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The influence of color on a person, treatment with color. The use of color therapy to relieve stress in children, in psychology, and for the treatment of diseases. The meaning of colors in color therapy. The effect of blue color on health

One of the methods of non-traditional therapy is color therapy, which is based on the method of influencing color radiation on the human body for treatment. various diseases. Since ancient times, this method of treatment has been successfully used for therapy nervous stress, immunity disorders, some internal diseases. Medical scientists suggest that human brain different colors are perceived in the same way as food by the stomach.

It has been found that different colors stimulate biochemical reactions that normalize gland function internal secretion, and also have a stimulating effect on the areas of the brain that produce hormones (pituitary gland). That is, a person’s health can be determined by the spectrum surrounding him. Today, the most famous scientists studying the effects of color range per person, is the Swiss Max Lüscher.

Color therapy for stress relief

Today's world is full of stress and problems that we have to face on a daily basis. The more natural is the desire of any person to find a way to resist negative impact environment. Stress is understood as the pronounced psycho-emotional tension that an individual experiences under the influence of external stimuli and color therapy (or chromotherapy) has been used successfully to combat this condition. The therapeutic effect is produced by radiation of various shades.

Color therapy for stress relief is great for patients who experience these types of situations frequently. But it must be taken into account that long-term and severe depression cannot be cured without the help of a specialist; chromotherapy methods alone are not enough in such cases.

There are a few things to consider before starting treatment. The first is for hypertensive patients and inflammatory processes The red tone is not used, blue is not used for hypotensive patients, and green and its shades are not used for oncopathology. Second, when treating stress, black color is used only in combination with others. Third, you cannot use one color in therapy for a long time.

For color therapy, both colored lamps and simple lamps with multi-colored filters are used, as well as glasses with colored lenses. Recently, colored aroma baths have been used with great success, in which color therapy is combined with aromatherapy, which increases the effectiveness of treatment. Such procedures are very pleasant and perfectly relaxing. Colored salt is used for baths; the water temperature should be comfortable. In the first half of the day, invigorating warm colors are used, in the second - cold ones.

Color therapy for stress relief

In color therapy, color plays a major role in relieving stress. In everyday stress prevention, it is recommended to use blue color, which has an excellent relaxing effect, eliminates stiffness, calms, helps to concentrate and increases stress resistance. For those who work behind a monitor screen, we can recommend using a blue desktop screensaver or a blue mouse pad.

To resolve business issues with one of best flowers is black. It imparts rigor and motivates people to work, which is why it is often used at business meetings.

If there are problems in relationships between colleagues or there is a feeling of self-doubt, use green shades in clothes. This color can give determination, improve immunity, and invigorate. Shades of orange are used to improve mood, bringing bright colors to gray everyday life, as it is the color of solar energy, which gives joy to life. Purple color will help cope with anger and temper. Pink color will help reduce aggressiveness and relieve insomnia, so if you have problems with sleep, it is recommended to decorate the bedroom in pink tones. The color red, which improves the production of adrenaline and thereby improves blood circulation, will help get rid of headaches.

Color therapy for children

The role of flowers in a child's life is enormous. They can not only calm, but also excite and sometimes frighten the baby. Through colors you can understand a child’s character, anxieties and experiences of a child. Already from birth, a child distinguishes all colors and color therapy for children is based on the effect of light photons that they have on the baby’s brain. This method is used to eliminate apathetic states, aggressiveness, and disinhibition.

At one year of age, children prefer yellow-green colors, so the color of their toys should be calm and monochromatic. At the age of 2-3 years, a maximum of four different colors are allowed, and by the age of six, children begin to prefer bright shades.

Colors such as red, orange, yellow are active, stimulating colors. And green, pink, blue, white are passive, calming. Brown, lilac, violet increase anxiety, cause feelings of melancholy and sadness. Therefore, you need to think carefully when choosing the color of a toy. The number of toys in exciting colors should be limited.
Similar rules apply when choosing the color of clothing. Plain, calm tones are preferred.

If a child defines his favorite color as yellow, green, red, then this indicates proper development. Such a baby is inquisitive and active. If preference is given to black and white, then such a baby is withdrawn and unsociable.

Color therapy for kindergarten

Color therapy has very wide possibilities for kindergarten, where educators and psychologists have available methods identifying not only certain psychological traits of each child, but also the possibility of timely correction of identified problems. Thanks to the harmonious atmosphere that color therapy creates, children show interest in activities and react to them very emotionally.

With the help of a color palette it is possible to identify fears, increased level anxiety, low self-esteem, lack of confidence own strength. This is evidenced by the choice dark colors child. Black coloring can also indicate decreased vision, and at the age of about 3 years, express protest. Older children have a preference dark colors indicates the presence of certain problems.
According to researchers, using chromotherapy psychological help for babies it turns out to be the most natural, gentle methods of correction.

The meaning of flowers

In children's color therapy, the meaning of colors is similar - the green range is good for overwork and nervous tension, but an excess of green causes headache and longing. The use of violet, cyan, blue color palette is used to calm, reduce anxiety, concern, relieve pain. Orange and yellow colors help well if the child cannot calm down on his own for a long time. For therapy, the necessary colors are used in the design of the children's room, when selecting toys, etc.

Color therapy treatment

The energetic influence of various colors on a person is due to the fact that each color corresponds to a certain wavelength and amount of energy, which can both increase and decrease human energy potential. Treatment with color therapy is by no means a panacea, but it can be used as additional method treatment is quite possible.

Chromotherapy helps improve emotional and physiological state through stimulation of the pituitary gland and pineal gland, which produce hormones that affect many body functions. Related to this are the recommendations of scientists when choosing clothes to take into account the influence of color on a person and select a certain tone for a specific purpose.

The colors of the red palette have an antidepressant effect, stimulate metabolism, increase blood pressure, appetite, immunity, performance, and improve brain activity and vision. These colors are not used for hypertension and obesity; in these cases, exposure to pink, which has a calming effect and helps improve mood and create a romantic atmosphere.

Orange color will help you get rid of fatigue, constipation, allergies, improve your appetite, and get a feeling of joy. At the same time, purple will promote the development of intuition, increase attention, it will relieve irritation, relieve anemia, obesity, and insomnia. Yellow tones have a mild tonic effect and are used for muscle spasms, epilepsy, diabetes, gallstones, and impotence.

Green color, which is a source of energy for restoring health, will help increase resistance to stress, improve immunity, and relieve pain. Blue and cyan colors are used for depression, inflammation, toothache, joint diseases, migraines, hypertension, thyroid and lung diseases.

Characteristics of white color

White color- equivalent to daylight. White birds and white animals are considered sacred by all nations. Egyptian, Zoroastrian and other religious people wore white clothes, white headdresses and rode white horses decorated with gold. White color gives strength and energy, evens out the mood, creates festivity and solemnity. White color harmonizes the action of all human organs.
In chromotherapy, white color:
Increases strength, energy;
Normalizes the activity of the central nervous system;
Positively affects the activity of the endocrine glands.
But prolonged exposure causes a feeling of fear, so health workers are now increasingly using protective clothing in other colors, usually green.
Thanks to the color white, we can experience the whole range of feelings. After all, this color combines the tenderness of a newborn lamb, the lightness of fluff and the luminous charm of a pearl. But it also contains the coldness of ice, frosty crackling and the strength of marble. White has many contrasts - from the web of clouds to the sharp chalk rocks, from the sweetness of sugar to the sharp taste of salt.

All colors of the spectrum are combined in white light. White sunlight contains the full spectrum of light, from red-orange to blue and violet. In some situations (rainbow, color refracted through a prism) we can see all these colors. Cosmic energy white. It carries the balance and synthesis of the seven evolutionary levels of development. This is the energy of happiness, mental peace, inner peace and merging with the highest harmony of nature. It is a deep resonance of heart and mind. The color represents purity, blessing, sacredness, respect for the past, for legends, for traditions, images of everything that is a thing of the past. That's why, apparently, the deceased is dressed all in white. It goes into the past.

White color is associated with memory, or more precisely, with memory loss, since white absorbs and absorbs. This is the color of goodness, healing, good luck, victory over evil spirits and the cult of ancestors, the color of purification, goodness, absence of death and tears, clarity of maturity (white hair of old people).

To be white means to be right relationships with the living and the dead.

Whiteness not only serves as a sign of social cohesion and tradition, but in general symbolizes everything obvious, obvious, open.

Whiteness is the color of universal awareness, public recognition.

In terms of healing, white gives strength and energy, evens out the mood, gives festivity and solemnity. The bride's white dress symbolizes innocence and high spirituality.

White color: renders therapeutic effect to the central nervous system; restores structure marrow bones, which are directly related to our consciousness; cleanses the body of toxins; relieves tension with a stormy stream of pure, transparent, crystal tears; heals scabies; helps women get rid of pregnancy easily; Helps milk to be easily separated from a nursing mother.

using the “Strannik” technology is aimed at preventing premature aging. Technology helps to get rid of unnecessary diseases, restores a person’s unified Personality, and brings it into harmony with the physical body.

In psychology, color therapy is often used to relieve stress, to correct behavioral reactions in children, to stabilize the emotional background and to solve many others. psychological problems. Only knowing the meaning of colors, as well as their influence on emotional sphere and psychological state, correction can be carried out correctly.

Psychosomatic aspect in the treatment of children

Each color has a specific wave. It affects those organs endocrine system which are responsible for the production of hormonal substances - the pituitary gland and pineal gland. That is, color gives a signal for intensive production, or to reduce the production of these substances.

Children are more impressionable; they are able to deeply perceive what they see. Therefore, the use of color therapy is one of effective ways impact not only on the psychological background of the child, but also on the physiological state.

Features of the influence of flowers on the children's body

  1. Red and its shades have a positive effect on getting rid of various dermatological problems. The parallel use of such rays together with yellow ones helps eliminate problems with iron deficiency, depressive state, increases physical activity and endurance, promotes active growth and weight gain in children.
  2. Orange the spectrum is recommended for use in case of disturbances in the activity of the cardiac apparatus, in case of frequent diseases of the upper respiratory system. Orange rays directed at the area where the spleen is located are very effective for treating flu and colds.
  3. Yellow is an indispensable assistant for vision. It is easy to perceive and helps in correcting many ophthalmological problems.
  4. Blue has a positive effect on psychological and mental condition, helps in correction mental disorders, helps to relax the muscular apparatus of the organs of vision.
  5. Thanks to blue color, appetite decreases, manifestations of skin problems - vitiligo, burns - decrease.
  6. By using green colors can calm and relax, treat various phobias, in particular, fear of closed spaces.
  7. Thanks to purple spectrum can be strengthened natural protective functions body, balance blood pressure, improve emotional background.
  8. Pink color can be used to treat “childhood” diseases (chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever, etc.).

For a child, the most positive color combinations are blue, light blue and green. With their help, the child's psyche relaxes and the quality of sleep improves. That is why experts in the field of psychology recommend using exactly this combination of colors when arranging a room for a child.

How to use

There are two main methods of using color therapy - special and everyday. A special method includes the use of a certain range in clinics, as well as in specialized medical institutions in specially equipped rooms. Also special methods applications involve: organizing a corner with a certain range in companies, offices; the use of special cards by a psychologist or psychotherapist and intentional concentration of attention on them.

Color therapy- home color treatment involves the use of a certain range of colors in the interior of premises, clothing, accessories, and the use of products of a certain color. According to many experts, both methods are effective.

Basic palette values

Each color has its own vibrational wave and its own information, which is distinguished by our organs of vision. The following values ​​can be distinguished:

  1. Scarlet– warms, has a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system and hematopoiesis, the muscular system. Promotes physical activity, helps to find balance between emotions and thoughts.
  2. Orange gamma helps in the functioning of organs digestive system, improves the functioning of the organs of the upper respiratory system, promotes the production of hormonal substances that are responsible for positive emotions, helps to improve the functioning of the reproductive system organs.
  3. Thanks to yellow Confidence, determination, and willpower appear in the shade.
  4. By using green palette you can achieve peace, optimism, harmony. A particularly positive effect is noted on the cardiac apparatus.
  5. By using blue color, the functioning of the urinary system is improved, relaxation of the body and psyche is achieved.
  6. Thanks to blue color can be reduced painful sensations, help in getting rid of bad habits.
  7. Impact purple gamma on the organs of the endocrine system helps balance hormonal levels.

When treating with color therapy, a careful approach is necessary, since an excessive amount of colors causes the opposite reaction - instead of treatment, the disease worsens.

The impact of a green palette

Green is the most harmonious. It contains the following qualities: friendship, love relationship, generosity, prosperity, peace. Noted positive impact on human body:

  • Helps improve the functioning of the heart, hearing and visual systems;
  • Helps reduce allergenic substances, prevents the development of the inflammatory process;
  • Improves the functioning of the urinary system;
  • Helps get rid of headaches.

Green also helps eliminate psycho-emotional stress, eliminates Negative influence prolonged and intense stress, is an assistant in accepting even the most difficult decisions, relieves negative emotions and thoughts. It is recommended to contemplate a natural color palette; it is much more effective than an artificial one.

Exposure to the yellow spectrum

The influence of yellow on the physiological side of the body is as follows: it improves the functioning of organs digestive tract, plot solar plexus, liver and gall bladder, improves the quality of memory and attention. It also eliminates problems with the epidermis and kidneys, helps remove toxic substances, thereby achieving healthy weight loss, metabolic processes are improved.

Psychologically, yellow helps overcome shyness, uncertainty, and depression, gives a positive emotional mood, energizes the mind, gives sophistication and concentration to one’s nature, increases curiosity, and improves the emotional background. Yellow color helps to establish communication, allows a person to feel needed in society and to realize self-realization.

Application of white color

This color is the personification of innocence, it symbolizes the transition from life to death. Psychologically, it helps to cleanse yourself of negative thoughts, emotions, moods.

Blue palette

Blue is an energizer intuitive thinking, contributes to the achievement of intended goals. This color relieves pain, helps to achieve healing from diseases of the organs of vision, hearing, problems with bone apparatus, spine, improves the therapeutic effect when eliminating problems with the organs of the endocrine and digestive systems.

Regulates blood pressure, reduces the severity of symptoms menopause, cleanses the respiratory system from harmful substances, eliminates problems with skin(bruises, abrasions, diseases of the epidermis).

Blue color also helps fight negative addictions. Psychologically, this spectrum makes it possible to improve the functioning of the brain, restores mental health, calms, inspires self-confidence, relaxes, instills a feeling of comfort and security, eliminates negative emotions, and is an inspiration.

Application of red color

Red has a positive effect on general health person, on his psychological state. On physiological level he has the ability:

  • Positively impact work circulatory system, dilates blood vessels, prevents congestion and blood clots, thins blood fluid, increases the production of red blood cells;
  • Increases the body’s natural protective functions, hemoglobin levels, and helps achieve maximum effect during various therapeutic procedures;
  • Regulates liver activity;
  • Setting up blood pressure, relieves colds, infectious processes in organism;
  • Activates brain activity, increases blood circulation;
  • Helps restore weakened immunity during periods of illness.

At the psychological level, red replenishes energy reserves in the body, gives self-confidence and energy, and helps to get out of depression, apathy, and melancholy.

Features of using pink, orange and purple colors

The delicate pink color is an assistant in the treatment of heart diseases, regulates the activity of vascular system, eliminates depression, increases the speed of recovery from colds and diseases, relieves problems in reproductive system, makes it possible to achieve peace and physical relaxation.

Thanks to the orange spectrum, you can achieve a positive attitude and thinking. There is a positive impact on such internal organs: spleen, liver, gallbladder. It cleanses the body of negativity and toxic substances, gives vigor, self-confidence, joy, helps a person to be reasonable, transforms negative into positive, teaches one to accept one’s fate and all events in life and cope with difficulties as effectively as possible.

Violet will certainly appeal to sentimental, emotional, and romantic people. It promotes weight loss, has a positive effect on the organs of vision, lymphatic system and immunity, improves heartbeat, eliminates migraine attacks, helps fight skin problems– acne, blackheads, boils.

Using color therapy in sessions with a psychologist

The human visual organs perceive only red, blue and green colors; all the rest are shades that are acquired after mixing the primary colors. If the eyes do not perceive any spectra, a person sees black.

In addition to the organs of vision, the skin and human organs are also capable of capturing the vibration of colors. Thanks to this, it was developed a large number of techniques to help achieve physical and psychological health.

Among such methods of psychocorrection one can highlight: art therapy, staying in colorful rooms, wearing clothes of a certain color, an aromatic bath using components for coloring water. It is also recommended to contemplate natural shades - ponds, forests, grass, foliage, autumn and winter landscapes.

In addition, contemplation of paintings, flower arrangements, fire sources and artificial reservoirs is also recommended. Each shade has its own effect on the psychological and physiological background and helps solve certain problems.

Color therapy, as color treatment, also involves the use of techniques that include the use of special equipment to apply one color or another, depending on what ailment needs to be cured.

Thanks to color therapy, you can achieve maximum treatment effect physical illnesses and psychological negative states. You don't have to be an expert in psychology to use different shades correctly. It is enough to study their meanings.

Color therapy- a system of knowledge about the influence of colors on the human body, human health and mood.

Several centuries ago, people, faced with an unexplored world, noticed that different colors have different effects on people. It turned out that the importance of flowers in human life is so significant that a whole field of knowledge arose - color therapy.

IN modern world Connoisseurs and color therapy specialists skillfully use knowledge about the influence of color on humans to diagnose and treat diseases and identify psychological problems. Color therapy is also used professional doctors, and psychologists. Knowledge about color can also become a fascinating hobby, since by studying color we study the world!

Color and the human eye

We absorb information about color, its intensity and brightness through a unique optical device, given to us by the Creator - the human eye. Any object we look at emits or reflects light. It makes it possible for a person to distinguish the colors of objects color vision. Today, modern scientists have fully confirmed the theory put forward by the great scientist M.V. Lomonosov, that human eye perceives three primary colors: red, green, blue. A person sees other colors because the human eye and brain provide the ability to “mix colors” by processing color information.

Daylight appears to humans as transparent, colorless, and white. There is a stable expression for the daytime world around us - “white light”. However, white is a mixture of the entire spectrum visible colors(colors of rainbow).

In the absence of reflected color, when the eye cannot see anything, the color produced is black.

In bright and intense lighting, the human eye recognizes a large number of colors and shades.

The ability to distinguish colors and use them in life makes our life emotional and bright. We can admire pictures of nature, painting, engage in creativity ourselves, dress fashionably and stylishly, decorate the interior, use color to emphasize our individuality, convey our mood, etc. It has been scientifically proven that color can energize, lift your spirits, excite, and heal. With the help of color you can calm and calm down, cause aggression and even increase self-esteem. Color affects a person's emotions and health. Modern scientists continue to study color and invent new color therapy techniques.

Psychological characteristics of color

Each color has its own “character” and has a special effect on a person. We will tell you about the effects of flowers, and you can use this knowledge to make your life more harmonious.

  • White

It carries a good start. Symbolizes purity, innocence, peace, reconciliation (a stable symbol of the peace offering is a white flag, the emblem of peace is a white dove with an olive branch in its beak).

  • Black

The opposite of white. Lack of light. Symbolizes night, fear, and sometimes death. The color of magic secret knowledge, dark thoughts. In clothing it means rigor, minimalism, and sometimes chic.

  • Red

Sexual energy, passion, sensuality, aggression, strength, intimidation, speed. The color of blood, vital energy, revolutions, uprisings, protest. The color red also gives a charge of vivacity, optimism, and lifts your spirits.

  • Green

Nature, ecology, health, peace, tranquility, rest, vacation, action, the beginning of a journey. Negative meaning green - boredom, melancholy, routine (from here famous expression"green melancholy")

  • Yellow

The color of the sun's energy. Brightness, joy, summer, freedom, creativity, beauty, happiness. Negative meaning - dishonesty, rumors, gossip, deception (hence the well-known expression “yellow press”, “yellow is the color of treason”). Additionally, yellow is considered the color of anticipation.

You may have noticed that the color signals of the traffic lights were not chosen randomly.

  • Pink

The color of tenderness, naivety, virginity (the stable expression “rose-colored glasses”).

  • Orange

Symbolizes vivid impressions, celebration, joy, richness, excitement.

  • Brown

The color of earth, stability. Economics, thoroughness, vitality, physical work. Natural, “rustic” color.

  • Blue

Balance, calmness, prepares for change, liberates. The color blue is associated with intuition, self-hypnosis and self-knowledge.

  • Blue

The color of heaven, purity, height, space, the color of carelessness and creativity, sometimes the color of irresponsibility.

  • Violet

The color of subtle spiritual organization, the color of divine cult. Promotes the development of imagination, the color of creativity, psychic abilities, and also the color of vanity.

  • Grey

The most neutral color. Symbolizes facelessness (stable expression “ Gray mouse"). Gray does not evoke emotions, as it merges with environment, the color of peace, stability. However grey colour may hide potential in itself, since, by mimicking and adapting to the general dullness, it can control and manipulate (the stable expression “gray eminence”).

The effect of color on health

  • Red

Heals wounds, increases hemoglobin, raises blood pressure.

  • Pink

Relaxes the nervous system, saves from insomnia, helps to lose weight.

  • Orange

Normalizes digestion, supports the thyroid gland.

  • Blue

Cools, relieves heat, helps heal burns. Reduces temperature nervous tension. Improves visual acuity. Blue promotes hair growth.

  • Blue

Relieves coughs, relieves insomnia, calms nerves.

  • Violet

Stimulates brain activity, helps with concussions and migraines. Helps with cramps.

  • Yellow

Helps digestion, removes toxins.

  • Green

Helps with heart diseases.

A colorful world surrounds us. It is beautiful and wonderful in its color diversity. Make colors your friends using your knowledge of color therapy.


Color therapy helps maintain health and beauty for many years. Spend 10-15 minutes a day on color therapy, and the results will not take long to arrive. In this article you will find specific recommendations for using color therapy in your Everyday life. It's an effective, easy and enjoyable way to support yourself.

Modern research has proven that colors and their combinations have a certain effect on the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person. It is also believed that a deficiency of any of the primary colors leads to a deterioration in mental and physical condition person. If a person is given the necessary dose of the color that he lacks, then harmony is created in the body and health improves. Because every person has their own special aspects common diseases and states, then the degree of influence by color is individual. Thus, in color therapy it is important not only to choose required colors, but also to determine the extent of their application in this particular case.

Color therapy can be used in different forms. This can be drawing, or looking at photographs in a certain color, or creating an appropriate interior, or choosing your wardrobe, as well as food, stones, colored water, colored salt, etc.

The meaning of colors in color therapy

Red– improves everything metabolic processes in the body, activates the activity of internal secretion, removes poisons and toxins, accelerates blood circulation, maintains the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin, and has a regulating effect on the senses.

This color of love, action, endurance. In difficult times, it helps overcome depression and puts you on an optimistic wave.

Too much red can cause overstimulation, high blood pressure, headache, fatigue and red eyes. Prolonged exposure may cause fatigue and decreased performance.

Irritable and easily excitable people, as well as people with high pressure you need to be careful with the color red.

Orange– relieves fear and elevates mood, stimulates the thyroid gland, helps fight hiccups, cramps, and also promotes the resorption of ulcers, enhances lactation. It is a good tonic after a serious illness and promotes renewal of the physical body. It is good during menopause and age-related changes in men, as it balances hormonal conditions. Orange affects the intestines and the absorption of food, stimulates the appetite. Promotes tissue regeneration, is used as an emetic for poisoning, eliminates convulsions and relieves tension. Orange color rejuvenates and balances the nervous system. Increases performance, although to a lesser extent than red, but for a longer period of time. Promotes learning and memory. The orange range also helps with depression, fills vital energy, inspires, creates a joyful mood.

Orange should not be used for too long. This color is not suitable for nervous people.

The effect of yellow color is similar to orange, but in a softer form.

Citric– regulates digestion processes and metabolism, promotes the removal of phlegm in case of bronchitis, poisons and toxins in case of poisoning, affects calcium metabolism along with indigo color.

Green– creates a feeling of balance, harmony and healing, has a normalizing and calming effect on the central nervous system, as well as activity of cardio-vascular system, suppresses microorganisms, reduces arterial pressure, dissolves blood clots. Used to treat headaches, eye fatigue, and visual impairment. Relieves mental and physical stress. Green color calms, at the same time charges the body with energy and brings it into complete harmony.

For example, if a person is mentally tired and unbalanced, you need to surround him green- this will restore his strength and harmonize his condition. So, you can add green to your home interior (curtains, dishes, tablecloths, decorative pillows, green plants, etc.).

Turquoise– calms the nervous system, helps with insomnia and burns, improves skin tone, accelerating collagen formation, regulates metabolism.

Blue– destroys infections, helps with inflammation, skin diseases, asthmatic and allergic conditions, relieves mental agitation, brings balance respiratory system, improves the body's resistance. Helps relieve emotional stress. Calms the nervous system. Has a beneficial effect on fatigue and insomnia. Helps you achieve your ideals, awakens intuition, enlightens the mind, eases the feeling of loneliness, and invigorates kindness and love.

For example, if a person heat or high blood pressure, then blue color will have a beneficial effect on it. You can contemplate the sky, look at a photograph, wrap yourself in a blue blanket. And after some time the person will feel much better.

Long-term exposure may reduce performance.

Blue– indigo color is used to reduce pain, has a resolving effect in case of swelling and tissue growths, stops bleeding, reduces hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, rejuvenates, has antibacterial properties. It strengthens the lymphatic and immune systems. Balances the nervous system. Can be used to treat some obsessive states. Blue color creates a favorable environment for calm, but not intense mental work and reduces the feeling of fatigue from it. Blue color brings peace, relaxes, and creates self-confidence.

Too much blue can lead to depression and sadness.

Violet– useful for any internal inflammations, can reduce appetite, enhances the body's ability to absorb and use minerals, relieves muscle tension and pain, supports immune system, has antimicrobial effect, has a tonic effect on the eyes. Calms the nervous system. Well suited for solving mental problems, promotes the development of spirituality. Purple, like blue, brings peace and softens many situations. This is the energy of kindness and love.

Overdose purple can cause sadness and depression.

White– cleanses the inner space, carries a positive charge of goodness and good luck. White color gives strength, energy, evens out mood and heals from ailments. It has a therapeutic effect on the central nervous system and helps cleanse the body of toxins.

Color therapy in examples

You Bad mood, depression? Then you will need three colors - red (activity, overcoming depression), yellow (stimulating effect on the nervous system), green (balance, harmony). You can work with these colors in one of the following ways:

1) Color visualization. Relax, close your eyes. Imagine these colors one by one in this order - red, yellow, green. For example, you can imagine that you are lying on a red blanket. And then, imagine yourself in loose yellow clothes, and then - trees with green foliage surrounding you.

2) Color spectrum. Take paints, a sheet of paper and apply paints (in our example, these are red, yellow and green colors) in the same sequence onto the sheet. You can draw various lines, circles or other shapes, as well as whatever you want, following only your desire. When you finish your drawing, look at it carefully. What do you feel? Red evokes a desire to act, yellow - pleasure, green - energizes. The influence of other colors: orange - joy, blue - calm, blue - the desire to create, purple - approaching spirituality.

3) Mandala. Coloring the mandala. For our example, first we take the red color and paint with it all those elements of the mandala that we want to color, then we paint yellow and, at the end, green.

When working with a mandala, as well as during free drawing, it is good to use your favorite colors or colors that correspond to the problem. So, if you are anemic, then use more red. If you are susceptible frequent colds, then use orange paint more. Draw a yellow sun, a clearing with yellow flowers, if you want to cheer yourself up. When irritable, add more green to your drawings. When worried - blue. If you are weakened, then draw a blue sea. If you want to relieve mental and muscle tension, then use purple in your drawing. When using color therapy, remember that all warm colors (with a predominance of red) are activating and stimulating, while cool colors (with a predominance of blue) are calming.

4) Free drawing. Relax, close your eyes. Imagine something very beautiful. Open your eyes. Draw the presented picture on a piece of paper using paints. Draw as your intuition tells you, trying to fill the entire sheet with paints. When you finish drawing, you will have some kind of color image. Look at this drawing. What's on it? Take a closer look. What does it look like?

5) Contemplation of photographs and paintings in a certain color. Select several A4 photographs (2-3 photographs for each color), which emphasize one of the primary colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). You can store them in a photo album or in a folder on your computer. Periodically look through these photos, lingering longer on those colors that you like. this moment necessary.

I offer you several photographs (one for each color) for your contemplation. Click on any photo, a window will open with the picture in large size. Relax, turn on some pleasant music and look at the photo you have chosen for 5-10 minutes.