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Why are they tied up during umbilical hernia surgery? Umbilical hernia and dietary features after surgery to remove it

Umbilical hernia is quite common in both adults and children, and often its “owner” is not even aware of it. In most cases, it is small and unnoticeable, without causing concern and is often detected during the passage medical examination. But there is another rather dangerous category of hernias, which will be discussed.

Is an umbilical hernia always so simple?

According to all the rules of medicine, any hernia, including the umbilical one, is an indication for surgical treatment, and here’s why. A hernia is a defect in the muscular or aponeurotic layer abdominal wall, through which the viscera (intestines, omentum and other organs) protrude under the skin. This defect occurs in the area of ​​the umbilical ring (navel), and can be either congenital or appear during life, quite often in women after childbirth.

Many babies are born with small defect in the navel area, which gradually grows over by the age of 3-4 years. If this does not happen, the child is operated on. In adults, when a hernial protrusion is detected, surgery is always indicated, because it can be strangulated during physical activity. In this case, the organs that have emerged under the skin are squeezed by the contracted muscles, and their necrosis develops if the patient is not operated on in the first hours after the injury.

Umbilical hernias pose a particular danger large sizes and irreducible, that is, fixed by adhesions that prevent the exiting organs from returning to the abdominal cavity at rest, in a supine position. It is these hernias that are most often strangulated.

Advice: If you find an umbilical ring that is too wide, or a protrusion coming out of it, even if it is small, you should immediately contact a surgeon. Planned surgery at umbilical hernia much safer than urgent intervention for its complications.

What operations are possible for umbilical hernia?

The purpose of surgery is to close and strengthen the hernial orifice (the opening through which organs emerge). There are 2 types: plastic surgery with one’s own tissues, when the muscles and aponeurosis are quite dense, and the defect itself is small in size; closing the defect with a nylon mesh when it is large enough, or the tissue is flabby, for example, in elderly people.

Today, most of these interventions are performed minimally invasively through small incisions in the umbilical fossa itself, using laparoscopic techniques.

The most difficult operations are for strangulated hernia, especially if necrosis (death) of a section of the intestine or omentum has already occurred. In these cases, an autopsy is performed abdominal cavity and resection - removal of the dead part of the organ. Such interventions are performed under anesthesia, they take longer and have a higher percentage of complications.

What complications can there be in the postoperative period?

There are early and late postoperative complications. Early ones include suppuration postoperative wound, development of intestinal paresis and intestinal obstruction, as well as various consequences of anesthesia from internal organs. All this happens during the hospital period, when the patient is in the hospital, and doctors can immediately provide the necessary assistance.

Late complications arise after discharge. They develop just like. This is mainly a recurrence of a hernia and less often - adhesive intestinal obstruction if the abdominal cavity was opened or intestinal resection was performed. The development of these complications largely depends on how the patient follows the doctor’s recommendations.

How is rehabilitation carried out after hernia repair?

After discharge from the hospital, the patient must comply following rules to avoid complications:

  1. Avoid lifting weights weighing more than 2-3 kg, physical stress, running, jumping for the period recommended by your doctor. It depends on the type of hernia repair, on the build and age of the patient, but it must be at least 2 months before complete fusion of the tissues.
  2. Wear a support bandage, but not for as long as, for example, after. If the hernial orifice is closed with a mesh, usually 1-1.5 months is enough, after plastic surgery and in obese people - up to 3-4 months. In any case, these terms are determined by the doctor.
  3. Follow a diet that eliminates bloating and constipation to avoid stress on the abdominal muscles. Whole milk, legumes, and cabbage should be excluded. Your diet must contain fiber. You need to eat porridge, stewed vegetables, fresh fruits, which enhance peristalsis and facilitate emptying. It is also necessary to avoid overeating and weight gain.
  4. Perform general hygienic gymnastics to maintain general muscle tone, but without “swinging” the press.

Advice: The bandage should not be worn for too long, and should only be worn when vertical position. When worn for a long time, the bandage causes reverse effect. By squeezing the abdominal tissues, it disrupts their blood circulation, and this leads to atrophy and weakening of the muscles.

What are the features of rehabilitation in children?

Growing children's body recovers better after removal of the hernia, complications are extremely rare, and the children’s well-being quickly returns to normal. The principles of rehabilitation are the same as for adults - with dietary nutrition. It is necessary to ensure that the child does not experience constipation and bloating, to ensure that he does not run or jump, or wet or touch the area of ​​the postoperative wound with his hands.

As for the bandage, children are prescribed it for a shorter period, and the duration of its wearing is determined by a specialist. Elasticity and fast growth tissues in the child, as well as the absence of heavy physical activity, do not require long-term use bandage

To prevent the development of undesirable consequences and complications after surgery to remove an umbilical hernia, the main conditions are: timely treatment, without waiting for her irreducibility and infringement, and also strict adherence all medical prescriptions in the postoperative period.


Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-treatment. Be sure to consult your doctor!

Umbilical hernia is a disease in which internal organs protrude beyond the abdominal wall in the navel area. The umbilical ring is the weakest point in the development of the muscles of the abdominal wall, so umbilical hernias are quite common.

How to recognize an umbilical hernia yourself?

An umbilical hernia can be recognized independently. The main symptoms of an umbilical hernia are:

  • The appearance of a protrusion in the navel area
  • Sharp pain in the navel area when coughing or moving
  • Decrease pain and protrusions when lying on your back

If you recognize symptoms similar to an umbilical hernia, we recommend that you consult a surgeon for an accurate diagnosis and subsequent treatment. An umbilical hernia without treatment tends to increase in size, which can lead to complications and require more serious intervention.

Complications with umbilical hernia

  • Strangulation of an umbilical hernia: the prolapsed organ is pinched by the hernial orifice. If the organ is squeezed too hard, it can be injured, which requires subsequent separate treatment.
  • Stagnation of movement feces in the intestines: colon most often falls out through the hernial orifice, which blocks it normal functioning. Constipation is a common complication umbilical hernia.
  • Inflammation of organs: a prolapsed organ is deprived of normal blood supply. This can cause subsequent inflammation.

IMPORTANT! If you find blood in the stool, pain when pressing (reducing the hernia) or exercising supine position do not go away, you should immediately seek emergency help.

The main causes of umbilical hernia are:

  • Stretching of the umbilical ring during pregnancy;
  • Poor closure of the umbilical ring in children (up to 5 years);
  • Excessive obesity;
  • Hereditary weakness of abdominal muscles
  • Abdominal surgeries that weakened the abdominal cavity in the area of ​​the umbilical ring.

Treatment of umbilical hernia in adults

Umbilical hernia responds well to surgical treatment. Surgery to remove an umbilical hernia can be done in outpatient setting, although in state medicine it is carried out only with hospitalization. The surgical method for removing an umbilical hernia (hernioplasty) and materials depend on the size of the hernial orifice.

Surgery to remove a hernia using your own tissue

For small hernia sizes (3 - 5 cm), the most better efficiency treatment shows the method of suturing the hernial orifice using local tissue. During the operation, minimal tissue dissection is performed and the hernia opening is tightened with stitches. After this, the incision is closed and suture repair is performed, after which there are practically no visible traces of the operation. If there is a small layer of subcutaneous fat, surgery can be done using a surgical laser. The operation to remove a small hernia in adults is minimally invasive and does not require hospitalization, the process full recovery does not exceed one month. Relapses after a well-performed operation are also excluded.

Hernia surgery using a mesh implant

With a significant size of the hernia, tightening the hernial orifice with one’s own tissue is no longer a complete guarantee of recovery or requires serious surgical intervention. In this case, the method of implanting a polymer mesh implant is used. An obstructive mesh is applied to the hernial orifice, which is sewn with stitches to the surrounding tissues of the abdominal cavity. The mesh is made of a special non-rejectable material to integrate well with the tissue of the abdominal wall. Within two to three weeks, the implant grows into the surrounding tissue and completely covers the hernial orifice with a dense connecting septum. Surgery to treat an umbilical hernia using an implant can also be performed on an outpatient basis and does not require hospitalization. Our surgeons insert the implant through a minimal tissue incision using the laparoscopic method, which eliminates subsequent scars on the skin. One month after the operation, all motor restrictions are removed. Relapses and complications during this method practically excluded.

Umbilical hernia: rehabilitation after surgery

After hernia repair surgery (hernioplasty), the patient must undergo a rehabilitation course. In the first two weeks, it is recommended to wear a bandage and complete absence physical activity. In the third week after surgery, if there is no pain, you can begin to do small exercises to strengthen the abdominal walls. Full recovery occurs a month after the operation, after which you need to move on to preventive procedures: exercise abdominal muscles, weight loss and strengthening general tone body.

Advantages of treating an umbilical hernia on an outpatient basis using a mesh implant at the Lama clinic:

  • If the hernia is large, the method of using one’s own tissue is traumatic for the patient (a large area of ​​the abdominal wall is affected).
  • When using a mesh implant, the likelihood of a recurrence of a hernia is eliminated, which was not uncommon in traditional operations.
  • The operation is performed using a minimally invasive method, which does not leave significant scars on the abdomen. The implant is inserted through a small tissue incision, much smaller than the size of the hernia.
  • The operation is performed under local anesthesia outpatient, after two hours the patient can leave the clinic independently.
  • The complete recovery process does not exceed one month.

Where to treat an umbilical hernia on an outpatient basis in Moscow?

For outpatient treatment umbilical hernia in Moscow, we suggest you use the services of our specialized surgery center at the Lama Clinic for the following reasons:

  1. The latest equipment and materials: In our surgery center at the Lama Clinic, we use only the latest equipment, including surgical lasers. Operations are carried out in a modern operating room, which fully meets all approved standards. We use the most best implants and surgical materials, which guarantees the quality of work.
  2. Experienced doctors: Our center has existed for more than 15 years. During this time, we have already performed thousands of successful operations. Our surgeons have a huge practical experience work on the treatment of umbilical hernia using the laparoscopic method with and without implants.
  3. Removal of umbilical hernia without pain: the operation is performed under anesthesia, which is selected individually for each specific case.
  4. Transparency of work: before treatment, the attending physician will fully tell you how the operation will proceed and discuss the price with you. You can find prices for the treatment of umbilical hernia in

Article publication date: 07/03/2015

Article updated date: 11/14/2018

Surgical intervention is the only effective method in adults and children over 5 years of age. Any other treatment methods are auxiliary and cannot permanently rid the patient of a hernia. Only after surgery is an umbilical hernia completely cured.

Surgical intervention for umbilical protrusion belongs to the category of fairly simple, elementary operations; it is performed even in small surgical hospitals, including rural, regional and private medical clinics. The effectiveness of surgical treatment is high, complications are extremely rare, and recovery after surgery is easy and quick.

Unreasonable delays and delays in treatment for an umbilical hernia can result in the development of strangulation - an extremely life-threatening condition, the elimination of which will still require surgery, only an emergency one, more serious and with a long recovery period. Therefore, if a surgeon recommends that you treat an umbilical hernia surgically, do it as soon as possible.

Indications and contraindications for surgery

As already mentioned, surgery is indicated for all adults diagnosed with a hernia umbilical region, and children over 5 years of age (up to 5 years of age, the protrusion can spontaneously reduce). For children under 5 years of age, a doctor (pediatrician or surgeon) may also recommend surgery (if the protrusion is very big size, increases or is prone to infringement).

But there are a number of contraindications to the operation:

    The patient's condition in which surgery is potentially more dangerous than living with a hernia: deeply old age, heavy chronic diseases(heart disease, brain disease, blood clotting disorders, etc.).

    Acute infectious diseases or exacerbation of chronic diseases: in such cases, surgical intervention is temporarily postponed (until recovery).

    Pregnancy – relative contraindication. For uncomplicated protrusions that arose during pregnancy or existed before its onset, but were not operated on, surgical intervention is temporarily postponed. And if the umbilical hernia does not correct itself spontaneously after childbirth, the woman is recommended surgery.

If there are contraindications surgical treatment is still carried out in case of complications (strangulation, bleeding).

Types of operations

Surgical treatment of umbilical hernia is carried out in two ways:

(if the table is not completely visible, scroll to the right)

1. With tissue tension (traditional method) 2. No tension

During the surgical procedure, the umbilical protrusion is reduced, and the place of its exit (the hernial orifice) is sutured, tightening the patient’s own tissues

The hernial orifice is closed with a synthetic mesh implant

The intervention can be performed through a wide approach (one incision under or near the navel) or laparoscopically.

Hernioplasty through wide access

Laparoscopic hernioplasty

During laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon makes 2-3 small puncture incisions and inserts a special medical device– endoscope with optical system for visual inspection and the necessary surgical instruments.

The most gentle and effective is endoscopic surgery with installation of the implant from the inside. Compared to the traditional method, when using a tension-free technique with endoscopic access, the recovery period after surgery and the likelihood of relapses (repeated umbilical hernia) is sharply reduced. According to patient reviews, laparoscopic surgery is much easier to tolerate and is initially not as scary as open surgery.

The main disadvantage of laparoscopic intervention with mesh installation is more high price. If prices for traditional plastic surgery are in the range of 10–15 thousand rubles (and if available compulsory medical insurance policy it is performed free of charge), then laparoscopic surgery will cost approximately 20–30 thousand rubles.

Postoperative period

After surgery, an umbilical hernia may occur again. The risk of relapse with traditional surgery for small protrusions is about 10%, and when large formations are removed, it increases to 30%. The use of a tension-free technique is accompanied by re-emergence of the protrusion in 2–5% of cases.

To reduce the risk of relapse and speed up the recovery process after surgical treatment, you must follow three simple rules:

    Follow a diet. For three days after the operation, the patient eats semi-liquid food, and in the future he must adhere to a diet that promotes regular bowel movements, since constipation can lead to suture dehiscence or relapse of the pathology.

    Wear a bandage (1 month when installing a mesh and 3–6 months when installing tension plastic).

    Avoid heavy physical activity, especially on the abdominals (for a year).


If you have been diagnosed with an umbilical hernia and your doctor recommends surgical treatment, do not delay it. The sooner surgical treatment is performed, the lower the risk of complications, and the easier it will be. But do not forget that even after a successful operation, the pathology may reappear, so try to prevent the action of provoking factors (constipation, excess weight, loads on the abdominals).

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

An umbilical hernia is a disease characterized by separation of the abdominal muscles and protrusion of peritoneal tissue through the umbilical ring. According to statistics, most women suffer from umbilical hernias, since weakening of muscle and connective tissues is often associated with pregnancy. Men with overweight and obesity.

Umbilical hernias in adults can be divided into 2 types.

Reducible(free). With reducible umbilical hernias, the contents of the protrusion easily disappear in the peritoneum as soon as the patient takes horizontal position. This is possible in the first stages of the disease, when the hernia is just beginning to appear. If you do not treat an umbilical hernia, it can develop into the next type.

irreducible hernia. Characterized by the inability to reduce the protrusion inside the ring. It's caused by what starts adhesive process, in which the hernia tissue fuses with the hernial opening. This happens with advanced umbilical hernias, which can be a serious threat to the health and life of the patient, since there is a high probability of serious complications.

There are congenital and acquired umbilical hernias. In the first case congenital hernia can be diagnosed immediately after birth. It is caused by the fact that the baby’s umbilical opening does not have time to fully form. An umbilical hernia in adults is usually acquired during life.


The disease occurs due to various factors. The most important of them are the following:

If one of your close relatives had this disease, then you also have a predisposition to it. If you have a genetic predisposition to an umbilical hernia, you must carefully protect yourself from excessive tension in the abdominal muscles, sudden lifting of weights, and also keep your weight within normal limits.

Next important reason The occurrence of umbilical hernias is a weakening of the peritoneal muscles. There are many factors that lead to weakening of tissues and the manifestation of symptoms of the disease:

  • pregnancy;
  • overweight and obesity;
  • excessive sudden loads on the press;
  • absence of any stress on the abdominal muscles;
  • abdominal injuries;
  • abdominal surgeries.

High intra-abdominal pressure, as a cause of umbilical hernia, can be caused by the following factors:

  • persistent cough;
  • regular constipation;
  • intense, too much physical activity;
  • process of labor.

A particular cause of the disease in women is pregnancy after 30 years. Pregnancy generally reveals everything weak spots body, and after a certain age, risk factors increase. During pregnancy, it is important to see a surgeon in order to begin treatment for an umbilical hernia at the first symptoms.

Symptoms of umbilical hernia in adults

During the first time after the onset of the disease, a bulge appears in the navel area, which is easily reduced. In more advanced cases An umbilical hernia in adults stops being reduced into the umbilical ring.

The following symptoms may develop: pain, prolapse of internal organs into the opening of the abdominal ring. On early stages umbilical hernia, you may notice pain in this area, which only appears during sneezing and coughing.

The patient may also experience pain in the stomach and lower abdomen and nausea. These symptoms are especially acute during physical activity, when severe cough and in all other cases when intra-abdominal pressure increases.

A special symptom of the disease is regular constipation. They arise due to difficulty in passing feces through the intestines, since part of the intestines falls into the umbilical opening.


Umbilical hernia in adults is dangerous possible complications. First of all, a pinched hernia. It occurs when the contents of the hernial sac become pinched in the hernial opening. This complication is characterized by acute pain, vomiting, nausea, and fever. A patient with a pinched umbilical hernia needs urgent medical attention.

Inflammation of the umbilical hernia. This complication occurs when the hernial sac becomes infected. As a result, it develops purulent process, which can threaten inflammation of the entire abdominal cavity. Symptoms of inflammation of the umbilical hernia in adults: fever, nausea, vomiting, weakness, sharp pain in the area of ​​the hernial sac and in the abdomen.

Stagnation of feces in the umbilical hernia is coprostasis. This complication develops slowly and is characterized by constipation, abdominal pain, which becomes more pronounced every day, and the hernial sac is filled with a pasty mass. Coprostasis occurs due to impaired intestinal motility and sedentary lifestyle life.

If symptoms of complications with an umbilical hernia appear, namely

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • temperature increase;
  • acute abdominal pain;
  • acute pain in the area of ​​the hernial sac;
  • diarrhea or lack of stool for several days, then you need to urgently contact medical care for the treatment of umbilical hernias.

Treatment of umbilical hernia

The main method of treating umbilical hernia in adults is surgery. If the patient has no contraindications to surgery, then the hernia can be removed in several ways.

1. Tense hernia repair. During the operation, the surgeon sutures the edges of the umbilical hernia, tightening the muscles and connective tissue.

2. Non-tensioned hernioplasty. The surgeon uses a special mesh to strengthen the tissues of the abdominal cavity and navel area.

Tension hernioplasty today is characterized by big amount complications and a more difficult recovery period. Since a suture remains after the operation, it for a long time can be very painful. A relapse of the disease may develop. According to some data, recurrence of an umbilical hernia during tension hernioplasty develops in 10% of cases.

It is necessary to be very careful about the recovery period. After such an operation in adults, you should not lift weights or engage in strenuous work for a year in order to minimize relapse and secondary appearance of symptoms of the disease.

An umbilical hernia can also be treated with a more gentle surgical option with a minimum of possible relapses of the disease. This is a non-tensioned hernioplasty. The advantage of such an operation in the treatment of umbilical hernias is that it is shorter. postoperative period, as well as the possibility of full physical activity 3-4 months after the operation.

If non-stressed hernioplasty is combined with laparoscopy (when the surgeon does not make a large tissue incision, but performs manipulations through 3 small holes), then recovery takes a minimal period in adults.

Postoperative period

The first few days after the operation the patient is in the hospital. You can get up the next day, increasing your walking time every day. Immediately after the operation, it is recommended to put on a bandage and wear it for several months to facilitate the healing of the sutures.

A few days after the operation, if there are no complications, the patient is discharged. On average, dressings must be done for 2 weeks after surgery. You need to take a course of antibiotics to prevent the development of infection.

After removing the stitches, wearing a bandage is mandatory. Depending on the type of operation, intense loads and heavy lifting are prohibited for a period of several months to a year.

For the first time shown special diet, the bark is based on gentle nutrition. You need to eat small portions and often. All foods that can cause constipation are excluded in order to avoid an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

Treatment with folk remedies

There are many recipes traditional medicine, which are used for umbilical hernia. Of course, they do not replace surgical intervention, but they can be used along with wearing a bandage, in preparation for surgery and in the period after surgery to prevent relapses.

Propolis compress. 1 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of dried propolis. alcohol Leave for 7 days, shaking the contents daily. When the tincture is ready, take 100 grams of homemade butter, melted in a water bath, and 2 tbsp. propolis tinctures. From the resulting substance, make a warm compress on the area of ​​the umbilical hernia and around it. Make sure that the contents of the compress do not get into the navel. After the compress is absorbed into the skin, wipe it with cold water.

Sea buckthorn oil. Rub in sea ​​buckthorn oil to the area of ​​the umbilical hernia. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the hernial sac. The number of procedures is twice a day, morning and evening, the number of days is unlimited. The umbilical hernia should strengthen and not progress.

Horsetail and hernia grass. Brew these herbs with boiling water and drink as tea to treat umbilical hernias. Course of treatment: drink one herb for 2 weeks, then another for 2 weeks.

Clover decoction. 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over chopped clover grass. Strain the infusion an hour after brewing. Take a third of a glass three times a day before meals.

Oak liqueurs. Make a tincture of young branches, leaves and acorns of oak with red wine in free proportion. Afterwards, apply warm compresses to the area of ​​the umbilical hernia. The course of treatment is 2-3 months in adults; when treating children, consult your doctor.

nettle leaves. Collect fresh leaves nettles, rinse and chop. Mix the crushed leaves with rich sour cream. Make a compress by covering it with polyethylene on top. The course of treatment is unlimited.

Silver cinquefoil. Take 1 tbsp. l. chopped cinquefoil, pour a glass of boiling water. Leave until cool, strain. Take a quarter glass 4 times a day.


Prevention of umbilical hernias in adults is very important if there is a genetic predisposition to the disease. In this case, moderate physical exercise, maintenance normal weight. It’s worth pumping up your abs to strengthen muscle tissue. To avoid constipation, you need to eat right.

Preventing umbilical ring hernias is also important for pregnant women. To do this, you need to wear a special bandage or underwear for pregnant women. This measure prevents unnecessary stress on the muscles and connective tissue of the abdomen. Women also need to remember to exercise in moderation and not lift heavy objects.

Proper nutrition also plays a role important role in the prevention of umbilical hernia, since it implies an established stool and the absence of regular constipation. An umbilical hernia can quickly develop against the background DC voltage peritoneum due to constipation.

All these factors will reduce the risk of an umbilical hernia in adults and subsequent problems with treatment and surgery. Consult a doctor at the first symptoms of protrusion, since a prolonged period of illness can lead to serious consequences.

Surgery for umbilical hernia is now one of the simplest surgical interventions. This is usually a planned procedure. In some cases, when positive result, the patient can be home in a few hours, a recovery and rehabilitation period is necessary.

Umbilical hernia after surgery- the issue is resolved, and most often, the patient no longer returns to this issue, but only if he behaves correctly during the recovery period.

Surgery now uses three main methods for removing an umbilical hernia:

  • Implant installation;
  • Grid installation;
  • Laparoscopy.

The last option is the most gentle, as it is performed through punctures, and the patient will not have any obvious stitches. But the doctor, based on the individual diagnosis of each patient, chooses one or another type of intervention.

The recovery period after laparoscopy is the easiest, and often the patient goes home a few hours later under the supervision of doctors.

If the operation involves installing a mesh or implant to support a weakened muscle wall, the patient must undergo a recovery course in the clinic for about 5 to 7 days, depending on the condition.

For any type of surgeryumbilical hernia, rehabilitation after surgery necessary.

Postoperative period

  1. Immediately after the end of the operation, after recovery from anesthesia, the patient is observed by an anesthesiologist and the attending physician who performed the operation.
  2. During the first hours it is necessary to observe bed rest, and minimal activity - the area with sutures should be motionless.
  3. After the operation is completed, the following are prescribed: painkillers, antibiotics, and, if the doctor sees relevance, physical therapy.
  4. If the operation was abdominal in nature, on the 2nd - 3rd day, after examination, the doctor decides to allow you to get up and move around. Most often, you will not be allowed to sit after this kind of intervention.
  5. After surgery to remove an umbilical herniait is necessary to use a special device - a bandage. The doctor will personally recommend the size and type, most likely, he will do this before the operation so that you have it with you right away.

Special means

To prevent the release of the hernial sac and reduce pressure on the suture area, it is necessarybandage after umbilical hernia surgery. It's individual postoperative remedy, which is selected taking into account physiological and operational characteristics.

The bandage can be either highly specialized or universal, and during the same operation for two patients, the doctor may prescribe the wearing of different devices.

You should not independently make a choice in favor of one model or another, or agree to use someone else’s bandage. This is a very individual thing, since when choosing, the doctor is based on several characteristics and features of the surgical intervention.

How long to wear a bandage after umbilical hernia surgery, at the first moment even the attending surgeon will not answer you, since the course of the recovery and rehabilitation period different for every man.

Most likely, the wearing period will be from two months to six months, depending, again, on many conditions.


Diet after umbilical hernia surgery– a separate, very serious topic. Most patients, as soon as they have the opportunity to move and choose their own food, forget about caution.

Patients should knowwhat can you eat after umbilical hernia surgery, how often to eat, and what foods are strictly prohibited in the first days.

It is important to know the basic rules of nutrition:

  • Eat 4-5 times a day, in small portions;
  • Monitor the quality of the diet, the balance of necessary elements in them;
  • Avoid complex dishes;
  • Avoid fatty and spicy foods and snacks;
  • Avoid fried and baked foods;
  • Minimize or avoid consuming dairy products;
  • Avoid alcohol.

Opt for boiled, stewed or steamed vegetables. Avoid foods such as potatoes, cabbage, and legumes - they lead to excessive gas formation, and this can damage the postoperative area.

To improve gastric motility, choose foods rich in carbohydrates, less fat, and low in protein.

What can you eat after umbilical hernia surgery?:

  • In the first days it is better to stick to liquid food;
  • Fruits and vegetables rich in fiber;
  • Buckwheat without milk;
  • Egg;
  • Lean meat;
  • Fish.

You need to return to your usual food carefully, introducing complex dishes into your diet only 2–3 weeks after surgery. Some weight loss will be beneficial, and the recovery period will be significantly reduced.

Activity in the postoperative period

Umbilical hernia after surgerywill disappear, but your responsibility for your lifestyle is a condition that the problem will not return.

In the first day or two after surgery, it is better to stay in bed and move minimally. By following your doctor's advice, you can recover quickly.

From active movements possible suture divergence, implant or mesh displacement. This threatens the patient with repeated surgery.

After 3–4 days you are allowed to get up and do some hygiene procedures. But, it is worth excluding such movements as:

  • Incline;
  • Squat;
  • Lifting things from the floor;
  • A sharp bend from a lying position to a sitting position;
  • Body rotations;

Recovery after umbilical hernia surgerydepends on the first postoperative days - the more accurately the patient follows the doctor’s orders, the faster and more painlessly the rehabilitation period will pass, and the return to to the usual way life.

Rehabilitation after umbilical hernia surgery in adults

7 days after surgery, as a rule, the patient’s stitches are removed and discharged from the hospital. Butrehabilitation after umbilical hernia surgery in menmust continue.

It is necessary to visit a doctor for dressings and examination. In no case should you do dressings yourself, since the slightest changes that an experienced surgeon will notice may not be noticed by the patient.

It is necessary to continue wearing the bandage and remove it only after the doctor's permission.based on the system:

  • Proper physical activity to return to your usual lifestyle and condition;
  • Proper nutrition to be careful with sutures and implant;
  • Visit a doctor to give further recommendations and monitoring.


Recovery after umbilical hernia surgerywill be of high quality and fast if you follow the nutritional rules for up to 3 months. This is exactly the period when internal and external seams will no longer be at risk.

From postoperative diet you should go out slowly, start eating more complex products in small quantities. The following rules must be followed:

  • Maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • Give importance to fortified, healthy food;
  • Be sure to have a liquid lunch once a day;
  • Monitor gastric emptying and avoid constipation;
  • Avoid alcohol and cigarettes, since the condition of blood vessels is the main condition for a quick recovery.

Operation on umbilical hernia, and postoperative periodwill pass easily if proper nutrition both before and after surgery will become your habit.

Physical exercise

As soon as the patient leaves the hospital walls, an important stage begins.Rehabilitation after an umbilical hernia in adults– a systematic approach to recovery and return to a normal way of life and work.

In the next three months, you need to start increasing the load, but within acceptable limits, without fanaticism. If you play sports, under no circumstances return to your previous activities.

It is good if the patient consults with a physiotherapist, and he, based on the doctor’s opinion, will develop an individual recovery program.

  1. The first exercises three months after surgery should be exercises in a lying position without putting pressure on the abdominal and chest muscles. Perform the exercises without removing the corset.
  2. Breathing exercises to strengthen the anterior abdominal wall are necessary before starting strength exercises.
  3. Cardio exercises will help you get back into shape after prolonged periods of static activity.

Correct loads, diet, wearing a corset, refusal bad habits, will be able to reduce the periodrehabilitation of umbilical hernia in adults. The desire and serious attitude of the patient and unquestioning compliance with the doctor’s instructions are the main conditions for a quick return to work, sports, and a normal lifestyle.