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Vanga - healing activities, Vanga recipes. Vanga predicted victory over cancer


A poorly educated woman from a poor family, who experienced hunger and poverty, became blind at the age of 11 after being caught in a tornado. Vision did not return even after two operations, and prayers for a miracle of healing did not help, but Vanga received the invaluable gift of clairvoyance.

Vanga spent several years in a home for the blind, where she learned a lot: the alphabet for the blind, playing the piano, knitting, and the ability to keep the house clean. She could have arranged her personal life, but fate decreed otherwise: her stepmother died in childbirth, and the girl returned to her father’s house, where there were three small children and poverty reigned.

Young girls love to guess, trying to find out the future; she predicted the fate of her friends and Vanga, it turned out that her predictions came true.

Over time, they began to turn to her for help in different situations, and she tried to help everyone.

Vanga became a living legend, she was treated with boundless respect, and many were afraid, considering her a witch, but those who believed in her prophecy became more and more numerous. People came and went to her for help from different places, and even came from distant countries.

Each visitor brought a piece of sugar, which lay under his pillow for 2 - 3 days before the visit to the clairvoyant, and Vanga, taking the sugar in her hands, told the person about his past and future. Large businessmen, famous actors and writers, and even heads of state turned to her.

Vanga was not only a clairvoyant, but also a healer; she treated mainly with medicinal herbs, recommending dousing with herbal decoctions, because they best exert their healing effect by penetrating the skin.

She never denied traditional medicine, but I thought that overindulgence drugs are harmful, since they interfere with the restoration of balance in the diseased human body.

“Vanga lived in complete harmony and consonance with nature,” says Krasimira Stoyanova, Vanga’s niece, “she truly was a part of it. That’s why nature sounded and spoke to her so clearly. With her perfect senses, Vanga could receive messages from everything that surrounded her: from grass and trees, stones and birds. Space, past and future. The mountains and ridges revealed their thousand-year-old secrets to her, and the river revealed legends about long-vanished cities and people. According to her, “everything is alive,” there is no “inanimate nature,” everything is subject to a higher organization and reason.”

Her high morality is especially evident in her medical activities. Doctors are amazed at the results of her treatment. "Vanga's Pharmacy" is nature, plants and flowers, materials created naturally, as if especially for humans, saturated with miraculous healing power. And scientific knowledge gives way to this “medical instinct,” writes academician Panteley Zarev.

Vanga believed that she had no right to live a meaningless, empty life, wasted on petty troubles and squabbles; for her, this would be tantamount to an untimely death.

In the life of this simple Bulgarian woman there was love, happiness, and the severity of losses, from which she could not protect herself or her loved ones.

She had the courage to overcome her grief and many human troubles and misfortunes, which she shared with the participants in the tragic events, not always having the opportunity to change something in future events.

Vanga became for many not only an earthly savior, but a spiritual teacher.

“No one is to blame for human grief except the people themselves. They move little, eat and drink a lot, quarrel and make scandals even with loved ones, and then are amazed at their misfortunes and troubles. It’s not enough not to do bad things, you can’t even think bad, because thought is material.” - the healer stated.

In the 70s it received about 100 thousand people a year. It is estimated that over the 55 years of her activity, the famous healer visited more than a million walkers. Vanga lived in terrible tension, immersed in other people's illnesses and sorrows.

Even when she was over eighty, she continued to receive visitors, now 10 to 15 people each. The money for the reception went to the state treasury, the healer was alien to money-grubbing, but gifts made from pure heart I took them with pleasure, after taking them I spent a long time going through them, happily remembering them good people who brought them.

In 1996, Vanga became seriously ill, she was admitted to a government hospital in Sofia, she refused medical care, relying “on God’s will.” Two months later she was gone, but the great blind woman left behind a “living encyclopedia of health,” several hundred different recipes and recommendations that have already helped many cure their illnesses.


“It’s very simple. I don’t have any special recipes, and any of us knows what not to do. First of all, don’t overeat. The products have already become worse from the large amount of fertilizers, and besides, all organs human body suffer from eating too much food. If we needed to eat so much, then nature would give us two stomachs, and not one, right?..

Eat more white foods. Drink tea made from forest herbs more often. Reduce the fat content of your food. Anyone who is healthy should gradually eat less and less meat and eventually give it up altogether. Eat boiled wheat at least once a week and be sure to drink water to stay strong. Do not smoke.

You can drink no more than 20 - 30 g of rakia before meals (rakia can be replaced with purified wheat vodka) - for disinfection. Move and work more. Go to bed early - at 22 o'clock and get up early at 5 o'clock - this is the most good time for relaxation, so as not to be nervous and restless. Introduce purity into the cult. Do not wash with too hot water, use homemade soap if possible. Do not overuse fertilizers and chemicals, because nature is already suffocating.

Walk barefoot in the summer, do not interrupt your connection with the earth. Allow children to run around barefoot and without clothes in the summer; children should wash their feet every evening. Don't be afraid that they will get abrasions; let them play everywhere to develop immunity from all winter diseases.

Their food should be mostly liquid, do not condemn children to dry food.

"A person must first of all take care of his spiritual health, live in harmony with the environment, with people. Kindness is the main quality. Everyone performs a specific mission on Earth, is subject to cosmic rhythm and order. Violation of this leads to consequences for which humanity will sooner or he will pay later. And he is paying now..."

Vanga gives several simple recipes for many ailments, using mainly herbs, and the healer believes that it is necessary to be treated with those plants. which grow in the patient’s place of residence, because in nature, plants and people exist in harmony.

Doctors believe that treatment according to Vanga’s prescriptions gives good effect for many diseases, there is no need to follow a strict dosage; it can be adjusted independently, taking into account the individual characteristics of the person.

Now check out the recipes.


AMENORRHOEA (lack of menstruation) The peels of two kilograms of onions should be poured with 3 liters of water and boiled until the color of the broth becomes dark red, close to brown color. Take one cup of coffee in the morning on an empty stomach and one cup in the evening.

ARRHYTHMIA Grate half a kilogram of lemons, mix them with the same amount of honey by weight, add two dozen crushed apricot kernels. Take one tablespoon before meals in the morning and evening.

ARTHRITIS 20 rhizomes of the drakva plant (Suslamen nearolitanum Ten) should be boiled in 10 liters of water. Pour one liter, cool the remaining solution, make baths from it in the morning and evening (first make a bath for the feet, and then for the hands, lasting half an hour). After the baths, pour the decoction you poured on your head three times. The entire decoction can be used several times.

ASTHMA Pour boiling water over 40 seed onions and wait until they become soft. Then drain the water and simmer the onion in half a liter of olive oil or the same amount of pumpkin oil until tender, then mash to a puree consistency. Take one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening.

IN initial stage diseases:

° crush several aspirin tablets, mix with a small amount of pure pork fat, grinding well. Apply the mixture to a clean cloth made of natural fabric and apply it to the chest of a sick child for 10 days.

If the disease is protracted, it is better to use another recipe:

° 40 dried coltsfoot leaves pour 500 g of purified wheat vodka (Vanga uses rakia) and leave overnight. On the first day, several sheets should be placed on your back (between your shoulder blades). The next evening on the chest. Continue the procedure until the leaves run out. It is recommended to perform at night.

INSOMNIA Fill your pillow with fresh dried hay or hops and sleep on it. To get rid of insomnia, it is recommended to take one tablespoon of honey before bed to enhance the effect.

For children who have restless sleep or insomnia, Vanga suggests wrapping them in a cloth soaked in morning dew and leaving it there for half an hour to an hour until the cloth dries; She attached great importance to morning dew, believing that early in the morning plants secrete many healing substances.

CHEST PAIN (old) Vanga recommended making a compress from dough mixed with homemade kvass or yeast, adding 100 g of vinegar, 100 g of sunflower oil, 100 g of wine. Apply such a compress to the sore spot on the chest; it should relieve pain caused, according to Vanga, by inflammation of the pulmonary lining.

PAIN IN LEGS In a large enamel bowl, cook a bunch red and white clover. Cool the broth, strain, add a tablespoon of kerosene. You should soak your feet in this decoction for 3 to 4 evenings in a row.

SHOULDER PAIN (acute). Soak a piece of woolen cloth in gasoline and apply it to the sore spot, and attach a heated copper plate on top, repeat the procedure three evenings in a row.

LOWER PAIN Old Turkish tiles should be finely crushed, sifted through a sieve and mixed with three well-beaten egg whites, 1 g of crushed white thyme (thyme) and a tea cup of purified wheat vodka (from Vanga brandy). Spread the mixture on a linen rag, wrap it around the sore spot and leave overnight.

BACK PAIN Spread 100 grams of gun oil onto a clean white canvas measuring approximately one meter by one meter. For three evenings in a row, lie on your back.

Other treatments are also possible.

° Spread honey on your back. With sharp jerky movements of your palms, pull the skin, as if trying to tear it away from the muscles. The procedure can be repeated the next day until the pain disappears.

PAIN IN THE BACK AND UNDER THE RIGHT SHOULDER According to Vanga, the pain is the result of a fall that took place earlier. Place a skinned rabbit skin (hare skin) on the patient's back for one night, smeared vegetable oil and sprinkled with red pepper.

BRONCHITIS Boil 2-3 leaves of coltsfoot in 0.5 liters of milk, add fresh lard on the tip of a knife. Take the infusion in a coffee cup in the evening before bed.

For children, Vanga offers the following recipes:

° two broken raw eggs fry in pork fat and sprinkle with salt, cool, place them warm on the baby’s chest overnight;

° cut out the core in the head of the red onions, previously peeled, put a teaspoon of granulated sugar into it. The child should eat this onion every day until he recovers.

WARTS Cauterize the place where the wart first appeared with a hot rod, and immediately after cauterization take a hot bath.

INFLAMMATION OF THE FACIAL NERVE Heat a metal needle over a fire and apply light tingling sensations to the skin of the face - first the healthy part, then the diseased part. Don't worry, minor skin burns will not leave marks.

INFLAMMED, WOUNDED SKIN OF THE FACIAL It can be treated well if moss taken from stones washed with running water is applied to the damaged areas.

THROAT INFLAMMATION Gargle with a solution of a few drops 1-7 times a day ammonia in a coffee cup of water.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Pour a tablespoon of corn flour into a glass and fill it to the top with hot water. Leave to brew overnight. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink only the infusion (the grounds do not need to be stirred). Drink 2-3 dessert spoons of pumpkin oil daily until improvement occurs.

INFLAMMATION OF THE GALLBLADDER Every day the patient should eat two pears on an empty stomach. It is recommended to drink wild pear compote, cooked without sugar. 5 tbsp. l. Mix pumpkin oil with 5 tbsp. l. grapefruit, drink at night 2 hours after meals, having first cleansed the stomach (by doing an enema). Then lie down in bed on your right side. Repeat the enema in the morning. The procedure can be repeated after 4 - 5 days as needed.

HAIR LOSS Vanga suggests treating with the following recipes:

° rinse washed hair with water in which ivy was boiled;

° wash your hair using medical clay instead of soap, then rub problem areas with crushed lemon slices for a month.

The following recipe is useful for children:

° grate three clover roots the size of an olive and pour in 100 g of alcohol or purified grape vodka. Leave for 24 hours, then wipe problem areas once or twice a day with a swab soaked in the tincture.

SINUSITIS Vanga suggests treating it like this: a piece of fresh butter(the size of a corn grain) stick into the nostril, the next day the procedure must be done with the other nostril, alternate until recovery;

° for two or three days in a row, instill 2-3 drops of dryberry juice into both nostrils once a day.

GASTRITIS In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink a cup of tea from white willow leaves, followed by a cup of fresh milk.

If GASTRITIS acute another recipe should be used:

° Pour 700 g of plantain leaves into two glasses of purified wheat vodka, boil for five minutes, strain, pour into a convenient container. The medicine should be taken on an empty stomach, one tablespoon after waking up. Smoking is strictly prohibited during treatment!

HAEMORRHOIDS Peppery knotweed (water pepper) or kidney knotweed ( kidney grass) (both types can be used) boil in a large amount of water, take a sitz bath in the broth.

Boil the fruits of ripe elderberry without sugar to the consistency of jam, take one tablespoon before meals.

HEMORRHOIDS (Internal) Chop the stems and leaves of white mistletoe, which grows only on pine trees, pour a tablespoon of the chopped plant into a glass of water, and leave overnight. In the morning, drink the infusion on an empty stomach; the stems and leaves can be used 2-3 times. This recipe is contraindicated for people with low blood pressure, as mistletoe lowers blood pressure.

HEADACHE For several days before bed, take one tablespoon of granulated sugar with a glass of water;

° Boil the savory in plenty of water. In the evening, immerse your head for 10 - 15 minutes in this decoction, and then pour it over your entire body;

° wash your hair with a decoction of European sage;

° Boil 1 - 2 leaves of agave in two to three liters of water, pour the broth over your head and whole body at night for several days in a row.

HEADACHE in children

° fill the pillow with well-dried sandy tsmin, the child should sleep on such a pillow; a few days later, the grass should be taken out of the pillowcase, boiled in water, and the decoction should be poured over the child’s head;

° wash your hair with water in which peppermint was boiled;

° make a decoction of savory (there should be a lot of water), dip your head in a vessel with the decoction and hold it for 10-15 minutes, after which pour the same decoction over the whole body. The procedure should be performed at night.

FUNGUS on fingernails Brew strong coffee and plunge your hands into it several times without stirring the sediment. This remedy also treats foot fungus, relieves pain in the feet and ankles, and helps get rid of thick, flaky skin on the heels. When the procedure is repeated several times, the fungus completely disappears, the skin becomes smooth, and the pain goes away.

FUNGUS on toes Immerse thoroughly washed feet in strong wine vinegar. Sleep in clean socks soaked in vinegar.

° Immerse your feet in cool water, in which you dissolve a tablespoon baking soda and salt, rinse your feet with clean water.

° Mix crushed mint with salt and put the resulting paste between your toes for about an hour. Repeat the procedure until the fungus disappears.

GUMS SICK Rinse them several times a day with a decoction of wild savory, to which you should add a pinch of alum.

DIABETES in adults in the early stages Drink a decoction made from the tops of blackberries.

DIABETES in children at an early stage Pour a decoction of white mulberry flowers over the child.

DISSEMINATED SCLEROSIS Lubricate the entire body with honey and massage it with sharp movements, as if tearing the skin from the muscles of the body. Repeat the procedure regularly.

DYSENTERY Boil a bunch of wildflower plants in a liter of water for 10 - 15 minutes. Strain, take the decoction one cup of coffee only in the morning for two or three days.

GALL BLADDER SICK Eat two pears every day on an empty stomach, drink compote made from wild pears without sugar. For pain, a feeling of heaviness, or vomiting after eating, you should drink the juice of half a lemon, in which dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda.

CHOLELITHIASIS Take 0.5 l. pumpkin oil and carefully strained lemon juice. At least six hours must pass from the last meal to the start of treatment. Drink 4 tbsp. l. oil and immediately drink it with 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, repeating the procedure every 15 minutes, strictly observing the time of administration. When all the oil has been drunk, drink the rest of the lemon juice in one go. Minor oil burping may occur and should not be alarmed.

° Take pumpkin oil 30 minutes before meals, first 1 tsp, gradually increasing the dose to 1/2 tbsp, wash down with lemon or grapefruit juice.

STOMACH PAIN due to nerves Dissolve a tablespoon of aniseed vodka in a glass of water, drink the solution, and after 15 minutes take a tablespoon of olive oil.

CONSTIPATION Take one tbsp once or twice a day. l. jelly made from boiled ripe elderberry fruits with honey.

HARDENING in the body Apply the gruel obtained by mixing wax, grated wormwood and purified wheat vodka on the sore spot, cover with clean gauze and leave overnight. Repeat the procedure until the hardening dissolves.

PINCHED NERVE due to a fall Spread a cotton cloth with a mixture of olive oil, melted wax and foundation, apply along the entire spine - from the neck to the tailbone. If necessary, repeat the procedure two or three times.

ITCHING SKIN Boil 1 kg of barley in a large amount of water and pour this broth over the patient.

° Mix 500 grams of technical alcohol with 50 grams of salicylic acid and lubricate the entire body with the prepared mixture in the morning and evening using a tampon.

IMMUNE PROTECTION To improve it, once a month, douse yourself with a decoction of creeping thyme, Bogorodskaya herb.

FEAR If frightened, a person should immediately drink a glass of water with a small amount of sugar dissolved in it.

HYSTERIA Leave a bouquet of meadowsweet in a bucket of water overnight. The next day, boil the water without removing the bouquet from it, wait until it cools down, and pour this water over the patient.

COUGH in smokers Boil several mallow rhizomes in half a liter of milk for 10-15 minutes. Drink the decoction in a coffee cup several times a day.

COUGH severe Boil four walnuts in shell, one tablespoon of elderflowers and the same amount of bee honey in half a liter of water. Drink the strained broth one tablespoon three times a day.

° Drink tea made from flaxseed for a week.

chronic cough in adults Boil a lump of white cherry resin, the size of a nut, in one liter of water. Strain the broth, add 200 g of honey, three clove seeds and ginger on the tip of a knife. Take one tablespoon before meals in the morning and evening.

COUGH in children Mix well the mixture of 100 g of honey, 100 g of fresh butter, vanillin powder. Take one teaspoon three times a day.

° Pour a liter of water over the potato, onion and apple and cook until about half of the water has boiled away. Give the child one teaspoon three times a day.

COLITIS Drink the whey obtained from making feta cheese twice a day; Avoid fatty foods.

HURTICS (in children) Take equal amounts of nettle and elderberry, prepare a decoction and bathe the child in it.

BLEEDING in women, profuse and prolonged Six whites from fresh eggs should be mixed with half a teaspoon of citric acid and drink the mixture. Repeat treatment if necessary.

LEUKEMIA general Drink juice squeezed from the roots of mallow and mallow.

° Mix the powder from dried and ground mallow fruits with dried rennet taken from the stomach of a young lamb. Take this mixture with a small amount of water twice a day, one teaspoon.

MASTITIS Prepare a small dough cake by kneading rye flour, ghee and fresh milk, apply to the sore spot, and leave it overnight. Repeat the procedure for several days until complete recovery.

TONSILS Inflamed Make a ribbon from soft dough so that it can be wrapped around your neck. Finely crush the dried hellebore root and sprinkle it generously over the dough strip. Wrap this tape carefully around your throat. Apply a bandage or cotton cloth on top: for small children for 30-60 minutes once or twice, for older children - for 2-3 hours, and for adults it is recommended to leave the bandage overnight.

° Take the herb, which grows along the banks of rivers and has the best healing properties in the spring, grind thoroughly, mix with lard and spread on a clean piece of cotton fabric. Place the compress on your throat.

uterine fibroids Prepare a decoction of hemp seeds, take a cup of coffee for 15 days.

METABOLIC DISEASE Art. l. Brew St. John's wort for 1 - 2 minutes like tea. Take the infusion only in the morning, on an empty stomach, a teaspoon for some time.

Abscess of the periungual socket Remove the seeds from the hot pepper, fill a glass with purified wheat vodka, dip your sore finger in it, hold it in the glass for a while, then bandage the finger. The bandage should be kept on for as long as the patient can tolerate it. Recovery occurs very quickly.

NEURITIS Mix pottery clay with a small amount of vinegar. Make a cake from the mixture and apply it to the sore spot for three evenings in a row.

NERVE DISEASE Mix 500 g of sugar and the same amount of honey in a glass jar and take a tablespoon twice a day.

NERVOUS DISEASE in women Boil one geranium leaf in 200 g of water and drink the decoction one cup of coffee twice a day.

NERVOUS CHILD Such a child should be bathed in a decoction of forest hay.

NERVOUS BREAKDOWN Drink a decoction of blackberry roots, oregano, lemon balm and stinging nettle tops.

NIGHT-INCONTINENCE IN CHILDREN About 2 kg of meadow core (this plant has the best medicinal properties in May, when it is preparing to bloom), boil it in 10 liters of water, strain, cool and do sitz baths seven evenings in a row before bed. Mix the herb separated from the decoction with a small amount of lard and apply it as a poultice - the first evening on the stomach, the next on the lower back, leave overnight. Vanga advised this recipe to be used only by those who have a healthy spine. If the vertebrae are too distant from each other, then before starting baths, you should take a course of sunbathing in the summer, and before each bath, the child’s lower back should be lubricated with gun oil.

IMMOTION OF LIMBS To improve their mobility, prepare an ointment from 100 g of pork fat and 1 tbsp. l. salt. Apply it to the immobilized limbs, and wrap them on top with cotton cloth and nylon.

IMMOTION with rheumatism Take baths in a decoction of wild cyclamen tubers.

syncope sudden Under the “spoon” place crushed adonis grass or a crushed leaf of large burdock.

DYSPNEA Mix medical olive oil and purified wheat vodka in equal proportions, drink a glass three times every day.

BURN of legs from hot steam For a burn, Vanga recommends the following medicinal ointment: six yolks of fresh eggs and six teaspoons of fresh melted butter; Whisk thoroughly until the mixture becomes thick like mayonnaise. Wrap your feet in several layers of gauze soaked in this ointment.

Diaper rash (in children and adults) Grind rotten oak wood into powder. Wash the sore spot, dry thoroughly and powder with this powder.

SWELLING Wrap your feet overnight in a bandage made from wax, olive oil and water. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Swelling of the legs Dissolve a packet of rock salt in a bucket of cold water, immerse a terry towel in the solution, then wring it lightly and apply it to the patient’s lower back. Repeat the procedure 10 times. Soon after this, profuse urination will begin and the swelling will disappear.

CHEMICAL POISONING In the evenings, soak your feet in warm water for 20-30 minutes.

SALT DEPOSITS Cut the onion in half, add one drop of tar into the halves and apply to the sore spot.

POISONING BY FISH Dissolve a tablespoon of anise vodka in a glass of water and drink immediately.

OVERWORK If you feel overtired, apply a mixture of melted wax, olive oil and water to a cotton cloth and wrap it around your feet. Keep it on all night. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

PYELONEPHRITIS in children The main medicine is to follow a diet: eat corn bread, drink a decoction of corn hairs.

PLEXIT Apply a woolen cloth soaked in a mixture of apple cider vinegar and powdered incense or apple cider vinegar and crushed thyme to the sore spot.

° Crush willow leaves and apply this paste to the sore spot.

Baldness (in children, circular) Boil the full-colored bunch for 10 - 15 minutes in purified wheat vodka. Use a cotton swab moistened with this decoction to wipe problem areas several times a day. After a week, boil the clover roots and wash your hair with this decoction three evenings in a row.

POORLY HEALING WOUNDS Boil three sprigs of comfrey in a liter of water until the water boils by half. Strain and rinse with this decoction.

PNEUMONIA Wrap the naked patient in a sheet, place him on heated sand for 20 minutes, repeat the procedure several times.

CUTS Pour olive oil over St. John's wort (the infusion must be kept for at least 24 hours) and lubricate the cut area with this infusion; the wound will heal quickly. The infusion can be used for a long time, if the bottle with the mixture is stored in a cold place.

KIDNEYS Pour apple cider vinegar into the pottery clay, mix thoroughly, take a linen cloth and spread the mixture on it. Place the compress on the lower back in the kidney area."The procedure should be performed before bed.

° Pour pumpkin seeds with water, boil for a few minutes, and take the prepared infusion for a week.

° Brew 2 g of crushed flaxseed with a little water, make a hot poultice, which you place on the kidney area for several nights.

° Boil large blackberry root in five liters of water until it evaporates by half. Drink the infusion three times a day, one hundred grams.

° Consume watermelon or pumpkin seed oil a tablespoon.

° For several days, drink a glass of water with ten drops of the wort from which anise vodka is made.

PSORIASIS After thorough cleansing with alcohol, lubricate the sore areas with hernia juice.

CHAPPED SKIN OF HANDS Take several baths in a cold decoction of peppermint.

PROSTATE, inflammation Finely grind the coal from a burnt linden tree, brew it like coffee and drink it for seven days in a row.

COLD (in children) Thoroughly lubricate the chest, back, neck, arms and legs of the sick child with a mixture prepared from wheat vodka, honey with the addition of one tablet of quinine and aspirin. Let the child sweat, change into dry clothes and put him to bed.

RADICULITIS Mix old crushed tiles with two egg whites, a teaspoon of crushed thyme (thyme) and a glass of wheat vodka. Apply the mixture to a piece of wool and place it on your lower back overnight. Keep it there until the patch falls off on its own.

DEVELOPMENT OF LIMBS (after immobilization) Add 1 tbsp to 100 g of pork fat. salt, stir. Lubricate the limbs with this mixture, cover with cotton cloth on top and wrap with plastic wrap.

WOUNDS that are difficult to heal Boil three comfrey shoots in 1 liter of water until the water has evaporated by half. Rinse the wound with the strained broth.

RELAXING muscles in children Add 20 g of sulfur to a glass jar of honey (about 400 g). Apply the resulting mixture to the child's body and massage. After the child has sweated three times, change his clothes, swaddle him tightly and put him to bed.

MUSCLE STRAIN on the arm Boil unripe elderberries, add one tbsp. baking soda, immersing your hand up to the shoulder in the unstrained broth, make a bath.

VEIN DILATION Early in the morning, before sunrise, walk through a dewy meadow in clean cotton socks. Wait until sunrise, when the socks are well saturated with dew, do not take them off - let them dry on your feet.

° Apply a bandage with pork lung, cut into slices. One or more of these dressings should be kept on all night. The procedure should be repeated for 10 days.

° Place green walnuts in a container, pour olive oil over them; keep the vessel in the sun for 40 - 45 days. Lubricate the sore areas with the infused mixture until it runs out.

RHEUMATISM, neuralgic Lubricate sore limbs with gun oil, then take sunbathing.

VOMITING caused by eating fatty foods Drink the juice squeezed from half a lemon with half a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in it.

MUMPS (mumps) Prick blue wrapping paper with a needle and, having spread it with a mixture of honey, wheat vodka and crushed thyme, attach it behind the ears. Noticeable improvement occurs after three days.

HEART DISEASE (prevention) Drink a decoction of chokeberry flowers four times a year for four days.

SINUSITIS Place fresh cow butter (the size of a corn grain) into your nose every evening, alternating nostrils: the first evening put the butter in the right, the next evening in the left, etc.;

° for two or three days in a row, once a day, instill 2 - 3 drops of grated cyclamen tuber juice into both nostrils.

WEAK CHILDREN under 3 years old In the spring, when the leaves bloom on the trees, bathe your child at least ten times in a decoction of walnut leaves.

SALIVARY GLANDS (functional dysfunction) Compresses from crushed calendula flowers (marigolds) should be applied to the lower jaw.

RASH on the body Douse yourself with oak bark decoction.

° Crush the wood carved by worms, boil the powder in water, strain and pour the broth over the patient’s entire body. After bathing, adults lubricate the body with a cream prepared from a mixture of wood powder and pure pork fat. Repeat the procedure until recovery.

° For twenty days, take a decoction of vetch seeds several times a day as tea.

TEMPERATURE is high, in children Douse a sick child with a decoction of sour grapes.

° Boil fresh hay collected from a mountain meadow, and bathe the child in this broth.

insect bites Rub the bite area with an elderberry or parsley leaf.

An old injury Apply the skin of a skinned rabbit or slices of raw potatoes to the sore spot.

° Cook 0.5 kg of mature white beans until fully cooked, mash thoroughly and apply to the sore spot. Bandage with cotton cloth and leave the bandage on all night.

CIRRHOSIS Take one tablespoon of human milk mixed with white flour in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.

BOOLS Prepare a small cake from rye flour, milk and fresh butter and apply it to the sore spot overnight. The poultice pulls out the shaft without leaving any residue.

SPUR Cut the onion head in half at its widest point, and drop a drop of tar into the middle of each half. After this, apply the halves to the sore spot.

SPUR on the lower back Wet a small piece of woolen cloth in apple cider vinegar, sprinkle with crushed thyme (thyme) and apply to the lower back. The same treatment is recommended when treating spurs on the hands.

Spurs on heels Cover the heated copper basin with some rag so as not to burn the skin, and stand on it until it cools down.

ECZEMA Boil forest flowers and pour this solution over them.

° After bathing, lubricate sore spots with a mixture of equal parts sunflower oil and vinegar.

ECZEMA on hands from detergents Every day for 15-20 minutes, soak your hands in a bath of cool water with a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in it. Then immerse your hands in slightly warmed olive oil.

WET ECZEMA in children Bake three shelled walnuts until they turn a dark brownish color. The cooled nuts must be thoroughly crushed, add a teaspoon fish oil and lubricate the sore spot. Repeat the procedure several times.

Bleeding duodenal ulcer Beat the white of a fresh egg with a teaspoon of powdered sugar and a tablespoon of olive oil until it reaches a creamy consistency. Take this mixture on an empty stomach, one tablespoon for ten days.

OVARIES inflammation Boil the forest hay and the patient sit over the steam. Repeat the procedure daily until healing and inflammation disappears.

° Pour boiling water over unwashed sheep wool and leave the patient standing over the steam.

° Boil a head of cabbage, pour in fresh milk and sit over the steam.

° The patient sits over the steam coming from boiled black radish, doused with olive oil.


Vanga left several hundred recipes as a gift to people, sometimes several for one ailment, and there is no need to strictly adhere to the dosage; the herbs she offers cannot cause harm.

The healer believed that it was necessary to be treated with local herbs and plants, since man and the nature surrounding him must maintain a certain harmonious unity.


Use fresh berries helps strengthen the body by supplying it with numerous vitamins.

An infusion of leaves promotes wound healing, is an excellent anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and diuretic, and brings relief to patients with nervous system disorders and heart diseases.

Blackberry honey, collected by bees from large white flowers, is especially useful; it helps quickly get rid of colds, relieves coughs, and also reduces fever in patients.

Blackberry leaves are also useful, they contain a large number of vitamin C, flavoins, organic acids, tannin substances. Blackberry leaves have astringent properties, so they are recommended to be taken in the form of a water infusion for diarrhea, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract and even with stomach bleeding.

The infusion is prepared as follows: 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water, 2 such servings are recommended to be taken daily until healing.

Blackberry tea is also useful. Method of its preparation: fresh leaves are closed in a container and stored in it until they wither; they are then dried in the open air. They brew it like regular tea, but the aroma and taste are unusual!


It is no coincidence that people increasingly began to grow sea buckthorn in their gardens. This shrub, more than any other plant, deserves the title of panacea for many diseases. Since ancient times, sea buckthorn fruits have been used in medicinal and preventive traditional medicine preparations.

In the second half of the twentieth century, it became clear: a number of synthetic drugs, primarily antibiotics, have side effects on the body. Then biochemists, pharmacologists and doctors of many specialties again turned their attention to medicinal plants, including the amber berries of sea buckthorn.

Thanks to the record set of vitamins contained in the plant in a synergistic combination (mutually enhancing each other’s effects), amber fruits are an excellent immunomodulator. Hence its wonderful preventive and adaptative capabilities.

A great way to support blood vessels healthy condition- regularly consume sea buckthorn; its berries contain a significant amount of vitamins and are biologically active substances, special mention should be made of vitamin E-tocopherol. This useful substance ensures normal functioning of muscles and prevents their premature aging.

Respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal tract, including ulcerative processes, diseases of the genital organs in men and women can be prevented by using products and preparations made from this plant.

Sea buckthorn juice can be an indispensable remedy for colds and diseases with fever. Sea buckthorn juice drink a spoonful 3 times a day or prepare a puree from it with sugar (1 part juice and 1 part sugar), give the puree a teaspoon several times a day.

Preparations, extracts from plants and even berries should not be used for acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis.


Strawberries are a proven folk remedy for the treatment of eczema, diathesis, skin rashes, and small wounds; to do this, just apply strawberry pulp to the sore spot.

Strawberries and a decoction of its leaves strengthen the immune system, the walls of blood vessels, normalize metabolism and blood pressure, and relieve insomnia. Strawberries suppress the development of the influenza virus, so by feasting on sweet berries in the summer, you ensure your health during the winter cold.

You can eat strawberries in large quantities unless you are allergic. Allergies can be avoided by slightly limiting the amount of consumption or drinking dairy products, preferably fermented milk.

If during the season you eat 1.5 kg of berries every day during the week, you thereby provide for yourself good health in winter.


Since ancient times, grapes have played an important role as a dietary food that quickly restores energy and has a high healing effect.

Its berries contain various organic acids - tartaric, malic, citric, oxalic, formic, succinic, phosphoric, salicylic, silicic and others, a lot of sugars - glucose and fructose, tannins, microelements: potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, rubidium, bromine, boron, iodine, fluorine, making up about a third of the elements in the entire table of D.I. Mendeleev. Grapes are a rich source of vitamins and are high in calories.

In modern medicine, grape therapy is used for diseases of the heart, bronchi, kidneys, liver, gout, exhaustion of the nervous system, hypertension and as a tonic.


A distinctive feature of Schisandra is that it enhances excitation processes in the central nervous system to such an extent that its potency can be compared with some doping drugs. That is why lemongrass is often used to treat nervous depression and general apathy. Schisandra significantly increases the acidity of gastric juice and improves food absorption. Schisandra is able to increase visual acuity in cases of myopia, glaucoma and other diseases by increasing the sensitivity of the retina to light stimuli. It is advisable to use the strong stimulating effect of Schisandra for athletes to realize all the potential capabilities of the body.

Pharmacies sell an alcoholic tincture of lemongrass, which can be used as a sedative (the tincture is taken in the morning, about 5-10 drops, the optimal dose is selected individually) and as a tonic, stimulant (5-10 drops, the dose is selected experimentally).

Under the influence of lemongrass, not only motor activity, mental and physical performance significantly increases.

Flax seeds contain a large amount of protein substances, fatty oil, mucus, as well as organic acids, enzymes, vitamin A, and glycosides. The mucilage of flax seeds is used internally as an enveloping and softening agent for inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, for poisoning with irritating substances, and also as an antidiabetic agent.

Linseed oil used in the dietary nutrition of patients with disorders fat metabolism, with atherosclerosis. From it various medicinal preparations, which are used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and hypertension, as well as externally for radiation damage to the skin and thermal burns.

Flax seeds are used for chronic constipation: morning and evening, 1-3 teaspoons with water, milk or juice. Pour the seeds into a glass of cold water, milk or juice, let it brew for 2-3 hours, stirring frequently. The resulting mucus is drunk in the evening before bed.

For poultices and compresses, flaxseed flour is mixed with hot water to obtain a liquid paste, which is then applied in a layer on a gauze napkin or piece of cloth and applied to the sore spot, and wrapped with a piece of woolen cloth on top.


Cereals and flour from oat grains, containing large amounts of starch and proteins, as well as sugar, fats, mineral salts and other substances, are used as dietary nutrition, and tinctures, water extracts and other preparations from oat straw are recommended as good stimulants for insomnia, mental exhaustion, and physical fatigue. Baths with a decoction of oat straw help with rheumatism, gout, sciatica and some skin diseases.

Oat straw is used as an antidiabetic, diaphoretic, diuretic, carminative and antipyretic. Experts believe that oats help remove excess cholesterol from the body. Oatmeal jelly and oatmeal are very healthy dishes, especially for children and adults exhausted by illness. Oatmeal and oatmeal are wonderful, healthy food for all ages, dietary product and remedy for chronic inflammatory diseases. For therapeutic purposes, cereals, whole oats and oat grain flour, green plants (the tops of 20 cm long stems are collected during the heading period), as well as straw are used.


In Bulgarian folk medicine, a decoction of mistletoe shoots is used as astringent for diarrhea, hemorrhages, and prolonged menstruation, and the fruits as a nervous system stimulant for epileptic seizures. Mistletoe leaves and fruits are used as an external remedy against rheumatism, gout, swelling of the lymph nodes and tumors. The herb mistletoe has a hypotensive effect. Used for atherosclerosis with high blood pressure blood and related phenomena (dizziness, headaches, etc.), slows down heart beats, has a hemostatic effect. Very effective for arthrosis and chronic joint diseases.

For oral administration, use a decoction of 35-40 g per 1 liter of water, for baths - 60 g per 1 liter of water.

Mistletoe is used for irrigation and for sitz baths for hemorrhoids. For irrigation, a decoction of mistletoe, yarrow, water pepper, oak bark, nettle and flowers of dead white nettle (lame) is used - 10 g each, and 15 g of mistletoe. Boil for 20 minutes over low heat. The same decoction is used to make washes, lotions and compresses for chronically non-healing wounds, ulcers and abscesses.

Mistletoe tea is drunk to treat poor health, loss of strength and dizziness. To prepare decoctions, use the ends of mistletoe branches no thicker than a pencil; they are cut in March, after the plant blooms; the berries are collected in May.


Wormwood is a proven home remedy. Stimulates appetite and improves digestion, stimulating the secretion of digestive glands and increasing the secretion of bile and pancreatic juice. Used internally for indigestion, increased acidity, stomach colic, gastritis, flatulence, liver and gallbladder diseases, and anemia; wormwood is also recommended for insomnia and bad smell from mouth.

Used internally as an infusion: 1 - 2 tsp. crushed wormwood per glass of boiling water (daily dose) or in the form of an alcohol extract. Wormwood preparations are taken one and a half hours before meals.


A hot infusion of three teaspoons of crushed wormwood herb in one and a half cups of boiling water is used internally (one-day dose).

In Bulgarian folk medicine, wormwood is also traditionally used for scrofula, tuberculosis, hemorrhoids, articular rheumatism, epilepsy, insufficient and irregular menstruation, with leucorrhoea.


It has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect for bronchial catarrh, cough, loss of voice, inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils. Externally used for rinsing, as well as for poultices for dental fistulas, for purulent inflammation in the oral cavity and with boils, boils, etc.

An infusion of leaves is prepared from 2 tsp. crushed leaves in a glass of cold water; after 2 - 3 hours they take it.

An infusion of flowers is prepared as follows: 1 tsp. pour a glass of hot water over the flowers, let it brew and drink it warm in several doses. For rinses and poultices, take a double dose of the herb and prepare a hot infusion.

In Bulgarian folk medicine, mallow flowers and leaves are widely used to relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs as an expectorant for colds, for gargling for sore throats, for compresses for abdominal pain.

Mallow tea is especially useful for inflammation and pain in the stomach, intestines, liver, in the presence of gases in the gastrointestinal tract, for diarrhea, for inflammation Bladder and urinary tract.


In Bulgaria they believe that ordinary geranium is not only a symbol of beauty and comfort, but also a real “healthy treat”. The healer Vanga considered this plant a talisman of good luck. According to ancient belief, geranium petals, folded in a linen bag and constantly carried with you, attract the attention of a loved one. Geranium has the phenomenal property of purifying the air from pathogenic microbes. A compress of leaves helps well with radiculitis, osteochondrosis and insomnia. Geranium oil improves mood and saves from depression. And if you put the leaves of the flower in jars of jam, it will never become moldy.


The most valuable quality of celery is that it contains a high percentage of biologically active organic sodium, which plays a very important role important role V physiological processes. One of the most important processes is the thinning of the blood and lymph, preventing them from becoming too thick. Celery is very rich in magnesium and iron, which is very valuable as a food for blood cells.

Celery root is recommended as an analgesic, diuretic and appetite stimulant. Prescribed for kidney diseases, gout, urticaria, dermatitis, lack of appetite and poor digestion. The juice is used, which is obtained from freshly cut root by squeezing.

A mixture of celery juice with other juices is very useful and gives almost fantastic results for vitamin deficiencies and other diseases.


Blackthorn flowers have a diuretic effect. Recommended for constipation and stomach colic. Use as a cold infusion: 2 tsp. flowers are poured with a glass of water and infused in a cold place for 8 hours (daily dose).

In Bulgarian folk medicine, thorn leaves are also used as a decoction as a diuretic for skin rashes and inflammation of the kidneys and bladder; a decoction of the bark of the stems, as well as a decoction of red fruits, are used for diarrhea.

In Bulgarian folk medicine, young smooth oak bark without a cork layer on the outside and without wood residues on the inside is used. It is torn off in early spring during the period of sap flow before leaves bloom from young branches up to 6 mm thick and thin trunks up to 10 cm in diameter.

A decoction of oak bark has astringent, anti-inflammatory and anti-putrefactive properties based on the ability of tannins to thicken tissue membranes. Is wonderful remedy for diarrhea, stomach and intestinal bleeding. It is used as a rinse and is a recognized remedy in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, to strengthen the gums, and in the presence of wounds in the oral cavity.

Rinses are also effective for bad breath, gingivitis, skin diseases accompanied by heavy exudation, and in the treatment of hemorrhoids with bleeding. For excessive sweating of the palms of the hands and feet, it is recommended to use it in the form of baths, and for inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area - in the form of douching with a decoction of the bark.

In Bulgarian folk medicine, it is recommended to use a water decoction, especially a decoction with red wine as a good remedy for improving digestion, as hemostatic agent for hemorrhages, diarrhea, dysentery, heavy menstruation, inflammation of the bladder.


For treatment, flower baskets are used, collected at the beginning of flowering with the remainder of the peduncle no more than 5 cm, and leaves - in June, they are plucked to half the petiole.

The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, enhancing the secretion of the bronchial glands, emollient, expectorant, diaphoretic and choleretic effects. The experiment established the antispasmodic effect of an aqueous decoction of the leaves.

Effective for diseases of the respiratory organs, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, and sore throat.

In Bulgarian folk medicine it is often used for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, lack of appetite and skin diseases as an emollient. Externally used in the form of compresses from a decoction or from crushed leaves for abscesses, inflammation of the veins, burns, tumors, wounds, purulent diseases skin; can be used externally and in the form of a paste from fresh leaves - against tumors, abscesses, boils. For inflammatory bowel diseases - in the form of enemas, orally - in the form of powder: 1 g with hot milk or honey water. For sore throat, it is used as a gargle.

An infusion of leaves and a decoction are also used for dropsy and scrofula. Juice from fresh leaves and roots is a good remedy for tuberculosis and malaria. Fresh leaves The smooth side is applied to the head for headaches. Leaves and flowers are components chest and diaphoretic collections.


A good sedative for dry and spasmodic coughs, especially whooping cough, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, inflammation of the lungs with mucous sputum, as well as chronic catarrh of the stomach, spasms and colic of the stomach, indigestion, flatulence, duodenal ulcer, lack of appetite, etc.

Preparation of a daily dose of infusion: 5 teaspoons of chopped thyme herb are poured into a glass of boiling water. Drink the infusion cold, in sips.

Thyme herb is used externally for baths for nervous diseases, rheumatism and skin rashes. An infusion for baths is prepared from 100 g of thyme herb and 2 liters of boiling water: kept for half an hour in a warm place. The strained infusion is added to the bath water. The same infusion is used to rinse the mouth for inflammation of the mucous membrane and pharynx.


Roots are used, which are collected in the fall in the first and second year. The smell is weak, peculiar, the taste is sweetish, and some mucous sensation is felt.

In Bulgarian folk medicine, burdock root is used as a diuretic and metabolism-improving agent, for kidney and bladder stones, and is effective for gastritis and stomach ulcers. Externally used for dermatitis in the form of a compress. Burdock root infused with almond or olive oil is called “burdock oil” and is used as a hair strengthener.

Infusion and decoction of the roots have not only a diuretic, but also a diaphoretic effect. Root extract improves blood composition in gout patients while simultaneously improving well-being. Young leaves of the plant have antibacterial activity. In fresh form or in the form of a liquid extract, burdock root is indicated for diabetes: 70 g per 750 ml of water 3 times a day.

In folk medicine, the root is also widely used: for kidney stones, diabetes, gout and rheumatism, dropsy, hemorrhoids, rickets and scrofula, furunculosis, chronic eczema, constipation, as well as for poisoning with mercury preparations and from the bites of poisonous animals. A decoction of burdock root is also used for sexually transmitted diseases and aching joints. Fresh burdock leaves are used to treat old purulent wounds and tumors by applying them to the affected areas.



Beeswax is a product produced by bees. Wax is a building material for making honeycombs; its preservative and antimicrobial qualities are very important for the preservation of bee waste products. At room temperature, beeswax is a dense substance of light or dark yellow color with a honey smell. At a temperature of 35 C the wax becomes plastic, and at a temperature of 60-70 C it melts. In folk medicine, beeswax is used in combination with other components to treat poorly healing wounds.

Vanga knew many Bulgarian medicine recipes. The best ones:

° 100 g of olive oil, 15 g of wax, 20 g of pine resin (rosin), one tablespoon of butter should be mixed in an enamel pan, put on low heat and heated for 10 minutes, stirring constantly and removing the foam that appears on the surface;

° boil two parts olive oil and one part pure beeswax over low heat;

° chop 2 - 3 medium-sized onions with a wooden masher, mix them with 1/2 tbsp. pumpkin oil and a small amount of beeswax (by eye); place the mixture in an enamel bowl and place on low heat for 35 minutes until a viscous, light brown liquid is obtained; Cool slightly, squeeze, strain;

° take 100 g of pumpkin oil, 8 g of yellow wax, 5 g of white wax, 20 g of pine resin (rosin), 1 g of incense, 1 tbsp. l. fresh unsalted butter; Grind rosin and incense into a fine powder, put everything in a saucepan and boil for 10 minutes; Stir the mixture all the time and skim off all the foam that appears on the surface.

The resulting ointments are excellent means for healing wounds; they should be stored in glass containers in a cool place. After washing the wound with hydrogen peroxide, apply a bandage made of a thin layer of gauze or organic cotton fabric with one of the prepared preparations.

When milk stagnation occurs in nursing women and there is a risk of mastitis, a white wax patch is used. To prepare it, you need to melt 30 g of wax, add 60 g of olive oil, 120 g of spermaceti, stirring with a wooden spoon, dissolve everything over low heat, remove from heat, continuing to stir until it cools down. Apply the mixture to natural cotton fabric, apply to the mammary glands, change once a day. In this case, traditional milk expression is easier.



Dilute 1 tsp in a glass of water. clay, gargle with this solution and drink several sips every hour. During the day, suck on a piece of clay or a slice of lemon.

Make cold clay lotions on the lower abdomen and hot poultices on the throat. For hot poultices, place a baby terry towel in boiling water, wring it well and wrap the hot towel around the patient’s throat. Immediately after this, apply a cold clay pack around the neck.

Thus, you should alternate hot poultices and clay lotions every hour until the temperature drops. You also need to make clay lotions on the lower abdomen more often. You can apply lotions to your throat at any time without any fear.


Patients with hard feces, internal heat, feeling increased thirst, as well as those suffering from cholera, gout, diabetes, some chronic diseases, catarrh of the stomach or intestines and having elevated body temperature need treatment with clay water. All patients should drink several sips of clay water daily, even if they do not feel thirsty.

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4. We didn’t defeat cancer, and we still live the same...

Cancer is one of the problems that has worried humanity throughout the entire time when cancer was first described and diagnosed. Years and decades passed, society was sometimes blown up by sensations: a cure for cancer had been found. What did they try to make it from! From the venom of snakes, scorpions, from mold, spiders, shark liver and octopus heart. But until now it has not been possible to completely defeat cancer. Cancerous tumor It can be removed surgically, its development can be slowed down with various drugs, but it is practically impossible to cure. Doctors did not come up with this, did not reveal this strange mechanism by which a normal healthy cell suddenly degenerates, ceases to perform its functions - and infects other cells with this reluctance to work...

Therefore, Vanga was asked more than once or twice about when will humanity finally get rid of the fear of terrible cancer?

Vanga's fans rushed to satisfy people's curiosity and announced: Vanga predicted that a cure for cancer would be created in 2008.

This prediction was made back in the last century, in the mid-90s. Then, it probably seemed that the 21st century was a certain milestone, which would be followed by a powerful breakthrough in all directions. People have such a mystical attitude towards numbers, especially towards dates, that the year 2000 almost meant a new era.

Well, here it is. And practically nothing has changed. Because numbers are a man-made convention. And if so, then there was no breakthrough in the medical world; a cure for cancer did not appear in 2008.

Let us again pay attention to when the prophecy was made - already in the 90s, when Vanga was left without her patrons in the form of the Institute of Suggestology. And isn’t that why her prophecy looks so ridiculous, especially in the “technical” part, where Vanga describes that the cure for cancer will contain a lot of iron, since it is iron that is lacking in human food and drinking water.

My God... In Russia and (I know for sure) in Belarus, water deferrization stations are being built? You see, what a problem: doctors see a lot of iron in artesian water. The norms exceed the permissible ones by tens, hundreds of times! There is only one way out - in iron removal stations.

Vanga didn’t know such technical subtleties? Of course, how could she know this... She could not know for sure that there is plenty of iron in such accessible foods as cereals, beans, apples, liver, poultry, and rabbit. I also couldn’t know that a lack of iron leads to dry skin, brittle hair, curvature of nails and bones, weakness, and frequent colds.

But excess iron directly provokes - attention! – liver and intestinal cancer.

Well, how do you like Vanga’s medicine?

If you are not yet convinced of the complete illiteracy and deep ignorance of grandmother Vanga in the field of health, here is another of her predictions: in 2018, a cure for old age will be invented. A person’s strength and health will be restored – “one tablet is enough.” And this tablet will consist mainly of horse, dog and turtle hormones.

Why such an amazing list? Everything is very simple, Vanga explained: a horse is strong, a dog is hardy, a turtle lives a long time.

It's so elementary. All that remains is to figure out how many parts of which animal to mix in what proportion. And what to insist on: vodka or medical alcohol.

You know, the aging process of a person, and of all living things, has practically been revealed today. Yes, he has worried humanity for as long as it has existed. You can maintain strength and health for as long as possible, but you can’t stop aging. As it turned out, the cells of our body have a certain resource inherent in them initially. For example, our skin is constantly renewed throughout life. Cells live, divide, die. But suddenly there comes a moment when the cell stops dividing. New cells are not formed, old ones wear out to the limit - and now, the physical death of the body. Scientists have discovered the mechanism of division. It turned out that each cell has a kind of counter; it decreases with each new division. The newly born cell inherits this counter, decreased by one. And so on - until the counter reaches zero.

But since grandma said it was possible, it was probably possible. Let's try to believe. Let's go back to grandma's recipe and look at its ingredients. Is a horse really the strongest living organism? Why not an elephant? He seems stronger. And who is the strongest anyway? Well, you understand that you cannot talk about the strongest by simply comparing one animal with another. For this assessment, the ratio of the animal’s body weight and the weight of the load that it can carry is used. And then, of course, you remembered the little ant. An ant lifts and carries a load 50 times its weight. By the way, a gorilla can lift a load 10 times heavier than its own weight. And a person – only 3–3.5 times. But an elephant can only carry 1.5 times its own weight. The same goes for the horse. Even an eagle bird weighing 4 kilograms can lift a load of 16 kilograms into the air. But the common dung beetle is superior to everyone: it lifts and carries 200 times more weight than itself. And his brother, the rhinoceros beetle, is 800 times more powerful... If a person were as strong, he would lift and carry 20 tons on his shoulders.

The horse pales next to the beetle! Why didn’t anyone tell Vanga these things that any schoolchild knows about?

Dog hormones... According to Vanga, she is the most resilient. Will endure heat and cold, hard work. Again, the young naturalists did not tell the grandmother that a crocodile is hundreds of times more resilient than a dog and can go without food for almost a year. Yes, there are also hundreds of other living creatures on earth that will survive a dog in the same difficult conditions. Grandmother knew a lot about the religion of Ancient India, about the new religion “Living Ethics,” but no one told her about crocodiles. It's a pity, otherwise her recipe would have been more convincing.

Well, and the third animal is a turtle. She lives the longest.

Indeed, turtles live 100–150 years. One individual is known to have set a record of 225 years.

But the sea urchin surprised scientists by the fact that they did not find any signs of aging in any of the caught individuals. Yes this is true. A hedgehog can die from disease or from predators, but it cannot grow old. And at one hundred years old, he can produce offspring in the same way as a young one. This means that he can live practically forever. And this is not a joke at all. Scientists have found one sea anemone ( Living being, even if it looks like a flower), the age of which was determined almost without error. And the figure was shocking - 1600 years.

This is where the real storehouse of hormones for anti-aging medicine lies! How wrong Vanga was...

As you can see for yourself, these unfounded predictions can only cause bewilderment: was it possible for Vanga’s supporters to publish such predictions, and even with “technical details”? I understand that such details seem to add weight to what was said, but they also serve to completely expose the entire prediction.


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January 31 marked the 106th anniversary of the birth of Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, the world-famous seer Vanga. Both during the life and after the death of the famous soothsayer, journalists sometimes launch the most incredible sensations on her behalf. After all, now it’s difficult to figure out whether she actually said this. Some are even sure that Vanga did not have the gift of foresight, and her popularity was supported and used for their own purposes by the Bulgarian special services.

Skeptics argue that it was beneficial for the Bulgarian authorities to have a popular soothsayer, to whom crowds of tourists flock in a continuous stream. They also draw attention to the fact that the famous healer rarely made predictions with exact dates and numbers. Most often, its wording was vague and ambiguous, and can be interpreted in different ways.

However, there are several predictions that the Bulgarian actually made, and they came true. This is confirmed by Vanga’s relatives in their memoirs about her, and by the people whom these predictions concerned. website They decided to figure out what the soothsayer was wrong about and what she was right about.

What came true

Death of Joseph Stalin

Six months before the death of the leader of the USSR, the seer said: “The gates to another world, where Stalin will go, will be open for other rulers of Russia.” At the same time, Vanga named the date: March 1953.

Indeed, Joseph Stalin died on March 5, 1953 at his official residence in Kuntsevo from a cerebral hemorrhage. A few days later, Vanga was imprisoned in a Bulgarian prison for six months. They say that after this incident the soothsayer shared predictions about those in power only with the closest circle of people.

Meeting Mikhalkov and Brezhnev

Vanga predicted events for the famous Soviet writer Sergei Mikhalkov that absolutely came true. “Upon returning to Moscow, you will personally meet with Leonid Brezhnev. Your eldest son will marry a foreigner and go to live and work abroad, where he will make films,” the seer told Mikhalkov. “Returning from Bulgaria, I met with the head of state,” Mikhalkov later recalled Vanga’s words.

A year later, in 1980, the writer’s eldest son Andrei Konchalovsky left for the USA. There in Hollywood he made several films, the most famous of which is the blockbuster “Tango and Cash” starring Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell.

As for marrying a foreigner, Vanga was wrong. At the time of the prediction, Konchalovsky was already married to a Frenchwoman, Vivian Godet. After moving to the USA, he divorced her and started an affair with Hollywood star Shirley MacLaine, but the wedding never took place.

Assassination of Indira Gandhi

15 years before the death of the Prime Minister of India, Vanga said: “The dress, the dress will destroy her! I see an orange-yellow dress in the smoke and fire!”

On October 31, 1984, Indira Gandhi was supposed to meet in New Delhi with the English writer and actor Peter Ustinov. That day, she wore a saffron-colored sari, removing her bulletproof vest.

However, Indira Gandhi did not reach the meeting place. An Indian politician was killed by Sikh extremists who infiltrated her circle under the guise of personal bodyguards.

Perestroika and collapse of the USSR

This prediction is one of the most controversial in Vanga’s life. There is no direct reference to either perestroika or the collapse of the USSR. In 1979, the healer said: “I see a garden... This is Russia... There is snow all around... A lot of snow. I hear voices: male and female... No, these are not voices - juices from the depths of the earth feed the trees... In An unusual spring is coming to Russia..."

The seer mentioned three mighty but withered trees, about the large and small rings trodden in snow garden. She said that at dusk she sees people sticking branches into the snow, and a man and a woman making a circle in a small ring. After these words, the Bulgarian said that there was no point in talking about the garden, which would soon dry up. These words of the healer might have remained ununderstood if not for the memoirs of Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva.

“March 10, 1985... Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko died. At ten o’clock in the evening an emergency meeting of the Politburo took place. Mikhail Sergeevich returned home, and then we were at the dacha outside the city, very late,” she recalled. “We went out into the garden. For three year - the third death.The death of three secretaries general in a row.

“Mikhail Sergeevich was very tired. At first he was silent. Then he said: “Tomorrow is a plenum. There may be a question about me leading the party." We wandered around the garden, there was still snow. The husband was silent again. Then, as if gradually, he began to think - out loud... “No,” I heard. “You can’t live like this any longer.”

Also in 1985, grandiose events began in the USSR. Changes in the ideology, economic and political life of the USSR were called “perestroika”.

Yeltsin's victory in the presidential elections

The first president of Russia never went to see Vanga, but his press secretary Sergei Medvedev did. It was to him that people from Vanga’s entourage turned to him when she expressed a desire to make a prediction for Yeltsin. Boris Nikolaevich was skeptical about this idea: they say, do what you want.

According to Medvedev, he went to Vanga, taking Yeltsin’s watch. I recorded the conversation on a tape recorder so that I could later show the recording to my boss. A Bulgarian woman predicted Yeltsin's victory in the elections. Indeed, on July 10, 1991, Boris Yeltsin became the first president of the Russian Federation and led the country for two terms.

Vanga also briefly mentioned Yeltsin’s heart. Subsequently, it turned out that Boris Nikolaevich had a heart attack, which he hid.

Kirkorov's marriage to Pugacheva

Philip's father, singer Bedros Kirkorov, approached Vanga in 1971, when his son was four years old. Kirkorov Sr.’s leg hurt badly, and the healer advised him to massage it clockwise. She also said that the pain would soon go away - and it did.

The fortuneteller herself spoke about Philip’s future. “You have a son, and great fame awaits him. I see him at a height - grief, and in his hands he has a metal stick,” Bedros recalled Vanga’s words. At first he decided that his son would become a conductor. But later I realized that the mountain symbolized the musical Olympus, and the stick turned out to be nothing more than a microphone.

The soothsayer also said that at the age of 27, Kirkorov Jr. would marry a woman with a name starting with the letter “A.” In 1994, this prediction came true with absolute accuracy: at the time of his wedding with Alla Pugacheva, Philip was 27.

Accident on the Kursk submarine

In 1980, a Bulgarian soothsayer said that “at the end of the century, in August 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it.” It is not surprising that these words then caused misunderstanding. After all, the city of Kursk is separated from the nearest Black Sea by a distance of more than a thousand kilometers.

The prediction became clear on August 12, 2000, when the Kursk nuclear submarine missile-carrying cruiser crashed during a training exercise. 118 crew members were killed. According to the official version of the Russian authorities, a torpedo spontaneously exploded on the Kursk.

Terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York

In 1989, Vanga said: “Fear, fear! Our American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will flow like a river.”

Twelve years later, on September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda terrorists flew planes into the towers of the World War II shopping center in NYC. The unprecedented terrorist attack killed 2,977 people.


A cure for cancer

A Bulgarian healer predicted that at the beginning of the 21st century the world would get rid of oncological diseases. “The day will come when cancer will be shackled in iron chains,” she said.

Vanga explained these words in such a way that “a medicine against cancer should contain a lot of iron.” However, humanity has not yet come up with a miracle remedy that could save people from cancer.

Genetic Engineering

Vanga predicted that already at the beginning of the third millennium “people will neither sow nor reap, but will only grow everything. Animals will reproduce like plants, and plants - like animals.”

The soothsayer was wrong this time. Despite the fact that genetically modified plants do contain animal genes, there is still agriculture seeders and combines are used.

New world war in 2010

Vanga said that a destructive world war would begin in November 2010 and last until October 2014. She assumed that nuclear and then chemical weapons would be used first. Fortunately for earthlings, this prediction of Vanga did not come true.

Obama is the last US President

A Bulgarian healer predicted that the 44th President of the United States would be black. And then she was right.

But Vanga also predicted that this politician would become the last leader of America, because soon the country would either freeze or disappear from the world map after the economic crisis. However, in January 2017, the 44th American president, black Barack Obama, left the White House, and billionaire Donald Trump became the 45th head of the United States.

Almost all publications about Wang mention the prediction of the discovery of a cure for cancer in 2015, and that the basis of this medicine will be iron - “cancer will be chained in iron.”
xsi: my version of the interpretation of the prediction “cancer will be a fetter

I have never written anything on the Internet. But life passes rather quickly, and the knowledge that I received under very unusual circumstances should not be buried with me. Moreover, the discovery of the above-mentioned medicine began to directly relate to the state of my health. To substantiate the veracity of what I wrote, I will have to tell everything in detail. I am writing from memory, and given that God has blessed me with a kind of memory (I remember only what is interesting), not a single surname will be indicated in the text, and only one date will be mentioned, which is impossible to forget. I would like to note that in the matter of CANCER FOR CANCER there can be no accidents in principle. And if I finally decided to write about it, then the time has come.

During the first half of my adult life, I was constantly interested in questions about my beloved self. Who am I? Where am I from? What am I for? Even the barracks of a military school, and then service in the “office” could not drown out these questions. That's how I lived. He served honestly, and judging by the last military rank, not bad. Outside of work, I could sometimes afford to reflect on the above topic.

By the end of the 80s, publications about psychics, meditation, reincarnation, and other “astral travel” began to appear in the press. The interested public spoke about this, as a rule, with a meaningful squint or enlarged eyes. I won’t confuse anyone with my religious searches, but I’ll tell you a little about my meditation experiences. I promised not to mention names, but I’ll still name one, this is Vladimir Levi. In the early eighties, his book served as the key for me to open the DOOR. I didn't have a mentor, but I was grafted onto military service discipline and caution saved me from many troubles and troubles on the way to studying meditation techniques. The main rule of “safety precautions”: at least the tip of the ear should remain on the pillow. I present this rule as proof of my competence in this matter. I'm leaving out the details, not wanting to harm anyone. Now about the main thing.

Two of my grandfathers died of cancer. At the age of 60, my mother died of cancer. At the age of thirty, my wife fell ill with cancer. First diagnosis: malignant synoveoma. The second, according to the same “glasses”: rhabdomyosarcoma. After the first operation, the tumor came out again after 7 months. After the second, exactly 7 months later, there were tears again at home. I have a little daughter in my arms. And here came a personal need to find a cure for cancer. Perhaps this search was one of the answers to the question - “What am I for?” Of course, I didn’t think about it then. It's just that no one could help me. Neither my “relatives” the party and the government, nor Soviet medicine, nor the parents of a childhood friend - oncologist professors, who indifferently advised me to contact the All-Union Oncology Center in Varshavka. By the way, ten years later, after being discharged from this very center, at home, the next day my good friend died of cancer.

One morning, while going to work, as always, at the entrance to the metro, I bought Izvestia for 4 kopecks. In the newspaper, an international journalist, with feigned irony and genuine interest, spoke about English schools for “accessing the astral plane” using certain breathing techniques. I clearly remembered that this can only be done under the supervision of an instructor. But life, as you understand, has pushed me against the wall in such a way that I have no time for instructors. And where can I get them? And in general, what kind of Russian, when pressed, looks for an instructor?

In short, there is a goal, there is a direction - forward. I won’t tell you how I “went to the Astral” in order to preserve the health and mind of those who might want to repeat my experience. As a result of the “exercise”, which I carried out in a separate room with the lights turned off, the ceiling of the room rose and disappeared. At the same time, I heard the sounds of passing trolleybuses from the street. I would like to note that I did not take any substances before this. With my peripheral vision, from the side of my chin, I saw my body in a cocoon shining with golden light, along which bright flashes ran. I was stunned. Further, against the background of poorly lit furniture, gas columns (uneven, like smoke from a chimney), up to 50 cm in diameter, appeared with a silvery glow, slowly moving around the room. One of the shining pillars touched my face, and I felt an unusually pleasant radiation (if this touch can be described that way). Subsequently, I read that this is what energy looks like - PRANA gas. What to do next? Why I looked THERE, I remember clearly. But what to do? Thoughts flow slowly, calmly, “the tip of the ear on the pillow.” I hear how my wife is raising her daughter. I think I need to ask a question. And here comes the understanding that the question must be formulated briefly and extremely precisely. And I asked it. "A CURE FOR CANCER?". I said this phrase mentally once.

The quality of the three-dimensional image we saw was amazing. Modern TV has never dreamed of such clarity and color. Directly in front of me I saw a well-lit cave, similar to an open human mouth, only without teeth and tongue. Along this bodily cave lay a large bunch of long, smooth tubes the color of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Did you understand something? Me neither. So I mentally said “I don’t understand.” The image began to slowly increase. To the right of the lying tubes, I noticed a figurine with a head, arms and legs, consisting of equilateral triangular (or tetrahedral), shiny metal pyramids of different sizes. The pyramids were not connected to each other, but touched each other. As the image enlarged, I saw that the figure was lifting the tube with one limb and biting it with the other. And so many times. Again, “I don’t understand.” The image disappeared, and in the ensuing emptiness some kind of glowing long “worm” flew past my face, similar to a tapeworm from a school textbook. "I didn't understand". The object came closer and I saw that it resembled a woven trouser belt made of undyed leather. "Didn't understand". The object grew larger and the speed of movement decreased, as if I was being asked to take a better look at it. And I saw that it consisted of Latin letters, in color and texture reminiscent of tightly closed human fingers from the palm side. One of the letters (I don't remember U or W) was colored Blue colour. The image stopped and enlarged. In practice, I saw only one blue letter, in the lower part of which, on the bend, was attached foreign body. In shape it resembled a pear on a thin stem, and in texture and color, it resembled a boiled potato “in its jacket” with transverse grooves. The image came closer for the last time, and a metal (same) figure became visible, which was diligently biting the thin leg of this foreign “pear”.

"I didn't understand". The image disappeared. And suddenly I saw myself rushing through the blood vessels together with the red balls. Then he watched from the side as red balls in pink tubes unsuccessfully poked at the grey-green, vile tumor. It seemed to me that this was a demonstration of the impossibility of healing from cancer with the help of resources human body. After another “I don’t understand,” I suddenly found myself in the operating room, next to a patient being operated on by a surgeon. Two triangles glow above the doctor's head (one next to the other), blue and pink. I wonder how you would portray a surgeon who is guided by God, i.e. "a surgeon from God." Triangles – Divine. Blue and pink colors- masculine and feminine principles. God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. As it later turned out, a surgeon at the Moscow regional hospital helped my wife. They called him “a surgeon from God.”
The next evening I decided to repeat “my experiments.” Everything is the same as last time. Only to the question “is there a cure for cancer?” I was shown a round tray on which lay a huge druse, consisting of metal, equilateral triangular (possibly tetrahedral) pyramid-crystals. They were of different sizes, sparkling with their mirrored edges. The tray slowly turned and disappeared. I asked my question again. The image no longer appeared. I asked my question again and again and nothing. I thought that it was not up to me. So he asked the question: “Why not me?” And then I clearly saw a marine illuminated by a searchlight with an M-16 rifle running along the sand. Then I saw a falling, burning fighter, also at night. And he was completely amazed by the reflections on the waves from shots from the huge guns of the warship. I guessed that we're talking about about the military operation against Iraq, which was supposed to begin in the near future. I asked about the fate of Saddam Hussein. I was shown a skull wearing a richly embroidered military cap (that is, 12 years before his execution!). When I left the room it was 21 o'clock Moscow time. The next day I learned that Coalition troops entered Kuwait at 04:00 am to push back Hussein's army. Desert Storm has begun.

I was bursting! I “KNOW” THE CURE FOR CANCER!!! I contacted many doctors with the above information. And everyone asked what my specialty was, and “how can an engineer in the repair and operation of automobiles know that amino acids in a DNA molecule are designated by letters of the English alphabet.” I had no idea about this before, but they told me that I had read all this somewhere before and forgotten, but in a vision I remembered everything. At the oncology center in Varshavka, one graying scientist, wearing significant glasses, wearily said to me: “Young man! In the USSR, cancer is not studied at the molecular level.” This phrase was uttered with some kind of stupid, doomed pride. I remember it well. Thank you for at least listening. Yes, and you can understand the experts: some idiot walks around with his “astral” and distracts from business.

And I calmed down, and for a long time. Moreover, the third diagnosis, using the same “glasses”, showed that the wife’s tumor was aggressive, but not malignant. And the “surgeon from God” in the city hospital on Kolomenskaya has already completely removed two tumors. This whole story is literally dripping with religious and mystical incidents, coincidences, and revelations, but I do not describe them so as not to confuse unprepared and non-believers. I would like to note that all my numerous attempts to repeat this unique experience in the future did not work. The step has been completed. As one Moscow Orthodox priest told me, “A rocket flying into space does not drag a spent stage behind it, but throws it away. If he doesn’t drop it, he won’t rise higher.”

It is clear that I stopped practicing extrasensory perception, meditation and other basic religious practices. I just lost interest. The spent stage is gone. The Lord brought me to Himself unnoticed. And for me, the most terrible state was “forsaken by God,” when, because of your unseemly actions, you begin to understand that God no longer guides you through life.

But the story didn't end there. Years passed, as they say. Notes and drawings with information about what he saw “THERE” lay in the bottom drawer of the desk in my office. Only one memory very often brought me into confusion to the point of tears.

This is the horror of what he saw in children's department“oncology center”, where children with bone cancer were treated. But I remembered the scientist’s phrase: “Young man! In the USSR, cancer is not studied at the molecular level.”

The 90s were poor. On a dark winter morning, going to work, as always at the entrance to the metro, I bought a popular newspaper with a dashing youth title. We must pay tribute: the journalists there, with rare exceptions, are wonderful. An article was published in the newspaper that (I don’t remember in which city) in Siberia a scientist was studying cancer at the “level of chemistry.” It became “warmer”. Where there is chemistry, there is the “molecular level”. The article also reported that research provides encouraging results. I read it, was wary, but forced myself to forget. I didn’t want to look like a crazy idiot anymore and prove that you weren’t crazy.

A year or two later, the understanding that my notes could be useful to the aforementioned “scientific lady” from the Siberian town forced me to call the editorial office of the Moscow newspaper. I picked up the phone and called. Winter, end of the working day. How many lamentations and lamentations of the editorial secretary I heard in response to a request to give me the phone number of the journalist who wrote that article. The main motive for lamentation is “why did we publish this article, I can’t live with calls from cancer patients and their relatives.” And only after a convincing statement that I and my relatives did not need help, and that I myself wanted to convey interesting information, I was, in great confidence, given the phone number of the author of the article.

The journalist’s lamentations were loud and prolonged, and had the same meaning as in the editorial office. But I still managed to convince him that I had interesting information for a Siberian scientist. And I heard words that surprised me very much. “Okay, I’ll give you the phone number, especially since she arrived in Moscow today for the symposium. Just don’t give me away.” Amazing coincidence. Wait more than a year and call the editorial office exactly on the day the “scientific lady” arrives in Moscow. Arriving home, I called the hotel room phone. Again the standard questions: who am I, what is my education? It was especially difficult to explain where I got this knowledge from. I explained it four times. We must give her credit for her patience. And, oh joy! She asks me: “Were the furrows on the pear longitudinal or transverse?” And I was glad to hear that they were transverse. And then she smeared me with a question: “Didn’t you think to ask the atomic weight of the metal?” And then I realized that I didn’t ask the main question THERE. We agreed to call, but at first she was busy, then I was stuck at work. Then she left for her Siberia (there were no cell phones then). And I realized that it was not given. The time has not yet come. There was no Internet yet and few people knew about the predictions of Vanga and Casey. It was still twenty years before 2015.

Do I have the right to publish this material? Whenever I don’t know what to do, I ask myself: if you do this, will your soul be happy, or will it be anxious, embarrassed or sad? And now, remembering those unfortunate children in the corridor of the oncology center, where they were treated for bone cancer, I cannot imagine that I will not publish this information. And if it contains even the slightest clue for specialists developing a cure for cancer, I must do it. And then let whoever wants to judge me. I didn't steal anything and I don't ask for anything in return. If only there were no children in the “cancer” corridors.

Everything that is written here is true. Only bastards lie in such matters. Why “clarification of Vanga’s prediction”? Perhaps she saw shiny metal, just like I did. Perhaps she was told that cancer would be defeated by metal. Probably, the rural woman knew only iron from metals. At the same time, iron also fits the description. But maybe it’s some other metal or metal alloy, like gallium arsenide, or thallium arsenide, or some other. It is clear that the desired metal destroys the bond of the DNA amino acid with a foreign “microbody” that is “cancerous in nature.” I am not a scientific oncologist and I don’t know what to call all these things. Just an engineer for the operation and repair of automobiles. But I “saw” the original nature of cancer and how it was destroyed. This is probably a universal treatment regimen for all types of cancer. There is a diagram, the signs are indicated. When reprinting, I urge you not to distort the part of the text that talks about what you saw “THERE.” Information must reach the recipient without distortion. The notes and drawings have been lost, unfortunately. Everything is in this text.
August 2015