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Why is there constant tinnitus? Video: how to cope with tinnitus at home. What examinations are advisable to perform in a patient with tinnitus?

The appearance of sounds in the ears, when there is no reason for their perception, is a situation that can seriously alarm the patient. Sometimes patients, being in complete silence, long time listen to the slightest surrounding noise. This happens because they are unable to believe in the existence of extraneous sound in the ear that is not provoked by external influences. Various diseases can cause the appearance of noise; however, the structures of the ear are not always affected, the real reason unpleasant symptom in some cases is pathological changes cerebral vessels, traumatic injuries neck area and even emotional experiences. You need to know what to do with tinnitus, which doctor can help with this.

becomes unbearable? For treatment to be successful, it is necessary:
  1. Know that noise is only a manifestation. Treatment for tinnitus may not be very effective if the cause is unknown.
  2. Listen to your doctor's recommendations.

An example is a glomus tumor, in which the only effective way to cure tinnitus as quickly as possible is to remove the tumor surgically.

  1. Pay attention to external factors.

Sometimes subjective acoustic phenomena are provoked by prolonged exposure to external sounds. When thinking about how to reduce tinnitus, you need to remember: even successful treatment does not guarantee the absence of relapse if the patient works in conditions of noise and vibration, or is exposed to loud extraneous sounds during rest and sleep.

How to deal with tinnitus? Experts distinguish between subjective and objective types of pathology. In the second option, the sound perceived by the patient can be listened to by a doctor using a phonendoscope, and treatment should be aimed at the underlying pathology. Suitable treatment tinnitus can only be prescribed for correct description characteristics of audible sound.

Treatment for tinnitus may include:

What to do if you have tinnitus? Treatment tactics are determined by the type of pathology, age and general condition of the patient. If the cause of the “background sound” is depression, the patient needs to consult a psychotherapist. There is no need to manipulate the area of ​​the hearing organ. However, when an examination reveals a tumor formation, the issue of prompt surgical removal is considered - with the necessary pharmacological support and the use of radiation therapy.

Subjective noise cannot always be completely eliminated.

The phenomena of subjective tinnitus may remain constant, despite long-term therapy. This is due to many reasons, including the presence of pathologies that cannot be completely cured. Therefore, the fundamental goal of treatment is to achieve control over the “sound background”. The result is considered successful if the patient stops perceiving sound sensations as a pronounced symptom and does not focus attention on them.

Which doctor treats tinnitus? Both subjective and objective types are a multidisciplinary problem dealt with by otolaryngologists (ENT doctors), neurologists, neurosurgeons, psychotherapists, and psychiatrists. At the same time, the therapist and doctor general practice often becomes the very specialist to whom the patient turns first with the question: “What should I do? How to treat tinnitus?


What to do if there is noise in the ear, and the sound reaches only the patient’s ears, but is completely inaudible to others? At present, it is impossible to name a single specific drug aimed at eliminating the “background sound”. A variety of pharmacological agents are used in treatment, the names of which, in combination with indications for use, can be presented in the table:

Pharmacological group Examples of drugs Indications for use Peculiarities
Means affecting cerebral circulation, calcium channel blockers Betahistine, Betaserc, Nimodipine, Nicergoline, Cinnarizine, Pentoxifylline One of the main indications is the treatment of tinnitus and hearing loss. Pentoxifylline has proven effectiveness. Treatment with drugs that improve cerebral circulation is necessary for Meniere's disease, a central murmur of vascular origin. The drugs are available not only in injection form, but also in tablet form, which makes it convenient long-term use.
Neuroprotectors, antihypoxants, antioxidants Piracetam, Trimethazine Meniere's disease, sudden sensorineural hearing loss. One important note regarding the use of Piracetam in patients with sudden sensorineural hearing loss is the need for intravenous administration only.
Zinc preparations Zinc sulfate, Zinc aspartate Proven zinc deficiency (decreased plasma zinc levels), assumption of chronic zinc deficiency based on objective research. Pharmacological agents containing zinc are prescribed in dosages that are many times higher than the standard daily need in zinc of a healthy person.
Anticonvulsants (anticonvulsants) Carbamazepine, Phenytoin, Lamotrigine The indication is painful tinnitus, which does not disappear with another type of drug correction. Anticonvulsants are suitable only for some patients, they have a large number of contraindications and side effects.
Psychotropic Alprazolam, Oxazepam, Clonazepam, Amitriptyline, Doxepin, Perphenazine, Sulpiride Presence of disorders mental sphere, present as a direct cause of subjective noise or as a consequence of its occurrence. Long-term use and careful dosage selection are required.
Antihistamines Promethazine, Hydroxyzine Allergopathology of organs respiratory system, auditory organ, endolymphatic hydrops. During the treatment period, not only the antihistamine effect is considered useful, but also the sedative effect, which helps reduce the level of anxiety.
Vitamins A nicotinic acid, vitamin A, B vitamins Incorrectly constructed diet plan, lack of nutrients, the occurrence of nutritional deficiency. The use of vitamins does not have a bright effect pronounced action, is indicated only in combination with drugs of other groups in patients with underweight.

Considering the question of how to get rid of noise in the ear, researchers point to the effectiveness of the drug from the group of prostaglandins Misoprostol. Products based on ginkgo biloba extract (Bilobil) can help eliminate tinnitus as soon as possible.

Treatment of tinnitus with hydrogen peroxide is only suitable if the “background sound” is due to the presence of cerumen.

To understand how to treat tinnitus in older people, it is necessary to find out the cause - e.g. hypertension medications will be needed to correct the level blood pressure.

Some dangerous pathologies on initial stage accompanied by severe tinnitus. What to do in this case? The more pronounced the symptom, the more severe the suspected disease may be. So start drug treatment without examination, suppressing only the manifestations, but not eliminating the cause, is wrong.

Sometimes the patient is bothered by pain and noise in the ear. What to do in a situation where medical assistance may not be provided immediately? The described symptoms with an increase in body temperature are characteristic of otitis media. Pain syndrome at the same time it is expressed much brighter than noise. Purpose first aid is the temporary relief of the patient's suffering with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen). Primary therapy usually includes antibacterial agents.

Tinnitus may be a side effect pharmacological drugs– in particular, antidepressants.

Some patients describe a noise and - what to do if the cause is unclear? As in other cases, taking medications (especially without an idea of ​​the “point of application”) can be ineffective or even harmful. In case of “background sound” as a consequence drug therapy it can be managed by dosage adjustment or drug discontinuation.

When there is a buzzing in the ears, what to do? Depends on the cause of the noise. Often this is barotrauma resulting from a sharp change in the relationship between the pressure in external environment and pressure in the internal cavities of the hearing organ structures. Pharmacological drugs are not suitable as first aid. For To prevent and eliminate pain and noise during an airplane flight, an adult can:

  • swallow saliva;
  • slowly dissolve the lollipop;
  • drink water, tea, juice, trying to take small sips.

Some people find relief from chewing gum, which should be taken with you in advance.

Using the devices

What to do if you experience tinnitus all the time? When a patient has noise in the left ear, how to get rid of it? If we are talking about the subjective type, combined with hearing loss, consider the possibility of hearing aids. The advantages are:

  1. Improved hearing acuity.
  2. Improving quality of life.
  3. Reducing the significance of subjective sounds under the influence of the surrounding “sound background”.

Patients who use properly selected hearing aids experience fewer difficulties communicating with other people. When persistent hearing loss develops in young children, it is important to start using the device as early as possible, otherwise the formation of speech and skills necessary for full development will slow down in the future.

The hearing aid is selected according to individually otolaryngologist.

In order for the device to correct hearing without causing harm to the patient, a test is carried out before use, during which the “threshold of comfort” and “threshold of discomfort” are determined. The final determination of whether the device is suitable occurs during use directly in the patient’s ear.

You should remember the need for repeated correction after the end of the adaptation period.

How to treat tinnitus with hearing aids? “Getting used to” the device takes from several days to several weeks. Therefore, a decrease in the intensity of the “background sound” does not always occur immediately. Moreover, hearing aids do not help all patients and, even with a successful result, must be combined with drug therapy. It cannot be used as the only way to improve the patient's condition, although in some cases the ability to distinguish sounds significantly reduces the brightness of the subjective sound.

If tinnitus causes significant discomfort to patients, how can they get rid of it? One of the options for alleviating the condition is to muffle or mask the intrusive “background sound”. For this purpose:

  • audiomaskers;
  • external electrical stimulation;
  • external noises.

The action of audiomaskers is based on the generation of the so-called “ white noise", the presence of which allows you to reduce the intensity of subjective sound. It is worth noting that psychotherapy is also used along with audiomaskers.

Introducing external noise into the spectrum of perceived sounds is considered effective when hearing acuity is preserved and is used for patients who are concerned about how to eliminate tinnitus in silence - during periods of active communication they do not notice it. In this case, it is recommended to turn on the radio - and listen not only to radio broadcasts, but also to the interference that occurs when the reception wave changes and switches to different radio stations. Recordings of rustling trees, etc. are also useful.

Neither audio maskers nor external noise permanently eliminate subjective noise.

There is tinnitus, what to do, how to treat - this is the question asked by people who are faced with a similar condition. There are many reasons for this problem. Noise in the ear or head can signal various diseases within the body. For example, an unpleasant manifestation can arise as a result of the activity of a tick, or if a neoplasm is diagnosed in the hearing organs, if an allergic reaction occurs, or if there is an atherosclerotic disease.

Often noise or ringing in the ears occurs as a result of drug poisoning, ethyl alcohol or nicotine. Regardless of the cause of this phenomenon, you need to know which doctor to see and how to get rid of tinnitus.

Treatment with drugs

How to get rid of tinnitus? The method of treating noise in the ears and head directly depends on what became the provoking factor in the occurrence of the problem. If tinnitus occurs due to progression, the doctor prescribes medications that are designed to improve blood circulation in the inner ear and reduce capillary permeability. A remedy such as Vazobral is often used. It helps get rid of noise in the ears and head, reduce the symptoms of vomiting and dizziness, which also accompany this unpleasant disease.

How to get rid of ringing in the ears if the causes are contractions of the muscles of the palate or middle ear? To do this, you need to know which doctor to see. The specialist who knows how to treat tinnitus is an otolaryngologist. In case of such a problem, the doctor prescribes anticonvulsants. Most often these are Tegretol, Depakin. Treatment at home requires regular visits to the doctor and monitoring the dynamics of the problem.

If the listed methods do not help in treating noise or ringing in the head and ears, the doctor can prescribe psychotropic drugs only after consulting a neurologist. This is due to the fact that treatment of tinnitus using such means is not always safe; such drugs can negatively affect the functioning of other organs and systems, causing side effects.

Ringing in the ears can be the result of an allergic reaction. How to cure an unpleasant symptom? In this case, there is a buzzing in the ear as a result of congestion in the auditory canal. An allergic reaction may appear to be different symptoms- from redness in the ear to the appearance of congestion. What to do in this case? The doctor prescribes antihistamines, vitamin complexes(Atarax, Pipolfen).

Inflammation of the inner or middle ear also provokes severe noise or ringing in the ears, how to cure this process? The otolaryngologist prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs ear aids, sometimes antibiotic therapy may be required. An external agent in the form of drops is most often used. Treatment of this disease lasts up to 10 days. Otherwise, if the listed remedies do not help, the ringing in the ears continues to bother you, the doctor will prescribe additional examinations to determine the cause. Sometimes the reasons that cause noise in the ears and head can be diseases of the blood vessels of the brain, the appearance of neoplasms or vascular plaques, so it is important to seek medical help in a timely manner in order to recognize a serious illness in time.

What to do if there is noise in the ears and head? How to treat similar condition? In order to eliminate, doctors prescribe drugs whose task is to improve blood circulation in the brain (Piracetam), drugs that improve oxygen access, and nootropic drugs.

Treatment of noise in the head, which occurs as a result of cervical osteochondrosis, consists of therapeutic measures aimed at improving blood circulation in the collar area of ​​the neck.

How to cure unpleasant symptoms? Massage, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed, medications(anti-inflammatory, painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). If diagnosed intervertebral hernia in the cervical spine, the noise is practically incurable, since the tumor between the discs can only be treated surgically.

Traditional medicine for the ears

How to treat the appearance of ringing using traditional methods? By using simple recipes, the ingredients of which are almost always at hand, you can treat the manifestations of ringing and noise. By using medicinal plants inflammatory processes can be treated, noise in the right or left ear becomes less pronounced. But we must remember that only initial stage inflammation can be eliminated with the help of herbs and medicinal plants. If a serious inflammatory process develops, treatment with medications should not be neglected.

With the help of lemon balm tincture, you can eliminate unpleasant symptoms; it should be instilled into the ear a few drops daily for several weeks until the inflammatory process is completely eliminated.

To eliminate ear problems, you can use herbal tea: add crushed blackcurrant leaves, lilac inflorescences, elderberry leaves with water and leave for half an hour. Then take the infusion several times a day. Using clover tincture you can eliminate painful sensations, problems with blood vessels in the ears, ringing or noise. Clover is poured with alcohol or vodka, infused for 7 days, filtered, and a certain dose is taken once a day for about 3 months.

Another popular remedy is this combination:

  1. Pink cornflower.
  2. Thyme.
  3. Lilac flowers.

The plants are crushed and poured with boiling water, then the infusion is filtered and consumed twice a day.

What other methods will help?

  • If unpleasant symptoms occur regularly, you can eliminate them with a mixture of viburnum and honey.
  • For ear problems, potatoes are also used, which are chopped into pieces and, soaked in honey, inserted inside. The head is wrapped in a scarf. These manipulations are carried out until complete recovery.
  • You can treat noise using rice decoction. It is consumed orally, after mixing the liquid with garlic. This treatment shows its effectiveness after just a week. The duration of therapy is at least a month.
  • Will help in the fight against constant noise onion and cumin. 1 onion is stuffed with cumin seeds and baked in the oven or microwave. Next, squeeze the juice out of it and instill a few drops in your ears 2 times a day. The duration of the course depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. After the noise goes away, manipulations need to be carried out for a few more days for maintenance therapy. This remedy helps relieve not only noise, but also inflammatory processes. It is often used for otitis media and other pathological processes in the hearing organs.
  • Using ammonia, you can also treat noise or ringing in the ear canals. 2-3 drops of ammonia are dissolved in water, then a gauze swab is moistened in the resulting mixture and applied to the forehead. You need to keep this application for at least half an hour. The duration of the course is a week. But reviews say that positive result becomes visible within a few days.

In order to treat any unpleasant manifestations, it is necessary to promptly consult an otolaryngologist. Only after an inspection or additional examination doctor prescribes correct treatment. There is no need to try to fix the problem yourself, this can lead to negative consequences for the whole body (if noise occurs as a result of a serious illness). Complex therapy will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and prevent their progression. When using traditional methods, it is necessary to coordinate them with your doctor.

Often the body gives signals that are difficult to ignore. There may be various reasons for concern discomfort states, which are not separate diseases. They serve as a sign of certain problems in the body. For example, a hum in the ear, the causes of which are not related to external noise. What is this symptom and why does it occur?

How does it manifest itself?

Unexplained noises in the head that are not audible to others can manifest themselves in different ways. Some hear a thin squeak, others hear a ringing. Sometimes it is rustling and rustling, sometimes it is buzzing or whistling. Sometimes patients complain of regular clicks, while others simply have a buzzing in their ears. Although, it is worth noting that some pathologies are accompanied by tinnitus, which can be heard by those standing nearby. All these sounds have certain causes.

Noise classification

Doctors divide murmurs into several types:

  • unilateral;
  • bilateral;
  • quiet;
  • loud;
  • constant;
  • periodic.

Most noise is audible only to the patient. In this case, the hum in the ear, the causes of which will be discussed later, cannot be heard by a stranger or recorded by equipment. However, if such a symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor. The fact is that a seemingly harmless problem may turn out to be a sign of a serious pathology.

Humming in the ears: reasons

These disorders can be the result of various problems. Most often, the reason why there is a buzzing in the ears is as follows:

  1. Middle ear defect. It can appear when damaged bone tissue or internal elements ear after otitis or injury eardrum.
  2. Defect inner ear, developed as a result of a cold, taking antibiotics, loud sounds, the appearance of a tumor in the area of ​​the auditory nerve, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis.
  3. Hitting ear canal foreign body or liquid. Most often, children suffer for this reason.
  4. Meniere's disease.
  5. Formation of sulfur plug.
  6. Aneurysm formation, malformation.
  7. Acoustic neuroma.
  8. Narrowing of the carotid artery or jugular vein.
  9. Osteochondrosis.
  10. Traumatic brain injury.
  11. Overwork and stress.
  12. Kidney diseases.
  13. Diabetes.
  14. Loss of perception of high tones, which is a particular manifestation of aging. The medical name is presbycusis.

Meniere's disease

Some causes of noise in the head require additional decoding. For example, the above list includes Meniere's disease. This is a disease caused by an increase in the amount of endolymph (fluid) in the cavity of the inner ear. The fluid puts pressure on the cells that regulate spatial orientation body and maintaining balance. The disease is rare because it is diagnosed in a small percentage of the population. However, in medical practice False diagnosis of Meniere's disease based on recurrent dizziness has occurred.

The causes of the disease are poorly understood. Most often, tinnitus and dizziness with Meniere's syndrome occur as a result of vascular diseases, injuries, inflammatory processes or infections. In addition to noise and dizziness, the patient suffers from a balance disorder, which makes it difficult not only to walk and stand, but even to sit. The patient sweats profusely and feels nauseous. The disease is accompanied frequent vomiting, pale skin, low blood pressure.

A complete cure for this disease is impossible. But doctors are trying to reduce the frequency of manifestations and stop the symptoms. For this purpose it is prescribed special diet, taking diuretics, taking antihistamines and sedatives.

Acoustic neuroma

Folk remedies

Treatment for tinnitus folk remedies most often relieves the symptom, but the underlying disease still requires treatment. However, many resort to traditional methods to get a break from the constantly accompanying noise. The following remedies are most often recommended:

  • Onions with cumin. To do this, a large onion stuffed with cumin seeds is baked in the oven. Then squeeze out the juice and drop 2 drops into each ear several times a day. After a while, the noise disappears, but treatment continues for another 2 days.
  • Dill. Not only small leaves are used, but also the stem and the rosette with seeds. The plant is crushed, poured with boiling water, infused for an hour and drunk half a glass before meals. The course of treatment is 8 weeks. Both fresh and dried dill are suitable.

  • "Earplugs" made of viburnum. Ripe berries are brought to a boil and cooled. Then the liquid is drained and kneaded into a paste (it will not be homogeneous due to the skin and seeds). The gruel is mixed with the same amount of honey and spread on cheesecloth. Next, the gauze is tied into a knot, which is placed in the ear overnight. The procedure is repeated until the noise disappears.
  • “Earplugs” made from potatoes with honey. In this case raw potatoes rubbed on a medium grater, a little juice is squeezed out of it, the resulting gruel is mixed with honey and spread on cheesecloth. Next, as in the recipe with viburnum.
  • Beet. 100 gr. Finely grated beets are poured into a glass of water and placed on the stove in an enamel bowl. A spoonful of honey is added to the beets. All this must be boiled for about 15 minutes. Then a cotton swab is dipped into the beet mass and placed in the ear. This remedy works especially well for complications of colds.

Doctors doubt that treating tinnitus with folk remedies is effective. They recommend combining treatment of the underlying disease with elimination of the symptom (ringing in the ears). This is the only way to get rid of the problem or significantly reduce it.

Tinnitus in the language of professionals it is called tinnitus. Tinnitus is not an independent disease, but only one of the symptoms of a disease. Often ringing in the ears is combined with buzzing, buzzing, and crackling sounds. There are two types of ringing: subjective - audible only by the person himself and objective - such sounds are audible to others, but the second type is extremely rare.

Brief ringing or transient– it happens to almost all adults. It is also called physiological noise and can only be heard in complete silence. Most often we don’t hear it because of the mass of different sounds around us.

If the ringing never goes away, it may indicate a hearing disorder ( cochlea, ossicles, tympanic membrane or auditory nerve). Ringing can also indicate a violation of cochlear function ( transmission of nerve impulses in the organ of hearing).

Non-tonal ringing– the origin of these sounds: nearby facial or jaw joints, Eustachian tubes, neck vessels.


In order to understand the mechanism of tinnitus, you should first study the structure of the hearing organs. Each ear is lined inside with a thin membrane called the tympanic membrane. It completely blocks the entrance to the inner ear. Air movements affect the membrane and shake it. Adjacent to the membrane from the inside is a small “box” of bone, which contains 3 tiny auditory ossicles, called the incus, stapes and malleus. Vibrations from the eardrum are transmitted to these bones, and they begin to move.

Next, the vibrations are transmitted to a special coiled tube with liquid, which is called a snail for its resemblance to an invertebrate. The liquid is agitated, and the waves cause the microscopic hair cells covering the liquid to move. inner surface snails It is these hair cells that concentrate nerve impulses, transmitting them to the brain. These are very delicate cells, the function of which can be impaired by too loud sounds or even by a head injury. In some disorders, cells constantly move and “strain” the brain even in complete silence. If the hair cells are damaged, any hearing problems are possible, including ringing, tinnitus, buzzing and even hearing loss.


1. The most common cause of tinnitus is a sharp and loud noise, after which the hearing aid cannot adjust to the normal rhythm. This could be either a bang or an explosion near the ear, or attending a noisy event ( nightclub, rock concert or listening to music on headphones at high volume). To get rid of this ringing, you usually just need to sleep and the noise goes away. However, if you abuse the above entertainment, you can earn deafness. It affects employees of noisy industries, such as textiles.

6. Consumption of some medicines, in particular antibiotics ( gentamicin), and large quantities acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).

Diagnosis and treatment

To determine the factors causing ringing, a conversation is held with the patient. What is important is how long the noise has been present, when it was discovered, and whether there are factors that intensify the ringing. A general health examination is required, because the causes of ringing may not necessarily be ear disease. You should definitely tell your doctor what medications you take regularly.

First of all, the condition of the patient’s hearing organs is examined. It is necessary to detect the presence of sulfur plugs, which can cause ringing. Violation of the condition of blood vessels can be detected by listening with a phonendoscope.

Treatment for tinnitus depends primarily on what factors caused it. In cases where the ringing is caused age-related processes in the hearing organs or injury, modern medicine powerless to help. You can only alleviate the ringing a little or learn to distract yourself from it. The doctor will definitely give you advice on how to do this.

If the causes of the ringing are different, there is a possibility of eliminating them, then the ringing will go away. It is necessary to clean the ear canals from accumulations of wax. It is also necessary to treat vascular diseases if they are detected.

If the ringing is caused by the use of any medications, they should be replaced with others.
In some cases, tinnitus is treated with medications. In particular, with the help of tricyclic antidepressants ( amitriptyline). But treatment with these drugs provokes some side effects ( impaired defecation, blurred vision, drying of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity).

Latest Scientific research suggest that in some cases drugs for the treatment of migraines and alcoholism can be quite effective acamprosate And gabapentin.

Dizziness and ringing

The combination of dizziness and tinnitus can be caused by the following factors:
1. Changes in the movement or cumulation of nerve impulses in the auditory nerves. Reason: trauma, deterioration of blood flow, inflammatory processes.
2. Reducing the lumen blood vessel and changes in the nature of blood movement ( appearance of turbulence). The cause of these phenomena may be atherosclerosis.
3. Particular sensitivity to various sounds. The cause of this condition may be neuropsychic stress.

When dizziness occurs, the patient feels as if he or she is spinning or moving ( falls, flies). Usually a person panics, loses his footing and tries to grab onto something stable. He may feel nauseous and sweat profusely. Often this condition is caused by a malfunction vestibular apparatus, which occurs when the blood supply to the inner ear, brain is disrupted, poisoning, inflammation of the inner ear.

Half the time similar phenomena observed against the background of chronic stress, depression or neurosis, in other cases they may be the result of kidney disease, allergies or intoxication.

Most often, a combination of these unpleasant symptoms can be eliminated.
If tinnitus and dizziness are combined with symptoms such as:

  • irritability,
  • dizziness worsens when moving the head,
  • pain in the neck, temples, back of the head,
  • blurred vision at dusk, “stars” in the eyes,
then the cause of these phenomena is most likely osteochondrosis cervical region spine

The combination of ringing with dizziness and the following symptoms indicates vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  • dizziness can be either permanent or temporary,
  • the pressure “jumps”, a state of pre-syncope often occurs,
  • against the background of dizziness, tachycardia, fever or heat is observed, hands and feet are frozen,
  • work intensifies sweat glands body or just limbs,
  • weather sensitivity.
With neuroses and depression, dizziness and ringing in the ears are combined with the following symptoms:
  • lethargy, decreased performance,
  • decreased emotional background, irritability,
  • libido change,
  • change in appetite, change in body weight.

Ringing and pressure

In hypertension, increased blood pressure disrupts capillary function and small vessels. The most sensitive to increased pressure are the vessels of the brain - their walls become rigid and the lumen is narrower. As a result, the amount of arterial blood rich in nutrients and oxygen in the vessels decreases, the brain suffers from hypoxia. It is likely that you will develop dizziness, ringing in the ears, and buzzing. Very often, patients complain of pulsating tinnitus.

More often, dizziness and ringing in the ears are observed with a sharp jump in pressure, and usually a person during this period becomes nervous and hysterical. There may be “flies” flying in front of his eyes or simply darkening, and he may be vomiting.

Signs sharp fall pressures are similar to those during a sharp rise. This is nausea, a veil before the eyes, a sharp deterioration in general condition, lethargy, the body or forehead becomes covered in cold sweat. Such phenomena are not uncommon in close quarters or public transport. The condition normalizes on its own. It is advisable to just lie down and wait for improvement. It is very important that a person can breathe freely.

For otitis media

An infection of the middle ear - otitis - is often accompanied by jerking pain, ringing in the ears and even hearing loss. Ichor may be released from the affected organ.

The disease develops when pathogenic microorganisms enter the middle ear. Children are more likely to suffer from otitis media, since the route of infection is the Eustachian tubes; they are not yet fully formed and are not cleared of infection effectively enough.
Sometimes with otitis media, fluid leaks from the ears. This should not be scary; most often the process is not painful. If the fluid contains blood, this indicates damage to the eardrum. Such a patient requires the help of a doctor and sometimes even surgical intervention.

Otitis media should definitely be treated with the help of a doctor. And if otitis externa (inflammation of the ear canal) usually goes away on its own, then otitis media can give serious complications, flesh to the point of deafness.

For osteochondrosis

Tinnitus is caused by osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The human vestibular apparatus is very sensitive to the lack of oxygen and nutrients carried by the bloodstream. The vestibular apparatus, as well as the inner ear, is supplied with blood through the vertebral arteries, for which cervical vertebrae nature has provided special rather narrow channels. Any disturbance in the structure of the cervical spine: vertebral instability, osteochondrosis or injury causes a decrease in the lumen of the vessel and a deterioration in blood flow. That is, the brain does not receive enough oxygen and becomes dizzy.

In addition to ringing in the ears and dizziness, the patient may experience pain in the temples and the back of the head, nervousness, he may have jumps in blood pressure, sometimes his eyes dazzle, the patient’s ability to remember information worsens, he has difficulty concentrating on anything, the mobility of the cervical vertebrae worsens .

Most susceptible cervical osteochondrosis owners of a short or long neck extended forward. This position of the neck indicates overexertion trapezius muscles. Moreover, their condition can be normalized only with the help of massage or manual therapy. Incorrect positioning of the neck leads to overload of the cervical vertebrae, and the shock-absorbing qualities of the spine deteriorate.

However, despite the fact that if you have ringing in the ears, it may be necessary to contact different medical specialists, it is recommended first of all in all cases, regardless of the accompanying symptoms, if ringing in the ears occurs, you should consult an otolaryngologist. This recommendation is based on the fact that even in the presence of diseases of non-ENT organs that can provoke tinnitus, there is no guarantee that there will be no ear pathology. That is why we recommend that if you have ringing in the ears, first of all, you always consult an otolaryngologist. And if the otolaryngologist excludes ear pathology, then contact doctors of other specialties, the choice of which depends on the totality clinical symptoms. Below we will indicate which doctors should be contacted in case of ringing in the ears, when it is caused by diseases other than the ear.

If ringing in the ears occurs against the background of existing diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to contact endocrinologist (make an appointment) and a cardiologist, since in such a situation the symptom is most likely due to a violation of blood microcirculation in the structures of the brain or ear.

If tinnitus is combined with symptoms of kidney disease (swelling in the face, pain in the lumbar region, urination problems, etc.), then you should contact nephrologist (make an appointment) or urologist (make an appointment), and in their absence – to therapist (make an appointment).

If a person experiences ringing in the ears while or after finishing taking antibiotics or other medications, after drinking energy drinks, or after being in hazardous work conditions, then you should contact toxicologist (make an appointment) or a therapist, since the cause of unpleasant sensations is severe intoxication (poisoning), depletion of reserves and imbalance in the coordinated functioning of various structures of the body.

If ringing in the ears is combined with dizziness, irritability, pain in the neck, temples and back of the head, deterioration of vision in the dark and twilight, flashing “stars” before the eyes, then osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is suspected. In this case, it is necessary to contact a neurologist or vertebrologist, and in their absence, an orthopedist, chiropractor or osteopath (sign up).

If tinnitus is combined with dizziness (periodic or constant), fainting states, rapid heartbeat, a feeling of heat in the body, sweating, weather sensitivity, then this indicates vegetative-vascular dystonia. In this case, you need to contact a neurologist or cardiologist.

If tinnitus is combined with lethargy, impaired memory, attention, thinking, sleep, irritability, headaches, dizziness, unclear speech, noise in the head, then cerebral vascular atherosclerosis is suspected. In this case, you should contact a neurologist or cardiologist.

If ringing in the ears is combined with dizziness, lethargy, low performance, bad mood, gloomy assessment of one’s prospects, irritability, loss of libido, loss of appetite, then this indicates depression or neurosis. In this case, you must contact psychiatrist (make an appointment) or psychologist (sign up).

If tinnitus is accompanied by dizziness, vomiting, blurred vision, incoordination, hearing loss, and possibly fainting, then we're talking about about a jump or drop in blood pressure. In this case, you need to contact a cardiologist, and in his absence, a therapist.

If tinnitus is combined with constant hearing impairment, dizziness and an unstable position when turning the body or head, facial pain, double vision, strabismus, hoarse and creaky voice, difficulty swallowing, headaches, then an acoustic neuroma is suspected. In this case, you should contact neurosurgeon (make an appointment), and also get advice from an otolaryngologist and neurologist.

If tinnitus appears after a head or ear injury, and is combined with any symptoms, then you should consult a neurologist or otolaryngologist, respectively.

What tests and studies can a doctor prescribe for ringing in the ears?

For the purpose of a comprehensive examination of the hearing organ for tinnitus, an otolaryngologist may prescribe the following tests and examinations:
  • General blood test (sign up);
  • Bacteriological culture of discharge from the ear to identify the pathogenic causative agent of the inflammatory process;
  • Biochemical blood test (cholesterol, triglycerides, high and low density lipoproteins, creatinine, amylase, etc.);
  • Audiometry (sign up);
  • Fundus examination (make an appointment);
  • Otoscopy (sign up);
  • Determination of cross-country ability eustachian tube;
  • Acoustic impedance measurement;
  • Ear manometry;
  • Hearing measurement with a tuning fork;
  • X-ray (sign up);
  • Computer or Magnetic resonance imaging (sign up);
  • Electronystagmography;
  • Vestibulometry;
  • Stabilography;
  • Electrocochleography;
  • Otoacoustic emissions (sign up);
  • Promontorial test;
  • Indirect otolitometry;
  • Dopplerography of nearby lymphatic vessels(sign up);
  • X-ray contrast lymphography;
  • Electroencephalography (sign up);
  • Echoencephalography (sign up);
  • Rheoencephalography (sign up).
Naturally, not all of the above studies are prescribed in every case of tinnitus, since they represent a list of tests that, in principle, are carried out during diagnosis various diseases auditory analyzer. In each specific case, the doctor prescribes only those tests from the above list that are necessary to establish the nature of the disorders suspected on the basis of the clinical symptoms accompanying the ringing. Usually, for any symptoms, it is necessary to perform general analysis blood and otoscopy, which is an examination of the ear using special device. Otoscopy gives wide range information about pathological processes occurring in the structures of the ear, and therefore its diagnostic value cannot be exaggerated, and that is why an ENT examination always begins with this study.

After an otoscopy, the doctor can determine in which structures of the ear the leak occurs. pathological process, and assign others, additional research, which will allow us to make a final diagnosis. Thus, if damage to the structures of the middle and inner ear is suspected, an x-ray or tomography of the corresponding bones, audiometry, hearing testing with a tuning fork, and electronystagmography are prescribed. If pathology of the Eustachian tube is suspected, then determination of its patency, manometry and acoustic impedance measurement are prescribed. If tinnitus is combined with dizziness, then vestibulometry is also prescribed. When a disturbance of blood flow in the structures of the brain and ear is suspected, which can provoke tinnitus, then a fundus examination, rheoencephalography, electroencephalography and echoencephalography are necessarily prescribed and carried out.

However, in addition to the above research methods, which are used in the practice of an otolaryngologist, if it is suspected that tinnitus is caused not by pathology of ear structures, but by blood flow disorders or injuries, doctors use other sets of examinations, depending on the person’s symptoms. Below we will look at what studies may be prescribed by doctors for tinnitus caused by vascular diseases or injuries, depending on clinical symptoms.

When tinnitus is experienced by a person suffering from diabetes, the doctor may order the following tests:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Blood test for the concentration of glycosylated hemoglobin;
  • Arteriography of brain and ear vessels;
  • Angiography (magnetic resonance or multislice tomographic method) (sign up);
  • Ultrasound of cerebral vessels (sign up) and ear;
  • Dopplerography of brain and ear vessels;
  • Rheovasography of the vessels of the brain and ear (allows you to evaluate the speed of blood flow) (sign up);
  • Laser Doppler flowmetry.
A blood test for glycosylated hemoglobin is usually prescribed, which allows one to assess the likelihood and possible severity of vascular complications of diabetes. In addition, the doctor selects one or more vascular studies from the list above to evaluate blood flow and its disturbances in the structures of the brain and ear, and to understand how to try to eliminate these disturbances.

When tinnitus occurs against the background of existing kidney diseases (swelling in the face, pain in the lumbar region, urinary problems, etc.), the doctor must prescribe a general urine test, urine test according to Nechiporenko (sign up) And Zimnitsky (sign up), Rehberg test (sign up), biochemical blood test (urea, creatinine, etc.) and Kidney ultrasound (sign up). These studies may be sufficient for diagnosis. But if the studies performed are not enough to verify the diagnosis, then if there is a suspicion of infectious nature renal pathology appointed bacteriological culture urine and urethral discharge. If a bladder disease is suspected, it is prescribed cystoscopy (make an appointment), and if there is a suspicion of pathology of the kidneys themselves - urography (sign up) and tomography.

When tinnitus appears after, against the background of, or shortly after finishing taking antibiotics, Aspirin or other medications, as well as after drinking energy drinks, staying in hazardous work conditions, the doctor prescribes a general urine and blood test, a biochemical blood test, and specific tests to identify the probable substance that caused the intoxication of the body.

When ringing in the ears is present simultaneously with dizziness, irritability, pain in the neck, temples and back of the head, blurred vision in the dark and twilight, flashing “stars” before the eyes - the doctor suspects osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • X-ray of the spine (make an appointment);
  • Computer or Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine (make an appointment) And brain (sign up);
  • Rheoencephalography (REG);
  • Dopplerography of cerebral vessels (sign up), sleepy and vertebral arteries.
Be sure to first order an x-ray of the spine, which allows you to diagnose osteochondrosis. If a medical institution has good technical equipment, then instead of an X-ray, a tomography can be performed, the diagnostic value and information content of which is higher. Dopplerography and rheoencephalography are additional diagnostic methods that make it possible to clarify the extent of changes and disturbances in blood flow in the brain, vertebral arteries, carotid arteries, as well as in the vessels of the vertebrobasilar region due to osteochondrosis.

When tinnitus is a symptom of vegetative-vascular dystonia along with such signs as: dizziness (periodic or constant), lightheadedness, rapid heartbeat, feeling of heat in the body, sweating, weather sensitivity - the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:
bicycle ergometry (sign up) );

  • Neurological tests ( Romberg pose (sign up), Halmagi test, Dix-Hallpike test).
  • First of all, neurological tests are examined and general, biochemical tests blood, coagulogram, EEG and ECG, since these studies can reveal the absence of serious organic pathology and confirm the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia. However, if the studies carried out in the first place turned out to be insufficient to diagnose the disease, an X-ray of the cervical spine and skull, REG, ECG with stress tests, as well as ultrasound or angiography of cerebral vessels to identify or, conversely, exclude serious organic disorder structures of the heart, blood vessels or brain.

    When tinnitus is combined with lethargy, impaired memory, attention, thinking, sleep, irritability, headaches, dizziness, unclear speech, noise in the head, the doctor suspects atherosclerosis and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

    • Neurological examination (detection of lethargy or increased reflexes, stability in a certain position, tremor of the fingers, etc.);
    • Ophthalmoscopy (sign up);
    • Audiometry;
    • Rheoencephalography (REG);
    • Ultrasound Dopplerography of cerebral vessels, carotid and vertebral arteries, vessels of the vertebrobasilar region;
    • Duplex scanning of cerebral vessels, carotid and vertebral arteries, vessels of the vertebrobasilar region;
    • Magnetic resonance imaging of cerebral vessels, carotid and vertebral arteries, vessels of the vertebrobasilar region;
    • Tomography (computer or magnetic resonance imaging) of the brain;
    • Electroencephalography (EEG).
    To identify atherosclerosis, a neurological examination, audiometry and ophthalmoscopy are required. If neurological tests are not normal, and ophthalmoscopy results reveal atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels of the eye, then the diagnosis of atherosclerosis is considered confirmed and accurate. Other examinations may not be prescribed. However, if you need to determine various parameters of blood microcirculation in vessels affected by atherosclerosis, and also find out exact condition vessels, then the doctor prescribes either Doppler ultrasound or duplex scanning, either magnetic resonance imaging or rheoencephalography. Moreover, from these four methods it selects the one that is available for execution in medical institution. If you need to evaluate the condition of brain tissue in the area of ​​the auditory nerve, as well as soft fabrics structures of the ear, then tomography and EEG are prescribed.

    When tinnitus accompanies dizziness, lethargy, apathy, bad mood, low performance, gloomy assessment of one's own prospects, irritability, loss of libido, loss of appetite, then depression or neurosis is suspected. In this case, the doctor does not prescribe examinations and tests, and the diagnosis is made based on a conversation and special psychological tests(sign up). However, to evaluate functional state and brain activity, electroencephalography may be performed.

    When tinnitus is combined with periodic attacks manifested by dizziness, vomiting, darkening of the eyes, incoordination, hearing loss, and possibly fainting, the doctor suspects surges in blood pressure (hypertension or hypotension) and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

    • General blood analysis;
    • Biochemical blood test (glucose, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins, high-density lipoproteins);
    • Blood test to check the level of potassium, calcium, sodium and chlorine in the blood;
    • General urine analysis;
    • Zimnitsky test;
    • Nechiporenko test;
    • Blood pressure measurement;
    • Electrocardiography (ECG);
    • Echocardiography (Echo-CG) (sign up);
    • Doppler ultrasound of neck vessels (make an appointment) and kidneys.
    All examinations listed above, if hypertension or hypotension are suspected, are prescribed immediately, since they are necessary not only to clarify the diagnosis, but also to distinguish blood pressure disorders from other pathologies that manifest similar symptoms.

    When tinnitus is combined with constant hearing impairment, dizziness and an unstable position when turning the body or head, facial pain, double vision, squint, hoarse and creaky voice, difficulty swallowing, headaches - the doctor suspects an acoustic neuroma and prescribes the following tests and examinations:

    • Neurological tests;
    • Audiometry;
    • Otoscopy;
    • Electrocochleography;
    • Electronystagmography;
    • Vestibulometry;
    • Stabilography;
    • X-ray with targeted shot temporal bone;
    • Computed tomography with contrast;
    • Magnetic resonance imaging.
    To diagnose neuroma, neurological tests, audiometry, otoscopy, electrocochleography, electronystagmography, vestibulometry and stabilography are immediately prescribed, allowing indirect signs make a diagnosis of neuroma with high accuracy. In addition, to confirm a neuroma, one of three studies is also prescribed - CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging or x-ray. Moreover, the study is selected that can be performed by a medical institution, based on its technical capabilities.

    When tinnitus appears after an injury to the ear or skull, studies are carried out using the methods of an ENT doctor listed at the beginning of the section.

    Before use, you should consult a specialist.

    In some cases, the brain begins to sense extraneous sounds: whistling, squeaking, hissing, humming, buzzing, ringing, buzzing, clicking, sometimes in time with the heartbeat. Moreover, it is obvious that there are no such sounds outside, the cause of tinnitus is somewhere inside. Even if there is no pain, it is worth understanding the causes of ringing, which reduces hearing acuity. According to statistics, approximately 20% of residents feel extraneous noise, of which a third are elderly.

    Why is there noise in the ears? Common Causes

    The causes of tinnitus vary. The nerve cells of the so-called inner ear receive irritation, which the brain perceives as an extraneous sound of one form or another.

    Dizziness and tinnitus can be caused by a deficiency of vitamins B3 and E, trace elements potassium and manganese.

    Taking certain pharmacological drugs for a long time (aspirin, chymidine, gentamicin) also causes tinnitus.

    What ear diseases cause ringing?

    Diseases of the hearing organ often cause tinnitus. The inner ear may be damaged, as well as the nerves through which impulses are transmitted to the brain. To definitely eliminate ear ringing, you need to find out the exact location of the pathology.

    Spasm of the posterior ear artery occurs due to hypertension, as well as oxygen starvation caused by anemia, low level in blood.

    • Elevated blood pressure causes pulsating ear noise. The flow of oxygenated blood to the brain is reduced as the arteries become narrowed. It begins to ring on one or both sides in time with the pulse. There may also be noise in the ears due to spasm of cerebral vessels.
    • In case of anemia, the ears ring or make noise, you feel weak, dizzy, and “midges” flash before your eyes.

    Rumbling, ringing in the ears occurs in the case of Meniere's disease, when an excess amount of fluid forms in the cavity of the inner ear. on the cells of the vestibular apparatus disrupts the sense of balance. It becomes difficult to stand and sit, dizziness, nausea, loss of coordination of movements, headaches cold sweat, blood pressure drops.

    What diseases cause tinnitus?

    Cholesterol plaques inside the arteries of the brain are dangerous for stroke and intracranial bleeding, created by irregularities in the turbulence of the blood flow and create tinnitus.

    The causes of extraneous noise in the hearing organs may be associated with diseases thyroid gland. A lack of supply often causes ringing and dizziness.

    Kidney diseases can cause noise and congestion in the ears. In this case, the production of the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine, which are responsible for an increase in blood pressure, more intense work of the heart muscle, and an increase in blood glucose levels, is disrupted in the adrenal medulla. As you know, adrenaline suppresses the release of insulin, which is necessary to reduce.

    Quite often, ringing in the ear or an extraneous hum is felt in diabetes mellitus.

    As a rule, periodic extraneous sounds and hums signal a pathology of the vessels of the neck or the vessels of the brain, especially when there is no inflammation of the ear, there have been no injuries to the hearing organs, or poisoning.

    For example, with osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae, the arteries are compressed. The blood supply to the brain deteriorates. This becomes the reason why there is noise in the ears.

    Age-related causes of tinnitus

    In old age, ringing in the ears may be due to otosclerosis. The bone of the middle ear becomes enlarged, which early stages The disease causes a lack of response to low frequency sounds. In the later stages, audibility of high-frequency sounds is lost. Initially, the disease affects one side, then moves to the other.

    Often deteriorates with age auditory nerve, causing your head to start making noise or ringing.

    In the presence of heart disease, the heart ceases to provide sufficient blood circulation, as a result of which the internal organs and systems of the body experience a lack of oxygen and nutrition, and are unable to promptly get rid of the waste generated. This condition, which is typical in old age, also causes ringing and tinnitus.

    How to properly clean your ears. Sulfur plugs

    Don't clean your ear canal cotton swab, since the sulfur plug turns out to be even deeper. For prevention purposes, it is worth periodically instilling 3%, half a drop several times on a certain day. As a rule, lumps of sulfur soon come out.

    To avoid having to clean your ears, you should choose the appropriate drops. For example, "Remo-Vax". Used 2-3 times a month, they soften, moisturize the ear canal, and remove wax. The "A-cerumen" solution cleanses the ear canal from earwax, sulfur plugs.

    The formation of wax plugs is becoming a common cause of decreased hearing acuity, especially after a shower or diving under water. When moistened, it swells and impairs hearing.

    Old sulfur must be softened before removal. Sunflower oil heated to +37C and 3% hydrogen peroxide are suitable. You need to be prepared that when performing the procedure, your ability to hear will deteriorate even more, since oil or peroxide will be in the ear canal.

    In some cases, it is possible to remove the wax plug with a moderately hot heating pad. You need to lie on it with your blocked ear. Soon the plug will soften and free the ear canal. It is better to remove dense wax plugs in a medical facility.

    How to treat ear noise

    Correctly diagnose ear disease Only an otolaryngologist can.

    In some cases, an X-ray examination of the brain and cervical spine will be required.

    The vessels of the brain can be subjected to Dopplerography, ultrasound examination. As well as rheoencephalography (REG), which determines the tone and elasticity of brain vessels by exposure to a weak high-frequency current.

    To get rid of extraneous sounds and ringing, medications that improve cerebral circulation, as well as neurometabolic stimulants that enhance the ability to remember and facilitate intellectual activity, can be prescribed. Physiotherapy is prescribed.

    If the cause of ear noise is atherosclerosis

    If the cause of noise or congestion in the ears is cerebral atherosclerosis, it is worth preparing the following composition:

    • Brew 200g of rowan bark with 0.5l of boiling water, simmer for 2 hours in a water bath, let cool. Take 2-3 tbsp. half an hour before meals. Treat in courses of 1 month 2-3 times a year.

    In case of atherosclerosis, accompanied by headaches and tinnitus, prepare an infusion of clover:

    • Brew 2 tbsp. clover 1.5 cups boiling water, leave, do not remove the petals. Take 1/2 cup of strained infusion half an hour before breakfast. Before lunch, take the next 1/2 glass. An hour or two before bedtime, squeeze out the petals, strain and drink the last 1/2 glass.
      Treat decreased hearing acuity for 1-2 months.

    Hearing treatment with lemon balm and hawthorn

    Melissa renders sedative effect, in case of heart disease, it helps to get rid of shortness of breath and tachycardia. Benefits in cases of atherosclerosis, dizziness, noise in the head, insomnia. She should not be treated for low blood pressure, as well as bradycardia, a rare heart rhythm.

    • Brew 1-2 tsp. lemon balm with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. Take half a glass several times a day.

    If the ear organ is congested due to high blood pressure, take the infusion.

    Vegetable ear drops

    • To eliminate noise and ringing, prepare ear drops: boil, rub, extract juice. Place 3 drops into the ear canals twice a day.
    • Bake the onion in the oven, squeeze out the juice. Instill 3 drops 2 times a day for a week.
    • Finely chopped raw potato particles and a small amount of honey are wrapped in gauze and placed in the ear canal overnight.
    • Helps cope with ear noise. Infuse 10g bay leaf in 60ml sunflower oil, strain. Instill 3 drops.

    Traditional ear treatment

    The mood helps with tinnitus. Finely chop the seeds, stems, leaves, brew with boiling water, leave for an hour. Take 1/2 cup half an hour before meals for two months.

    Finely chop 2-3 cloves, pour in 2 tablespoons. tinctures After 5 days, strain. Rub for ears several times a day.

    Collect in May yellow flowers, add 2 parts granulated sugar, mix and compact. Place in a cool, dark place for 2 days. Drain the juice, carefully squeeze out the vegetable mass, strain. Dilute 1 tsp. syrup in 1/4 cup warm water, take four times a day.

    Modified: 02/18/2019