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Burdock: medicinal properties and contraindications. Medicinal properties of burdock and traditional medicine recipes. Amazing and useful burdock

Such a plant as burdock has been familiar to everyone since childhood. However, about miraculous properties This culture is not known to everyone. In folk medicine, burdock is used very often. What are the medicinal properties of burdock and the use of this herb to treat ailments - the article will tell you about this.

There are representatives of the flora who, for cooking, healing agents All parts are used - rhizomes, leaves, inflorescences, and seeds. Burdock belongs to this type. It is also called burdock. However, with a strong medicinal plant Few people associate burdock. More often it is compared to weeds. After all, for a short time it is capable of forming quite extensive thickets.

However, scientists from all over the world have come to a consensus: the leaves, roots and inflorescences of burdock have the ability to improve human health. Therefore, despite its simple name and inconspicuous appearance, this plant is highly valued and is actively used in folk medicine.

Thistle came to our region in 1810. His positive traits They noticed it immediately and began to use it almost everywhere: in medicine and cooking. To date, the popularity of the plant has not decreased. Leaves and roots are actively used for treatment. The Japanese prepare a lot from this culture delicious dishes. Burdock is even specially grown.

The burdock is a representative of the Astrov family. The Mediterranean is considered its homeland. The plant is biennial. Quite high. Capable of reaching 2-3 meters. Its root zone is branched and quite long. Grows up to 1.5 meters deep. The stem is straight and powerful. Shaped like a spindle. Fully formed in the second year. Burdock leaves are characterized by their large size.

Although the plant differs in size, burdock flowers are quite small and have the shape of a ball. They are painted in a lilac tone. Even from a distance during flowering, the grass is clearly visible. The inflorescences tend to cling to the fabric. Because they contain thin spines that frame the inflorescence.

On this moment There are about 11 species of burdock. For example, small, arachnoid. The Sakhalin burdock stands out for its impressive size. Many people use it when it rains instead of an umbrella. The diameter of the leaf often reaches 1.5 meters. And Sakhalin grass grows up to 3 meters. The healing properties of greater burdock have been proven. The remaining varieties are not usually used in medicine. ABOUT useful properties oh, you can read daisies.

Application in the treatment of diseases

Most often, the root is used for treatment. However, the leaves and seeds also have certain healing properties. Burdock juice is also effective in the fight against various types of ailments. The plant is actively used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. For example, dried roots are sold in pharmacies. There is also a root extract. For example, the company produces Argo burdock root for the treatment of metabolic disorders, diseases of the spine, joints, and various infections.

Oil is made from the root. It is often prescribed by doctors for diabetes mellitus. It is also indicated for ailments of the intestines, stomach, and liver. It is also very effective for skin diseases and baldness. There are many recipes that use the medicinal properties of burdock herb and help solve health problems.

The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently. When choosing the latter option, it is important to properly prepare the plant. There are some collection rules that will help you preserve everything as much as possible. useful qualities this miracle herb:

  • The grass that is more than a year old is suitable.
  • It is advisable to collect leaves in spring. The optimal time is early morning.
  • As for the rhizome, it is dug up at night or late in the evening.
  • The resulting raw materials are thoroughly washed and then dried. A cool, dry and dark place is suitable for this.
  • Burdock grows everywhere. Raw materials should not be collected in contaminated areas. Due therapeutic effect it won't give. And it might even cause harm.

What are the beneficial properties?

The plant contains mass useful elements. An interesting fact is that all components of burdock are active together; they mutually enhance each other’s effect.
Therefore, the plant is considered medicinal.

  1. Inulin.
  2. Fatty acid.
  3. Lignan glycoside.
  4. Essential oils.
  5. Vitamin complex: A, E, C.
  6. Minerals.

Among the variety of medicinal properties of burdock, it is worth highlighting the following:

Sometimes the effect of taking burdock is much higher than from the course synthetic medicines. But we must understand that each of the parts of this medicinal plant has its own useful qualities. And it is important to know about them when deciding to be treated with burdock.

Burdock seeds

The main medicinal properties of burdock seeds are their laxative effect. To do this, add 200 milliliters of water to a tablespoon of seeds. Boil for about five minutes. And then they let it brew and filter. The resulting product is taken three times a day before meals.

Burdock root

The healing properties of burdock root decoction have also been proven for many diseases. The rhizome contains a large number of biologically active components that have a wide spectrum of action. This part of the plant helps in the fight against colds and cystitis. Effective for laryngitis, tonsillitis. Colitis, gastritis, and constipation are also quite successfully treated with the help of remedies prepared based on the rhizome.

An extract from burdock root is often used for hemorrhoids, gum disease, and stomatitis. At non-healing wounds Compresses are applied to ulcers and burns. Diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, hepatitis, alcohol poisoning- all this can be treated with burdock. In gynecology, this medicinal herb is often used. Good result gives burdock root for uterine fibroids.

Burdock leaves

The beneficial properties of burdock for joints have been proven. The plant also helps in treating leg ulcers. For this purpose, a fresh leaf is applied to the diseased, affected area of ​​the skin. It is advisable to crumple the leaf a little before doing this. A film is placed on top and secured with a bandage. For joint pain to go away, the procedure should be performed daily for two to three weeks. At acne The leaves of this plant are also effective. Pustular diseases are treated by applying a piece of leaf to the skin for 30 minutes.

In parallel with the local type of treatment for joints and skin ailments, doctors recommend drinking tea, which includes dandelion and burdock in equal quantities. This drink has a strengthening effect and saturates the body with vitamins. A teaspoon of chopped herbs is usually added to a liter of water.

Burdock juice

In pharmacies the juice is sold in concentrated form. But it’s quite easy to prepare it on your own. To do this, take healthy fresh burdock leaves and squeeze the juice out of them. They are usually collected in the first half of May. Juice is also made from the roots. The leaves are pre-soaked. Then they are washed and dried thoroughly. The resulting product is effective in treating wounds. They make lotions. Take baths.

Can everyone be treated with burdock?

To make the most of all the medicinal properties of burdock seeds: you need to know how to use this herb.

Contraindications for burdock are quite limited. However, you still need to be extremely careful when starting treatment. After all, intolerance to one of the components may occur. Products prepared on the basis of this culture can be given to children. Which once again confirms the safety and effectiveness of the plant.

Doctors do not recommend using burdock for those who have individual intolerance in the form of allergic reaction. Pregnant women should be careful when using burdock. Long time You should not drink tinctures and decoctions from this plant. There is a risk of getting reverse effect. It will manifest itself in a decrease in performance, immunity and general tone body. At intestinal colic This medicine is also recommended.

Treatment of most female problems with burdock

Most people tend to think that burdock root is exclusively a diuretic and laxative. However, the range of its application is much wider. And every woman must know the benefits of this plant. After all, the medicinal properties of burdock for women are varied.

Burdock is often used for hair: to give a healthy shine, good growth, preventing loss. Usually, for this purpose, a decoction is prepared and used to rinse the head. Pour a spoonful of roots with two glasses of boiling water, leave in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then filter. The head is rinsed. Or rub the decoction into the skin. As a result, the hair is restored and its growth becomes more intense. The hair looks thicker and more beautiful. Sold in pharmacies Burr oil, which is also capable of giving curls the desired look.

This oil has become very popular today. It is usually released as a stand-alone product. But sometimes chamomile, red pepper or nettle are added. In this case, the action will be slightly different. For example, red pepper accelerates hair growth. Nettle perfectly fights dandruff, strengthens hair follicles. As for chamomile, it moisturizes and softens. Apply the product for 3-4 hours. Some keep it all night. Then wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo. It is important to note that the drug is very greasy and is not easy to wash off.

In addition, burdock helps women get rid of:

  1. Edema.
  2. Hemorrhoids.
  3. Uterine fibroids.
  4. Cysts in the ovaries.
  5. Mastopathy.
  6. Inflammatory processes in the genital organs.
  7. Endometriosis.
  8. Uterine fibroids.

Ointments and infusions prepared on the basis of burdock will cope well with many other gynecological problems. Numerous Scientific research proved high efficiency this plant. Burdock is also used for prevention oncological diseases. The main thing is to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Some women use burdock for weight loss. And judging by numerous reviews, the results are quite good. The whole secret lies in the fact that burdock suppresses strong appetite, accelerates metabolic processes, and also has a slight laxative effect.

The main thing is that when trying to get a good figure, using burdock, you also adhere to a diet and exercise, then the effect will be faster and more noticeable.

Conclusions about the beneficial properties of burdock

Surely almost every person has seen “tenacious” burdock inflorescences along the roads and in rural areas. A variety of burdock, burdock has long been classified as a medicinal herb and is used even in official medicine, because it has a powerful anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and healing effect. The article is devoted to the description of this wonderful representative of the flora, its habitat and folk recipes, where the familiar burdock is the main ingredient.

What does burdock look like and where does it grow?

Large burdock is considered to be a weed, however, recently there has been a tendency among gardeners to breed it as a medicinal and vegetable plant. For example, one of the species is the huge Sakhalin burdock, which is actively grown in vegetable gardens and even on balconies and stored for the winter, as if it were potatoes.

Among other things, this giant can do a good job if you pick off large leaves and cover the southern side of the garden bed with them in the evening so that the scorching rays of the sun in the morning do not harm the young plantings - you will get something similar to a canopy.

The distribution area of ​​burdock includes the Caucasus, the Urals, Siberia, European part Russia, Far East and middle Asia.

How to determine that what you have in front of you is a big burdock? Distinctive features – tall pubescent stem (from 120 centimeters); large ovate leaves, decreasing in size as they approach the apex; powerful tap-type root system, going deep underground (more than half a meter). The burdock foliage is green on top and grayish on the underside.

Burdock, as it is also called, is a herbaceous biennial from the Asteraceae family. In the first season, the plant acquires basal leaves, and in the second it sends out tall stem branches. The period of active flowering occurs in the second half of summer, and the growing season occurs in August and September. Burdock flowers have a tubular structure; they look like red-violet spherical baskets. Upon completion of ripening, the fruits cling to clothing and animal fur - this is how the plant develops new territories.

How and when to dig up burdock root (video)

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Terms and rules of collection

To take advantage of the medicinal properties of burdock, you need to follow several rules regarding its preparation. The roots, leaves and fruits have a healing effect.

Root big burdock should be dug in the first autumn of its life, since at this time they have the greatest strength (if this was not possible in the fall, you can try in the spring before the first leaves appear). Burdock roots must be handled carefully, being careful not to damage the top skin. After uprooting, carefully clean the root from the soil, cut into pieces and dry at a temperature of 40 degrees in a ventilated room. It is not recommended to wash the rhizome when harvesting. The shelf life of such preparations is up to 5 years.

The fruits of the large burdock are apparently harvested during the ripening period. Then they, like the roots, are dried in the shade and warmth. As for the leaves, it is better to collect them in the spring before the flowers appear or right during flowering. Seeds are stored for three years, and foliage for 1 year.

Useful properties of burdock

Burdock has a lot of useful and medicinal properties, which are important to know about for everyone who prefers to use it to treat ailments. medicinal herbs.

Medicinal properties of burdock root

Burdock root owes its beneficial properties to its rich chemical composition.: it contains inulin, vitamins (C, B, E, D), pectin, essential oils, various mucus, tannins, organic acids and many other components.

The burdock root vegetable has a diuretic, choleretic, laxative and diaphoretic effect; effective in the fight against acne, furunculosis, eczema, allergies and seborrhea. Burdock root extract can help with joint pain and diabetes.

What are the benefits of burdock fruits and seeds?

The main beneficial property of burdock seeds and fruits is the ability to normalize intestinal function, so infusions from them are used for colitis, constipation, intestinal atrophy and other gastrointestinal diseases. Besides, “thorns” are used for teeth whitening and for diabetes, allergies and benign tumors.

Healing properties of plant leaves

Large burdock foliage is also used as folk remedy. Freshly picked or soaked in water, the leaves cope well with wounds, cuts, burns, abrasions, bumps and other damage to the surface of the epithelium.

Joint pain and so-called “lumbago” can also be relieved with a compress of burdock leaves. It is enough just to apply the lubricated vegetable oil sheet to the sore spot, cover it with a compress film and secure it properly with a bandage.

Medicinal properties of burdock root (video)

Recipes using burdock in folk medicine

Traditional medicine is a treasure trove of recipes made from large burdock, since, as mentioned above, the plant has the widest spectrum healing properties. For convenience, we can conditionally divide all recipes into three large groups according to the parts of burdock used in them: potions from roots, decoctions and compresses from leaves, infusions of fruits (flowers, seeds). Here are the most popular ones:


  • Root vegetable infusion. Pre-prepared crushed root is poured with boiling water in a thermos and left overnight. Ratio – 5 g per 0.5 l. Then the tincture is drunk during the day while still hot. If you don’t have a thermos, you can infuse the roots in any other container, but you will have to warm it up before each use.
  • To prepare, you will need a tablespoon of root minced in a meat grinder and a couple of glasses. ordinary water. First you need to arrange the mixtures water bath for 15-30 minutes, and then carefully filter through several layers of gauze bandage. The resulting decoction should be taken several times a day before meals for 4 weeks. The decoction helps with chronic constipation.
  • Root juice large burdock with honey. Grind the burdock root in a blender or meat grinder, then squeeze out the juice, after placing the mass in gauze folded in three. The ground roots are poured with liquid honey, then everything is mixed and infused in the dark and cool for 21 days. The final stage is straining. Take this medicine in a weekly course, several times a day before meals. The dosage is 10 ml.


  • May leaf juice. In sunny May you need to pick burdock leaves, wash them, dry them and grind them in a meat grinder. All juice is squeezed out through cheesecloth; intake - a tablespoon before meals. The duration of taking the mixture is 3 weeks (1 week, then a pause, then another week). It is recommended to take annually chronic hepatitis.
  • Leaf infusion. You will need 2 tbsp. l. ground leaves and half a liter of boiling water, which should be poured over them and left overnight. Strain before use. Directions for use: half a glass 3 times a day, separately from meals.
  • Burdock leaf compresses: You can use both dry and freshly picked leaves. This method is very effective when joint diseases and against bedsores.

Do you remember how in childhood children, playing in the yard, often “awarded” each other with such “medals” from burdock? This is how this plant spreads everywhere - along roads, in clearings, vacant lots, in courtyards and vegetable gardens. Summer residents consider it a weed. And sometimes I think, walking past a giant clinging to his clothes, that he attracts with his hooks on the inflorescences, because he wants to draw attention to himself, as if asking: “Don’t pass by, notice me, because I’m so useful, I can heal.” And he can help summer residents. If you suddenly have a headache or aching knee, then you need to apply the sheet, and it will become easier. Today MirSovetov will introduce its readers to healing composition plants and methods of using burdock in medicine.

Strength and power are felt in the form of burdock. The scientific name of large burdock is Arctium lappa. The word "Arctium" is translated from Greek as "bear". It is believed that burdock was born in Russia, and after 1815 it was brought to Europe by Russian cavalry. One day Georges de Mestral (an engineer from Switzerland) was walking with his dog. And so the burdocks clung to her fur. Taking out the seeds, the engineer took a good look at them and soon created a Velcro fastener. And this was in 1948. Burdock usually grows as tall as a person, but there are also three-meter giants, and there are up to 100 seeds on a bush. Burdock is used to feed cows; people like its seeds poultry, he is also a honey plant. Yes, and it is edible for people. In the Caucasus and Siberia it is considered a vegetable plant. The Japanese call burdock gobo (or gabo) and grow it in their gardens. One of the legends says that the Gabo really wanted to make friends with a man whom he revered and respected as a ruler. But everyone hurriedly passed by the plant and even waved it off and scolded it. And only one peasant paid attention to the burdock and planted it in his small garden. Then, as a sign of gratitude for his friendship, the Gabo promised the good peasant that his family would not lack food. Since then, in Japan you can find large beds of burdock, which is eaten. The roots are suitable fresh, fried, boiled and baked. But only annual, that is, one-year-old roots are suitable. They are also used to make mashed potatoes instead of potatoes, jam and even marmalade. Some people like it coffee drink from roasted roots, which are then ground into regular ones. And in the spring, young leaves can be added to various salads, borscht and soups. The Portuguese, Brazilians, Italians, Koreans still eat the roots and claim that they taste like artichokes. Gardeners sometimes use the plant to control cabbage white and cutworm caterpillars.

Chemical composition

What did they find in burdock? useful substances? Inulin (up to 45%), proteins, tannins, flavonoids, bitterness, organic acids, B vitamins, and mineral compounds were found in the roots.

In addition to the above, vitamin C, mucus, and carotene were found in the leaves.

The seeds contain fatty acid, lignan glycoside arctiin.

Medicinal properties

The advantages and range of effects on the body of burdock are as follows:

  1. Diuretic, choleretic, laxative, diaphoretic effect.
  2. Antitumor activity due to the presence of alkaloids.
  3. Antioxidant and immunostimulant.
  4. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antirheumatic properties of the leaves.
  5. Juice improves performance metabolic processes, cleanses the blood.
  6. The roots, due to inulin, improve the production of insulin by the pancreas and increase the concentration of glycogen in the liver. Experiments have proven that burdock lowers blood sugar.

Burdock preparations will be useful for the following ailments:

  • hepatitis, cholecystitis, inflammation and ulcers in digestive tract, colitis, constipation;
  • neurodermatitis, dermatitis, exudative diathesis, eczema, acne, burns, boils, hair loss;
  • diabetes mellitus, gallstones and kidney stones;
  • , delay of menstruation, ;
  • pneumonia, ;
  • skin cancer and other tumors, cysts on organs;
  • gout, rheumatism, arthrosis;
  • , migraine.

Application in medicine

Dioscorides and Doctor Alexander the Great wrote about how to use burdock for treatment.

As I already mentioned, the leaves can be removed headache, especially in hot weather. If you are weeding in your area, then place a young leaf under your scarf to your forehead, it will immediately become cooler and more comfortable. But to treat pain associated with arthrosis, arthritis or bruises, take a leaf, roll a rolling pin over it so that the juice comes out and the central vein softens, and bandage it to the sore spot. In case of knee pathology, it is more convenient to tie a scarf over a burdock leaf and go to bed like that. In case of rheumatism, you cannot do without burdock leaves rolled with a rolling pin. For long and persistent cough, also try using the leaves. Place them on your chest and back at night. It is better to apply with the bottom side (it is lighter and more pubescent). If the leaves are very large and thick, then they are first doused with boiling water. The juice is usually made from the leaves by mincing them and then squeezing them. Tampons and cotton pads soaked in it are applied to wounds, ulcers, boils, etc. Wipe the face for acne. And it is advisable to rub it into your hair when severe loss. If you take the juice orally, you can get rid of cysts on the kidneys or ovaries. The juice spoils quickly, so it is often preserved by adding alcohol or vodka as a preservative. Infusions, decoctions, tinctures, oils, and ointments are prepared from leaves, roots and seeds.

Infusions are usually made in a thermos. Take the crushed raw material in the amount of two tablespoons and place it in a thermos. Next comes boiling 250 ml of water and pouring it into the vessel. After several hours of extraction active ingredients and straining, the infusion is ready for use both internally and externally.

To prepare the tincture, stock up on raw materials and alcohol (vodka will also work). Preparation will take two or three weeks.

For the decoction, take 15 inflorescences with seeds (or 4 tablespoons of chopped roots) and add water (400 ml). Wait a few hours and then simmer on low heat for 15 minutes. After straining, the decoction can be drunk or used externally. This is one of the ways to prepare a healing decoction.

Roots or inflorescences are suitable as antitumor agents. After chemotherapy courses, traditional medicine recommends a 10-day course to cleanse the blood.

MirSovetov has already informed its readers about how to use burdock oil.

Herbalists include burdock in multicomponent preparations for the treatment of obesity, alcoholism, hyperthyroidism, ascites, hemorrhoids, and kidney stones.

If you are diagnosed with diabetes, try taking the following mixture: burdock roots, blueberry leaves or shoots, bean leaves, flax seed and chicory roots.

Until now side effects and no contraindications have been identified for the plant.

And one more reminder. It is advisable to use the leaves for treatment fresh, but you need to dig up the roots in the first year of the plant’s life, when it is not yet blooming. In the second year, the roots become rough and hard, their properties weaken. You should go on a root hunt in late autumn or early spring. If it is not possible to prepare the raw materials yourself, then you can find burdock roots in pharmacies.

Medicinal properties and ways to use burdock products. Recipes for preparing burdock decoction and tincture.

Large burdock or burdock, acquired wide application in folk medicine. It is used by healers and healers, but even many doctors traditional medicine It is recommended to use the plant in the treatment of many ailments.

Burdock is a biennial plant of the Asteraceae family, which is common in temperate latitudes of Europe, America and Asia. The plant is distinguished by strange fruits with hooked spines.

Burdock grows almost everywhere in our latitudes. It can be found along roads, near ponds and streams. This plant is considered a weed, therefore does not require care and takes root well in almost any place.

Leaves, roots and seeds of burdock: chemical composition, healing and medicinal properties for health, contraindications

Chemical composition:

  • Polysaccharide inulin
  • Tannins
  • Bitter substances
  • Proteins
  • Fatty oil
  • Palminic acid

Medicinal properties:

  • Restores hair
  • Treats liver and kidney diseases
  • Normalizes intestinal function
  • Treats joint diseases
  • Treats skin diseases


  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Intestinal colic
  • Allergy
  • Childhood

Burdock root extract - instructions for use

This medicine is sold in bottles of 50-500 ml. It is worth taking 1/2-1 measuring spoon three times a day.

Instructions and dosage:

  • For intoxication, 5 ml three times a day
  • For a hangover. 30 minutes before drinking alcohol, take 5 ml of extract
  • For eczema and dermatitis, you should take 5-7 ml before meals three times a day
  • For acute respiratory viral infections with fever, prescribe 10 ml three times a day, washed down with hot tea.
  • For cancer diseases, drink 5 ml three times a day

Vodka tincture and alcohol - instructions for production and use

If you have burdock growing in your garden or dacha, prepare an alcohol tincture. She copes well with many chronic and acute ailments.

Cooking instructions:

  • It is necessary to peel and wash fresh burdock roots. Grind them on a grater and throw them on cheesecloth
  • It is necessary to produce 100 ml of this juice
  • Next, it is mixed with vodka or alcohol in equal quantities
  • Close the bottle and leave for 10 days
  • Strain the solution before use

Instructions for use:

  • This tincture is used to treat intestinal diseases in order to improve peristalsis, 30 drops before each meal.
  • It can be rubbed into the roots of the hair, after mixing with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  • Rub this tincture on your joints. The product treats rheumatism and arthritis

Decoction and tea can be prepared from the roots, leaves and flowers of burdock.


  • To prepare this decoction, you need to pour 50 g of dried leaves with 500 ml of boiling water and let stand for 40 minutes.
  • After this, the product is filtered and taken half a glass three times a day.
  • The drug is effective for pyelonephritis, cholecystitis
  • You can rinse your hair with this decoction.

Burdock root in capsules - instructions for use

The root is used in capsules for diabetes, liver and intestinal diseases. You need to drink 2 capsules in the morning and evening. The medicine is taken during or immediately after meals.

There are several options for using burdock in oncology:

  • Flowers. It is necessary to pour boiling water over 5-6 flowers along with the spines and leave for a quarter of an hour. Take instead of tea
  • Root. It is best to use raw grated root in the amount of a tablespoon five times a day.

Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint with burdock: recipe

For arthrosis, burdock is applied in the form of compresses. You need to beat off the leaf a little and pour boiling water over it. We apply a warm sheet to the knee and cover it with cellophane. Cover with a scarf and leave for 60 minutes.

Most healing substances located on the fleecy side of the sheet. Apply the leaf to the sore spot with the fluffy side.

A folk recipe for the use of burdock in gynecology for fibrocystic mastopathy, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts

For ovarian diseases and mastopathy, juice from the leaves and stems of the plant is used. It is necessary to puree the leaves in a blender and squeeze the juice from the prepared puree. Take 15-30 ml of juice per day. It is advisable to divide the daily amount of juice into 2-3 doses.

Duodenitis - inflammation duodenum, which is accompanied by pain and digestive disorders.


  • Mix 2 parts chamomile flowers, 4 parts plantain leaves
  • Add 2 parts nettle, 2 parts burdock roots
  • Add 4 parts mantle, 4 parts knotweed herb, 2 parts cumin, 2 parts oregano, 1 part zamanika root, 4 parts rose hips.
  • Brew 20 g of collection with 520 ml of boiling water
  • Keep in a water bath for half an hour
  • Drink half a glass 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals and before bed

Dry roots are used to clean the skin. It is necessary to pour boiling water (500 ml) over a teaspoon of raw material and simmer for 2 minutes. Next, the fire is turned off, and the broth is infused for a third of an hour. Take a cup of decoction three times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Folk recipe for using burdock for kidney cysts

Used to treat cysts alcohol tincture and extract. It is necessary to take a teaspoon of tincture or extract three times a day before meals.

Burdock speeds up metabolism and promotes weight loss. There are several options for using burdock:

  • Roots. A decoction is prepared from the roots. You need to pour 2 spoons of root into 240 ml cold water and leave it overnight. In the morning, boil the liquid and take 25 ml 5 times a day between meals.
  • Stems. The stems are used as an additive to salads. It is necessary to remove the hard part and chop finely. Combine vegetable salads with burdock stems. Season with vinegar and vegetable oil.


  • Mix 50 g burdock root powder with 50 g honey
  • Pour in 60 ml of alcohol, leave for a week in a dark place, strain
  • Drink 20 ml with burdock juice

Folk recipe for using burdock against acne

More information about the use of burdock for acne can be seen in the video.

For pancreatitis, the root of burdock is used. It is necessary to fill a spoonful of raw materials with 480 ml of boiling water and pour the substance into a thermos. Leave for 12 hours and strain in the morning. It is necessary to drink the entire broth during the day, dividing it into equal portions. The course of treatment is 14 days.

The most inulin is found in the roots of burdock, so this part of the plant is used for diabetes.


  • Pour 420 ml of water into a tablespoon of raw materials and boil over low heat for 22-28 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat and cool, strain the broth
  • Take 80 ml 4 times a day between meals

Sitz baths and enemas are used to treat hemorrhoids.


  • 30 g of crushed dry root, pour 50 ml of any vegetable oil
  • It must be cleaned and frozen
  • Simmer for 2-7 minutes and strain
  • Fill a small bulb with 20 ml of burdock oil and insert into the anus
  • It is advisable to perform a cleansing enema before the procedure.
  • The procedure is performed at night before bedtime.

An infusion is used to treat psoriasis.


  • Pour 20 g of crushed root into 400 ml of boiling water and simmer for 2 minutes on fire
  • Close the lid and turn off the heat. Leave for a third of an hour
  • Take 120 ml three times a day between meals
  • In addition, lubricate the affected areas with the resulting decoction.

Prepare a vodka tincture from the roots.


  • Pour 10 g of roots with 100 ml of alcohol and seal the bottle
  • Leave for 14 days in a dark place
  • Strain and take 7 ml three times a day

For allergies, use a collection of herbs:

  • You will need 10 g of burdock and a tablespoon of dandelion
  • Pour 700 ml of chilled boiled water and leave for 9 hours
  • Heat the substance in a water bath for about 10 minutes, strain
  • Drink 80 ml 5 times a day

Benefits of burdock with honey:

  • Powerful antioxidant
  • Purifies the blood
  • Improves liver and kidney function
  • Has diuretic properties
  • Improves intestinal motility


  • To prepare the medicine, you need to mix burdock root juice and bee nectar in equal quantities.
  • Take 20 ml of the mixture three times a day 60 minutes before meals

A mixture of these roots is used for urinary incontinence, cystitis and urethritis.


  • Mix equal amounts of burdock, dandelion and wheatgrass roots
  • Pour 450 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of the substance and simmer for 2 minutes.
  • Strain and take 80 ml three times a day

Burdock leaves and roots are harvested at different times.


  • Leaves. They break out early in the morning, around 8-9 am. The optimal period is before the appearance of buds, that is, in the spring. After the buds appear, the leaves are not collected.
  • Roots. The roots are collected in the fall, after the plant emerges. That is, in the first autumn of growth.

Burdock is used in medicinal purposes to improve immunity and treat blood diseases. Burdock increases hemoglobin.


  • Svetlana, Saratov. I used pharmaceutical burdock root extract for anemia. After 14 days of regular use, hemoglobin increased and health improved.
  • Gennady, Moscow. I've been suffering for a long time chronic prostatitis. I used a decoction of burdock roots. The spasms became less frequent and the number of urges to go to the toilet decreased. I get up less often at night and sleep better.
  • Evgenia, Volgograd. Used burdock root to purify the blood. I had headaches and sharp changes pressure. After three weeks of taking burdock root tincture, the condition improved significantly.

Burdock is a biennial weed that has medicinal properties. You can use both roots and leaves with stems.

VIDEO: Burdock in folk medicine

The healing properties and rules for using burdock are described in collections traditional medicine. Burdock is a natural first aid kit that contains a remedy for any misfortune. Tinctures, decoctions, powders and cosmetic oils With active ingredients improve metabolism, treat skin diseases, help achieve a healthy and radiant appearance.

Almost all parts of the plant have beneficial properties. Traditional medicine uses young leaves, roots and seeds of burdock. Burdock fruits contain a lot of essential and fatty oils, in the leaves - phytoncides, mucus, vitamins and minerals. The root contains valuable inulin and other indigestible polysaccharides, protein, trace elements, and tannins.

The leaves are often used for external use. The juice of the plant kills pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Burdock lotions are used to treat wounds, treat ulcers, and relieve peeling.

Seed oil is included in cosmetics. Burdock squeeze strengthens the roots, smoothes the surface of the hair shaft, improves appearance curls, gives shine and a healthy look.

For the treatment of internal diseases, burdock root remedies are often used.

In the plant of the first year of life it is concentrated greatest number useful substances.

The young root is eaten in Asian and European cuisine.

Burdock products improve metabolism. The plant is part of blood purification preparations. Burdock normalizes the functioning of the liver and kidneys, improves the patency of the bile ducts.

Burdock preparations prevent the deposition of salts. Cleanses the kidney ducts.

The plant has a mild laxative effect. It has a good effect on the functioning of all digestive organs. Used in treatment inflammatory diseases mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Burdock stimulates the production of pancreatic hormones. It is used to prevent diabetes. Normalizes blood sugar levels.

There is information about the antitumor effect of burdock. Plant alkaloids inhibit the growth of tumors. Burdock preparations can be used to prevent cancer.

Burdock ointment is applied to sore spots when joint pain. Decoctions from fresh leaves serve as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic. Fresh decoctions relieve itching, alleviate allergies. Burdock products are used to lubricate eczema and dermatitis.

Beneficial properties of burdock root

What diseases does it help with?

Burdock root is the most valuable part of the plant. Powder, oils, tinctures, decoctions, ointments and infusions are made from it. Burdock root accelerates the production of leukocytes in the blood, relieves inflammation, activates the movement of fluids in the body, and cleanses various ducts and pathways.

Remedies from burdock lend themselves to:

  • cholecystitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Burdock root contains mucus and tannins. It has wound-healing, cauterizing, regenerating, antiseptic effects.

Thanks to its properties it treats:

  • gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcer;
  • pancreatitis, hepatitis;
  • haemorrhoids.

WITH skin diseases phytoncides and tannins cope. They disinfect the wound surface, inhibit the spread of infection, inhibit the activity of bacteria and promote tissue regeneration.

Burdock is used in the treatment of:

  • furunculosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • burns;
  • acne.

Medicines based on burdock help with autoimmune diseases and diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

This list includes:

  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Burdock accelerates the elimination of toxins. It helps with food poisoning, fever and intestinal infections.

How to use?

Burdock root is taken orally as a decoction. Per glass boiled water you need to take 10 g of dry plant material. The mixture is infused in a water bath for 30 minutes. After time, the solution must be filtered and its volume brought to the original volume.

The product is taken 2-3 times a day, half an hour before meals, exactly half a glass. The minimum course is two weeks. If necessary, treatment can be extended up to a month.

Fresh root Burdock can be eaten for diseases of the stomach and intestinal mucosa. The plant is dug up, cleaned, cut and eaten as soon as possible before it loses its beneficial properties. The dish can be included in the diet as often as necessary.

An ointment for external use is prepared from the plant. The fresh root is crushed. Pour in water so that it lightly covers the chopped mass. Boil by half. Cool. Grind with butter in a ratio of 1:4.

The ointment is stored in the refrigerator. Applied as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic for joint diseases. In the morning and evening, burns, frostbitten areas, rashes, eczema, and dermatitis spots are lubricated until complete recovery.

Uses of burdock juice

What does it cure?

Fresh burdock juice contains active ingredients that promote the resorption of cysts and adenomas. Burdock is used to treat endometrial adenomyosis, polycystic kidney disease and ovarian disease.

A cake against cystic formations is prepared from fresh crushed burdock leaves. The juice, together with the remains of the plant, most actively exhibits its properties.

Two tablespoons of crushed burdock leaves should be mixed with a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of salt. Wrap the cake in gauze and place it on the site of the organ projection. Leave for an hour. The procedure should be repeated every day for a month.

How to drink juice?

The juice is prepared from fresh young leaves. They need to be collected, washed, minced, squeezed and filtered. The drink is stored in the refrigerator.

At cystic formations ovaries, the drug is taken orally three times a day in undiluted form, a teaspoon for two weeks. To increase efficiency, drink the juice before meals. To reduce the likelihood of occurrence side effects, such as allergic reactions and intestinal upset - after the main meal.

If cysts are detected in the kidneys, undiluted burdock juice is treated for a month. Take according to the following scheme: for two days, 1 teaspoon twice a day, then for two days, a teaspoon three times - in the morning, at lunch and in the evening; again two days 2 times and so on until the end of the course. After month break the scheme is repeated.

For endometrial polyps, burdock juice is taken together with golden mustache juice. Both plants need to be crushed, squeezed, and strained. Store the squeeze in the refrigerator. The procedures continue for six months. In the morning and evening, separately from food, you should take a tablespoon of herbal remedy.

How is burdock oil used?

Burr oil - affordable product. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. Other types of oils are used to extract beneficial substances, mainly olive or almond, less often sunflower.

The use of the product has a narrow focus. Burdock oil contains fatty acids, minerals, proteins and polysaccharides. It stimulates blood circulation, improves nutrition of hair roots, restores healthy shine, accelerates growth, and reduces hair loss.

The oil is used in a course of twice a week for 14-30 days. A small amount of the product is applied to the scalp. Rub thoroughly, massaging for at least 10 minutes.

Hair is combed. The remaining product is distributed over the entire length. The curls are wrapped under film. Insulate with a towel or cap. Keep the product for at least 20 minutes. For maximum effectiveness, leave the oil overnight. Afterwards, the hair should be washed with a mild shampoo and rinsed with cool water.

For greatest effectiveness, burdock is mixed with essential oils of other plants:

  • for dry hair, add two drops of orange, lavender or patchouli;
  • Mint helps oily hair tea tree, geranium, eucalyptus;
  • Cypress, rosemary, and cedar are effective against hair loss;
  • Rosewood or sandalwood will help with split ends.

Burdock oil is used to soften rough areas of skin that have formed on the site of dried calluses and old wounds. The product is applied to pure form for 20-30 minutes before taking a shower or bath.

To achieve an analgesic effect, the oil is rubbed into the skin of the breast for mastopathy and cystic formations of the mammary glands.

Burdock is used as an anti-aging agent. Oil is applied to clean skin faces. Rub in with massaging movements. Leave for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is carried out before taking a shower or bath.

Contraindications for use

Burdock products do not cause side effects, with the exception of an allergic reaction. If the patient is particularly sensitive, predisposed to seasonal rhinitis, sinusitis, hay fever, he should not resort to treatment with burdock preparations.

The active substances of plant materials load the liver and kidneys. Despite positive influence these components on organ systems; in case of serious pathologies, they can provoke the opposite effect. Patients with limited liver and kidney function should consult a specialist about the advisability of treatment with burdock.

Burdock - the simplest and at the same time multifaceted medicinal plant. All kinds of products are prepared on its basis. The effectiveness of treatment lies in choosing the right method. What burdock juice cures cannot be corrected with hair oil or decoction. Each case requires its own medicine. Greatest effect achieved from the combined use of burdock internally and externally.