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Which is better ketorol or ketanov. Analogues and other data. Contraindications to taking pain medications

Pain, heat, swelling, redness are classic manifestations of the inflammatory process. Diseases of the joints, muscles and bones can cause pain and, accordingly, need to be relieved. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in this case is included in standard treatment protocols, since they have enormous potential for relieving pain and inflammation. Many NSAIDs are now presented on our pharmacological market. Due to their strong analgesic effect, one of the most well-known and long-used drugs are drugs based on ketorolac. Let's look at these drugs and compare their medicinal properties.

Both drugs have a serious list of contraindications and side effects; be sure to consult a doctor before use.


What is the difference?

These drugs are analogues. They belong to pharmacological group NSAIDs contain the same active ingredient - ketorolac.

Ketanov is available in the form of tablets for oral use and solution for injection. The difference from Ketanov is that it is produced not only in the above forms, but also in the form of a gel for external use.

The manufacturer of the drug Ketorol is the Indian company Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd, while Ketanov is produced by another Indian company - Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited.

The concentration of the active substance (ketorolac) is:

  1. 10 mg tablets;
  2. 30 mg/ml in solution;
  3. 2% in gel (Ketorol).

20 tablets of 10 mg

How does ketorolac work?

Ketorolac was synthesized in the late 80s of the last century and was put into practice almost immediately clinical use thanks to a wide range therapeutic properties. It has:

  • analgesic,
  • antipyretic,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • antithrombotic effect.
In addition, ketorolac was recently discovered to have another interesting property. An analysis of retrospective clinical data showed that ketorolac reduces the recurrence of breast cancer if it is used in the preoperative and postoperative periods.

The mechanism of action of ketorolac is based on the fact that it is a powerful inhibitor of cyclooxygenases COX-1 and COX-2 - the initial links in the chain of prostaglandin synthesis from arachidonic acid.

Prostaglandins are small molecules present in almost all tissues of the body. In fact, they are communicator molecules that transmit signals about the state of cells. IN different organs Prostaglandins of different classes perform many functions (sometimes their actions are opposite depending on the type of prostaglandin). For example, prostaglandins can:

  • stimulate labor,
  • influence the secretion of gland hormones internal secretion,
  • influence the thermoregulation center of the hypothalamus,
  • increase the glomerular filtration rate in the kidneys,
  • inhibit acid secretion by gastric parietal cells.

Thus, ketorolac, by reducing the level of synthesis of all types of prostaglandins, helps relieve swelling, reduce inflammation, pain sensitivity and reduce temperature. However, very wide range The action of prostaglandins in the body, as evidenced by the above list, also causes a number of side effects of such drugs.

Risk of occurrence side effects increases with increasing dose and duration of treatment. Therefore, drugs based on ketorolac should not be taken for longer than prescribed. And, of course, before using such medicines You should definitely consult your doctor.

What's stronger?

Since the drugs contain the same dosages, they are almost equal in strength. But in relation to other drugs they have their “pros” and “cons”.

Anti-inflammatory effect

The anti-inflammatory effectiveness of oral forms (tablets) is not the highest. More active in this regard are drugs based on (in descending order):

  • indomethacin (Indomethacin Sopharma, Metindol),
  • diclofenac (Diclofenac, Ortofen, Voltaren),
  • oxicams (Piroxicam, Meloxicam, Movalis),
  • ketoprofen (Ketonal, Ketoprfen Vramed, Artrosilene),
  • nimesulide (Nimulid, Nise, Nimesil, Nemulex),
  • ibuprofen (Ibuprofen, Ibufen, Nurofen).

However, due to its good absorption, ketorolac is effective in intramuscular injections. In this case, its effectiveness exceeds, for example, diclofenac.

Analgesic effect

The analgesic effect of ketorolac is stronger than the anti-inflammatory and the most powerful compared to other NSAIDs. In this it is superior to diclofenac, nimesulide, indomethacin, ibuprofen and oxicams. Moreover, it is not inferior to analgesics central mechanism actions, for example, opioids.

IN clinical studies It was found that the analgesic effect of 10 mg of ketorolac corresponds to that produced by 10-12 mg of morphine. At the same time, a significant advantage is that it does not have a sedative or narcotic effect and is not addictive.

However, these drugs also have their own “analgesic ceiling”. A randomized study conducted in 1989 involving 128 patients showed that ketorolac at doses of 10, 30 and 90 mg had the same analgesic ability. That is, increasing the dosage does not provide additional analgesia, but only introduces the risk of side effects.

Therefore, it is important to remember that Ketorol and Ketanov are essentially the same thing, and, therefore, simultaneous administration Both drugs will not provide the desired pain relief, but may be hazardous to health.

Cost difference

Often when choosing similar drugs the determining factor is their cost.

A package of Ketorol tablets (20 pcs.) costs an average of 45 rubles. The same package of Ketanov is approximately 25% more expensive.

The cost of Ketanov injection solution (10 ampoules) is about 110 rubles. The same number of Ketorol ampoules costs 20% more.

The cost of a tube (30 g) of Ketorol gel ranges from 210 to 230 rubles.

Bragina G.I., Vinogradova L.A., Gorshkova Yu.M., Erokhin V.V., Litvinova D.O., Sivkova S.K., Stremoukhov A.A.
Department of General medical practice Moscow medical academy them. THEM. Sechenov
Medical Center Administration of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The famous Australian doctor J. Murtagh in his book “Doctor's Handbook general practice"(1998) lists the complaints with which the patient most often seeks medical care(Table 1).

Table 1.

Of the eighteen reasons for requests, eight contain the word “pain.” Really, pain syndrome often dominates the structure of patient visits to the clinic. Moreover, the general practitioner has to deal with pain syndromes that have different nosological origins, which determines the diversity diagnostic measures, and the need to choose adequate treatment tactics.

The arsenal of remedies offered to solve the problem of pain syndrome is quite wide, so the doctor’s choice medicinal product must be well reasoned. As a rule, preference is given to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which is absolutely logical, since inflammation is the basis of pain.

One of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that deserves attention is ketorol (ketorolacatrimethamine). It has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties due to inhibition of cyclooxygenase (mainly in peripheral tissues) and, as a consequence, inhibition of the biosynthesis of prostaglandins - modulators pain sensitivity, thermoregulation and inflammation. Ketorol is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract; after intramuscular injection of 30 mg of the drug maximum concentration in blood plasma is achieved after 50 minutes. Ketorol is metabolized in the liver to form conjugated and hydroxylated forms, which are excreted through the kidneys. The half-life of the drug averages 5.3 hours.

We have studied the effectiveness and safety of using ketorol in patients with acute pain syndrome of various origins in outpatient practice.

The study was carried out in clinics No. 37, No. 56 and No. 102 of the Moscow Department of Health and in clinic No. 3 of the Central clinical hospital Russian Academy of Sciences.

95 patients (35 men and 60 women) aged from 20 to 68 years were observed ( average age- 54.6±10.6 years). Pain syndrome in patients was caused by the following diseases: arthropathy ( rheumatoid arthritis - 1, gouty arthritis- 2, deforming osteoarthritis - 37 cases), dorsopathy (osteochondrosis - 30), spondylopathy (ankylosing spondiditis - 1, spondylosis - 1), soft tissue lesions (tenosynovitis - 3, bursitis - 1, neuralgia - 6, neuritis - 2), injuries of the musculoskeletal system (fractures - 2, bruises - 3), pulpitis - 1, postoperative fistula of the anterior abdominal wall - 1, urolithiasis disease- 2, ingrown nail - 1, heel spur- 1, chronic venous insufficiency- 1 case. There were no contraindications for the use of the drugs.

At the start of the study, 34 patients (36%) had previous therapy with analgesics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (mainly in the form of ointments, gels), the effect of which was absent or insignificant.

The patients were divided into 2 groups comparable by gender, age, nature of the disease and severity of pain. Patients of group I (52 people) received ketorol. Patients of group II (43 people) received a comparison drug - ketoprofen. The maximum duration of treatment was 5 days. On the first day, the drugs were administered mainly intramuscularly, and over the next 4 days - orally. The doses of drugs and the frequency of their administration depended on the severity of the pain syndrome. The maximum single and daily doses of drugs are presented in Table 2.

Table 2.

A drug Parenteral use Oral use Course duration (max.)
Single dose (max.) Frequency of reception (max.) Daily dose (max.) Single dose (max.) Frequency of reception (max.) Daily dose (max.)
Ketorol 30 mg 3 90 mg 10 mg 4 40 mg 5 days
Ketoprofen 100 mg 2 200 mg 50 mg 3 200 mg 5 days

Parenteral administration of the drug was carried out in medical institution by a doctor or under his supervision - nurse. Oral administration The drug was administered by the patient independently, according to indications, in a single, daily and course dose recommended by the doctor.

Pain syndrome was assessed by doctors and patients during everyday activities and habitual physical activity: during the first day on a visual analog scale (VAS, 0-100) after each dose of the drug (after 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 2 hours, 6 hours); from the second to the fifth day of treatment on a 4-point scale:

  • 0 - no pain
  • 1 - minimal pain
  • 2 - medium pain
  • 3 - significant pain.

The overall assessment of the effectiveness of treatment was carried out by patients and doctors on a 4-point scale:

  • 0 - no effect
  • 1 - minimal effect
  • 2 - average effect
  • 3 - high effect.

Treatment was stopped upon expiration of the maximum course period of use of the study drugs, as well as before the expiration of this period, in the case of complete relief of the pain syndrome, achieving stable therapeutic effect, development of hypersensitivity reactions, the appearance of unwanted side effects, the occurrence of any other force majeure circumstances or at the request of the patient.

All stages of patient management and aspects of the study were recorded in an observation diary, sealed with the patient’s signature and the doctor’s signature and personal seal.

Statistical processing of the results was carried out using the Statistika 6.0 software package (StatSoft, USA). To describe the results, the average value and standard deviation(M±SD). Differences at p were considered statistically significant. Research results:

The assessment of pain syndrome according to VAS after administration of the first dose of drugs on the first day of treatment is presented in Table 3, from which it can be seen that a significant analgesic effect of the drug is observed after 15 minutes, significantly increases and lasts up to 6 hours.

Table 3.

Evaluation time Pain rating, VAS (0-100) pI-II
Group I (ketorol) Group II (ketoprofen)
1. Before treatment 83.8 ± 11.6 81.0 ± 10.8 >0,05
2. After 15 minutes. 55.0 ±21.9 58.7 ±19.1 >0,05
3. After 30 min. 44.0 ± 19.5 46.5 ± 19.3 >0,05
4. After 2 hours 31.4± 16.4 36.0 ± 12.9 >0,05
5. After 6 hours 39.8 ±20.8 46.7 ± 14.0 >0,05
p1-5<0,05 p1-5<0,05

Over the subsequent days of regular use of the drugs, a significant regression of the pain syndrome is observed (Table 4), and when using Ketorol, a positive effect is achieved with a dynamically decreasing daily dose of the drug (Fig. 1).

Table 4.

Days Pain Score (average score) pI-II
Group I (ketorol) Group II (ketoprofen)
day 2 1.8 ± 0.6 2.0 ± 0.4 >0,05
day 3 1.6 ± 0.7 1.8 ± 0.4 >0,05
day 4 1.4 ± 0.7 1.6 ± 0.6 >0,05
day 5 1.3 ± 0.6 1.2 ± 0.7 >0,05
p2-4, p2-5<0,05 p2-3, p2-4, p2-5<0,05

Rice. 1. Dynamics of average daily doses of drugs during treatment

In general, the therapy was well tolerated in patients of both groups. Only 10 patients (11%) had side effects: in 4 patients from the first group and 6 patients from the second group (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Side effects noted by patients when using drugs.

When taking ketorol, discomfort and pain in the epigastric region were noted - 2 cases (on the third and fifth day), dizziness - 1 case (on the first day) and difficulty urinating - 1 case (on the second day).

When taking ketoprofen, discomfort and pain in the epigastric region were observed - 3 cases (on the third day, in two cases the patients agreed with the doctor), bloating and loose stools - 3 cases (on the third and fourth days).

The overall assessment of the effectiveness of the treatment performed by both the patient and the doctor was almost identical. The data is presented in Table 5 (quantitative indicators and average score).

Table 5.

Performance rating (score) Group I (ketorol), n (%) Group II (ketoprofen), n (%)
Patient's opinion Doctor's opinion Patient's opinion Doctor's opinion
3 20 (38%) 22 (42%) 19 (44%) 18 (42%)
2 30 (58%) 28 (54%) 18 (42%) 17 (40%)
1 1 (2%) 2 (4%) 6 (14%) 8 (18%)
0 1 (2%) 0 0 0
Average score 2.33±0.08 2.38±0.07 2.30±0.10 2.23±0.11
p>0.05 p>0.05

Thus, the study demonstrated the clinical effectiveness and safety of average therapeutic doses of ketorol in the treatment of patients with acute pain syndrome of various origins for 5 days. When using ketorol, a faster regression of pain syndrome was noted on the first day of treatment and large quantity good and excellent treatment results (96%; average score 2.38 0.07), compared with ketoprofen (82-86%; average score 2.23 0.11), as well as fewer side effects (4 vs. 6 ), which did not lead to the need to discontinue the drug.

Which painkiller is stronger than Ketanov, Ketorol, Ketonal?

  1. Dexalgin. Read the instructions. We consult a doctor.
    And yet, “pain” is an elastic concept. Pain from pulpitis and pain from, say, dysentery are different things, IMHO :-))))
  2. Tromodol
  3. It's the same thing. Manufacturers are different.
  5. These are the same thing, that is, analogues produced by different pharmaceutical companies :)))
  6. These are drugs from the same group, with approximately the same analgesic effect... Diclofenac is weaker.
  7. Ketanov and Ketorol - they contain KETOROLAC as an active substance.
    Ketonal - active ingredient: KETOPROFEN.
    So these are not analogues.
    Ketanov and Ketorol have a very pronounced and powerful analgesic effect, a very moderate anti-inflammatory and a slight antipyretic effect. The analgesic effect literally “eclipses” the other effects, and therefore the drug is used as a non-narcotic, very strong pain reliever. Compared to other drugs NSAID groups, the analgesic effect of Ketanov is tens or even hundreds of times stronger.
    The therapeutic effect of Ketanov is due to the ability of the active substance to block the work of the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which synthesizes prostaglandins, substances that provoke the development of inflammation, fever and pain. That is, under the influence of Ketanov, the production of substances that provoke the sensation of pain stops, which relieves pain of any origin and location.
    Ketonal has the most pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and the antipyretic effect is somewhat weaker.
    A distinctive feature of Ketonal is its wide spectrum of analgesic action, which consists of influencing both central and peripheral nerve fibers responsible for the perception of pain impulses. That is why Ketonal is a highly effective analgesic drug in the presence of pain in various peripheral tissues and organs, such as joints, skin, ligaments, muscles, veins, lymphatic and blood vessels. By reducing inflammatory reaction Ketonal not only relieves pain in joint diseases, but also reduces morning stiffness and swelling, increasing range of motion.
  8. all are almost the same.. it’s better to pierce the baralgin or tramal, but it’s on the prescription
  9. but it's all the same...
    Ketanov helps better, for me personally.
  10. Why write the name of the drugs you prefer? The question was specific! As for “silencing the body,” the causes of pain are different, my husband was prescribed ketonal injections for a dislocated joint, and you can’t do without it! Moreover, this drug has a wide range of effects, from pain relief to swelling!
  11. Ketoprofen.
  12. I like ketonal. And Ketanov. But the latter, in my opinion, helps for a shorter period of time. Baralgin has almost no effect on me, it relieves acute pain, but the dull pain remains.
  13. all the same dose is calculated by weight and do not forget about these painkillers in large doses May cause stomach bleeding, this is what the doctor explained to me recently
  14. what's the point?... pain is the voice of our body... shut your mouth?...
  15. these painkillers act equally, they last for twelve hours, then you can take another dose, they are mainly used for toothache, and for the head you can take another medicine, for example, tempalgin, and for pain relief if severe bruise then you can drink baralgin
  16. these are analogues
  17. I always use KETANOV for headaches.

1956 0

Ketorol is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effect. It is prescribed for destructive and inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system and joints.

The medicine begins to act within half an hour after entering the body, maximum effectiveness is observed within two hours.

Ketorol injections, tablets and gel are prescribed for complex treatment inflammatory processes in the joints.

The drug is prescribed once, 1 dose; for chronic pain, the course of treatment is 5 days, the patient drinks 1 tablet up to 3 times a day.

Applicable in inpatient treatment. The patient is prescribed 30 ml of medication, the maximum daily dose– 60 ml.

Apply externally three times a day to the inflamed area.

Pros and cons of the drug

Ketorol has the following positive and negative features:

  • has a complex analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • used in dentistry, neurology, gynecology, rheumatology, traumatology, neuropathology, osteopathy, orthopedics, surgery;
  • has many adverse reactions from the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, excretory organs, skin, lungs and cardiovascular system;
  • the drug is contraindicated under the age of 16 years, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

You can take the medicine after examination by a doctor, who prescribes the dosage and duration of treatment.

Similar products in tablet form

The medicine Ketorol has the following analogues in tablets:

It should be noted such analogues as Ketorolac-OBL, Ketorolac-Eskom, Ketofril. These medications contain the same main active ingredient - ketorolac trometamol. These drugs are prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Injection substitutes

Ketorol analogues available in injection ampoules:

Similar products for topical use

Ketorol has the following analogues in ointment form:

  • – anti-inflammatory ointment for local treatment of joints, relieves inflammation, swelling and pain, available without a prescription, also in the form rectal suppositories, gel, solution and tablets;
  • - indicated for treatment inflammatory diseases musculoskeletal system, joints, for injuries of muscles and ligaments;
  • – indications and contraindications of the drug are similar to Ketorol gel; it is used to treat joints and the spine;
  • Indomethacin ointment– used to treat joints, neuralgic pain;
  • – is a cream for relieving inflammation of joints, used in complex treatment pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Nise– available in the form of gel, tablets and solution, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect in joint pathologies;
  • – the gel has an irritating and anti-inflammatory effect.

Golden ten

Ten the best analogue drugs, which can replace Ketorol:

Which drug is better?

Medicines with one active substance work in the body according to the same principle. Their difference lies in the form of release, additional components, and cost. The number and risk of adverse reactions, popularity in a particular branch of medicine will depend on this.

Eat standard circuits treatment of joint diseases, which are prescribed for each drug, but sometimes you have to turn to analogues.

It is possible to determine which drug is better only after using several treatment tactics. For each patient this will be a specific remedy. Which is better, Ketorol or its analogues (we analyzed the most popular drugs Ketanov, Ketonal, Nise, Diclofenac) can only be assessed according to a standard set of indications, contraindications, and adverse reactions. The possibility of use for the treatment of children and pregnant women is also important.

Ketorol VS Ketanov

  • cope with pain of moderate intensity, act quickly, indicated after soft tissue injuries, with neurological symptoms;
  • you can drink when pain occurs before the doctor arrives, they are low-toxic, so they can be taken until the diagnosis is clarified;
  • It is strictly forbidden to take these tablets during pregnancy, there is a risk of intrauterine fetal death, and they are also contraindicated under the age of 16 years;
  • medicine should not be taken if you are sick gastrointestinal tract, disruption of the hematopoietic organs.

About Ketonal in passing

Ketonal tablets have the same indications as Ketorol, but they are safer and have fewer adverse reactions. Like Ketorol, they are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Nice is Nice?

Nise tablets are effective remedy against inflammation. They can be used to treat degenerative processes in joints.

The drug is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy; treatment during lactation is allowed, but provided that breast-feeding will stop for a while. It is prescribed to children over 12 years of age in the form of tablets; after 2 years it can be used in the form of a suppository.

Diclofenac is the head of everything

The medicine Diclofenac is administered intramuscularly, it acts faster than Ketorol, relieves inflammation and pain. Contraindicated during pregnancy and children under 12 years of age.

Cheap analogues

The cheapest analogues of Ketorol available on the market:

Ketorol itself costs about 40 rubles in a pharmacy, which makes it one of the cheapest drugs.

Over-the-counter analogues

You can buy the following analogues of Ketorol at a pharmacy without a prescription:

  • Nise;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Diclogen;
  • Piroxicam;
  • Indomethacin.

It is important to note that all of the listed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are available without a prescription only in dosage form for topical use - ointments, gels, sprays.

Some similar painkillers are already available without a prescription. You can take painkillers or NSAIDs on your own only once.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after a medical examination. Each drug has contraindications and adverse reactions which, if self-medicated, can become life-threatening.

  • Compound tablets: ketorolac 10 mg. Corn starch, MCC, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide.
  • Compound solution: in 1 ml 30 mg of ketorolac tromethamine. Sodium chloride, disodium edetate, water for injection, ethanol, sodium hydroxide.

Release form

Tablets, solution for injection.

pharmachologic effect

Analgesic , anti-inflammatory .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Wikipedia defines the drug as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug , having a pronounced painkiller action and less pronounced anti-inflammatory . The active substance inhibits the activity of the enzyme COX 1 and 2, affects the metabolism of arachidonic acid, suppressing the biosynthesis of prostaglandins. Extends bleeding time, at the same time does not affect prothrombin time and quantity platelets . Does not depress the respiratory center, does not affect psychomotor functions. Does not cause addiction, does not have an anxiolytic effect.

Its analgesic effect is comparable to . What is this drug used for? For pain relief of various origins medium to strong intensity. Onset of action after 40 minutes, maximum effect achieved after 2 hours.


Well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and Cmax in the blood is determined after 40 minutes. Reception fatty foods delays the achievement of maximum concentration by 1 hour. Bioavailability approaches 100%. After intramuscular administration, the maximum concentration is determined after 30-60 minutes. Penetrates into the milk of nursing mothers. Most of The drug is metabolized in the liver to inactive metabolites. Excreted primarily by the kidneys (91%). The half-life is 5.3 hours and is longer in older individuals. Liver function does not affect the half-life. In case of impaired renal function, the half-life reaches 13.6 hours.

Indications for use of Ketanov

Short-term use to eliminate severe pain syndrome :

  • V postoperative period(in surgery, gynecology, orthopedics and thrematology, urology);
  • for injuries.

Indications for use also include pain relief toothache , renal And hepatic colic , at otitis , sciatica , , radiculitis , , at oncological diseases .

Contraindications for Ketanov

  • increased sensitivity;
  • "aspirin" ;
  • bronchospasm ;
  • hypovolemia;
  • peptic ulcers ;
  • hypocoagulation;
  • hepatic or ;
  • hemorrhagic stroke ;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis ;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • age up to 16 years.

Contraindications also include use of the drug during surgical operations because there is a high risk of bleeding. It is also not used for the treatment of chronic pain.

Side effects

Most common side effects:

  • , gastralgia ;
  • dizziness, drowsiness, headache;
  • weight gain;
  • swelling of various parts of the body (face, legs, ankles, feet).

Less common adverse reactions:

  • , vomiting, nausea, erosion of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • frequent urination, lower back pain, nephritis ;
  • hearing loss;
  • , bronchospasm ;
  • anxiety, , psychosis ;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions.

Instructions for use of Ketanov (Method and dosage)

Ketanov tablets, instructions for use

As tablets used once or repeatedly if necessary. It all depends on the severity of the pain syndrome. Single dose - 10 mg. How many tablets can you take? When taken again, you can take up to 4 times a day, respectively, the daily dose is no more than 40 mg.

The duration of treatment is no more than 5 days.

Ketanov injections, instructions for use

Solution in ampoules used for intramuscular administration, with minimal prescription effective doses, which are selected according to the intensity of pain. If necessary, Ketanov in ampoules can be supplemented with injections of opioid analgesics in reduced doses.

Single injections, depending on the pain syndrome, are performed in a dose of 10-30 mg. Persons over 65 years of age are prescribed 10-15 mg. If necessary, they are repeated every 4-6 hours at the same dosage. At intramuscular injection the daily dose should be no more than 90 mg, and for persons over 65 years old up to 60 mg. Duration up to 5 days.

External form of the drug based on ketorolac - 2% gel Ketorol. Sometimes this dosage form is called an ointment or cream, which is incorrect. At local application causes relief of pain in joints and muscles, reduces stiffness and swelling. Used for , tendinitis , , arthrosis And radiculitis . A column of gel 1-2 cm long is applied evenly in a thin layer to the site of pain up to 4 times a day and lightly rubbed in with massaging movements.

Candles With active substance ketorolac does not exist.


An overdose is manifested by lethargy, drowsiness, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. A little later appear erosive gastritis or , renal dysfunction.


  • Application with NSAIDs , acetylsalicylic acid , drugs calcium , glucocorticosteroids leads to the formation of gastrointestinal ulcers and bleeding.
  • Application with enhances nephrotoxic effect.
  • Probenitsid increases the concentration of ketorolac and increases the half-life.
  • The drug increases toxicity methotrexate And lithium , reduces efficiency hypotensive And diuretics .
  • Increases the effect .
  • Appointment with anticoagulants , thrombolytics , heparin , antiplatelet agents , cefotetan increases the risk of bleeding.
  • Opioid analgesics are prescribed in reduced doses.
  • Antacids do not affect the absorption of the drug.
  • Solution for injection must not be mixed with Morphine and in one syringe.
  • Not compatible with drugs lithium And .

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Storage conditions

The storage temperature of tablets and solution is not higher than 25°C.

Best before date

Alcohol compatibility

This drug is incompatible with alcohol, since the risk of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract increases in the form gastralgia , abdominal pain and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. Alcohol enhances the analgesic effect, so you can skip the moment when you need to urgently consult a doctor. In addition, it enhances the inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, causing drowsiness and lethargy.

Ketanov during pregnancy

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, childbirth and lactation.

Analogues of Ketanov

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Analogs with one active ingredient: , , Ketolak , Ketocam , Ketalgin , similar action provides .

Ketanov or Ketorol, which is better?

Ketorol has the same active ingredient (ketorolac), the same dosage of tablets and injection solution. Therefore, the effectiveness of these drugs is the same. There is an additional dosage form - gel. Manufacturer Dr. Reddy's (India).

Ketonal or Ketanov, which is better?

Ketonal has another active ingredient - ketoprofen . Also, like Ketanov, it has a strong analgesic effect compared to other representatives of NSAIDs; its analgesic effect is comparable to morphine. However, it has several advantages. Ketonal is quickly eliminated from the body, which allows it to be used in elderly people without fear of adverse reactions.

In addition, there are more dosage forms of this drug: gel, cream, retard tablets, forte, extended-release capsules, patches and suppositories, which allows you to combine oral tablets with local treatment while reducing the dose oral administration. Modified-release capsules Ketonal duo provide a rapid onset of action, but prolonged (24 hours) due to the release of the active substance from different pallets. If Ketanov is best used for acute pain, then the second drug is suitable for treatment chronic pain. Manufacturer: Lek (Slovenia).

Reviews about Ketanov

What does the medicine help with? It must be said that the drug is effective even for eliminating postoperative pain and is used as an alternative opioid analgesics . This drug is successfully used for toothache and headache, for menstrual pain, if other drugs are not effective. It must be remembered that the drug slows down blood clotting and therefore should be used with caution during menstruation.

How long does the drug last? The duration of action is up to 6 hours, so the medicine is taken 3-4 times a day. Pronounced analgesic and relatively long action determine that reviews of Ketanov are positive. More often there are reviews about tablets, which many people have in their home medicine cabinet, they are taken on vacation and travel.

“It helps very well for headaches - I take only half a tablet, the pain goes away after 20 minutes” “This drug never fails, it relieves well headache and migraine." Many people have taken Ketanov for toothache and are happy with the results. “I keep it in the first aid kit in case of acute toothache - it always helps.”

Ketanov injections were prescribed mainly in the postoperative period, since it is 2 times superior to other NSAIDs in terms of analgesic effect. However, at a dose of 30 mg, the pain syndrome was eliminated for a short time, and at a dose of 60 mg, the effect persisted for 8–10 hours. For severe pain after trauma operations, combinations with morphine were used.
The abstract clearly identifies possible adverse reactions. If Ketanov tablets are not taken for a long time, then side effects can be avoided. At long-term use causes side effects characteristic of other NSAIDs: stomach pain, ulceration of the gastric mucosa, impaired renal function. The same goes for injections. These reactions also depend on individual sensitivity. “After the second injection, severe pain in the stomach,” an Internet user reports.

If you are looking Ketanov ointment, then it does not exist. 2% is produced with the same active ingredient gel Ketorol . Ketanov candles also do not exist - there are rectal candles Ketonal similar action, but with a different active ingredient.

Ketanov price, where to buy

The cost of ketorolac drugs differs slightly in pharmacies in Russian cities. Buying Ketanov in Moscow is not difficult. How much do pills that are often used for toothache cost? The price of Ketanov tablets 10 mg No. 20 in metropolitan pharmacies ranges from 53 rubles. up to 61 rub.

If you are prescribed injections, you can also purchase an injection solution at pharmacies. The price of Ketanov in ampoules is 108-120 rubles.