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Burdock oil makes your skin and hair beautiful. Burdock oil for hair: instructions for use

Applications, recipes and medicinal properties of burdock oil.

BURR OILfrom burdock roots are obtained, which contain quite a lot of insulin (up to 45%), organic acids, fat-like substances. The oil has a yellowish color. The oil is used as a cosmetic product to improve hair growth.

How to prepare burdock oil at home? Video

PREPARATION AND HOME RECIPE FOR PREPARING BURDOR OIL. For burdock oil production, raw material from large burdock (or, in other words, burdock) is used.

Burdock– biennial large plant, family: Asteraceae. Has quite wide range distribution.
The roots are being dug at the end of summer and in autumn - after the plant blooms. They are thoroughly shaken off the soil, washed well, cut off, and the stems and leaves can be thrown away. Large roots are cut before drying. They are dried in the shade (in the attic, in sheds, under covered sheds). After drying is complete, shake off any remaining soil from the soil again.
Besides, burdock roots You can also store it frozen. For this freshly dug roots You need to put it in cold water and leave it for two to three hours to soak off the impurities. If there are soil residues left on the roots after this, they should be washed thoroughly. running water. Then you need to crush the raw material and spread it on linen cloth. When the roots will dry out, they are placed in tight cellophane bags, which are then sealed. Store in the freezer roots.
To prepare high-quality burdock oil, it is necessary to defrost it correctly. Taken out of the refrigerator roots under no circumstances, they are under cold water Do not put them in so that they thaw faster. The roots should defrost without any auxiliary techniques.
Burdock oil represents burdock root infusion on almond, sunflower or.

RECIPE FOR HOME PREPARATION OF BURDON OIL: Required: fifteen grams. roots, two hundred ml. water, two hundred - three hundred ml. olive or .
Preparation method: Pour boiling water over the roots. Infuse for fifteen to twenty minutes in a tightly sealed container (it is advisable to wrap the vessel in a blanket to preserve heat, thanks to which the infusion useful material will acquire those present in the original raw materials). After this, strain the infusion through cheesecloth and squeeze. Add the oil to the finished infusion and let it brew for 21 days in a cool, dry place.
After this it will be ready oil for use. Oil store for no more than 60 days, as it loses its medicinal properties over time.

Hair mask with burdock oil, honey, onion and yolk. Video lesson. Video

Traditional treatment hair with burdock oil. Our hair- gentle creatures and they deserve the most best care. Human hair, to be more precise. appearance they will say quite a lot about their owner and his lifestyle, taste preferences and self-love.

When complete disgrace occurs on the head, you can be sure that the same thing is happening in a person’s personal life, not to mention problems inside that very head. And for this reason, burdock oil treatment for hair It is designed not only to protect and strengthen your hair from thinning hair and dullness, but will also save your personal life from loneliness and melancholy, bring freshness to it, new colors, and also lightness.



What are the benefits of burdock oil? Burdock oil- This natural spring unique to increase the strength and health of hair, the most natural drug is biologically active, capable of curing many hair problems.


The list of these troubles is quite large and only the main problems that can be treated with burdock oil are listed here:

- Rapid baldness of the head;
- Hair growth is slow;
- Oily seborrhea or dandruff;
- Deviations in the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp;
- Itching on the scalp;
- ulcers and irritations;
- Hair dullness, fragility, lifelessness and split ends;
- Loss of hair elasticity;
- Hair roots are weak;
- Dry hair and scalp.

This list can be continued further, including smaller problems, but it is clear that if oil treatment burdock hair gets rid of serious troubles, then the shine, strength and radiance will definitely return to your hair! But not all people know why burdock oil is so healthy and what it contains. And the uniqueness of this oil lies in the balance of beneficial substances, microelements and vitamins, and has antifungal, soothing, nourishing and blood circulation-enhancing properties. This is exactly what our hair, exposed to negative ecology in the urban jungle, lacks. More in burdock oil, , There is a huge amount of inulin, which has a beneficial effect on human metabolism, heavy metals, and toxins from our body, better absorption Promoting vitamins and minerals for the body. Life without inulin would be heavier, but insulin is contained only in some plant roots, in which the number fell and burdock or burdock. From its roots, infused with vegetable oil, miraculous burdock oil is obtained.


Using burdock oil with red pepper for a beard! Video

It is recommended to carry out folk treatment with burdock oil in courses, of ten to twelve procedures and breaks between them of fourteen days. Treatment can be resumed later if the problem is severe and the effect of the very first course of treatment does not become obvious. Burr oil usually like masks component used for hair, of which there are a great variety,


ANTI-DANDRUFF MASK RECIPE. EXTERNAL USE. Mix a couple of tablespoons burdock oil, and warm up slightly to enhance the beneficial substances and apply with massage movements, rubbing thoroughly into the hair and scalp. Can be held for a long time, even go to bed, while wrapping your hair in cling film and a towel. And you need to rinse thoroughly and warm water only using shampoo suitable for your hair type.

MASK RECIPE FOR BETTER HAIR GROWTH AND THICKNESS. You will need one tablespoon. burdock oil, cognac and yolk one egg. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to clean, dry hair for absorption. best mask. You can keep the mask on your hair for 60 minutes, then warm water wash off with shampoo.

Burr oil. Hair treatment at home. Video

MASK RECIPE FOR HAIR LOSS. Mix tbsp. one spoon of cocoa powder, three tablespoons burdock oil and a couple of egg yolks. Apply the mask to the hair roots and light massage do it, then wrap your hair in cling film and a towel and leave for 60 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. This mask can be done once or twice every seven days.

RECIPE FOR A MASK OF BURROD OIL WITH HONEY. Mix one tablespoon burdock oil and a teaspoon , apply to hair and leave for 60 minutes. Wash it off, just like all the previous masks, with shampoo and warm water. Recommendation: Burr oil leaves a greasy film on the hair, which can sometimes be difficult to wash off regular shampoo, then before washing off the mask, it is recommended to wash your hair with egg yolk, and then use the shampoo that is exactly what your hair type needs. Properties healthy oils Based on burdock roots, it is not only used for hair, various creams for the body and face successfully use this product, because hair treatment with burdock oil was also popular among our ancestors, and their hair remained healthy and thick all their lives.

It can be stored for a long time, the most important thing is that sunlight didn't hit him. Raw materials for Collect in the fall, when the amount of useful substances is maximum in the roots. And don't collect plant roots with landfills nearby or roads nearby.



In case when cooking oil roots, then it's better heat the oil.
And flowers, fruits and leaves in oil infused with room temperature. The minimum time for infusion is ten days. In proportions oil and vegetable raw materials In each case, they are selected individually, but in the majority, they are approximately: three to one.

Be healthy!

Burdock oil, treatment. Video


Burdock oil is a valuable natural product that is widely used in cosmetic and medical purposes. This product is made from burdock roots using oil extraction. The method consists of prolonged infusion of the plant's rhizome in vegetable oil. Almond, peanut, olive, sesame or other fatty vegetable oil can be used for this.


This product has a rich chemical composition and contains many substances beneficial to the human body, including vitamins A, B, C and E, mineral salts, micro and macroelements, including calcium, iron, chromium, copper and others. The oil contains natural inulin, which activates metabolism and maintains the health of the hair follicle, in the case of using burdock oil for hair. It also contains fatty acids, including stearic and palmitic acids, esters, flavonoids and tannins.

Beneficial features

This oil is used mainly externally. In cosmetology it is considered effective means for hair restoration, softening skin and strengthening nails. This natural product enhances protective functions skin, improves fat metabolism, promotes the absorption of vitamins by tissues.

When using burdock oil for hair, it improves hair growth, strengthens weakened hair follicles, prevents hair loss, protects ends from split ends and improves hair health along the entire length, prevents dandruff, moisturizes and nourishes the scalp. Burdock oil is especially useful, according to reviews, for dry, brittle and damaged hair.

The beneficial properties of this product are explained by the fact that the biologically active components in its composition help restore metabolism in the scalp and hair follicles, increase capillary blood circulation in the scalp, which helps strengthen the hair shafts and accelerates natural hair growth.

Indications for use

This natural remedy useful for hair loss, regardless of the reason that triggered the phenomenon. So, during chemotherapy with malignant tumors the use of burdock oil will help keep the hair follicles alive, and during hair regrowth, this remedy improves the intensity of their growth.

Burdock oil is very useful for hair after dyeing, perming using chemical or biological agents, after long stay exposure to the sun, swimming in the sea or a pool with chlorinated water, as well as when the condition of the hair deteriorates as a result of poisoning, taking medications, or unfavorable working conditions.

Regular use of burdock oil in men can slow down the death of hair follicles and delay baldness for 15-20 years.

Burdock oil, according to reviews, is very effective for treating dandruff and eliminates both oily seborrhea, and dry dandruff. Regular use is required for long-term effects.

In addition to hair and scalp, this oil - excellent remedy for the care of eyelashes and eyebrows, it restores the hair structure damaged by the effects of dyes and mascara, stimulates eyelash renewal and improves their growth. Reviews of burdock oil also indicate its benefits for nails. With regular use, it prevents peeling and breaking of nail plates, strengthens and gives them shine, and softens the cuticle.


Burr oil - natural product, therefore may cause an allergic reaction. Before first use, it is recommended to apply a drop of the product to the crook of your elbow. If observed allergic manifestations, itching, rash or redness of the skin, the product should not be used.

Traditional medicine recipes

The main way to use burdock oil is to directly apply it to pure form on hair, skin or nails. When used to treat hair, the oil is applied to hair moistened with water, strand by strand at the roots of the hair, rubbing into the skin with light massage movements. Then, using a plastic comb, soaking it in oil, apply the product to the entire length of the hair. It is advisable to warm the oil a little before use. After applying the oil, it is better to wrap your head in plastic wrap and wrap it with a warm towel on top to further enhance the biological activity active ingredients facilities. The oil should be washed off no earlier than after 1 hour; for very dry and lifeless hair, this mask can be left overnight. After this, the hair should be thoroughly rinsed with shampoo, usually requiring at least two soapings, and the conditioner should be used as usual. Apply burdock oil to hair in this way 1-2 times a week, the course of treatment is for better effect must be at least two months.

In addition to using this product in its pure form, high efficiency Burdock oil has benefits when added to various homemade hair masks. For example, to strengthen hair follicles and give hair shine, mix 2 egg yolks, 3 tbsp. l. burdock oil and a tablespoon of honey. The resulting mixture is evenly distributed on the hair and left for 30 minutes. Frequency of use: 1 time per week.

It is very effective to use burdock oil with pepper against hair loss. To do this, you need to mix burdock oil, alcohol in equal proportions. pepper tincture and water. The resulting mixture should be applied to the scalp and hair, wrap the head in plastic wrap and wait 30 minutes, then rinse the hair thoroughly with shampoo. Burdock oil with pepper stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, strengthens hair follicles and improves hair growth. You should use a mask of burdock oil with pepper no more than 2 times a week.

Everyone knows perfectly well what burdock is; everyone has seen it growing on the street many times. But did you know that burdock oil is obtained from its roots? The roots are infused with various oils (olive, sesame), such a product can be bought in stores or. The oil was used in distant, distant times, but even now it is quite relevant.

Benefits of burdock oil

Modern women, in order to look beautiful, use a variety of cosmetic products - creams, balms. But no mask or shampoo can compare with burdock oil. It contains a storehouse of useful substances, such as vitamins A, B, C, E, calcium, chromium, iron, beneficial microelements, palmitic and stearic acids.

Thanks to these substances, the oil affects many organs and promotes beneficial effects. If you use it for hair and scalp, hair growth will soon increase, baldness will stop, dry and itchy skin, dandruff will disappear, blood circulation will increase and hair and hair follicles will become stronger. If you use burdock oil for, they will begin to grow faster , strengthen, become long, fluffy and well-groomed. It can also be used for nails - the oil does an excellent job of strengthening the nail plate and softening the cuticle.

Burdock oil: application

Burdock oil has found its place in many areas. Its main action is aimed at hair. Burdock oil is used both in its pure form to strengthen and grow hair, and in addition to other components (masks, scrubs, baths). Burdock oil is also added to a variety of shampoos, balms, and masks. The oil is intended for both oily and dry hair.

Masks with burdock oil or using it in its pure form help get rid of acne and various skin diseases. It is used even for small children, applying the product to irritated areas of the skin.
The oil is used by women who want to have beautiful, thick and long eyelashes, and strong and well-groomed nails. However, burdock oil also works great for dry skin on the elbows, heels and knees. And if you add a few drops to the bath, it will not only nourish the skin, but also give it tone.

And, of course, burdock oil is used for facial skin - it helps clean around the eyes, get rid of oily shine, and nourish.

Burdock oil for face

With the help of burdock oil, you can nourish your skin with the necessary vitamins and beneficial substances, cure acne, inflammation, cleanse pores, remove unnecessary wrinkles, and improve the condition of the sebaceous glands. The simplest way to use oil is to warm it up a little and spread it on your face.

For growth and thickness, you can use pure burdock oil. Taking an old brush from under the mascara, dip it in the oil and apply it to the eyelashes, removing excess oil with a napkin. By repeating this procedure constantly, you can achieve incredible results.

To remove makeup, you can combine burdock oil and chamomile oil in equal quantities. This oil composition will perfectly and gently remove makeup and restore skin cells.

Against pimples and acne - you need to very carefully and precisely apply the oil to problem areas of the skin. For greater benefits, burdock oil (a couple of drops) should be added to your favorite product: milk, lotion, tonic.
To rejuvenate and tone the face, you can mix finely chopped parsley with 5 drops of burdock oil and 7 ml of aloe juice. Apply this composition onto the skin of the face with gentle massaging movements and leave it on for half an hour.

For the war against acne, a lotion consisting of a couple of spoons of burdock oil, essential oils of lavender and eucalyptus (a drop at a time) and rose water (60 ml) is also popular. This tonic cleanses, destroys pimples and prevents them appearance .

For oily facial skin, baths with burdock oil can help. You just need to steam the chamomile and combine the composition with a spoon of burdock oil. Cover with a towel and hover your skin over this infusion.

A mask made from a spoonful of warmed honey, a spoonful of burdock oil and one yolk is perfect for moisturizing dry skin. After applying to the face, leave it on for at least 15 minutes.

Soak a small amount of brewer's yeast in warm milk and leave for half an hour. Then add a spoonful of heated honey, burdock oil, sour cream and lemon juice. Gently whisk and apply the mask to your face for a quarter of an hour.

For any skin type, you can use burdock oil by mixing it with flour (rice, wheat). Apply in a thick layer. Or you can beat a spoonful of full-fat cottage cheese, natural burdock oil and warm milk. And wear this whole mixture on your face for 25 minutes.

Burdock oil for nails

Burdock oil has a very effective effect on nails: it strengthens the nail plate, saturates the nails with beneficial vitamins, improves their growth, helps soften and remove the cuticle. To make your nails strong and healthy, rub burdock oil into your nail plates every day before bed. It is also useful to perform oil massages daily for 7 days. To do this, you need to mix a spoonful of any vegetable oil with burdock oil, warm it up and hold the tips of your fingers there for 10-15 minutes. Next put on cotton gloves for 10 minutes. During a manicure, the cuticle can be lubricated with a heated oil composition of burdock and castor oil. You can also make oil-based ones for marigolds, with the addition of salts. For example, add a spoonful of sea salt and a few drops of burdock oil to warm water, and lower your hands there for 20 minutes. After this, rinse your hands and apply cream on them.

Hair masks with burdock oil

In order for your hair to become stronger, grow faster and better, you need to apply slightly warmed burdock oil to damp hair (can be clean or dirty), to the roots and along the entire length, put a bag or cap on your head and wrap it with a towel. Leave for an hour, then wash your hair a couple of times with shampoo and conditioner.

For dry hair, the ideal mask is a mask containing one spoon each of burdock, chamomile and wheat germ oils. Rub the oil mixture into the scalp and hair roots an hour before washing. Or take a couple of spoons of burdock oil and add 5 drops of chamomile and ylang-ylang oils to it. Also rub into the scalp half an hour before washing. It is very useful to add a couple of yolks and a spoonful of calendula decoction to burdock oil.
For hair prone to oiliness - beat a large spoon of burdock oil with a small spoon of grape seed oil, 10 drops of lemon oil and grapefruit pulp. Rub the resulting pulp into the hair, leaving for half an hour. Or take Shea butter and burdock oil in equal proportions, squeeze grapefruit juice and add 10 drops of orange essential oil. Leave on hair for 20 minutes.

A mask made from burdock oil, honey, a couple of yolks and onion juice will help against hair loss. All take V equal portions, mix between yourself And impose on roots hair on 20 minutes. For acceleration growth hair cover costs use oil burdock With tincture burning pepper, Ingredients V equal proportions mix And rubbed in V skin heads on 10 15 minutes.

In the article we talk about burdock oil, its beneficial properties and use in cosmetology. You will find out what types of burdock oil can be found on sale, how the product is useful for hair, facial skin and nails.

Composition and beneficial properties of burdock oil

The beneficial properties of burdock oil are due to its rich chemical composition, it includes:

  • vitamins – A, E, C and group B;
  • minerals – iron, calcium, chromium;
  • polysaccharides – inulin.

The composition also contains fatty acids – stearic and palmitic.

When applying burdock oil to the skin of the face or hair, a greasy film is formed, which helps retain moisture. The polysaccharide inulin acts as a sorbent - it cleanses the surface of the skin and hair from dead cells, accumulated fat and dirt.

Burdock oil improves blood circulation, which means it stimulates improved delivery nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the upper layer of the epidermis.

The herbal remedy activates water-lipid metabolism, increases local immunity and accelerates regeneration processes.

Types of burdock oil

In addition to classic natural burdock oil, you can find on sale herbal remedy with red pepper, nettle and vitamins.

With red pepper

Burdock oil with red pepper is used for hair - to accelerate its growth and stop hair loss.

Red pepper extract improves blood flow to the scalp, allowing more nutrients to reach the hair roots.

Useful microelements nourish hair follicles, strengthen them and accelerate hair growth. In addition, the product effectively eliminates dandruff.

Be careful when using this type of burdock oil. Do not allow severe burning of the scalp, otherwise you may get burned and provoke the development of allergic reaction. If the burning sensation is unbearable, immediately wash off the burdock oil.

With nettles

It is advisable to use burdock oil with nettle extract to strengthen hair roots; the product is effective in the treatment of baldness and seborrhea.

The herbal product stops hair loss, strengthens hair follicles, normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat, and accelerates hair growth. Burdock oil helps in the treatment of dandruff, promotes fast healing wound on the skin, eliminates itching.

Compared to the product with the addition of pepper extract, this is a milder product.

With vitamins

Burdock oil with vitamins A, E and group B can be used for hair, facial skin, and to strengthen nails.

Vitamin A promotes rapid cell regeneration and helps retain moisture. Vitamin E increases blood circulation, has an antioxidant and rejuvenating effect. B vitamins contribute to improved nutrition of skin cells and hair follicles, production of collagen and elastin.

Burdock oil for hair

The secret of the effectiveness of burdock oil in treating hair lies in improving blood circulation in the scalp and cleansing it of dead cells. This allows beneficial substances to flow freely to hair follicles and feed them.

Sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids provide fast growth hair, strengthening its roots and restoring structure.

Before using burdock oil, it must be heated in a water bath to 35-40 degrees. How to apply the product - massage the oil into the scalp; you can apply the product to both dry and damp hair.

If desired, you can distribute the product over the entire length of your hair. To easily distribute the oil, you can use a wide-toothed comb.

After applying the product, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. Keep the mask on for 1-2 hours. Rinse off with warm water and shampoo. After using burdock oil, it is better to dry your hair without a hairdryer.

For eyelashes and eyebrows

Burdock oil can be used not only to care for hair, but also for eyelashes and eyebrows. The oil stops the loss of eyelashes, makes them longer and more voluminous. Using an eyebrow product will make them thicker and more manageable.

Apply burdock oil to your eyelashes and eyebrows daily using an old mascara brush, after washing and drying it. Remove excess product with a cotton pad or paper napkin.

For these purposes, you can use pure burdock oil or with the addition vitamin complex. Do not use anything containing red pepper under any circumstances.

Men can also use burdock oil for their beards. The components of burdock oil activate hair growth, making it more manageable and silky.

Burdock oil for face and body

Pure burdock oil, as well as oil with added vitamins, is used to care for the skin of the face and body. The product restores the water-lipid balance of the skin, retains moisture on its surface, and eliminates dryness, which is typical for the autumn-winter period. Using burdock oil, you can also eliminate dryness on the elbows, heels, and knees.

The oil cleanses the skin of the face and body of dead cells, excess fat and impurities. It softens the skin, has an antibacterial effect, and helps eliminate acne. With regular use herbal product accelerates regeneration processes at the cellular level, promotes the production of collagen and elastin, this helps smooth out wrinkles and improve complexion.

Burdock oil is recommended to be applied to the skin of the face and body 15-20 minutes before taking a bath or shower. Since the product is produced on the basis base oils, it can be applied to the skin in its pure form. To do this, use a cotton pad and remove excess with a paper napkin.

Burdock oil for nails

The use of burdock oil is not limited to caring for hair and skin of the face and body; it can also be used to improve the health of nails. The product, obtained from burdock root, strengthens the nail plate, accelerates nail growth, and prevents the development of fungal infections.

Regular use of burdock oil for nails solves problems such as brittleness and splitting. The product also softens the cuticle.

Rub burdock oil into nail plates and cuticles or take baths before trimming your manicure.

Burdock oil at home - recipe

You can prepare burdock oil yourself at home. The recipe presented below is taken from the book “Home Perfumery” by K. Ippolitov, published in 1906.

How to make burdock oil


  1. Burdock root – 20 g.
  2. Olive oil – 200 ml.

How to cook: Finely grate the burdock root. Fill the raw material with olive oil. Place the ingredients on water bath and heat for an hour, the temperature should not exceed 50 degrees. Pour the oil along with the raw materials into a dark glass bottle, leave for 7-8 days in a dark place.

How to use: Use burdock oil as intended. Strain before use. Store in a dark and dry place.

Instead of olive oil You can use sunflower, almond, rapeseed.


Burdock oil is a natural product and has no contraindications, as it is used externally. However, use is unacceptable if there is an individual intolerance to the substances present in the composition.

To determine the presence or absence of an allergy, perform a simple test. Apply a small amount to the outer bend of your elbow and leave for 15-20 minutes. If there are no rashes, feel free to use the product for skin and hair care.

Where can I buy

You can buy burdock oil at a pharmacy or online store.

At the time of buying herbal preparation Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date and storage conditions.

The average price of burdock oil is 35-70 rubles. The cost depends on the specific point and region of sale, manufacturer brand, and the availability of additional components.

Burdock (or simply burdock) is a plant known to almost everyone in our country: huge leaves up to 70 cm in length and flowers that constantly clung to clothes in childhood. with their own medicinal properties this plant has been known for a long time not only in our country, but also in India, America, and China.
IN folk medicine different countries They used decoctions, infusions of burdock roots and burdock oil. The decoction was used internally, and burdock oil was used topically. This plant was used to treat leprosy, gout, peptic ulcer, used to relieve pain from and many other ailments. Since ancient times, women have known about healing power burdock oil for hair loss. Today, the oil is used mainly in cosmetology.
Burdock oil has unique complex biologically active substances, more than 50 components were identified in it, including vitamins, mineral salts, organic acids, tannins, and polyacetylenes.

How is burdock oil obtained?

In the old days this healing oil received this way: crushed burdock root was poured vegetable oil, insisted for several weeks, and then filtered. The essence of this method is to dissolve the fat-like components contained in the roots of burdock in oil. Today there is no need to prepare burdock oil yourself, since it can be bought at any pharmacy. affordable price. Yes, and it has been proven that with this home method oil extraction, only a small part of the beneficial substances dissolves in the oil, while the majority remains in the root.

How to choose burdock oil in a pharmacy

Today, some pharmaceutical companies use modern methods obtaining burdock oil in order to achieve the highest possible percentage of extraction of beneficial substances from the roots of the plant. For example, pharmaceutical company NPO Elfa uses extraction technology carbon dioxide, in which several tens of times more biologically active substances are extracted from the plant than with the traditional method of oil extraction. Her product is known on the market as “Real Burdock Oil.”
But it is important not only how the beneficial substances are extracted from burdock root, but also what kind of oil is used for the base. The additional properties of the oil depend on this, as well as how it will be washed off from the hair. For example, it is much healthier than soybean or, even more so, mineral, which is obtained by distilling oil. Burdock extract based on mineral oil is very difficult to wash off from hair. Most often, the base is mineral, soy, sunflower oil, less often - almond and olive. This also affects the selling price of burdock oil.
The well-known Russian pharmaceutical company Evalar offers burdock oil obtained by oil extraction based on soybean oil with various additives: chamomile, nettle, calendula, hops, etc. Some packages, for example, “Nevskaya Korona” simply indicate, oil extract burdock roots, and what kind of oil is used as a base is not indicated.
There are many manufacturers, and if, looking at the packaging, it is not always possible to find out how the beneficial substances were extracted from burdock root, then you can find out what kind of oil is the basis, for this you just need to read the composition.

Application for hair

The expression “Eyes are the mirror of the soul” is known, then about hair you can say “This is a mirror of the state of the whole organism.” Problems within the body immediately affect the condition of the hair. But hair problems can also appear due to scalp diseases such as seborrhea or dandruff.
Burdock oil improves blood circulation in the scalp, thus strengthening and stimulating the hair follicles. In addition, it contains a component that blocks the action of enzymes that cause hair loss. And also the oil is a great assistant in the fight against seborrhea and due to the content of antimicrobial components. These properties of burdock oil have been known since ancient times, which is why it is the main medicine in folk medicine.
If hair loss is caused by some short-term factors, such as anesthesia, taking some medications, nervous stress, then burdock oil helps in such cases better than any other remedy. If hair problems are caused by vitamin deficiency, hormonal problems, decline , problems gastrointestinal tract, then it must be used simultaneously with drug treatment.
Several times a week you need to massage the scalp with burdock oil. The oil needs to be warmed up a little beforehand to enhance the effect. You need to massage your head gently in a circular motion, leave the oil on the skin for an hour, after wrapping your head in a towel, and then rinse it off with. The result becomes visible after about a month of regular use. The course of treatment is two months. In particular difficult cases The oil should be used every day for 2-3 weeks.
Burdock oil can be used regardless of what type of hair you have. It is suitable for both dry and oily hair. It reduces the secretion of sebum, so greasy hair it only has a positive impact.
Today you can find hair sprays and tonics on sale that contain burdock extract. Such products help treat hair after exposure to unfavorable climatic conditions and procedures, such as salt water, sun, frequent use, ironing and curling irons. The spray is convenient because it does not need to be washed off after application along the entire length of the hair. It holds hair together, makes it easy to style and looks well-groomed. And while the spray is on the hair, the healing process is underway.

Application for eyelashes

By stimulating the hair follicles, the oil will not only strengthen the eyelashes, but will also stimulate the growth of new eyelashes. Thus, after a couple of months of regular use of the oil, your eyelashes will become thicker.
It is not necessary to try to apply the oil to the eyelashes all the way to their base, since this application may cause the oil to get into the eyes. It is enough to apply the oil from the middle of the eyelashes; the required amount will fall on its own and fall on their base. The most convenient way to do this is to use a previously washed brush from old mascara.

Application for skin

Thanks to unique composition Burdock oil is also used to moisturize, nourish and cleanse the skin. It can be used for dry, oily, aging and problematic skin.
Owners oily skin people are afraid to use any oil to nourish the skin, but burdock will help normalize the work sebaceous glands. It also has the property of regenerating skin cells, so it is very good to use for aging skin. Also, burdock oil will be a salvation if your facial skin becomes chapped during bad weather.
Due to the content of polyacetylene compounds, burdock oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, so it is used to treat many skin diseases such as acne, boils, various kinds rashes, calluses, and even psoriasis.
Oil can be added to water while taking a bath, this will make the skin soft. You can rub it into your skin before taking a shower, this will make your skin silky. It also perfectly softens rough skin.