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Solar plexus hurts, what should I do? Belching and pain in the solar plexus: causes and treatment

Unpleasant sensations that regularly torment the solar plexus often lead to serious complications, most people don't pay attention to this alarm signal body. You should not expect that abdominal pain will go away on its own - attacks may indicate serious illnesses, whose treatment was not started on time. What does pain in the solar plexus indicate, what could it be, where is the source of inflammation and what does the main nerve node look like?

Pain in the solar plexus may indicate the development of diseases

Where is the solar plexus located?

A collection of nerves located in the area abdominal cavity in humans (more precisely, in its upper part) and is the solar plexus. This celiac node is the largest in the entire body, and it is from here that pain impulses can be sent to different organs.

The node received its name due to its peculiar shape, reminiscent of the sun with numerous ray nerves. In the photo you can see exactly what this cluster looks like. Immediate important organs– kidneys, diaphragm, esophagus.

Solar plexus and nearby organs

Causes of pain in the solar plexus

Wires for pain symptoms in the area solar plexus there may be quite a few, and many of them are hidden in you serious danger for the body.

The most common reasons:

  • inflammatory processes in the genital organs (women only);
  • the presence of a peptic ulcer (usually pressure on the stomach after eating);
  • the body is intoxicated after long-term use antibiotics;
  • prolapse of the main organs;
  • development of infections;
  • intercostal neuralgia (dull pain in the chest that takes your breath away);
  • heart failure;
  • severe bruise between the ribs.
Only the timely diagnosis, so you shouldn’t delay visiting doctors.

Heart failure is one of the possible reasons pain in the solar plexus

Possible diseases

Burning strong pain, radiating to the back, usually indicates intestinal infection, additional symptoms may appear:

  • prolonged diarrhea;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • heat.

It is very likely that the reason pain below the solar plexus is peritonitis ( surgical disease, inflammation of the peritoneum). Large cluster Worms can also stimulate discomfort between the navel and solar plexus.

If heartburn and nausea occur, a diagnosis is possible food poisoning, in this case you need to watch the stool - it may change color. Pulsation over the ganglion may indicate pneumonia. Most dangerous symptom– sharp pain over a cluster of nerves can signal heart disease.

According to the nature of the pain

How to recognize correctly insidious disease and determine what causes pain in this area? You can pay attention to the pain, but you should not diagnose the disease yourself; this should only be done by a specialist.

Each dangerous disease has its own symptom associated with the solar plexus:

  • pressing pain, in which heaviness in the stomach is clearly felt, may be associated with pathology of the esophagus;
  • It's a dull pain– problems with the pleura;
  • paroxysmal acute pain – heart problems;
  • pain in the areas of the urinary system (in men) - inflammatory process;
  • tremors under the nerve ganglion - appendicitis is possible;
  • aching in the area of ​​the nerve ganglion - solar plexus neuralgia;
  • spasm and twitching in the area of ​​the plexus of nerves - colitis or neuritis.

During a visit to the doctor, you should talk in detail about the symptoms, this will help to accurately determine the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

Spasms and twitching in the solar plexus indicate colitis

Which doctor should I contact?

Depending on what disease is suspected, a specialist is selected for consultation. If symptoms indicate infectious diseases, you should go to an infectious disease specialist. For heart problems - .

If a burning sensation in the area of ​​the nerve ganglion is observed in a child, it should be mandatory. If you are pregnant, he will refer you to the right specialist.


A combination of several signs can signal certain diseases, but only diagnostics will show more accurate results.

To determine the causes, the following research methods can be used:

  • laparoscopy;
  • one type of tomography;
  • bacteriological examination;
  • tests;
  • palpation (a specialist determines the location of pain when pressed).

Ultrasound can help identify the cause of pain.

What to do if your solar plexus hurts?

You should not treat pain symptoms on your own; it is better to immediately seek medical help.

Drug treatment

If you feel a slight tingling sensation or a burning sensation under the ribs when pressed, you can relieve the discomfort with painkillers:

  • Analgin;
  • Combispasm.

In some cases, you can use antispasmodics:

  • Sparex;
  • Dicetel.

Spazgan is an effective antispasmodic

Folk remedies

Traditional methods for relieving pain can only be used with the permission of doctors.

Horseradish compress

If a lump or small lump is felt, a horseradish compress will help:

  1. Using a grater, turn the horseradish root into a paste.
  2. Wrap the resulting mass in a soft cloth.
  3. Apply a compress to the swelling.
If during the procedure the area on which the compress is located burns, stop using it immediately.

For a compress, horseradish needs to be finely grated

If it is difficult to breathe when coughing and discomfort is felt specifically in the area of ​​nerve clusters, you can drink a decoction of mint daily. To prepare it, pour boiling water (230 ml) over vegetable raw materials (30 g).

Mint decoction is good for eliminating pain in the solar plexus area.

Rubbing with radish juice

If you feel distension in the area under the sternum, and when palpating you feel dense cartilage, juice squeezed from black radish will help. Rub the liquid into the skin covering, you can put a warming compress. This procedure can be carried out with a strong blow - a few rubbings are usually enough to completely relieve the discomfort.

Radish juice helps with solar plexus bruises

Geranium compress

A compress of indoor geranium leaves will quickly and effectively relieve pain and trembling in the area of ​​nerve accumulation. The procedure is simple - knead a few leaves with your fingers and apply to the painful area for half an hour.

Geranium leaves help relieve pain in the solar plexus

Breathing exercises

Quickly reduce discomfort special ones will help breathing exercises. If you feel a painful lump near the peritoneum, you need to do deep breath and guide him to the problem area.

You can also inhale into the stomach and exhale into the heart area (this exercise is especially useful for heart problems). You can repeat the exercise no more than 4-6 times a day, and only for a quarter of an hour.

Physicians may prescribe physical therapy and special massage, but the procedures are carried out only by specialists - it is prohibited to use such techniques at home.

You should not treat your health with negligence, and even if discomfort in the solar plexus area does not cause concern, you should definitely contact a specialist. Sometimes this precaution helps prevent the development of life-threatening diseases.

Pain in the solar plexus, radiating to the back, can indicate the most different problems. Most often these are cardiac diseases and various inflammations of the nerve nodes. Therefore, if a person suffers from this type of pain syndrome, one should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication. Particularly if accompanied by other symptoms discussed in this article. See your doctor as soon as possible.

The pain can simultaneously affect the solar plexus and radiate to the back. Neurological causes, causing pain solar plexus, may be as follows:

  • Too much physical stress. This pain occurs when loads are distributed incorrectly. For example, if a person for a long time runs fast or lifts too much weight. The pain is stabbing in the area of ​​the plexus, because of which the person cannot carry out further movements and stops. You should not treat this as an everyday problem - you should not expose your solar plexus to such pain too often. Pay attention to the correct technique for doing the exercises, try to avoid painful movements;
  • Traumatic effects on the solar plexus. Direct blows and a belt buckle pressed into the stomach may cause sharp pain;
  • Neuritis is an inflammatory process of the nervous tissue of the solar plexus. Occurs due to lack motor activity or, on the contrary, too much tension. In some cases - due to infectious diseases of the intestines. The pain tends to radiate distinctly to the back and chest;
  • Neuralgia. Infectious diseases digestive system and traumatic exposures can be irritating nerve tissue solar plexus. The pain comes in attacks, becomes stronger if you press painful area. It hits the back especially hard;
  • Solarite. The solar plexus becomes inflamed due to the long-term influence of neuritis or. Pathological process may occur in attacks or develop into chronicity. The pain is burning and radiates strongly to the chest area and back. The process of defecation becomes more difficult, the patient suffers from heartburn and excessive gas formation.

Operational disruptions internal organs can also cause pain in the solar plexus area and radiate to the back:

  • Stomach diseases - ulcers, gastritis and malignant neoplasms. Pain in the solar plexus area in these cases can usually begin to torment after eating. It feels like there is something heavy in the stomach, excessive gas formation, complicated bowel movements, or, conversely, diarrhea. It's hard to sleep;
  • Pathologies duodenum. The pain syndrome begins to torment from hunger. At these moments, you may begin to feel sick and feel the urge to vomit;
  • Disorders of the pancreas. With pancreatitis and neoplasms in the pancreas, painful sensations can appear sharply. Also nauseated and vomiting. Sometimes it becomes difficult to breathe. Very often there is a fever, even a feverish state;
  • Gut problems. Infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, worms;
  • Violations respiratory function at inflammatory diseases lungs. Painful sensations can torment in the solar plexus area when a person inhales. The patient may begin to cough, suffer from shortness of breath, and develop a fever;
  • Cardiac diseases - heart failure, impending myocardial infarction and ischemia. The pain is generally localized in the chest area, but can noticeably radiate to the solar plexus, upper limbs and back. Painful symptoms may be accompanied by heavy breathing and increased sweating.

Referring heart pain

If the pain is localized to the chest and heart area, while radiating to the back and solar plexus, consult a doctor as soon as possible or even call an ambulance. The main sources of cardiac pain affecting the solar plexus and radiating to the back can be ischemia, cardiac muscle failure, and the approach of myocardial infarction.

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Coronary heart disease means that blood circulation in this most important muscle of the body has deteriorated. This happens because the arteries become narrower and seals form in them. Muscle the heart begins to suffer from lack of oxygen and starvation.

Pain in chest area has the character of severe colic or fever. It may feel like your heart is squeezing something. The attacks are short but strong. The pain can affect the solar plexus and radiate to the back.

Usually an attack is initiated by severe mental or physical stress. Therefore, the main thing at the time of an ischemic heart attack is to rest and eliminate all stress-forming factors. In this case, it is better not to lie down, but to stand or sit. Take nitroglycerin. In addition, during an attack it is difficult to breathe, you may feel dizzy and feel faint. Sweating increases and you may begin to feel sick.

Heart failure

This diagnosis means that the heart has difficulty performing its functions. Symptoms of this condition include severe weakness, arrhythmic pulse, presyncope, pale skin, hard breath. The heart usually does not hurt; the pain syndrome affects the legs, back, and solar plexus. The patient often coughs in fits and starts, gets tired very quickly and has difficulty withstanding the slightest physical exertion. Nitroglycerin is also used to improve blood circulation.

If the patient does not want to allow attacks and a general deterioration of the condition, he should, if possible, avoid stress and stressful situations.

Myocardial infarction

During a myocardial infarction, one area of ​​the heart muscle loses its blood supply. Because of this, cells begin to die quickly. The patient experiences severe pain in the chest area, which extends to the solar plexus, back, arms and neck. Nitroglycerin does not help, the pain syndrome persists. Only doctors can save a person’s life and maintain their health in this situation. Before it arrived ambulance, you need to immobilize the person as much as possible. Don't let him in panicky state move. Despite the fact that nitroglycerin does not relieve pain, you need to take three tablets one after another at intervals of ten minutes. One tablet of acetylsalicylic acid will help strengthen their effect.


Neuritis is an inflammatory process of the nerve tissues of the solar plexus. This can happen due to surgeon errors, strong or prolonged stress on the body, long absence of physical activity, infectious diseases and traumatic effects. Pain may occur spontaneously, but usually occurs after stress conditions, careless intense movements. The pain is cutting. After changing positions it only gets worse. Pain sensations are localized in the solar plexus, but radiate to the back. The attack may cause the patient to bend over.


Occurs due to the fact that the nerve tissues are compressed or irritated. The pain occurs suddenly and is felt intensely. It seems that the solar plexus is very compressed. Sometimes the patient has difficulty breathing. The pain radiates to the back. The root of the problem may be infectious diseases, traumatic effects, disorders of the central nervous system.


If painful sensations in the solar plexus, radiating to the back, do not go away for a long time and haunt the patient constantly, there is a high probability that he is tormented by solarium. This is an inflammation of all the nerve tissues of the solar plexus. Occasionally the pain occurs in attacks, but usually the disease proceeds in chronic form. Among the symptoms of solaritis:

  • The pain is severe, the pain is dull or pressing in nature. Affects the chest and heart area, radiates to the back;
  • If solaritis develops paroxysmally, the pain occurs sharply, torments intensely, and radiates to the dorsal and lateral areas;
  • A burning sensation may occur in the solar plexus area;
  • Occasionally, pain affects the abdomen and gas formation increases;
  • An inflamed solar plexus can cause the patient to feel sick. Sometimes defecation disorders, heartburn, and belching can be tormenting.
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The solar plexus is also called the celiac plexus, splanchnic plexus, and solar node. It is located at the top of the abdominal cavity and is the largest plexus nerve cells located abroad nervous system. That's why pain in the solar plexus area is a serious signal, and you need to treat it with the utmost caution, not letting it take its course, hoping that everything will go away on its own.

The plexus is formed:

  1. Right and left celiac nodes
  2. Mesenteric node
  3. A large number of nerves radiating from it in different directions, like rays from the sun.
All systems and organs are connected by nerves human body with the central nervous system. Therefore, pain in the solar plexus is usually associated with diseases of the internal organs, as a result of injuries received by the plexus, increased physical activity, due to neuritis, etc.

The nature of pain and its intensity

The nature of the pain can suggest a preliminary diagnosis. For example, severe stabbing pain in the solar plexus makes itself felt when this area is injured.

Constant aching pain accompanied by hiccups may indicate overexcitability of the nerve ganglion due to chronic inflammation in the abdominal cavity.

Pressing pain may be associated with the upward release of an internal organ into the abdominal cavity, most often the spleen. This occurs as the disease progresses, when the diseased organ increases in volume, disrupting the connection of the internal organs with the central nervous system.

If the chest is injured, it is recommended to apply ice until the doctors arrive. Pain can appear not only immediately after the blow, but also after some time.

Causes that can cause pain in the solar plexus area

Neuritis (plexitis)

This is the name for damage to the solar plexus due to inflammation of the nerves that make up its structure.

The causes of the pathology may be:

  • Passive lifestyle
  • Excessively high physical activity
  • Intestinal and chronic infections(flu, syphilis, malaria, typhus, etc.)
  • Autointoxication (delay feces in the intestines)
  • Intoxication (alcohol or nicotine poisoning)
  • Hitting hard with a fist or ball while playing sports
  • Radiculitis
  • Vertebral hernia
  • Shingles
  • Excessive constriction of the abdomen with a belt, etc.

More typical for solar plexus neuritis:

  • Pain in the middle of the line drawn between the navel and sternum
  • Painful sensations are characterized by a strong paroxysmal, drilling and stabbing character.
  • Brief holding of breath is possible.
  • There is a feeling of fullness, heat in the abdomen
  • Pain intensifies under stress, after strong physical exertion
  • Taking a body position on your side, with your legs tucked to your stomach, reduces pain.

Acute pain in the solar plexus is a sign of solaritis

He is the heaviest pathological condition solar plexus due to development in it inflammatory process. Solaritis can occur when neglected, without necessary treatment, neuritis or solar plexus neuralgia. Distinguish acute form(first sharp pains in the solar plexus area) and chronic (frequent attacks).

With solarium, a very strong, drilling and burning pain. If you do not consult a doctor during this period and start treatment, you may heavy defeat nervous system.

In addition, patients note:

  • Dumb or pressing pain originating in the chest and heart
  • Feeling hot during everyday life normal temperature body
  • Bloating
  • Discomfort throughout the body
  • Heaviness in the stomach

Due to a disorder of stomach tone, the following occurs:

  • Constipation
  • Belching
  • Appetite disturbance
  • Heartburn

For treatment the following is prescribed:

  • Massage
  • Physiotherapy
  • Therapeutic gymnastics

Digestive tract disease

The causes of pain in the solar plexus are not always related to the solar plexus itself.

For example, pain with attacks of nausea may occur due to inflammation various organs digestion:

  • Stomach, duodenum
  • Development of neoplasms


Sharp pain in the solar plexus may occur due to strong blow(with a hand, foot, ball, other object) in the chest. The pain is quite acute, there is shortness of breath and a feeling of nausea.

If not severe injury the pain lasts for several minutes. For relief, just take comfortable position and lightly massage your stomach.

If the blow was strong, your health continues to deteriorate, there is a threat of loss of consciousness, respiratory arrest, you must seek medical help.

Physical overexertion

Prolonged physical activity and hard work can also cause pain in the solar plexus area. The difference from previous causes of pain is that in this case no treatment is required, it is enough to reduce physical activity and rest a little.

Various localizations of pain in the solar plexus

Pain over the solar plexus

It occurs in the lower part of a person's chest, under the ribs.

The main reasons may be:

  1. Pathologies of the esophagus:
    • Erosion
    • Burns
    • Tumors
    • GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)

    If the esophagus is damaged, pain in the solar plexus intensifies when swallowing, belching, heartburn, vomiting, and nausea occur.

  2. Disease of the pleura (film covering the inside chest). The pain intensifies when breathing, shortness of breath and cough occur.
  3. Pneumonia (pneumonia). With lower lobe pneumonia, pain is felt above, to the left or to the right of the solar plexus. The temperature rises, coughing, shortness of breath occurs, and the skin may take on a bluish-grayish tint.
  4. Heart diseases (ischemia and heart failure).
  5. Pathologies of the diaphragm (diaphragmatic hernia).
  6. Intercostal neuralgia. In this case, the pain in the solar plexus area is not severe, lasts a couple of minutes, after which it spreads to the ribs.

Pain under the solar plexus

  • Inflammation of the genital organs in women: ovaries, fallopian tubes. With these pathologies, pain very often spreads to the plexus area.
  • Inflammation Bladder, ureters (urethritis, cystitis)
  • Inflammation of the rectum and colon (sigmoiditis, colitis, proctitis)

Pain on the right

  • The bottom of the esophagus (GERD, erosions, tumors, esophagitis) may hurt due to the fact that it extends to the right of the stomach.
  • Head of the pancreas
  • Gallbladder (cholelithiasis, tumors, cholecystitis). Although it often hurts under the right rib.
  • Right intercostal neuralgia
  • Liver: tumors, cirrhosis, hepatitis, echinococcosis

Pain on the left

  • Stomach (ulcer, gastritis, tumors)
  • Tail of the pancreas (tumors, pancreatitis)
  • Duodenum (ulcer, duodenitis, tumors)
  • Left-sided intercostal neuralgia
  • Ureter, left kidney (urolithiasis disease, pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, prolapsed or overly mobile kidney)

Diagnosis and treatment

Due to the fact that the solar plexus combines nerve impulses from many organs, pain can indicate a large number of diseases.

To determine the causes of pain in the solar plexus, use:

  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • X-ray
  • Laparoscopy
  • Stool and urine analysis
  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
  • Bacteriological research

Even using the above methods, sometimes the cause of the pain cannot be immediately determined. And the underlying disease must be treated under the supervision of a doctor.

May be a consequence surgical intervention, injuries, some infections, intense physical activity and sedentary lifestyle life. In this case, the pain is localized not only in, but throughout the entire abdominal cavity, radiating to the sides and back. They arise at any time and do not depend on external factors, but can sometimes appear after stress and sudden movements.


If solar plexus pain continues long time, then we can assume solaritis - a disease associated with inflammatory damage to all the nerves of the solar node, intertwined with each other. In most cases, solaritis develops when untimely treatment neuralgia or neuritis. If the stomach is involved in the process, then in addition to acute pain Nausea and vomiting are noted. The disease has a paroxysmal nature and occurs in a chronic form.

Stomach diseases

Part of this organ is located in the solar plexus, so pain, ulcers or tumors are observed in this area. As a rule, pain is accompanied by digestive disorders: bloating, belching, nausea and vomiting.


Inflammation of the duodenum often provokes pain in the solar plexus area, which occurs when the patient is hungry, especially. In addition, there is weakness, nausea, vomiting, and in some cases, fever.


Inflammation of the pancreas causes pain in the solar plexus area, because this organ is located in this part of the abdominal cavity. During an attack, patients report sharp pain, accompanied by uncontrollable vomiting, diarrhea and fever.

Pain in the solar plexus area in combination with belching has many causes and is a characteristic sign of serious pathologies. The correctness of the diagnosis will depend not only on laboratory and hardware examinations, but also on how fully the patient describes his feelings. Therefore, every person should know what to pay attention to first.

Most often among the reasons leading to simultaneous emergence belching and pain in the solar plexus area are called diseases of the digestive system and nervous system disorders. However, in some cases, these signs may indicate problems with other body systems.

When determining the causes, you need to pay attention to the accompanying sensations, as well as factors such as time of onset, frequency of attacks, connection with food intake and physical activity and so on. The addition of additional disorders, an increase in the frequency of occurrence and increased pain are reasons for an immediate visit to a therapist.


In the sternum area there is a large number of nerve endings. Under the influence unfavorable factors they can become inflamed, resulting in neuritis. Such factors may include: injury, infection, lack of physical activity or, on the contrary, excessive loads.

The pain of neuritis is not affected by the time of day or food intake. It is cutting, particularly intense, depending on body position and movement. Belching occurs as a result of a disruption in the process of eating, as it is difficult due to the impossibility of free movement of the body. Therapy consists of identifying the cause of neuritis. As a result of its elimination, pain and belching go away.


Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process in the tissues of the pancreas. During an attack there is a certain clinical picture. Pain in the sternum area is very intense and usually occurs sharply and suddenly. In addition to belching, pancreatitis is manifested by vomiting mixed with bile. After vomiting, the pain does not subside and fever occurs. Diagnosis is carried out using ultrasound examination. If the disease is detected, the patient is hospitalized.

Spastic colitis

Spastic colitis - form chronic inflammation mucosa of the large intestine. The disease is characterized by some features pain syndrome. Most often, pain occurs in the afternoon, when the activity of the digestive system is highest. If the disease is protracted, the pain may be felt throughout the day.

Pain when spastic colitis It can be bursting, in the form of contractions, aching or pulling. In some cases, it radiates to the sacrum or chest. If a person uses heat, medications that eliminate spasms, and also after defecation, then the pain syndrome subsides. A feature of the disease is advanced education gases

With spastic colitis, disorders such as bitterness in the mouth, belching, refusal to eat, and weight loss often occur. At differential diagnosis They also pay attention to characteristic changes in the psyche. Patients report problems falling asleep, Bad mood, increased irritability.


As a result of a prolonged course of neuralgia or neuritis, as well as if these diseases are not treated appropriately drug treatment, solarite develops. In this case, severe inflammation of the nerve cells occurs in the solar plexus. The disease has both acute and chronic forms and requires immediate appeal to the doctor.

The reason for the development of solarium can be factors such as: hypothermia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, frequent stressful situations and others. The pain syndrome is of high intensity. The nature of the pain is burning or boring. Sometimes, with prolonged attacks, it can be dull or aching. It is usually felt in the area of ​​the heart, in the center of the chest.

Other symptoms are added to the pain in the sternum area. This:

  • belching;
  • lack of appetite;
  • heartburn;
  • problems with bowel movements (constipation).

Such symptoms develop due to decreased tone of the stomach, which is a consequence of impaired innervation and the spread of the inflammatory process.


Pain in the sternum and belching of air can occur together with gastritis. The time of occurrence of pain depends on the location of the development of the inflammatory process in the stomach. When the bottom of the organ is affected, a person feels pain almost immediately after eating. In the case where the pathology is observed closer to the transition to the duodenum, pain symptom makes itself felt when the stomach is empty, a significant period of time after eating. The nature of pain with gastritis is aching, pulling, and mild.

Gastritis pain is accompanied by belching of air and heartburn. In addition, symptoms such as:

  • appetite disorder;
  • problems with stool (constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea);
  • bloating and heaviness in the stomach and abdomen;
  • bloating;
  • vomit.

The disease is also characterized by external psychological changes in behavior: increased anxiety and irritability, sleep problems.

Ulcers in the stomach

A stomach ulcer is also accompanied by pain in the sternum and belching of air. With ulcers, the pain is stabbing and sharp, and its connection with food consumption also depends on the location of the pathology. Most often, a person can tell exactly where in the stomach he has pain. Concomitant symptoms of gastric ulcers are similar to those of gastritis.

Duodenal disorders

With the development of duodenitis (both acute and chronic), a pulling and aching pain syndrome occurs behind the sternum. Characteristic sign diseases – the appearance of pain at night and on an empty stomach. In some cases, it may be absent, but appear on palpation. In addition, the pain disappears immediately after eating. Additional symptoms serve:

  • weakness, general malaise;
  • increased body temperature;
  • belching;
  • vomit.

At peptic ulcer duodenal pain behind the sternum also occurs at night and at empty stomach. The ulcer is characterized by greater pain intensity and seasonal dependence: exacerbations are more often observed in the autumn-spring period. Accompanied by belching, vomiting, frequent nausea. As with duodenitis, the pain subsides after eating, taking sodium bicarbonate or antacids.

Diaphragmatic hernia

A diaphragmatic hernia is formed as a result of protrusion of a portion of the abdominal organs into the thoracic cavity through the diaphragmatic opening. If the protrusion is small, then there may be no symptoms of the disease. Otherwise, the following symptoms occur:

  • pain behind the sternum and in the area of ​​the heart;
  • heartburn after eating;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • belching air;
  • intestinal disorders.

The pain wears stupid character, possible tingling sensations. Belching has a sour taste.

Tumors of the abdominal organs

A sensation of pain in the sternum, accompanied by belching, occurs with oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In case of esophageal cancer, in addition to these signs, regurgitation of food, increased salivation, and sensations of distension or fullness in the solar plexus are observed. In addition, a person loses weight very quickly.

During development tumor processes in the stomach the pain is of a pulling or pressing nature behind the sternum. The pain syndrome can occur periodically, or it can be constant.

If oncological diseases are present in the pancreas, their course is accompanied by different sensations of pain: from dull and aching to acute and very strong. In addition to belching, nausea, bloating, problems with stool, and vomiting are often observed.

Tumors of the duodenum are characterized by mild pain. They're stupid, so early stages Due to the development of oncology, diagnosis of the disease is difficult. As in the case of the duodenum, associated symptoms There may be belching, nausea, and subsequently jaundice.

Heart diseases

Myocardial infarction, pathologies coronary vessels, angina pectoris, myocarditis and other heart diseases are also accompanied by chest pain and belching of air. Other symptoms include:

  • lump in the throat;
  • feeling of fear;
  • burning sensation in the solar plexus area;
  • feeling of lack of air and others.

It should be noted that with myocardial infarction, a person’s condition does not improve after changing body position or taking medications. During an attack of angina, pain may be felt in the lower jaw or radiate into the scapula. In any case, you need to immediately call an ambulance.


Since pain in the chest area combined with belching is a manifestation of many diseases, a hardware examination is prescribed after a preliminary thorough analysis of the existing symptoms:

  1. First you need to analyze the pain. At the same time, they take into account such characteristics as: type (dull, sharp), in which place it gives (shoulder blades, arm, finger, etc.), character (presses, stabs, burns), on which side it most often occurs, and other important points.
  2. They also pay attention to what time of day the pain syndrome occurs and how it is related to food or physical activity.
  3. Of great importance is the identification of conditions that contribute to the intensification or, conversely, elimination of pain. For example, it can get worse with movement or normal breathing, but it can be alleviated medicinal product or adopting a certain body position.
  4. Sometimes information about the illnesses of relatives, the patient’s age parameters, and the characteristics of his lifestyle help to make a correct preliminary diagnosis.
  5. It is imperative to study the moments that preceded the appearance of pain and belching. You may have previously suffered an injury (even a minor one) or a serious illness.

Such a detailed analysis makes it possible in most cases to establish a preliminary diagnosis and conduct a correct diagnostic examination.

What to do for pain in the solar plexus and belching

If pain occurs in the sternum area and belching of air occurs, then you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible (start with a therapist) to conduct an examination and find out the cause. Symptomatic treatment in this case it makes no sense, because even after the symptom is eliminated, the development of the disease (if present) will continue.

ATTENTION! Direction healing process depends on what disease is detected.

So, for gastroesophageal reflux, gastritis, it may be indicated drug therapy. And if achalasiacardia is detected, the main therapeutic method there will be surgery.

In any case, if there is air belching, the patient is advised to dietary food, excluding the consumption of certain foods. Among them: cabbage and legumes. Restrictions are imposed on the consumption of excess amounts of salt, spicy seasonings and smoked foods. Alcoholic drinks, chewing gum, and cigarettes are prohibited. All this significantly reduces the intensity of pain and the frequency of belching.

Prevention methods

To prevent belching of air, which is accompanied by pain in the sternum area, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Take your time and don't talk while eating. You should chew your food thoroughly. This will help it digest better and prevent air from entering the esophagus and stomach.
  • If the appearance of belching is associated with a disruption of the nervous system, then before sitting down at the table, you can take a little valerian in the form of a decoction or tincture.