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Naftalan baths: indications, contraindications and correct use. How I took a naphthalan bath, treated my joints and relaxed at Garabag Resort&Spa

Now you can turn to the indications and contraindications that are present in this method of treatment. The lists of both are very extensive.
Indications for naphthalan baths.
The effects of such procedures are quite varied. True, there are also many contraindications. But for now the attention is not on them. The indications are mostly associated with the vasodilating, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing capabilities of naphthalan baths.

It follows that the procedures are primarily useful for such diseases.
Various pathologies skin. Among the most typical indications in this case are psoriasis, ulcers, and neurodermatitis. Joint diseases of different nature. A common indication is arthritis.

Stimulating the production of hormones in the adrenal glands is another effect of naphthalan baths.
But do not forget that with a large number of indications, naphthalan baths are also rich in contraindications. Before deciding on procedures of this nature, you should learn about them. If contraindications are not taken into account, your health can be unintentionally harmed. Contraindications are the subject of further consideration.

Even if indications favor taking naphthalan baths, if you have heart problems, warming up is basically impossible. Any STDs. Sexually transmitted diseases also eliminates the possibility of warming up. Organic CNS pathologies, psychical deviations, epilepsy. Neoplasms of benign and malignant nature. They should not come into contact with naphthalan due to the toxicity of the latter.

The therapeutic effect of such oil has been well studied, so the indications for procedures are quite extensive and varied. Since naftalan oil is toxic, there is a rather impressive list of contraindications. In addition, the duration of administration is limited to 15 minutes. The optimal duration is 10 minutes. At longer duration there is a threat to the heart. The first use of a naphthalan bath is a trial one to make sure there are no allergic reactions. In addition, it is desirable to have trained personnel present to ensure that all actions are performed correctly.

By the way, naftalan baths often bring much more extensive benefits to women, since the weaker sex is less inclined to demonstrate contraindications. Poor clotting blood and hemophilia. Naftalan allows you to compensate for such problems to some extent. Of course, hope for complete cure hemophilia is not possible, but certain benefits will certainly appear. Suppression of adrenal function.

Before finding out what naftalan baths have indications and contraindications, it is worth learning a little about the procedure itself. Most important points, associated with naphthalan baths are the following.
For naphthalan baths, non-flammable oil containing a large amount of carbohydrates is used. medicinal effect.

Then it will be possible to compensate for the contraindications of naphthalan baths, and the indications will come to the fore. This will allow you to cope with the problems present.

Tachycardia and arrhythmia. They are also contraindications in which it is necessary to avoid taking naphthalan baths. Chronic diseases kidneys or liver.
It must be added that these contraindications are the most dangerous. But there are other cases when it is better to refuse naphthalan baths. Therefore, you should seek advice before undergoing procedures.

Naftalan oil is a thick, black-brown liquid with a specific, aromatic odor. Naphthalan has a high viscosity, an acidic reaction, a high specific gravity (0.91 - 0.96), and a high boiling point (from 220 0C and above). Pour point (-20 0C). When mixed with water it gives a relatively stable emulsion.

Naftalan has a complex chemical composition and is a highly resinous, low-sulfur, paraffin-free oil, and contains almost no light fractions, such as gasoline, kerosene, naphtha.

Naftalan contains:
1. Naphthenic hydrocarbons – 50-55%
2. Aromatic hydrocarbons – 10-15%
3. Resinous substances – 14-15%
4. Naphthenic acids – 0.5-3%
5. Sulfur – 0.25-0.7%
6. Nitrogen compounds – 0.3%
7. Micro elements (honey, zinc, manganese, lithium, boron, iodine, bromine, etc.)

Main active principle naphthalan are naphthenic hydrocarbons (due to the presence in their composition of the cyclopentane-perhydrophenanthrene skeleton, which is part of many enzymes, hormones and other physiological active substances), which have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vasodilating, antiallergic, stimulating trophic functions, increasing intensity metabolic processes action, stimulates the processes of spermatogenesis, accelerates the processes of ovulation and oogenesis.

Thanks to these properties of naftalan oil, more than 70 diseases are treated in our center.

Another aspect is iodine-bromine water of naftalan origin - this is water extracted together with naftalan oil, which contains all the microelements found in naftalan. Treatment with iodine-bromine water is prescribed to patients who are contraindicated to naftalan treatment.

Naftalan treatment

Naftalan has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, vasodilating, antiallergic, stimulating trophic functions, increasing the intensity of metabolic processes, stimulating the processes of spermatogenesis, accelerating the processes of ovulation and oogenesis.
For naphthalan baths, native (natural) naphthalan is used. The temperature of naphthalan baths is 37 – 38 Celsius. The time for taking the first bath is 8 minutes, subsequent baths are 10 minutes.
The first three baths are taken every other day, the rest - 2-3 days, a day break.
The course of treatment is 10 - 12 naphthalan baths.

Naftalan baths are prescribed in the form of general (lying down), sessile and chamber baths.
General (lying down) naphthalan bath - the patient lies down in the bath so that the heart area remains open.

Sitz naphthalan bath - the patient sits in the bath waist-deep and immerses his hands in the bath.

Chamber bath - the patient sits on a special seat and immerses his feet in the bath.

After taking a bath, the patient cleans himself of naphthalan residues with a special scraper, wipes himself with paper and takes a shower. Water temperature 38 - 39 degrees Celsius, shower time no more than 15-20 minutes. It is not recommended to wash your hair immediately after taking a bath.

You need to rest for an hour after taking a bath.

During naphthalan baths, usually when taking 1–4 baths, a balneoreaction occurs in the form of general ( general weakness, headaches, insomnia, intestinal upset, etc.) and local (increased pain, skin rash, itching, bruises on the legs, etc.) reactions. With proper bathing, these manifestations disappear by the end of the course of treatment.

If a balneoreaction occurs, you should consult your doctor.
The effect of naftalan treatment lasts for 1.5 - 2 months and after that a stable effect occurs.

Indications for treatment with naphthalan oil.

I Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
Rheumatic arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis
Post-traumatic arthritis
Deforming polyosteoarthrosis
Gout, gouty polyarthritis
Intervertebral osteochondrosis
Spondylosis deformans, spondyloarthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis
Protrusions and small hernias intervertebral discs
Extra-articular soft tissue diseases (bursitis, tendovaginitis, myositis, myofasciitis)
II Diseases of peripheral nerves:
III Peripheral vascular diseases:
Obliterating endarteritis and atherosclerosis of the vessels of the extremities
Phlebeurysm lower limbs
Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, lymphostasis
Raynaud's disease
IV Skin diseases:
Allergic dermatitis
Epidermolysis bullosa
V Gynecological diseases:
Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (adnexitis, salpingoophoritis, metritis, parametritis)
Ovarian dysfunction
Pelvic peritoneal adhesions
Primary and secondary infertility
VI Chronic prostatitis

Naftalan treatment of the above diseases is carried out in the non-exacerbation stage.

Contraindications to treatment with naphthalan baths:
1. All diseases in the acute and subacute stages.
2. Malignant tumors any localization.
3. Tuberculous lesions of any organ.
4. Anemia. Blood diseases.
5. Mental illness. Epilepsy.
6. Venereal diseases, HIV infection. Hepatitis C.
7. Kidney and liver failure.
8. Febrile illnesses
9. Organic diseases of the central nervous system ( multiple sclerosis, syringomyelia, ALS).
10 Residual effects violations cerebral circulation(hemiparesis)
11. Hypertonic disease III Art.
12. History of myocardial infarction.
13. Angina pectoris of exertion and rest with F K III – IV stage.
14. Circulatory disorders II and III degrees.
15. Chronic coronary insufficiency stage II-III.
16. Atrial fibrillation.
17. Paroxysmal tachycardia.
18. Atrioventricular block.
19. Transverse blockade.
20. Complete blockade left or right leg His bundle.
21. Goiter (nodular, diffuse).
22. Fibroma, uterine fibroids.
23. Endometriosis of the uterus.
24. Polyps, kraurosis, leukoplakia, erythroplakia.
25. Ovarian cystoma, dermoid cysts
26. Hyperplasia of the uterine mucosa, metrorrhagia.
27. Pregnancy and lactation period.
28. Mastopathy.
29. Condition after abortion before first menstruation.
30. Prostate adenoma.

Complex treatment

At the center, patients are first prescribed naphthalan or iodide-bromine baths, depending on the diagnosis.

Treatment of patients at the center is carried out comprehensively: the treatment package includes:
vibrating massage
laser therapy
naftaparaffin applications
amplipulse therapy
naftalan – phonophoresis
colon hydrotherapy

Where is Naftalan resort located?

The Naftalan resort, located in a man-made coniferous forest park at the foot of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains, is famous not only in our republic, but also far beyond its borders. Naftalan oil, successfully used in the treatment of many diseases since the Middle Ages, became the reason for the creation of the resort city in 1935. The resort is located on the territory of Goranboy district, 320 km from the capital of the republic, Baku, 70 km from Ganja and 18 km from railway station Geranium. The resort is located at an altitude of 220-250 meters above sea level. The climate is subtropical with high insolation. Summer is dry, hot, winter is warm. The average annual temperature is +14 0C. Precipitation is insignificant, 100-250 mm per year. Winds are moderate, mainly northwesterly.

The “Miracle Naftalan” Health Center in Azerbaijan has been operating year-round since 2007. Average term treatment at the center is 15 days. Admission to the center is carried out by pre-order, in cash and with trade union vouchers.

“Miracle Naftalan” on the map:

Address and contacts of the health center “Miracle Naftalan”:

AZ 4600 Republic of Azerbaijan, Naftalan City,
st. Nizami Ganjavi 20, Health Center “Miracle Naftalan”
Phones (+994255) 2-31-65; (+994255) 2-31-95
Fax (+994255) 2-31-65
Director:(+99450) 314-36-68; (+99455) 682-15-82
Chief physician: (+99450) 315-48-29
Email: [email protected]; / Skype: az-naftalan

Naftalan baths are procedures with naphthalan oil. It was opened in the city of Naftalan, in Azerbaijan. Now there is a resort on this site, offering all vacationers to take miraculous baths with this type of oil.

Even though naftalan is a type of oil, it is not flammable. It's liquid black-brown color. Its action is based on the main component - naphthalan carbohydrates. His thick consistency and its smell is similar to ordinary oil, but differs in its therapeutic effect. It is for this reason that naphthalan oil is widely used in alternative medicine.

Features of application

The naftalan treatment procedure involves lubrication or bathing. Extensive use makes naphthalan baths quite popular. But they need to be treated with great caution. Like all types of oil, naphthalan is toxic. The duration of the procedure is no more than 10-15 minutes. If you apply it, lubricating the skin surface not exceeding 1/5 of the entire body surface, then the procedure time can increase to 30 minutes. For baths, natural or resin-free naphthalan is used. It contains no resinous compounds. It is not so viscous, so it is used for enemas, inhalations, and lubricating the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and throat.

Taking a bath requires compliance strict rules. Firstly, the temperature should be from + 35 to + 39 degrees. It must be remembered that this temperature, although comfortable, is long stay can be a serious challenge for of cardio-vascular system or lead to side effects.

The use of naphthalan should only occur under the strict supervision of trained personnel ( nurse and doctors of all profiles).

The characteristic smell of oil can make this procedure uncomfortable.

During the use of baths, there may be allergic reactions different types. The procedures can be continued if the reactions are not strong. If they are very pronounced, then treatment should be interrupted for a while. After the symptoms disappear, treatment can be resumed, but carried out with great caution.

A course of treatment

Usually a course consisting of 10-12 baths is prescribed. The treatment plan looks like this:

  • First day. Taking a bath.
  • Second day. Break.
  • The third day. Taking a bath.
  • Fourth day. Taking a bath.
  • Fifth day. Rest.

Then repeat the procedures from the third to the fifth day.

The use of naphthalan baths must be approached with extreme caution and the recommendations that are common to all must be followed.

  1. Some people try to quickly achieve positive success by immersing themselves in the bath above the level of the head, neck or chest. This cannot be done.
  2. It is necessary to immerse yourself gradually, since heat baths raise blood pressure and increase heart rate.
  3. Before diving, you should pay attention to the structure of the bath. Top hatch designed for dumping excess liquid, must be locked. After diving, you need to pay attention to the liquid level: it should be below the level of the hatch.
  4. Do not use washcloths or scrubs while taking a bath.
  5. Recommended bathing time is 15 minutes.
  6. After swimming, you should not dry yourself with a towel or take a shower with detergents or without them. You just need to put on a robe and rest for 40 minutes.
  7. The oil is well absorbed into the blood, so if there are pustular wounds on the skin, the procedure should be canceled.

Indications for the use of naphthalan baths

Naftalan has a beneficial effect on the body. This biologically active substance has anti-inflammatory, vasodilating and analgesic effects. With its help, many diseases are treated.

The main advantage of naphthalan is its ability to disinfect and heal small wounds, protect against ultraviolet radiation. For this reason, it is widely used in cosmetology and in the treatment of skin diseases:

  • seborrhea,
  • furunculosis,
  • lichen,
  • eczema,
  • neurodermatitis,
  • hives,
  • ulcer,
  • pyoderma,
  • itchy skin
  • bedsores.

Psoriasis is especially well treated. Most patients with this disease showed a noticeable improvement in their condition after a course of naphthalan.

Positive impact on circulatory system expressed in slowing down the blood clotting process. The level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells increase. Thanks to the achievement of such effects, diseases of the cardiovascular system and other diseases associated with vasoconstriction are successfully treated:

  • atherosclerosis,
  • thrombophlebitis.

Treatment with naphthalan baths relieves pain during inflammatory processes some neurological diseases:

  • shoulder radiculitis,
  • radiculitis of the lumbosacral region,
  • brachial plexitis,
  • tibial nerve neuritis,
  • radial neuritis,
  • trigeminal neuralgia.

The analgesic effect facilitates the course of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and diseases associated with pinched nerves in joints, damage to extra-articular tissues:

  • neuritis,
  • radiculitis,
  • neuralgia,
  • polyarthritis,
  • rheumatic arthritis,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • intervertebral osteochondrosis,
  • arthritis,
  • nonspecific arthritis of infectious origin,
  • rheumatism,
  • myalgia,
  • spondylosis,
  • bursitis,
  • gout,
  • vibration disease,
  • myositis,
  • post-traumatic osteoporosis,
  • deforming spondylosis.

It is joint diseases that bring vacationers to this resort. Naftalan baths heal patients so quickly and effectively that various walking aids are unnecessary for them. Patients leave them as unnecessary. This is how the “Museum of Crutches” arose in the city of Naftalan.

In addition, naphthalan oil helps to enhance the production of adrenal hormones, treats chronic prostatitis in men. Women can heal:

  • infertility,
  • salpingophritis,
  • underdevelopment of the uterus,
  • adnexitis,
  • pathologies of the reproductive system,
  • amenorrhea.

Children can use naphthalan baths for skin diseases without the formation of pustules, allergies, or diathesis.

Naftalan ointment can be purchased at a pharmacy and used as a lubricant. But it is not recommended to do this, since independent use may cause more harm than good.


Due to toxicity, naphthalan baths can harm the body. Therefore, they have a number of contraindications.

If any of the listed diseases is in the acute stage, then taking baths is strictly prohibited. They are allowed to be taken only when the disease is chronic. In addition, even with a slight increase in body temperature, it is necessary to cancel the procedure. There is a list of diseases for which naftalan is contraindicated. As a rule, these are the diseases for which heating is prohibited:

  • heart attack,
  • any sexually transmitted disease,
  • angina pectoris
  • any mental disorder,
  • disease nervous system organic type,
  • anemia,
  • any heart disease,
  • any blood disease
  • tuberculosis of any kind,
  • stage III hypertension,
  • epilepsy,
  • individual intolerance.

For all these diseases, you should avoid contact with toxic substances that can aggravate their chronic condition.

It is strictly forbidden to take naphthalan baths if a person has:

  • paroxysmal tachycardia,
  • benign or malignant tumor,
  • atrial fibrillation,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation period.

In the case of taking baths, the condition can worsen even to death.

Naftalan baths have more advantages than disadvantages, but only a doctor can prescribe them.

Do you think that oil is exclusively an industrial raw material? You are very mistaken; it is widely used in medicine. Of course, not just any one, because it is very important to evaluate the chemical composition and properties of a particular product. Naftalan oil is a completely different substance; it is completely non-flammable and has a number of useful properties.

What it is?

Today we will talk in detail about naphthalan baths. We will try to explain the indications and contraindications in detail. Naftalan oil is a rather thick liquid Brown, which has specific smell. The substance has a high specific gravity and even greater viscosity, as well as an acidic reaction. The hydrocarbons contained in this substance are the basis of many biologically active substances. It is thanks to this that naftalan began to be used in treatment large quantity diseases.


These deposits are very old and widely known not only among the local population. The extracted substance received its name thanks to the city of Naftalan in Azerbaijan, where it began to be mined. Only 300 km separate it from the capital. According to historical data, back in the mid-19th century this oil was extracted manually from shallow wells. However, when a German engineer noticed this, he laid down an oil installation, wanting to make a profit.

He was in for a great disappointment; naphthalan oil products are not flammable. But, being a practical man, the engineer continued his observations and soon noted that local people regularly take baths from this substance. Then he released a healing ointment based on oil, and it gained wide popularity. A little later, it was he who began advertising naphthalan baths. We will consider the indications and contraindications below.


There are no analogues to this substance anywhere else in the world. This is a unique compound that is rich healing properties. They are still being studied, and doctors are constantly discovering something new. Naftalan oil can have a wide variety of effects on the human body.

There is practically no patient in the world whose condition could not be improved using this method of treatment. has stimulating and analgesic, anti-inflammatory and vasodilating properties.

Doctors value this substance for its ability to increase metabolism, which can be useful from the point of view of cosmetology and medicine. But that's not all. Oil perfectly accelerates the healing of wounds on the skin, stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce hormones, that is, restores endocrine system, has excellent antibacterial and sun protection effects.

Today, doctors prescribe naphthalan baths for a number of diseases. Reviews say that most chronic symptoms recedes after ten procedures. Naftalan is very useful for various diseases respiratory system, as it leads to improved ventilation. During the course of treatment, patients experience an increase in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin. You need to be careful here, as the method promotes slower blood clotting. Therefore, it is not recommended for everyone to use naphthalan baths. Your doctor should evaluate the indications and contraindications and only then prescribe treatment.


The range of applications is very wide, so we will limit ourselves to those applications that are found in medical practice more often. First of all this skin diseases: eczema and psoriasis, furunculosis and neurodermatitis, sycosis and seborrhea. However, this is far from full list. Oil is great for pityriasis rosea, torpid ulcers, urticaria and bedsores.

Neurologists very often use naphthalan baths in their prescriptions. Indications and contraindications must be carefully weighed, but the benefits often outweigh. This substance is very effective in the treatment of neuritis of the elbow or facial nerves. Perfectly suits the ischial and occipital nerves. And for patients suffering from cervical-brachial and lumbosacral radiculitis, such baths will become a real salvation, giving peace and freedom from pain.

As you can see, naphthalan can help in a variety of branches of medicine. Azerbaijan is a country that has given birth to a wonderful product and generously shares it with the whole world. It significantly speeds up treatment vascular diseases(phlebitis, thrombophlebitis). In most cases, extra-articular soft tissues and joints are healed.

Treatment of the reproductive system

This is a relatively new direction in which naphthalan is used. Azerbaijan regularly invites people suffering from chronic diseases in the field of gynecology and urology. Among the ailments that can be successfully treated with naphthalan are infertility and amenorrhea, andexitis and underdevelopment of the uterus. Men are also treated successfully here. For example, chronic prostatitis is most treatable.


There are quite a few diseases that a doctor must take into account before prescribing such a procedure. Naftalan baths are contraindicated in case of myocardial infarction and all heart diseases, especially coronary insufficiency and angina. You should not take such baths for any neoplasms, benign or malignant. Severe anemia, pregnancy and breast-feeding mean complete failure from such procedures. Kidney failure or acute jade, gynecological diseases V acute form, tuberculosis, organic lesions nervous system - all these are reasons to at least postpone treatment.

Treatment in the capital

Naftalan baths in Moscow today are no longer a curiosity. For example, the Vorobyovo sanatorium offers its guests similar procedure. Only 127 km separates it from Moscow, and this is where you will be given a course of these procedures. Treatment is carried out strictly according to methods approved by the Ministry of Health, and therefore is completely safe. This is not the only procedure in the arsenal of doctors, and it is often used in combination with other treatment methods.

Treatment in Azerbaijan

But if you want to feel the very atmosphere of a sunny country, then come to where this product is born. “Naftalan” (Azerbaijan) is a sanatorium that has been operating for almost 100 years. Initially it operated in summer time, and then became year-round. Every year more and more patients began to use its services, and this meant only one thing: the resort complex must grow and develop. Other hospitals that actively use naphthalan began to appear. “Azerbaijan” is a sanatorium that opened a little later, in 1982. Then “Mil”, “Goran”, “Shirvan” and “Chinar” were added to them.