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Small umbilical hernia in adults. How dangerous is an umbilical hernia in adults? Is surgery necessary for an umbilical hernia?

Umbilical hernia- a condition in which internal organs (intestines, big oil seal) extend beyond the front abdominal wall through a hole located in the navel area (umbilical ring).

An umbilical hernia is treated by a surgeon. It is advisable to consult a doctor at the first signs of discomfort.

Read also: Hernias: questions, answers, solutions

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia:

  • a protrusion in the navel area that decreases in size or disappears when lying down;
  • abdominal pain that occurs during physical activity and coughing;
  • expansion of the umbilical ring;
  • nausea.

Methods for diagnosing umbilical hernia:

  • examination by a surgeon;
  • radiography of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastroscopy (EGD, esophagogastroduodenoscopy);
  • herniography is an x-ray method that involves introducing a special contrast agent for the purpose of examining a hernia
  • Ultrasound of hernial protrusion.
  • metastases of stomach cancer to the navel.

Course of the disease

Umbilical hernias can be congenital or acquired. Congenital hernia It is detected immediately after birth: in the navel area there is a spherical protrusion with a wide base, which passes into the umbilical cord. When the child screams, the hernial protrusion increases.

Manifestations of an umbilical hernia depend on its size, the size of the hernial orifice, and the severity adhesive process and associated obesity. Hernias can be reducible or unreducible, when the hernial sac fuses with the surrounding tissues using adhesions. Often, small umbilical hernias do not cause concern to patients if the hernial orifice is wide enough and the hernia is freely reduced. Large and irreducible hernias make it difficult for the contents to move through the intestines, so patients suffer from constipation, periodic pain, and often experience nausea and even vomiting.


  1. strangulation of an umbilical hernia is a sudden compression of hernial contents in the hernial orifice;
  2. hernia inflammation - caused by inflammation in the organ located in the hernial sac;
  3. coprostasis - stagnation feces in the large intestine.

Urgent Care required when an umbilical hernia is strangulated and the following symptoms appear:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • blood in the stool, lack of bowel movements and gases;
  • rapidly increasing pain in the groin or scrotum;
  • the hernia does not reduce with light pressure while lying on the back.


The hernia is well treated surgically. In the absence of treatment, the prognosis is unfavorable - the formation of an irreducible hernia.

Causes of umbilical hernia

In newborns, the cause of a hernia is slow fusion of the umbilical ring. Over time, a hollow space forms under the baby's umbilical button. When a child cries, the abdominal muscles press on the abdominal cavity, as a result of which a loop of intestine comes out into the hollow space and the navel protrudes. Also, umbilical hernias in children can occur with frequent and severe constipation.

In adults, an umbilical hernia most often develops in women over 40 years of age, which is associated with stretching of the umbilical ring during pregnancy. Under unfavorable conditions, the umbilical ring expands; the tissues surrounding it atrophy; The resistance of the ring to intra-abdominal pressure decreases.

Predisposing factors that weaken the umbilical ring include:

  • hereditary weakness connective tissue umbilical ring;
  • delayed fusion of the umbilical ring in children under 5 years of age;
  • obesity;
  • postoperative scars.

Risk factors associated with increased intra-abdominal pressure:

  • frequent crying and screaming in infancy;
  • physical stress;
  • constipation;
  • pregnancy;
  • ascites;
  • prolonged cough.

Prevention of umbilical hernia:

    wearing a bandage during pregnancy;

    proper nutrition;

    abdominal muscle training;

    normalization of weight.

Treatment of umbilical hernia

Up to 5 years of age, an umbilical hernia is not operated on, since it is possible to close the defect on its own. In order to cure an umbilical hernia in children, restorative therapy, massage of the hernial ring, and physical therapy are recommended.

In adults, treatment of umbilical hernia is carried out only surgically in a hospital setting.

Types of operations (hernioplasty):

  1. Traditional plastic local tissues produced according to the Sapezhko and Mayo methods. Technique: the edges of the aponeurosis of the umbilical ring are sutured in two layers, either vertically or transversely. In most cases, during these operations it is necessary to remove the navel, and in obese patients it is possible to remove the excess fat apron.

The main disadvantages of the operation:

  • long period of rehabilitation (limitation of physical activity up to 1 year);
  • high risk of hernia recurrence ( reappearance hernia in the same place).
  1. Plastic surgery using mesh implants. There are two ways to install grids.

a) The mesh is placed above the aponeurosis (above the umbilical ring), directly under the skin. This operation is performed in cases where it is impossible to suture the hernial orifice due to its large sizes.

b) The mesh is placed under the aponeurosis (under the umbilical ring). This is the most optimal way to treat an umbilical hernia. Disadvantages this method there is no surgical treatment.


  • short rehabilitation period (no more than 1 month even for athletes);
  • low relapse rate (less than 1%);
  • The operation will be performed under any type of anesthesia.

An umbilical hernia in adults is a type of pathology in which any internal organs (for example, intestinal loops or omentum) protrude through the hernial orifice.

This disease is very common among those who have crossed the forty-year mark. Delayed diagnosis and treatment can often lead to complications in the functioning of the digestive system and disturbances in the blood supply. internal organs, which is life-threatening.

One of the most vulnerable areas abdominal cavity is the umbilical region. In this place on the skin there is practically no fat layer, therefore an adhesive is formed with very low elasticity and easily stretched scar tissue. Such structural features make the navel a place possible appearance hernias with increasing internal pressure in the cavity.

During a strong mechanical impact in the abdominal wall, the umbilical region cannot contain the pressure from the inside, and the internal organs seem to be “squeezed out”, forming a bulge in the navel area.

An umbilical hernia can be small in size (1-3 cm) and reach 20-30 cm. Even with the formation of large umbilical hernias, the hernial opening rarely reaches 10 cm, which creates the risk of complications such as acute obstruction intestines or strangulation.

Why does an umbilical hernia appear?

An umbilical hernia can develop for two main reasons:

  1. Weakening of the anterior abdominal wall and umbilical ring;
  2. Increased intra-abdominal pressure.

Weakening of the umbilical cord ring in adults the following causes may occur:

  • Weakness of muscle tissue and lack of stable physical activity;
  • Congenital weakened connective tissue in umbilical region;
  • Obesity accompanied in a sedentary manner life and weakening of the abdominal muscles;
  • Injuries in the abdominal area;
  • Rapid weight loss;
  • Postoperative sutures.

One of the main risk groups for umbilical hernias in adults is pregnant women. During pregnancy, increasing pressure on the peritoneum from the fetus can cause the formation of a hernia. Most often in postpartum period such formations disappear (provided that special bandages or compression garments are worn).

Intra-abdominal pressure may increase under the influence of the following factors:

A hernia can be caused by a number of past diseases abdominal organs (for example, cirrhosis of the liver), due to which excess fluid accumulates in the peritoneal area, causing pathology.

How to identify an umbilical hernia

Signs of identifying an umbilical hernia are related to its size and how enlarged the hernial orifice is. In adults in the initial stages the symptoms are not pronounced - the hernia looks like a small bulge, which often disappears completely when lying down.

Constant pain is not characteristic features hernias umbilical region, especially in the early stages.

As you grow hernial protrusion, the symptoms of a hernia become more obvious - abdominal pain begins to bother, nausea occurs. These signs appear with physical stress or a strained cough.

If the hernia grows to a large size, then this condition may be accompanied by vomiting, urination problems, constipation, and frequent belching. This is typical for unreducible hernias. This condition becomes life-threatening and requires urgent medical attention.


Recognizing an umbilical hernia by a doctor is not difficult and is usually determined by initial examination at the surgeon's. If it is necessary to assess the condition of the organs located in the hernial sac, the following examination is additionally prescribed:

  • X-ray of the stomach and duodenum;
  • Herniography;
  • CT scan.


The lack of immediate surgical treatment entails the development of various complications - inflammatory process, infringement, tumor lesion.

The main danger of an umbilical hernia is strangulation of the abdominal organs, which is accompanied by impaired blood circulation in them and the occurrence of necrotic processes in the tissues. This condition threatens the occurrence of peritonitis, a pathology that poses a mortal danger to humans.

On late stages development of an umbilical hernia, strangulation can occur unexpectedly during any (even slight) physical stress: a coughing fit, lifting something heavy, straining the abdomen, laughing, falling.

If a strangulation occurs, urgent emergency care with immediate surgical intervention is required.

Surgical treatment

Adults are usually offered to remove a hernia exclusively through an operation called hernioplasty. Its essence lies in the reduction of internal organs into the abdominal cavity and the subsequent strengthening of the hernial orifice.

The surgical technology is selected depending on the stage of the hernia:

  1. Plastic surgery using the patient’s own tissues in the operation;
  2. Plastic surgery with synthetic implants.

An operation to eliminate a hernia is not difficult if the process of pathology development is not associated with strangulation and death of intestinal tissue. For pain relief, local anesthesia is usually used (in in rare cases- general).

Exists three main types of operations presented in the table.

Type of operation The essence pros Minuses
Tension hernioplastyThe muscles and tendons in the hernia area are sutured.Ease of implementation. Does not require special equipment. Inexpensive for the patient.Suitable only for eliminating small hernias. Long rehabilitation period. Severe pain syndrome.

High probability of relapse

Tension-free hernioplastyDuring the operation, a synthetic implant is used - a “patch” is applied to the hernial orifice, preventing the development of a hernia.The possibility of relapse is less than 1%. Fast rehabilitation and recovery period. Excellent cosmetic result.The method is preferable for large hernias. High price, depending on the implant material.
Laparoscopic plastic surgeryThe operation is performed without cutting the skin through small punctures in the abdominal cavity using special equipment.Fast recovery period. Low trauma. No possibility of relapse.It is carried out only under general anesthesia. Special equipment is required. Very high cost.

Rehabilitation period

If the operation was not accompanied by complications (strangulation, inflammation, etc.), then the rehabilitation period goes smoothly. Already on the day of surgery, the patient can get out of bed.

After 10-14 days, light physical activity is prescribed without stress on the abdominal cavity and without lifting heavy objects.

Other treatments

Conservative treatment, that is special exercises, wearing a bandage, massage is possible only in the absence of pathologies and complications, as well as in case of contraindications to surgery:

  • Acute diseases;
  • Exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • Late pregnancy;
  • Pulmonary or cardiovascular failure.

At initial stages development of an umbilical hernia (without complications) is possible use of folk remedies:

  • Add 5-7 drops of turpentine oil to 50 g of milk. Use for 10 days (2 times a day) on an empty stomach. The mixture is also used to lubricate the hernia from the outside.
  • For pain: salt (2-3 tablespoons) is tied into a thick cloth, moistened in water and applied to the sore spot.
  • Crushed larch bark (6 tablespoons) is poured with boiling water (4 cups) and infused for 10-12 hours. Drink the infusion in 4 glass doses per day (before meals).

Exercises used when a hernia occurs in early stage, and in the period after surgery:

  1. Bend forward, reaching the floor with your hands;
  2. Tilts left and right, with arms spread wide;
  3. Lying on your back, place your feet together and bend your knees different sides alternately;
  4. Lying on the floor, raise your pelvis;
  5. Squats;
  6. Breathing exercises: inhale through the chest, exhale through a short push (without tension in the abdomen).

Loads should not be excessive and should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Patients with an umbilical hernia should remember that when self-treatment, without consulting a doctor, pathology can even cause death. Whereas surgery Removal of a hernia is relatively easy to tolerate and in most cases does not cause complications.

Contrary to general belief, umbilical hernia occurs in adults, and not just in children. Complications from this disease can be quite significant. Therefore, it is necessary to be treated in a timely manner, without starting the disease.

Doctors in most cases offer surgical treatment, as well as with. Patients prefer to remove the hernia without surgery. In principle, if the hernia has not been pinched and does not yet cause discomfort or pain, you can try to correct it with home remedies. But you should always remember that before starting treatment you should still consult a specialist.

general information

An umbilical hernia is a protrusion of abdominal organs through the umbilical ring. Most often, intestinal rings undergo protrusion. In children, the area of ​​protrusion reaches 10–15 mm, in adults – up to several centimeters.

The cause of the disease may be increasing pressure inside the abdominal cavity, the pressure of which is not able to be contained by the muscles of the abdominal wall. The second reason is stretching and thinning of the muscles of the umbilical ring.

The disease is promoted by:

For some women umbilical hernia appears after pregnancy, which is understandable. After all, for several months the pregnant woman constantly supported the unborn child with her muscles.

At the first stage of the disease, the hernia does not cause discomfort. Then the pain begins, accompanied by nausea.


The main symptom is a protrusion in the navel area, which becomes smaller or disappears when lying down. If the patient sees that the umbilical ring is widened, this is also a sign of a hernia.

During physical work or severe cough There may be pain in the navel area. In later stages, constipation, belching, and problems with urination occur. All these signs are a reason to consult a surgeon.


The most serious complication umbilical hernia is its strangulation. At the same time, the pain increases sharply, nausea and vomiting appear. Strangulation leads to intestinal obstruction, death of strangulated tissues, and peritonitis. There is a threat to the patient's life. Therefore, if a person suffering from a hernia has pain, there is no talk of treatment at home. Need to call ambulance.

If the umbilical hernia is still mainly a concern appearance, you can resort to traditional medicine.


It is believed that if a child or an adult has an umbilical hernia, then surgery cannot be avoided. In fact, it’s not all that scary – you can try conservative treatment. Fortunately, there are many proven remedies.

Folk remedies

If a patient is diagnosed with an umbilical hernia, treatment can be carried out using traditional medicine.

Traditional methods of getting rid of an umbilical hernia are either ingestion of preparations and infusions, or applying compresses to the sore area:

  1. Add 6 drops of turpentine oil to 1/5 cup of milk. On an empty stomach in the morning and at night, take a couple of sips of this mixture. Apply it to the navel. It is necessary to be treated for 10 days. If necessary, take a break for a week and repeat the course again.

  2. Finely chop plantain seeds and take them orally 0.5 teaspoon 10 times a day. Continue the course for 3 months. This treatment strengthens the umbilical ring. The hernia will gradually go away.
  3. Make a compress from baked onions. Cut the cooked onion into 2 parts and tie it to the hernia for 3 hours, fixing the position of the onion with a belt or elastic bandage. Compresses are applied every day for a period of 2–3 months.
  4. If the pain is not severe, it is possible to relieve it with salt. Sew a bag of thick fabric, pour salt into it (the total volume is about the size of a walnut), and tie it. Wet it with warm water and press it against the hernia. When the salt dries, the pain will go away. If it doesn’t help the first time, wet the knot with salt again and repeat the procedure.
  5. Red clay shows high effectiveness in treatment. It contains many microelements, due to which it nourishes and restores the navel muscles. Take a piece of red clay, soak it, make a cake out of it and apply it to the sore spot.
  6. People successfully use ash for treatment. In winter or spring, 15 cm of the top of the cherry tree is broken off, these branches are dried and burned. Then a teaspoon of ash is poured into a glass of boiling water. The mixture is stirred and drunk 1/3 cup before meals 3 times a day. Treatment is carried out for 1 month. There are reviews that this method also sometimes helps to avoid surgery.

  7. Another method in which you do not need to take anything internally is dousing. Per liter cool water dissolve 1 tbsp. l. vinegar. The solution is poured over the navel area twice a day. Treatment is carried out for 1 month.
  8. Grind larch bark. 6 tbsp. l. steam with 4 cups of boiling water and let it brew in a thermos for 8 hours. Take 250 ml of this mixture 40 minutes before meals four times a day. Continue treatment for 2 weeks, then 1 week break and another course of treatment. Up to 10 such courses can be conducted.
  9. More gentle methods are compresses. Insist oak bark or buy at a pharmacy, apply a cotton swab soaked in it to the hernia for 3-4 hours.
  10. Another compress is to mix equal parts of honey, iodine, propolis and butter and apply the mixture to the hernia for 6 hours, then rinse the skin. You need to do this for 1 to 2 months.

If such treatment does not completely remove the umbilical hernia from the patient, then at least it will prevent the disease from developing.


If surgery is contraindicated for the patient to prevent strangulation of the umbilical hernia, the doctor advises wearing a bandage. This is a special belt that prevents the prolapse of internal organs into the hernial sac by closing the hernial opening. They also prevent the hernia from enlarging and strangulating.

Bandages are selected according to size. They are worn under outer clothing, securely hidden from prying eyes and do not cause any complexes in the patient. Bandages are convenient because:

  • Made from elastic jersey.
  • They do not cause allergies in the patient.
  • Does not promote sweating.
  • They don't rub or squeeze.
  • They can be worn for a long time.
  • They are easy to care for - easy to wash and do not need ironing.

No discomfort is felt when wearing an anti-hernia bandage.

Massage and gymnastics

For patients for whom surgery is contraindicated, the doctor will prescribe massage as an effective means of eliminating an umbilical hernia. It will be convenient if a family member (or better, if a professional) gives the patient a massage; doing it yourself will not lead to such a good result.

Three main movements:

  • Stroking the abdomen in the area of ​​the hernia clockwise.
  • Pinching of the painful area, but not strong.
  • Rubbing the muscles in the hernia area.

If you combine massage with gymnastics, the effect will be even greater. Gymnastics is useful for patients who do not suffer from heart pathologies. It should not be done during periods of increased body temperature. You can’t strain yourself too much, otherwise the effect will be negative.

Basic exercises physical therapy to remove an umbilical hernia:

  • Lying on your back, lift chest, return to the starting position.
  • Lying on your back, lift your pelvic part off the floor (bed) and lower it.
  • Lying on your back, make turns to the right and left.
  • Do breathing exercises– raise your arms, inhale, lower your arms, exhale.

Pregnant women should pay special attention to ways to eliminate an umbilical hernia without surgery. They need to wear a brace.

Hernia reduction

For young children, a specialist at the clinic will repair the hernia with his finger, after which the skin around the navel will be tightened and sealed with an adhesive plaster for several days. After 5–7 days, the procedure is repeated. Thus, the hernia is gradually reduced, but to strengthen the muscles and their ability to hold the internal organs in their proper place, it is necessary to carry out more than one course of massage and exercises.

For adults suffering from umbilical hernia, there is a procedure that is similar in meaning. A ball of woolen thread is placed on a flat surface. The patient lies down on it so that the ball is under the navel. It's a painful procedure, but the pain will go away when the hernia is reduced. To prevent it from appearing again, you need to wear a bandage.

Laparoscopic method

Laparoscopic hernioplasty is essentially an operation without a scalpel. Instead of incisions, only microscopic punctures are made. Through them with the help of modern medical equipment all the work is done.

This operation lasts only 1 hour. Therefore, the patient does not need to undergo anesthesia for a long time. Muscle is practically not injured, therefore painful sensations minimal. There are no scars on the body.

Recovery after laparoscopic hernioplasty takes 2 days. There are no recurrences of the hernia because during this operation a synthetic patch is placed in the abdominal cavity.

Surgical treatment

In some cases, traditional methods and massage with exercises will not help. These include hernias:

  • Repeatedly dropped out (recurrent).
  • Irreversible.
  • Proboscis.

This also includes the following cases:

  • Elderly age patient.
  • Obstruction of feces in the intestines.
  • Intestinal strangulation.
  • Spikes.
  • Thinning of the umbilical skin, leading to rupture of the hernial sac.

If the patient has sharp pains, blood in the stool, vomiting, constipation, you should immediately consult a doctor.


It is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later. The most effective means prevention of umbilical hernia is. It is usually worn by pregnant women. But all other people should wear it if they are going to engage in physical labor or before lifting weights. Any surgeon will agree to prescribe it for you if you tell him about the constant need to lift weights or do other physical labor.

TO preventive measures includes daily physical exercise that strengthens the abdominal muscles. There is no need to do exercises with maximum load, this can cause harm. Regular morning exercises will give an amazing effect.

It is a good idea to conduct massage courses from professional massage therapists from time to time, if there are no contraindications to such procedures.

Great importance has proper nutrition. You need to control your weight and fight obesity. Being too thin won't do any good either.

An umbilical hernia can occur not only in people whose work involves lifting heavy objects. This pathology has many other causes, for example, pregnancy and chronic constipation.

In women, it is diagnosed (most often) after the age of 45. About the causes of umbilical hernia in adults, symptoms, treatment without surgery and surgical methods I will tell you how to remove it in this article.

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Umbilical hernia - what is it?

Umbilical hernia photo

A hernia is formed when parts of internal organs protrude through pathological or natural openings. The most vulnerable area in this regard is the navel area.

An umbilical hernia is a condition in which part of the internal organs protrudes through the umbilical ring. Intestinal loops or omentum may bulge.

The umbilical ring is covered with a tissue scar - there is no subcutaneous fatty tissue and thin skin, so the tissues, under certain influences (weight lifting, tension), are easily stretched under the pressure of the internal organs. This explains high probability the appearance of a hernia in the navel area.

The intestinal fragments protruding outward are located in the hernial sac - this is a cavity that is lined from the inside epithelial tissue. Over time, the epithelium and abdominal wall are connected by adhesions in certain places. In such cases, it is much more difficult to repair the hernia, and the risk of complications is high.

Causes of umbilical hernia formation:

  • Increased intra-abdominal pressure (with constipation, heavy lifting);
  • Scars after surgery;
  • postpartum weakness of the abdominal muscles;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Obesity;
  • Genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of umbilical hernia, photo

photo of an umbilical hernia in an adult

Symptoms of an umbilical hernia in adults, as well as in children, are easy to detect - this is redness of the navel and protrusion in its area. On initial stage There is no pain, and the hernia can be repaired independently. In this case, the omentum tissue can close the umbilical ring and grow together - in this case, the hernia no longer develops.

The child has

If the intestinal fragments protrude significantly, then it is not possible to set them back, and pressing on the tissue is accompanied by pain. Pain also appears when:

  • defecation;
  • lifting weights;
  • tension in the abdominal muscles.

Because part of the intestine is out of place, associated symptoms There may be constipation and occasional nausea.

Treatment of umbilical hernia, surgery and techniques

At the first symptoms of an umbilical hernia, you must make an appointment with a surgeon. The degree of development of the disease is determined based on complaints, visual examination and palpation.

Treatment involves surgical removal hernias - no medications, no traditional treatment umbilical hernia do not apply. Under no circumstances should it be adjusted by healers and physicians. Your only assistant is the surgeon.

However, surgical intervention is sometimes contraindicated; in this case, methods for treating umbilical hernia without surgery can be used:

  • reduction of physical activity;
  • wearing a special bandage;
  • massage;
  • following a diet to normalize weight.

Such treatment tactics are possible when there are no complications and there are contraindications to surgery:

  1. Pulmonary or cardiovascular failure;
  2. II-III trimesters of pregnancy;
  3. Chronic pathologies in the acute stage or acute diseases.

Surgical intervention is possible only after these obstacles have been eliminated - a woman can have surgery after childbirth, and if there are diseases, after exacerbations have been relieved. If it is impossible to use general anesthesia removal methods are chosen under local anesthesia.

Surgical treatment of umbilical hernia in adults can be performed using one of several methods. Let's look at each of them.

Tension hernioplasty

This is the classic way to skin cut and the hernial sac is set back. Areas of stretched connective tissue are trimmed, and the edges of the hernial orifice are sutured with tendon or fascial tissue.

Three types of tension herniotomy:

  • According to Shouldice - back wall the inguinal canal is strengthened, and the hole, after dissection and reduction of the hernia, is sutured with a double suture.
  • According to Postempsky, in this case the inguinal canal is removed, and the spermatic cord, which usually passes through it, is placed in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, suturing it to the muscles of the abdominal wall. After such an operation, the risk of re-formation of a hernia on the same side is eliminated.
  • According to Bassini - indicated for small direct or oblique protrusions, and the peculiarity is that during the operation the oblique or transverse abdominal muscle and fascia are sutured to the tissues of the inguinal canal.

Tension-free hernioplasty

One of the most popular non-tension operations is hernioplasty according to Lichtenstein. It is used to remove umbilical, as well as femoral and inguinal hernias. The advantage of this operation is that trauma to healthy tissue is minimal.

After opening the hernial sac, its contents are placed in the abdominal cavity at its anatomical location. Then the hernial orifice is repaired - this is the most important stage of the procedure. Unlike other types of operations, Liechtenstein hernioplasty does not involve cutting muscle tissue.

An implant is used, which is sutured to the hernia gate, after which the inguinal incision is sutured. The operation is performed under general or spinal anesthesia.

Laparoscopic hernioplasty

This operation to remove an umbilical hernia in adults involves inserting a video camera with a light source through small incisions in the tissue and surgical instruments. The surgeon sees the image on the monitor and repairs the hernia.

The laparoscopic method has a number of advantages:

  • minimal damage to healthy tissue;
  • short recovery period;
  • less intense pain in the first days after surgery;
  • low percentage of complications.

However, the cost of such an operation is significantly higher compared to traditional methods.

Postoperative period - bandage and nutrition

Duration rehabilitation period depends on the patient’s compliance with all the doctor’s instructions, as well as on the type of operation - it is minimal when performing laparoscopy.

A bandage for an umbilical hernia is mandatory; it should be worn for at least a month after surgery - it supports the peritoneum, distributing pressure on the tissue. On days 10-15, you can start doing simple exercises; you also need to walk daily.

Physical activity should be limited - you cannot strain, lift weights, or run.

It is important to adhere to proper nutrition, stop smoking and drinking alcohol. The main purpose of the diet after hernia surgery is to prevent stretching of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, portions should be small, and the number of meals can be increased to 5-6 per day.

From the diet should be excluded foods that increase gas formation and slow down the digestion of food:

  • all types of cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • fat meat;
  • mushrooms;
  • baked goods and rye bread;
  • pearl barley, millet and corn cereals;
  • hard-boiled eggs;
  • tomatoes and spinach;
  • eggplant.
  • rice or buckwheat porridge;
  • soft-boiled egg;
  • weak tea;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • vegetable soups;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • lean meat, steamed or boiled;
  • potatoes, vegetables and herbs.


The longer you wait to see a surgeon, the higher the likelihood of hernia complications. The main danger is the infringement of internal organs located in the abdominal cavity. It can happen suddenly - when coughing, sneezing, lifting heavy objects, while laughing, when falling, jumping.

The result of infringement is impaired blood supply to tissues and, as a result, their necrosis. Therefore, umbilical hernia, especially large ones, has a potentially unfavorable prognosis.

This is why it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. If the operation is performed on time and there are no complications, the prognosis is favorable. Already 1-2 months after removal of an umbilical hernia in adults, a person can return to their usual activities.

Prevention of umbilical hernia

Preventing the appearance of a hernia comes down to regular exercises on the abdominal muscles, healthy eating and maintaining normal body weight.