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Why not a symmetrical face? Correction of facial asymmetry: “two in one” and what to do about it

Appearance plays a big role in our world. This is how they “meet” a person. In the requirement column for many positions there is a “good appearance” item. Therefore, every person cares about how he looks. Sometimes, when looking at yourself in the mirror, you may notice that one cheek is larger than the other. What is this, a disease or this body structure? – this is the question asked by those who saw such a flaw. Today we will dispel all your doubts and conduct a short master class on restoring asymmetry.

Reasons why one half of the face is larger than the other

Many people complain that one side of their face is different from the other. This becomes noticeable when carefully examining yourself in the mirror or in unsuccessful photographs. Some, noticing that their cheeks are different, begin to “sound the alarm” fearing that they are sick.

In fact, slight asymmetry is present in absolutely every person. This is what makes our face alive, unique and inimitable.

To make sure that each person is not symmetrical, you can take several photos of your friends and cut them into two equal parts along the line of the nose in a photo editor. Now one of the right halves is “mirrored” and connected to the other, and we do the same with the left parts. Take such photographs of several people, and you will see that the faces of the right and left halves of the same person are very different.

However, different halves of the face are not always the norm. Let's look at what factors can lead to pathological changes.

Reasons why one side of the face looks very different from the other:

  1. Improper development of bones and joints, as well as connective or muscle tissue. Such problems can be more or less pronounced, they can only be corrected with proper makeup or plastic surgery.
  2. Inflammation of the cheek can also lead to its enlargement. After eliminating the problem, the face acquires normal contours.
  3. Severe strabismus can also develop facial asymmetry. The same applies to torticollis.
  4. Facial muscles can become severely distorted when nerves become pinched or die. This problem often occurs with strokes and heart attacks.
  5. An incorrect bite or missing teeth on one side can lead to facial asymmetry. Flux can also cause a similar problem.
  6. A fracture of the facial bones that did not heal properly.
  7. The habit of chewing, sleeping or squinting to one side is the most common cause of facial asymmetry.

There are many reasons. Some of them can be avoided by taking timely treatment and controlling your facial expressions.

One side of the face is larger than the other: normal or pathological

If you notice that the sides of your face are different, first of all, you need to determine whether it is pathological or normal. To do this, you need to know the symptoms of the pathology.

If there is facial asymmetry, parchment skin may be present. This symptom is associated with a genetic disease.

Asymmetry, which is considered normal, should not be too obvious. If this is a normal facial structure, then the difference is noticeable only upon careful examination.

Symptoms of abnormal facial asymmetry:

  • The affected side is swollen and the tissue may be hard;
  • The corners of the mouth and cheek on the affected side are drooping and drooping;
  • The affected half of the face loses mobility;
  • The folds on the forehead and nose suddenly smooth out sharply;
  • The eye on the affected side becomes narrower, or, conversely, larger;
  • The eyes, nose and lips on the affected side lose mobility;
  • There are speech disorders;
  • The affected part is painful.

Even one of these signs suggests that asymmetry is the result of a serious problem. In this case, it needs to be treated.

How to align different halves of the face

If you have identified the fact that the face has significant differences on both sides due to some kind of disease, then to determine the cause, you need to visit a doctor. The specialist will prescribe tests for you, perform an examination and advise the correct treatment.

Asymmetry can occur as a result of drug use. In this case, the face often becomes gray.

To determine the cause of pathological facial asymmetry, you need to visit a doctor. In fact, you may need a number of specialists, but it is best to visit your doctor first.

In this case, you will not waste a lot of time visiting unnecessary medical professionals. The specialist will make a list of doctors you need to visit.

What doctors may be needed for asymmetry:

  • Neuropathologist;
  • Ophthalmologist;
  • Surgeon;
  • Orthodontist;
  • Dentist.

Once the cause of your illness is discovered, you can undergo treatment and return everything to normal. However, in some cases, additional plastic surgery may be required after treatment.

Gymnastics to restore symmetry or how facial muscles work

Facial muscles are constantly working. However, if this occurs unevenly, asymmetry may occur. This problem also often appears with age. If this is not related to the presence serious illnesses, then the problem can be eliminated with the help of gymnastics.

Exercises to eliminate facial asymmetry:

  • The palms hold the muscles and skin of the forehead, while the eyebrows rise as much as possible up and down;
  • We open our eyes as wide as possible and hold this for three counts, relaxing our eyes;
  • We inflate our cheeks as much as possible, count to three and retract them, again counting to three;
  • We inflate and deflate the cheeks one by one;
  • Smile from the top of your mouth without showing your teeth, and then form your lips into a tube;
  • We move the jaw forward, left and right.

We perform each exercise ten times. If done regularly, exercise will give the first results within a month.

Why is one cheek larger than the other (video)

Facial asymmetry can be natural or pathological. If you suspect the second type of this problem, then you need to see a doctor and identify the real cause. If you are sure that asymmetry is harmless, but want to correct it, use our exercises. Take care of your beauty and be healthy!

There are no perfectly symmetrical “things” in living nature; this also applies to human body, which is also characterized by its own specific features and differences. A good confirmation of this are the hands, one of which is endowed with greater capabilities (the ability to write, draw, draw beautifully) compared to the other, and the visual difference of the feet also indicates elements of organic asymmetry. However, the above examples are a kind of norm, while facial asymmetry often becomes a major factor in serious psychological and physiological disorders.

However, even here one should feel the fine line between normality and pathology, since completely symmetrical faces are practically absent in nature, and a slight violation of the usual proportions falls within the framework of what is permitted and receives the harmonious name “individuality of the image.” It has already become commonplace for faces to be slightly wider with sharper features, while the left half has an elongated shape in the vertical axis and has softer, smoother contours. In this regard, many people, knowing the features of their own face, try to take a more advantageous angle in the photograph. However, a completely objective question arises: when is such a phenomenon considered anomalous?

There are clear medical indicators, which need to be taken into account. What is meant: pathological asymmetry of the face is diagnosed only when there is a visual violation of the usual proportions, equal to 2-3 mm in linear measurements and 3-5 degrees in angular coordinates.

A very interesting phenomenon, the reasons for which can be very different. Thus, science has identified 25 factors that cause this anomaly. Here it is important to understand that facial asymmetry can be either congenital, that is, caused by characteristic specifics, or acquired, arising against the background of progressive pathology. If speak about congenital form, then it is of significant importance here hereditary factor, as well as pathologies of intrauterine development of the fetus. After birth, such signs may remain barely noticeable, and sometimes, on the contrary, they give the face gross defects. This is clear, then why does facial asymmetry occur in an already formed organism?

The main causes are various diseases, in particular, impaired vision, torticollis in children, and it can also occur against the background of previous operations, heart attacks and strokes. Also, do not exclude your own facial expressions. As you know, each person has certain facial habits, for example, squinting one eye, raising one eyebrow, a crooked smile in one direction, which can also develop irreversible facial asymmetry over time, so such “dangerous” grimaces should be eliminated in a timely manner.

Violation of proportions does not always require the participation of a specialist; very often the patient himself can correct his own facial defects with the help of simple gymnastics and facial massage, which will significantly accelerate and strengthen the muscle tone of the facial muscles. Many ladies are advantageously camouflaged by skillful makeup and a properly chosen hairstyle, however, with serious physiological disorders consultation with an experienced person is required medical worker. If facial asymmetry is diagnosed, treatment first of all consists of identifying the cause, and only then its immediate elimination. IN as a last resort, you can resort to the services of cosmetic surgery, which in this situation can work wonders in as soon as possible will relieve such anomalies as facial asymmetry.

Malocclusion, the structure of the jaws and cranial bones play a significant role in a person’s appearance. Problems such as a heavy chin, thin lips, and sunken cheeks are consequences of improper teeth growth. Appearance early signs aging: deep wrinkles, blurred oval of the face - also a consequence of an abnormal bite.

Facial asymmetry due to malocclusion

Malocclusion is one of the most common problems in orthodontics. Parents often do not pay attention to how their child’s teeth grow; meanwhile, incorrect teeth closure entails a lot of unpleasant, and sometimes even dangerous consequences. With a crossbite, the asymmetry can be quite pronounced (we recommend reading:). If asymmetry is enhanced by displacement lower jaw relative to the stationary part of the skull, then visual effect even more noticeable.

Norms and pathologies

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Normally, a person has slight differences between the right and left sides of the face. At first glance they are not so noticeable, but upon closer inspection you can see the difference. In numerical terms, the norm is characterized by a violation of proportions by 2-3 millimeters or 3-5 degrees. Parameters that go beyond these numbers can be classified as pathologies. As a rule, they are noticeable immediately.

Pathology can manifest itself as the following appearance defects:

  • sagging cheeks, crooked lines and drooping corners of the mouth as a result of atrophy of the facial muscles;
  • complete smoothing of nasolabial and frontal folds;
  • widened eye slit;
  • the upper eyelid does not completely touch the lower eyelid, the eye does not close completely;
  • the face has a tortured, suffering look;
  • absence or insufficiency of facial abilities: a person cannot wrinkle his forehead, nose, or move his lip.

Pathologies caused by abnormal occlusion entail not only aesthetic problems. A person cannot chew food normally, resulting in gastrointestinal diseases. Diction problems may also occur. Sometimes malocclusions cause pain in a person.

Reasons for asymmetry

The causes of the appearance can be external, when the pathology occurs as a result of mechanical damage to the face. In some cases, this problem may be congenital. Congenital and acquired defects, in addition to aesthetic problems, cause various difficulties and diseases, so treatment is the elimination of the root causes of the pathology.


Diagnosis of this pathology does not cause difficulties. A visual examination is enough for the doctor. Special measuring instruments have been developed that can be used to determine the severity of the defect. The doctor collects data on facial injuries received, inflammatory processes suffered, dental diseases. If there is a suspicion of neuralgia, then additional studies are carried out with the involvement of a neurologist. Diagnosis can also be made on the basis of skull x-ray data.

Types of defect

To understand what a defect is, you first need to determine what a norm is. With a normal bite, the jaws compress naturally, while the molars should fit each other clearly, and the upper front row should protrude about a third above the lower one. If you draw an imaginary vertical line along the face, it will pass between the two central teeth.

Also, the characteristics of a correct bite include the absence of significant gaps between the teeth. Deviation from the norm may be the result of genetic or acquired changes.

Natural and pathological origin

Natural types of occlusion are: orthognathic, bioprognathic, direct, progenic and opisthognostic. An abnormal bite causes significant distortions and asymmetry of the face, as well as disturbances in the functioning of the dentofacial apparatus.

Pathological bite may be the following types: open, distal, mesial, deep and crossed (more details in the article:). All of them contribute to the development of complications and therefore need correction.

Congenital and acquired asymmetry

Congenital asymmetry develops due to genetic abnormalities, improper intrauterine formation and development of the skull, underdevelopment of the lower jaw, abnormal growth joint that attaches the jaw to temporal bone. Also, congenital pathologies may be associated with disturbances in the growth of soft and connective tissues on the bones.

Acquired defects appear as a result of mechanical damage suffered inflammatory processes and infectious diseases. They can also be caused by unhealthy habits and improper care of the maxillomuscular system. The reasons causing the development of acquired asymmetry include:

  • habit of sleeping on one side, development of torticollis in children;
  • development of strabismus;
  • improperly formed bite, lack of teeth;
  • inflammations and infections, furunculosis;
  • bone fractures and improper fusion;
  • autoimmune diseases of muscle or connective tissue;
  • bad facial habits: regular squinting, chewing predominantly on one side, constant use of chewing gum.

In some cases, symmetry is broken abruptly and is a consequence of paresis or complete paralysis of the facial muscles. Such pathologies are characteristic of a stroke.

How to treat?

Treatment directly depends on the reasons that caused the development of the pathology. Minor defects can be easily masked using cosmetics, corrective makeup. For correction small defects massage and exercises are used to develop and strengthen the facial muscles. In some cases, these measures are complemented by physical therapy.

In case of serious problems, when the pathology is severe and disfigures the appearance, more radical decisions can be made. Modern medicine has big amount methods of appearance correction. For a patient with severe asymmetry, it may be recommended Plastic surgery, treatment by an orthodontist. In cases where facial asymmetry is caused by infringement facial nerve, consultation and treatment with a neurologist is prescribed.


Massage increases blood flow in the facial muscles. As a result of intense exposure, atrophied facial muscles begin to grow and change configuration, which leads to smoothing of defects and positive changes in appearance. Massage should only be performed by a specialist.

To achieve a better effect, myostimulation is also used. This is a massage using special devices that additionally stimulate the facial muscles with weak electrical impulses. Such procedures synchronize the work of the facial muscles and make them work more intensely.

Cosmetology procedures

Cosmetology offers many ways to correct facial defects. Most often they resort to so-called contour plastic surgery. Various materials are injected under the skin to smooth or add volume to problem areas. Today, cosmetologists have at their disposal substances synthesized from the natural structural elements of the dermis. Their use is safe, and the body does not reject them.

Filler drugs are used with hyaluronic acid. In some cases, a cosmetologist may recommend Botox injections. This drug neutralizes the ability of the facial muscles to contract, as a result they relax and do not emphasize defects so much.

Plastic surgery

With the help of plastic surgery, pathological changes in the face can be completely corrected. Exist different kinds plastics aimed at eliminating certain problems. These include:

  • lipofilling (transplantation of fat tissue to the face from other parts of the body);
  • blepharoplasty (eyelid correction);
  • mandibuloplasty (correction of the curve of the lower jaw);
  • rhinoplasty (nose correction).

Complications due to lack of treatment

Ignoring the problem can lead to the development of various complications:

  • uneven grinding of teeth and enamel due to incorrect distribution of chewing load;
  • jaw asymmetry;
  • early tooth loss;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • breathing and diction disorders;
  • increased trauma to the oral cavity;
  • development of ENT diseases;
  • bruxism (we recommend reading:);
  • periodontal disease;
  • gum recession (more details in the article:).

How to prevent the development of pathology?

Prevention involves closely monitoring the condition of your child’s teeth. You should not think that baby teeth will be replaced by permanent ones, and they will grow normal. Permanent teeth They grow up the same as the milk ones, so the correct formation of the dentition must occur as soon as they appear.

Make sure your child breathes through his nose, does not keep foreign objects in his mouth, includes solid foods in his diet, and does not allow him to pick his mouth or touch growing teeth. It is necessary to undergo regular examinations with a dentist and orthodontist.

Almost every person has slight facial asymmetry. This phenomenon implies a slight difference in the size of the elements on the left and right side faces. Usually such a discrepancy is imperceptible, but there are cases when the asymmetry is too pronounced and causes quite serious inconvenience to a person.

Types of facial asymmetry in an adult

According to experts, the normal physiological deviation in the difference between the right and left sides of the face is 3 mm or 5 degrees. On the left, an adult’s face is more elongated, with smoothed features, and on the right, it is a little sharper and wider. Pathological condition– conspicuous differences in proportions when moving the facial muscles or at rest.

The problem is especially common when the asymmetry is caused by a crossbite. Asymmetry can be acquired (the result of previous infections or mechanical damage) or congenital, due to genetic abnormalities. In addition, right-sided and left-sided lesions are distinguished.

Types of pronounced deviations:

  • drooping corner of the lips;
  • dilatation of the eye on the affected side;
  • inability to wrinkle your nose, close an eye or raise an eyebrow (impaired facial expressions);
  • smoothing out folds on the lips and forehead;
  • the affected side looks like a mask;
  • a specific appearance of one of the facial halves (suffering expression).

When the facial nerve is damaged, severe asymmetry occurs. The pathology can appear at any age. However, it may be accompanied by discomfort or pain.

Facial asymmetry in a child

In young children under 1 year of age, in most cases, asymmetry of the natural type is diagnosed. The baby is often in the same position, which is why a slight deviation occurs. Additionally, in newborns, asymmetry may result from improper formation of the jaw joint or lower jaw as it develops in the womb. The difference between the parts of the face is almost invisible. Pathological deviations are most common in preschool children.

This may be a consequence of neurological pathologies, crossbite, injuries, incomplete dentition. Most often, the acquired problem occurs due to abnormalities such as torticollis, infections, and neuropathy of the facial nerve. It is important to pay attention to alarming symptoms, since in the absence of treatment the development of dangerous complications: convulsive twitching of the facial muscles, constant tension, etc.

Causes of facial asymmetry

All causes of pathology in humans of different ages divided into acquired and congenital. How a person developed this deviation depends on its treatment and degree of development.

Congenital causes

There are not so many factors due to which a person has an asymmetrical face from birth compared to those acquired during life.

The main ones:

  • connective tissue abnormalities;
  • improper formation of joints and structure of cranial bones;
  • too slow jaw development;
  • muscle tissue defects.

Typically, these disorders are associated with a genetic predisposition or are the result of developmental abnormalities during pregnancy.

Acquired pathology

Causes of facial asymmetry acquired during life usually include diseases and injuries that affect nerves and muscles. Complications can arise after wearing braces, suffering from paralysis or a stroke.

The following causes of asymmetry are common:

  • cyst, tumor on the face;
  • incorrect injection into the deep layers of the epidermis (for example, Botox), lifting and other beauty procedures;
  • pinching of the facial nerve or its inflammation;
  • tissue pathologies;
  • all kinds of bite problems (crossbite, medial, etc.);
  • strabismus and other ophthalmological severe diseases.

Besides, complete removal teeth on a certain side of the face can also lead to the development of an undesirable phenomenon. Often an incorrect lifestyle leads to the occurrence of a deviation. It could be abuse chewing gum, habit of sleeping in the same side position, chewing food with only one part of the jaw.

Treatment of the deviation depends on the type of problem and its degree of development. Correction may consist of physiotherapeutic and cosmetic procedures, but in difficult cases only plastic surgery will help. Radical techniques involve correction of the bones of the face and jaw.

In any case, only an experienced specialist can prescribe treatment. You should contact an ophthalmologist, dentist, neurologist or surgeon who deals with defects of the face and jaw.

Cosmetology procedures

The main cosmetic procedure, which helps not to hide, but to eliminate facial asymmetry, is the introduction of fillers with hyaluronic acid. It is quite safe and effective. Good results Softlifting is different, during which the tissues are exposed to less risk of injury. The success of cosmetic procedures lies in the cessation of susceptibility to nerve impulses and muscle contractions and their relaxation.


Muscle tissue massage is more effective if it is carried out using special devices. This procedure, myostimulation, helps build muscle mass and change its shape in a certain area. The electrical signal sent by the equipment forces the muscles to work simultaneously and more intensely, as a result of which the deviation is smoothed out.


General strengthening exercises for the face that have positive action on muscles is called face building. They also help tighten the skin, increase its elasticity and get rid of a double chin. There are other exercises that can help combat an asymmetrical face shape.

Special facial gymnastics and general strengthening exercises can be performed at home. In most cases, training is enough to get rid of the problem. The main thing is regularity and perseverance.

Surgical intervention

You can completely eliminate pronounced asymmetry by using the services plastic surgeon. Rhinoplasty allows you to correct the shape of the nose, lifting allows you to tighten the skin (at the same time aligning the contours), blepharoplasty allows you to remove skin, change the shape of the eyelids and eyes. Reconstructive surgery is one of the most effective techniques if the patient has a strong asymmetry.


What is considered pathological asymmetry?

A slight discrepancy between the right and left halves of the face is present in everyone. The differences are so insignificant that you can only notice them if you look closely. The right eye may be slightly wider than the left, one ear is slightly higher than the other. Have you noticed it yourself?

If the difference is less than 2 mm (or 3 degrees), then this is not a pathology and does not require correction. This is how our face scores points in the personality column.

There is an interesting test to determine how different the left and right halves of our appearance are. I experimented on myself: the result is amazing.

You need to take a photo looking directly into the lens under conditions of uniform lighting. We upload the photo into a graphics editor. Use a vertical line to divide the face in half, making two images.

And in each we make a mirror image for the half, thus obtaining a whole oval of the face. I didn't recognize myself!

But it never occurred to me before that I had slight asymmetry. I agree with the easy one

I won’t show my results, but look at the photo of Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds. Isn't it true, it's like three different people? But handsome Brad Pitt (pictured above) is almost symmetrical.

But, alas, sometimes the facial features on the left and right are too different. And they become the reason for dislike of appearance. This means there is a need to work on yourself. Fortunately, you can almost always find a way out.

What facial asymmetry can gymnastics overcome?

Let's look at the reasons for this phenomenon. Traditionally they are divided into 2 parts.

1. Congenital

If the jaw bones, skull, facial joints, connective or muscle tissue develop incorrectly, this leads to distortion of facial features.

If the distortion is small, hairstyle and makeup for a woman, beard and mustache for a man will help make it invisible.

In other cases, most likely, a correction in the form of surgical intervention. Modern plastic surgery works wonders and can fix almost anything.

2. Purchased

Here, the source of asymmetry in an adult or child can be injury, improper “ownership” of one or another part of the face, or disease. Most often this is:

  • the result of severe strabismus;
  • inflammation of the facial nerve, which can occur from walking without a hat in winter, from a draft in summer, or even from stress;
  • clamping of a nerve fiber, for example, due to a stroke - and it must be said that today it can occur not only in an old person, but even in a teenager;
  • dental problems when the entire row of teeth in the jaw is missing, or has developed malocclusion;
  • fractures of the jaw and other facial bones, their improper fusion;
  • torticollis in children;
  • incorrect habits and facial expressions, when a person chews exclusively on one side or always sleeps in the same position, or regularly squints with one eye.

What to do if a stroke or nerve inflammation has caused part of the face to lose sensitivity and a clearly visible curvature?

– First of all, we go to the doctors to accurately determine the cause and agree on treatment.

You should consult with the following specialists:

  • dentist;
  • orthodontist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • maxillofacial surgeon;
  • neurologist.

If surgical correction of the pathology is not prescribed, massage and special facial exercises will most likely be indicated, which I want to tell you about in as much detail as possible in this article.

Gymnastics against facial asymmetry

Exercises are general strengthening exercises that have a beneficial effect on the skin and muscles, promote rejuvenation, and fight wrinkles and a double chin. But there is also special facial gymnastics against asymmetry.

In any case, you can make them at home. The first gymnastics is like exercise, 1-2 times a day. The second - depending on the condition. In principle, the more often the better, targeting problem areas.

A set of general strengthening exercises

  1. Palms on the forehead, raise and lower the eyebrows, as if we were very surprised, 10 times.
  2. We tense our eyelids, opening our eyes as wide as possible for 3 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10 times.

  3. We inflate our cheeks, and then exhale sharply, making them hollow, 10 times.
  4. We alternately inflate one or the other cheek 10 times.
  5. We stretch our lips into a very wide smile, exposing our teeth. Then we collect it into a tube. Repeat 10 times.
  6. Move the jaw forward 10 times.
  7. Move your jaw left and right 10 times.
  8. Open and close your mouth 10 times.
  9. We close the upper lip with the lower lip, pulling the lower one up as much as possible. We feel the tension of the skin under the chin. Repeat 10 times.
  10. Move your chin forward and tense your neck muscles. Repeat 10 times.

A set of exercises against asymmetry

  1. For the affected side, repeat each exercise 20 times. For another - 10 times.
  2. We close our eyes tightly, then relax.
  3. Putting your fingers on your eyebrows at your temple, make an “up and down” motion with your eyes.
  4. We frown - slowly, with serious effort.
  5. We stretch the eyebrows up to the limit, at the same time raising the eyelids.
  6. Place your fingers on the wings of your nose and draw in air through resistance.
  7. Having closed our lips, we stretch them into a thin thread, pronouncing “I”.
  8. We alternately smile with the left and then the right half of our lips.
  9. We roll our tongue into a tube, open our mouth slightly, inhale and exhale.
  10. We move our tongue in an inner circle, moving between the muscles of the cheeks and teeth.

Acquired asymmetry can be corrected without surgery. But if these are consequences of the disease and after six months they do not disappear, then you should consult a doctor and consult about the condition of the muscle. The problem may need to be addressed surgically. But often gymnastics is enough.

Now let's digress a little.


Main causes of facial asymmetry

Why does facial asymmetry appear?

Facial asymmetry can appear due to acquired reasons, or be congenital. Its type will determine how quickly and to what extent the pathology will manifest itself, and how to eliminate it.

Congenital asymmetry

  • All kinds of pathologies in the development of cranial bones.
  • Disorders in the formation of the joints of the lower jaw.
  • Various pathologies in the development of connective and muscle tissues.
  • Slow development of the lower jaw.
  • Incorrect and uneven development of the fetus; influence on the development of the genetic code.

Acquired asymmetry appears in people after various types of injuries. The reason for this may be various past illnesses, and in some cases even improper care behind the jaws. The most famous among them:

Facial asymmetry sometimes appears even due to an incorrect lifestyle. This may appear in a row the following reasons:

  • Frequent squinting of only one eye.
  • Chewing with only one jaw.
  • Frequent use of chewing gum.
  • Sleep only on one side.

How is facial asymmetry diagnosed?

Facial asymmetry is diagnosed simply - through a visual examination, as well as questioning the patient about inflammation and previous injuries.

In addition, the doctor can resort to special measurement of facial proportions using the necessary instruments.

If the patient has suspicions of damage to the facial nerves as the main causes of the pathology, then the patient will be additionally referred for:

  • Consultations with a neurologist, and sometimes also with a dentist, ophthalmologist and neurosurgeon.
  • Complete neurological examination using special equipment.
  • X-ray of the skull.

Treatment of facial asymmetry

Types of treatment are different, since it all depends on the reason why this or that pathology was caused. As a rule, simple conservative measures are sufficient.

For minor pathologies comes to the rescue cosmetics. Her correct use will help disguise imperfections.

This type of help for facial asymmetry includes hairstyles, wigs and makeup, and for men you will need beards and false mustaches.

The list of inexpensive ways includes muscle massage in problem areas and gymnastics. Sometimes they also prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures.

If the asymmetry is pronounced, it’s time for radical techniques. To correct such pathologies it is necessary surgery by a qualified surgeon or orthodontist. They do the necessary plastic surgery, correction of bones and other things.

Massages for facial asymmetry

The main task of this method in the treatment of facial asymmetry is to force the neuromuscular structures to work more intensely.

Thanks to this, it will begin to increase muscle mass, and the outer surface in in the right place changes and the pathology is smoothed out.

In order to simplify the procedure and increase its effectiveness, muscle myostimulation is performed. This is the same massage or gymnastics, but with the use of special devices. They act on the muscles and nerves of problem areas with barely perceptible electrical signals. Due to this, the muscles work more efficiently and synchronously.


On a par with these in simple ways, like makeup, wigs and false beards, there is also such an area of ​​treatment for facial asymmetry as cosmetology, which is more effective. That's exactly how pathology not disguised, but fully deleted through cosmetic procedures.

In general this can be achieved using contour plastic surgery, in which special agents are not injected into the epidermis and under it. products that help change the shape of external surfaces. For this purpose, today they most often use fillers that contain hyaluronic acid. This substance consists of natural structural elements of the skin and is therefore safe.

This technique has become very popular, and even has its continuation in softlifting. It uses new fillers with the well-known names Voluma, Suв Q with hyaluronic acid. Unlike previous products, it is much more effective, and, most importantly, it injures the facial tissue even less.

A certain category of patients, according to indications, may be offered to change facial asymmetry using Botox. After introduction this drug in facial muscles, it makes them immune to nerve impulses, due to which they relax, stop contracting and secrete pathology.


Methods of this type of surgery are usually used for significant pathologies. Today, there are many techniques and operations that allow you to permanently and completely remove the asymmetry of the client’s face:

  • Blephoplasty. Using this method, if necessary, you can change the shape of the eyes and the shape of the eyelids; During the operation, excess fat deposits and skin are removed.
  • Lipofilling. The essence of the operation is to transplant to problem areas on the face adipose tissue, which are taken from patients from other parts of the body. This technique will help correct the shape of the cheekbones and chin, but sometimes it is also used to change the size and contours of the lips.
  • Lifting. This technique is used to tighten the facial skin, due to which asymmetry is smoothed out and becomes almost/completely invisible.
  • Rhinoplasty. The purpose of this technique is to correct the position and shape of the nose.

For neuritis

When the cause of the pathology is neuritis, which develops due to problems with the facial nerves, the patient is first examined, the electrical activity of the muscles is determined, due to which conductivity is assessed nerve endings. Based on the results obtained, soft tissue massage and body myostimulation are prescribed. As you can see, physiotherapy has a positive effect on treatment.

Possible complications

Pathology that was started due to the lack normal treatment, can lead to critical condition of the patient.

This is expressed in the appeared pain inside the muscles (especially when they are tense), hearing impairment and inability to eat properly.

In addition, deterioration is often noted mental state patient. He often becomes nervous and aggressive, against the background of which depression begins to develop.

As we see, postoperative complications occur in medical practice. Also failed operations lead to changes in facial expressions. In addition, the patient begins to increasingly suffer from inflammatory diseases. He may also develop a nervous tic.

Prevention of facial asymmetry

The development or appearance of facial asymmetry can be reduced. This will help you:

  • The right way of life.
  • Regular visits to the dentist.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • Visit (if necessary) to the orthodontist.
  • Timely consultation with a doctor if the slightest sign pathology.


What are the symptoms of this disease?

Facial asymmetry can be of natural or pathological origin.

Natural asymmetry, as a rule, is not very pronounced; small differences are noticeable between the left and right halves of the face. The left half is usually softer and more delicate, while the right half is rougher and wider. To ordinary people it is usually practically unnoticeable, since the difference in facial proportions is about three millimeters.

With pathology of the facial nerve, the difference in facial proportions is pronounced and is accompanied by a pronounced clinical picture:

  • weak facial muscles on the affected part grow;
  • the affected half has a mask-like character;
  • folds on the forehead and lips are smoothed;
  • the eye is dilated;
  • drooping corners of the lips;
  • part of the face has a tortured look;
  • the mechanism of muscle movement is difficult, it is difficult to close the eye, wrinkle the forehead, and so on;
  • there are problems with speech reproduction and nutrition;
  • pain in the area of ​​the affected nerve.

In children, facial asymmetry can occur due to muscular torticollis and lying in one position for a long time. As a rule, part of the face is slightly smoothed, the head tilts towards the affected side, and the jaw is smaller.

What are the causes of facial asymmetry?

In fact, there are many reasons why facial asymmetry appears. Among them are acquired and congenital. Congenital ones include: anomalies in the structure of the skull, pathologies of the neck muscles and defects of connective tissues and muscles, incomplete development of the lower part of the jaw.

Acquired asymmetry can result from:

  • injuries, inflammation or pinching of facial nerve endings;
  • vision problems with further strabismus;
  • due to malocclusion or missing teeth on one side of the jaw;
  • in children - due to muscular and neurogenic torticollis
  • jaw injuries and facial bone fractures;
  • due to sleeping on one side or constantly chewing gum on only one side of the jaw;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis is based on an external examination by a specialist highlighting asymmetric pathologies, a detailed survey of the patient about possible reason, heredity, acquired injuries, muscle pathologies, dental health.

The proportions of both halves of the face are also measured using specialized equipment and deviations are identified.

You can look at your photo yourself, dividing your face strictly in half and comparing both halves of the face, or take a mirror image of your face and see the difference.

How to treat facial muscle asymmetry

Many people wonder how to correct facial asymmetry? Often, an asymmetrical face does not need treatment; this should be resorted to only in cases of pronounced pathologies and disfiguring facial asymmetry.

Treatment in each individual case is prescribed individually and depends on the causes of the appearance:

  • if muscle tone is affected, a course of myostimulation and gymnastics for the facial muscles can help, massages with an emphasis on problem areas are also prescribed;
  • they select hairstyles and makeup for women, mustaches and beards for men.
  • orthodontic treatment;
  • maxillofacial surgery;
  • plastic surgery.

If the asymmetry is very pronounced, then the following is prescribed:

If you have a pinched facial nerve, inpatient neurological treatment is prescribed.


A person, as a living organism, is characterized by bilateral symmetry of the right and left sides of the body. At the same time, this symmetry is not ideal, shining example- dominance of functions right hand for right-handers and left-handers for left-handers, there is some difference in the size of the feet. But if minor differences in the limbs are perceived as the norm, then facial asymmetry often becomes a source of serious psychological discomfort.

Facial asymmetry - normal or pathological?

There are no absolutely symmetrical faces, and a small difference in proportions between the right and left halves is subconsciously perceived by us as harmony. Venus de Milo - standard female beauty since antiquity - no exception. The asymmetry of her face is manifested in the fact that the left eye and left ear are slightly higher than on the right side, and the nose is slightly deviated to the right.

Usually, right part the faces are a little wider, the features here are sharper, firmer, more courageous. Left half slightly elongated in the vertical axis and has softer, smoother outlines. This is well known to public figures, who always strive to turn to the most advantageous angle in front of the camera lens.

This natural asymmetry of the face is called individual. It is invisible to the naked eye and gives a person uniqueness and charm. Correction of facial asymmetry is required only if there is a pathological difference in proportions, which is conditionally equal to 2-3 mm in linear measurements and 3-5 degrees in angular measurements.

Causes of facial asymmetry

In scientific circles, there are more than 25 reasons why the right and left sides of the face are not exactly identical. Roughly speaking, any facial asymmetry can be either congenital, due to structural features of the skull bones, or acquired. Congenital pathologies are explained by heredity and intrauterine developmental defects. Subsequently muscle fibers can make them completely invisible, and sometimes, on the contrary, emphasize flaws.

The causes of acquired facial asymmetry are varied, most often due to injuries and past illnesses:

  • clamps of nerve endings (for example, after a stroke), inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • visual impairment (squint, large difference in visual acuity between the right and left eyes);
  • dental diseases (bad bite, missing teeth on one side of the jaw, forced chewing on one side);
  • In children, facial asymmetry is often caused by torticollis.

Our habits, facial and physiological, also play a significant role. If you constantly squint one eye, chew gum on one side of your jaw, or sleep only on a certain side, sooner or later this will affect your face.

Treatment of facial asymmetry

Not every manifestation of facial disproportion requires medical intervention. If the cause of facial asymmetry lies in weakness of muscle tone, facial gymnastics and massage with an emphasis on certain facial muscles help very well. A well-chosen hairstyle perfectly hides minor imperfections. A man can be completely transformed by a mustache or beard, and for women, makeup is a powerful weapon in the fight against their own imperfections.

For serious pathological changes Medicine comes to the rescue. How to correct facial asymmetry in each specific case can be determined by consulting a specialist: a neurologist, ophthalmologist, dentist, maxillofacial surgeon, orthodontist. The main task: to find out the cause, and then the treatment of facial asymmetry will consist of eliminating it, and if this is not possible, correcting the consequences. Cosmetic surgery in this sense is the last resort, but its possibilities are truly enormous.

Facial asymmetry in psychology

Conduct an experiment: upload your photo to any graphics editor (in the photo you should look directly into the lens, your face is evenly lit). Now divide it vertically into two parts exactly along midline faces, and then alternately make a mirror image of the right and left halves. Look carefully at the portraits made up of left and right halves - completely different people!

What does facial asymmetry tell psychologists? About how big the difference is between your actions, lifestyle and the sphere of your emotions, about the level of internal harmony of a person. After all, the right side of the face reflects the work of the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logic, thinking, and the practical side of life. Left-hand side- projection of feelings and experiences, and they are controlled by the right hemisphere. Thus, a portrait from the right halves is called “vital”, and from the left “spiritual”.

Professor A.N. Anuashvili developed and patented a method of video-computer psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection (VCP). Processing the “left” and “right” portraits, computer program produces very accurate psychological picture, predicts a person’s behavior in a given situation, and also gives recommendations for harmonizing the practical and spiritual spheres of the individual. The professor believes that even daily looking at “different” things can save you from many psychological problems.


Eye asymmetry: diagnosis and symptoms

Diagnostics consists of two parts: visual and hardware inspection.

First of all, the specialist visually examines the patient, determines the advanced state of the pathology, and interviews the patient about how and when the disease was acquired. Next is an examination for the presence of damage, injuries, or curvature of the jaw.

Afterwards, deviations are measured using special instruments. As mentioned earlier, every person has a predisposition to asymmetry. Based on this, the doctor takes the most permissible deviation limits as the norm and compares them with the patient’s data. A difference of more than 3 mm and 5 degrees is considered a serious deviation.

During diagnosis, you may need the help of an ophthalmologist. A very common type of deviation is eye asymmetry. It is expressed by obvious strabismus or disproportionate placement of the eyes. For example, one is higher, the other is lower. If the cause lies in neurological disease, then the presence of a neurologist is necessary during diagnosis.

The patient will first be sent to see a dentist. By medical statistics, over 70% of pathologies originate in jaw deviations. An incorrectly positioned jaw results in defects in the position of the cheeks and lips, and a disturbed bite. The front teeth may protrude slightly or, on the contrary, appear sunken. To ensure complete confidence and successful completion of the diagnosis, a full neurological examination, fluoroscopy of the skull and MRI of the face are performed.

Symptoms of facial asymmetry

It all depends on what form of asymmetry the patient has: congenital or natural. As for the natural one, the difference in facial contours is hardly noticeable. Even the experienced eye of a doctor will not immediately detect the differences between the right and left halves of the face.

Congenital (or, as it is also called, pathological) asymmetry has a pronounced character. The symmetry of the face is greatly impaired.

This can manifest itself in various ways, such as:

  • Violation of facial expressions and gestures.
  • The asymmetry of the eyes is impaired, strabismus, one eye is drooping or raised.
  • Deviations in the speech apparatus, slow or too fast, slurred speech, “swallowing” of certain sounds or words.
  • Painful sensations while eating.
  • If the disease occurred on neurological basis, there is pain in the area of ​​the affected nerve.

At an earlier age (in children aged 7 to 12 years), asymmetry manifests itself as unusually smooth facial contours (or their complete absence), a sedentary jaw, and a tilt of the head towards the affected side.

In general, symptoms are highly individual and depend on many individual criteria. For example, even if it pathological disease, it can be aggravated by acquired diseases or complications after them. Any injury can cause deformation of either half of the face, especially if a nerve was damaged. It is necessary to conduct a diagnosis to establish the original cause and take all necessary measures to eliminate this facial defect.

Lip asymmetry and treatment methods

Quite a few diseases can provoke facial defects or become a factor in actively accompanying the development of the disease.

In general, here is a list of those diseases after which disturbances in facial contours, lip asymmetry and other deviations develop:

  • Viral infections. As a rule, even harmless herpes can become a provoking factor. You should especially be wary of protracted illnesses that require complex treatment. They are the initial cause of facial asymmetry.
  • Bacterial infections can negatively affect the facial nerve, thereby causing paralysis of a certain area or complete damage to the facial-gestural apparatus. Prominent representatives include: syphilis, diphtheria.
  • Meningitis.
  • Even diabetes can cause facial defects.

In general, any disease potentially poses a threat to the face of a sick person. It is very important to quickly eliminate aggravating factors that can cause further complications and provoke the occurrence of asymmetry.


As a rule, doctors do not recommend treatment unless there is a pronounced difference in the proportions and shapes of the face. If, after diagnosis, lip asymmetry or any other type of facial defect has been identified, it is necessary to quickly proceed to treatment or correction of the problem.

If the problem is hidden in damage to the facial nerve, treatment is carried out in the neurological department of the hospital. To eliminate this problem, various acupressures, physiotherapy and much more. During treatment, the neuropathologist is obliged to examine the patient daily and, at the first improvement, change surgical methods rehabilitation or correctional interventions.

It is worth explaining what the peculiarity of the correction is. The correction is not intended to treat pathology, but only to eliminate visual defects. For example, smoothing the facial muscles and bringing them to their original position. Doctors advise men to grow a mustache or beard to visually hide the imperfections of chin or lip defects. Women - the right choice of makeup. IN general outline, the correction can be compared to plastic surgery without the direct intervention of a surgeon. The main task is to hide imperfections in facial contours through natural intervention. Plastic surgery is used only if the patient’s speech is impaired or vision deteriorates.

There is also special muscle gymnastics for developing the jaw apparatus, improving the mobility of stagnant muscles and correcting the bite. The necessary treatment measures are prescribed by the doctor after diagnosing and determining the exact cause of the pathology.

The face is the mirror of a person. That is why impaired facial asymmetry can greatly ruin your life. Society does not always accept people who are different from others, and in some cases they begin to simply ignore pathologically ill people.

Of course, pluck up the courage and visit medical institution It is extremely difficult to treat and correct impaired facial asymmetry, because it requires considerable moral preparation. However, the longer the process of visiting a doctor is delayed, the more internal complexes develop, and the person rejects himself more and more. You shouldn’t delay this, but act decisively.


Facial asymmetry recognition test

Do you think that you don’t need facial exercises against asymmetry? Then take a simple and quite interesting test, the results of which you can learn a lot of interesting things about yourself.

Facial asymmetry can be observed in a child, an adolescent, an adult or an old person. But not everyone may know about this. For most people, the defect is minor, in which case no treatment is required.

But sometimes it causes significant inconvenience. Take a simple test and find out whether you should do facial gymnastics to restore its symmetry:

  1. We take pictures, looking directly into the lens, the lighting should be uniform.
  2. We load the photo into a graphic editor and divide it in half, creating two pictures.
  3. For each of the two resulting images, we create a mirror image, obtaining a full-fledged oval of the face.
  4. If you practically don’t recognize yourself in any of the images, it means you have significant asymmetry.

A minor defect is not a sign of significant violations. For many, this is a sign of individuality.

Important. If the discrepancy in the horizontal position of the ears or cheekbones is more than 3 mm, then it is worth thinking about correcting the discrepancy.

What is facial asymmetry?

Experts identify two main reasons for the discrepancy between the two halves of the face:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

The first type of disease can develop as a result of improperly fused bones of the skull, jaw, facial joints, connective and muscle tissues. Malocclusion is one of the consequences of impaired bone symmetry.

If the distortions are minor, they can be corrected with hairstyle, makeup, and for men, a mustache or beard. In other cases, doctors recommend using methods related to surgical intervention. Do not forget that plastic surgery literally works wonders in our time, the main thing is not to despair and turn to a good specialist.

If the asymmetry is acquired, in many cases it can be corrected without surgery. It may occur due to the following reasons:

  • severe squint;
  • inflamed facial nerve, the disease often occurs after hypothermia, prolonged exposure to a strong draft or severe stress;
  • injuries and improper fusion of jaw bones or other parts of the face;
  • stroke, which in our time is relevant not only for older people, but also for teenagers;
  • malocclusion or other dental problems, for example, missing teeth;
  • infantile torticollis;
  • Habits that lead to asymmetry: constantly chewing on one side, sleeping in one position, squinting.

These habits often lead to changes in facial expressions and disruption of facial symmetry, which only gets worse with age, because the elasticity of the skin and muscles only weakens over time.

On the Internet you can find many examples showing that asymmetry also becomes a consequence of unsuccessful plastic surgery or an incorrectly performed procedure of introducing Botox under the skin. We can see similar defects in photos of celebrities.

Gymnastics to eliminate facial asymmetry

If the asymmetry is not associated with a pinched nerve, you should perform the following exercises:

  1. We apply the palm of our hand to the healthy part with our fingers up, and to the paralyzed part we place the back of our hand with our fingers up. Gently pull the skin from the healthy half up and to the side towards the diseased half, and the paralyzed muscles towards the healthy part, while making massaging movements.
  2. We close our eyes, pressing the eyelids with our middle fingers. Using light pressure, we make circular movements, affecting the eye muscles. We massage the healthy side from above, outwards and down, the sick side - from below and upward, moving your finger from the nose to the eyebrow.
  3. Place your index fingers on the wings of your nose. The healthy part should be stroked towards the lower part of the face, the diseased part towards the upper.
  4. We place our middle fingers in the middle of the nasolabial groove on the healthy side and under the lip on the paralyzed side. Healthy muscles we pull down, the sick - up.
  5. Set medium and index fingers strictly in the center above each eyebrow. Using circular movements we move the healthy muscles brow ridge to the center and down, and the patient - to the center up.

Exercises are performed for 10-12 minutes in front of a mirror until the facial muscles acquire proper symmetry.

Important. Gymnastics is performed in the process of correcting acquired and congenital asymmetry, including after a stroke.

Exercises for neuritis of the facial nerve should be as follows:

  1. Close your eyes tightly for 10 seconds.
  2. Slowly and quite strongly we frown.
  3. Raise the eyebrows as much as possible along with the eyelids.
  4. We place our fingers on the wings of the nose, pressing them for effort when inhaling.
  5. Inflating the wings of the nose, we slowly lift them.
  6. Stretch your lips into the widest smile possible, exposing your teeth.
  7. We pronounce the sound “and”, stretching our lips as much as possible.
  8. We take a deep breath and hold our breath for 10 seconds, puffing out our cheeks.
  9. Roll your tongue into a tube, open your mouth slightly, and inhale deeply.
  10. We perform circular movements with the tongue between the teeth and cheeks.

Note. If after six to seven months of constant massages there are no changes, you should consult a specialist, because not only the nerve, but also the muscle can atrophy. In this case, surgical intervention will have to be performed.

Before performing a facial massage at home, you should definitely contact the following specialists:

  • dentist;
  • orthodontist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • maxillofacial surgeon;
  • neurologist.

If specialists do not prescribe surgery, you will most likely be helped by correcting asymmetry with facial massage. Correct treatment in most cases it gives positive results, which can be seen in the photos before and after the exercises.

Stars with facial asymmetry

Among celebrities, pronounced and not so pronounced facial asymmetry is quite common, which affects their facial expressions and the general perception of artists.

Thom Yorke

The frontman of the rock band Radiohead has some pretty interesting facial features, and asymmetry is largely to blame. His eyes are of different sizes, his ears are located at different heights, and the tip of his nose is strongly offset to the side.

Meryl Streep

One of the most successful and respected actresses in Hollywood is known for her correct and aristocratic features. However, it is a certain violation of symmetry that gives the zest to its texture. Her nose is slightly set to the side, and the corner of her mouth is raised.

Cindy Crawford

The face of a Hollywood celebrity would be completely symmetrical if not for the mole on his cheek. Add another one like that, and the pretty face will lose its peculiarity, and the actress will become like millions of other girls without any special features in appearance.

Gordon Ramsay

The world famous chef is a clear example of facial asymmetry. But in this case, one should take into account the celebrity’s difficult childhood, because it is the poor conditions in which children grow up and their malnutrition that can cause this illness.

Tina Fey

The obvious asymmetry of a celebrity's face is sometimes used as an advantage, because it makes it more memorable. Actress Tina Fey also emphasizes this feature with side-swept bangs.

Harrison Ford

With age, defects such as asymmetry become more obvious. Nevertheless, Harrison Ford's face remains as attractive as it was a couple of decades ago, despite some inconsistency in features. Therefore, do not despair if one ear is located a little higher, or there is always a mischievous sideways grin on your face.

Now you know what to do with facial asymmetry and its various manifestations. Simple daily exercises will help to easily eliminate it, but do not forget to consult with specialists before performing any exercises at home.

And again we are glad to welcome you to our blog. If you are interested in topics related to health and appearance, you have come to the right place. Today we will discuss such an issue as facial asymmetry and exercises aimed at eliminating this defect.

Facial asymmetry recognition test

Do you think that you don’t need facial exercises against asymmetry? Then take a simple and quite interesting test, the results of which you can learn a lot of interesting things about yourself.

Facial asymmetry can be observed in a child, an adolescent, an adult or an old person. But not everyone may know about this. For most people, the defect is minor, in which case no treatment is required.

But sometimes it causes significant inconvenience. Take a simple test and find out whether you should do facial gymnastics to restore its symmetry:

  1. We take pictures, looking directly into the lens, the lighting should be uniform.
  2. We load the photo into a graphic editor and divide it in half, creating two pictures.
  3. For each of the two resulting images, we create a mirror image, obtaining a full-fledged oval of the face.
  4. If you practically don’t recognize yourself in any of the images, it means you have significant asymmetry.

A minor defect is not a sign of significant violations. For many, this is a sign of individuality.

Important. If the discrepancy in the horizontal position of the ears or cheekbones is more than 3 mm, then it is worth thinking about correcting the discrepancy.

What is facial asymmetry?

Experts identify two main reasons for the discrepancy between the two halves of the face:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

The first type of disease can develop as a result of improperly fused bones of the skull, jaw, facial joints, connective and muscle tissues. Malocclusion is one of the consequences of impaired bone symmetry.

If the distortions are minor, they can be corrected with hairstyle, makeup, and for men, a mustache or beard. In other cases, doctors recommend using methods associated with surgery. Don’t forget that plastic surgery literally works wonders these days, the main thing is not to despair and turn to a good specialist.

If the asymmetry is acquired, in many cases it can be corrected without surgery. It may occur due to the following reasons:

  • severe squint;
  • inflamed facial nerve, the disease often occurs after hypothermia, prolonged exposure to a strong draft or severe stress;
  • injuries and improper fusion of jaw bones or other parts of the face;
  • stroke, which in our time is relevant not only for older people, but also for teenagers;
  • malocclusion or other dental problems, for example, missing teeth;
  • infantile torticollis;
  • Habits that lead to asymmetry: constantly chewing on one side, sleeping in one position, squinting.

These habits often lead to changes in facial expressions and disruption of facial symmetry, which only gets worse with age, because the elasticity of the skin and muscles only weakens over time.

On the Internet you can find many examples showing that asymmetry also becomes a consequence of unsuccessful plastic surgery or an incorrectly performed procedure of introducing Botox under the skin. We can see similar defects in photos of celebrities.

Gymnastics to eliminate facial asymmetry

If the asymmetry is not associated with a pinched nerve, you should perform the following exercises 2-3 times a day:

  1. We apply the palm of our hand to the healthy part with our fingers up, and to the paralyzed part we place the back of our hand with our fingers up. Gently pull the skin from the healthy half up and to the side towards the diseased half, and the paralyzed muscles towards the healthy part, while making massaging movements.
  2. We close our eyes, pressing the eyelids with our middle fingers. Using light pressure, we make circular movements, affecting the eye muscles. We massage the healthy side from above, outwards and down, the sick side - from below and upward, moving your finger from the nose to the eyebrow.
  3. Place your index fingers on the wings of your nose. The healthy part should be stroked towards the lower part of the face, the diseased part towards the upper.
  4. We place our middle fingers in the middle of the nasolabial groove on the healthy side and under the lip on the paralyzed side. We pull healthy muscles down, sick muscles up.
  5. We place the middle and index fingers strictly in the center above each eyebrow. Using circular movements, we move the muscles of the healthy brow ridge to the center and down, and the sick one – to the center and up.

Exercises are performed for 10-12 minutes in front of a mirror until the facial muscles acquire proper symmetry.

Important. Gymnastics is performed in the process of correcting acquired and congenital asymmetry, including after a stroke.

Exercises for neuritis of the facial nerve should be as follows:

  1. Close your eyes tightly for 10 seconds.
  2. Slowly and quite strongly we frown.
  3. Raise the eyebrows as much as possible along with the eyelids.
  4. We place our fingers on the wings of the nose, pressing them for effort when inhaling.
  5. Inflating the wings of the nose, we slowly lift them.
  6. Stretch your lips into the widest smile possible, exposing your teeth.
  7. We pronounce the sound “and”, stretching our lips as much as possible.
  8. We take a deep breath and hold our breath for 10 seconds, puffing out our cheeks.
  9. Roll your tongue into a tube, open your mouth slightly, and inhale deeply.
  10. We perform circular movements with the tongue between the teeth and cheeks.

Note. If after six to seven months of constant massages there are no changes, you should consult a specialist, because not only the nerve, but also the muscle can atrophy. In this case, surgical intervention will have to be performed.

Before performing a facial massage at home, you should definitely contact the following specialists:

  • dentist;
  • orthodontist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • maxillofacial surgeon;
  • neurologist.

If specialists do not prescribe surgery, you will most likely be helped by correcting asymmetry with facial massage. Proper treatment in most cases gives positive results, which can be seen in the photos before and after exercises.

Stars with facial asymmetry

Among celebrities, pronounced and not so pronounced facial asymmetry is quite common, which affects their facial expressions and the general perception of artists.

Thom Yorke

The frontman of the rock band Radiohead has some pretty interesting facial features, and asymmetry is largely to blame. His eyes are of different sizes, his ears are located at different heights, and the tip of his nose is strongly offset to the side.

Meryl Streep

One of the most successful and respected actresses in Hollywood is known for her correct and aristocratic features. However, it is a certain violation of symmetry that gives the zest to its texture. Her nose is slightly set to the side, and the corner of her mouth is raised.

Cindy Crawford

The face of a Hollywood celebrity would be completely symmetrical if not for the mole on his cheek. Add another one like that, and the pretty face will lose its peculiarity, and the actress will become like millions of other girls without any special features in appearance.

Gordon Ramsay

The world famous chef is a clear example of facial asymmetry. But in this case, one should take into account the celebrity’s difficult childhood, because it is the poor conditions in which children grow up and their malnutrition that can cause this illness.

Tina Fey

The obvious asymmetry of a celebrity's face is sometimes used as an advantage, because it makes it more memorable. Actress Tina Fey also emphasizes this feature with side-swept bangs.

Harrison Ford

With age, defects such as asymmetry become more obvious. Nevertheless, Harrison Ford's face remains as attractive as it was a couple of decades ago, despite some inconsistency in features. Therefore, do not despair if one ear is located a little higher, or there is always a mischievous sideways grin on your face.

Now you know what to do with facial asymmetry and its various manifestations. Simple daily exercises will help to easily eliminate it, but do not forget to consult with specialists before performing any exercises at home.