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What foods contain growth hormone? To search for these treasures, I invite you to my consultation. How to reduce growth hormone

It is no secret that the hormones produced by the pituitary gland, pancreas and thyroid, are responsible for regulating all processes occurring in the body, which is why it is so important to monitor their levels.

One of the most necessary hormones for humans is, of course, it is responsible for the growth muscle tissue, prevents fat deposition and, of course, has an effect on human body rejuvenating effect. Today more and more more men and women are wondering how to increase growth hormone without using synthetic or illegal drugs.

You can normalize growth hormone naturally even in familiar home conditions. It is known that the production of somatropin can slow down for many reasons that at first glance may seem insignificant, which is why it is so important to monitor its indicators.

The level of somatotropic hormone does not always remain at the same level; for example, in a person, levels increase during sleep, when eating and during physical activity. This feature is taken into account by specialists if the patient is given a referral for testing.

Growth hormone is produced in a person throughout his life, but not constantly, but cyclically. This means that from birth until about twenty-five years of age, its greatest productivity is observed; by the age of thirty, the production of somatotropic hormone begins to slow down. Due to the fact that such a stop occurs, aging processes, albeit imperceptible, begin in the human body, and the immune system noticeably weakens.

By the age of forty-five, the pituitary gland produces fifty percent less growth hormone; if we compare all previous years, the discrepancy is obvious. By this time, the signs of physiological aging become more noticeable, a person has problems sleeping, his appetite is disrupted and, as a result, extra pounds appear.

As for children and adolescents, an insufficient level of somatotropic hormone is very dangerous for them. Such a deviation leads to the development of dwarfism, hair loss, as well as deviations in mental development. A problem not detected in time and treatment not prescribed in time can lead to irreversible consequences.

To increase somatotropic hormone, it is not always necessary to resort to the help of various medications; sometimes it is possible to achieve good results It is also possible in natural ways. Many experts agree that to rejuvenate the human body, it is enough to put into practice three proven methods:

  • A person should exercise regularly. Sports don’t have to be active; you shouldn’t overexert yourself either, of course, if you don’t plan to become a professional athlete. The frequency of visiting the gym should not exceed three times - this will increase the level of somatropin and help keep yourself in shape. those who do not have the opportunity to go to training, then you can do exercises at home;
  • Nutrition should not only be correct, but also balanced. For some reason, many people think that they will have to infringe on themselves in many ways, in fact this is not so, the list of products that can increase the level of somatotropin is quite large. You will practically not have to deny yourself anything, but you will have to give up smoked, fried and too spicy;
  • And, of course, don’t forget about a healthy night’s sleep. Most of us don't take into account the fact that good sleep should last eight hours and any inconsistency with this rule can be detrimental to health.

As you can see, these are simple and easy-to-follow rules, you just need to develop a habit in yourself to follow them, and then you will not be threatened with a lack of growth hormone. You must understand that in order to rejuvenate the human body, it is important not only to monitor the level of somatropin and try to increase it as quickly as possible, but also to do it reasonably.

Few people know, but with an increase in somatotropic hormone, insulin is also stimulated, which the pancreas produces, as a result of which glut occurs.

Sports drugs

As for the artificial increase in the hormone, it should be noted that the use of drugs should be controlled by a specialist, you can inject yourself at home, but only after the necessary consultation.

This limitation is due to the fact that most often the frequency of using the drug is not true, in the pursuit of rejuvenation or rapid muscle building, people often do not comply permissible dosages As a result, the pancreas oversaturates the body with insulin.

If, however, growth hormone deficiency leaves no other choice but to use medicinal product, then the frequency of injections must be correct and safe, at the same time you need to monitor the insulin level; in this case, you should not rely on your pancreas.

Usually, during a consultation, a specialist explains that it is necessary to balance not only the somatotropic hormone, but also insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, otherwise diabetes mellitus may begin to develop.

Do not forget that frequent use artificial drugs are fraught with the appearance of such side effects as:

  • Enlarged heart.
  • Hyperglycemia.
  • Hypertension.
  • Violation of sexual function.
  • The development of various neoplasms.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Accumulation of fluid in the muscles.

This is far from full list side effects experienced by people who violate the frequency of taking artificial growth hormone in pursuit of rapid rejuvenation of the body. Growth hormone deficiency is a deviation, but it can be easily corrected and it is better to use safe and natural methods rather than risk your health, then the pancreas will work as it should.

It is known that on a person’s well-being, his health, appearance have a direct effect on natural hormones produced by the body. One of these hormones is. It is also called growth hormone. GH affects cells human body so that tissues, organs and bones begin to grow. In addition, somatropin has a positive effect on a person’s appearance. Under its influence, skin and hair become better. The hormone also helps build muscle in bodybuilding. How to take growth hormone and how safe it is, we will consider below.

GH production

Growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland. Performance endocrine gland depends on many things. The content of growth hormone in the body is not constant. During the day, the generation of the substance passes through several maximum values. Most of the hormone is found in the body at night, and its peak occurs 2 hours after sleep. So, children really grow in their sleep.

The content of growth hormone in the human body also increases during periods physical work or sports. In a newborn baby, the level of the hormone is quite high, since the most active growth of the child is observed from 1 day to 1 year of life. Then the hormone rises sharply in adolescence when also children grow up fast. After 20 years, the volume of the substance in the blood decreases, the growth of bones and tissues almost stops. After 45 years, the content of gomon decreases by 2 times. That is, the amount of somatropin depends on age.

The benefits and harms of somatotropin

The hormone performs an important job in our body:

  • Promotes active growth muscle mass;
  • Prevents muscles from breaking down;
  • Promotes fat burning;
  • Heals wounds;
  • Increases the sexuality of an adult;
  • Takes part in energy metabolism;
  • Reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Promotes the regeneration of cells of those organs that degenerate with age;
  • Gives elasticity and shine to skin and hair;
  • Stimulates bone growth in a child;
  • Increases human immunity;
  • Helps maintain good vision;
  • Lifts a person's mood;
  • Increases the amount of glucose in the blood.

We must remember that HGH also increases arterial pressure. People suffering from hypertension should not try to increase the amount of the hormone in the blood. The same applies to patients with diabetes.

Those who want to look young and feel good should not self-prescribe hormonal medications. Consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary. If you don’t want to go to the doctor, you can try ways natural increase STH level, without taking medications.

It should be noted that the lack of growth hormone is harmful to children. Because of him later happens puberty. The lack of measures to normalize somatropin leads to pathologies. Therefore, safe methods of increasing growth hormone in case of its shortage are very relevant.

Ways to increase somatotropin at home

How to increase growth hormone without taking dangerous drugs? It is best to increase it naturally:

  • First of all, you need to think about your weight. The fact is that the volume of a substance in the body is inversely proportional to the mass of the fat layer. The more fat, the less hormone. Therefore, you need to visit a nutritionist who, based on tests, will prescribe an individual diet for weight loss. It is recommended to take protein foods and exclude fast carbohydrates from the diet. Protein food increases the production of growth hormone.

    Doctors conducted a study with obese people and those whose weight did not exceed standard indicators. It turned out that when the amount of fat exceeds 3 times, the volume of the hormone decreases by half. Although more noticeable results were obtained in men, obesity is harmful to both sexes.

  • In addition to your diet, you can try intermittent fasting. No one is calling for a complete abstinence from food. Fasting means that you can eat on any day only for 8 hours - from 10-00 to 18-00. You should abstain from food for the next 16 hours of the day.

    You can also take a small amount of food 1 or 2 days in 7 days, so that the amount of calories received on these days is 500 - 600 kcal. It immediately follows that if you are serious about losing weight, you need to download food calorie tables from the Internet and carefully create your menu.

  • Hormone deficiency can be eliminated by periodic fasting. If a person cannot withstand fasting for 40 days, you can fast, first, for a week. At this time, you should not eat food containing fats. At the same time, the level of insulin produced will slightly decrease, which inhibits the production of growth hormone. Of course, with complete fasting, somatotropin will increase, but it cannot be done without a doctor’s testimony. Obviously, it is useful for everyone not to eat too much later than 3 – 4 hours before bedtime. You need to eat often during the day - 5 – 6 times a day.

  • STH is increased by eliminating sugar from the diet or reducing its consumption. The idea is that when sugar-containing foods are ingested, the level of glucose in the blood increases, and, in response, the body increases the amount of insulin. prevents the generation of somatropin.
  • How to increase growth hormone besides following a diet? Getting strenuous physical activity increases the amount of growth hormone. Of course, the effectiveness of exercise in a fitness center depends on the amount of food a person takes before and after training. In addition, not all individuals are eligible for classes in gym. If a trainee has heart problems or his blood pressure often rises, you should not use this method. Before enrolling in a fitness club, get examined at the clinic and find out whether you can play sports.

  • A good way is to normalize night sleep. The hormone is produced in large quantities if sleep is deep. To improve falling asleep, you should avoid watching programs and movies on TV in the evening, and sitting at the computer before bed. It is useful to read a book at night. Before rest, you should not drink coffee. Shortly before entering the bedroom, it is worth airing it out.
  • On the recommendation of a doctor, you can try taking Gamma-aminobutyric GABA acid. This supplement is used to soothe nervous system and to improve night sleep. As it turns out, the product also helps increase the production of growth hormone. This is partly due to improved sleep quality - after all, sleep is the best stimulator of GH production. The disadvantage of this method is that the hormone increase is short-lived. As soon as the GABA intake ends, somatropin decreases to its previous levels.
  • You can also increase growth hormone for a short time by taking Beta-alanine. This supplement is taken before training. After its influence, it is possible to increase the number of repetitions of exercises by more than 20%.

  • Consult a specialist about taking Melatonin. This remedy improves night sleep. Melatonin is now a common sleep aid because it is quite safe and effective. It helps increase the production of growth hormone by improving sleep. Take the medicine half an hour before bedtime at the dose prescribed by the doctor.
  • Your doctor may recommend other medications and supplements that have minimal negative effect. What means do you mean? This is Glycine, which increases physical activity in the gym, Glutamine, Ornithine, which also helps during sports, Creatine.

But side effect pills and the harm from increasing the hormone above the norm should also not be overlooked.

Side effects from increased somatotropin levels

To side effects when increased volume somatropin include:

  • Increased blood sugar;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Congestion in muscles large quantity liquids;
  • The appearance of neoplasms;
  • Sexual dysfunction;
  • Growth of the heart in size.

These are just the main ones negative consequences increasing the hormone. They clearly say that not everyone can try to increase it. And if a person has the opportunity to increase the amount of growth hormone in the body and rejuvenate, then it is necessary to periodically take a blood test for hormones in order to monitor the content of growth hormone.

There are also drugs that contain somatotropin as the main substance. Medicines of this type are expensive. The doctor prescribes them for certain pathologies. You cannot take them on your own, without the advice of a specialist.

Somatropin preparations

There are two types of HGH medicine - produced using genetic engineering and as close as possible to the human hormone, and synthetic. The first form is considered safer.

There are also 2 release forms. Pharmacies offer the hormone in the form of a powder for dissolution, which is sold together with ampoules of the solution. This type of medicine is used for injection. But Somatotropin is also available in tablets. A hormonal drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Children suffering from developmental and growth delays;
  • Chronic renal failure;
  • Genetic disorders (chromosomal pathologies);
  • For weight loss associated with AIDS;
  • For the treatment of osteoporosis.

Calculation of a medicine for injection in case of delayed development of a child indicates a dosage of 0.07 - 0.1 units per 1 kg of weight. Injections are carried out once a day for a week. This dose is for subcutaneous administration. At intramuscular injection the amount of the drug is increased to 0.14 - 0.2 units per 1 kg of body weight. The same dose is injected for renal failure.

Somatotropin controls tissue growth and cell regeneration, and also helps maintain health internal organs. Human growth hormone is naturally produced by the pituitary gland throughout the day; at night (during sleep) its level reaches its peak. During adolescence, somatotropin is produced in large quantities to ensure proper puberty, and with age, the amount of growth hormone produced decreases. Bodybuilders who want to increase their size are well acquainted with growth hormone. muscle mass, improve athletic performance and reduce recovery period. Presumably, growth hormone has an anti-aging effect.

How does the hormone somatotropin work and what does it affect in the body?

Somatotropin (also known as human growth hormone) is a peptide hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland. The secretion of this hormone is regulated by the hypothalamus in accordance with circadian rhythm(most growth hormone is produced during sleep). The hypothalamus regulates the secretion of growth hormone through somatotropin-releasing hormone (stimulation) and somatostatin (suppression).

The maximum amount of somatotropin is produced during sleep.

Somatotropin produced in the body acts by binding to certain receptors located in target tissues, including muscle and connective tissue. Growth hormone also works indirectly by causing liver cells to produce polypeptide molecules called somatomedins.

To date, the action of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) has been best studied. IGF-1 and growth hormone perform important functions in almost any system of the body - from the growth and restoration of muscle, connective and bone tissue to the selective regulation of various aspects of metabolism, maintenance normal function brain and heart health.

With age (starting from about 20-25 years), less and less somatotropin is secreted, accordingly, the level of IGF-1 also decreases. A decrease in the secretory activity of growth hormone and IGF-1 is called somatopause (observed from about 30 years of age). This period is characterized by a number of undesirable signs of aging, including:

  • disturbance of sleep patterns;
  • fragility of bones;
  • accumulation of fat in the middle part of the body (i.e. in the abdominal area);
  • decreased muscle mass, strength and endurance.

Is it possible to increase growth hormone levels naturally?

The advisability of growth hormone injections can only be discussed in the case of a significant deficiency of somatotropin in children and adults, which negatively affects their health. Injections into medicinal purposes prescribed by the doctor.

However, growth hormone injections are a rather dubious method of gaining muscle mass or losing weight due to possible side effects:

  • headaches and muscle pain;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • tunnel syndrome;
  • diabetes;
  • abnormal growth of internal organs and bone tissue;
  • hardening of the arteries.

Reception synthetic hormone growth comes with many risks that do not justify its benefits.

Natural ways to increase growth hormone levels:

  1. High intensity interval training. This is perhaps the best way to stimulate the secretion of growth hormone. 30 seconds of intense exercise leads to muscle damage, to repair which the pituitary gland begins to produce growth hormone.
  2. Proper nutrition. There is probably not a single aspect of human health that does not require balanced diet: exclusion of processed foods, preferential consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, protein foods and minimizing the absorption of sweets, flour products, and alcoholic drinks. The higher the insulin level, the lower the somatotropin level. Therefore, it is better to eat foods with low glycemic index, especially before bedtime.
  3. Short-term fasting. This practice helps not only increase the level of growth hormone, but also optimize sensitivity to insulin and leptin, which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the entire body and your well-being.
  4. Healthy sleep. In sleep deprivation full recovery the body is impossible, including due to the maximum production of growth hormone during sleep.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the best way To increase the production of somatotropin is the correction of lifestyle and diet. And self-administration of synthetic growth hormone, according to the editors of estet-portal.com, can cause significant harm to your health.

Source:Aesthetic Medicine



    Its 2 main problems:

    1) chronic unsatisfaction of needs,

    2) the inability to direct his anger outward, holding it back, and with it holding back all warm feelings, makes him more and more desperate every year: no matter what he does, it doesn’t get better, on the contrary, it only gets worse. The reason is that he does a lot, but not that.

    If nothing is done, then, over time, either the person will “burn out at work,” loading himself more and more until he is completely exhausted; or his own self will be emptied and impoverished, unbearable self-hatred will appear, a refusal to take care of oneself, and in the future, even self-hygiene.

    A person becomes like a house from which the bailiffs have removed the furniture.

    Against the background of hopelessness, despair and exhaustion, there is no strength or energy even for thinking.

    Complete loss of the ability to love. He wants to live, but he begins to die: sleep and metabolism are disturbed...

    It is difficult to understand what he lacks precisely because we are not talking about the deprivation of possession of someone or something. On the contrary, he has the possession of deprivation, and he is not able to understand what he is deprived of. His own self turns out to be lost. He feels unbearably painful and empty: and he cannot even put it into words.

    If you recognize yourself in the description and want to change something, you urgently need to learn two things:

    1. Learn the following text by heart and repeat it all the time until you learn to use the results of these new beliefs:

    • I have a right to needs. I am, and I am me.
    • I have the right to need and satisfy needs.
    • I have the right to ask for satisfaction, the right to achieve what I need.
    • I have the right to crave love and love others.
    • I have the right to a decent organization of life.
    • I have the right to express dissatisfaction.
    • I have the right to regret and sympathy.
    • ... by birthright.
    • I may get rejected. I can be alone.
    • I'll take care of myself anyway.

    I would like to draw the attention of my readers to the fact that the task of “learning a text” is not an end in itself. Autotraining by itself will not give any sustainable results. It is important to live, feel, and find confirmation of it in life. It is important that a person wants to believe that the world can be arranged somehow differently, and not just the way he is used to imagining it. That how he lives this life depends on himself, on his ideas about the world and about himself in this world. And these phrases are just a reason for thought, reflection and search for your own, new “truths”.

    2. Learn to direct aggression towards the person to whom it is actually addressed.

    ...then it will be possible to experience and express warm feelings to people. Realize that anger is not destructive and can be expressed.






    Psychosomatic diseases (it will be more correct) are those disorders in our body that are based on psychological causes. psychological reasons are our reactions to traumatic (difficult) life events, our thoughts, feelings, emotions that do not find timely, correct expression for a particular person.

    Mental defenses are triggered, we forget about this event after a while, and sometimes instantly, but the body and the unconscious part of the psyche remember everything and send us signals in the form of disorders and diseases

    Sometimes the call may be to respond to some events from the past, to bring “buried” feelings out, or the symptom simply symbolizes what we forbid ourselves.


    The negative impact of stress on the human body, and especially distress, is enormous. Stress and the likelihood of developing diseases are closely related. Suffice it to say that stress can reduce immunity by about 70%. Obviously, such a decrease in immunity can result in anything. And it’s also good if it’s simple colds, and if oncological diseases or asthma, the treatment of which is already extremely difficult?

The hormone that regulates human growth is called somatotropin. It is produced by the pituitary gland. Under the influence of somatotropin, the human body produces specific factor growth, which has a direct impact not only on human growth, but on the development of all tissue structures and organs. In addition, somatotropin increases the speed metabolic processes, burns fat and stimulates glucose production.

All these properties of the hormone are the reason why synthetic analogues of somatotropin have become widely known and active use in athletes, especially those who need to increase muscle mass and improve muscle definition.

It is important to understand that hormonal drugs based on this hormone, have a number of side effects, including hypertension, hyperglycemia, cardiac pathologies, various neoplasms, etc. Therefore, they can only be used after consulting a doctor.

However, there is also alternative ways, which can compensate for the lack of growth hormone in the body, all this will be discussed below.

Average normal growth for a man after 30 years of age it is considered 176-178 cm, and for a woman 163-166 cm. Of course, these figures are very approximate and may well fluctuate both down and up. After 30 years, a person no longer grows, however, minor fluctuations may be noted during the day. In the morning, a person is 1.5-2 cm taller than in the evening. This is due to the fact that the spinal discs shrink somewhat during the day, since they are formed from cartilage tissue, which is deformed due to upright posture. Overnight, the discs return to their original state.

There is one more point. If before the age of 30 there is an increase in height, then after this milestone the growth begins to decline. This is also due to deformation of cartilage tissue. For example, a 70-year-old man becomes shorter by about a couple of cm, and a woman by 5 cm. By the age of 80, representatives of both sexes lose an average of 2 cm.

General concept of somatotropin

As already mentioned, somatotropin is synthesized in the brain, more precisely in one of its parts - in the pituitary gland. Linear human growth occurs as a result of an increase in inert tubular tissue. Growth hormone in the human body has a greater effect on young people, since up to 16 years of age there are open zones in the bones through which the hormone can freely penetrate into the body. bone tissue. After 16-18 years, these zones are suppressed.

Somatotropin enhances protein metabolism, and reduces the rate of breakdown of protein molecules, in addition, it does not allow the formation of subcutaneous fat, thus increasing the volume of muscle mass.

The synthesis of somatotropin varies depending on the time of day. There are several peak moments when the concentration of the hormone is at its highest. This happens approximately every 4-5 hours, but highest point night is considered - approximately a couple of hours after falling asleep, somatotropin reaches its maximum concentration.

Causes and signs of hormone deficiency

The most effective way to influence a person’s growth is by early age, only during this period can it be restored without harm to health hormonal balance. Therefore, all parents should monitor their child's growth very closely.

Growth hormone deficiency is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pathologically small feet and hands;
  • the neck is short and the skull is round;
  • small (abnormal) facial features.

The bones of a person with somatotropin deficiency are fragile, so frequent fractures are possible. In addition, muscle mass also suffers; children with a lack of growth hormone are less physically resilient. It is important to pay attention to skin– they become thinner, and there is also a lack of sweating.

If growth hormone production decreases during adolescence, the following symptoms may occur:

  • short stature,
  • disproportionate physique,
  • poorly developed muscles,
  • pallor,
  • delayed sexual development,
  • presence of fat deposits.
  • The causes of somatotropin deficiency may be the following:
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • infectious processes in the body;
  • head irradiation;
  • surgical interventions in which the pituitary gland was affected or damaged;
  • neoplasms in the pituitary gland.

A test for growth hormone is rarely prescribed; bone age is determined using x-rays and a visual examination of the patient. If necessary, the doctor sends the patient for a blood test for other hormones, and only if it is impossible to correctly assess the situation, a somatotropin test is performed.

Normalization of hormonal balance

How to increase growth hormone? It is better to get the answer to this question from a specialist who has the test results on hand. Only after the surrender of all necessary analyzes the doctor can make the right decision on how to increase the production of somatotropin, and which method is best to choose for this. You can activate the production of somatotropin with the help of medications. This is not the most safe method increase growth hormone, however, it is considered quite effective. When choosing this method, you need to understand that you need to use hormonal drugs under the supervision of a competent specialist. Growth hormone tablets:

  • Hygetropin;
  • Rastan;
  • Nanotrope.

Another effective, but at the same time extremely dangerous method increase height is surgical method. In this case, an increase in leg length is achieved using the Elizarov apparatus. This is a metal structure through which knitting needles are pulled through the bone, attached to rings and fixed around the leg. Every day the rings are moved apart by 1 mm, gradually increasing the length of the bone. This is a complex and quite expensive method, in addition, the person must spend about a year on crutches. But the result is certainly significant - growth increases by 10 cm.

How to stimulate somatotropin in a safer way? You can increase the production of growth hormone using proper nutrition. It must be remembered that fatty food reduces the concentration of somatotropin, and the following products stimulate its synthesis:

  • cottage cheese;
  • porridge – buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • milk;
  • fish;
  • lean poultry;
  • legumes;
  • nuts.

Activate the production of growth hormone physical exercise. It doesn’t have to be a professional sport; even regular walking can affect the amount of hormone produced. But better results can be achieved if you combine power training and cardio training.

Growth hormone stimulants are full sleep and healthy weight. More than a half daily allowance somatotropin is produced during the period when a person sleeps, therefore, high-quality and healthy sleep will maintain the required level of growth hormone. As for a person's weight, fat people often observed increased level insulin, which significantly inhibits the synthesis of somatotropin.

Growth hormone boosters

Growth hormone boosters are some synthetic substances that, when entering the body, affect the pituitary gland, activating the production of somatotropin. In another way, such substances are called artificial growth hormone stimulants. For example, the growth hormone stimulant Ibutamoren. This drug is not a steroid hormonal drugs and absolutely does not interact with androgen receptors. The action of this drug is based on ghrelin. Ghrelin is a hormone that affects the amount of growth hormone produced.

There are many similar drugs today, but anyone who decides to try them should understand that research on most of these drugs has not yet ended, and even if there are no immediate side effects when taking the drug, this does not mean that they will not appear in the future. subsequent.

Of course, everyone decides for themselves which way is best to stimulate the production of growth hormone, however, we must not forget that experiments with hormones can result in irreversible consequences for the body, therefore, deciding to increase the level of growth hormone medications, you must definitely consult a specialist.

Think first!!! About the dangers of growth hormone. Dmitry Ermilov and Mikhail Prygunov Anti-aging (human growth hormone frequencies) 10 tips on how to speed up the growth of a teenager! 5 foods to grow taller naturally, without exercise. GROWTH HORMONE (GH). How to increase it naturally? Interaction between insulin and GH A growth hormone. What is this? What are the benefits and side effects? How to increase concentration in the body? How to Increase HGH Production Naturally

Somatotropin (somatotropic hormone, growth hormone, growth hormone, somatropin) is a hormone that belongs to the polypeptide family. Growth hormone is produced by cells located in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland (somatotrophs). This process occurs under the control of the hypothalamus. In this area of ​​the brain, somatoliberin and somatostatin are formed, which are responsible for increasing and decreasing the level of growth hormone.

Increased production of somatotropic hormone of the pituitary gland is detected in childhood. The hormone is produced during sleep. By the evening its level drops, and by the morning it increases again. Within an hour, somatropin disintegrates and begins to act on tissues using insulin-like somatomedins produced in the liver.

Somatotropin performs the following functions in the human body:

  • stimulates fat and protein metabolism;
  • responsible for the growth of tissues and bones;
  • supports normal level blood glucose;
  • stimulates the production of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid);
  • takes part in the production of glycogen in the liver;
  • stimulates lactation in nursing women.

Normal somatotropic hormone

The rate of somatotropin depends on the person’s age and gender:

  • newborns: from 5 to 53 μg/l;
  • children under 1 year: from 2 to 10 mcg/l;
  • children from 1 year to 12 years: from 1 to 20 µg/l;
  • adolescents from 12 to 18 years: from 1 to 20 mcg/l;
  • men from 18 to 60 years old: from 0 to 4 μg/l;
  • women from 18 to 60 years old: from 0 to 18 mcg/l;
  • men over 60 years of age: from 1 to 9 μg/l;
  • women over 60 years of age: from 1 to 16 mcg/l.
You can stimulate the production of growth hormone using physical activity. Any physical activity has a positive effect on its products. The most optimal is a combination of strength and anaerobic exercise.

How to increase growth hormone levels

In order to increase the level of somatotropin, you need to follow the daily routine and monitor nutrition. In the event that the cause of the decrease is disease, medical or surgical treatment is indicated.


In order to increase the level of somatotropin in the body, drugs from the group of pituitary hormones and their synthetic analogues are used. They enhance protein synthesis and have a positive effect on mineral metabolism, increase height and body weight. The drug, dosage, regimen and duration of treatment should be prescribed by an endocrinologist after an in-person consultation and passing the necessary tests.

  • brain tumors;
  • malignant neoplasms of any location;
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • conditions after heart or abdominal surgery.

Therapy is carried out with caution when diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders, during pregnancy and lactation. Treatment with drugs of the pituitary hormone group is quite long, sometimes it can last several years.

In the event that the cause of the decrease in the level of somatotropin is tumors in the brain area, it is required surgical intervention. When pathology occurs as a result chronic diseases, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that leads to the lack of the hormone.

You can increase the level of growth hormone using biological active additives. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the composition. Amino acids help the body to actively produce a substance: ornithine, arginine and citrulline.

Athletes involved in strength sports use special nutritional supplements, which gives them the opportunity to build muscle mass. But the use of such drugs can lead to the appearance of hyperglycemia, hypertension, tumor processes or erectile dysfunction.

How to increase growth hormone through nutrition

In order to increase the level of growth hormone in the body, you need to eat right. The most effective way is to change your diet. From the menu it is necessary to exclude fried, fatty, salty foods, as well as flour and sweet dishes. Insulin, which enters the bloodstream after their use, slows down the production of somatotropin, therefore, for its better secretion, it is better to use slow carbohydrates.

The diet should contain:

  • dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, milk);
  • lean meat (veal, beef, rabbit, poultry);
  • seafood (salmon, mackerel, shrimp, mussels, red and black caviar);
  • legumes (soybeans, beans, chickpeas, peas);
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts);
  • fruits and berries (cherries, peaches, oranges, apples, avocados);
  • vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes);
  • greens (spinach, parsley, dill);
  • vegetable fats (olive, sunflower, corn, flaxseed oil);
  • chicken eggs.

Slow carbohydrates are best absorbed in the morning, so the maximum amount is recommended to be consumed during breakfast and lunch. You need to eat 5 or 6 times a day, while the volume of meals should be reduced.

At night, it is not recommended to overload the stomach, so dinner should take place at least 3 hours before bedtime. If a person experiences strong feeling hunger, you can eat a small amount low-fat cottage cheese or several small fruits. You need to drink up to two liters of clean, still water per day.

People who want to increase their GH levels are advised to stop drinking alcoholic beverages, as even a small amount of alcohol negatively affects hormonal background.

Physical exercise

You can stimulate the production of growth hormone through physical activity. Any physical activity has a positive effect on its production. The most optimal is a combination of strength and anaerobic exercise. To the very useful species sports that increase GH levels include running (walking) and strength exercises, which involve most of the muscles.

Visiting a bathhouse or sauna will help increase the level of growth hormone. Scientific research show that after a temperature drop for half an hour, somatotropin is actively produced. A contrast shower has the same effect.

In order for the level of somatotropin to increase, the exercises must be performed for a long time, since in other cases the body will begin to produce cortisol, which will reduce the effectiveness of the exercises. It is also desirable that the power load be preceded by anaerobic exercise.

Training should be regular, carried out 3 or 4 times a week, and last at least 45 minutes. At the same time, during the lesson you need to behave actively with minimal breaks so that the muscles do not have time to cool down. Before starting a workout, it is advisable to do a warm-up.

To increase the level of somatotropin, it is recommended to carry out daily fresh air at least an hour. In this case, it is preferable to move all the time. This will make it possible not only to normalize hormonal levels, but also to get rid of fat deposits.


In order to increase the level of growth hormone, full sleep is required. The process of its natural production begins with the onset of the phase deep sleep(2 hours after falling asleep). At chronic lack of sleep the effect of proper nutrition and physical activity will be minimal. If you cannot sleep well at night, you need to set aside 1-2 hours during the day for rest.

Contrasting temperature change

Visiting a bathhouse or sauna will help increase the level of growth hormone. Scientific studies show that after a temperature change for half an hour, somatotropin is actively produced. A contrast shower has the same effect.

Symptoms of decreased growth hormone levels

There are no pronounced symptoms of growth hormone deficiency in adults. In some cases, the following signs indicate growth hormone deficiency:

  • increased sweating;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • low-grade body temperature (37.1–38.0 °C);
  • increase in body weight (mainly due to the abdominal area);
  • exercise intolerance;
  • rapid skin aging;
  • muscle weakness;
  • muscle pain;
  • increased risk of fractures;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • signs coronary disease heart and atherosclerosis;
  • depression;
  • decreased sexual desire.

Reasons why growth hormone levels decrease

Growth hormone deficiency occurs in the following cases:

  • neoplasms localized in the pituitary gland or hypothalamus (neurofibroma, adenoma, germinoma, craniopharyngioma, hamartoma);
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • damage to the pituitary gland structures as a result of acute or chronic diseases;
  • autoimmune lesions of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus;
  • empty sella syndrome;
  • ischemic or hemorrhagic damage to pituitary tissue;
  • toxic effects on brain tissue;
  • exposure to ionizing radiation on the brain;
  • disruption of the formation of the pituitary gland at the embryonic stage;
  • pathologies that arose during the formation of the central nervous system.

Also, a person may experience a so-called pseudo-deficiency of somatotropic hormone, when its concentration in the blood is significantly reduced. The reason for this may be:

  • obesity;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • hypercortisolism;
  • heart failure;
  • Addison's disease;
  • postpartum condition.

Analysis for growth hormone

It is necessary to determine the level of growth hormone in the blood in the following cases:

  • obesity;
  • growth deficiency in a child;
  • very fast growth;
  • osteoporosis;
  • muscle weakness;
  • porphyria;
  • acromegaly.

Also, tests are indicated if the level of sugar in the blood is lowered.

You can increase the level of growth hormone with the help of dietary supplements. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the composition. Amino acids help the body to actively produce a substance: ornithine, arginine and citrulline.

A blood test to determine the level of growth hormone is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. The material is collected from a vein. X-rays should not be taken a week before the procedure. The day before the analysis, you need to stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

Prevention methods

In order for the level of growth hormone in the body to be normal, it is necessary:

  • Healthy food;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • do physical education;
  • sleep at least 7–8 hours a day.

If, despite treatment, the level of somatotropic hormone does not return to normal, you need to undergo additional examination.

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