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The name of the portal about pets. Pets: types, origin, interesting facts. Types of pets

No matter how perfect the latest Aibo model is, no matter how perfect the fish from new version your favorite screensaver, no matter how well the cynical Tamagotchi works, there is still something irreplaceable in the world. Whether it's a hamster in a three-liter jar or a huge Dogo Argentino. They love us. They are alive. Have you already fed the cat?

We are always responsible for those we have tamed.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Noah's Ark

Even the quarrelsome postman Pechkin at one time realized the need for the presence of a living creature in the house, so that “you come in the evening, and it rejoices at you.” But sometimes, when you decide to take the desperate step of placing some animal next to you, you begin to wonder what to choose. This before cats They were divided into mongrel and Siamese, rabbits lived only in my grandfather’s village, and the candidacy of a cockroach as a pet made me instinctively grab my slippers. Nowadays almost anything is possible. And resources that can be appropriately dubbed Noah’s Ark will help you decide on a candidate.

Do you want to put a snake, snail or stick insect on a leash? By looking at povodok.ru, you can take a look at your future neighbor in your living space. There are also quite traditional pets: cats, dogs, horses. Here you will be offered to purchase your favorite pet. But since announcements from all over the territory of the former USSR are not so relevant for us, we will return to our native land. For example, www.pets.kiev.ua is a Kiev portal dedicated to pets. Despite the abundance of sections, the resource is recommended for informational purposes only, since helpful information practically absent. Perhaps the only interesting thing is an online store with delivery of feed throughout Kyiv, including for horses and reptiles. But the Elite Animal Club is worth a stay. Many information and services of this portal are worthy of attention, especially the list veterinary pharmacies and clinics (for now, unfortunately, also only for Kyiv) and assistance in sending animals by air. There is also an online store that delivers feed throughout Ukraine. The All-Ukrainian information portal about animals and nature is another fairly busy resource, mainly dedicated to cynology and, oddly enough, felinology. Lots of advertisements for pets for sale from all over the world. Great dog forum. And Zooclub (zooclub.ru) will help you decide on the name of your pet; it offers nickname options even for amphibians, hedgehogs, snails and arthropods.

For those who have already made a choice and put it into practice, we recommend using specialized resources, one of the main advantages of which is forums.

Like a cat and a dog

We did not include in this section all amateur, semi- and professional sites about these, perhaps, the most frequent inhabitants of our apartments. According to rumors, there are about 400 breeds and colors of cats and approximately the same number of dogs registered in the world, so listing all the resources would take a lot of space.

One of the best and largest cat-themed sites is, undoubtedly, www.mau.ru. Excellent description of breeds, especially those that are in nurseries in Russia and Ukraine, funny news about furry creatures from all over the world. But the main thing is an excellent forum where you can find almost all the information a cat owner needs, get advice, and just show off a photo of your pet. Adepts of cynology would do well to visit the aforementioned www.zooclub.info or take a look at the Dog Academy forum. Any of the thematic portals have links to sites of nurseries of certain breeds.

Quiet neighbors

Everyone knows that contemplating an illuminated aquarium, in which its inhabitants scurry about, relaxes, calms and has a beneficial effect on our stress-stricken body. You can organize this health event in your home using the advice from the above sites. The transparent world even offers, without leaving the keyboard, to calculate the compatibility of different fish species using a sophisticated calculator, and the website www.fishy.ru - online diagnostics of diseases of your silent pets.


For those for whom the cat is too big, and the fish are wet and cold, there are Campbell's hamsters, several breeds of rats (even tailless), bald and, conversely, overly fluffy Guinea pigs, as well as charmingly lop-eared dwarf rabbits of the ram breed. With the help of these resources, you will not only receive recommendations for choosing a rodent, find like-minded people, but also learn how to properly walk a rat and learn to understand the body language of your pig. Materials on veterinary medicine will be very useful, because, unlike cats and dogs, these animals are often ignored by Ukrainian aibolitov.


Everyone knows from childhood that there are benefits to having poultry in the house, and not only in the form of chicken broth. The unforgettable cat Matroskin proved that “Who’s there?” justifies keeping birds both in city apartments and in private houses. In addition, of all possible representatives of the fauna, only they can become both our companions and interlocutors. We did not overload this section with resources, since the Bird Owner's Encyclopedia contains almost all the information necessary for a person who decided to get himself a parrot, a raven, an owl, a crane, a falcon or even a chicken. The authors of the site are veterinarians, biologists, ornithologists and zoo engineers who professionally work with birds and sincerely love them. Neat design, easy navigation and an extensive forum, including on veterinary medicine, allow me to confidently recommend mybirds.ru. For connoisseurs, there are audio and video materials here.


Unfortunately, we did not find any credible information on how to keep a crocodile in an apartment or build an aquarium with hippos. Therefore, extreme sports fans, unfortunately, will have to limit themselves to snakes, cockroaches, snails, cranes, which were described above, or turn their attention to nimble ferrets, charming chinchillas or hardworking bees. Traditionally, the websites provide information on care, feeding, breeding, initial diagnosis and treatment, as well as a lot of photographic materials. Those who adhere to the traditional approach to choosing a pet should just be curious.

Not exactly pets

Gone are the days when a jaguar cub lay on pillows in a beautiful lady's boudoir, live bears were brought to dinner parties for fun, and the owner of the house was guarded by tigers. Now we see these animals only in zoos. On any of the websites of Ukrainian zoos you can get acquainted with their exposition, history, and also check the opening hours and ticket prices. It would be useful to know that thematic excursions are held for Kiev residents and guests of the capital. And www.zoo.kharkov.ua offers a selection fun facts about animals. You didn't realize that two dump trucks could easily fit in the mouth of a bowhead whale, did you?

Of all breeds Japanese dogs Akita Inu is the only one awarded the honor of being called a Natural Monument of this country. This happened more than seventy years ago, in July 1931. Before that, such dogs were called Odate-inu or Kazuno-inu. They were distributed only in the city of Odate and the Tohoku region of the northern Akita prefecture, from which this breed received its name.

There, in the north of the island of Honshu, they appeared in the 17th century and have remained virtually unchanged since then. Akita Inu was among the pets of Japanese emperors and representatives royal nobility, and was therefore considered a “royal dog”. Her courage was greatly appreciated by the famous Japanese samurai. The size and fearlessness of the dog, bred to hunt deer and wild boar, made it an excellent hunter. Akita Inu is able to cope even with the black bear Ezo weighing under 400 kilograms that lives in those places.

The distinctive features of the Akita are its nobility and self-esteem, which are visible both in a proud stance and in purposeful movement. In Akita's appearance, strength and authority are immediately noticeable, and her posture evokes involuntary respect. These are dogs with a calm character, very reserved and careful. They are in many ways superior to other representatives of their family.

The Akita Inu does not react to minor stimuli, but responds to a serious challenge from other dogs with a rapid reaction. For all its intelligence, restraint and obedience, this breed is distinguished by its ardent temperament. Its representatives are capable of a violent attack, and are usually easy to train.

To increase aggressiveness, they were crossed with Tibetan Mastiffs and Great Danes, rewarding the breed with additional strength and size. They do not need training to work as guard dogs, as they are distinguished by their unsurpassed sense of smell, excellent eyesight and excellent hearing, are calm and bark only when threatened.

Being the largest of the Japanese Spitz-type dogs (at the withers it reaches 58-70 cm and weighs 35-50 kg), it is beautifully built, strong, dense and muscular. This breed is characterized by good proportions. The flat, wide and heavy head of an obtuse shape and a strong short muzzle are reminiscent of a bear. Akita Inu has a slightly elongated body (if you compare it with the height at the withers), wide, deep chested, straight back.

She has a well-defined transition to the muzzle from the forehead, in the center of which there is a depression. The muzzle is pointed. The forward-facing, small, erect ears are located along the line of the neck. The small, triangle-shaped eyes are dark brown. The nose is black with a short back. In white dogs, brown is allowed, but black is preferable. The Akita's lips are also black and its tongue is pink. Scissor bite.

The high-set tail curls into an elegant ring over the back once or twice. The dense paw, reminiscent of a cat's, has closed toes and allows the dog to swim perfectly. Beneath the tough, water-repellent coat is a thick undercoat.

Colors allowed are white, red, brindle or sesame. All of them, except white, are shaded with significant yurazhiro (white or whitish color on the sides of the muzzle and cheeks, under the lower jaw and on the neck, as well as on the stomach, the inside of the front and hind legs and on the tail). The color is required to be clean and rich. Blurred color boundaries and a black mask are disqualifying faults at exhibitions.

Alabai or Central Asian Shepherd Dog

This breed, the Turkmen Alabai, has several other names. They call him Central Asian Shepherd, and a Turkmen wolfhound, and just an Asian. This is probably the oldest dog on the planet that has come down to us almost unchanged. Experts estimate the age of this breed differently. It fluctuates between three and six thousand years.

As with everything that has ancient history, there are many legends about Alabai. One of the oldest tells that its ancestor was a mythical creature - the Turkmen beast syrtlon, which looked like a giant dog and at the same time a hyena. He was smart, cunning, vindictive, cunning and terrified the ancient shepherds by attacking their flocks. During the rut, the syrtlons took away the best herding dogs. Thus, their descendants appeared in the steppes. These were huge dogs with the temperament of a syrtlon and a powerful build - alabai.

Representatives of this breed are distrustful of strangers, loyal and devoted to their owner alone. Alabai will follow him to the ends of the earth, giving his life for him, if necessary. He never complains of pain, you won't hear a squeal or groan from him. A monogamous dog, faithful only to his chosen one, will proudly guard everything that belongs to him: house, plot, relatives, children.

Being originally and to this day a shepherd-guard dog, powerful, independent and freedom-loving, the Alabai is neither a servant nor a slave of man. The dog will not look away if he looks at him directly. This dog cannot be forced to do the will of its owner. She can be either an enemy or a friend. Alabai will not “serve” for a handout, but accepts the reward he has earned with great dignity. This beast is very proud, often looking at a person with oriental wisdom in his eyes, forgiving him for fussiness and arrogance.

Dogs of this breed are characterized by large size, athletic build, and distrust of strangers. They are born with a genetic instinct to protect their owner's property. Alabai are showing viciousness on “their” territory. Always confident, they are extremely independent and self-sufficient if a decision needs to be made.

Thousands of years of culling of lazy, cowardly dogs, which treat humans with malice, have led to the fact that they have become distrustful and vicious when guarding sheep. They will not allow the flock closer to the distance, the boundaries of which they themselves determine. Working freely, without a leash, the alabai does not show anger towards people outside the zone that poses a danger to his charges.

The formation of these qualities was influenced by the most severe centuries-old natural selection. The sultry desert climate, rather meager food, lack of water, and constant repelling attacks from predators had an impact on the appearance and character of the dog, giving it strength and fearlessness. Alabai learned to spend his energy sparingly, and fights with wild animals honed his fighting skills. To defend the flock, he must first of all be able to protect himself.

It is very important that the dog grabs the head and neck area and never lets go. It will be a disadvantage if she takes the opponent by the withers and beyond. Alabai should have a massive, wide head in the skull, smoothly turning into a short, strong neck.

The forehead should be flat or slightly rounded, the muzzle should be blunt, wide, deep at the base and almost not tapering to a large black nose. Thick fleshy lips should completely cover the massive and wide lower jaw. The nose with a light color may be lightened.

He will not be able to perform his functions without strong limbs, a wide chest, strong lower back and a very good respiratory system. The Alabai's paws are large and oval; the dewclaws need to be removed. The tail is set high and thick at the base. Undocked tails reaching the hocks and having a sickle shape are allowed.

In terms of size, Turkmen Alabai males should not be below 65 cm, and females - 60 cm. The most varied colors are allowed: from white and black to black and tan with the correct markings, as well as fawn, gray, red, spotted, brindle, piebald and tricolor.

The homeland of Malamutes is frosty, snowy Alaska, and the appearance of the dogs corresponds in every way to the harsh climate: nature has endowed them with a strong physique and strong legs, provided them with fur-covered paw pads that prevent the animals from falling into snowdrifts, and endowed them with long, thick and coarse hair.

An expressive wolf mask on the muzzle combined with a sensitive erect ears They give the Malamute a resemblance to the gray robber, but this is only an appearance: the character of the dogs is distinguished by friendliness and balance. Teaching smart pets is a pleasure: the only thing that educators should remember is that during the learning process it is advisable to avoid overt pressure techniques. Malamutes do not tolerate pressure and in some situations can be quite stubborn, insisting on their own.

That is why, even in puppyhood, it is important to convey to the dog the true state of affairs, making it clear who the leader in the “pack” is. Otherwise, the malamute will grow up in absolute confidence that it is he who has the indisputable right to leadership, and will defend it with all his might.

However, an energetic pet will still have to be given a certain amount of independence - this is necessary so that the dog does not lose the ability to accept food. independent decision in critical circumstances, when you have to rely not on a person’s command, but on your own instincts.

And although the devotion of Malamutes to their owners deserves praise, the “northerners” are very mediocre watchmen. And all because of boundless trust in people and lack of natural aggression. There is information that in the process of breeding the breed, those dogs that were noticed to have even the slightest hostility towards humans quickly dropped out of the list of candidates for breeding work: the fates of people are too tightly connected with the behavior of working dogs.

But the stamina of these hard workers will be the envy of even the strongest brothers, because the ancient Eskimos bred them to transport cargo of any weight in the most difficult climatic conditions. By the way, the Alaskan heavy trucks inherited their name from the name of the tribe of those same Eskimos - Malmutes, who are rightfully considered the founders of a wonderful breed.

To prevent dogs from losing their natural strength in the concrete jungle, owners will have to provide their energetic pets with daily jogging and regular exhausting training. It would not be amiss to take care of the participation of your charges in weight pulling - weight pulling competitions, where dogs will not only be able to demonstrate strength and endurance in all their glory, but also put a fair amount of work on their muscles and tendons.

By the way, about activity. If your pet's walking area will be a garden plot, take care of reliable protection beds with radishes and carrots and flower beds with their favorite flowers: Malamutes love to spend time digging small holes and impressive “pits”. Previously, in this way they obtained food for themselves - rodents living under a layer of frozen earth, but now they simply have fun, not suspecting that they are causing significant damage to their adored owners.

By ensuring your pet's energy is channeled peacefully, you will get an intelligent companion, an irreplaceable companion, a cheerful playmate, a hardy assistant and a reliable friend.

Mastiffs are very ancient dogs. Several thousand years BC. They were used to hunt wild horses and even lions in Ancient Babylon; they were used to protect homes and livestock from predators.

Among the Assyrians, terracotta figurines of mastiffs were placed above the entrance to the house to ward off evil spirits. These dogs were first brought to Rome from Britain (it is unknown how the mastiffs got there) to participate in fights with animals and people.

Modern representatives of this breed, English mastiffs, have somewhat lost their wild character. The ancestors of these largest dogs in the world took part in fights with bears. However, the English Mastiff is still the most powerful fighting dog on earth and stands out among other dogs like a lion among cats.

To most people, the English Mastiff seems like a scary, very formidable animal. Of course, if you deliberately train him to be aggressive or keep him in isolation, limiting communication with people, you can raise an angry, ferocious dog. But the fighting past of mastiffs is long gone.

Their character is strikingly different from the indomitable temper of their ancestors. These huge dogs self-confident, loyal to people, majestic and unfussy. Mastiffs are monogamous, perfectly combine good nature and grandeur, gentleness and fearlessness, and are very attached to their owners and their children.

Almost all mastiffs have a strong bodyguard instinct. Brave and unyielding, they are a reliable guard dog. But guarding is not at all the main purpose of today's English Mastiff. First of all, this is a companion dog that requires fairly strict training, since it is very difficult to control the behavior of an untrained dog weighing about a hundredweight.

In the house, despite its gigantic size, the mastiff behaves almost unnoticeably. His greatest desire is to lie down on the carpet near the feet of his beloved owner. This animal is very clean. Even mastiff puppies usually don’t spoil anything in the apartment.

This huge dog does not eat as much as it seems when looking at its size. You just can't let mastiff puppies get fat. This homebody needs a spacious room in the apartment and, of course, a large space for walking and long, quiet walks.

In the English Mastiff, males are more massive than females, they have a larger, heavier head, and they look more courageous. Bitches are shorter in height and have a lighter build.

The height of mastiffs at the withers is up to 70 -76 cm, and their weight is approximately 80 - 86 kg. Some males weigh up to 154-169 kg. Proportionally built and representative, the mastiff amazes with its power and impressiveness.

The dog's head is large and wide, with folds on the forehead. The English Mastiff's muzzle is short and square. It is advisable to have a black mask on the face. The coat should be short, close-lying, and the undercoat should be softer and denser. The colors are acceptable: apricot and silver-fawn, as well as dark brindle on a fawn background.

Unfortunately, English mastiffs, like most large dogs, are not long-lived in the canine world, as they live on average 9 - 10 years.

Charming and good-natured, active and playful, loyal and quick-witted – these are the Beagle dogs, whose presence has brightened up man’s earthly path since ancient times. Experts are convinced that the ancestors of modern beagles existed back in Ancient Greece, where they successfully helped the glorious Hellenes hunt.

Later, the Romans became interested in hound dogs, thanks to whom, some time later, beagles came to Britain, where the breed was improved and took on its modern shape. These dogs are not distinguished by a powerful physique and impressive dimensions - beagles take their toll on their intelligence, charisma and inexhaustible optimism.

The height at the withers of the animals barely exceeds 40 cm, and the maximum weight is 16 kg. The color of dogs is most often tricolor - black, white and red, but some other variations are also acceptable. Smooth and short hair does not require careful grooming from owners: brushing a couple of times a week will be enough to maintain an excellent appearance.

Much more difficult is the gluttony of beagles. Combined with the natural charm of the eared cuties, she becomes real threat potential obesity in dogs. If you want to avoid health problems, keep your pet within dietary limits and try not to overindulge in treats.

The original purpose of beagles was hunting: they have no equal in searching and chasing hares - their innate subtle sense of smell allows dogs to catch and take even a barely noticeable trace. But thanks to the fact that nature generously endowed beagles with a lot of other advantages, the functions of dogs became much broader over time.

They are actively used in customs work, looking for explosives and other dangerous items of luggage, participate in surveillance, have great success as therapists, restoring lost peace of mind to people, and are widely used as loyal, cheerful and energetic companions.

These tireless explorers love to travel: the magic word “walk” has an unmistakable effect on any beagle, turning on the winding motor inside the dog. Of course, because unknown paths conceal hundreds of unexplored tracks that promise exciting adventures and unexpected discoveries.

Because of this unbridled love of four-legged explorers for everything new, owners have to be on guard. The unbridled desire to understand the world around us often leads to the fact that dogs who are carried away by exploring the territory get lost. Therefore, a collar and leash when walking with a beagle are not standard paraphernalia, but a vital necessity.

The character of beagles matches the name of the breed - mischievous, loud, temperamental and cheerful. By the way, about the name. Although translated from English, beagle means “hound,” but according to one version, the lop-eared naughty creatures got their name because of the long melodic bark they emit: in the Russian version, the French begueule sounds like “tinned throat.”

Having such a companion and companion, you will not be bored. The restless dog will charge even the most phlegmatic owner with his positive mood, imperceptibly drawing him into active and cheerful entertainment.

Be prepared for the fact that a dog that has acquired a taste for play will not always obey commands unquestioningly: what can you do, such is the nature of beagles - addicted and impulsive.

Ancestors golden retriever(Golden Retriever), a beautiful, elegant dog of strong build and quite good-natured appearance, were Caucasian Shepherd dogs, reliable guards of sheep flocks in the Russian steppes, incorruptible and slow.

Having seen six of these beauties in the circus, Lord Tweedmouth bought them and brought them to Scotland, where the Caucasians began to be called circus retrievers. However, it is doubtful that the slow, ferocious guard dogs were able to perform successfully in the circus. Most likely, the Golden Retriever breed was developed by crossing a water tweed spaniel and a small Newfoundland, as well as various setters.

The Golden Retriever has gained extraordinary popularity thanks to its remarkable hunting qualities, impeccable behavior and beauty, but these days, to use a retriever for hunting, it must be specially trained. However, this is one of the most beautiful hunting and sporting breeds.

Golden's temperament and adequate fast reaction make him an excellent rescuer, capable of working independently and even making decisions, which is necessary in extreme situations. These dogs save people during fires and floods, and are also ideal guides for the blind.

The excellent sense of smell and outstanding abilities of goldens, demonstrated in training, led them to the police and military service, to customs to search for weapons, drugs and explosives. They work at airports, patrol streets and crowded places. But most often fluffy puppies This breed is purchased in order to have a friend in the house, cheerful, pleasant to talk to, a real companion, undoubtedly capable of enlivening the monotonous life of its owners.

Today, most Golden Retrievers or simply Goldie - as he is affectionately nicknamed by admirers of the breed - live a carefree life as pets. These dogs are created to give positive emotions to everyone who surrounds them. Their character is simply wonderful. Retrievers are devoted to the family, in love with all their household members and do not single out anyone. Very smart, nimble, playful, they cannot stand loneliness and are ready to give us their crazy love, but they also expect returns from people.

Goldens adore children and are always ready to defend them. These are animals with a very stable psyche - biting family members is therefore completely excluded. They are distinguished by a great sense of tact and intelligence. Thanks to their flexible nature and good disposition, retrievers easily get along with any animal. They can fight with other dogs only when it is impossible to avoid this due to the aggressiveness of the enemy. However, goldens are quite capable of standing up for themselves.

Retrievers are very clean, which pleases any housewife. Caring for their wonderful coat is easy: during the molting period, it is enough to simply remove it. Goldens are able to understand words, expressions and, of course, feel the intonations of a conversation. They intuitively guess a person’s desires and strive to fulfill them - this is one of the main distinguishing features of the breed. The greatest pleasure for them is joint activities with the owner. It doesn't matter whether it's work or play.

When characterizing a golden retriever, I would like to emphasize its strength, grace and harmony of its entire appearance. The Golden's body is compact with a deep chest. The wool is very thick and waterproof. The undercoat is well developed. The color of dogs of this breed is rich golden with shine. Various shades are acceptable. The height at the withers is between 58 - 61 cm, and the weight of retrievers should not exceed 27 - 34 kg.

Humanity owes the birth of these wise giants to the burgomaster of a German city.

One day, Heinrich Essig, who successfully combined his activities as mayor with canine research, came up with the idea of ​​breeding a breed that would become a symbol of the city of Leonberg.

No sooner said than done. Complex breeding work involved St. Bernards, Newfoundland dogs and Pyrenean mountain dogs, and as a result, the world saw the Leonberger.

What is one worth? appearance heroes! Respect is evoked by the physical characteristics of dogs - giant growth, strong bones and developed muscles, as well as gracefulness, which is especially surprising against the backdrop of such “bulkyness.” There is no hint of clumsiness in the movements of Leonbergers: they give the impression of plastic, flexible, elegant and full of inner dignity of animals.

And the character of the dogs matches their external data: throughout the history of the breed, Leonbergers have not been caught either in hysteria or in causeless aggression.

Peaceful and balanced dogs have another remarkable quality that relieves owners from many problems: they do not build their relationships with humans according to the pack principle and therefore easily obey without trying to dominate.

Hence the friendliness and gentleness of character, obedience and ease of control. By the way, regarding management: although Leonbergers are distinguished by their pronounced intelligence and easily assimilate the entire set of commands, everyday communication with the dog is carried out through ordinary human speech, which, judging by the expression of their eyes and the reaction to words addressed to them, smart pets understand no worse than people.

However, not a trace of good nature and gentleness remains as soon as the Leonberger senses a threat emanating from its owner. Fantastic flair bordering on telepathic abilities, allows dogs to recognize hidden aggression long before objective prerequisites for danger appear.

In a matter of moments, they take a position “in the line of fire” - between the owner and the object of danger, ready, if necessary, to protect the owner at the cost of their lives.

However, few people are eager to enter into a showdown with the formidable giant - it is not for nothing that Leonbergers have acquired the reputation of being unrivaled guards. And although the watchdog qualities of dogs are worth their weight in gold, their original purpose was hard peasant work, which was facilitated by excellent performance characteristics.

Leonbergers are ready to transport cargo, conduct searches, take on the role of a sensitive watchman, save drowning people and enthusiastically entertain children while parents have no time.

Try to find another companion like this! The only problem is keeping such large dogs. It is clear that such heroes would live much more comfortably in a country house - city apartments are too cramped for them.

As for personal contacts with a pet, this area of ​​​​relationships does not need recommendations: thanks to the golden character of dogs, complete mutual understanding is achieved in ten cases out of ten.

However, keep in mind that Leonbergers are extremely deeply hurt by any injustice, so always balance the severity of the punishment with the degree of the gentle giant’s offense.

It’s hard not to be moved by the sight of this almost mythical creature. A monkey's face, a lion's mane spreading across the floor, Chinese origin and a respectable age of 2000 years - these are the distinctive features of the Pekingese breed.

By the way, character traits appearances are not at all accidental: one of the many legends says that Pekingese were born as a result of the passionate love of a lion and a monkey.

The king of beasts was inflamed with such tender feelings for the charming representative of the primate order that he renounced his power and wished to shrink to her size.

The cub of an unusual couple became a small fluffy animal with a huge brave heart. In China, “lions from Beijing” were allowed to be kept only at the court of the emperor, and those who disobeyed, intending to raise Pekingese outside the walls of the palace or, even worse, take them outside the state, faced a painful death.

One must think that the Pekingese had nothing against the fact that the stars decreed their fate in this way and not otherwise, because in the royal mansions they were revered on an equal basis with the inhabitants of heaven: they wrote enthusiastic poems about them, pampered them and pleased them. There is information that the puppies of the most beloved imperial dogs were handed over to young slaves for breastfeeding, and the palace nobility were charged with greeting the dogs accompanying the ruler with low bows.

Arrogant and independent, they cannot stand insults and familiarity, insistently demanding respect and affection. But in return, the “Beijing Lion” is ready to give all his devotion and bring as a gift the love that fills his soul. These small dogs are absolutely fearless and are able to rush to the defense of their owner without hesitation, even if the threat comes from an enemy many times larger than them.

Pekingese are ideal pets for life in the concrete jungle. They don't require serious physical activity, content with half-hour walks twice a day. They manage to establish contact with the little ones, if they do not allow disrespectful behavior towards the dogs. If children do not show due respect to a representative of the most ancient breed, friendship is unlikely to take place.

The specific external characteristics of the Pekingese also dictate the characteristics of care. The thick, long and silky coat, which forms an original outfit of mane, collar and panties, needs daily combing with a soft brush.

Dogs' eyes also require increased attention - they are large, shiny and protruding, they are prone to various ailments. A large head, shaggy hanging ears and a flat muzzle with cherry eyes are a charming combination that you just want to admire.

However, be careful: no “ooty-paths” with Pekingese are allowed. Don't forget that the big heart of a real lion beats in this small chest!

Looking at these tiny decorative cuties, it is difficult to suspect them of anything other than a capricious disposition, effeminacy and narcissism.

And it’s completely in vain, because the Shih Tzu is a whole universe with a colossal store of worldly wisdom and a rare gift of bringing harmony into the surrounding space. And this is also 5-8 kg of pure positivity, capable of lighting up the sun even on the gloomiest day with one swing of its movable tail.

Don't believe me? And according to one of the many legends that accompany these extraordinary four-legged animals in a long trail, Shih Tzus bring happiness to the house in which they live, and this “attitude” lasts for several generations to come. And in general, many owners of furry babies are convinced that in their worldview they are much closer to us, people, than to representatives of the dog family.

The refined appearance, luxurious hairstyle, deliberate decorative appearance of the Shih Tzu, like a screen, for the time being hide the endless inner world unusual dogs, but for those to whom the advantages of the breed have been revealed in all their versatility, other dogs simply cease to exist.

The tiny fluffy ball quickly becomes the favorite of the whole family. Children adore him for his playful, non-scandalous disposition, adults appreciate his delicacy, ingenuity and obedience in the dog, and older people are captivated by the Shih Tzu with his affection and devotion.

However, being the talisman of the whole house, the Shih Tzu also needs reciprocal love, so do not skimp on showing feelings and, most importantly, do not leave the baby in complete isolation for a long time.

Long-haired pets are so attached to all household members that they try their best not to cause inconvenience to people, or to do so to a minimum. They are ready to meekly learn to use a litter box and not insist on constant walks, and they even endure the procedures for caring for their long hair - their property - patiently, almost heroically.

If you have neither the desire nor the time to go to fashionable salons with your pet, your Shih Tzu will not be offended. The main thing is not to let long bangs cover your pet’s eyes; use hairpins or ribbons to do this.

The rare combination of outstanding appearance and gentle character has provided the miniature creatures with enormous popularity: the list of celebrities conquered by the virtues of this breed is enormous. Among the owners fascinated by the appearance and disposition of the Shih Tzu are Hollywood film stars, outstanding musicians and even royalty.

Maybe the reason for the charisma of these kids lies in their origin? There are so many versions about this that it’s easy to get confused. However, most dog handlers adhere to the most common hypothesis that the roots of the breed are lost in the mountains of mysterious Tibet.

There, in the lush green meadows, little vigilant guards regularly performed their duty, watching over herds of domestic animals, helping people hunt, protecting homes and simply bringing joy.

Since the age of the breed goes back hundreds of years, it is clear that many mysteries and secrets are hidden behind the gentle disposition of the little fluffy balls. But is it worth trying to reveal all the secrets? Isn’t it better to just enjoy the presence in your life of this smart little miracle, which is destined to become the decoration of your home and the joy of your family?

Just a few thousand years ago ancient man took the first steps to domesticate wild animals in order to use them for his own purposes. And today it is difficult to imagine our life without pets, as if they have always been faithful companions of people. Initially, man sought to obtain something valuable from animals, providing them with shelter and food. However, according to anthropology, in ancient times they also served as a source of aesthetic pleasure.

Pets are animals that have been tamed by humans by caring for them and providing them with food. All domesticated species and artificially bred breeds based on them were used for the purpose of obtaining material gain or pleasure. They became good companions for a person, brightening up his life. The process of animal reproduction occurs easily even outside natural conditions. By controlling it, people create breeds with the necessary properties.

Interesting! Alternative medicine The ability of animals to heal people has long been noted. Cats achieve the greatest success in this. Scientists explain the effectiveness of cat therapy by the ability of this animal to create a unique electromagnetic field with low-frequency currents thanks to its thin and soft fur. This allows the cat to act on the source of inflammation and pain and destroy microbes.

Scientists have proven that stroking an animal is not only pleasant, but also useful. During the bioenergetic contact that arises, the central nervous system people receive special impulses that evoke positive emotions and improve their mood. Therefore, communication with cats is especially important during psychological disorders and stress.

Types of pets

Pets are roughly divided into two groups.

  1. The first includes agricultural species used in everyday life and making it possible to obtain natural products and materials. For example, goats and cows provide human food: milk and meat, as well as wool and leather. But horses, despite the emergence of various mechanisms, are still used as labor for transporting goods and as a means of transportation.
  2. The second group unites all the animals that people keep primarily for communication and leisure. Cats, fish, rodents and dogs are just some of the pets living at home. Like agricultural species, they can also be used for material gain. For example, many breeds of cats and dogs are highly valued on the market, so some owners breed them and sell their offspring. But most often, such pets, first of all, become full-fledged family members and a person’s friend. They help cope with bad moods, combat loneliness and stress.

A dog has become man's most devoted friend living at home. There is an opinion that, unlike cats, it is more strongly attached to humans. There are widely known cases when, after the death of the owner, dogs did not find a place for themselves, were sad, and even died, unable to bear the separation. Likewise, many people have a hard time coping with loss. pet who managed to become a full-fledged member of the family. On average, dogs live about 10 years, so you need to be prepared for the fact that the animal will not always be able to stay nearby.

When deciding to get a dog, you should also know that it needs constant care. Regular walks and feeding are only a small part of care. It is important to immediately decide on the breed, because each has its own characteristics. The character of the animal and what kind of care will be required depend on them.

Dogs of decorative breeds are kept exclusively as pets: for the sake of pleasure and companionship. They do not perform any work in a person's life. These include, for example, lap dogs, Yorkshire terriers, miniature pinschers, Pomeranian Spitz. Some of them were bred from large dogs through breeding to reduce their size. At proper education Representatives of decorative breeds are non-aggressive, pleasant to talk to, and easily make contact with people and other animals. In addition, they are easy to train.
Another large group of breeds consists of dogs that were originally used as hunting and guard dogs: shepherd dogs, spaniels, pointers, poodles, greyhounds, dachshunds, and bull terriers. Gradually, many of them began to play exclusively the role of pets, like ornamental species.

Interesting! The smallest dog in the world is the Chihuahua, which can weigh only half a kilogram. At the withers it reaches 10 cm. But the English mastiff was recognized as the largest representative among dogs. The weight of males of this breed exceeds 100 kg. Despite their impressive size, English Mastiffs have a fairly peaceful character and get along well with children.

Along with dogs, cats are also considered “companion animals”. She is valued both for her sociability and for her ability to catch rodents. The life expectancy of cats, like dogs, is on average 10-15 years. But unique cases are also known.

Interesting! There are also long-livers among animals. So, one cat in the UK is already about 40, which by human standards is more than 170 years old! Her predecessor, also included in the Guinness Book of Records, lived to be 38 years old.

Today there is a large number of cat breeds. The main feature in their classification is usually the length of the coat. Many breeds have their own unique traits. Yes, Scottish fold cats They are distinguished by characteristically curved ears; the Canadian and Don Sphynxes are completely devoid of hair, but representatives Cornish Rex she curls. Crossing wild and domesticated species has made it possible to develop such interesting breeds, like the Savannah and the Bengal cat.

Farm animals

Farm animals bring the greatest benefit to humans in everyday life. Most of them are able to live not only in favorable conditions, created by people, but also adapt to various changes, which is why they are bred almost everywhere. These types include sheep, horses, cows, pigs. Some farm animals such as camel or llama, on the contrary, can only live in certain geographical areas. For this reason, it is more difficult to maintain them in other areas, since it is necessary to create conditions close to natural ones.

Farm animals provide for humans natural products: milk, eggs, meat. Leather and wool, down and feathers are highly valued. Pork is recognized as the most consumed meat. It is also often considered the most delicious, since compared to beef, for example, it is fattier and softer. Pigs are quite unpretentious in terms of housing and food, they produce large offspring, which is why they are most often bred for slaughter. In addition to meat, bristles and skin are obtained.

A cow is the breadwinner of the family, as Russian peasants used to say. Every day it is capable of producing several liters of milk, from which fermented milk products, butter, and cheese are then obtained. Man has even achieved success in domesticating insects - bees, thanks to which he was able to obtain honey, propolis, and wax.

Interesting! More and more people, for various reasons, have recently given up meat and become vegetarians. However, blindly following this fashion trend is extremely dangerous for your health. Meat is a source of essential amino acids. They are needed for the construction of antibodies that provide protection against pathogens of various diseases, including cancer. When you give up meat, your body stops receiving essential amino acids, immunity decreases, which causes the development of infections.

On the farm, animals also participate in agricultural work, transporting loads and people. Horses are usually used for this purpose. At stud farms they are kept and bred to participate in horse racing and equestrian sports. For horse lovers, just communicating with them brings great pleasure.

Animal domestication

Little information about the domestication of wild animals has survived to this day, but it is known that the dog is considered the first domesticated pet living in a house. In ancient times, she played the role of a companion for humans. Thanks to its excellent learning and training abilities, the dog eventually began to guard the house, participate in hunting and herding livestock. In some countries, attempts have been made to domesticate the weasel to fight rats and mice. However, she did not adapt well to life in captivity, and over time, cats replaced her.

Interesting! The question of whether cats are fully domesticated remains open. They still retain the habits of their wild relatives, although they have been living next to humans for many thousands of years. Unlike dogs, they do not become so attached to humans, remaining independent. According to one point of view, for cats, coexistence next to humans is only an opportunity to live in good conditions, continuing to hunt birds and rodents. But there is an opinion that this proud animal, like a dog, is capable of establishing emotional contact with its owner and experiencing a feeling of affection.

It is believed that most domestic animals descended from representatives living in conditions wildlife. Ancestor of the large cattle there was a tour. But from whom the dog originated is not known exactly. It could have been a wolf, a jackal, or even a coyote. The ancestors of the sheep are considered to be wild sheep, mouflon and mountain sheep. The exact time of domestication of animals has not been established. Rock paintings indicate that already in ancient times humans had domesticated pets. However, exactly when this happened still remains a mystery.

Pet breeding

Domesticated animals reproduce well in captivity. Their offspring do not need to be tamed again. From birth, pets adopt the habits of their mother and easily make contact with humans. In the case of farm animals, reproduction is an opportunity to obtain more valuable products. But the appearance of offspring in cats and dogs is often undesirable for owners. Therefore, many owners spay and neuter their pets.

Breeders have long taken advantage of the ability of domestic animals to reproduce easily through crossbreeding. It allows you to develop new breeds with the desired properties. Work with farm animals is mainly carried out to increase their fertility, food potential, and weight. For example, in the middle of the last century, the goal was set to obtain a dairy and meat breed of cows that would quickly gain weight. This is how the Kostroma breed appeared. The goal was achieved: the cows produce a record amount of milk (about 10,000 kg per year) and meat.

Selection work is also carried out to obtain breeds capable of living in specific conditions. In the desert steppes of Kazakhstan, sheep did not gain weight well due to meager food. Therefore, there was a need to get a new breed that could adapt to such difficult conditions and fatten up well in them. As a result, Edilbaev sheep were bred.

Interesting! Dwarf animals are often not a mutation, but the result of the painstaking work of scientists. The miniature breed of cows, bred in India, requires much less space for housing and feed. At the same time, the animals retained their productivity. The quality of their milk and meat is no worse than the products obtained from ordinary cows. But mini pigs are a decorative breed of pigs. Their weight does not exceed several tens of kilograms, while ordinary pigs can weigh several hundred! The little dwarf piglet is shy and requires special care. But if you tame him, he becomes affectionate and obedient. The mini pig can be petted like a cat or dog. Unlike these animals, it is unpretentious in food, does not shed, and its short hair does not cause allergies. This perfect pet for those who choose an active lifestyle, because daily walks are mandatory for a dwarf pig.

When taming pets, it is important to remember that you should be responsible for them, provide them with proper care and surround them with care. Then pets will become reliable friends and helpers of their owner.