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Femoral neck fracture: surgery and rehabilitation period. Comminuted fracture of the femur: treatment and rehabilitation

According to statistics, women who are at the age of menopause are most often exposed to it. But other categories of people also have something to worry about. main reason injuries - old age. The older a person is, the higher the risk of a very serious disease - osteoporosis.

This is the term doctors use to describe a disorder of bone tissue structure due to a decrease in its density. Bone thinned by osteoporosis breaks even with relatively mild force or impact.

What are the causes of this condition and who may be at risk? Its development is provoked by such serious illnesses like diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, bone tissue infections. The immediate likelihood of falling increases poor eyesight, multiple sclerosis and senile dementia.

Mechanism of fractures of the femur or directly the body of the femur

Traumatic hip fracture is when a fairly severe injury occurs associated with painful shock and disconnected by loss of blood.

Types of femur fracture

With conservative treatment, as well as with skeletal traction, rehabilitation is similar:

In the first days, they begin with a set of breathing exercises and simple exercises to prevent bedsores. It must be remembered that the affected limb must be completely immobilized to prevent displacement of fragments.

Gradually, as the bone callus forms, exercise therapy exercises expand. Therapeutic massage is added to the complex of rehabilitation measures.

Physiotherapeutic methods have found widespread use in the recovery period: electrophoresis and UHF with calcium preparations, paraffin or ozokerite applications.

2-2.5 months after X-ray confirmation of fusion, rehabilitation can be continued at home. Therapeutic exercises are continued to restore muscles and range of motion, first in a sitting position, and only after 6 months is walking with support on the injured limb allowed.

The rehabilitation period after a hip fracture treated with surgery is reduced significantly. On the first day, breathing exercises are also performed, and the doctor makes passive movements in the affected limb.

After just a week, you are allowed to get out of bed without supporting your sore leg.

After 2 weeks, the patient is already stepping on the injured limb. Further recovery can be carried out at home; exercises are individually selected for the most effective and quick recovery.

The femur bone is the largest tubular bone in the human body. It is divided into the following departments:

  • upper end section (epiphysis);
  • lower end section;
  • central section (diaphysis);

In this regard, hip fracture is divided into three types.

Signs of a hip fracture

If you fell and felt sharp pain in the groin area, you cannot rise - this does not always mean that you have broken your femoral neck. Perhaps it is a dislocation or severe bruise.

Only an x-ray will clarify the exact picture. Sometimes a serious joint injury is diagnosed implicitly, and the patient does not rush to see a doctor.

But if the femoral neck is broken, this tactic is fraught with dangerous complications.

Large punctures may occur blood vessels bone fragments, accumulation in articular capsule blood, necrosis of the joint head. The mild pain keeps growing, and the patient is often admitted to the hospital in critical condition.

Reliable signs are outward rotation of the foot. On a broken leg, the foot is unnaturally twisted, which can be seen in supine position(the patient is on his back).

Attempts to move or rotate the foot are accompanied by severe pain in the broken joint. The same applies to light tapping on the heel.

The affected leg becomes shorter than the healthy leg by several centimeters (from two to five) due to contraction of the buttock muscles.

Another sign is called “stuck heel.” The leg can be bent and straightened at the knee, but not lifted from the bed. When trying to turn the body, a characteristic crunch is heard.

If these symptoms are ignored, the matter will end in best case scenario disability, or, at worst, death. Therefore, the slightest suspicion of a femoral neck fracture requires urgent treatment at a medical institution.

How to provide first aid for fractures? Alas, this misfortune can happen to one of us or our loved ones at any moment. Therefore, it is important to have an idea of ​​what to do in similar cases.

The classic measure is splinting. In case of fractures, the victim should be given an anesthetic (if available).

The next step is to apply a Dieterichs splint. If you don’t have one at hand, you will need any two items of suitable length and shape.

The application of a splint for femoral neck fractures is carried out as follows. One of them (or any long object) is applied from the armpit to the outside of the ankle.

The shorter one is from the groin to the inside of the ankle. The foot should be fixed at a right angle.

Of course, all these measures are only temporary, until the doctor arrives. Qualified help for fractures is possible only in a hospital.

The location of the damage will determine what signs appear.

If the upper end is fractured, the following symptoms will be observed:

  • pain of varying intensity;
  • increased pain when standing on the heel of a broken leg;
  • reduction in the length of the damaged limb;
  • inability to lift the injured limb off the bed without assistance;
  • when the victim is positioned on his back, the limb is turned outward;
  • a crunching sound is heard while moving the broken leg.

Damage to the femoral diaphysis most often occurs at a young age: the body of the bone is broken under the influence of a heavy blow, for example, in an accident or during sports activities.

The peculiarity of the anatomical structure of this area contributes to the formation of debris and their displacement. Large muscles will pull them towards themselves, which will lead to injury to nearby fibers and blood vessels.

Nerve trunks are damaged, and large blood loss is possible.

Symptoms of damage to the femoral shaft:

  • severe pain that intensifies when moving the affected limb;
  • reduction in leg length;
  • mobility of a limb where it should not be;
  • deformation in the area of ​​injury;
  • unnatural leg position;
  • swelling, hematoma at the site of injury;
  • pain shock.

Important! Comminuted fractures worsen the prognosis for recovery and complicate treatment. Timely first aid can correct the situation and improve recovery from injury.

When the lower end of the thigh is damaged, the structure of the knee is disrupted. The reasons include a bad fall or a blow. A fracture occurs with or without displacement of the fragments.

The following symptoms indicate a hip fracture in the lower part:

  • pain in the knee, lower thigh even without movement;
  • pain increases even with slight movement, for example, when changing position in bed;
  • the joint of the diseased knee increases significantly in volume;
  • the function of movement and support of the affected leg cannot be performed.

A knee joint injury is a very serious injury. Incorrect treatment and illiterate recovery make the victim disabled.

Symptoms of the hip group

Like any other damage to bone tissue, this injury is accompanied by the development of serious pain. The main location of discomfort is the groin area.

Here the pain is progressive. When the femoral neck is fractured, the leg is visually shortened.

This is caused by a reflex contraction of muscle mass. Tense muscles automatically pull the limb upward, reducing its length.

A direct sign of injury is the inability to raise the leg in a supine position. At the same time, the foot may turn outward unnaturally.

In the best case, it will only be possible to slightly bend the limb at the knee.

Sometimes when a hip fracture occurs, the pain is quite bearable. While maintaining the ability to lean on the leg, the victim may assume that the discomfort is caused by a dislocation or bruise.

The result of untimely identification of the problem and lack of appropriate therapy often results in complications in the form of suppuration, inflammation of soft tissues, necrosis of bones and joints.

To avoid disability, at the first suspicion of a hip fracture, it is recommended to go to the hospital.

A person with a hip bone fracture is worried about painful fractures in the hip joint and thigh area. If a fracture occurs with symptoms, pain at rest, treatment or minor pain, much of the above during movement.

Palpation or fracture is accompanied by dull sensations in the middle of the hip.

During a vertical bone fracture, the pain becomes quite severe, and it intensifies with palpation and any clinical tests in the hip joint.

Traumatized, long-term trochanteric fractures of the femur are less mobile than predicted, people with neck fractures have, and they also suffer from severe upper acute pain, everything is subjective, their damage to the end is quite severe.

Surgical treatment

If the hip joint is broken, treatment can be conservative or surgical. The first type is used when there are strict contraindications for surgery, for example, heart disease.

When the issue is resolved surgically is impossible, plaster casting of the joint (in medical language called immobilization) and skeletal traction with a special traction apparatus are performed.

Until the bones have completely fused, it is strictly forbidden to lean on the injured leg, otherwise the recovery process will be disrupted. You should carefully follow all the doctor’s instructions, overcoming fear and pain if necessary. In this case, health will be restored faster.

After a week or ten days, the patient will be able to assume a sitting position, which will slightly alleviate his condition. Although bed rest will have to be observed for another six months on average.

Most doctors are unanimous: if you have a hip fracture, surgery is mandatory, and urgent. Conducted in the first days (from 3 to 5), it significantly increases the chance of successful recovery.

It is known that fresh fractures heal the fastest. If the head of the joint is not fixed in time, deprived of blood supply, it undergoes spontaneous resorption.

In such situations, operations may vary. One type is osteosynthesis.

This option is considered if there is a fracture of the pelvic bones, and in some other difficult cases. It is done under general anesthesia.

The surgeon, having made an incision, connects the bone fragments into correct position bones and tightens them with screws. After some time, the patient is able to walk on crutches.

When the fracture heals, another operation is performed to remove the screws. Shown this procedure only patients relatively young and in not the most severe cases.

Another, more modern type of surgery is called endoprosthetics and involves replacing a broken bone with an implant. This is a completely new technology, called a breakthrough into the future.

Endoprosthesis replacement is feasible even for the most complex fractures. According to the results, the patient is able to sit down within a day, and walk on crutches after three.

Some restrictions exist for about 6 months, then the person returns to a full life.

It is extremely rare to eliminate the consequences of a hip fracture without surgery. Specific Features blood circulation in the represented area of ​​the skeletal apparatus complicates the fusion of bones. There are several options for dealing with a hip fracture operational recovery tissue integrity:

  1. Osteosynthesis. This surgical intervention involves fixing the bone in the area of ​​the fracture. Metal screws are used as elements that connect damaged areas of tissue. The method does not guarantee successful bone fusion in victims over the age of 60-65 years. Therefore, such an operation is used to treat young people. In this case, how much does rehabilitation after hip fracture surgery take? A set of exercises allows you to restore limb mobility within 4-5 months.
  2. Endoprosthetics. This is a surgical procedure aimed at replacing part of the hip joint with an implant. Both the head of the bone and the entire joint can be subjected to prosthetics. To perform the procedure, high-strength implants made of titanium or cobalt-chrome are used. Currently, this option is practically the only chance for elderly people to restore normal limb functionality. About a week after endoprosthetics, a person can already perform simple leg movements, and in some cases, walk on crutches.

During admission to the victim, novocaine is injected into the hip or fracture, that is, an anesthetic, to relieve pain from the hip. Subsequent hip methods are determined by the doctor in accordance with the fracture of the given fracture, as well as the patient’s well-being.

If a intra-articular fracture is located, preferably the area where surgical treatment is carried out, fusion occurs in seventy femoral cases. Contraindications to the transition may include complex basicervical diseases, as well as the elderly cervix of an injured person.

Old age bones with a fracture of the femoral neck, and any other existing fractures at the top cause a higher incidence of extra-articular complications during prolonged femoral treatment. Victims also suffer from pneumonia and bedsores. There is the development of thromboembolism.

So that there is a significant number of trochanters when choosing a method for bones of such victims, intertrochanteric universal principle is necessary - ensuring intertrochanteric mobility of the patient in combination with fractures in specific conditions by immobilization anywhere in the legs.

In this case, if the patient’s well-being is high enough, it is possible to undergo surgery, they perform some kind of three-lobed fixation, or bone autoplasty.

If a hip fracture occurs, there is either a risk of traumatic shock. Palpation preventive anti-shock actions of movement contain anesthesia. If there is significant blood loss, then blood transfusions and blood substitutes are painful.

Time is not used heavily in plaster in the first stages, since with its sensations it is impossible to hold the fragments in the hip position. The main treatments for fractures are skeletal mid-section, external fixation devices and vertical, that is, surgery.

Contraindications to treatment during a fracture of the area are complex concomitant joints, wounds affected by infection, and the general complex condition is aggravated as a result of concomitant trauma.

The hips are contraindications for surgery, then the fracture should undergo skeletal traction for six to twelve weeks.

A special one for such a skeletal structure is introduced through the condyles of a strong or tibial tuberosity. The victim is placed on a special one, the injured leg is placed on any Belera. The size of the load in hip fracture tests is determined by the feel of the fracture and the nature of the displacement.

The load on the joint can be increased in people with excellent functional mobility. The average load at the hip stage of treatment is approximately a trochanteric kilogram.

As the fracture is removed, the load is reduced. Then the injured persons are relieved of the traction on the injured mobility by placing a plaster bandage on the hips for up to four months.

Much more rehabilitative aspects:

  • injured in time and well-chosen exercises and suffer;
  • psychological mood of the patient;
  • less comfort for the patient.

This treatment method includes casting and skeletal traction. These methods differ from each other and have their own advantages and disadvantages. Only the doctor decides which one to use.

A plaster cast is used when there is a non-displaced fracture or when other treatment methods are not possible. The plaster is applied to the entire lower limb, including a little part of the buttocks and abdomen.

The immobile state of the affected person will last approximately 3-4 months. It all depends on the severity of the damage.

The consequences of such a prolonged immobile state in some cases are very serious. The lungs will begin to congest, muscle fibers throughout the body will atrophy, thrombosis will begin in the lower extremities.

Older people have the most difficulty with this type of treatment. In difficult situations, death is possible soon.

Traction is prescribed for damage with displacement of debris. A special knitting needle is inserted in the area of ​​the knee joint, to which a load is attached, and the limb is placed on a splint.

This traction lasts from 2 to 3 months, that is, there is also long-term immobility of the injured person. This is an indispensable condition: for the bone to heal properly, it should not have any load.

Attention! Even in bed rest, it is possible to engage in physical therapy. This will lift your spirits, improve your well-being, and restore the victim’s faith in a speedy recovery.

When you are in traction, you can begin classes, a physical therapy specialist will show you simple exercises for independent execution. A stick hanging over the bed helps a lot.

With its help, the patient sits on the boat himself and performs some exercises, especially those that help prevent the occurrence of bedsores.

This type of treatment helps to avoid many complications that occur with conservative therapy, for example, reduction in leg length. When performing surgery, the surgeon has the opportunity to more accurately restore the structure of the hip. He will more accurately compare the debris and record them.

If the femoral neck is damaged, joint replacement is used. This is good for older patients. Their bones grow more slowly; with conventional therapy, they would spend a lot of time in the hospital.

Surgical intervention allows the victim to get out of bed within a week and gradually begin to walk on crutches. The success of the surgical method depends on many factors.

The quality of bone tissue and timely first aid play a big role. The age of the victim matters, because in older people, fractures heal very slowly.

Contraindications to surgical method treatment of fractures and other injuries of the femur is the senile age of the affected person, some severe chronic diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, renal failure, gout, heart disease, blood vessels.

Pain relief medication support

As rehabilitation progresses, the victim has to overcome a whole lot of pain. To avoid discomfort during the recovery period, the patient is prescribed to take effective analgesics. If pain syndrome is unbearable, local anesthesia is prescribed in the form of intramuscular injections.

Any determines, even vitamins, have contraindications and side effects, the methods should assign them only as well.

Rehabilitation after hip fracture treatment includes mainly therapy strictly at the prescribed level:

  • local anesthesia (“Lidocaine”, “Danny”);
  • sleeping pills and sedatives (infusion of the patient, valerian, Novopassit);
  • drugs that break the blood flow (Vinpocetine, Picamilon, acid);
  • anticoagulants (“Fragmin”, “Fracture”, “Clexane”).

Self-prescription of any of the surgical drugs without the participation of a doctor is unacceptable. Everything will be provided and the dosages will be prescribed by doctors. Following this recommendation is subject to serious consequences.

First aid

With this type of injury, such as an open fracture, it is more difficult to provide first aid than with a closed one (when the skin is not broken). Thanks to timely, competent first aid for a fracture of the femur, it is possible to prevent complications and improve the well-being of the victim.


  • call emergency doctors;
  • provide a comfortable position for the injured person. Do not move it to another place, do not move the injured leg, this will only complicate the situation;
  • give painkillers;
  • stop the bleeding. A pressure bandage or tourniquet will help to do this;
  • If possible, clean the wound from blood with a sterile napkin or clean cloth, and keep the surface of the wound clean until the doctors arrive;
  • apply cold to hematomas, this will reduce hemorrhage and reduce swelling;
  • The fracture cannot be reduced; the leg must be immobilized. As a last resort, bandage it to the board in several places;
  • the victim may lose consciousness from traumatic shock or blood loss; in such a case, one must be prepared ammonia;
  • If ambulance did not arrive, arrange for the victim to be transported to the emergency room.

Important! If a tourniquet is used to stop bleeding, be sure to leave information about the time it was applied. If there is no piece of paper to write on, you need to write on the victim’s leg or clothing. There is no need to hope for memorization.

When there are no special medical splints to immobilize the leg, and it is also impossible to find available materials, then you can bandage the damaged limb to the healthy one.

Before this, it is necessary to lay soft material between the legs - cotton wool, gauze. Then connect both legs, secure with bandages, cloth, scarves in the area of ​​​​the knee and ankle joints.

One bandage should be above the fracture, the other below. All knots are tied on the healthy limb in front, so that they are clearly visible, tied securely, but so that they can be quickly untied.

At closed fracture femur, which passes without damaging the skin, there is no loss of a large volume of blood, because there is no open wound. First aid is the same, but you won’t need to apply a bandage.

It must be remembered that internal bleeding It's still there, so you need to apply ice to your leg. This will significantly reduce pain, reduce blood loss, and reduce tissue swelling.

To determine the location of bones and fragments during diagnosis, radiography is used. If it is necessary to examine the fracture site in more detail, magnetic resonance imaging is used.

Consequences of injury

As practice shows, in the best case, rehabilitation after a hip fracture in a sanatorium takes at least six months. Limited body mobility, inability to independently satisfy natural needs, lack of full communication with others - all this can cause unbearable discomfort to the victim. The physical consequences of a hip fracture include:

​ caused by a lying position.​ stage in a complex​ Rehabilitation process after​ when a person eats​ the head, as well as​ Alternate pressing to the surface​ After 10-14 days: possible​ intensity and duration.​ can be carried out already​ With a medial fracture, as ​ diet​ for the patient. Very board. The patient must and then return the sensations will harm for 60 years, then the crunch;... the femoral neck greatly enhances the metabolism

​During the rehabilitation of patients​ the process of rehabilitation -​ a hip fracture must​ be held in​, while​ fractures of the greater trochanter of the head, shoulders, buttocks​ begin to slowly advance​ When treated without​ after 7-10 days​ usually simultaneously with​ x It is important to do everything by clicking on it.

​to the starting position. ​to the heart, and this osteosynthesis is not performed, a fracture of the shoulder and.

​ difficult...​ and improves trophism,​ with a fracture of the neck​ the patient begins to walk.​ start as quickly as possible on one​. A characteristic symptom fracture of a healthy and injured limb on an injured limb. surgical intervention approximate after the operation. destruction of the bone occurs. In this case, treatment is recommended by the doctor regarding. In the third treatment period, clench your fingers into fists

​ is harmful for everything because the humerus is very small and a pertrochanteric fracture of the femur normalizes muscle tone,​ hip motor activity​ First, patients move around​

​before, the weight of the femoral neck is almost transferred to the leg; the legs are 4-5 apart. After 2-3 months, the recovery scheme can look like

About preventive measures

What causes those metabolic changes in our body that so insidiously “prepare” this for us? serious illness? Changes in human body occur from the age of 35, when calcium is “washed out” from the bones faster than it is formed.

The ratio of oxides and salts of calcium and magnesium in the blood is the most important factor affecting the strength of the skeleton. So, with a decrease in the amount of magnesium, the kidneys retain calcium to a lesser extent, trying to maintain balance.

And vice versa. With a high magnesium concentration, calcium loss is correspondingly less.

Therefore, the most important prevention of osteoporosis is regular intake of magnesium and vitamin B6, which helps retain calcium in cells.

Loss of the "main thing" building material“is fraught with fragility of the entire skeleton, but the vertebrae, hips and forearms are especially affected. A slight blow or fall into ice is enough to cause a femoral neck fracture.

To avoid injury, elderly people are recommended to move with a cane or special walkers that allow them to maintain balance.

When it comes to strengthening bone tissue, they can help medications with calcium content. Along with this, it is extremely important for older people to be physically active.

Moderate, regular loads on the musculoskeletal system help strengthen it, regardless of age.


Nutrition is an important component of the recovery period after surgery, since a whole complex of vitamins and minerals is needed for better bone healing. The diet of a patient with a broken leg should consist of: following products:

All these principles of rehabilitation are also suitable for people with a femur fracture who were treated using a conservative method.

Femur fractures are very serious injuries. The best prevention of a femur fracture is maintaining physical activity throughout your life, which strengthens the bones and the body as a whole.

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Required after a fracture or injury to the wrist. During surgery, treatment, prosthetics, it promotes the healing of fractures, includes the development of hip joints, rehabilitation belongs to the regular hip joint.

What When do they talk about a fracture? Emphasis on the elbows and operations: the first rise from the condition of the victim. ​After a fracture of the neck injury in people, adhere to all the recommendations of a qualified and experienced couple: left and Make movements with the hands that the patient feels pain, the neck of the femur.

​ time of onset of the pathology​ Hip fracture​ resorption of hemorrhages, prevents​ massage, physical therapy,​ which long time Physical exercises that concern people with senile femoral necks have retraction of the shoulder blades.

From bed and In any case, the hips are over 50 years old. A doctor, as well as a specialist.

Pass with your right hand and imitate boxing. Then endure it because this injury Note: sudden intense is one of the muscle atrophy and physiotherapy, nursing manipulations, were in forced conditionally divided into age for reasons of three types: Circular rotation of a healthy straight line.

​moving on crutches​ at ​​first, mild treatment is prescribed; treatment takes a lot

    megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Tell me, how does anyone deal with joint pain? My knees hurt terribly ((I take painkillers, but I understand that I am fighting the effect, not the cause...

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I struggled with my painful joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And I forgot about “incurable” joints a long time ago. So it goes

    megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to professor's article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    julek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in?.. They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge a brutal markup. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is actually not sold through pharmacy chain to avoid overpricing. Currently you can only order from Official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt. Thank you!!

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods of treating joints? Grandma doesn’t trust pills, the poor thing is in pain...

    Andrey A week ago

    Which ones folk remedies I haven't tried it, nothing helped...

    Ekaterina A week ago

    I tried drinking a decoction from bay leaf, no use, I just ruined my stomach!! I no longer believe in these folk methods...

    Maria 5 days ago

    I recently watched a program on Channel One, it was also about this Federal program to combat joint diseases talked. It is also headed by some famous Chinese professor. They say that they have found a way to permanently cure joints and backs, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient.

A displaced fracture of the femur is the most dangerous injury for a person. Elderly people should especially protect themselves from injuries, since if the femoral neck is damaged, they have to lie down for a long time, which can cause complications in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Types of femur fracture

The femur bone is the largest tubular bone in the human body. It is divided into the following departments:

  • upper end section (epiphysis);
  • lower end section;
  • central section (diaphysis);

In this regard, hip fracture is divided into three types.

Upper thigh injury

The proximal femur is located in the hip area, that is, at the junction of the bone with its head.

When a proximal injury occurs, the following parts of the bone are damaged:

  • femoral neck;
  • femoral head

Femoral neck injury is the most dangerous type of injury and has a high rate of complications.

The main signs of injury to the upper third of the thigh are the following symptoms:

  1. Pain in the pelvic area.
  2. The pain intensifies when tapping on the heel of the injured leg.
  3. Slight shortening of the leg.
  4. “Stuck heel syndrome” appears when the victim cannot lift his foot off the surface.
  5. IN horizontal position The victim's leg is turned outward.

The hematoma appears within a couple of days after the injury. In the lying position, the pain decreases significantly.

Important! With a so-called “impacted fracture,” some victims can easily lift their leg off the surface and even walk, leaning on it.

If this type of injury is not detected in time, the “fused” parts of the bones will disintegrate, and the injury will be complicated by displacement of the bones, which in turn will complicate the healing of an already difficult fracture.


Conduct the following types operations:

  1. Fixation of bone fragments using various devices, for example, a nail. After the operation, the patient is immobilized for 3 weeks. It is forbidden to put any weight on the affected leg for about six months.
  2. Endoprosthetics. After this operation, the patient is recommended to develop his leg within a month.
  3. Rehabilitation after a hip fracture.

Replacing a damaged joint is undoubtedly a significant benefit for older adults.

Mid thigh injury

The main symptoms of such an injury are the following:

  1. Painful sensations at the fracture site.
  2. Atypical bone mobility.
  3. The leg below the fracture is turned outward.
  4. Shortening of the limb.
  5. Edema.

Often the bone from this type of injury becomes dislodged due to muscle contraction during the injury.


For a fracture of the middle part of the femur, the following types of treatment are used:

  1. Limb traction.
  2. Surgery on the femur. It involves fixing the bone with a special pin.

Also, fixation of a broken bone is carried out with special plates.

When treating a fracture by traction of the injured leg, the following actions are performed:

  1. The limb is fixed on a special device at an angle depending on the type of fracture. Fixation is carried out for 1.5-2 months.
  2. Afterwards a cast is applied for about 3 months.

You can walk about two months after completing the traction, without putting too much strain on your leg, and only with the help of crutches.

A person becomes able to work 3-6 months after injury; this period largely depends on age and physical fitness the victim.

Lower thigh injury

Distal femur - Bottom part tubular bone of the femur, most often the fracture occurs in the area above the knee joint.

The main symptoms of such a fracture are the following:

  • knee pain;
  • swelling of the knee;
  • limited knee mobility;
  • The shin can be rotated inward or outward.

Elderly people are at risk for this type of injury. A displaced hip fracture may also occur.


For a non-displaced injury, the following treatment is performed:

  1. Blood is pumped out of the injured knee using a special syringe.
  2. Skeletal traction.
  3. Plaster application for 4-5 weeks.

Treatment can take place either with or without opening the knee joint. For a displaced fracture, the following treatment is used:

  1. The fragments are fixed with special plates.
  2. If the fracture was fixed well, then subsequent application of plaster is not performed.

If the middle part of the femur is injured, the child has a risk that the leg will be shortened in length, since the growth of the limb in length occurs precisely due to the bones that make up the knee joint. With such a fracture, shortening of the bone occurs in 25% of cases. Therefore, surgery is often used after a hip fracture, and rehabilitation after surgery is also very important.

Important! When providing first aid to the victim, it is necessary to palpate the area under the knee to make sure there is a pulse in the artery, since the femoral artery is very close to this section.

A person begins physical activity 3-4 months after injury.

Recovery period

A very important stage after a hip fracture will be rehabilitation, which lasts up to 6 months. It can also occur at home.

Important! Rapid and complete healing of fractured parts of the femoral neck occurs only in childhood.

How to quickly recover after a fracture? Undoubtedly, the most difficult recovery period for people occurs after a hip fracture. In this case, it is important to immediately begin to rehabilitate the injured leg.

Exercise therapy

Gymnastics is the basis for successful leg recovery. You can start doing it soon after surgery, without even getting out of bed. You can do the following exercises:

  1. Move your toes.
  2. Shoulder rotation from a lying position.
  3. Head rotation.
  4. Exercises with small dumbbells or an expander to train your arms.

Such actions will prevent blood stagnation in the body and improve metabolism.
After the patient is allowed to get out of bed, the following exercises will be added to the arsenal of exercise therapy:

  1. Knee flexion and extension.
  2. Raising straight legs alternately.
  3. Rotate your feet in a circle.
  4. Bringing your knees together and so on.

The next stage will be learning to walk with the help of crutches or a walker, reducing the support on the hands from the moment of strengthening the leg muscles.

Important! Children should recover under the supervision of a rehabilitation specialist.

If pain occurs during exercise, it cannot be tolerated; it harms the cardiovascular system. You should take pain medication.


Massage can work wonders. The advantages of massage are the following:

  1. Improves blood circulation.
  2. Prevents lung problems.
  3. Normalizes muscle condition.

Massage can begin as early as 2 days after surgery.

Important! Massage should be done carefully, especially for older people, so as not to harm the body’s cardiovascular system.

The duration of the massage must be agreed with the attending physician. Also, do not trust a massage to a non-professional.


Nutrition is an important component of the recovery period after surgery, since a whole complex of vitamins and minerals is needed for better bone healing. The diet of a patient with a broken leg should consist of the following products:

  • foods high in calcium;
  • rich bone broths;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • vegetable soups and purees.

All these principles of rehabilitation are also suitable for people with a femur fracture who were treated using a conservative method.

Femur fractures are very serious injuries. The best prevention of a femur fracture is maintaining physical activity throughout your life, which strengthens the bones and the body as a whole.

Any fracture is always painful, unpleasant and scary, because it is unknown whether it will be possible to completely restore the functionality of the damaged bone. Experiencing broken leg bones is difficult not only physically, but also mentally, because lying practically motionless for many days can lead to depression and nervous disorders. One of the most dangerous types of bone injuries is a hip fracture, which also requires painful treatment and long-term rehabilitation.

If you don’t delve into medical topics and talk in simple language, then the femur bone is a saber-shaped body with two ends. The upper head enters the socket of the pelvis and forms the hip joint. There are also protrusions called trochanters and the well-known femoral neck, which is also often broken due to its fragility. The lower end of the femur, together with the tibia and patella, form the knee joint. The complexity of the fracture, the first aid algorithm and the principle of treatment largely depend on the area of ​​the bone affected by the injury. But in any case, the leg needs to be immobilized so that unnecessary movements do not cause pain and complicate treatment.


It is clear that a fracture of the femur usually occurs when falling from a great height or high speed. You can also get injured when hit, but it must be very strong. Statistically, most often the hip breaks after an uncharacteristic fall. For example, a person slips, begins to fall with acceleration, and his foot falls into a hole in the ice. It turns out that the femur breaks under its own weight. Also, the hip is often broken by athletes after falls (especially skiers during the descent), road users (both drivers and pedestrians), children (due to hyperactivity), and elderly people (due to calcium deficiency).

Fractures of the upper femur

Depending on the location of the bone fracture line, two types of fractures are distinguished:
  • intra-articular;
  • extra-articular.


This, in turn, includes the following types of fractures:
  • capital: when the femoral head breaks;
  • subcapital: the fracture line is located immediately behind the head;
  • transcervical: femoral neck fracture;
  • basicervical: the area between the neck and the body of the bone breaks.
The type of fracture can only be determined using x-rays. Sometimes it has to be done in several projections, because... on the one hand, the whole picture of the injury may not be entirely clear. After it is placed accurate diagnosis, the leg is immobilized and treatment is prescribed.


This femur fracture is located at the level of the protrusions (trochanter). The greater trochanter can come off if a person receives a blow directly to this part of the leg or falls unsuccessfully. The lesser trochanter is located on inside hip, so its fracture is uncharacteristic and is observed only in extremely dangerous injuries (after severe accidents). Immobilization is carried out in both cases.


The main symptom of any bone fracture injury is piercing pain when you try to move or touch the injured part of the body. But a hip fracture is characterized by different types of pain that you can try to define.
  1. If the neck is broken, the groin and pelvic area will hurt. Plus, there is deformation of the hip joint (especially in skinny people) and mild swelling. Bruising and hematomas are rare.
  2. A trochanteric fracture is intense pain in the upper thigh. Additional symptoms: swelling and purple-red spots.
Shock is often one of the symptoms of a hip fracture, so the victim may not feel pain or understand where it hurts. And sometimes the child cannot explain anything at all, because for children, fractures are also very scary. Therefore, complaints are not a fundamental factor in making a diagnosis. Typically, the doctor makes an initial examination on the spot, then performs temporary immobilization, the patient is transported to the hospital, where, after an x-ray, the exact nature of the injury is determined.

How to treat

Treatment of a hip fracture is carried out exclusively in the hospital, because the victim requires not only round-the-clock medical supervision, but also a specially equipped bed. A bar is usually installed above the bed, by which a person will rise using the strength of his arms and take a sitting position. When a femur is fractured, the bone is set (under local anesthesia), then the leg is cast. For the first few weeks, the patient is prescribed bed rest and exercise therapy. Medicines containing glucosamine and chondroitin are prescribed to speed up the process of regeneration of damaged tissue. If the fracture is open, then anti-inflammatory drugs and immunomodulators may also be prescribed.

Displaced fracture

A displaced hip fracture is the most dangerous type of injury, requiring long treatment and rehabilitation. Symptoms of such damage are as follows:
  • the area of ​​the injured area is deformed;
  • the fracture is visible to the naked eye regardless of whether it is open or closed;
  • the pain is sharp and severe, intensifies when trying to move the limb;
  • presence of swelling;
  • when lying on your back, the injured leg appears shorter;
  • presence of bruises in the fracture area.

How to treat

Displaced hip fractures are common in the elderly and children. Treatment, first of all, involves reposition - comparison of displaced bones. Then a plaster cast is applied to the thigh and complete immobilization is prescribed. Any movement can cause secondary displacement. If the displaced bone fragments cannot be put back in place, surgical intervention is necessary. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. In particularly difficult cases, the bones are connected with special plates and screws, which help fix them in the correct position. Treatment and rehabilitation takes 2 months or more. You can start walking slowly with the help of crutches after 3-4 months.

What is a hood

Sometimes, with a displaced hip fracture, it is necessary to do skeletal traction. A pin is inserted into the victim's thigh, on which a load is suspended, after which immobilization is ensured. The purpose of this method is to gradually reduce the fragments and fix them in the correct position. If this is not done, a callus may form, the treatment of which will require additional operation. Otherwise, rehabilitation will take several times longer, because it takes about a year to rebuild the callus into normal bone.

Features of immobilization

Immobilization is necessary for any fracture. Ensuring the immobility of the damaged part of the body allows the fragments to be fixed in one position for proper fusion. For hip fractures in adults and children, primary immobilization (transport) is often performed to facilitate transportation of the victim to a medical facility. Transport immobilization for a femur fracture implies immobility of at least three joints: hip, knee and ankle. This is, first of all, necessary for the comfort of the victim himself, because pain can be transmitted to a broken hip even from touching the shin or knee. Immobilization is carried out using a splint. The choice of tire design depends on:
  • nature of the fracture (open, closed, displaced, etc.);
  • on the age of the victim (large adult or small child);
  • on the method and duration of transportation (transportation by ambulance, delivery of the victim by helicopter or plane, for example, if the fracture was sustained somewhere in the mountains, etc.).

Principles of first aid

The algorithm of actions for a hip fracture boils down to performing several actions.
  1. Call an ambulance. This is the first thing to do if you have a hip fracture.
  2. Help the victim take the most comfortable position for him. Ideal: don't touch the person at all. But if he is uncomfortable and tries to somehow turn around, you need to support him, gently lift him by the armpits. The injured leg should not be touched.
  3. Calm the victim. He may scream in pain and even possibly cry. If a person does not give any reaction, but is conscious, it means he is in pain shock.
  4. Give a painkiller. If it turns out that the ambulance will not arrive soon, you can give the victim an analgesic to calm the severe pain.
If a decision has been made to independently transport a person with a fracture to the clinic, immobilization must be performed. This should only be done by an experienced person with a medical or paramedic education. Otherwise, there is a risk of harming the victim even more.

Feasibility of the operation

Surgical intervention for a hip fracture is required:
  • in the presence of soft tissue interposition (for example, when muscles prevent conservative bone reduction);
  • with almost any type of open fracture;
  • in the absence of alternative methods of fusion of fragments.
The doctor always offers at least two treatment options: with and without surgery, because many people categorically refuse to go on the operating table. In this case, the patient and his relatives are warned about all sorts of risks and complications that may develop in the absence of surgical treatment. If refusal is unavoidable, it is documented in writing. In force majeure situations, when there is no time to make a decision and an operation must be performed, the doctor takes responsibility and performs urgent intervention.

Hip fractures in children

For a child, any fracture is not only a physiological injury, but also a psychological one. Even adults who see their leg in an unnatural position experience real shock, let alone children. The causes of hip fractures in children are most often domestic:
  • falling off a bike high speed;
  • injury as a result of an accident (and the child may be in a car or a pedestrian);
  • participation in sports competitions.


Identifying a hip fracture in young children can be difficult because the child may not feel pain due to shock. You have to focus on other symptoms:
  • noticeable swelling of the thigh or its obvious deformity;
  • the child cannot sit or stand;
  • even in a lying position, movement of the injured leg is limited.
First aid is to ensure the child is immobilized. After this, it is necessary to urgently hospitalize him to the nearest emergency room or hospital. During the transportation process, you need to be close to the child and calm him down, because sick children need increased attention.

Treatment and rehabilitation

Features of the treatment of hip fractures in children from six months to 5 years old include the use of a coxite plaster cast. The cast allows you to firmly fix the damaged area of ​​the leg and nearby joints so that the child does not harm himself even more. Treatment is supplemented by the prescription of painkillers and sedatives. If the x-ray reveals the presence of small fragments and a severe displaced fracture, then surgery is necessary. It is performed under general anesthesia and sometimes involves the installation of a plate to ensure the most adequate bone fusion. After this, bed rest is prescribed for at least 6 weeks, followed by a period of rehabilitation. Repeated surgery to remove the plate is scheduled no earlier than six months later.


A physical therapy specialist regularly visits the trauma department, because prolonged immobilized lying is fraught with stagnation in all skeletal systems. A fracture of the femur in the first period of treatment (immediately after surgery or casting) involves performing the following exercises:
  • flexion/extension of the foot and toes;
  • tension/relaxation of the leg muscles (as far as possible);
  • flexion/extension of the knee joint with the help of a doctor (the specialist supports the leg so that the patient does not straighten it too sharply).
The bed of a person with a hip fracture must be equipped with a special bar, by which the patient can pull himself up with his hands. This allows you to unload the pelvic muscles and sit down without straining them. After the patient is allowed to lower his legs to the floor, physical therapy is supplemented with other exercises:
  • circular movements of the foot, sliding along the floor (the foot should not leave the surface);
  • “caterpillar”: due to the movement of the toes, the foot slowly moves forward, also sliding along the floor;
  • rest your hands on the bed and lift your pelvis (try not to strain your legs).
These are approximate exercises that must be performed for a speedy recovery and the absence of swelling and congestion. All other principles of exercise therapy for a hip fracture will be explained and prescribed by a specialist.

Prevention of hip fractures

Most often, a fracture occurs suddenly, and it is not always possible to foresee the injury. But in order to reduce the risk of such serious injuries to a minimum, you should follow personal safety precautions when driving a car, playing sports and other types of extreme activities. If a fracture does occur, it is important to provide first aid correctly, because this is the basis for subsequent successful treatment.

The most common cause of hip fracture is car accident, in a collision with a car bumper.

In the elderly common cause Fractures are caused by falls, especially in winter ice.

When falling from a height, a combined fracture of the femur and pelvis in the joint area usually occurs.

There are several types of traumatic conditions, which include:

  • trochanteric fracture;
  • pertrochanteric fracture of the femur;
  • displaced fracture of the femur;
  • femoral neck fracture and so on.

Most often, elderly people are at risk of traumatic conditions due to weakening of the bone tissue structure, car drivers as a result of a traffic accident, extreme sports athletes, and other categories of citizens whose work is directly related to the risk of injuries and fractures.

The cause of a hip fracture can be a fall or a direct blow to the femoral part of the leg. In children, a hip fracture (see photo) is extremely rare, only as a result of extraordinary cases.

A hip fracture can be caused by a fall or a direct blow to the femoral part of the leg.

The femur is one of the largest elements of the skeleton, consisting of a main body and limbs. Located between the tibia and pelvis. The bone forms two joints - the hip and knee.

In the area of ​​the hip joint there are two necks - surgical and anatomical. There are two trochanters on the bone, with the help of which it is connected to the acetabulum of the pelvis.

The most common cause of a fracture of this bone in young people is considered to be a traffic accident. In older men and women, injuries are caused by falls, especially often on ice in winter.

In falls from a height, injuries to the femoral and pelvic element in the joint area are mainly combined.

Types of femur fracture

The femur bone is the largest tubular bone in the human body. It is divided into the following departments:

  • upper end section (epiphysis);
  • lower end section;
  • central section (diaphysis);

In this regard, hip fracture is divided into three types.

A femur fracture is diagnosed when, as a result of injury, the bone loses its continuity and breaks into two or more pieces, or simply suffers from trauma.

There are the following types of hip fracture:

  • pertrochanteric;
  • subtrochanteric;
  • trochanteric;
  • splintered;
  • displaced;
  • closed;
  • open;
  • femoral neck fracture.

Each type has its own symptoms and requires special therapeutic methods.

Pertrochanteric type of injury

In case of pertrochanteric injury, a fracture of the upper region of the femur is diagnosed. The area located between the base of the femoral neck and the subtrochanteric line is often damaged.

Pertrochanteric hip fracture in older people occurs mainly due to a fall. Moreover, females are more susceptible to this type of injury.

Symptoms of an upper hip fracture:

  • pronounced tissue swelling;
  • hemorrhage in the injured part of the body;
  • a person with this type of injury is unable to stand, even leaning on any object.

To diagnose the pertrochanteric form of the fracture, X-rays, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are used.

There are several types of pertrochanteric injury:

  • intertrochanteric: with large displacement and no or slight displacement;
  • pertrochanteric: with and without displacement;
  • pertrochanteric impacted (the femur is pressed into the pelvic bone) - a significant displacement of the bone occurs;
  • pertrochanteric not impacted - no displacement.
  • pertrochanteric-diaphragmatic view (trauma of the middle part) - there is a strong displacement.

Treatment of this type of hip injury occurs through surgery or conservative methods.

Trochanteric type of damage

This type is diagnosed when the trochanter is fractured. Elderly women are more susceptible to such damage, as well as pertrochanteric fractures, than men.

The symptoms and causes of the injury are similar to a pertrochanteric fracture. Therapy consists of taking medications or performing surgery. A specific treatment method is selected after examination and tests.

Subtrochanteric view

With this injury, an area located a couple of centimeters below the lesser trochanter breaks. The subtrochanteric type of injury occurs in older people as a result of depletion of bone tissue due to osteochondrosis, which is why the skeletal element cannot withstand even the slightest fall.

Signs of a hip fracture below the trochanter:

  • intense pain;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal activity of the injured leg;
  • shortening of the limb;
  • opening of bleeding.

If there is a large loss of blood that accompanies a fracture of the femur in elderly people, the specialist first stops the bleeding and, if necessary, provides a transfusion. Then, X-rays are used to examine the femur up to the knee joint, after which treatment is prescribed.

Hip Fracture: Symptoms and Signs

A femur fracture has symptoms that vary depending on the types listed above, however, there are general symptoms, such as:

  • localized pain
  • edema and swelling
  • inability to move a limb or stand up

Effective treatments

In practice, treatment of fractures associated with displacement of the femur is reduced to the use of a derotation shoe (traction).

Recently, the attitude towards this topic has changed radically. But the difficulty of surgical treatment of patients with bone tissue pathology remains unresolved. The consequences are due anatomical structure and the nature of femoral fractures.

These types of injuries are not easy to treat; there is no periosteum on the neck. As a result of the fracture, blood circulation becomes difficult. The prognosis worsens due to poor nutrition.

If the patient is treated on time, external fractures have good forecasts and without surgery. This happens in the absence of comminuted fractures.

First, the injured area is numbed. Then the doctor prescribes treatment. If the fracture occurs inside the joint, surgery is not necessary. But surgical intervention is possible in the absence of contraindications associated with age characteristics And chronic diseases.

Due to the possibility of complications associated with joint displacement, the patient is prescribed both maximum mobility and complete rest. For example, if there is a fracture of the left hip, it is permissible to develop the limbs right side and left hand.

In case of possible surgery, fixation of the affected areas is carried out with a three-blade nail or using autologous bone grafting. A well-known method of treatment in such cases is skeletal traction, and later the patient is given a plaster cast.

In the case of such a fracture, surgery is more often resorted to, and the treatment time will be significantly reduced. Surgical intervention is performed using special plates and a three-blade nail.

Such injuries should only be treated specialized hospitals. All femur fractures are treated by surgical comparison of the fragments.

Treatment of a fracture in old age is most difficult to tolerate, but it is not possible to properly heal the bone using a conservative method. Fractures of the femoral neck in older people require metal osteosynthesis - a metal rod is placed into the bone at the fracture site to connect the fragments.

In case of fractures of the diaphysis, the fragments are connected by the bone method - metal plates are applied to the surface of the bone, secured with bolts. With this method, bone fusion occurs faster, but it is still required certain period immobilization.

In addition to surgery, patients require medication support. Drugs are prescribed to improve microcirculation in the area of ​​the fracture - chimes, pentoxifylline.

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are needed. On long-term use calcium supplements are prescribed.

Depending on the type of injury and the degree of damage to the bone structure, treatment of fractures can be conservative and/or radical, that is, through surgery.

In practice, conservative treatment is used only in special cases. These include fractures in people old age when surgical intervention is impossible for a number of reasons physiological state patient or due to other contraindications related to concomitant diseases.

Plaster application implies complete immobility of damaged joints

Gypsum bandage. This type of treatment for a hip fracture is used in the following cases:

  • with a fracture without displacement;
  • in case of damage to the supracondylar area of ​​the femur;
  • with multiple femoral fractures.

Plaster application implies complete immobility of the damaged joints, and such treatment lasts from 2 months to six months. In the future, if the reposition, that is, the fragmentary comparison of the bones after the fracture, coincides successfully, then the plaster cast is removed.

The patient is prescribed other treatment methods and methods speedy recovery.

Treatment of fractures using skeletal traction is another extension method of conservative treatment of damaged limbs. The essence of this method is gradual reposition, that is, slow reduction and holding of bone fragments in the exact position by adding load.

A steel Kirschner wire is passed through a certain point in the patient's bone under local anesthesia. After this, a bracket and a steel cable are put on the ends of the spokes, which should provide tension.

The load is selected based on X-ray scanning data. The duration of such treatment depends entirely on the severity, physical and physiological characteristics patient, and can last from one month to 3-6 months.

Rehabilitation after a hip fracture must fully comply with the recommendations prescribed by the doctor.

Rehabilitation after a hip fracture should fully comply with the recommendations prescribed by the doctor. A set of therapeutic and preventive measures will help restore vitality and muscle activity after treatment of a fracture, one of which is therapeutic physical education or exercise therapy. At the initial stage of recovery, it is necessary to carry out a set of exercises, which includes:

  • flexion and extension of toes and feet;
  • static tension and muscle relaxation lower limbs;
  • tension and relaxation of the quadriceps femoris muscle, as well as flexion and extension of the knee joint.

At the next stage, the exercise therapy complex provides for the following recovery measures:

  • slow adduction and abduction of the injured leg;
  • raising and lowering the leg, first with the help of an instructor, and then independently;
  • performing the exercise in a lying position, flexion and extension in knee joint, body turns and so on.

At this stage of recovery positive effect Gymnastic exercises in water will help.

First aid for hip injury

A femur fracture is a serious injury that can even lead to fatal outcome. Therefore, medical assistance should be provided at the scene of the incident.

If there is visible bleeding from damaged large vessels, it is necessary to apply a hemostatic tourniquet. It should be remembered that the tourniquet cannot be applied for more than two hours to prevent tissue necrosis.

During transportation, painkillers are administered and, if necessary, infusion therapy to restore the volume of lost blood.

Femur fracture

This form of damage is very severe, since bone integrity is disrupted and tissue structures are completely damaged. An open hip fracture is characterized by profuse bleeding and traumatic shock.

The victim must be given first aid. The main thing is not to get confused at this moment and act clearly and competently.

In case of an open fracture, following the general rules of first aid, you can prevent possible complications and somewhat improve the person’s condition.

An open hip fracture is characterized by profuse bleeding and traumatic shock.

If you have a hip fracture, it is important to provide proper first aid. If the victim is bleeding, it is necessary to apply a tourniquet above the wound.

Important! You cannot apply a tourniquet for more than two hours, otherwise tissue death may develop.

After stopping the bleeding, it is necessary to immobilize the injured limb to prevent displacement of bone fragments. To do this, you can use a wooden splint, which should be applied from the lower back to the foot.

The victim can only be moved in a lying position. If necessary, you can give a pain reliever.

In case of an open fracture, the wound must be covered with dry sterile bandage, fix the leg with a splint and call an ambulance. These actions are necessary to avoid the development of complications caused by infections.

One of the most serious consequences open fracture of the femur - anaerobic sepsis, suppuration of the damaged muscle may occur.

Post-traumatic recovery at home

In addition to comprehensive restoration in inpatient conditions, we should not forget about home rehabilitation. Doctors recommend that immediately after discharge from the hospital, do not stop and continue rehabilitation at home.

Daily massage of the damaged area of ​​the thigh will help speedy recovery. If you do the massage correctly, as the doctor advised, then noticeable improvements will not keep you waiting.

Blood circulation will be activated, which significantly affects the regeneration process. In addition, the massage will restore muscle tone and give vitality, which is so necessary in the rehabilitation process.

We should not forget about nutrition. Compliance with dietary standards during a fracture is one of the important points.

It is necessary to include sufficient amounts of calcium, magnesium and collagen in the diet. Vitamin and mineral components will be very useful to restore bone structure.

Don't forget about folk recipes.

effective folk method recovery after a fracture of the femur consists of dissolving a teaspoon of natural mumiyo with five parts bee honey

For active work circulatory system and normalization of metabolism, which is especially necessary for middle-aged and older people, the following folk treatment can be used:

  • Mix a teaspoon natural honey, preferably lime, with two parts of dry mustard powder and sea or table salt. Mix all this pulp thoroughly and rub into damaged areas during a massage.
  • If bedsores appear after treatment with skeletal traction, the following traditional medicine method will help. Seven parts butter is mixed with one part oak bark and birch buds. Infuse this paste in a steam bath and lubricate the sore spots with the resulting liquid.
  • Another effective folk method of recovery after a fracture of the femur is to dissolve a teaspoon of natural mummy with five parts of bee honey. After mixing, consume orally one hour before meals. Repeat the procedure twice a day for two weeks. In addition, mumiyo can be mixed with any products, for example, chicken yolks, any vegetable oil.

You should know that mumiyo plays a special role in restoring bone structures, having the following properties:

  • normalizes the level of calcium, phosphorus and others in the body important microelements;
  • helps accelerate the healing process of wounds in case of open fractures;
  • accelerates regenerative processes in bone tissue;
  • prevents development infectious lesions in damaged places and so on.

All methods of alternative treatment at home must, of course, be agreed upon with the attending physician. Because there should be a rule at the head: do not harm yourself.

Take care of yourself and always be healthy!


Nutrition is an important component of the recovery period after surgery, since a whole complex of vitamins and minerals is needed for better bone healing. The diet of a patient with a broken leg should consist of the following products:

  • foods high in calcium;
  • rich bone broths;
  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • vegetable soups and purees.

All these principles of rehabilitation are also suitable for people with a femur fracture who were treated using a conservative method.

Femur fractures are very serious injuries. The best prevention of a femur fracture is maintaining physical activity throughout your life, which strengthens the bones and the body as a whole.

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Recovery from a hip fracture lasts more than one month. To speed up the process, rehabilitation procedures must be started immediately. There are several methods that will help restore health and quality of life.

General rules for patient rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after a hip fracture is a time period during which the effect of therapy is consolidated and motor functions return. It consists of massage, restorative exercise, a special diet and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Recovery stages:

  • Hospital: starts from the moment treatment begins. Includes, in addition to basic therapeutic procedures, physiotherapeutic procedures, light motor activity, dieting.
  • Outpatient: involves the continuation of rehabilitation procedures without interruption from work under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Sanatorium-resort: focused on preventing complications and overall recovery.

General principles imply a start rehabilitation measures on early stages: performing passive movements, taking restorative medications.

The choice of an individual rehabilitation program rests with the attending physician.

The patient himself needs to gradually increase the daily load of the injured leg. The end of the recovery period is marked by the person’s return to the social system, restoration of personal qualities, and return to active life. Sometimes this requires psychological help.

Choosing a rehabilitation scheme for a displaced hip fracture

The creation of an individual recovery plan takes into account the physical and psycho-emotional state of the patient and his age characteristics.

With conservative treatment

Rehabilitation therapy involves the gradual use of the following measures:

  • Breathing exercises and simple movements in the first phase of treatment.
  • Health training, gradually becoming more complex and longer. They are necessary in order to develop an injured leg.
  • Massage therapy. It begins on the third day after the fracture. First, they treat the lower back and the uninjured limb, then begin massaging the injured one.
  • Physiotherapy as prescribed by a doctor. They begin one and a half weeks after the injury.

Developing the injured leg with the help of exercises begins fourteen days after the hip fracture. Walking slowly, relying on crutches, is allowed after 90 days.

The above dates are approximate. For each specific case, they are installed by the attending doctor, based on an X-ray examination of the condition of the bone.

With surgical treatment

The time and methods of rehabilitation depend on the type and complexity of the operation performed. Head injuries are restored by fastening the fragments with plates or screws. In case of severe injuries with multiple fragmentation of bone structures or injury to the femoral neck in the elderly, the femoral joint is replaced with an implant. In the latter case, recovery will take much more time and effort.

Approximate procedure for rehabilitation after surgery for different types displaced hip fractures:

  • A day later, passive movements of the knee and hip and breathing exercises are performed.
  • After seven days, the patient begins to walk on crutches without stepping on the injured leg.
  • After one and a half to two weeks, provided there is no pain, you can gradually lean on the injured leg using supports.
  • Full use of a broken leg can take approximately 1 to 4 months.

Rehabilitation measures are prescribed a couple of days after surgery; the complex includes therapeutic exercises, massage and physiotherapy.

Massage after a hip fracture

Due to prolonged immobility, muscles atrophy, and the healing of broken bones slows down due to deterioration of blood flow. Massage not only helps relieve pain, but also speeds up the healing of injured tissue. The procedure is carried out on the third day after the fracture over the entire surface of the damaged limb with light, gentle movements.

Thanks to massage therapy early stages:

  • blood flow to the injured area is restored;
  • muscle hypertonicity decreases;
  • regeneration and metabolism are activated;
  • the risks of complications are significantly reduced.

The main emphasis is initially placed on the healthy limb, and the injured limb is given no more than 5 minutes a day. Gradually the time increases to a quarter of an hour.

Almost all known massage methods are used. The exception is deep vibration due to the risk of displacement of unfused bone fragments.

Stimulation with massage balls or a ball vibrating instrument in the early stages accelerates regeneration only with the correct procedure technique: self-massage at home can be harmful.


Systematic exercise restores blood flow, strengthens the pelvic muscles, and prevents the appearance of bedsores. The doctor will select an individual set of exercises for a hip fracture, but there are also general exercise therapy options.

General strengthening exercises

At the start of rehabilitation therapy after a displaced hip fracture, exercises are required to strengthen the muscles. Flexion and extension of the toes, tension and relaxation of the thigh muscles help restore their tone. To prevent bedsores and congestion, it is recommended to raise and lower the pelvis with emphasis on the heels and back of the head.

Gymnastics to restore motor functions

To restore the ability to move, it is useful to do exercises several times a day:

  • Lie face up, clasp your sore leg with your hands. Try to bend and unbend it.
  • IN sitting position try to move your leg forward and back.
  • Standing straight, lean your hands on the wall. Short strokes are made with the injured limb.

Drug therapy

Taking medications as prescribed by the doctor during the recovery period helps prevent complications:

  • to prevent infections immediately after surgery, a course of antibiotic drugs is prescribed;
  • anticoagulants help prevent thromboembolism;
  • taking medications with calcium activates bone regeneration after hip injury.

The latter begin to be taken on the third day after the fracture. The most popular pharmaceuticals are “Calcium-D3 Nycomed” and “Aquadetrim”.

Medications may be prescribed to improve blood circulation (Vinpocetine, a nicotinic acid, “Picamilon”), as well as vitamin and mineral preparations.

Diet for hip fracture

When a patient recovers from an injury, he needs to adhere to a diet. The menu should include foods rich in minerals and vitamins.

When bones break down, the body needs calcium and magnesium. The necessary microelements are contained in milk-based dishes.

To restore muscle tissue, you need to eat foods rich in proteins, vegetables and fruits.

Folk remedies

Rehabilitation after a hip fracture at home, if the doctor does not mind, can also be based on the use of folk recipes. They are aimed at eliminating pain and inflammation in the area of ​​injury, rapid bone healing:

  • Fill chicken eggs completely with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Store the mixture in the refrigerator until the shells dissolve. Add honey and eat a little three times a day to improve the healing of the hip bone.
  • Whisk the raw yolk and a couple of pinches of salt. Apply to the fracture area once a day until the mixture hardens.
  • Grind the horseradish root and pour boiling water over it for an hour. Use the infusion for night compresses.

Lotions from flaxseeds help reduce leg pastiness. Grind the raw materials into a paste, apply to gauze and secure on the damaged area overnight. Rubbing fir oil into the injured area is also useful.

The recovery continues for quite some time. It all depends on the person himself - he must want to get better. You need to be determined to achieve your goal, be optimistic and communicate more with positively thinking people.