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Stomach pain on the day of ovulation. Read more about the nature of the discharge. Duration and nature of pain

Before ovulation, your stomach hurts, what causes this? Main function female body– conceiving and bearing a child. This requires a lot of strength and health, and a psychological attitude is also important. The body works according to a certain algorithm: various physical and chemical reactions to prepare all organ systems for the upcoming pregnancy and childbirth.

In women who are fertile in age, hormonal changes occur throughout the entire cycle. Some ladies mark the various phases of the cycle on a calendar and record any unusual sensations. Such information may be useful when visiting a gynecologist for a faster diagnosis and treatment if any disease occurs.

Painful sensations that occur in the first days of menstruation are quite natural; in some women they are more pronounced, in others they are almost invisible. A little discomfort is not a cause for concern. However, not every girl understands why before ovulation the lower part hurts, like before menstruation. Doubts arise regarding fertilization, especially if sex was unprotected.

Conception happens:

  • planned;
  • or unexpected.

In each of these cases it will cause a lot of anxiety. Every woman knows that the chances of becoming a mother increase precisely in this period, i.e. during ovulation.

From a medical point of view

Do all women experience pain in the lower abdomen before ovulation, like before menstruation, and how long does it last? Why does pain occur in the lower abdomen? There are no deviations or reasons for concern if you experience moderate pain the day before ovulation or on the same day.

Some symptoms may not go away even after ovulation and last for one to two days:

  • pulls at the bottom as before menstruation;
  • back hurts;
  • the bottom hurts, while pain syndrome radiates to the back.

If the above sensations disappear within two days, the gynecologist will consider the pain physiological and will recommend continuing to monitor the changes. You can hope that the body thus signals that conception has occurred. These symptoms occur due to hormonal changes that occur during ovulation. It is for this reason that the lower part hurts before ovulation.

Often these changes go unnoticed. Not everyone experiences pain before and after ovulation. However, there are other signs by which ovulation can be determined: for example, discharge, increased basal temperature etc.

Causes of pain

Ovulation is the period when a mature egg is released into fallopian tube. U healthy women this happens monthly, every 20-34 days. Follicle growth occurs within two weeks after the start of the cycle. In the middle (or a little earlier or later), the egg is released and formed corpus luteum.

When the follicle grows, the ovary sometimes hurts - this causes a feeling of pain.

During ovulation, the ovary is slightly injured, minimal bleeding occurs, and the abdominal cavity is injured due to this, which is why pain occurs.

Such changes in themselves are not dangerous, pain in the lower abdomen before and during ovulation is mild. They quickly disappear and are forgotten. During the remaining days before menstruation, you should feel good.

Brief pain in the middle of the cycle

Ovulatory period favorable for fertilization. If pregnancy is not part of your plans for the near future, you need to beware of this day. Calendar method protection does not always work, so it is better not to take risks or use contraception. If pregnancy is more desirable than ever, you need to take advantage of the moment.

The most active sperm reaches the oocyte, resulting in the formation of a zygote. Moving into the uterus, attaching to the wall, changing hormonal levels - all this causes pain in the lower abdomen and in the tailbone area.

After a couple of days they leave, and in their place new signs of the birth of a small life appear:

  • slight dizziness;
  • mood changes, emotional outbursts;
  • sleep disorders, increased anxiety;
  • inability to perceive certain odors;
  • breast tenderness;
  • change in taste habits;
  • moderate increase in temperature.

Pain, as a rule, does not last longer than two days after ovulation. Pulling sensations in the area of ​​the uterus disappear.

When should you see a doctor?

Painful sensations radiating to the very bottom of the abdomen (sometimes to the lower back) disappear the next day after ovulation, sometimes after two days. If the pain does not go away after this time, and you still feel severe malaise, you need to come to see a gynecologist.

It is important to listen to your body in order to accurately describe to the doctor the sensations:

  • record the duration of pain;
  • understand exactly where it hurts: the lower abdomen, which side, whether the pain radiates to the back;
  • determine the intensity and nature of the pain (pulling, cutting, sharp, etc.);
  • how long does the pain last: does it occur for the first time or not?
  • measure the temperature if it exceeds 37.5 degrees - this is serious reason consult a doctor;
  • note other signs that previously appeared.

Gynecological examination, patient complaints and additional examinations allow you to assign effective treatment if a disease has been identified that has caused pain in the lower abdomen.

I recently looked at a women’s forum with a similar topic and, not without surprise, noticed that painful sensations during ovulation are present in most women. Pain at the time of ovulation is noticed in approximately one in five. And many women describe the same symptoms of this problem - it’s tugging, cutting pains lower abdomen and pain during sex in the middle of the cycle.

And the questions that arise when we encounter such disorders are also the same: “What to do with such pain? What causes them? What and how to treat?”

In this article we will try to answer these questions in as much detail as possible.

Physiology of the process

To understand the impact menstrual cycle for the appearance of pain, it is necessary to find out the course of the ovarian menstrual cycle. After all, the appearance of pain during the menstrual cycle is sometimes determined precisely by its physiology.

The first part of the menstrual cycle (that is, the first 14 days with a menstrual cycle of four weeks and 10-11 with a cycle lasting three weeks), the process of follicle formation occurs, during which the latter increases in size and its membrane becomes convex above the surface of the thin tissue ovary.

On the 14th (11th) day, ovulation occurs directly - this is the rupture of a mature follicle that is overfilled with fluid collected in it. Many are attached to the base of the mature follicle blood vessels, which form a dense network. It happens that the diameter of such vessels is from 0.3 to 0.4 mm. A mature follicle from the time of cavity formation is called a Graafian vesicle.

Having separated from the egg and the fluid in it, the follicle begins to decrease in size, its walls shrink, at the site of the rupture the hole is first closed with a plug of fibrin, and then scarring occurs, and after all this a small blood clot remains in the cavity, which was formed when the vessel ruptured luteal layer.

Pain during ovulation is explained by the process of stretching the ovary under the influence of the Graafian vesicle, and the breakthrough of the follicle with the eruption of fluid, which provokes stimulation of contraction of the uterus and tubes. Ovulation pain is characterized by periodicity, cramping in nature and localization on one side at the level of the ovary.

When a follicle separates from an egg, carrying with it a small blood clot, the pain syndrome begins to manifest itself at any time from the second half of the third week of the menstrual cycle and lasts for 2-3 days, and its clinical manifestations depend on the severity of the hemorrhage.

What causes pain during ovulation?

The pain may become various manifestations, for example: headaches, heart pain, pain associated with menstruation. In order to distinguish between pain during ovulation and pain from appendicitis or pain in the stomach, you need to distinguish between the symptoms.

Pain during ovulation occurs as a result of minor bleeding from the ovary. This bleeding, although it is then absorbed, leads to irritation on the peritoneal wall, and this causes pain. The degree of pain depends on the body and the amount of bleeding.

How does it hurt during ovulation?

This pain is quite typical, so women who have experienced it will recognize the same sensations in the middle of the cycle. Most often, the pain does not last long - and lasts from a couple of short minutes to a couple of painful hours, but sometimes it may not occur 24 hours a day. Depending on the type of pain, it can be felt either sharp or dull.

In most cases, the sensations in the middle of the cycle cause more anxiety than cause painful suffering: its intensity is low.

Ovulation is a stage in the fertility process, so even if someone has serious pain, there is no need to worry unnecessarily or use solid medical treatment. The reason is that ovulation pain itself is not harmful. It’s better to just learn to relax and consult a doctor to prescribe mild painkillers. Drink more fluids, and take your temperature occasionally throughout the day to make sure you don't have any infection.

Self-help for ovulation pain

Can medications be used?

Pain in the middle of the menstrual cycle, as we have already said, is usually not very severe. Regular over-the-counter painkillers are sometimes enough to stop them. medicines, such as ibuprofen, paracetamol, aspirin, etc. (take as prescribed by a doctor).

If you are not a fan of drugs, then non-medicinal methods are suitable for you.

Warming warmth helps quite well - for example, a hot bath or a heating pad applied to the stomach. The reason is that heat stimulates blood flow and has a relaxing effect on tense muscles, resulting in pain relief.

But do not ignore it if the pain lasts more than three days, or when associated symptoms such as: vomiting, bloody stools, weakness or dizziness, heat, difficult or painful urination, bloating or trouble breathing.

To prepare for the onset of painful sensations, you need to keep a chart or diary indicating the pain cycles at the beginning menstrual period. After this, with the help of your medical history, physical examination and others medical tests, this pain can be identified and treated.

Sometimes women are prescribed laparoscopy, when a small incision is made under the navel and a narrow tube is inserted through it. fiber optic light bulb at the end. If the pain becomes stronger or if certain abnormalities are detected, it is advisable to take blood tests or take an x-ray.

Why see a doctor?

At the very beginning, the doctor will make sure that the pain is actually caused by ovulation. To do this, he will conduct a survey and general examination, and, if necessary, will recommend undergoing an examination. You will provide valuable assistance to your doctor if you take the time to mark it on your calendar. initial days menstruation and due date pain.

Sometimes, when confirming the diagnosis of intermenstrual pain caused by ovulation, the doctor may prescribe the use of oral contraceptives which suppress ovulation. Taking contraceptives may also benefit you from birth control.

Everyone has heard about premenstrual syndrome and painful periods, but few people know that ovulation can also be accompanied by unpleasant sensations, in particular pain of varying intensity. Many women simply do not attach any importance to this, since the pain is short-lived and mild and goes away on its own. “Knowledgeable” women use this feature of the body as a kind of control over childbirth. In some cases, the pain can be quite severe and debilitating. Do I need to worry in this case, do I need to consult a gynecologist?

The nature of pain during ovulation.
Pain during ovulation can be felt for several minutes or hours, or for a couple of days; physiological characteristics body. If they do not go away, you need to seek help from a gynecologist. Typically, pain in the lower abdomen occurs on the side of the ovary in which the egg has matured (the sides may change accordingly).

If the menstrual cycle is regular, then ovulation occurs on the fourteenth day of the 28-day cycle, but it can also occur on the 10-11th day of the cycle, which can be influenced by reasons such as intense sexual intercourse, stress, hormonal imbalance, diets, illnesses, excessive physical exercise. Ovulation may also occur later due to hormonal imbalances. So, with the onset of ovulation, pain occurs, the nature of which can be very different (acute, sharp, strongly or mildly expressed, acute, dull, aching). I repeat, not all women experience pain during the release of the egg from the ovary into the body cavity when the follicle ruptures. But there are also those who during this time lose all ability to work or may even lose consciousness.

Symptoms of ovulation.
In addition to unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen (right or left, depending on the activity of one or another ovary), a woman may experience an increase in her own libido, an increase in the secretion of mucus from the vulva and a change in their color (pinkish or reddish). All these manifestations of ovulation signal that the woman’s body is ready to conceive.

Causes of pain during ovulation.
The maturation of the egg precedes the process of ovulation. When the walls of the maturing egg follicle are stretched to their maximum, a woman may experience pain at this moment.

Ruptures of blood vessels located at the base of the ruptured follicle can also provoke pain during ovulation. As a result of the rupture, the fluid from the follicle ends up on the abdominal wall and the epithelium of the uterus, which has an irritating effect; against this background, the uterus contracts and provokes pain of varying intensity. Sometimes small amounts of blood may appear in the discharge after ovulation, which is explained by a decrease in estradiol levels and a slight detachment of the endometrium.

Pain during or after ovulation may be a symptom of one of the existing gynecological diseases, a sign of the presence of inflammation of the reproductive organs (in particular cystitis, mastopathy, ectopic pregnancy, varicose veins in the pelvic area, etc.), and sometimes cancer (ovarian and cervical cancer). There is no need to attribute everything in advance to natural manifestations of ovulation; be vigilant.

Pain in the right side of an aching, and often cutting, nature can be symptoms of appendicitis, only they are accompanied by an increase in body temperature (lasts for 12 hours), so if you have similar symptoms on your face, you should not blindly attribute them to ovulation, contact your doctor.

Excessive pain sensitivity and adhesions in the pelvis cause pain during ovulation.

If pain in the lower abdomen is combined with the appearance of bloody discharge (in in rare cases bleeding) from the vagina, do not hesitate, consult a gynecologist, as this condition may indicate the existence of diseases such as a cyst in the area cervical canal, endometritis (myometrium).

Is pain during ovulation dangerous?
Painful manifestations during ovulation are exclusively physiological in nature, they do not threaten a woman’s health, therefore specific treatment not required. If you have similar phenomenon occurs for the first time, yet it is advisable to find out the nature of its occurrence by contacting a specialist, which is important in order to exclude the development of any serious disease.

How to relieve pain during ovulation?
For rather unpleasant and noticeable pain that causes considerable discomfort, the doctor may prescribe medications with an analgesic effect. In more serious cases, hormonal contraceptives may be prescribed ( birth control pills) to suppress ovulation and relieve pain.

Calm environment, relaxation combined with drinking plenty of fluids will help reduce pronounced manifestations ovulation.

If you know for sure that the cause of pain is ovulation, then a warm heating pad on bottom part abdomen will help reduce or relieve pain. If you do not know or are not sure of their origin, such a method can only aggravate the situation.

When should you see a doctor?
You should immediately contact a specialist if pain in the middle of the menstrual cycle does not go away within two days and is combined with other symptoms, in particular:

  • if they are so intense that you lose consciousness (in this case, contacting a doctor should not be delayed for a minute);
  • if they are accompanied by increased body temperature, severe headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, pain during urination, shortness of breath, diarrhea (including bloody).
To understand whether pain is associated with ovulation or another reason, it is recommended to keep a special diary in which to note pain cycles and their characteristics.

Pay more attention to your health, listen to your body. Any disease manifests itself in the form of symptoms, timely diagnosis which plays a decisive role on the path to recovery. After thirty years, be sure to undergo a full medical examination once a year, and with a gynecologist - twice a year.

Pain during ovulation bothers many girls, but most simply do not attach much importance to it and attribute it to the influence of weather, food or physical activity. But what to do if the pain during ovulation is severe and unbearable? Should I wait it out or make an appointment with a doctor?

What are the pains during ovulation?

In the menstrual cycle, 12-14 days before the onset of menstruation, a mature egg breaks the follicle membrane and begins its movement through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity. Against this background, you can usually notice pulling or stabbing pains in the lower abdomen during ovulation, in the lateral parts of the abdomen on the left or right, as well as pain radiating to the perineum. These pains can vary in intensity - from mild and practically unnoticeable to sharp and bright. The localization of pain depends on the cause that caused pain during ovulation, and the intensity depends on general condition health and pain threshold.

  • Sharp, stabbing pain in the right or left lower abdomen is most often associated with rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg into the abdominal cavity. Usually these pains are observed either on the right or on the left, depending on which of the ovaries ovulation occurs in. The intensity of pain can be very great and be accompanied by spotting bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle, if the follicle shell was strong enough, there are dystrophic or sclerotic changes in the ovarian tissues, inflammation in the ovarian area (oophoritis, salpingoo-oophoritis), PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), and also if you were injured during ovulation small vessels who were nearby.
If the pain is sharp and severe, up to loss of consciousness at the height of the pain attack, intense bloody issues, you need to urgently seek emergency medical care, as these may be symptoms of ovarian apoplexy.
  • Low-intensity nagging pain in the lower abdomen is often associated with the reaction of the fallopian tubes and uterus to ovulation. The uterus and tubes may experience minor contractions as they rupture and release fluid from the ruptured follicle. Most often, these pains are practically unnoticeable, but the presence chronic endometritis, endometriosis or adhesions in abdominal cavity may cause increased pain.
  • Irradiation (pain not at the site of the lesion, but spreading to neighboring areas) of pain in the back, sacral region or perineal area may indicate a bend in the uterus or the presence of ectopic endometriosis. Its foci can be located throughout the abdominal cavity and respond to hormonal surge accompanying ovulation.

How to get rid of pain during ovulation?

For minor pain during ovulation, doctors usually advise taking a one-time drink of any drug from NSAID groups or antispasmodics. They may also help you:

  • peace;
  • heating pad on the lower abdomen;
  • relaxing warm bath (not for bleeding or acute severe pain);
  • plenty of warm drinks (chamomile decoction, sedatives);
  • lungs sedatives, for example, based on herbs.
For many girls, after pregnancy and childbirth, pain during ovulation decreases and becomes almost unnoticeable.

But if the pain is serious and intense, then you need to consult a gynecologist for an examination and search for the causes. painful ovulation. Sometimes the problem is solved by choosing a suitable oral contraceptive drug(COC) or hormonal drug replacement therapy(HRT). These remedies normalize hormonal background and “turn off” the ovulation process, which automatically leads to the elimination of the cause of pain during ovulation. The use of these remedies is especially recommended if you are not planning a pregnancy and have a regular sexual partner.


Due to the complex and varied processes that take place in the female reproductive system during the maturation of the egg and its release from the follicle, it may appear different symptoms at one stage or another monthly cycle. In particular, there are a number of symptoms that appear before, during and after ovulation. They develop for many reasons and are considered, in almost all cases, normal, not pathological condition. Why pain occurs in the lower abdomen during ovulation, what they mean and how to get rid of them - this is discussed in this material.

Why is this happening?

Why does the lower abdomen hurt during ovulation? This is due to both an imbalance in hormone levels and mechanical injury that occurs during natural physiological phenomenon. This symptomatology is often one-sided, that is, the pain erodes down the abdomen exclusively from one ovary. This is explained by the fact that normally the maturation of a germ cell occurs in one cycle on only one side, while the sides alternate from cycle to cycle. Such symptoms cannot clearly appear all the time - normally, most ovulations take place without any symptoms, but sometimes they can appear.

Intense pain is also a deviation from the norm and should cause concern in a woman. At this stage, they should not be as pronounced as when the lower abdomen aches for several days premenstrual syndrome and/or menstruation.

How many days does your stomach hurt during ovulation? From what was written above, it is clear that since the process lasts 1 day, then the pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation lasts the same amount. However, symptoms appear throughout the day before the process begins, and persist for the same amount of time after its completion. Thus, average duration discomfort within one monthly cycle - from 2 to 4 days.

The day before

In rare cases, the lower abdomen pulls on the eve of ovulation. This process itself (the release of mature eggs from the ovarian follicle and their movement into the uterine cavity through the fallopian tubes) lasts a day or a day and a half. Usually this day falls on the 12-14th day of the monthly cycle (depending on the duration of the cycle itself). But sometimes, a couple of days before ovulation, the lower abdomen pulls and the ovaries tingle (approximately on the 12-13th days of the cycle).

Why does this happen? During the preparation of the reproductive cell, the follicles are filled with fluid. Over time, it is under the pressure of this liquid that they burst, and sex cell penetrates the fallopian tube, through which it moves into the cavity. The maximum volume of this fluid (and its pressure on the follicles from the inside) accumulates just before exit, which causes strange sensations in the lower abdomen, since pain from the ovaries erodes there.

During ovulation

Why does the lower abdomen pull during puberty? The explanation for the fact that the stomach hurts during ovulation lies in the same condition of the follicles. As they burst, mild pain and tingling sensations appear that erode. And therefore, at this stage, sometimes the lower abdomen and lower back hurt, and in addition, minimal bleeding from the vagina may be observed once.

This happens around day 13-15 of the monthly cycle. And as the cells mature and emerge, these manifestations begin to decline significantly.

Upon completion

Why does the lower abdomen feel tight after ovulation? This can be caused by various factors. Most often, this is eroding residual pain as a result of injury to the follicles. Moreover, when exposed to hormonal imbalance may form on the ovaries functional cysts, which gradually resolve on their own as they progress through this stage of the monthly cycle. 1-2 days after the transfer of the germ cells, they have not yet resolved, and therefore can provoke discomfort in the lower abdomen after the germ cell matures.

It is important to remember that negative symptoms also appear if fertilization has occurred. They occur at the stage of implantation of a fertilized cell into the endometrium. Therefore, if 6-7 days after the end of ovulation the lower abdomen feels tight, then, theoretically, this is a symptom of conception, although it is not considered a sufficient diagnostic sign.

Characteristics of symptoms

Is it possible for the lower abdomen to hurt at the stage of maturation of the reproductive cell and its leaving the follicles and penetrating into the lumen of the uterus? Discomfort at this stage can be of a different nature. But often all its types can be divided into two groups - pain and/or heaviness in the abdomen after ovulation, before and during it, and tingling in the area of ​​these organs, which erodes only slightly.

Most often, negative signs during egg maturation are not significantly pronounced, and there is no need to remove them with medication in one way or another. But a slightly greater intensity of pain within the course of a particular monthly cycle is not considered an exception to the rule. Most often there are nagging pain in the lower abdomen when preparing the reproductive cell for release. They are not continuous, they are felt only episodically, for example, for several hours 1-2 times a day. Moreover, they are not present in every monthly cycle.

In addition to abdominal pain during ovulation, there may be a feeling of heaviness in the back, localized pain in the ovaries, and discomfort eroding into the rectal area. Sometimes all these symptoms are accompanied by a swollen belly.

It is important to mention that the reasons why symptoms occur are not always safe and physiologically normal and explainable. For this reason, it is important to monitor the nature of the discomfort and the characteristics of its changes in order not to miss the onset pathological process, which can significantly threaten not only the health, but also the life of a woman.


Sometimes, in connection with the preparation of the reproductive cell, at this stage menstrual cycle, a number of patients report slight bloating abdominal wall. And it occurs only in the area of ​​the lower third of the abdominal wall. It is insignificant normally and does not cause much discomfort.

Before ovulation

Bloating before ovulation is an atypical phenomenon for which there are no physiological explanations or prerequisites. Therefore, if a woman has noticed such a phenomenon, then we can most likely talk about diet violations or other reasons that have nothing to do with reproductive function and these bodies.

During it

Swelling of the abdominal wall during maturation of the reproductive cell - natural process, which is a physiological reaction of the body to the egg leaving the follicle and partly simplifies its advancement, and is also explained by the relaxation of smooth muscles. It should not be too significant, but occasionally occurs with increased gas formation and flatulence.

After graduation

Swelling of the wall after maturation of the germ cell is caused by minor injuries to the follicles in the organs when the germ cells leave them. This condition is normal and gradually goes away as old follicles heal and new ones form.

Relieving symptoms

In the vast majority of situations, the lower abdomen pulls slightly after, before or during ovulation, and therefore medical correction of the health condition is not carried out in this case. Everyone tolerates discomfort differently, which is why a number of women need to have it removed.


Discomfort in the period before the release of the egg is caused mainly by spasm. You can remove it by taking 1-2 tablets of No-shpa, 1-2 times a day. They should be taken for one day, but later they will stop helping.

Why does my stomach hurt during ovulation? The reason is injury, which means painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen and Nurofen, can help. They are taken 1 tablet twice a day for 1-2 days.

When your stomach hurts after ovulation, like before your period, you can also relieve symptoms with Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Diclofenac, taken according to the same regimen. It is also not recommended to take analgesics, as they have many side effects.

Traditional methods

Sometimes, if your stomach feels tight after or during ovulation, then traditional methods can help.

  1. Pour a tablespoon of calendula flowers into a glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. Take the infusion one third of a glass 3 times a day. This will relieve the spasm before the follicle ruptures.
  2. Pour 2 tablespoons of yarrow herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take half a glass fresh decoction two or three times a day.
  3. Two to three tablespoons dried fruits cinquefoil pour a liter of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Strain the infusion and pour it into the bath. Take this bath for 15-20 minutes.

When do you need specialist help?

In a number of situations, as mentioned above, pain at this stage is not physiologically determined and is considered a symptom of a significant pathological process. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor to start treatment in a timely manner. In what case is it necessary to consult a gynecologist?

  • Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen after the end of ovulation, before or during it are of greater intensity or suddenly become much more intense;
  • The discomfort is of a protracted nature (in the case when the lower abdomen hurts for the third day, then this is not yet a cause for concern, but longer - sometimes it is a symptom of pathology);
  • During the period of preparation of the reproductive cell, the lower abdomen pulls continuously and/or discomfort appear every month;
  • Symptoms negative manifestations accompanied by significant repeated bleeding or light spotting;
  • Manifestations are complemented by uncharacteristic (for example, purulent or cheesy) vaginal leucorrhoea with a putrid odor;
  • There are other signs of a pathological course (fever, sweating, chills, the patient is nauseous, etc.).

In situations where, during the maturation of the reproductive cell, the abdomen pulls in the area of ​​the lower third of the peritoneum, and in addition, there is at least one of pathological signs listed above, this is sometimes a sign of a pathological process. These are infections or inflammations, neoplasms in reproductive organs women, appendicitis and some other diseases that can threaten health, as well as life, in a situation of untimely initiation of therapy.

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