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Manual massage - therapy for the back and spine

Korean massage is an ancient therapeutic massage therapy that originated in the East. She is focused on recovery vital energy and movement.

Heals internal organs and significantly improves well-being. In ancient times curative therapy was accessible only to princes and their relatives. And her secret methods were kept in strict confidence and passed on to a select few.

Until recently, Korean tonic and wellness massage was like the secret of a golden key. But today, anyone who wants to reveal the secret of life-giving action can get such a chance.

It is very popular among professional athletes. Massage restores joint mobility, affects muscles, relieves fatigue. 15 minutes of Korean massage will replace an hour of classical massage. Specialized joint massage is also widely known.

Important! The patient’s pulse is one of the starting points of the session; the specialist uses it to determine the state of health of his client.

During the first minutes of therapy, the massage therapist identifies a person’s pain points. Quickly establishes contact with biological active points bodies. Some of them are “silent”, while others respond with pain, pointing the specialist in the right direction. The stronger pain threshold, the more serious the disruption internal organs.

During the process, blood flow in the arteries improves and the outflow of lymph and blood in the veins increases. Toxins are removed from the body. It starts to work much better. Many people prefer this technique to get rid of excess weight, recover from surgical intervention, improve skin condition.

The versatility of this therapy is pleasantly surprising. It is subject to neuralgia, hypertension, pneumonia, osteochondrosis and gastritis. Among other things, after 5-10 sessions, the patient will significantly change his worldview: problems will disappear, and strength will appear for new achievements.

Description of the procedure

The massage therapist does not touch the patient's skin. His body is covered with a special sheet. Korean massage does not involve the use of creams or oils. According to experts, they interfere with establishing contact with energy. Massage therapy also includes stretching, passive yoga, and crunches.

Korean technique is famous for its 50 techniques, which specialists combine during a session to achieve maximum effect. Duration of therapy – 1 hour.

Peculiarity! After the first session, a positive effect will be noticed!

Main types

The most common are: therapeutic and preventive. The first will alleviate physical disorders or prevent them. The second one will do healthy people who want to relax, get rid of stress and improve their well-being.

Also worth highlighting:

  1. Lymphatic drainage - massage the arms, back and torso. The duration of one session is 50 minutes. Suitable for people who have problems with exchange process and removal of liquid at varicose veins veins Removes toxins from the body, improves blood circulation, eliminates swelling and swelling.
  2. Lifting and lymphatic drainage – massages the décolleté, face and cervical-collar area. The duration of the procedure is one hour. The skin tightens, becomes radiant, and its color improves.
  3. Anti-cellulite – legs and stomach are massaged. The duration of the procedure is one hour. Massage improves blood circulation in problem areas, helps remove toxins that cause the appearance of “orange peel”, improves skin elasticity, its color and appearance, and also softens scars.

Video lesson: how to rejuvenate your face with massage

Facial massage at home

Makes the skin firmer, moisturized, elastic, eliminates bags under the eyes. In the case of this type of massage, it is necessary to use a cream that can be replaced with water. Before the procedure, it is advisable to cleanse the skin using a scrub or peeling.

  1. Rub your forehead with your fingers, working from the center to the edges. Repeat 3 times
  2. Using three fingers, press on your temples for 4 seconds. Then remove your fingers. Repeat this process three times.
  3. Cover your eyes with your fingers (also covering your cheeks). Press on this area for 3-4 seconds. The repetition must be done 3 times.
  4. Place your fingers on the top of your cheeks, near your nose and cheekbones. Press firmly. Stay in this state for 3 or 4 seconds. Afterwards, relax. The procedure must be repeated 3 times.
  5. Close your lips with your fingers (it’s easier to horizontal position). As in previous cases, press on them for 4 seconds. Then relax and repeat again 3 times. This technique will remove fatigue from your face.
  6. Use the fingertips of both palms to stroke your face. Move from bottom to top. “Play” this way for one minute. Relieves tension and helps smooth the skin.
  7. Press your palms against your face for 4 seconds. Repeat the procedure three times.
  8. Place your hands on your face and begin to slowly move them apart, applying a little pressure. Repeat this process three times.

After similar procedures, the skin will be firmer, more radiant, elastic and dense.

Indications for use

Korean massage therapy can be beneficial for everyone. It has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Can get rid of:

  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Problems with the respiratory system.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The therapy will relieve pain and relieve muscle tension. It will make muscles stronger and joints more flexible. After several procedures, the patient will get rid of stoop and correct posture will be formed. Subcutaneous fat will be destroyed and extra pounds will go away.

Important! Before going for a massage session, you should consult your doctor!

Important contraindications

  • elevated temperature;
  • alcoholic or drug-induced state;
  • blood diseases;
  • purulent processes;
  • after wax or laser hair removal;
  • burns of all types;
  • skin diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • malignant and benign formations;
  • umbilical cord hernia;
  • thrombosis and varicose veins;
  • kidney and gallstones;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • venereal diseases;
  • menses;
  • mental illness;
  • injuries;
  • heart diseases;
  • acute respiratory diseases.

Korean massage is a special technique that can restore inner world : increase efficiency, eliminate anxiety, stress, depressive states, remove fatigue and allow a person to become more confident in himself and his actions.

In addition, it will cure physical illnesses that don't allow you to live full life. Be healthy and prevent your diseases!

What is massage?

Massage is the rubbing of the body's soft tissues, such as muscles. Massage can relieve tension and pain, improve blood circulation and promote relaxation. Massage therapists usually use their hands, but they may also use their elbows or feet. There are at least 80 types of massage. Some of them are gentle, some are very active and intense.

For example, Swedish massage is very gentle and is often used to relax, improve blood circulation, and relieve muscle tension. The therapist uses long, gliding strokes as well as kneading and tapping techniques on the top layer of muscle towards the heart. They may also gently move the joints to improve range of motion.

Deep tissue massage is more active and intense. It is used in the treatment of long-term muscle strain. The masseur applies slow touches (fingers and elbows), using strong pressure on the deep tissues of muscles that are not involved in Swedish massage.

You can give yourself a massage to relax after work or study, or to put yourself in a cheerful state in the morning. You can easily massage your heels, arms or neck while doing other activities or relaxing. Self-massage may be more effective if you are wearing comfortable clothing and sitting or lying in a comfortable position. Use oil or lotion to apply to skin.

Massage of painful areas is less gentle and can cause discomfort. The therapist applies firm pressure to tight muscles that have been worn or injured until the muscle relaxes completely. Tell your massage therapist if you feel pain during the massage.

Some people feel that massage really helps because touch is healing. Touch also conveys care.

What is massage used for?

People use massage to achieve relaxation and relieve pain. It can also relieve muscle tension and improve blood circulation, relieve nervous tension, resume normal joint movement.

Most studies show that massage relieves anxiety, improves circulation and relieves muscle tension.

Is massage safe?

When performed correctly, massage is considered safe. Being certified by the National Certification Commission for Therapeutic Massage ensures that your massage therapist is well-trained and operates according to regulations. Remember that massages can be expensive, are not usually covered by insurance, and take time.

Always consult your doctor if you want to use alternative treatment or combine it with the traditional one. It may be unsafe to refuse traditional treatment and rely entirely on the alternative.

Massage therapy – complex practical methods using fixed or moving pressure and movement of muscles and tissues of the body.

Goals of massage therapy

Typically, massage therapy aims to improve blood and lymph flow, reduce muscle tension or flaccidity, and influence nervous system through stimulation or sedation, and to promote tissue healing. Therapeutic massage can be recommended for both children and adults for the following purposes:

Description of therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage is one of the oldest known medical practitioners. The first mentions of massage were found in ancient Chinese medical texts written more than 4,000 years ago. Massage has been promoted in Western healthcare practice since the time of Hippocrates.

A variety of massage methods have a beneficial effect on the muscular, skeletal, circulatory, lymphatic, nervous and other systems of the body. The core philosophy of therapeutic massage includes the concept of “activating the body’s self-healing abilities.”

The touch method is the main means of massage therapy, while massage can be described various types techniques performed. Since massage typically involves the application of contact with some degree of pressure and movement, the massage therapist must be able to determine optimal quantity and movement and pressure in relation to to a certain person. The sensory method allows the massage therapist to receive useful information using your hands about the person's body, such as the location of an area of ​​muscle tension or other soft tissue problems.

In practice, many massage therapists use more than one method in their work, often combining them. An effective massage therapist will discover each person's needs and then use techniques that best meet those needs.

Some types of massage therapy

Swedish massage
is the most commonly used form of therapeutic massage. It uses a system of long glides, kneading and friction techniques on the superficial layers of muscle, usually in the direction of blood flow to the heart, and sometimes in combination with active and passive joint movements. Swedish massage is used for general relaxation, it improves circulation and range of motion, and relieves muscle tension.

Deep massage used to relieve chronic patterns of muscle tension using slow strokes, direct pressure, or friction directed across the muscle fibers. A deep massage with high pressure is used, and on deeper layers of muscles, unlike the Swedish one, and is effective in relieving chronic muscle tension.

Sports massage uses techniques similar to Swedish and deep massage, but specially modified to suit specific requirements.

Neuromuscular massage is a form of deep massage that is applied to individual muscles. It is used primarily to release trigger points (intense knots of muscle tension) and increase blood flow. Often used to relieve pain. Trigger acupressure and myotherapy are some of its varieties.

involves applying finger pressure to specific points along energy pathways or “meridians” to release blocked energy. Redistribution of energy flow relieves tension and restores the functions of organs and muscles in the body. Shiatsu is a Japanese form of acupressure that applies these principles.

Organization of massage therapy sessions

Massage therapy sessions can be carried out either at home or in a specialized salon. The frequency of massage sessions can vary widely as needed based on the condition being treated. The cost of a massage varies depending on geographical location, experience of the massage therapist and duration of the massage.

Before the procedure, as a rule, the massage therapist collects information - this is the reason for receiving massage therapy, physical state, medical history and more. During the procedure, the massage therapist can use oil or cream, which is quickly absorbed into the skin.

Massage therapy can also be recommended for children with allergies, stress, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, limb injuries, rehabilitation after surgery, chronic and temporary pain, circulatory disorders, depression, indigestion, headaches, sleep problems, myofascial pain, sports injuries, as well as problems associated with dysfunction of the mandibular joint.

Precautionary measures

Massage is a relatively safe procedure; however, it should not be used if a person has one of the following medical conditions:

Massage should not be used locally on affected areas with eczema, goiter (thyroid dysfunction) and open skin lesions. Massage can be used on areas of the body that are not affected by these conditions. The decision to use massage should be based on whether it may cause harm. In such cases, the doctor’s recommendations are more than appropriate before the massage.

Denial of responsibility: The information presented in this article about massage therapy is intended for the reader's information only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

Hello, my name is Artyom. I am a certified specialist in massage and visceral therapy. I work gently and efficiently (results immediately after the 1st session). Eliminates fatigue, stress and pain. I work with the center of gravity, the pelvis, due to which I achieve high results. I give the necessary recommendations for keeping yourself in good shape (physical therapy, yoga, diet). I work both on the client’s premises and in my office (Taganskaya metro station) Work experience of more than 7 years (Burdenko Hospital, office manual therapy, private practice). I know many techniques: -Therapeutic, classical (Training at an aviation hospital); -Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Nui (Training from a master, student of a Kahuna-Hawaiian priest); -Yumeiho therapy: Japanese, Vietnamese, Siberian Cossack (Training from Vladislav Yuryevich Shchebenkov, president of the association and chief successor of the Japanese sensei Masayuki Saionji, founder of the school of Yumeiho therapy); -Honey, vacuum, cupping, UDM (Georgy Maximov School of Massage at the Forerunner Center of Professor A.T. Ogulov); -Visceral therapy: Complex correction functional state the whole body, massage of the abdomen, chest, internal organs and neck, gua sha, elimination of scars and stretch marks (stretch marks) (Training from Ogulov Alexander Timofeevich, President of the Association of Visceral Practices, Academician of European Natural Sciences); - Exercise therapy, yoga, dietetics. !!! I wish Happiness, Health and Prosperity to you and your loved ones!!! My education, diplomas and certificates: 1. Secondary specialized education GBPOU DZM Medical College 7 - 2013 Nursing; 2. GBPOU DZM Medical College 7 - 2013 Specialist in Classical massage; 3. Center for Ayurvedic Medicine and Yoga Therapy Aitreya Ayurveda - 2014 Specialist in Ayurvedic Abhyanga massage; 4. Private practice from a master, student of a kahuna (Hawaiian priest) - 2015 Specialist in Royal Hawaiian massage Lomi Lomi Nui; 5. Association of Yumeiho Massage Specialists - 2016 Yumeiho Therapist I degree (Specialist in Japanese massage); 6. Association of Yumeiho Massage Specialists - 2017 Yumeiho-therapist II degree (Specialist in Vietnamese and Siberian Cossack massages); 7. Clinic of Professor Ogulov A.T. - 2017 Specialist in shock-dynamic massage and vacuum therapy I degree; 8. Georgy Maksimov Health School - 2017 Specialist in shock-dynamic massage and vacuum therapy, II degree; 9. Georgy Maksimov Health School - 2017 Specialist in honey and cupping massages; 10. Professional Association of Visceral Practitioners - 2018 Visceral therapist, stage I. !!! I will be very glad to provide you with qualified assistance! Contact us ;)

Therapeutic exercises Chinese medicine Qingnan Zeng

7. Massage therapy for Meniere's syndrome

In traditional Chinese medicine, Meniere's syndrome is considered a type of vertigo. Cause of this disease has not been definitively established. Most patients note that the main cause of its symptoms is mental overstrain or a feeling of extreme fatigue. Among the symptoms, the most characteristic are sudden attacks dizziness. According to traditional Chinese medicine, massotherapy certain areas of the body helps improve blood circulation and vital energy and protects the brain, giving it the opportunity to rest and recover well. For this reason, such methods have a beneficial effect in the treatment of Meniere's syndrome.

Acupuncture points and their order during massage: yin-tang, mei-yao, si-zhu-kun, tong-tzu-liao, temple, shang-guan, er-men, qu-bin and cheng-qi (Fig. 9-20).

Regular massage.

Massage the points in the above order. The main attention should be paid to the points of Tongzi-Liao, temple, Shan-Guan and Er-Men. This means that the number of repetitions at these points compared to the rest should be doubled.

During the massage, keep your eyes slightly closed, lightly clench your fists, putting thumb on the middle one and extending the index finger to influence the points with slow clockwise rotations. The mind should be focused and the finger movements should be slow. The force should be applied in just the right amount, not making the movement too light, but also not applying more pressure than necessary. If you do it without due effort, the effect will be unnoticeable, but if you overdo it, you can cause a feeling of discomfort. With the exception of the yin-tang point, which is massaged with the index or middle finger, all others are massaged simultaneously with both hands. After completing the procedure, use the index or middle fingers of both hands to lightly rub several times from the Tong Zi Liao points through the temples and the Shan Guan points to the Er Men. When, having done everything necessary, you finally open your eyes, they will be much brighter, your head will be clearer, and you will feel much more comfortable.

Massage for symptoms of Meniere's syndrome.

If symptoms of Meniere's syndrome occur, begin by massaging the above key pressure points, especially the Tung Tzu Liao and temples. The more you massage them, the better. If the attack of the disease is serious, you will not be able to perform the massage yourself, so seek help from others, explaining to them what and how to do. Whatever the circumstances, the points and force of impact must be precise and properly controlled.

It should be especially noted that massage should be used at the first manifestations of symptoms of the disease. At severe form Appropriate sedatives should be used.

It can be added that if in addition to this you use a massage of the head, eyes and nose and at the same time perform suitable physical exercise, properly organize rest, then in this way you can prevent the recurrence of Meniere's syndrome.

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