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Dextrose application. What is dextrose? Composition and application. Use in childhood

Dextrose is a simple carbohydrate obtained from corn. It has many uses in food and medicine, including as a sweetener and also as a treatment low level blood sugar and dehydration.

Dextrose is a simple sugar made from corn. It is similar to fructose and is chemically identical to glucose, which is blood sugar.

Simple carbohydrates, including dextrose, fructose and glucose, are found in foods such as table sugar, honey and bread.

Dextrose is described on Wikipedia as often found in food products a substance used as an artificial sweetener and in ingredients such as corn syrup.

Doctors may use dextrose to raise blood sugar levels when they are too low.

Dextrose can also be combined with other substances if it is taken as an injection.

Is dextrose good or bad?

The body processes it very quickly simple carbohydrates to use them for energy, this is how dextrose is processed. This imposes its own nuances on the further process: if the consumption of simple carbohydrates (and in particular dextrose) is too high, the body will store the excess as fat.

The body needs simple carbohydrates for energy, but consuming too many of them can lead to increased risk the following problems:

  • weight gain;
  • heart diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • acne and other skin problems;
  • little energy;
  • depression.

However, there are times when using dextrose does more good than harm to a person.

Application in medicine

Doctors use dextrose for a variety of reasons. Indications for use in medical practice:

  • to quickly increase blood sugar;
  • intoxication;
  • for the treatment of dehydration;
  • parenteral nutrition;
  • to provide nutrition in combination with amino acids and other substances.

For patients who may have low blood sugar, doctors may recommend carrying dextrose tablets with them. These tablets dissolve quickly and the body quickly absorbs the dextrose. Once a person with low blood sugar takes dextrose tablets, the sugar level quickly rises to the desired level.

Doctors may also combine dextrose with many other fluids to intravenous administration. For example, they may combine dextrose with saline to treat dehydration.

Some medical problems may cause a person to be unable to eat or absorb nutrients in the usual way. This can lead to malnutrition. In such cases of malnutrition, nutrients are given through an IV and a venous catheter, which is a tube inserted into the large vein. They can choose total parenteral nutrition or partial parenteral nutrition using solutions containing dextrose.

Total parenteral nutrition satisfies all human nutritional needs, and partial parenteral nutrition complements nutrition.

Use in food

Dextrose is a sugar isolated from corn and sometimes other plants. Its primary use in food is as a sweetener, especially in bakery products. Due to its wide availability, packaged foods also usually contain dextrose.

In addition to this use, dextrose neutralizes overly salty or spicy tastes.

Some companies add dextrose to certain foods to extend their shelf life.

Other uses

Dextrose has many other uses and is integral part many everyday products, including:

  • bath products;
  • skin care products;
  • hair care products;
  • pet food.

Some bodybuilders use dextrose as a post-workout supplement to replenish glycogen stores. Glycogen is a form of glucose that the body uses to store energy. During intense training, glycogen reserves are reduced.

Many bodybuilders take dextrose in tablet or powder form, which is added to water and drunk after a workout to replenish these glycogen stores as quickly as possible, which helps with muscle recovery. During the recovery process, the muscles increase strength and size, which is necessary for bodybuilders.

Side effects and risks

Dextrose is generally safe to consume, but does have some potential risks and side effects.

Side effects of using too much dextrose include:

  • rapid breathing;
  • excessive thirst;
  • diarrhea;
  • fluid in the lungs;
  • low magnesium levels;
  • confusion;
  • loss of consciousness.

Doctors should exercise caution when prescribing dextrose to people with certain medical conditions.

Using dextrose can cause dangerously high blood sugar levels or fluid in the body, which can lead to swelling and fluid in the lungs.

People with the following problems should avoid dextrose:

  • high blood sugar;
  • swelling of the arms, legs;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • low potassium levels in the blood.

Those taking dextrose should carefully monitor their blood sugar levels to avoid excessive increases.

Symptoms high sugar in blood:

  • thirst;
  • sweet smell;
  • confusion;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • frequent urination;
  • fatigue;
  • stomach upset;
  • ragged breathing.

Preparations with dextrose

Preparations with dextrose are available in the form:

These drugs are usually available with a prescription.

The dose of dextrose consumption should be determined by a doctor. Instructions for use during parenteral nutrition:

  • for adults - 4-6 grams per kilogram of weight;
  • for children - 6 grams per kilogram of weight.


Dextrose is a simple carbohydrate obtained from corn and other vegetables. It has many uses, including sweetening and extending the shelf life of many foods.

Bodybuilders can use dextrose. Doctors use dextrose to treat many conditions, including dehydration and low blood sugar.

Dextrose is effective treatment low blood sugar. It is inexpensive and widely available, making it an excellent choice for people who are prone to experiencing episodes of low blood sugar. However, it is important to carefully monitor your blood sugar levels when using dextrose to avoid raising them excessively.

This article uses materials from Medical News Today magazine.

Dextrose is a monosaccharide that is a dextrorotatory optical isomer of the ordinary glucose molecule. It is in this form that glucose is found in the cells of the body, as well as in the cells of berries and fruits. In medicine, dextrose is designated as d-glucose, which is actively involved in all metabolic processes human body, however, the most important of them is to ensure the antitoxic function of the liver, as well as the redox reactions of the body.

In the form of monosaccharides, only d-glucose and d-fructose, which are carbohydrates, exist in nature. All other carbohydrates known to science can exist only in the form of disaccharides and polysaccharides.

We will learn more about what dextrose is from this article.

Action of the substance

Cells inner surface The human intestines are capable of absorbing exclusively those carbohydrates that are monosaccharides, namely dextrose. In this regard, the process of digesting food is that the bonds between the molecules of simple sugars are destroyed. Simple sugars are found in carbohydrates, which have a polysaccharide as well as an oligosaccharide structure. Everywhere there is dextrose in the composition.

For example, the well-known refined sugar consists of molecules of fructose and dextrose, which in this case are a kind of chemical compound. Once in the intestines, sugar is split into two separate molecules - fructose and dextrose, which, after such splitting, enter the blood.

Dextrose can be conditionally called a “super-fast” carbohydrate, because its absorption occurs directly in the oral cavity and is instantly absorbed into the blood. This substance does not require digestion or breakdown, because it is a monosaccharide, that is, it consists of one molecule.

Benefits for the brain

Dextrose is the only carbohydrate used by the cells of the human body to obtain energy, and it is transported along with the bloodstream to every cell, to every organ, including the brain. It is in this way that the human body receives the necessary energy for its existence and functioning. This energy is spent in large quantities on the implementation brain activity, muscle contraction, heart function, digestive system, respiratory system, as well as tissue regeneration.

For the normal performance of its functions, the brain needs to receive about 120 grams of this substance daily.

What is dextrose is interesting to many.

Drugs and release forms

In pharmacology, there are a huge number of drugs that make up the group of carbohydrate nutrition drugs. They are used, as a rule, for the purpose of rehydration and detoxification of the body.

Release form of dextrose preparations:

In the form of an isotonic solution for infusion;


Hyperlactic acidemia;

Impaired glucose utilization ( common occurrence after surgical interventions);


Use with caution to treat patients with chronic renal failure, as well as in the event of conditions that are accompanied by hyponatremia.

Side effects of dextrose and overdose

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated, but there are cases when dextrose infusions cause problems. water-salt balance in the body, the development of fever, hypervolemia, hyperglycemia, hypomagnesemia and other disorders, acute ventricular failure. The first symptoms of a dextrose overdose are:



Violation of water and electrolyte balance.

If these or other undesirable reactions of the body to the administration of dextrose occur, the patient should immediately stop the infusion, and then administer the required dose of insulin. Further treatment side effects dextrose or its overdose should be symptomatic.

How to use?

Intravenous jet use - 10% solution in a volume of 10-50 ml.

Parenteral administration for adults with normal metabolism: do not exceed the permissible daily dose 4-6 g per kg, on average - 200-400 g per day. If the metabolism is slow, the dose is reduced. The rate of administration is recommended for an adult with normal metabolism - 0.25-0.5 g per kg per hour, with reduced metabolism - no more than 0.125-0.25 g per kg per hour.

As parenteral nutrition for children, on the first day it is suggested to use a dose of 6 g per kg, subsequently - up to 15 g per kg of weight.

Special instructions for the use of dextrose

In order to improve the absorption of this substance by the body, in cases of its use in high doses, experts recommend prescribing to the patient therapeutic dose insulin.

When using sodium dextrose chloride, its pharmacological compatibility with other medicines. For patients suffering various forms diabetes mellitus, dextrose should be administered while monitoring its content in the patient’s blood and urine.

Use of dextrose during pregnancy and breastfeeding not contraindicated. It does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions, and also does not exclude the patient’s ability to control vehicle or carry out activities related to high concentration attention.

What dextrose is is now clear.

Our lives are closely integrated with various healthy supplements, many of which are called very unusual words, for example, dextrose in Food Industry – sounds creepy, doesn’t it? But in fact, it is ordinary glucose, or, as it is also called, grape sugar. But despite its apparent simplicity, dextrose is very important and is often used as an additive in the food industry.

What is dextrose?

This is an ordinary saccharide, the second name of which you have probably heard at least once. Getting it is quite simple, with the help of a couple chemical experiments available White powder, which is subsequently sent to various factories that are part of the food industry network of our country.

There are monohydride and antihydride glucose. The division is quite symbolic, especially considering that there are no special differences between them. However, the third type of glucose allows you to avoid unwanted consequences when introducing large amounts of glucose into the body. This type is very often used in medicine, while the rest are used in the food industry.

Where exactly is dextrose used?

Dextrose in the food industry used in the following areas:

  • Production of non-standard nutrition (sports, dietary and medicinal) and various biological additives.

  • Manufacturing confectionery. Bars and candies to which glucose has been added have more rich taste and the color of the filling; in addition, they retain their softness longer.

  • Many soft drinks contain glucose, which to a certain extent modifies the taste to what we are used to. It is important to understand that she does not change him in any way or “kill him” - on the contrary, she supports him, showing the most subtle notes.

  • There is even glucose in canned food - however, it does not add taste to them, but simply preserves the natural color, which looks much more pleasant.

  • Bakery products also contain glucose, which is added during the fermentation of sugar. The taste and aroma of bread, as well as the certain color of the crust, are all due to glucose.

  • Dextrose is also included in dairy products, although only in sweet forms, for example, in yoghurts.

  • Sugar in ice cream is also often replaced with dexrose (this helps save up to 30% of sugar in production). This is important: Dextrose lowers the freezing point of ice cream, giving it a more palatable texture. Important: you cannot replace all sucrose with dextrose, since such ice cream will melt too quickly and will not taste as pleasant.

As you can see, dextrose is needed by almost every entrepreneur who has decided to open his own business in the food industry. Of course, this does not mean that glucose should be sprinkled everywhere: just consult with knowledgeable person so that he can roughly tell you the amount of raw materials needed and give him some freedom of action. This will be much better: you will be able to devote time to organizing production, while a specialist will add dextrose and other substances.

Transportation of dextrose

When transporting dextrose, no additional safety requirements are required. It is enough to pour dextrose into special multi-layer bags (so that they do not tear during transportation) and load them into a regular car.

Additional precautions are unnecessary due to the complete safety of the substance. Instead of bags, you can use special containers for transporting bulk substances - it all depends on your wishes and the capabilities of the supplier.

Learn more about dextrose at the exhibition

Like most modern developments, the possibility of using dextrose in this and other areas of human life is constantly being studied: it’s just difficult to follow all the news. But the way out is simply to periodically visit specialized exhibitions, one way or another related to the food industry. For example, the exhibition of equipment for the food industry Agroprodmash.

Fairgrounds Expocentre very often organizes such exhibitions in its pavilions - to visit you just need to come there at the specified time. The forum can tell you about several ways to reduce dextrose consumption, and modern equipment will allow you to automate any process of adding it to the final product.

Glucose (dextrose) is fruit sugar, which is part of most fruit juices. It is a very important chemical compound that takes part in many vital processes of the body. IN normal conditions the substance is colorless crystals. Dextrose has a sweet taste and is highly soluble in water and concentrated sulfuric acid. The density of the substance is 1.54 grams per cubic centimeter.

Properties of matter

In nature, glucose is formed as a result of photosynthesis, and in industry it is obtained through the hydrolysis of starch. The compound exhibits high chemical activity. Reacts well with oxygen, forming gluconic acid. With further oxidation, glucuronic and then glucaric acid can be obtained. In reactions with metal-containing salts and metal oxides, it exhibits the properties of a strong reducing agent. In particular, it is used to isolate pure silver from its oxide.

Connection plays vital role in the production of energy to ensure metabolic processes in the cells of the body. It can be oxidized in an aerobic environment, releasing large amounts of biological energy. In living organisms, glucose accumulates in the form of glycogen, in plants - in the form of starch. They also consist of its derivative, cellulose. cell membranes all higher plants common on planet Earth.

Dextrose monohydrate refers to monosaccharide carbons that are used in the food industry. By appearance it is a white sweet powder. It is used as a flavoring additive in the production of chocolate, candies, cookies, cakes and other confectionery products. It is used in the alcohol industry, and is also included in sweet drinks and canned fruits.

In medicine, the substance is used to obtain vitamin C, antibiotics and drugs to support the body during serious illnesses. In this case, dissolved glucose is administered to patients intravenously. The compound is well absorbed by any cells of the body, so it can be delivered internally in any way. Food dextrose is obtained by treating starch with hydrolysis.

How to get glucose?

Glucose is quite easy to obtain at home. To do this, you need to take starch paste and mix it with ten percent sulfuric acid. For a glass of paste you will need no more than two teaspoons of acid. The resulting solution should be placed on low heat and stirred constantly. About 15 minutes after the start of heating, you need to take a couple of drops of the solution for testing and drop diluted iodine on them. If blue or red coloration occurs, heating must be continued.

If the color has not changed, then the first stage is over. You need to add 10-15 grams of powdered chalk to the solution to neutralize acidic environment. The resulting liquid must be put on fire so that about two-thirds of the water evaporates from it. The remaining solution must be filtered through several layers of gauze, and then continue evaporation until a caramel-like mass is formed.

The resulting substance will be glucose. Buying dextrose on an industrial scale is also not difficult. You can find on the Internet a large number of proposals from manufacturing companies or their official representatives. The average price is 70 thousand rubles per ton, but with large wholesale purchases you can find a better offer.

Use of glucose in medicine

Dextrose solution can be used as a biological medium for the cultivation of microorganisms. This is used in medicine to find cures for various serious diseases. This approach is also used in the food industry to create colonies of bacteria beneficial to the human body, which are part of fermented milk products.

The compound is widely used in medicine to obtain various medicines. Potassium dextrose, sodium chloride, sodium chloride citrate is used for dehydration of the body to restore water and electrolyte balance. The drug is used internally by dissolving the powder in a glass of water. Prescribed for significant loss of moisture during the day as a result of physical activity or poisoning of the body.

The solution also helps to cope well with the consequences of heat strokes and overheating of the body. The concentration of the drug in water is selected depending on the patient’s condition. The worse it is, the correspondingly higher it should be mass fraction powder in solution. You need to drink the resulting liquid 50 milliliters over 4-6 hours at intervals of 5-10 minutes.

Dextrose citrate is used during transfusion to prevent clotting. donated blood. However, under no circumstances should it be injected directly into a vein. The drug is intended for use in a plasmacytopheresis apparatus. Also, the substance cannot be mixed with any other medicines, since laboratory conditions the method of their interaction has not been established.

Citrate should not be used if the patient has liver problems and certain diseases blood. This substance cannot be found on the open market, since it is intended exclusively for specialized medical equipment and doesn't have practical application for other purposes.

Dextrose is a medicine used for carbohydrate deficiency and for the treatment of intoxication, dehydration and hypoglycemia.

Pharmacological action of Dextrose

5% Dextrose solution (isotonic) has a metabolic and detoxifying effect and is a source of easily digestible valuable nutrient– in the process of glucose metabolism in tissues, a large amount of energy is released, which is necessary for the life of the body.

10% solution (hypertonic) helps to increase osmotic pressure blood, improvement metabolic processes substances and antitoxic function of the liver, increased myocardial contractility, vasodilation and increased diuresis.

Dextrose is involved in many metabolic processes in the body, improving the antitoxic function of the liver. The medication helps to partially compensate for water deficiency. Entering the tissues, Dextrose is phosphorylated, converting into glucose-6-phosphate. It is actively involved in many parts of metabolism and enhances redox processes.

Dextrose is completely absorbed by the body and is not excreted by the kidneys (the presence of the drug in the urine is considered a pathological sign).

Composition, release form and analogues

The drug Dextrose is produced in the form of a 5% and 10% solution for infusion in bottles or vials of 100 ml.

Dextrose analogues active substance The medications are Glucose and Glucosteril. In some cases, one of the drug analogues that has a similar therapeutic effect: Infuzolipol, Aminoven, Hymix, Aminosol-Neo, Aminocrovin, Dipeptiven, Hydramine, Infusamine, Kabiven, Aminotrof, Lipofundin, Nephrotect, SMOFlipid, Omegaven, Polyamine, Fibrinosol, Oliclinomel.

Indications for use

Dextrose according to the instructions is prescribed for insufficient carbohydrate nutrition, as well as for the treatment of:

  • Toxic infections;
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • Hypoglycemia;
  • Intoxication due to liver diseases - liver dystrophy and atrophy, hepatitis, liver failure;
  • Dehydration – vomiting, diarrhea, and also in the postoperative period;
  • Intoxication;
  • Collapse and shock.

In addition, Dextrose is used as a component of many anti-shock and blood replacement fluids.


Contraindications to the administration of Dextrose are:

  • Diabetes;
  • Hyperglycemia;
  • Acute left ventricular failure;
  • Hyperlactic acidemia;
  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Postoperative disorders of glucose utilization;
  • Overhydration;
  • Edema of the brain and lungs;
  • Coma.

Caution is required when prescribing Dextrose against the background of:

  • Chronic renal failure(oligo-, anuria);
  • Decompensated heart failure;
  • Hyponatremia.

According to indications, nursing and pregnant women are allowed to prescribe 5% and 10% solutions of the drug.

Directions for use and dosage

A 5% Dextrose solution is administered intravenously. Maximum speed– up to 150 drops per minute. Adult daily dosage should not exceed 2 liters of medicine. The 10% solution should be administered at a rate of up to 60 drops per minute. The maximum daily volume is 1 liter. A 10% Dextrose solution in a volume of 10-50 ml is usually administered intravenously.

When using Dextrose as parenteral nutrition for adults with normal metabolism, the daily dosage should not exceed 4-6 g per 1 kg of weight (about 250-450 g), and with a reduced intensity of metabolic processes, the administered amount of medication should be reduced to 200-300 g .

For parenteral nutrition, in addition to fats and amino acids, children must be given 6 g of Dextrose solution per 1 kg of body weight per day on the first day, then up to 15 g. When calculating the dosage, the permissible volume of injected fluid should be taken into account. With weight (ml per 1 kg):

  • 2-10 kg – 100-165 ml;
  • 10-40 kg - 45-100 ml.

The rate of administration is no more than 0.75 g per 1 kg of body weight per hour.

Against the background of diabetes mellitus, the administration of a medication solution is possible only under the control of its content in the urine and blood.

For more complete absorption of the medicine administered into large doses, insulin is usually prescribed along with it (for 4-5 g of Dextrose 1 IU of insulin).

In case of an overdose of the medication, hyperglycemia, glucosuria, and water-electrolyte imbalance may develop. If such symptoms occur, you should stop using the medication and administer insulin, after which symptomatic therapy should be carried out.

Side effects

When using Dextrose solution, the following may develop:

  • Hyperglycemia;
  • Violation of water and electrolyte balance;
  • Hypervolemia;
  • Fever;
  • Acute left ventricular failure.

Drug interactions

The instructions indicate that when using Dextrose simultaneously with other medications, their drug compatibility should be visually monitored.

Storage conditions for Dextrose

Dextrose is one of the medications for parenteral use prescription with a shelf life of 36 months. Recommended storage temperature is not higher than 25 °C.