equally important to know how much dill water to give to a newborn. In case of overdose, disturbances may occur general condition babies, dyspepsia, sleep disorders. Optimal quantity- 1 teaspoon 3-5 times a day.

What to do if you have an allergy?

Instructions for use indicate that newborns may develop an allergy to dill water, accompanied by the appearance of a rash on skin, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing. If any of the listed symptoms occur, you should stop using the product and immediately consult a doctor. You can give the baby enterosorbents to speed up excretion harmful substances from the digestive tract.

It is important to remember that an allergy to dill water in newborns is a serious manifestation that requires emergency care. Therefore, you cannot ignore the problem, hoping that the symptoms will disappear on their own. Self-medication is not recommended, as it can only aggravate the situation.

Since ancient times, fennel has been considered one of the the best means, relieving children from colic. There are many recommendations on how to make dill water for a newborn yourself, easing the baby’s condition.

This product has many positive effects, affecting all organs and systems. You just need to ask your pediatrician how to prepare dill water for your child, asking about dosages and possible adverse reactions. This will help the baby and parents forget about the unpleasant manifestations of bloating, enjoying every day.

Useful video about infant colic

A remedy that has been known for decades. Contains pharmaceutical dill water, which exhibits a pronounced carminative effect. Used to improve intestinal motility and relieve bloating in young children. It is a symptomatic remedy.

Dosage form

Pharmacy dill water is a liquid with a faint anise aroma.

It is given to the child to drink from a spoon or the recommended amount is added to the drinking water.

Dill water can be found in pharmacies in different dosage forms: ready-to-use liquid, concentrate for oral solution, for children herbal tea. All forms have similar properties, but differ slightly in the method of application and dosage.

Description and composition

Contrary to popular belief, dill water is prepared not from the usual salad dill, but from fennel, its close relative.

IN pharmacy conditions To prepare this product, fennel seed essential oil is used, which is diluted with purified water. The concentration of the active substance in the resulting solution is 0.05-0.1%. This is the standard version for releasing dill water.

But some pharmaceutical companies produce a concentrated solution, which should be diluted with boiled water at home before use. Tea is also available in bags, which should be brewed to obtain a solution of the desired concentration. Therefore, parents need to carefully read the instructions for the drug they purchased.

Some manufacturers add dill water anise oil, chamomile extract or others medicinal plants. These components have an additional antispasmodic effect and can quickly relieve discomfort in a child.

The effect of dill water

Fennel, unlike dill, has a more pronounced carminative property. Its essential oils act in the intestines, preventing gas bubbles from accumulating and improving its passage through the rectum.

Also, fennel essential oil improves intestinal motility, making it easier to move feces and accumulation of gases to the exit. This reduces pressure on the intestinal walls and prevents their expansion, which often causes pain in infants.

Fennel oil also has other beneficial properties for babies:

  • relieves spasms of intestinal smooth muscles;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • helps regression inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has an antimicrobial effect;
  • improves appetite;
  • prevents constipation;
  • has a beneficial effect on babies' sleep.

As a result of regular intake of dill water, the baby stops experiencing pain and discomfort in the intestines, his digestion process improves and the quality of absorption increases nutrients from the food received.

Pharmacological group

Dill water is a carminative with an antispasmodic effect.

Indications for use

Dill water is used in children for the following purposes:

  • improving bowel function;
  • stimulation of the digestion process;
  • reducing the accumulation of gases and facilitating their release;
  • relieving intestinal spasms (intestinal colic).

The most widespread use of dill water is found in infants during the period of intestinal colic. This process occurs in newborns towards the end of the first month of life and continues until approximately six months.

Dill water is a symptomatic medicine, that is, it significantly alleviates the baby’s condition during this period. But she is not able to completely cure colic in children, like others similar drugs. Colic goes away on its own as the digestion process in children improves.

Dill water can also be used in adults to improve digestion, and in nursing mothers this remedy helps increase the amount of breast milk.


Dill water is contraindicated only if hypersensitivity reactions occur in the body. But they happen extremely rarely.

Dill water has the property of reducing blood pressure, therefore, if an adult or child has a similar disease, the drug should be used with caution.

How to prepare and serve

Dill water is a ready-to-use liquid. It is given to the baby 3 to 6 times a day after meals, 1 tsp. You can add 1 tsp. into formula or into a bottle of water.

If we are talking about a concentrate, then a solution is first prepared from it. To do this, add 35 ml directly to the bottle boiled water and shake thoroughly. They give in the same way as above.

If you bought dill water in the form of filter bags for making tea, then pour one bag with 100 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and let it brew. After this, the resulting tea is given to the baby 3-5 times during the day, 1 tbsp. l.

If you decide to use dill water for your newborn, start with small doses- half a teaspoon. Gradually, the baby will get used to taking the medicine from a spoon, and you can easily increase the volume of the medicine to the amount indicated in the instructions.

Dill water can be given to the baby as long as he has colic. As soon as the baby stops experiencing discomfort, you can stop using this remedy.

Cooking at home

Parents can prepare dill water for their child themselves.

The older generation used dill seeds for this. This is not forbidden, but the effect will be much weaker than if you take fennel seeds as a basis.

1 tsp. dill seeds are brewed with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for at least an hour. Any liquid not consumed by the infant should not be used the next day. This solution is prepared daily.

To get more effective remedy, you should buy fennel fruits (seeds) at the pharmacy. 1 tsp. (with a small heap) of seeds pour into an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for a couple of minutes. Then remove from heat, cover with a lid and wait until the broth cools down.

After this, it is more convenient to strain it and give it to the child, just like pharmaceutical dill water. The baby needs to prepare a fresh decoction every day.

If you prepare dill water for a newborn yourself, keep this process as sterile as possible.

Side effects

There are practically no side effects when taking dill water in newborns, which is why the drug is considered one of the most safe ways improve digestion processes and relieve tummy discomfort.

There have been rare cases allergic reactions associated with individual intolerance to fennel essential oil.

Interaction with other drugs

There is no data on the negative interaction of dill water with other drugs. But if the baby receives some specific treatment medications, consult your doctor first.

Special instructions

The drug is available without a prescription, but you should still consult your pediatrician first. Describe to him the symptoms that are bothering the baby, and the specialist will determine whether they are really caused by colic and how suitable dill water is for your baby in this case.


If doses of the drug are used many times higher than those indicated in the instructions, a sharp decrease in blood pressure may be observed.

But in this case we are not talking about one extra teaspoon of the drug for the baby, but about its significant doses. Therefore, parents should not worry too much, but precautions (move the bottle away from the child) must be taken.

Storage conditions

The drug is stored in the refrigerator. An open bottle must be used within a month.

The shelf life of an unopened bottle with concentrate is 2 years, herbal tea in bags is 1 year.

Dill water is one of those time-tested remedies that are still relevant today. It's all about the simplicity, naturalness and effectiveness of this product.


Dill water is a proven remedy for gas and colic and is highly safe. The product has a sufficient number of analogues that differ in their pronounced effect.

The drug is produced in the form of granules intended for the preparation of a solution for oral administration, and is full-fledged analogue dill water. Contains fennel fruit seeds. The product has vegetable origin, therefore the risk of manifestation side effects during use is minimal.

Drug price

Price medicine averages 129 rubles. Prices range from 95 to 170 rubles.