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Soluble chicory. Chicory is one of the ways to improve the condition of the heart and blood vessels. Chicory is a natural supplier of inulin

What chicory looks like: photo during the flowering period

The chicory doesn't look outstanding in the photo. However, a root up to 15 meters long is hidden underground. Not a small sample! And this is beneficial to us: this is where the benefits of the plant are concentrated.

Plant roots: the main raw material for instant chicory

How the product is made

Powder or granules are the result of drying and frying at high temperatures (up to 220 C). Naturally, this technology destroys many beneficial substances in the root, although the taste is a convenient raw material for a drink reminiscent of coffee.

Syrup is another option for a curious product on sale. Alas, this is not the best choice, since in its production the mentioned powder, produced by the hot drying method, is used in combination with sugar, which adds harm both for diabetes and for all followers of a healthy lifestyle.

New with a key advantage!

Freeze-dried instant chicory.

The main thing we know about it is its safety. useful substances due to special production technology. As a result, all vitamins mineral salts, valuable biocompounds and the prebiotic inulin are preserved and benefit the body.

Where to get personal experience

Convenient points of sale where there is always correct view drinks are online stores healthy eating. For example, giants Ozone and iHerb. Our hero is much more popular in the USA than in Russia, so the product line on iHerb is very wide.

It also makes sense to pay attention to freeze-dried instant chicory “Ecology - healthy eating”. It was developed at the Institute of Nutrition, receiving several prestigious awards.

This product is comparatively pleasing affordable price and a meaningful label. All the beneficial properties are before your eyes. There won't be a single question left regarding brewing. Externally, these are porous granules that resemble coffee.

Chemical composition of chicory

We will only talk about the useful type of product - dry instant, which is made by sublimation.

Calorie content per 100 grams - 320-370 kcal

  • Carbohydrates - from 50 grams
  • Proteins - up to 10 grams


  • A - 286 mcg
  • K - 297.6 mcg
  • E - 2.26 mg
  • C - 24 mg
  • B6 - 0.11 mg
  • B9 - 110 mcg
  • And also B1, B2, B4, B5


  • Potassium - 420 mg
  • Sodium - 45 mg
  • Phosphorus - 47 mg
  • Manganese - 0.43 mg
  • Calcium - 100 mg
  • Magnesium - 30 mg
  • As well as zinc, selenium, etc.

There are coumarins, polyphenols, pectins and a very valuable component inulin - fructose polysaccharide and a special type dietary fiber, which is indicated for use by almost everyone.

According to GOST, high-quality chicory for brewing tea should contain at least 30% inulin. In products from TM Ekologika prebiotics up to 46% (!)

Beneficial features

1) Reduces stress and protects intelligence from age-related changes.

2006, Journal of Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior: “Repeated caffeine consumption combined with stress causes a significant increase in cortisol levels.” ()

This is the main difference between our hero and coffee, which fuels stress. The reason for this is caffeine. It even comes in decaffeinated versions.

Our hero does not contain this substance and reduces nervous tension. Even that one Herb tea, where we add a little coffee for aroma, is significantly better than another cup of pure coffee addiction.

By drinking chicory infusion at night, we solve several problems at once. Mild sedative effect, reduced anxiety and normal long-term sleep. Deep and uninterrupted sleep enables anti-aging mechanisms led by melatonin, a natural anti-aging protector. As a result, chicory is another step towards active longevity and preservation of intelligence.

2) Protects against systemic inflammation.

Plant polyphenols can fight inflammation. The so-called “systemic senile inflammation” is the cause of all age-related pathologies that shorten life or significantly reduce its quality at the age of 60+.

It is useful to introduce any foods containing many anti-inflammatory substances into the diet from the age of 35-40.

In addition, the anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties of chicory are an excellent help in the treatment of extensive skin pathologies (eczema, psoriasis, acne).

3) Protects liver cells.

2015, Damanhour University, Egypt. Four groups of patients with different liver lesions and treatment regimens. Daily chicory extract (100 mg per 1 kg body weight, 1 r per day, 2 weeks in a row) prevented cell damage, ultimately improving liver health. ()

The liver is an unpretentious and phenomenal hard-working organ. It constantly neutralizes toxic substances and synthesizes compounds important for life.

The ability of chicory extract to protect hepatocytes from the action of toxins and free radicals has been proven in many studies. Additionally, the product has a mild choleretic effect. It alleviates the condition with dyskinesia of the gallbladder and at the first stage of cholelithiasis.

And phenolic resins are antioxidants. This adds anti-cancer activity to the drink.

4) Prevents and slows the progression of type 2 diabetes and helps you lose weight.

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes is the scourge of civilization. But the situation is not as dire as it might seem before studying methods of prevention and treatment. In protecting against the development of diabetes, a lot depends on nutrition and those natural remedies, which normalize metabolism.

Our hero can be an effective addition to a diabetes diet. It will also be useful in the proper nutrition of all people over 30 years of age in order to prevent the development of the disease. The reason for the antidiabetic properties of chicory is the already mentioned healing inulin.

Reducing the GI of your meal!

Thanks to inulin, tea reduces glycemic index meals. This reduces blood glucose spikes. As a result, fewer carbohydrates are stored in fat. This encourages weight loss, and the glycoside intibin dulls appetite.

5) Restrains the manifestations of arthritis.

2010, a study was completed at the University of Texas, which found that chicory root extract has anti-inflammatory properties and can help with degenerative diseases joints. Chicory extract was administered to 18 patients over 50 years of age with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee joint. 13 patients reported a 20% improvement in pain and stiffness. ()

6) Normalizes intestinal cleansing and nourishes beneficial microflora.

2012, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 28 days, older adults with constipation. Conclusion: “Decreased difficulty with bowel movements. Supplementing 15 grams of inulin daily relieves constipation and improves quality of life.” ()

And again the beneficial properties of chicory thanks to the prebiotic inulin, which passes through the upper sections digestive tract without changes. IN lower parts it becomes fertile soil for the nutrition of beneficial microflora. It grows by suppressing opportunistic pathogens. The absorption of vitamins and minerals improves, and a food bolus is formed that is convenient for evacuation. Ultimately, this strengthens the immune system.

Contraindications for use

  • A strict ban on chicory tea for all people with individual intolerance. The risk increases if you are allergic to related plants. These are marigolds, daisies, ambrosia.
  • Cholelithiasis, from stage 2, with large stones. Our hero, like all choleretic drinks, enhances the peristalsis of the gallbladder. If the stones move into the duct, a blockage will occur and surgical treatment will occur.
  • Inflammatory diseases upper sections digestive tract (gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer).
  • Varicose veins of the limbs and severe hemorrhoids.
  • Serious pathology nervous system(schizophrenia, severe nervousness, organic changes in the brain).
  • Children under 3 years of age.

A relative contraindication is pregnancy. In Western sources, doctors do not prohibit chicory, but women who did not use it before pregnancy should not suddenly replace coffee. Right choice- give up both coffee and its substitutes.

Is it possible to use chicory breastfeeding? And again there are discrepancies in herbal medicine. American women drink tea during breastfeeding. Our doctors advise you to be careful.

Instant chicory: how much can you drink per day?

2-3 cups (200 ml) per day- standard recommendation of endocrinologists for the prevention of diabetes in healthy people. See the packaging for the number of spoons for brewing 1 cup.

Do not pour boiling water over it!

Need hot water about 80-90 C and the time for the tea to brew is 3-5 minutes, under the lid.

What is possible add to drink for taste?

  • At the beginning of addiction - a little coffee for aroma;
  • Ginger or cinnamon;
  • Milk and honey (into cooled infusion);
  • Lemon or Orange juice(in warm tea).

Possible harm from increasing the amount of inulin in the diet is temporary flatulence and bloating. To avoid discomfort, introduce the product gradually.

To reduce appetite and lose weight:

In the evening, brew 2 tablespoons of chicory roots in a thermos for 1 liter of boiling water. Drink the infusion 30 minutes before meals, using the entire liter in 1 day.

The taste of chicory tea cannot be compared to coffee. You are unlikely to switch to it without any effort at all. After aromatic Arabica, give at least 2 weeks to get used to the health-improving replacement.

Be prepared: a sweetish drink made from instant chicory - with a slight bitterness. But its beneficial properties are great, and its contraindications are insignificant. It makes sense to include the drink in the family menu at least during the most vulnerable and delicate periods. In autumn and winter, after illness, during breastfeeding and pregnancy, for elderly hypertensive patients and during weight loss.

It’s quite possible that you won’t want to go back to coffee, especially instant coffee, which can’t be called healthy or harmless, but we’ll talk about that next time. Learn important things, try useful things and be healthy!

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More recently, chicory was considered little more than a weed or a cheap coffee substitute. It was used to make a so-called coffee drink, which was drunk solely due to the shortage of coffee beans. Currently, the benefits of the plant are blue flowers allowed him to achieve great popularity as a food additives. Chicory, whose beneficial properties help fight many diseases, is eaten almost entirely: the leaves, the stem, and the roots of the plant.

Chicory promotes normalization metabolic processes, accelerating the removal of toxins and waste. It is useful for those suffering from diabetes, as well as for patients diagnosed with various kidney diseases. It is believed that chicory can improve blood composition once you start taking it regularly.

Chicory for weight loss improves the functioning of the digestive tract, helps with heartburn and normalizes appetite. Since its effect on the nervous system is similar to that of coffee beans, it relieves feelings of fatigue and instills vigor.

In addition to its positive effect on the nervous system, chicory has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to this, chicory is soluble, contraindications for which do not include bacterial diseases, used in the treatment of colds.

From our new article you will learn how to take it correctly linseed oil for weight loss.

Why is instant chicory so beneficial?

The weight loss effect of a drink made from chicory root has been noticed for a long time, but it was not the main purpose of taking it for most people. Gentle and painless weight loss occurs due to blood purification and removal from digestive system all the “garbage” in the form of toxins and waste that has accumulated there over several years.

The products that are created on the basis of chicory are varied and very useful. But there are probably three main options. This is soluble chicory, in liquid form and fried (ground) chicory. The main component from which the products are prepared is chicory root. In medicine, which is respectfully called folk medicine, all parts of the plant are applicable - flowers, stem, leaves and, of course, the root.

The popularity of chicory is very justified. It has a whole bunch of components useful for the human body.

Beneficial substances of chicory

Among a number of beneficial substances that attract this plant to itself, inulin can be distinguished. This component belongs to the group of so-called polysaccharides. Inulin acts as a polymer of fructose.

Chicory root also contains protein substances, as well as tannins. It also contains organic acids, riboflavin, and thiamine. It is also rich in ascorbic acid and folic acid. A number of vitamins that this plant contains enriches vitamin PP, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine.

Minerals are also represented by an impressive list useful components. The root contains a lot of potassium - 290 g. This is 12% of required norm for an adult (per day). There is magnesium (22 mg), calcium (41 mg), phosphorus (61 mg).

Among the microelements, manganese can be distinguished. It is 0.23 mg in 100 g of raw chicory. This is about 13% of the norm for humans. The list is complemented by copper, selenium, and zinc. There are a little fewer of them. But they are no less important for all organs to function normally.

Manufacturing technology

Soluble is obtained as a result of a number of actions. First of all, the root must be collected. Then it is crushed. And thanks to a procedure called extraction, a so-called extract is obtained. The extract or extract is loaded into spray dryers. There the final transformation of the raw material into soluble chicory occurs. The product comes out in powder form. It is packaged and sent to retail chains for sale to us, consumers.

Some manufacturers, for better or worse, you be the judge, add dyes to their products. Moreover, very often they are not natural. Can also be used to improve taste qualities chemical substances. Flavorings are often used.

Benefits of instant chicory

Despite the fact that before it reaches our table, instant chicory undergoes quite an impressive processing, its useful qualities the product does not lose.

It is recommended that people with various diseases. After all, this is a real storehouse of useful substances.

  • Chicory will have a positive effect on the nervous system and will solve the problem of insomnia, if any. It is also useful for blood vessels. Helps in the treatment of diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Your kidneys and spleen will respond with gratitude to taking soluble chicory. Thanks to this drink, it is possible to restore the disturbed intestinal microflora.
  • And for patients this is generally one of the healthiest products.
  • Experts recommend using chicory, and in soluble form, too, to combat extra pounds. Just remember that chicory can stimulate the appetite. But if the feeling of hunger is not a hindrance to you, then thanks to the drink, you can successfully establish metabolism in the body, remove excess fats and harmful cholesterol.
  • The type of chicory is soluble, very similar in taste. Therefore, it is an excellent substitute.

Contraindications and harm

  1. The plant, which is called chicory, belongs to the category of medicinal plants. Therefore, when introducing it into your diet, first of all, you need to analyze the state of your health. And if it turns out that you are healthy, then there is no obstacle to the tasty and healthy drink made from instant chicory appearing on your menu. If you have any illnesses, consult your doctor.
  2. Chicory, despite all its usefulness, can harm people with. The drink should not be abused by those who have...
  3. The nervous system generally reacts positively to a drink made from instant chicory. But if you have increased excitability, then it is also better to refuse an extra cup of this drink.
  4. Some useful substances that are preserved during processing fresh roots chicory powder, act on blood vessels as a dilatant. Therefore, people suffering from a very unpleasant disease called hemorrhoids should drink drinks made from soluble chicory with caution. The drink, in such cases, can even provoke bleeding.
  5. This product should not be abused by people prone to allergic reactions. In this situation, start with a small amount of the drink. And if there is no negative reaction, then you can add a portion.

If there are no restrictions on the use of instant chicory drinks, then you still shouldn’t drink a lot of it. Three, maybe even five cups a day is the golden mean, which will bring benefit and not harm. Listen to your body and it will undoubtedly tell you the individual norm that is right for you.

It is better to brew instant chicory with hot boiling water. And by steeping it for a few minutes, you will save yourself from the burn and help completely saturate the drink with useful components.

You can also make drinks from instant chicory with milk. It is advisable to pour the powder with hot milk. Add sugar, honey and cream to it. But it depends on your taste and preferences.

Be sure to check, when choosing a product, marking. Carefully study all the ingredients that are included in the composition. If there are any substitutes, then it is better to look for another drink.

There is currently no shortage of instant chicory. In one mall, you can find several types and options. You can try everything and choose the one that suits you.

If you still doubt the benefits of the drinks sold, you can make powder from this plant yourself. To do this, raw chicory roots must be dried. This can be done in the oven, in the oven, under a canopy on fresh air. It is advisable to protect from sun rays. When they reach the desired consistency, chop them finely. The next step is to fry the roots. The final step is to grind it and pour it into a dry, pre-prepared container. If you have time and the opportunity to get raw materials, then you can try to set up home production.

Perhaps each of us, walking along a summer lawn or a river bank, has repeatedly seen tall stems with deep blue flowers. However, the majority passes by without paying attention to it and without even guessing what healing properties he has. Of course, we are now talking about chicory.

Many, seeing this plant, will probably consider it a weed, and they will be wrong. In fact, it is not only used in medicinal purposes by humans, but also enjoys great love among domestic animals, even bees have chosen it, because wonderful honey is made from chicory. We are accustomed to drinking chicory as a drink that has a lot of beneficial properties. However, for supporters traditional medicine, the whole plant is of great value - the leaves are a wonderful ingredient in salad, and the juice is used to treat poor eyesight.

How is instant chicory prepared?

We have long been accustomed to the fact that on store shelves we can find everything our heart desires. But the time when it was difficult to find even the most necessary things, not to mention products such as chicory, has not yet been erased from the memory of our parents. But housewives of that time were extremely inventive and found their own way of processing and preparing the powder at home. The finely chopped root was dried either in the oven for several hours or in the sun, but this took much longer, sometimes even a week. Then it was fried, and only after that it was finally crushed to a powder-like state.

Modern technologies use completely different methods. In order to preserve the maximum beneficial properties of the chicory drink, and thereby avoid many contraindications, manufacturers try to use liquid extract, because heat treatment destroys useful microelements and vitamins contained in the root of the plant.

Unfortunately, during the mass production of this product, there are often cases of adding various dyes and flavors to it. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to pay attention to the composition: high-quality powder is made only from chicory extract.

What's the benefit?

Lately supporters proper nutrition is getting bigger and bigger, and its popularity is growing accordingly. healthy products. One of them was ground chicory, which for many became a coffee substitute. In fact, even an amateur, not to mention connoisseurs, will notice the difference between them. Chicory will give off not only a sweetish taste, but also a smell that is more reminiscent of freshly baked bread than a coffee aroma.

How did he win such love for himself? First of all, it is worth mentioning the root of the plant, which is very rich in pectin, vitamins B and C, proteins, tannins, micro- and macroelements, and resins. A special place among this bouquet is occupied by inulin, which is a polymer of fructose. It is this component that gives the drink such a sweet taste, but this is not its main merit. Inulin not only improves metabolic processes, affects the normalization of microflora in the intestines, but also does not affect blood sugar levels in any way, which makes it indispensable for those suffering from diabetes. diabetes.

I think that now the usefulness of a drink made from chicory is beyond doubt, however, how can these substances affect the human body? All of them affect not only general state, but are also indispensable in the treatment of diseases. For example, the concentration of B vitamins helps normalize the condition of problems with the nervous system; potassium is a valuable assistant in the fight against heart problems. In addition, chicory has been proven to have a beneficial effect on the liver, whose cells are restored more intensively when consumed. Chicory also helps with gastritis and ulcers, relieving inflammatory processes and promoting scarring of ulcers. We should not forget about its benefits for diabetics, whose reviews of soluble chicory mention only its positive properties, and there is not a word about contraindications.

The similarity of this chicory to coffee has already been mentioned earlier. Of course, avid coffee drinkers are unlikely to be able to give up drinking their favorite drink, replacing it with a healthy one, but in some cases it can become a lifesaver. First of all we'll talk about pregnant women who are prohibited from consuming caffeine and tannin. But you really want to treat yourself to a cup of aromatic drink! Here soluble chicory will become simply irreplaceable, because it contains no harmful substances. expectant mother and her baby components.

Limitations in use

Soluble chicory has not only beneficial properties, but also contraindications. There are a number of reasons why this drink will have to be excluded from the diet. First of all, these are problems respiratory system as chronic bronchitis or cough. Manifestations of asthma are categorically contraindicated. You should not abuse it if you have problems with blood vessels, especially varicose veins veins People prone to allergies should drink the drink with caution, as manifestations of various allergic reactions are quite possible.

Each of us, if you haven’t tried it, has probably seen in the store bags or jars of chicory - syrup, powder or granules, reminiscent of appearance instant coffee. Many elderly people, as well as those who suffer nearby, use this drink to replace “harmful” coffee and tea. chronic diseases, such as diseases of the heart, blood vessels, pancreas, intestines, etc.

Soluble chicory, being a product plant origin, characterized as beneficial properties, and contraindications, and for some reason many people forget about the latter. Let's look at who benefits from chicory, how to use it correctly, and in what cases a tasty drink can be harmful to health.

Description of the plant

Common chicory, the second name of which is blue dandelion. herbaceous plant from the Asteraceae family. The historical homeland of the plant is the Mediterranean, but today chicory is also widespread in the temperate climate zone. Despite the fact that the plant does not like high humidity, it has managed to adapt to tropical conditions.

Favorite places of growth are meadows, wastelands, forest edges, roadside areas and fields. In mountainous areas, the plant rises no higher than the middle belt.

The crop is actively cultivated for industrial purposes; entire fields are dedicated to it. Domesticated types of chicory are common and salad: the root of the former is used to prepare a drink, the leaves of the salad are used as a side dish or additive to salads.

The plant has a long tap root. The stem is rigid and vertical. The leaves have an oblong shape with a slightly narrowed or rounded tip. The flowers are large, reed-shaped, blue to pinkish in color, located on an individual stem. The fruit is pentagonal in shape.

Useful composition, calorie content

Syrup or thickened extract of fried chicory root contains 263.8 kcal per 100 g of product, as well as: 64 g of carbohydrates, 1.95 g of proteins (no fats detected).

The raw root contains 378 calories per 100 grams, 56 grams of carbohydrates and 9.8 grams of protein.

100 grams of raw salad greens contain 23 kcal - 4.7 grams of carbohydrates, 0.3 grams of fat, 4.0 grams of fiber (fiber), 92 grams of water.

Chicory root has a rich vitamin, macro- and microelement composition, contains tannins, resins, phenols, organic acids, coumarins, pectin and inulin, the amount of which in the dried root is about 40%.

Medicinal properties of chicory

The most common way to consume chicory is in its soluble form, which is brewed as a drink and sipped slowly. If the manufacturer conscientiously followed the technology for producing soluble chicory (which we will discuss below), then the drink will provide the required beneficial properties.

  • Strengthening the immune system. The root contains the prebiotic inulin, which stimulates the growth of natural intestinal probiotics responsible for normal condition digestive system and preventing microflora imbalance.
  • Antioxidant activity. Phenolic resins by their nature are substances that prevent the development oncological diseases. Resins are actively removed from cells by-products cellular oxygenation - free radicals.
  • Prevention cardiovascular diseases, strengthening the heart muscle. Drinking the drink helps reduce the level of low-density lipoprotein, which is the number one risk factor and. Plant phenols in the root are antiarrhythmic substances.
  • Treatment and. Chicory is characterized by analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and helps with inflammatory processes V muscle tissue and joints.
  • Positive action in the fight against overweight . Oligofructose and inulin contained in chicory in large quantities, regulate the level of ghrelin, a hormone responsible for the feeling of hunger, which leads to a decrease in food cravings. Therefore, chicory is recommended for weight loss, integrated approach to solving the problem.
  • Choleretic effect. The plant eliminates stagnation of bile and promotes the dissolution of small stones located in gallbladder, therefore useful in initial stage gallstone disease.
  • Reduced blood sugar levels in patients with. This effect is possible due to the high content of inulin.
  • Reducing anxiety and stress. Chicory, drunk at night, has a sedative effect, helps relax the central nervous system and eliminate anxiety. Such positive effect It has double action: eliminating anxiety promotes normalization hormonal levels, eliminate cognitive impairment and prevent premature aging.
  • Tonic effect. A drink drunk in the morning instead gives vigor and good mood, helps get rid of and.
  • Elimination of edema. The plant has pronounced diuretic properties and helps remove excess liquid from tissues naturally.
  • Elimination and dysfunction of the intestines. A mild laxative effect promotes natural bowel movements and softening of stool.
  • Antibacterial effect on pathogenic flora located in the oral cavity. Tannins act as an antiseptic and therefore help in treatment inflammatory diseases oral cavity.

Contraindications to the use of chicory

  • Pregnancy. Many sources interpret the drink as beneficial for pregnant women. However, this is a herbal drink that can cause allergies and other unwanted effects, so you should not use it during pregnancy.
  • Lactation. Since substances from the drink penetrate into breast milk, you should not take it during lactation.
  • Individual intolerance plants or allergies to similar representatives of the flora: marigolds, daisies, ragweed.
  • Cholelithiasis with large stones in the gall bladder. The plant has a choleretic effect and can cause the passage of stones from the gallbladder.
  • Gastritis and peptic ulcer. The drink has an irritating effect on altered areas of the gastric mucosa.
  • Varicose veins and other vascular diseases.
  • Haemorrhoids . The drink worsens the course of hemorrhoids and weakens healing effect drugs against hemorrhoids.
  • Serious diseases of the nervous system(schizophrenia, chronic nervousness, organic lesions). The drink affects the excitability of the central nervous system and is therefore not recommended for such patients.
  • Children under 3 years old.

Is chicory drink a medicine?

Chicory is not medicines, but refers to phytotherapeutic agents. So, in pharmacy chain You can find various herbal teas with chicory. In grocery stores, chicory is sold in the form of powder, granules or syrup and is classified as food, positioned as healthy food and sold in healthy food departments.

Chicory consumption rates

These recommendations are conditional. During the day, usually take 3-4 cups of the drink some time after meals, if it is well tolerated. The amount of product that should be added to 1 cup should be looked at on the packaging.

Chicory should not be poured with boiling water; it must be used warm water or milk.

Chicory manufacturing technology

On each package, manufacturers promise us that their product is natural, healthy and retains all the beneficial properties of the fresh root. But is this really so?

Chicory in the form of powder or granules is mostly produced by hot air drying at a temperature of 180-220 C or drying and roasting to give the drink a coffee taste. It is clear that in this temperature range the prevailing part of the beneficial substances is destroyed and loses its properties. At the end we get a product that is somewhat similar to coffee in appearance and taste, but the beneficial properties of the product are very questionable.

A new type of chicory, positioned by manufacturers as a healthy food product with beneficial properties preserved in full, is a freeze-dried drink. During sublimation, the root is not exposed high temperatures, and is dried and dehydrated in a special way.

Another type of chicory is a syrup, which is obtained by thickening the powder obtained by hot drying with sugars. Its usefulness, again, is questionable.

But, if we step back from the skeptical assessment of soluble chicory, its benefits are obvious for people for whom coffee is contraindicated, and life without their favorite drink loses its color. However, this is also provided that the use of chicory has been approved by a doctor (contraindications to the consumption of coffee and chicory partially overlap).