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The tooth has turned black at the gum and hurts. Why does tooth enamel darken? Dark enamel in children

Normal plaque may not even be noticeable, but serious discoloration of the enamel can be a huge problem. Blackening of teeth in adults is not uncommon. Why is this happening?

People tend to ignore many dental problems, but blackening of teeth cannot simply be ignored. In addition to the fact that dark plaque on the outside or inside of the tooth significantly spoils appearance smile, it is also a signal of serious diseases that may not be related to dentistry. What to do if teeth turn black or darkened front tooth?

In children, black plaque may appear within one night, even if the child has not previously complained of anything. More often suffer from similar phenomena children over a year old. The most intense staining remains on the inside of the teeth. Many people mistakenly believe that if a tooth turns black, it means caries has begun. This is not always the case.

What to do if a tooth turns black inside or outside? It is simply impossible to remove plaque even with thorough and intensive cleaning. Help from professional procedures is not guaranteed: over time, it can be replaced that the tooth turns black from the inside again.

What can cause a change in enamel color? There are several factors why a tooth suddenly turns black:

Intrauterine development problems may also play a role. So, darkening is possible if the mother did not eat properly (the food had little calcium and too much iron or fluoride); was sick infectious diseases or used potentially dangerous medications.

What to do? The only way out is to see a doctor and remove the black plaque; the dentist will consider this possible. There is a high probability that after some time the dark spots will return again.

Why does this happen in adults?

Why do adults' teeth usually turn black? Normal plaque in adulthood is not a pathology, and its main cause is poor oral hygiene. The danger to the color of the enamel is the following:

If a tooth has darkened and now it hurts, ordinary caries cannot be ruled out. A severe cavity can be any shade from yellowish to dark brown or black. There is only one thing to do here - immediately contact the dentist, before the microbes multiplying in the carious cavity lead to inflammation of the soft tissues or roots.

When the coronal part is partially destroyed (which often happens with eights - wisdom teeth), patients often notice that the inside of the tooth is now black. This indicates the rapid destruction of tissue; it will not be possible to remove the darkening on your own.

How to get rid of black plaque

What to do if the tooth turns black and hurts? The only option is to see a doctor. Any painkillers to which the body does not have a negative reaction will help temporarily cope with pain.

You can simply get rid of plaque with professional toothbrushing. Air Flow. You cannot do it with a one-time procedure: it is recommended to repeat it at least once a year. During cleaning, all soft deposits and surface pigmentation will be removed from the enamel, and the teeth will become a couple of shades lighter. The benefits are not only aesthetic, but also practical: plaque is a source of bacteria.

It is imperative to monitor the quality and regularity of ordinary household hygiene procedures. Smokers, for example, can purchase special pastes that dissolve plaque within a few minutes. But you can’t use such products often: their composition is quite aggressive, and ultimately the enamel may suffer.

You should also be careful with conventional whitening pastes: most of them contain small hard abrasive particles, which, although they remove pigmentation from the surface of the teeth, but, again, negatively affect the enamel and can leave micro-scratches on it.

Most the best option– quit smoking and reduce consumption of colored drinks.

As a preventive measure, it is useful to use special mouth rinses. It is recommended to use them immediately after eating, smoking or drinking drinks harmful to enamel. The mouthwash is not a complete replacement for brushing, but it will help clean the mouth when a toothbrush is not available.

Can be used to lighten enamel traditional methods. The main thing is to choose the appropriate recipe and make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the components. It is advisable to consult a dentist before such self-medication - perhaps he will suggest more effective and useful methods.

If a tooth becomes dark, what should you do? This frequently asked question. Let's look at it in more detail.

Milk teeth are so called due to the special white shade of tooth enamel. But sometimes parents notice that their children’s teeth lose their original color and at the same time turn black. In our article we will talk about what causes the darkening of teeth in children and adults, and we will also find out why blackness on the teeth is dangerous and what needs to be done in such situations, and, in addition, why it is impossible to leave blackness on the incisors without treatment. Let's start by looking at the causes of darkening.

Causes of darkening of teeth

Negative factors There are quite a few that can lead to tooth darkening. Some of them are reversible when proper therapy. But most of them change the dental structure so much that it becomes impossible to return the original appearance. In addition, blackness on the teeth is a sign of serious pathologies that can lead to severe consequences and complications.

The most common reason why a tooth becomes dark is poor hygiene. oral cavity. If a child does not systematically brush his teeth or does this procedure poorly, then plaque from food debris accumulates on the enamel surface. At first it has a light shade, but later it thickens and the coloring substances of the products begin to be absorbed into it. This is how people's teeth gradually turn black.

Eating food and drinks containing dark pigments is also a cause of darkening of teeth in adults and children. With this option, the incisors turn black immediately after eating. The shade may depend on the intensity of the coloring component and on the presence of plaque on the enamel surface.


Children's teeth are more susceptible to caries than adults. This is due to the low density of dental tissue, and, in addition, with some features immune system and poor cleaning performance. As a result, carious lesions can spread to all teeth in a very short time. short term. In this case, a dark spot will first be visible on the enamel surface, which will quickly turn black and increase in size. Sometimes it happens that a carious cavity can spread deep into the tooth without an external defect. Then the incisors become black not from the outside, but from inside.

Why can a child’s tooth darken?

The main causes of darkening of teeth in childhood

IN childhood a common occurrence perform various injuries. It happens that a child’s tooth darkens after a blow. So easy to damage vascular bundles, which are located inside the pulp. If a hematoma occurs, the tooth begins to acquire an unnatural dark shade due to the penetration of hemoglobin and other pigments into the dental tissue.

In young children, the use of certain medical supplies(for example, antibacterial ones from the tetracycline category) can provoke the accumulation medicinal substance in enamel fabrics. This leads to the fact that even the child’s very first tooth appears black.

Why else can a child’s tooth darken?

Fluorosis is a pathology that occurs due to excess fluoride intake. It is usually associated with a high concentration of this element in water, or with excessive consumption medications with such a component or incorrectly selected cleaning paste. With this disease, black dots form on children's teeth, which can merge into large dark spots among themselves. In parallel, symptoms of bone and muscular system.

Treatment of caries in a child as a cause of darkening of teeth

In children over two years of age, a popular method of caries prevention is silvering. This procedure involves treating the enamel surface with a solution that contains silver ions. This drug interacts with the top layer of enamel, forming a black coating, which causes the teeth to become very dark, taking on a sloppy appearance.

What to do if your front teeth are darkened?

Treatment of darkening

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to return children’s dark teeth to their natural milky shade. In the event that the darkening of the enamel is caused by the accumulation of plaque due to improper cleaning techniques, then a visit to the dentist’s office is quite capable of resolving this problem. The doctor will perform an examination and, in addition, will perform a professional cleaning of dense deposits on the teeth.

Blackening of enamel from food dyes can be eliminated even at home. This requires thoroughly brushing your teeth several times and rinsing your mouth thoroughly. After the first cleaning, the color of the enamel will definitely become much lighter. If staining occurs black, then in this situation only professional cleaning in a doctor’s office will be effective.

Therapy for blackening due to caries

So, the child’s baby teeth have darkened.

In the presence of caries, the main goal of treatment is to preserve the teeth, especially if the baby teeth have not yet changed and the child has not reached six years of age. In this disease, the black color is caused by the accumulation of necrotic mass, bacterial colonies and food debris, which are particularly susceptible to staining with food pigment. After the doctor removes all the dead dental tissue and fills the cavity, the blackness will definitely go away, and the teeth will become light again. In exceptional cases, when it is not possible to cure caries, the affected tooth is removed.

Treatment of darkening due to dental injuries

If the cause of blackening is trauma, which leads to rupture of pulp vessels and the formation of a hematoma, then during therapy the doctor will evaluate the possibility of treatment based on the signs of pulpitis. If there are no signs of inflammation, then specific treatment not required. But, unfortunately, it is no longer possible to return natural whiteness.

Other Treatments for Teeth Darkening

Currently, it is extremely rare in children that are caused by improper medication use. If a similar problem occurs with the primary incisors, then it will not be possible to solve it before their natural replacement. In this case, oral hygiene will be important to prevent baby teeth from darkening even more.

Changing the color of enamel with fluorosis is not always possible. The main thing in the treatment of such pathology is to stop it further progression by reducing the amount of fluoride consumed. It is impossible to get rid of plaque after the silvering procedure. That's why this procedure not recommended for children school age, since it creates cosmetic defect, which can cause an extremely negative reaction from peers.

Prevention of darkening of teeth

Preventing blackening of teeth in children is not at all difficult. Parents need to remember a few things following rules:

  • It is imperative to monitor the quality of how children brush their teeth. It is necessary to start accustoming the child to this procedure after the first teeth erupt. Correct formation so useful habit With early childhood will certainly help maintain the whiteness of your teeth and their overall health.
  • A nutritious diet plays a role important role in the prevention of blackening. Availability in the diet optimal quantity nutrients, and, in addition, vitamins and minerals several times reduce the risk of developing dental pathologies. To prevent baby teeth from turning black, parents need to limit their child, especially in sweets, carbonated drinks and white pastries, among others. At the same time, your diet should include raw fruits, vegetables and dairy products every day.
  • Correct selection hygiene products are also very important. A baby who is one year old will not be suitable for toothpaste intended for schoolchildren. Needs to be changed regularly toothbrush, choosing it according to age.
  • In places where the fluoride content is drinking water exceeds standard indicators, it is necessary to carefully monitor the quality of the liquid consumed. This is especially true for babies in the first year of life, when bones and teeth are actively forming.
  • Regular visits to the dentist for checkups and professional cleaning makes it possible to promptly avoid tooth blackening.

If it is necessary to treat shallow caries or as part of its prevention, an alternative to silvering is the deep fluoridation procedure. This manipulation avoids the formation of unattractive black plaque and at the same time demonstrates higher efficiency.

Darkening of teeth is alarming to say the least. What does the body want to say by this? Why do teeth become covered with black plaque, and sometimes “dressed up” with blackheads? How to return the natural color to your smile?

Black plaque on teeth: causes

The appearance of dark plaque, one way or another, is associated with a person’s lifestyle. The main causes of blackening of teeth include:

  1. Smoking or excessive love of coffee and strong tea. Almost every person's teeth are covered with a light plaque that is not removed by regular brushing. Nicotine resins, tea and coffee pigments penetrate the plaque that has already accumulated near the edge of the gum, coloring it dark color. Gradually, this mass hardens and firmly adheres to the enamel, turning into tartar.
  2. Poor oral hygiene. Despite the abundance of information regarding proper care for teeth and a huge amount special means For this, many people still fail to cope with a seemingly very simple task. Moreover, some manage to do without brushing their teeth at all. The appearance of a black coating in this case is quite expected.
  3. Availability serious illnesses. The exacerbation of some diseases is accompanied by darkening of the teeth on the inside. Especially often, pathologies of the spleen, liver problems, complicated viral infections, disturbed acid-base balance of the oral cavity, various abscesses.
  4. Long-term use of certain medications. In this sense, tetracycline has proven itself “excellent”. Being a very popular antibiotic, it is often “prescribed” with or without reason: tetracycline is used to treat pneumonia, dysentery, typhus, endocarditis, purulent meningitis, cholecystitis, etc. Among the side effects of the drug is darkening of the teeth, which, by the way, is very and is very poorly bleachable.
  5. Constant contact with heavy metals. Here we'll talk about production necessity: workers at metallurgical enterprises, after years of service, can receive not only a promotion, but also black teeth. The problem is condensate, which contains particles heavy metals. Once in the body, it settles even on the walls internal organs, not to mention the teeth.
  6. Not proper nutrition. Consuming huge amounts of “store-bought” chemicals clearly does not improve the condition of your teeth. Take apples, for example. Quite healthy fruit, if you pick it directly from the tree. But apples from the supermarket are stuffed with various chemical preservatives designed to preserve the product's presentation. Therefore, those who like to organize apple fasting days, especially in the off-season, then run the risk of showing off darkened teeth.
  7. Addiction. This is the most critical case: narcotic substances destroy the body as a whole, not leaving teeth unattended. In such a situation, the chances of returning a healthy smile tend to zero.

Most often, black plaque is observed in adults, but there are exceptions. Sometimes the teeth darken in very young children who have not yet learned to love strong coffee or work with heavy metals. What is the reason? Up to 3 years of age children's body intestinal microflora is formed. The child’s teeth turn black due to normal dysbiosis, which will go away on its own. IN as a last resort– blackened milk teeth will soon be replaced by permanent ones. Naturally, it is necessary to show the baby to the pediatrician: at least for the sake of your own peace of mind.

Why do black spots appear on teeth?

It is very simple to determine the cause of the appearance of blackheads - most likely, it is caries. Another question: which one - just beginning, superficial, or developed to pulpitis? Only a dentist can answer, and you should contact him immediately.

If the holes (fissures) do not go deep into the tooth, then they are very easy to fill. If caries has reached the pulp, then depulpation will have to be carried out and the dental nerve removed. It is advisable to prevent such a development of events, since the tooth becomes lifeless and gradually begins to decay.

It should be understood that it is impossible to whiten blackheads on teeth at home, since this is not a cosmetic defect, but a symptom of a disease.

How to remove plaque from teeth

Any dental problem requires consultation with a dentist, including black plaque. There are many special techniques that allow you to clean your teeth efficiently and harmlessly. Among the most popular procedures are:

1. Ultrasound. A common way to deal with black plaque, since almost every clinic has an ultrasound machine, even not very “fashionable” ones. The cost of treating one tooth ranges from 70 to 150 rubles. Ultrasound allows you to remove long-term hard plaque and tartar without damaging the enamel or causing pain to the patient.

2. Air Flow. The soft plaque from the surface of the teeth is literally washed away using a soda jet apparatus. Disadvantages of Air Flow:

  • short-term effect (less than six months);
  • inability to remove hardened plaque and tartar;
  • weakening of the upper layers of enamel (after the procedure, it is necessary to treat the surface of the teeth with a protective paste);
  • sometimes – increased tooth sensitivity and bleeding gums.

Almost always, Air Flow is combined with ultrasound to enhance the effect. The cost is 3000-4000 thousand rubles.

3. Laser whitening. The only disadvantage of this procedure is the high price (can reach 30,000 rubles). The effect of laser on teeth is painless, does not damage enamel and does not provoke bleeding gums. The result after whitening lasts for 4-5 years.

If you don’t neglect your teeth and consult a dentist in time, these procedures will successfully return the natural color of your smile.

The blackened wisdom tooth deserves special mention. “Eight” is a rudiment that does not perform any functions: it does not participate in the chewing process. Therefore, in case of any problems with the third molar, its removal is most often indicated: this is much easier than treating a useless tooth located in the middle of nowhere.

How to remove black plaque on teeth at home

Although teeth whitening yourself is not the best option, sometimes visiting a dentist is not an option. In this case, you can try one of the folk recipes for yourself:

  • mix 1 tsp. peroxide and soda, apply the resulting product to a cotton pad and gently wipe your teeth with it. After the procedure, you need to rinse your mouth for at least a minute. warm water. Such polishing should not be too frequent so as not to damage the enamel (once a week will be enough);
  • pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. chopped bean skin and burdock root, leave for several hours. The result may not be the most delicious, but it will be a very healthy drink for your teeth. They should “treat themselves” three times a day - 0.3 cups each - until the plaque disappears. Before use, the infusion must be warmed up a little;
  • make your own tooth powder. To do this, you will need to place 2 tbsp on foil. l. dried sage leaves and sea ​​salt. Then the foil should be placed in an oven preheated to 180-2000C and kept there for 25-30 minutes. After this time, you need to remove the mixture from the oven, let it cool and grind it - you will get an excellent tooth powder. They need to be used once every 7 days.

Smokers and coffee lovers can purchase a special toothpaste R.O.C.S. “Coffee and tobacco” (approximately 250 rubles) Its action is aimed at breaking down the basis of protein plaque and whitening pigmentation with nicotine resins. You need to brush your teeth with toothpaste once a day. To enhance the whitening effect, do not rinse your mouth with water.

In addition to new toothpaste, it is advisable to purchase a new toothbrush - an electric one. It cleans plaque much better and even gets rid of tartar. The cost of such a brush is slightly higher than a regular one, but the costs are well worth it.

Black teeth were once very fashionable in Japan, but much water has passed under the bridge since then. IN modern world other standards of beauty and health, and among them is a snow-white smile.


Perfectly beautiful and healthy teeth, the dream of every person. Unfortunately, in the modern world there are many factors that negatively affect the health and appearance of teeth. These reasons are mainly food and/or bad habits, but other factors can also make a smile less attractive (incorrect or outdated treatment, suitable medications). In this regard, the question “The tooth has darkened, what should I do?” currently very relevant.

Effective whitening

Whitening toothpaste will help you whiten your teeth at home. But you can often notice that some whitening products do not cope with their task. In addition, as a rule, they contain harsh abrasive substances that are not effective, but also cause injury. tooth enamel, that leads to negative consequences. Therefore, if your front tooth has darkened, it is best to purchase toothpaste without chemical substances and aggressive bleaches. They differ in effectiveness natural remedies, presented on the American website iHerb.

  • Trademark Jason is the first to offer personal care products without harsh chemicals. This toothpaste has a unique natural composition. Its components are plant extracts, bamboo powder, silicon, and soft polishing agents. The action of the product is simultaneously aimed at removing tartar and gentle whitening. Thanks to natural composition, this toothpaste can be used by both adults and children.
  • This paste contains 23 natural component. Thanks to its unique combination, the product effectively and, most importantly, gently whitens teeth. The concentrated form of the paste allows you to use it in small doses, so the product lasts about 3 times longer.

  • The main component of this toothpaste is xylitol (25%), which restores the natural acid-base balance in the oral cavity, protecting teeth from pathogenic bacteria. Thanks to a special combination natural ingredients, the product gently whitens teeth. This paste is intended for daily use and is suitable for adults and children over 2 years old.

By regularly using the above toothpastes, you can surprise positive result in just two weeks. Many users have confirmed this on personal experience. Teeth become whiter and stronger.

If teeth have darkened, the reasons may be hidden, either in the health of the body or in food. And then it is necessary full examination to identify the source of the disease and eliminate it. After treatment, in most cases, the color of the teeth returns to normal. As a last resort, light whitening is required, which can be done at home.

If only one tooth has darkened, the reasons may be of a different nature or in combination with those listed above. So why did the tooth darken?

The main reasons in this case:

  • spread of caries or development of secondary caries;
  • coloring soft fabric tooth, when filling;
  • transillumination of the material used in the placement or reconstruction of the crown;
  • injury;
  • pulp death;
  • incorrect treatment.

What to do if a tooth has darkened?

Treatment for a darkened tooth depends on the cause that contributed to it.

  1. If a tooth has darkened after treatment (incorrect or outdated) or as a result of pulp necrosis, first of all you need to establish the cause of this phenomenon. Dead pulp cells can “infect” neighboring healthy teeth or spread to the gums. Although dentistry does not stand still, in some small private or public clinics still use outdated materials and technologies. For example, after root canal treatment with resorcinol and formalin, a dark tooth can often be observed. What to do in this case? Unfortunately, it is impossible to whiten teeth treated with this method, and the situation can only be corrected with the help of a crown.
  2. Caries is the most obvious reason if the front tooth has darkened. What to do in this case? The answer to this question is quite obvious. The color of the tooth will be restored after proper treatment and selection of suitable material.
  3. Teeth darkened after antibiotics. If your teeth have darkened due to improper or excessive medication, it is often not possible to completely whiten your teeth. Because bone The tooth becomes thinner, and many whitening methods are excluded.
  4. Teeth darkened by chlorhexidine. Many specialists still recommend rinsing with this drug in case of tooth extraction, opening of an abscess or inflammation of the gums. But spent on this moment studies show that along with the benefits, when taking it, a complication such as “dark tooth” may occur .
  5. What to do about this? If whitening at home, as well as in dental clinic, does not help properly, specialists have now developed a special material that prevents teeth from darkening.
  6. Often the reason is that the tooth hurts and has darkened , there may be an incorrectly performed operation to remove the canal or allergic reaction on the materials used in its course. If this does not go away within 5 days, you need to visit the dentist again.

In the case of a change in the color of one tooth, modern dentists use several types of whitening of the darkened tooth.

  • bleaching inside the canals;
  • tooth restoration with composite materials;
  • using veneer;
  • installation of a crown made of artificial materials.

Modern dentistry does not stand still and every year more and more technologies and materials appear to eliminate various kinds dental problems. Nowadays, it is quite easy to solve the problem of darkened teeth.

And if you visit a specialist regularly, it very rarely occurs. And, of course, you should not hesitate to visit the clinic if you have any suspicions. Any cause is easier to eliminate at an early stage.

For a long time in Japan, black teeth were fashionable. Today, black plaque on teeth is considered a sign of poor health. This is a consequence of many factors that will be discussed in the article.

It is necessary to take a close look at your lifestyle in order to identify and, if possible, eliminate the causes of this pathology. But getting rid of its consequences is a reason to contact a specialist - a dentist - as soon as possible. So:

Factor - food and alcohol

It has been noticed that if you constantly drink strong tea and coffee drinks, the pigments contained in them stain the tooth enamel, which darkens more and more. It is important to remember that for a sweet tooth who overuses desserts, oxidative processes occur in the mouth caused by the decomposition of sucrose.

An imbalance also occurs when eating foods with big amount preservatives. You cannot eat such products uncontrollably! After all, such an environment is excellent for the growth of bacteria, which cause darkening and subsequent destruction of tooth enamel.

Drinks containing alcohol have the same effect on the microflora of the oral cavity. Proper selection and combination of food products, reducing the share of sweets, daily care taking care of your teeth will help reduce the risk of darkening of the enamel.

Factor - smoking

Compound of resins contained in cigarette smoke, with plaque on the teeth creates a rather aggressive environment.

This combination leads to destruction of the enamel surface. Many people have noticed that smokers' teeth take on a yellowish and eventually brownish tint.

Such people require especially careful dental care.

Factor - non-compliance with personal hygiene rules

If you neglect the simple requirements for cleanliness of the oral cavity, then gradually food debris will form plaque, which will lead to blackening of the enamel.

Factor - diseases

The most common cause among diseases is caries. Black dots appear first. Then the enamel darkens noticeably. Shades can be very different - from light brown to completely black.

Another reason is endemic fluorosis, which forms in childhood and is associated with an excess of fluoride in consumed water. As a result, this leads to the appearance dark spots, destruction of dentin and enamel.

It is known that drug treatment has side effects. So medications containing iron and tetracycline for long-term use can lead to darkening of tooth enamel.

Factor - injuries

There are cases when darkening of teeth occurs as a result of severe trauma. In this case, the activity of blood vessels and nerves is disrupted, which leads to tissue necrosis. The tooth becomes dead and turns black.

All these problems can and should be dealt with. Daily oral hygiene, improving the health of the entire body, proper nutrition and regular visits to the dentist will help keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. The main thing to remember is that prevention is better than cure.