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Increased menstrual cycle. Menstrual cycle: normal, disruptions, irregularities

The reproductive period begins with the onset of menarche - the first menstrual cycle, which, as a rule, occurs at 10-17 years of age, and ends with the onset of menopause at approximately 40-50 years of age. However, the process that lays the foundations for a normal menstrual cycle is initiated much earlier. Primary eggs are detected in a female fetus already at 1 week of gestation. By the gestational age of 20 weeks, 6-7 million primary eggs are already formed, surrounded by primordial follicles - tiny vesicles that will contain eggs in the ovaries. Starting from this time, the progenitor eggs are constantly dissolved in the embryo’s body, until by the time of birth there are 1 million of them left.

By the time menarche approaches, there will be only 400 thousand of them, of which only 300-500 will develop into mature eggs during the entire reproductive period of a woman.

Shortly before puberty, the girl's pituitary gland begins to secrete follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. more. Menstruation begins when luteinizing hormone levels reach sufficient levels high level, and its production occurs regularly and rhythmically.

Later, during reproductive age, the nature of the menstrual cycle changes again. Often after 35 years, women notice that their cycle has become shorter. On average, for twenty-year-old women, its duration is 32 days, and after 35 years - 28 days or less. This happens because with age corpus luteum does not secrete progesterone in sufficient quantities, which causes a shortening of the luteal phase. Gradually, due to deterioration in the quality and decrease in the number of follicles, the overall secretion of estrogen decreases to the point where sufficient luteinizing hormone is not produced and the ovulatory phase becomes impossible.

During perimenopause, women, like teenagers, experience a period of irregular (and anovulatory) menstruation, after which the latter stops altogether. In both adolescence and perimenopause, such menstruation without ovulation is usually called dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

It is important to understand that slight fluctuations in the nature of the menstrual cycle are normal at any age. It is extremely rare that any woman manages to survive the reproductive period without ever experiencing changes in the menstrual cycle, given the versatility and complexity of hormonal mechanisms, effective every month. A variety of factors affect menstruation - travel, stress, illness, acute form. Sometimes if you miss even one menstrual cycle (if we're talking about about a woman reproductive age, leading active sex life) specialist consultation is required. In other cases - if menstruation is too heavy or prolonged - it is recommended to wait a little and see if the nature of menstruation will correct itself next time.

Violations are the most common reason for women to visit a gynecologist. Any woman has encountered problems such as cycle irregularity, changes in the abundance and duration of menstruation (periods). Our article will help you understand what a normal menstrual cycle should be like, how to recognize its irregularities, and what may cause such changes.

What should a normal menstrual cycle be like?

Those physiological processes that occur in the female body are subject to strong fluctuations. Thus, the greatest tension occurs at the very end of the premenstrual period. Such changes are cyclical, and they outwardly manifest themselves in the form of a slight increase, enlargement of the breast and its soreness, increase, and depth of breathing. Changes in mood indicate active processes occurring in a woman’s body. The drop in critical voltage coincides with those days when menstruation is already underway.

And all these signs are the norm. Another thing is that all these signs should not cause significant discomfort.

So, let’s outline the basic conditions that define the concept of a woman’s normal (physiological) menstrual cycle:

  1. Compliance with cyclicity (due to hormonal changes the body must undergo a sequential change of 3 phases of the menstrual cycle);
  2. Normal cycle length (no less than 20 days and no more than 45 days). The most common indicator of the duration of a normal cycle is 28 – 30 days;
  3. Each woman’s menstruation itself should have a certain duration (2 – 7 days), and this indicator should not differ significantly from month to month;
  4. Total blood loss during one menstruation should not be less than 50 ml and no more than 150 ml;
  5. Menstruation should not make a woman feel strong and unwell.

Duration of the correct menstrual cycle

Let us remember that the menstrual cycle is the period from the beginning of the previous menstruation to the beginning of the current one. As we have already noted, normally a woman’s menstrual cycle can range from 20 to 45 days. U different women such duration may vary significantly. Usually, the cycle is fully established a year after the start of the first menstruation in girls. Much less often, its complete restoration occurs after the first pregnancy and.

If deviations from the norm occur occasionally (once a year) and are limited to a few days to a week, this is not considered a pathology, and treatment is not required. So, if your period comes a few days earlier or later, it does not mean that you have an irregular menstrual cycle.

If there is a break between periods of more than 40-60 days or, on the contrary, earlier by 20-25 days (2 times a month), there is definitely an irregular menstrual cycle.

To determine the so-called safe days, you need to subtract 18 days from the number of days of the longest menstrual cycle, and subtract 10 days from the number of the shortest cycle. The resulting numbers will mean the following: the first digit is the quantity safe days at the beginning of the month, and the second at the end. These days will be safe from unwanted pregnancy. But the immediate period between these two numbers is the most favorable for.

Most effective method Calculation of the menstrual cycle is considered to be a regular measurement of one's cycle. This is the body temperature internal organs(measured in the vagina or mouth), capable of change under the influence of female sex hormones. It should be noted that this temperature should be measured early in the morning, immediately after waking up. The obtained indicators are presented in the form of a simple graph, the data of which doctors rightfully consider the most accurate indicators. Once you start measuring your temperature for one calendar month (every day), you will soon notice such changes.

So, the received data is decrypted as follows. From the first day of menstruation until ovulation basal temperature is at around 36.6 - 36.8 degrees Celsius. If on a certain day the temperature drops to 36.4 degrees, this is the day ovulation begins. The entire period while the temperature remains below 37 degrees - favorable period for conception. Then the second phase of the menstrual cycle begins (temperature 37 degrees), this temperature remains until the beginning of the next menstruation. It is important to know that each woman’s temperature fluctuations can be expressed differently. Therefore, for correct calculations, it is necessary to take into account the slightest temperature fluctuations as much as possible (if they are constantly recorded, this will be immediately visible).

Failure of the menstrual cycle is the most common reason for a woman to visit a gynecologist. This is due to the fact that the hormonal system in women is a rather fragile thing, susceptible to external unfavorable factors, which responds to them by changing the concentration of sex hormones in the blood. Many women ask the question, should they immediately run to the doctor if their menstrual cycle has lengthened, or can they deal with the problem on their own?

Read in this article

What can cause a disruption in the hormonal system?

Menstruation is a natural cycle of changing the concentration of sex hormones in the female body for the full maturation of the egg in the follicle for the purpose of subsequent conception. It lasts on average 21 - 22 days from the first day of menstruation until the first day of the next cycle. But, depending on individual characteristics body, can extend to 28 - 31 days, and this is also considered the normal limit.

There can be many reasons for hormone imbalance in the female body, and often they additionally depend on individual characteristics - age, habits, weight, and so on.

The main reasons include:

  • One of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor with a complaint that the monthly cycle, is the use of combined oral contraceptives as prescribed by a doctor. It is important to understand that this is not necessarily the start of taking it; very often the reason is either changing one drug to another, or refusing to take it. Any change is almost 100% likely to lead to. It should also be taken into account that oral contraceptives are taken not only for the purpose of protection, but also as a therapeutic technique for the treatment of many diseases.
  • Age-related changes in the premenopausal period. In women after 50-55 years, the so-called period begins, when the body begins to prepare for the involution of the reproductive system, the concentration of progesterone in the blood decreases, and as a result, a shift in the menstrual cycle quite often occurs.
  • Infectious processes in genitourinary system in the form of urethritis and other diseases. They are predominantly caused by intracellular pathogens (, ureaplasma, mycoplasma) or protozoa (trichomonas, amoebas).
  • Except hormonal drugs, the failure of menstruation can also be affected by taking other pharmaceuticals, for example, antihypertensives, anticoagulants or antibacterial agents.
  • A sharp change in climatic conditions due to flight to another zone.
  • Bad habits (tobacco smoking), weight gain.
  • Long-term nervous tension or emotional stress also very often leads to menstrual irregularities. Nervous system so closely related to the endocrine system that recent years many scientists consider them as an inextricable complex of neuro-humoral interactions. So even a little stress can cause change hormonal levels in the body.
  • Excessive physical activity can often cause hormonal imbalance because muscle activity stimulates production growth hormone, testosterone and a whole range of biologically active substances.
  • Changes in diet, in particular low calorie diets or limiting the intake of certain types of foods can lead to hormonal imbalance.

Thus, the fact that the menstrual cycle has lengthened can have a wide variety of reasons and depend on many parameters. However, there is no urgent need to sound the alarm, since in most cases the source of the problem is quite trivial and can be easily corrected. However, in more difficult cases(if the cycle does not recover on its own within 1 - 2 months), you should contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination.

Diagnostic examination methods

If violations in hormonal system become persistent, the woman begins to wonder why the monthly cycle is lengthening, because this causes some discomfort. Therefore, it is imperative to contact a gynecologist, and if necessary, then to doctors of related specialties (since the cause is not necessarily related to reproductive system). Examinations that will need to be completed first:

  • (uterus, ovaries, appendages, urinary tract).
  • Blood test for hormone concentrations. First of all, a sample is taken for estrogen and progesterone (the doctor must first tell you in detail which day of the cycle you need to donate blood). Then, if the reason for the failure of menstruation remains unclear, a study is prescribed for other hormones - mainly T4 and other hormones thyroid gland, releasing factors, lactotropic hormone, luteinizing hormone.
  • Examination by a specialist on a gynecological chair with the possibility of collecting material for culture of the pathogen.
  • Referral for consultation to a related specialist (if the cause has not been identified): cardiologist, therapist, neurologist or endocrinologist.

In most cases, taking an anamnesis with detailed questioning about the medical history and the above diagnostic methods allow the doctor to get an answer to the question of why the menstrual cycle has lengthened and to find out the cause of the hormonal imbalance. In exceptional cases, further examination may be indicated using highly specialized diagnostic methods, such as cytological examination, immunohistochemistry, computed tomography and so on.

If a shift in the menstrual cycle is detected, a woman does not need to immediately run to the doctor. Often the elongation is caused ordinary reasons, which can be easily adjusted on your own. First, you need to think and try to remember what has changed in your lifestyle recently. Analyze and try to eliminate the factor that disrupts the balance of the hormonal system.

  • Most important factor– limit neuro-emotional stress as much as possible everyday life and avoid stress as much as possible.
  • Stabilize, consume more natural products high in microelements, vitamins and antioxidants. Avoid spicy, smoked and salty foods and stop drinking coffee and alcohol.
  • Get plenty of rest, and spend at least 8-9 hours a day on sleep.
  • If a woman is involved in sports or other activities physical activity, training needs to be temporarily switched to a lighter mode or even taken a break so that the body gains strength.
  • Limit self-administration of medications, with the exception of those taken as prescribed by a doctor. Consult a specialist if you suspect that hormonal imbalance caused by treatment of another disease.

To summarize, we can say that prolongation of the menstrual cycle is not a condition that requires urgent consultation with a doctor. However, you need to be on your guard, and if symptoms do not go away or new ones appear, you should not postpone your visit to the clinic. After all, it’s better not to joke with your health, but you need to treat your body with care.

Menstrual irregularities are one of the most common complaints when visiting a gynecologist. But after a conversation with a doctor, it often turns out that women, regardless of age, do not have a very clear idea of ​​what it is normal cycle What is considered a “failure” of menstruation, and what is included in the concept of “menopause”.

Each woman is unique, but there are conventional boundaries, beyond which indicates violations women's health. A normal menstrual cycle lasts at least 21 and no more than 35 days. And the duration of menstruation is 3-7 days. Its abundance also matters - the volume of blood loss normally varies from 50 to 150 ml.

Menstrual irregularities are:

Increasing the duration of the interval between menstruation by more than 35 days.
- Shortening the interval to less than 21 days.
- Excessive blood loss during menstruation.
- Duration more than 7 days.

In case of any deviation from the above-described norm, as well as in case of delay, bleeding during the period between menstruation, with heavy or scanty bloody discharge etc. A woman of childbearing age should consult a doctor.

There are quite a few reasons for cycle disruption. These could be: hormonal disorders, infectious diseases, changes in body weight (obesity or sudden weight loss), vitamin deficiencies, occupational hazards etc. The menstrual cycle is so “fragile” that it can go wrong simply because a woman is overexcited. For example, during a divorce or job change. Uncontrolled use can also cause problems. medicines(primarily this applies to hormonal drugs and some weight loss products).

It is important to see a doctor! Often, cycle disruption is the first symptom of serious gynecological diseases, for example, inflammation of the appendages, polyps in the uterine cavity, endometriosis, oncological diseases(cervical, uterine, ovarian cancer).

However, there is a period in a woman’s life when menstrual irregularities are not a sign of illness. At the age of 45-55 years, the intervals between menstruation increase, and irregular periods during this period are not considered a pathology (unless they take on the character of prolonged heavy periods). bloody discharge- then a trip to the gynecologist is mandatory).

At about 45 years of age, the age-related decline in the activity of the female sex glands - the ovaries - begins, and the production of estrogens (the main hormones that have greatest influence on the functioning of the female reproductive system). Gradually, menstruation becomes more irregular and rare, and menopause occurs. Usually, the complete disappearance of menstruation is preceded by a period during which the strict cyclical release of sex hormones is disrupted and their levels in the blood drop. This period is commonly called perimenopause; it can last for years and includes pre- and postmenopausal periods.

During this period, may be noted, combined with the term “ climacteric syndrome": tides, increased sweating, sleep disorders, increased irritability, excitability, .

Subsequently, other changes occur associated with a decrease in the level of female sex hormones. First of all, this concerns the skin - the restoration of skin cells slows down, it fades, wrinkles become noticeable, as well as the vaginal mucosa (women complain of dryness and itching). The risk of infections increases genitourinary organs, since the mucous membrane stops fulfilling its protective functions to the fullest. It may appear.

During menopause, there is an increased risk of developing osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular diseases (ischemic disease heart, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension). Middle age The onset of menopause in temperate countries, which includes Russia, is about 50 years.

Therefore, if the symptoms described above, such as irregular menstruation, heavy/scanty blood loss, hot flashes, etc., are observed before this age, you MUST GO TO A DOCTOR, because, most likely, in this way female body signals failures and malfunctions, not the beginning natural process"withering".

Of course, there is such a thing as early menopause(ovarian wasting syndrome), which can occur at 35-40 years of age. The reasons for its occurrence are different, but most experts are inclined to believe that it is pathological condition is inherited. It is noted that both autoimmune disorders and previous diseases, and the effects of medications, and environmental factors. Be that as it may, early menopause is not normal! And you don’t need to put up with it, because today methods for treating this condition have already been developed.

Therefore, if any menstrual irregularities occur before the age of 45-50, you MUST consult a doctor, do not be lazy to undergo examinations, do not make excuses due to lack of time, etc.

At least just to remain a WOMAN for as long as possible!

It just so happens that a person wants to intervene and change what is inherent in nature itself. This also applies to medicine, in particular, the female menstrual cycle.

Surely, there have been situations in your life when the arrival of your period is very undesirable: a long-awaited vacation, an important meeting, a business trip. We pray to our body to bring it closer, or, conversely, to delay the beginning of the cycle, thinking about our own convenience.

Every doctor will tell you with confidence that interfering with well-functioning natural mechanisms is fraught with serious problems. You can harm your health by experimenting with one way or another to speed up your periods and extend the time of ovulation.

Methods, including folk ones, of changing the menstrual cycle do exist, but no researchers or scientists have ever conducted experiments to identify side effects after using them.

Therefore, before experimenting, think about whether your desire to speed up your periods is so ardent, or can you still endure these few days?

How to speed up your period?

Many girls know the right way reduce the number of “red” days - a decoction of nettle leaves. With its help, you can contract the muscles of the uterus, thereby speeding up the process of blood release.

Medications that have a hemostatic effect may also help you get your menstrual cycle started more quickly.

Such a mysterious thing as calcium chloride, is used by girls at their own peril and risk, so that the body quickly moves to the beginning of the cycle.

Vitamin C and products containing it affect the course of the menstrual cycle. If you want to influence it in any way, take vitamin tablets and eat lemons.

The most common way to speed up your periods is with contraceptives. emergency action. They hit the body with a huge dose of hormones, which leads to disruptions in the established menstrual cycle. This method is the most dangerous for your body, since the consequences of uncontrolled use hormonal drugs may be different.

If you are determined to act against the established menstrual cycle, remember that this can lead to unwanted consequences and health problems. Try at least, use one or another method no more than once every six or eight months.