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Visiting the bathhouse if you have a cold. Is it possible to go to the bathhouse during a cold and its benefits. Bath medicinal drinks

Even in ancient times, our ancestors used the bathhouse as a miraculous remedy against colds, so the question is often raised: “Is it possible to go to the bathhouse if you have a cold?” There are many opinions, so it’s worth understanding exactly how the steam room affects the human body.

Effect on the human body

People go to steam rooms to prevent certain diseases, including colds. Well steamed skin covering cleanses and gets rid of dead cells, increases blood circulation and improves metabolic processes body, steamed internal organs and joints. So, is it possible to go to the bathhouse if you have a cold? It has been proven that people who steam frequently are less likely to get sick.

Treatment of diseases

There is a statement that bathing during a cold is contraindicated. This is not entirely true. The bathhouse is an excellent preventive weapon against diseases. A cold is viral disease, and these microorganisms are afraid of high temperatures. Also, during a stay in a bathhouse, the number of leukocytes in the human body increases by almost 20%. After all, they are the ones who fight germs. That is why there is a saying that a bathhouse cures colds.

Increased blood circulation activates a huge number of capillaries and small vessels, removes from muscles Often accompanied by joint pain. Due to its effect on the human body, the steam room increases the flow of useful substances to the joints, and the pain ceases to remind itself.

Another argument that favors a positive answer to the question of whether you can go to the bathhouse if you have a cold is statistics. Those people who visit steam rooms get sick 4 times less often. It will also be effective when you are suffering from a common runny nose. If you lie on a hot shelf, steam it well, breathe in a specially prepared solution containing oils or decoctions of mint, eucalyptus, calendula or juniper, then it immediately becomes much easier. So if you have a cold, you can go to the bathhouse.

What about the temperature?

If you have, then you are strictly forbidden to go to the bathhouse. Since this can only bring harm and disastrous consequences. Visiting a steam room when you are sick does not always have a beneficial effect on the body. The bath is an excellent treatment option only at the beginning of the development of the disease. It can also be used during recovery period after recovery.

If you have a prolonged cold, then visiting the steam room may lead to undesirable results. The load on all organs, which are already weakened due to the cold, increases. The conclusion follows from this - if your temperature is already more than 37 degrees, you should not go to the steam room. Bathhouse at lingering cold aggravates not only the symptoms of the disease itself (after all, the body is already greatly weakened, bacteria have already “taken root” in it, and in a warm and humid environment microbes begin to actively multiply), but also other, chronic diseases.

If you have hypertension, you should also avoid going to the steam room. And diseases such as allergies, pneumonia, asthma or other diseases can appear unexpectedly and even in severe form. Often a cold is accompanied by a headache, and a steam room can provoke a worsening of this symptom, and dizziness will also be added.

To ensure that going to the steam room is as safe as possible and does not aggravate your well-being, you should follow several rules when you have a cold:

Broom as a cold treatment

Most often we go to the bathhouse to steam with a broom. And this is certainly very useful. Its use increases blood circulation and promotes active sweating, and along with it, harmful toxins are removed from the body. A heated broom is used for massage, as well as for inhalations. The main thing is to take the right “model” with you, because everyone has their own healing effect.

For example, it soothes muscles and joints; linden has a healing effect on the respiratory and nervous system. From fir and pine - plays a role disinfectant. And a eucalyptus broom has an excellent effect on the upper respiratory tract. This will support your body and help cleanse it, as well as increase sweating.

Rubbing in a bath for a cold

At the beginning of the disease, you need to sweat thoroughly in the steam room. Therefore, you can rub an already warm body with products that increase sweating. The most effective is considered to be a mixture of honey and table or sea salt in equal quantities. This procedure is effective for coughs and runny nose. Also, to cleanse the body, you can rub it with a terry towel, which needs to be soaked in a salty solution. The towel should be lightly wrung out and rubbed over the body until it turns red.

And when using special mixtures with oils, you can say goodbye to the disease much faster. But we must not forget: if you have a lingering cold, it is better to avoid the steam room - the risk of worsening the disease is too great. But a bathhouse for a cold without fever - best helper to your body.

To prevent colds, you need to go to the steam room regularly and stay there for at least 20-30 minutes. Then your body will not be afraid of any diseases or illnesses. When thinking about whether it is possible to go to the bathhouse if you have a cold, it is important to listen to your own body and take into account its individual characteristics.

In any country in the world, the bathhouse is considered a source of health. IN ancient Rome baths were built. In Turkey, they are converted into hammams with a special system of wet steam, which is supplied through pipes laid in the walls.

How does it affect a person? When should you not treat a cold in a bath? How to do steam inhalation for a runny nose and cough? Below are the answers to all questions.

Is it possible to walk with a runny nose? to the bathhouse? You can and should go to the bathhouse if you have a runny nose. It has beneficial effects in several ways:

A person sleeps well after a steam room and recovers faster. If you taste it after the bath herbal teas with mint or currants and lie down under the blanket, the next morning you will not remember the illness that just yesterday haunted you. You will go to the bathhouse with a runny nose and return healthy. Take a steam bath and you will get rid of all the signs of a cold.

To ensure that washing in a bathhouse brings health and does not aggravate the disease, it is useful to follow a few tips:

  • Put a cap on your head. It will protect the body from overheating.
  • You don’t have to go to the steam room right away and stay there for a long time. Sit first - the body needs to gradually warm up.
  • In a bathhouse, a person loses a lot of fluid. Therefore, drink water periodically while you wash.

After finishing washing, you need to rest, dry and drink liquid to regulate water balance. Tea with raspberry jam and honey after a bath will complement the treatment of colds.

The main purpose of a bath for coughs and runny noses is warming up and sweating. Therapeutic effect steam room is enhanced by rubbing the heated body with a mixture of honey and half-and-half food or sea ​​salt. The procedure effectively relieves cold symptoms.

Inhalation is useful for inflammation of the throat and nose. A bath for coughs helps clear the airways of mucus. Moist hot air stimulates the lungs. Therefore, the effectiveness of inhalation is higher than at home. Procedures for the treatment of rhinitis and laryngitis are done with essential oils eucalyptus, lavender or fir. For inhalation, 5-7 drops are dissolved in water and rubbed on walls, shelves, and also moistened with a broom. If there are no oils, a bunch of dry or fresh herbs, which are placed in boiling water, will do. Breathing over steam is also useful for coughing.

Important! During a cold bathhouse helps at the onset of illness and during the period of recovery.

Going to the bathhouse is also useful for cleansing the skin. To do this, use a special Turkish bath mitten woven from goat wool, viscose and silk. It perfectly removes dead epidermal cells. Replaces it with a terry towel soaked in a salty solution. Rub the skin with a wrung out cloth until it turns red.

When not to go to the steam room

Bath for colds - good or bad? For mild symptoms, going to the bathhouse is the best solution. But in the situations listed below, you must refuse to be treated with steam:

  • As the temperature rises, the body itself tries to cope with the infection. The heat in the bath will put additional stress on cardiovascular system. The steam room will further raise your body temperature. The general condition will worsen. Therefore, a runny nose and a bath are incompatible in this case.
  • If you have skin rashes or herpes on your lips, you should not go to the bathhouse. The steam room will multiply viruses, and the rashes will increase. It is better to consult a doctor to treat with appropriate ointments.
  • Treatment of a cold in a bathhouse is contraindicated if the illness lasts more than a week and the condition does not improve. A prolonged runny nose and cough with deteriorating health mean complications. After a cold, the infection spreads to the lungs or paranasal sinuses. After the examination, the doctor will tell you whether you can go to the bathhouse with a runny nose.
  • The steam room should be avoided if you have headaches. The heat will cause dizziness. Loss of consciousness is possible.

If you don’t know, then read this article for a detailed comparison.

  • Is it possible to go to the bathhouse when arterial hypertension? No you can not. The heat in the steam room is a strain on the heart. Blood pressure increases due to fever, which provokes hypertensive crisis or cerebrovascular accident.
  • You cannot go to the bathhouse after drinking alcohol. Ischemia of the cerebral vessels after drinking alcohol will be intensified by the heat in the steam room. The person will lose consciousness.
  • Pregnant women should not go to the steam room. It is recommended to wash in the bathhouse when it has already cooled down somewhat. Pressure changes in the bathhouse cause a decrease in blood supply to the uterus, which negatively affects the baby’s nutrition.

If a person is weakened by a chronic disease, he should not dive into an ice hole or swimming pool after a steam room. cold water. The body cannot withstand such temperature changes.

Can children go to the bathhouse if they have a cold?

Although in the old days women gave birth to children in a bathhouse, now pediatricians believe it is better to postpone the first visit until the age of 3. A child has a different thermoregulation system than an adult. Babies warm up faster than adults. Therefore, they are allowed to stay in the bathhouse for 3–5 minutes and with precautions. Put a cap on the child's head - it will prevent overheating. Take water with you and drink periodically. In addition, children can only wash on the bottom shelf.

The child is being prepared for visiting the bathhouse - you cannot bathe a hungry child or a child who has just had lunch. A full dinner is served after 1.5–2 hours. Before this, give yogurt or fruit.

If you have a cold, you can go to the bathhouse. However, you should be treated in a steam room at the first signs of the disease. Herbal inhalations and warming speed up recovery. In the midst of an illness with elevated temperature and headaches, it is better to refuse treatment in the steam room. After graduation acute period The bath will help restore strength weakened during illness.

Bathhouse is effective method getting rid of various colds and improving the health of the body.

After all, as you know, hot steam helps cleanse the upper layers of the epidermis, remove waste and toxins from the body, improve blood circulation and the functioning of internal organs.

If you are wondering whether a bath is useful for colds, then, according to experts, such a visit is clearly recommended as a prevention and treatment.

The benefits of bath procedures for colds

fast recovery human body from influenza and ARVI occurs due to the course of the main physiological processes under direct influence of high temperatures and high humidity.

Therefore, carrying out bath procedures can bring great benefit for the body:

  • Wet steam provides safe inhalation to effectively cleanse the lungs and bronchi of accumulated mucus and viruses.
  • Hot steam ensures rapid opening of small pores on the skin and removal of microbial waste products.
  • High temperature regime improves blood circulation, helps cleanse it and remove toxins.
  • Staying in a room with high humidity strengthens joints and ligaments, relieves muscle tension and fatigue.

Contraindications for visiting the bathhouse

In most cases, visiting a bathhouse has a beneficial effect on the body, but there are still some contraindications when swimming in a bathhouse is not recommended.

  • If the disease progresses to acute stage development. During this period, a viral or bacterial infection actively develops, is accompanied by an increase in the patient’s body temperature and can provoke serious complications- bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, etc. In this case, hot steam will only increase the excessive load on the human cardiovascular system, which is already weakened. Is it possible to go to the bathhouse with a fever? If the thermometer shows more than 37 degrees, you should avoid visiting the bathhouse.
  • It is not recommended to wash if you have the flu if the illness lasts more than 5 days. This means that the microclimate in the steam room will become a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic organisms, which can lead to the activation chronic diseases, already available to a person.
  • Visiting a bathhouse is also contraindicated, since hot steam can lead to increased painful sensations, up to the onset of fainting.
  • If you have labial herpes. High temperatures and high humidity are an ideal environment for the development of herpes, so bathing procedures are strictly prohibited.

Effective bath procedures for colds

What bath procedures are most effective and useful for the prevention and treatment of colds?

Massage with a broom is the simplest and most approved way to improve your health in a bathhouse for ARVI and flu. The procedure helps improve blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, and remove waste and toxins.

To maximize the benefits of using a bath broom, it is important to choose the right tool. It is recommended to give preference to brooms made of linden, birch, eucalyptus and pine needles (juniper, spruce, pine or fir).

A broom made from linden leaves removes mucus from the bronchi and relieves muscle fatigue.

A eucalyptus broom relieves coughs, runny nose and sore throat.

A pine broom effectively disinfects the air, improves sweating, and helps normalize blood pressure.

Important! Many people wonder whether it is possible to wash and steam in? It’s not just possible, but also necessary, because the headdress will provide reliable protection heads from possible overheating.


Good warming up in the steam room helps improve the beneficial effects of bath procedures and speedy recovery.

To enhance sweating, therapeutic rubbing is prescribed using special diaphoretics: a honey-salt mixture in equal proportions and ready-made warming essential oils, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. The prepared mixtures are evenly applied to the heated body with soft circular movements.

This procedure is useful if the patient is overcome by coughing or runny nose.


Warm and humid air promotes effective cleansing bronchi and lungs, as well as relief from cough and runny nose. For this reason, a bath for coughs with inhalation procedures is recommended.

Inhalations using natural products are especially effective in the fight against viral and bacterial infections. They moisturize the airways, remove mucus, and eliminate painful sensations.

To combat colds, essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree, fir, juniper, geranium, orange. Prepare medicinal solution for inhalation it is quite simple: pour 1 liter of water into a container and add 12–18 drops of oil.

Often a ready-made solution instead of ordinary water water the stoves and also add them to the automatic evaporator.

Heated essential oils greatly enhance the healing effect.

Medicinal drinks

When visiting a steam room in conditions of high humidity, a person loses a lot of fluid.

To replenish fluid and enhance the diaphoretic effect, it is recommended to take. Such drinks are prepared based on natural ingredients - chamomile, linden, thyme, lemon balm and mint. You can also add honey, fresh or dried wild berries and lemon to drinks.

Medicinal drinks are designed to enhance therapeutic effect from taking bath procedures, getting rid of colds and quick recovery vitality.

Herbal teas can be taken in short breaks between visits to the steam room.

If the body is weakened, it is worth reducing the duration of bath procedures, while it is important to take short breaks for rest and recuperation.

So, is it possible to go to the bathhouse if you have a cold? Of course, it is possible if you follow the doctor’s recommendations and do not neglect existing contraindications.

An effective combination of existing bath procedures allows you to quickly eliminate the first signs of a cold and restore strength after full recovery.

If you have chronic diseases, before visiting the bathhouse, it is recommended to obtain medical advice to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Are you wondering if you can go to the bathhouse if you have a cold? It depends on the circumstances of the illness. The bath not only has a beneficial effect on the entire body, it also helps to improve immunity. If you get sick with a cold, just visit her as soon as possible and the disease will recede before it can harm your health, however, there may be a number of contraindications. Read them carefully to avoid complications.

How is a bath useful?

The positive side of visiting a bathhouse during ARVI is not only recovery, but also the fact that this process occurs naturally in the body. Under the influence of high temperatures and humid steam, the immune system is able to quickly overcome a cold. At the same time, hot vapors act comprehensively, affecting all aspects of the disease and its symptoms.

  • With the help of hot steam, the pores open and pathogenic bacteria are washed out of them.
  • Under the influence of high temperatures, blood circulation increases, from which microbes disappear faster.
  • The body produces many more white blood cells, which allows the virus to be suppressed more quickly.
  • Hot steam acts as a natural inhalation, affecting the lungs and bronchi. Respiratory system It is cleared of phlegm and germs, which is good for relieving cough and difficulty breathing.
  • A bath for a cold will bring even more benefits if you use a broom. This will help to quickly relieve aches in the body and joints, which are usually accompanied by ARVI.

When not to visit the bathhouse

Even taking into account that a visit to the bathhouse will bring many benefits to the body and will help you quickly get rid of colds, it is not always worth resorting to this method. If you have just begun to feel the first signs of illness, then hot steam and heat will quickly cope with the emerging infection and will not allow it to progress to the stage of disease. The bath will also be useful immediately after recovery; it will give you vigor and restore strength after a cold.

But visiting a bathhouse will not always have a good effect on your health and well-being. In some cases, it is contraindicated and will only worsen the condition:

  • if the disease has already fully taken hold in your body, a bath can only do harm. Elevated temperatures and hot steam will only contribute to the proliferation of viruses. In this case, the disease can only develop and lead to complications.
  • if you have elevated temperature, visiting the bathhouse can only add problems. During such an illness, the heart works faster, and hot steam will only make it work even faster, which can even lead to a heart attack. A bath in this state will greatly weaken the body, and it will be unable to fight the disease.
  • If you experience headaches during the course of your illness, then a bath for a cold will lead to increased pain, which, in turn, can cause fainting.
  • If you have herpes on your lips, it may get worse in a humid, hot room.

To summarize all of the above, remember that if the first signs of illness appear, entry to the bathhouse is prohibited.

A good broom is the key to success

To get rid of the virus as quickly as possible using a bath, be sure to use a broom. It will help increase blood circulation, stimulate sweating, which, in turn, will help eliminate harmful substances and microbes from the body. Please note that each broom works differently. Linden has a calming effect and improves sweating. Birch broom will help get rid of phlegm, reduce pain and a feeling of general malaise. Broom from any coniferous tree disinfects the air well and causes increased sweating. Eucalyptus broom affects all aspects of the disease, it kills harmful microorganisms, helps with cough and runny nose. To heal your respiratory tract, steam a broom and press it to your face. Eucalyptus ether vapor will help you quickly feel much better.

Honey and salt will relieve cough

The beneficial effect of the bath is that the disease can go away with sweat, so you need to do everything for increased sweating. Therapeutic rubbing will help with this. Honey and salt in a 1:1 ratio applied to the skin directly in the steam room will be an excellent depressant. After such a procedure, the patient will immediately feel relief, because it is an excellent remedy for coughs and runny nose.

Therapeutic inhalations

During any cold, inhalations are a great help. Get rid of problems respiratory tract hot will help much faster wet steam with special aromatic oils. To quickly overcome a cold, use oils such as pine, geranium, juniper, fir, and lavender. To prepare inhalation, add 10-20 drops of essential oil to a liter of water. The solution can be sprayed on the walls of the steam room, or pour undiluted oil into a special evaporator.

Useful little things

While you are in the steam room and get rid of fluid in the body, you are cured, but in order for the body not to become dehydrated, it is necessary to replenish its reserves. Drink more fluids between visits to the steam room. Herbs such as linden, chamomile, mint and lemon balm will best replenish the lack of fluid and cleanse the body. If you wish, you can add honey or lemon to your tea, which are known for their anti-cold properties.

Visiting the bathhouse when you are sick will help you overcome the infection very quickly, but only if it has not yet weakened your body too much. If you are wondering whether it is possible to go to the bathhouse if you have a cold, remember that when primary signs A bathhouse will help with ARVI, but if the disease is more advanced, it will only do harm. The best solution in this case, the disease will be prevented. During a period of widespread illness, when the immune system is weakened and you can easily “catch” the virus, visit the bathhouse, even if you do not feel unwell, this will improve your well-being, strengthen your body and help prevent the occurrence of colds.

Many people put off going to the bathhouse because of a cold. But they don’t know that in the old days, taking a steam bath when you had a cold was considered beneficial. People have noticed that bath procedures can cure many ailments. But for this there are certain rules that must be followed.

Bath and colds

If you ask any bathhouse attendant whether it is possible to go to the bathhouse with a cold, he will give a positive answer. Experienced workers at these establishments know that bath visits have a beneficial effect on the human body. Here you can not just wash yourself, but also relieve stress, depression, and also cure many ailments, including colds.

There are a number of rules for baths and saunas that all visitors must follow. Before taking a bath, sick people need to clarify what contraindications there are, so that no unforeseen complications arise.

In addition, not every body reacts equally to bath procedures. Some people feel good and are healthy the next day, but others may become ill from the heat and steam. Therefore, if you have a cold, you should not immediately run to the bathhouse. If a person is used to it and goes there regularly, the procedure will benefit him. But if he has never been there and does not know how it affects him, it is better to postpone the visit until best time so as not to harm yourself.

What effect does a bath have on the body?

Every person who regularly visits a bathhouse knows that if you take a good steam, toxins and waste will be removed from the body.

During colds, the body is oversaturated with waste products of microorganisms that have colonized it. There is a need to get rid of them. They are excreted through sweat through the skin and urine. When visiting the steam room there is profuse sweating, which is exactly what a sick person needs. But will this be good for him?

Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that healthy person It is useful to steam for the prevention of diseases. At slight cold this is also not dangerous. It is useful to go to the bathhouse for a person who long time was in the cold and there is a risk of getting sick.

But if you have a fever, you can’t go to the bathhouse. The body is already heated from the inside, and extra heat outside can destroy him.

Happens in the steam room huge pressure on the cardiovascular system. The blood thickens, the person lacks oxygen and fluid. Not everyone can withstand this condition.

When is it dangerous to go to the bathhouse during illness?

Usually the body receives great benefits from visiting these establishments, it improves general state and mood. At the beginning of a cold, a person feels better from a bath and the disease recedes. Also, at the end of the disease, the bath helps the body gain strength, strengthen and improve well-being.

But there are conditions in which visiting the bathhouse and sauna is not only contraindicated, but also dangerous. In the midst of illness, visiting the bathhouse is not recommended. This is fraught with the occurrence of bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia.

Going to the bathhouse if your throat hurts is contraindicated. Tonsillitis and sore throat are usually accompanied by fever, often high. Additional overheating will be harmful.

If the temperature rises, the person’s heart begins to work faster. In the steam room there is an additional load on it. All together can lead to fainting, headaches, and in the worst case, a heart attack.

Therefore, in no case should you take risks and visit the bathhouse and sauna during a period when the disease is progressing and there is a high temperature. At this time you need to go to the doctor and take treatment. And when the condition improves, you can go take a steam bath.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse with a runny nose?

What happens if a person with snot goes to the steam room? In fact, nothing bad will happen. On the contrary, if your nose is clogged, it will clear and it will become easier to breathe. If rhinitis has recently begun and the patient does not have a fever, steaming in a bathhouse will only benefit him.

A bath procedure using essential oils acts like deep inhalation. For these purposes it is good to use:

  • chamomile;
  • pine needles;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus.

The oils of these herbs are dripped into a ladle of water and placed on the stove so that steam is released when boiling. When it is inhaled, the mucous secretion in the nasal cavity liquefies, it begins to flow well and clear the nasal passages.

Inhalation of this type has a more pronounced therapeutic effect than usual, because it affects the entire body, and not just the nasal cavity.

If a child has a runny nose, you can also warm it up in a bathhouse. But the procedure does not take long, and before vaping, measure the temperature. A child with a runny nose can stay in the bathhouse for no more than 15 minutes. However, the room temperature should not be as high as for adults. It is better to do this at a time when the stove is already starting to cool down.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse if you have a cough?

There are known cases when chronic cough He was not treated with anything, and after going to the bathhouse he disappeared and never appeared again. It also happens that a bath for coughing gave severe complications in the form of pneumonia, bronchitis and pleurisy. That is, a bathhouse benefits some, but harms others.

The point here is not only in the individual state of the body, although this factor has great importance. It is important here when and how to visit the bathhouse, and how to behave after it. To take a steam bath when you cough, you must follow these rules:

  • The patient should not have even a slight increase in temperature above normal.
  • The room should not be too hot. A person should first warm up well, and if after that he feels good, he can steam a little.
  • It is useful to add essential oils for steam medicinal herbs. They can be dripped directly onto a hot stove.
  • It is useful to steam with a broom. Its shocks to the body promote increased blood circulation, which helps the body fight infection.
  • You should not abuse it or stay in the bathhouse for too long.
  • It is very important to behave correctly after a bath. If you have a cold, swimming in water is contraindicated. cold water and snow. Such events are useful for healthy body. Patients with a cough should immediately put on underwear and go to a warm bed. If the bed is cold, first put a heating pad in it.
  • Visit the bathhouse better evening and don’t get out of bed until the morning.
  • After the procedure, it is useful for the patient to drink tea made from medicinal herbs.

Such a visit to the steam room will be beneficial for dry and wet coughs. Hot steam dilutes mucus, dilates the bronchi and cleanses them.

Rules of soaring

In order to achieve any effect from bath procedures, you need to know how to use bath attributes correctly. For this there are the following recommendations:

  • The steam room must be thoroughly heated.
  • During the first minutes of visiting the steam room, a person should be warmed up with dry heat. Only then can you use steam.
  • To create steam in the steam room, water is poured onto the hot stones.
  • It is allowed to stay in the steam room for no more than 15 minutes, after which you must go to the dressing room. You can repeat it 2-3 times.
  • Sweating increases when a broom is used. When it hits, the skin is massaged, blood circulation increases, and sweat comes out along with toxins.
  • Stones can be watered with essential oils, then the effect of steam will increase.
  • To avoid overheating your head, you can cover it with a felt hat.

To completely get rid of a cold, one visit is not enough. We need to repeat the event in a few days. It’s better if you go to the bathhouse regularly.

Contraindications for bath procedures

There are a number of contraindications to visiting baths that should not be ignored. And if they occur, even with a mild cold it is better to avoid the steam room:

  • If a person experiences pressure surges, steaming is contraindicated for him. In this case, when he has a cold, he can only hover his legs in a basin.
  • When a woman is on her period, hot treatments can increase bleeding.
  • Pregnant women should be careful not to overheat too much.
  • If you have a headache, it is better to postpone vaping to another time.
  • If there is herpes on the lips, it is better to treat it first. The bath microclimate is favorable for herpes, and it can spread to other parts of the body.

If nothing like this is observed, you can safely go to the bathhouse and be treated. If this is your first trip, it is better to consult your doctor.

Sauna for colds

Is it possible to go to the sauna if you have a cold? A sauna differs from a bathhouse in that it does not use wet steam. Everything happens with the help of hot dry air. In addition, the sauna has a swimming pool. But in general, we can say that a sauna is an analogue of a bathhouse, only of a modern type.

The procedure itself is carried out according to the same principle. Therefore, the rules in them are almost the same.

A sauna also has a beneficial effect for colds without fever. But it’s better to avoid the pool. Sharp drop external temperatures can harm a weakened body. It is enough to warm up well and drink some herbal teas.

A person decides for himself whether to go to the bathhouse or not. But if he has a cold, it is better to discuss this issue with a doctor. If there is a risk of harming yourself, you need to think about whether it is worth it. May be treated better traditional methods, and postpone going to the sauna or bathhouse until better times.